The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 28, 1898, Image 5

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    untti Near Ponee.
Cmra niTTirFORCElIEllTS.
JU -
War Department Busily En
gaged in the Work.
Intlp VA by General Shatter in
Vill Be BmgM lite Serries to
General KUm Capaira-Gntral
Bporti Tin Hundred low Cases
in Bit Amy Sampson's Ro
of the Fight With Orwrt't Fleet.
Thanks of Congrwa Forwarded to
Urtl Dwey.
thlngton, July Z8.-TM war oe
mt wal busied yesterday hur-
tbe dlspatcn 01 me remainuer 01
..ruMitlnn against Porto Rico.
,, hu been made that It la
LFi "ft
V .11 nf the troops will be on Porto
k toll within a week at latest. Gen-
Mlles, according to a press ais-
from St, Thomas, v. w. i.. Degan
i- 1.1a TPonTja Trmriuai uvm
k en the the south coast of Porto
r.t.Mn it la believed he will await
Li.xhmonta now on the way. War
ftment officials accept the press
Urh as reliable. Tne general nas
kith him, so far aa Is known, any
ken boats. It will be at least Sat-
L before direct cable cornmunica
n ha established with him. and
Lwwintim reliance muBt be had
C dispatch boats running across to
(bomas, dlsUnt about tour nours
work of embarkation at H amp-
Roads Is being conducted with
less difficulty ana delay than waa
ttd. Colonel Hecker, in charge
transportation division of the
Apartment, who has Just returned
that place, has reported to Heore-
Ulger that It is eminently suited
shipment of. the troopa Conse-
ilr the secretary yesterday or
al! of General Grant s brigade.
ben, from Chlckamauga to New-
News. It Is now expected that all
transports required for their Re
lation will have arrived there by
tie the soldiers get In, but they
camp on suitable ground and It
Itevtd will be benefited by the
i I ruin iuicniuimuaM
signal service haa succeeded In
silng from the battlefield of San-
the tubes which .supplied the
fry balloon with pure hydrogen
Ind they, with the balloon Itrelf,
tieen brought pver to Tampa on
learner Adrta, The tubes will be
ked immediately and the whole
ktus will be dispatched at once
tto Rico to assist General Miles
campaign there. The balloon Is
p have proved of great value in
intiago campaign, and from the
ter of the country in Porto Rico
military operations must be con
It is believed that it also can be
b advantage there. , .
dispatch to the war department
Vht, General Shatter reports that
600 new cases of fever developed
corps at Santiago Sunday. This
ir, of course, Includes alt classes
or, probably some cases of gen-
tllow fever. Only one death Is re-
that one being from yellow fe-
ftie cheering Intelligence Is con-
that the situation Is Improving
lat about 450 men who have been
returned to duty.
heretofore Indicated by General
and the medical officers of his
the cases of fever are of a no-
pnlld type. The patients are 111
nree days to a week, and then
to duty quite as well as ever.
hedlcal ofllcers concur In the
that this fever renders the men
k. for the time, at least, to yel-ker.
Fuestlon of returning a large part
?ral Shatter's command to this
lor rent and recuperation was
consideration bv the war nf
put the idea practically has been
Ined, at least for the present.
vno are 111 now or have boon
Jo the Infection are Isolated in
pn camps, and are not permit-
return to the main body of the
until ail danger has been
Through the adoption of nmrl
v precautions and careful at-
10 moso who fall 111 It Is ex
hat the fever will run Its conn
fnpsratlvely brief time.
Y announced yesterday at the
'yunment that the lonir ex.
report from Admiral
r deotructlon of Cervera's fleet,
le accomhanvlnv
lore and captains of Mr sn-md-
r cM-nua ine department. Il U
pi to hove been brmifrht 1,. r.
fhee on the Pt. Pqu'.. w'-.leh ar.
w lor iupt Ftldav nnrl
fn sent by m.H! by Ca.nlaln
it Is the Intent! . t o, ....
ft tho navy to give these re-
i puonc in their entirety.
Pry Long Veaterrinv - ,
ral Dewey the Joint resolution
l" ""noing the thanks of
'Or the Vlptnrv ki.,.j
Fho resolution was beautifully
f" and TrranA k.. .
