The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, August 04, 1898, Image 1

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32. ICMI J :W
1W. WAOSvinJ'iJLiX.An.
tor hdo
resting Items.
told m Brief Paragraphs
Our Readers.
Mliltn Im UmI "t
Lma (HNiim rpl Mm
1 Minnie 0nmn has gone to
kin to fpcnd several days. '
L Stahlneeker Iiua lx.-en grant-
increase of pension from ?H
jer month.
Ldcr W. Goldy and wife of
k N. J., were the guests ot
Wittenmeycr and wile.
. Nani) of Centreville is
Uxxls at and Iwlow cost in
b close out business. Call for
Johnston of llarrislturg was
leburg last Thursday night
id a visit to the campers at
ulge Grove.
S. Gelnett of Aline, the
V phosphiite agent for W. S.
vv Co., was a county siat
"ritlay of last week.
fa Ella and Clara Edwards,
iokin, spent a week with their
the Misses Ozman on the
laas farm west of town.
In the cell where Martin Lawless
was incarcerated in the Middleburg
jail, a few days ago was found a
calendar upon the back of which
was written the following statement.
w c give it verbatim rt uteratum :
"Martin Lawless from Shamokin
got 4 years to Eastern Pen from the
U day ot June. Come out in the
year of 1901 December the 9 day.
I left this prison on the 14 day of
June torthe Eastern Penitentiary
Good bye to all . Judge is Iwd mm'i
le gave me 4 for been in jail so often
not for what I done this is my 3
time it will make 15 veal's in Prison
me it will be the last time, done 18
months in Sunhury. Mr. Hitter is
a very nice man he will trect you
kindly i was about G8 days under
inn i find In in very good to me so
ong means a long time.
Martin Lawi.kss."
of Palmer Beachel two
est of town wus struck by
Ig on Friday evening and it,
entire contents, wns destroy-
Soles and wife, Register
N)rder Willis and wife and
Bpher Engel attended the
td lie-union at Island Park
Geo. E. Fisher ofSusmie-
JUniversity will deliver the
nusical address at the 11th
pnyder County c hoir con vcn-
t. -utli.
Reduction Sale at Ulrich
Selinsgrove, Saturday,
Si)ecial bargains in all
Jk Now is the time to buy
Don't forget the time and
uldloburgh Cider Press will
peration on Tuestlay, Aug,
ill be operated on Tuesday
eek by hdward Moyer and
teminger until the cider
loses, tf
R. Dinini, President of
Inna University. Selins-
btured before the normal
Wednesday, July 27, and
lay, Aug. 3, on "Libraries
j to Use Them."
ihoriipson, J. K. Kreeger,
IVittenmyer, , Miss Martha
d the Misses Wittenmyer
Kker steamlioat on Sbamo-
in the Susquehanna River
pd festival will le held one
ot Selinsgrove on Satur-
ig,Aug. 13,1898, for the
jUtt'g Union Sunday School.
onu ot all kinds will lie
Come one and all. By
ie Committee,
Iroads receive eight cents
for carrying the mails
express companies get
luents carried lor one cent,
ot the ixietal receipts and
jp,000,000 go to the nil
aiuuig me maws.
rarner of Adamsbur g has
)e sncoessor of George W.
;taUon agent and railroad
t this place. Mr. Erluut
jil the position as agent at
I Vc:j:j n i r
wiuim vuuuiy w, nn m
alanr and has accented it
Monday. P We regret , ift
Jrhart as he . has proven
Valuable citizen. Harley
leisure has become Mr,
Normal Class.
Entered lor Rronl.
Hiram Ulrich and wife, et. al. to
Anna Ulrich, house and lot in Se-
insgrove for $480.
WIIIn Prolmlwl.
The last will and testament of
Philip Spaid, late of Middlebuigh,
was probated July 20. His wife,
Catherine, is the executrix and sole
leir. After the widow's death the
seven children will become the heirs,
share and share alike.
Mnrrlit I.lpvnfa.
f John F. Bailey, Monroe twp.
( Mary E. Hummel, "
( Sunmel P. Snyder, W. Perry t.
Mary E. Uressler, "
Camping Party at Bed Bridge
Quitca jovial party haslMt'ii caini)-
ing at Red Ilridge Grove 1J miles
west of town during the past week.
It is made up of: Mrs. Anna Kreeg-'
er of Millersburg, Mrs. Dr. .1. C.
niig of I jcwistown, M'wses Martha
Goldy of Camden, N. J., Carrie,
liertha and Maiicl V ittenmeyer,
Lillian Stetler, RoscSchocli, Libbie
Dimkellierger and Mrs. G. W.
Wagenseller of Middleburg ; Messrs.