(, j i. " "irraai
. Vauthoentlcltv Jr Sec-
" rlehly gilt and ornamented
j in-r to that of any body of bmb
k.Uierto raised for mKltary puk-poaes by
um uutoa HUtuo. Every maxt recrvlt
a. whather (or the rasular or for tho
voliuitaar ubt. ku m&miM
raj physical examinauoo condweted by Seven Thoxuand Spsniardi There
m m eciirm (nvparaiioa, uerotore, mo wnu tuw uuu
army Is physically without a flaw.
Of the IM.600 volunteers authorised
by congress, 112,000 have been placed in
the Bold, nearly all of them fully equip
ped, la a few days the entire volunteer
army will be thoroughly organised Into
regiments, brigades, divisions and
army corps. The aptitude for military
discipline and Instructions which the
volunteers have evinced, haa created
surprise among the representatives of
foreign governments with the United
States army. They agree that the
Americana are the finest soldiers In the
Government Haa No Intontlon of Uom
bardtng apanlnli Cltlott.
Washington, July SS.-A significant
statement waa made to the press
yesterday by a gentleman In a
position to speak wtth knowledge and
authority aa to the plans of the admin
istration with reference to future war
operations. In substance the statement
was aa follows:
"Commodore Watson, in proceeding
to the Spanish peninsula aa soon as the
Porto Rlcan expedition is gotten under
way, is not to bombard the cities on the
Spanish coast. No such Idea of bom
bardment of the coast Is entertained.
While there may be other Incidental
purposes, tho main mission of Watson
is to take care of Admiral Camara's
fleet. The movement of this fleet and
the tears and apprehensions caused by
reports concerning It are to be stopped
for all time. The ships under Camara
will be located by Watson and finally
met and engaged. The talk occasion
ally indulged In as to the Canary
Islands la utterly without foundation.
This government haa no plan to take
those Islands, and does not want them.
"Despite popular expectation that
Porto Rico operations will be followed
Immediately by action against Havana,
H can be said that Havana will not be
attacked while yellow fever conditions
exist. This Is certain. It would be the
height of national folly to engage our
troopa In and about .that fever pest
hole. Consequently It will be left until
the climate lends Its aid In the autumn.
Shatter will hold his own In the eaatesn
strip now surrendered, may gradually
push his way over some other district.
and if there should bo any particular
need of Immediate aggressive action
at any point will movo against K, but
Havana will be left until yettow fever
dangers are past"
General Shatter Pays Garcia Did Not
Attack Spaniard Retnrnlna; to 8nr-render-Forty
Cubans Knleaaed from
Santiago Jail. ...
Santiago de Cuba; July tl Every
thing here Is peaceful. The 7.000 Span
ish soldiers at Uuantanamo lay down
their arms yesterday. The 6,350 from
Palma Soriano, San Luis and Longo
surrendered on Sunday to Lieutenant
Mlley. and yesterday pack trains with
provisions ware sent them. The only
others Included In the capitulation are
Z.OOt troopa at Baracoa and 1.000 at
Sagua. They have not yet been turned
over, but they are nowhere In General
Garcla'a vicinity. He is at Jlguany, and
reached there without encountering
any Spaniards. General Shatter au
thorizes an absolute contradiction of
the report that Garcia encountered a
force of Spaniards who were returning
to Santiago to surrender and waa de
feated by them. Colonel Krra P. Ewers,
of the Ninth Infantry, acting for Gen
eral Shatter, will receive the formal
surrender of Guantanamo.
On Sunday General Shatter released
40 Cubans who had been' confined In
the local Jail on political charges. In
deed, some of them were confined with
out charges of any character, others
on the most trivial pretexts and yet
others solely because of sympathy with
the Insurgent cause. The Jail Is still
filled with many whose crimes and sen
tences are not on record and are ab
solutely unknown, so far as has yet
been ascertained. A general Investiga
tion haa been ordered Immediately.
American newspapers which have ar
rived here contain articles written ap
parently under a misapprehension of
the facta regarding the conduct of the
campaign and the dictation of the
terms of surrender. General Miles was
here simply aa a visitor and adviser.
In his official capacity he had nothing
to do with the terms of the capitula
tion, the entire credit for which be
longs to General Shafter, who on July
10 received the following dispatch from
General Corfcln, at Washington, of that
"The secretary of war directs me to
Koi -a Scotia Town Destroyed Through
-' Lack of rtre Apparatus.
. HAllfax, N. 8.. July M. The town
tt Pugwaab, L200 Inhabitants, a deal
shipping port of considerable Impor
tance on the Straits of Northumber
land, waa totally wiped out by fire yes
terday. KH) dwellings, five churches, to
stores, three hotels and several mills
being destroyed. The fire started In a
business block through a lamp explod
ing, and a high wind and tho complete
absence of water supply or fire fight
ing apparatus sooiVcarried the flames
beyond control. With few exceptions
the buildings were wooden, and a large
section of the town waa closely built.
The fire swept through whole blocks
with lightning like rapidity, and people
fled tor tm-lr Mves, losing everything.
The foreign shipping In port was
slightly damaged. The town waa little
insured, owing to the absence of fire
protection. The Inhabitants are now en
camped In the fields and woods. Sev
eral people are reported missing, but it
Is Impossible yet to tell who. If any,
lost their lives. Relief is being organ
ised lu every direction.
In the Trial of Senator Xenney for ate of Texas ta being debuted
Alleged Bank Wrecking.
Owing to Their Inability to Reach a 1
JURY. COULD NOT, AGREED war brevities.
Wednesday, July to.
Food from the Red Cross steamer
j Jie half starved people of Santiago. ,
The transport steamer Pennsylvania,
sailed from San Francisco yesterdav
I SEVEN TO FIVE TOE ACQUITTAL, i with nearly 1.500 volunteers for the-
The captured Spanish steamers Gul
An. CutAllna. Mlruel Invar mnA niittnn-.
Verdict the Jury Were DlHrharged. Ventura were convoyed to New York.
DlHtrlt-t Attorney Vandesxlft Ex- ' harbor by the gunboat Newport,
pecta Another Trial in September. , The Cubans expected to be given
control of Santiago, and Garcia hai ap
pointed a Cuban named Castillo a
governor' of the city. They feel veryr
bitter against Americans.
ThuiKduy, July SI.
Many of the Spanish soldiers at San
tiago are applying for American natur
alisation. The 2.000,000 cartridges found in San
tiago after the surrender do not fit the
Mauser rifles.
Blanco denies that he authorized the
surrender of Santiago, and UeneraK
Applauds Our Annexation Scheme).
London, July 28. Sir George Syden
ham Clarke, the expert on, naval tuc-
uca ana imperial defenses, writes to
Wilmington, DeL.July 2. After hav
ing been locked up since last Friday at
12.15 o'clock the Jury in the case of j
Senator Richard R. Kenney, who Is ,
charged with aiding and abetting In
the looting of the First National bank '
of Dover, lost night were still unable to
agree upon a verdict, and were dls- I
charged by Judge Bradford from fur
ther consideration of the cane. The de-
clslon of the court to discharge the Jur- !
ors was arrived at after the lurv had !
twice notified Judge Bradford that they ' Toral may be court martlaled.
were unable to agree. The first time
was on Saturday afternoon, when a j
note was sent to Judge Bradford so
notifying him. The Jury filed Into court
The Daily Graphic strongly approving and were addressed by the Judpe, who
American annexation of Hawaii and j urged them to give the case further de-
rono kico. He says: "It Is for the best liberation and try to reach a decision.
The auxiliary cruiser Harvard ar
rived at Annapolis with 31 additional
Spanish officers as prisoners.
The Cuban Junta In New York de
nles the reports that Cuban soldiers op
pons American authority In Santlaco.
General Linares Is vigorously de.
Interests of the world that any canal Since then the lurv haa been emlenvnr. ' nounced hv Snanfarrin In Santlaen f,
connecting the Atlantic and the Pa- Ing to come to some conclusion. shifting the responsibility of surrendrr-
clfic should be controlled by the United Last night about 8 o'clock another Ing the city upon Toral.