John Wmk1 of Jteavertown, A. F.
Gilbert, .1. N. Thompson, J. R.
Kreeger, Charles Marks, William
Dimkellierger and (ieo. W. Wag
enseller of Middleburg.
Reformed Reunion.
The Reformed reunion was held
at Island Park last Thursday and
was a great success. Rev. M. L.
Firror of Williamsisirt delivered an
address on "The Genius and mission
f the Reformed church" Dr. C.
Clever of Baltimore spoke on "The
Practical i orkuigs of the Board
of Home Missions" and Rev. Miles
O. Noll of Carlisleon "The Relation
of Church nicml)crs of the Sunday
School." Fisher's orchestra furnish
ed the music. ,
Edna G Dice
Clara B Specht
Ira J Keller
T A Ewing
Estella M. Romig
II F Reinard
Clymer Romig
John C Herrold
F H Attinger
J A Herrold
Mary E. Miller
Reuben Aucker
Howanl Scholl
A V licsher
U A Moyer
Mary Hilbish
W H Arnold
J. Harrv Kit-itzer
F I Rousk
W A Erdley
Lillian Herman
Harvey Beaver
Thomas R Bower
Roy Stetler
Isaac Gunzburger
Ralph Clehui
C C Hiemliaeh
II M Amig
J J jsoleiuler
Ixiusia A Walter
Sal lie Snyder
George WHassinger
George Moatz
F L Musser
Ira W Bingaman
Beaver Springs
Cowan, Union Co
Dinunsvillu Pa.,
J A Shatter
W E Stuck
B Rothermcl
J W Arbogast
A M (tarman
N Bnisius
(ieorge M Haine
Lizzie Miller
T Snook
Stella Troiitiiian
WM Winters
Helen G Ijcshcr
H EKieUr
AD Iiong
accessor at Adamsburg. June 30. 1899.
Mrs. James Kline is on the siek
list Miss Myrtle Klose of Bea
ver Springs was the guest of Vol.
Walter's over Sunday..;... George
Reish has been seriously ill for sev
eral weeks A. B. Sh'wry and P.
C. Hurtman were to Middleburg one
day last week Mrs. D.J. Dreese
and children of Chillisquaquo visit
ed Val. Walters. on Sunday....
Mrs. Dr. C. L. Mohn and daughter
Annie of Jersev Shore are visiting
her parents and relatives... Miss
Mollie Fisher wastheguestof Frank
Cole's of Mon tours ville the
past few weeks.
The Pennsylvania railroad com
pany has been awarded the contract
by the Navy Department at Wash
intrton to make all movements of
seamen, naval recruits, marines and
their accoutrements throughout the
unueu oiaiea lor me , yeur uiiuiuk
Mt Pleasant Mills
McKcc Fall.
New Berlin
Oriental J uuiuta Co
l'foutz Val lev, Pa
W R Zinui.ennan
Lester Derr
R (i liowersox
Hovt Grcyhill
WD Gift
J A Bowersox
Luido Binganiaii
V A Bingaman
Jennie Charles Port
B S Graybill
J F Bressler
Stephen Mitterling
iV W Hornl)erger
Samuel G Snyder
Harry 1 lsher
II W Smith
Lloyd Arbogast
Lee ( Wincy
Eva M Rothrock
(ieorge Rei:henliaeh
Howard Smith
Reliecca Freednian
F C Kratzer
II C Hendricks
Annie Winey Swales Juniata Co
Hnnna G Jamison
II AGembcrling
CK Fisher,
William Klingler
A W Gill
J C Herbster . .
C W Kohrer
I S Sossamou
IIS Hornberger
John N Brosius
Pel n is (Vtrk
Shauiokiu Dam
Three Men from Shamokin
in Jail Charged with the
Robbery of J. P. Kant.
On Saturday Chief of Police Gil
lam and Constable Campliell of
Shaniokin und Constable Gcinlier
ling of S'linsgrove brought Win.
and Daniel Kchlcrand Win. Snyder
of Shamokin to the county jail at this
place. They are charged by J.
P. Kantz ot Monroe township with
having burglarized his residence on
Friday night, July 22, and stole
therefrom $100 in money, a govern
ment cheek for $30 und a note for
$100. The men were first arrested
in Shaniokin by the police last Fri
day night. On Saturday they were
brought to Selinsgrove and given a
hearing liefore 'Squire Holmes and
in default of $1000 bail each, were
brought to the jail atthis place.