States, and whatever attitude the note reached Judge Bradford of the The British steamer Newfoundland
European powers may take, foreign In- , same character of the first. District At- was captured by the converted yacht
terferenoe In Central America is out of torney Vandegrlft.Senator Kenney and Mayflower off Cienfuegos. She carried
the question, because the Interests of his counsel. Senator Gray, and Levi C. a cargo of supplies for Spanish troops,
the United States and Great Britain In . Bird were present when the Jury canm I Hrldiiv. July 88.
ruiu! canal w1U Paramount." Into the court room. The news that the j The work of removing submarine
uuu; .,rainic, in an eauoriai, jury had failed to agree spread rapidly
agrees with Sir George Sydenham and a large crowd assembled to watch I
Clarke, but Is curious to know what in- the proceedings. The court asked the
duced Lord Salisbury to adopt an at- I Jurors If they had been unable to agree
titude which has so much facilitated j and being answered In the affirmative he
the success of the United States. ! addressed counsel whether they ob- I
Bl " ;; ; " ; i Jected to the discharge of the Jury.
8lnuir Murdor In Ht. Louis. , Th,re M obJectlin( v.,
..!! t JUiX 2S-Char 1" A- Bran,t-1 accordingly relieved from further con- I
, . r.e Bupp., sideratlon of the case. It 1 said thm I
company In this city, stopped to mail a
letter at a street corner last night and
was shot and almost Instantly killed.
Three shuts were fired and three men
seen to run. Brant staggered across the
street and fell dead. In his pocket was
an affectionate letter, evidently to his
wife, but addressed to P. O. Box C93,
Asbury Park, N. J., also a will headed:
"To Miss' Mary Harding, Davenport
Prisoner Pay Tribute to the Govern
mcnt That Vod Them. ,
New York, July 2ft. Prisoners of war
cheering the flag of their captors waa
the unusual sight witnessed, at the
Union dock In Brooklyn yesterday. The
sight was all tho ' more significant as
the cheers came from Spanish throats.
The 1G4 prisoners captured on the
four prise steamers now In port were
about to sail for home under the Brit
ish flag. They were on board the Ilea
peria, of the Anchor line, and Just as
she backed out of the dock one of thb
patrol gunboats came "byWlth one ac
cord the prisoners raised three mighty
cheers, which startled the people oh the
Brooklyn shore and could be heard on
Governor's Island. It was the best they
could In thanking Uncle Sam for the
kindness lavished on them while they
re prisoners.
Among the 254 prisoners were six of
ficers. One of these officers said: "If
our men In the field realised either the
hopelessness of our cause or the treat
ment they would get at the hands of
the Americans they would not fight
long. The quickest and easieet way to
reach home Is to surrender. I believe
in fighting where there Is a chance, but
our blockaded soldiers dont know we
haven't a chance. They can get home
quicker by surrendering, and in the
meantime be well fed and taken care of.
But they think the Americans will mur
der them.''
r n me World.
Mn. jm, 2G.-AdJutant Qen-
mgni made public a
of the hMBPnu.. ,...t.. ...
i . - - . . .... iiinut' 111 I U J
"n of the volunteer nnd regu-
- - mo united States up to
-- -. ... ma uv uaVF,
1' elnpwd glnr ,np prPMldtnt
.., B ct" r volunteers an
'i..O0 men hivn Lmn
t ... v I ICIIUH
red, equipped and placed In
an nrhia. . L . .
( mm nas
rpMse and admiration from
L military authorities
faonnel ot the army la far iu-
Beady at Newport News to De Taken
to Porto UJco.
Newport News, Va., July 28. Incom
ing trains during tho last 36 hours have
brought nearly 6,000 troops to this oity.
These Include the Second brigade of the
First army corps. In command of Brig
adier General Haines, from Chlcka
mauga Park, Tenn., and five troopa of
cavalry from Camp Alger.
The first train reached the city at
noon Sunday, and from that time on
till lato yesterday afternoon section
followed section, and as fast as the
troops arrived they were marched to
the RTMinds, where they pitched tents
and made themselves comfortable.
General Haines brigade Is composed of
the Third Illinois. Colonel Bennett;
Fourth Ohio, Colonel Coight, and
Fourth Pennsylvania, Colonel Case,
Milch iir'lved in the order named. The
regiments arrived In bntt.illoni of three
trains each.
Major Cienersl Prorke's sp-lil tri.lii.
which left '.'hli'l'-ainausa Pund.-iy nft-r-noon
pullod in at 2:30 o'clwk yeMvly
afternoon, and General I!riMUu went
Immediately to the Warwick hotel,
where he will remain till he soilo for
Porto Itlco on the auxiliary cruiser St.