The prisoners claim that they can
prove an abili. One of the Kehlers
says lie was working mght shift in
a mine and tliat three other men were
working with him. Snyder says
that Dr. Harpel was in his house at
tending his siek wife between ten
and eh veil o'clock and some neisrh
1 Nil's were in bis house later that
We know nothing ot the facts in
the jHisscssioii of the prosecution up
on which they base theircharges. It
npcars from admissions made by
these men that they frequently did
some lishinj; in that vicinity. If
tlieyare the guilty parties, there
will U' no trouble to prove that they
frequently visited Mr. Kantz's
home having quite often eaten at
Mr. Kantz's table and even sold
strawberries for Mr. Kantz in
Shaniokin. The prisoners arc try
ing to secure bail troni Hiainokin to
secure their liberty.
On Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Shade,
a merchant of Shaniokin, who on
tilth stated that he was worth $21,-
000, entered $1,000 bail for the re
lease of William Kehler. He was
accompanied by 'Siuire linger.
J liese gentlemen sav that the Kehler
Imivs and Snvder have excellent rep.
utalioiis at Home ami they have no
faith in the charge against them.
The other Kehler and Snyder will
probably get bail in a day or two.
Shamokin Pa
McKees ) Fulls
New Berlin
Mt Pleasant Mills
Tim Tarn at Public Sal.
On Thursday, August 18th, one
of the best farms in Snyder County
will be sold at publio sale. 'The
beautiful and fertile land of Morris
Erdley adjoining this borough will
be offered in lots from 4 to 14 acres
and as a whole. For further pat
ticulars,see lance posters.,'.' 8-4-3t.
' ' Mrs. Philip Spaid has lieen grant
ed a pension of p per month. .
An Appeal of the Red Cross
To the Pkoi'I.k ok Pennsyl
vania : The Associate Society of
the Red Cross of Philadelphia has,
luring the present war and the dis
tress in Culm, which preceded the
breaking out of hostilities Is'twecu
our country and Spain, licen actively
engaged in its humanitarian work of
ministering to the necessities ot the
men in the field and of thesuttcriug
Cubans. It has sent many articles
of comfort, even of life-saving im
portance to our troops in their vari
ous camps, sometimes in resjRinse to
most touching appeals: the appeal
came and the Society was ready. It
has besides made a large number of
shipments of goods, provisions, cloth
ing, medicines to the Cubans. In
all its work it has been nobly up
held, notably by the people of Phila
delphia, but also by those of other
jiarts of the State and of New Jersey.
During the' blockade and the
siege of Santiago, one branch of its
ministration was necessarily suspend
ed, but tne (Society was not idle,
stores continued to be received, money
to be collected. Among other things
the equipment of a field ambulance
and hospital service lias been under
taken, and already has bo fur pro
ceeded as to be properly rcsrarded as
an aooomplished fact and the Society
will be able to put into the field six
ambulances, with proper5 appurten
ances und u properly equipped field
The fall of Santiago rcoiicns the
opjMirtunity of merciful work in
Cuba. The Society has already
made arrangements to forward sev
eral tons of stores, which have been
c nl v waiting for a chance to lie sent,
and has appropriated in addition for
this shipment, $1,200. But this is
but a drop in the ocean of suffering.
More must lie done. The' Society
. .1 r . i
prop!, inerciorc, io enartcr a
steamer, to sail from Philadelphia
aliout August lath, to convey the
ambulance corps and equipment to
tne trout ami to load the vessel with
stores, such us soldiers may need
and which the government dues not
provide, and withclothing, I'ood.aiul
medicine and such other things as
may Ive required by those wretched,
suffering jHHiple, by whom we en
couraged to resist Spain audtoniake
a struggle for liberty, and whose
suffering has Imtii fearfully and ne
cessarily enhanced by the war upon
which we have entered.
The Society, therefore, appeals to
what has never liecn apiicalcd to in
vain, tothegraiul old heart of Penn
sylvania, the grand old Common
wealth whose foundations were laid
in love to man, irrespective of race,
and asks for contributions of goods
and money to enable it to carry out
its proj-jct to save lives to relieve
suffering to feed the starving to
clothe the naked. ThoSociety makes
this appeal in all confidence. Penn
sylvania hai never yet failed when
culled upon in the name of patriotism
and humanity. She will not fail
Contributions in money may be
sent to William Hill, Treasurer, No.
:0.S Walnut Street, Philadelphia;
contributions of stores addressed to
the Associate Society of Red Cross,
Philadelphia, l.iOl Chestnut Street.
The following is u list ot articles
most needed :
I Hire and small contributions of
Salt pork. Corned beef in barrel
Codfish, hard cured. Mackere
in kits. Smoked beef and hams,
Canned salmon. Smoked
Indian or corn meal.
Oat-meal. Cracked oats.
Wheat in form. Barley.
Canned vegetables of all kinds.
Canned fruits ot all kinds.
Dried fruits, such as apples, prunes,
apricots, etc., and dried corn.
BurrcU of onions, potatoes, licans,
rice, salt and ship biscuit.
Beef extracts. Boviniuc, etc. Soups.
Malted milk. Condensed milk
(Eagle brand, or other high grade)
Evaporated cream.
Wines. Grupe juice. Lime juice.
Chun liouillon. Raspberry vine
gar. Coffee, tea, cocoa and gen
eral groceries.. Jellies, preserves
and jams.
Disinfectants of every description.
Quinine pills und general drugs.
Ointments. Salves. Phenol sodi
quc. Gauze of all kinds. Absorb
ent cotton. Surgical antiseptics.
General hospital stores. Soaps.
Bcdclothing for hospitals. Pajamas
for soldiers. Canvas and carpet
slipjiers for use in hospital. Mos
quito netting. Palm leaf fans.
Towels, absorlient and Turkish.
Soft handkerchiefs, bandana very
Clothing, new, suitable for summer
wear, made as plainly as possible,
for children ot 5 years and up
wards, and women aud men.
The Sunday School Convention
held at Baker's church on last Sat.
was well attended mid passed off in
good order T. F. Swinctord
andll. W. Kncpp of Siglerville
were here on last Saturday putting
up a hydraulic cider press for Anion
Wcader Joseph Kncpp of new
Lincaster says he can make alsiut
10 Burrclsofeiderthis season. The
outs crop is ulioul all gathered and
reported to lie good Mrs.
Aurand and Mrs. Hook of Beaver
Springs spent Sunday with some of
their friends in West I leaver
It appears that J. J. Steely is the
onlytcaoher in Snyder County that
has any of his pupils in the Spanish
Aincrican war. . F. C. S. Peter snout
Sunday at Cross Grove. He has
Is-eii working in Lcwistnwu for the
past few more weeks West
Beaver can supply a few more huck
sters with hen fruit as we have only
one huckster for every two ciri's
W. II. Kncpp paid new
Lancaster a visit on last Sunilav to
see some of bis friends
Prof. Geo. I. Stahl of Pittsburg
who is visiting friciulsinthis section
of the state spent, several days in
in town. . . .('apt. 1 homas I tollman
and wife of Bethlehem are spending
some time with friends at present.
They are living entertained by Mrs.
Harry Boyer, daughter of the Capt.
Frank Good and wife lell fr a
trip to Oklahoma to visit thei'- son
who is living there. . . .(uituauex
citemeiit was had onSatimlav by the
rejHirt that three prisoners supposed
to be those who were in the house
and nibbed J. P. Kuntz were bing
brought to town to a justice of the
Peace. In the afternoon lliey were
taken before .lust ice I loliucs and in
default of $1001) each, they were
taken to jail. ... F. R. Wagner, a
former student, w is in tow n for sev
eral days recently. . . .Simon Cam
eron and grand-son of Arizona arc
vinitiug friends in town. . . .S. Op
pciihcinior, M. O. Snyder and Pnek
attended the Masonic Lodge meet
ing at Northumlierland.
Buck nell University, John
Howard Harris, President. Col
lege, leading to degrees of Art and
Science. Academy, a preparatory
school for young men and boys. In
stitute a refined boarding school for
young ladies. School of Music, with
graduating course. 1 Jor catalogue,
address the Registrar, i
' . "Wm. C. Geetzinoer, ' ,
1 7-14 It. . . . Lewisburg, Pa.
W. W. Roiish of Puxiiios was vis
iting his parents over Sunday
Charlie Landis, who has Urn work
ing in West Virginia for aliout two
years, lias returned Home. tor-
got to state in my last week s items
that Ralph Heintzebnaii of this place
has joined the regular army und is
at present located in Goorgiu
Mrs. Annie Hotteiistein of Middle
burg is at present visiting friends in
this vicinity ... .Smith Reihl of
Lewisburg is enjoying himself with
friends and relatives of this place
Chas. O. Lenig, the patriot of this
place, who is a volunteer in the
twelfth regiment, was home on a
furlough. Charlie certainly looks
likeu patriot in his uniform. The
citizens had n chicken and watlle
supper at the hotel in his honor. The
people ot this place can well lie
proud of their reputation in the
army; Charlie is a true, warm-hearted
and patriotic American and will
give u good account of himself in
buttle if he only has a chance
Miss Jennie Bollinger is confined to
her bed with u severe attack of sick
ness Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel ot
Selinsgrove were visiting in town on
Sunday Stephen Mcnch, wife
and daughter of near Mittlinburg
were friends here on Sunday.
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other toiisorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles' Barlier Shop,
in Wittenmyers building, opposite
t'osi omqe. , uo io ooics anu you
will make ho mistake, shoving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo
for 6ale ... A. E. Soles. ,
n l.