The last train to arrive was that
bringing tho brtgude hospital corps
from Chickamauwa, which Included ISO
men. At daylight this morning the sig
nal corps arrived, and at 11 o'clock,
four batteries of light artillery ar
rived from Chlckamauga. They are
Battery A, Illinois: Battery B, Penn
sylvania; Battery A, Missouri, and the
Twenty-sovcnth Indiana battery. Or
ders wero received at Camp Warhur
ton yesterdny afternoon dlrectlngBat
torles) A and C. Pennsylvania National
Guard, to he rcudy to lenve with this
expedition, a'hese two batteries have
been stationed here since May 6. The
Ht. Louis Is expected to sail thin after
noon with General Brooke and his Btaff
and 1,300 troops.
ine mxmory ot war airects me to inn Anhnrv Poi v I .v- . j
with Instructions which do not in any
manner suoerseae you as the com
mander of the United States troops In
the field near Santiago so long as you
are able for duty."
Begging Admiral Sampson to Hasten
the Capture of Clenfuogo.
Guantanamo Bay, July 26. -The fol
lowing pitiful appeal has .been ad
dressed by the starving people of Clen
fuegoe to Rear Admiral Sampson;
"Honorable Sir: The Cubans, old
men, women and children, residents In
the town of Clenfuegos and this neigh
borhood, are all dying ot hunger. The
young men are In tho field with the
Cuban troops, and have not shoes,
neither food. All the provisions In this
town are In tho hands of the Spaniards.
Cubans cannot obtain a piece of bread,
as it is necessary to send everything
to the field. The situation Is terrible. If
you, honorable sir, do not come quick
with your squadron to our help and
take possession of this town we shall
be lost. We bog you to precipitate yuur
operation. About 6,000 old men, women
and children will die of hunger in this
town. Some of those old men have four
or five sons fighting for his freedom
inis is our horrible situation. If the
great people of tho United States do
not come quick In our help we are lout.
For God's sako. come quick."
Nothing can be done for the people of
uienruegoa until that place is captured,
This will not be for some time.
den death and who, In the sight of God.
is my lawful wife." Miss Harding is the
daughter of Roger E. Harding, a
wealthy citizen of St. Louis, to whom
Brant was married In October, 13W,
against the wishes of her father.
MNh Kolilcy Snublx d.
London, July 26. The Madrid orr
respondent of The Dally Telegraph
says: "An American lady, said to be
Commodore Schley's daughter, has ar
rived here, but neither the queen re
gent or any responsible personage will
receive her. She will probably be re
quested to depart at the earliest pos
sible date." Presumably the American
lady referred to is Miss Jessie Schley,
daughter of Mr. Charles Schley, of Mil
waukee, a cousin of Commodore Schley.
Miss Sohley went to Madrid with the
lntentioo of Interceding with the quoen
regent and Senor Sagasta:
Agntnaldo's Almurd Proclamation.
Hong Kong, July 23. The latest mall
from Manila reports that the rebels
have lately suffered several reverses
and have lost territory south of Malato.
General Aguinaldo has Issued an ab
surd proclamation dealing chiefly with
official Insignia. He, as president of the
Philippine ministry. Is to wear a gold ' hanker,
collar, with a gold trlangulnr pendant,
engraved with the sun nn-'. thieu stars,
and to carry n r;nd wl.l't;- ni well as
a stlnjr with si i;nld hunul" i.r.d a tassel
if r.'i'ld. The badges ot' Innumerable
otl-.' ; omclM'ii ur- minutely dealt with
In I he proclamation.
Hoys WltnesH a Brutal Murder.
Scrahton, Pa.. July 26. Five small
boys, while playing along the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western tracks near
Lackawanna, yesterday, witnessed a i
fiendish murder. Giuseppe San tor, j
leader of the Italian band at that place,
and another Italian, thought to have I
been Raphael Pasquel, were seen quar- I
re) Ing a few rods from the boys. San- '
tor struck his companion, who drew a
short handled ax from beneath his coat
and dealt Santor a violent blow on the ,
neck, cutting a deep gash. While San-1
tor lay prostrate the murderer swung'
the ax- and nearly severed Santor's j
head from the body. The boys screamed
and the murderer chased them a few !
rods and then disappeared. The police
are looking for the murderer.
Since the case went to the Jury about
25 ballots were taken, and in nearlv
every Instance the vote stood 7 to 6 for
Immediately after the fact thut there
had been a disagreement had became
known there was considerable discus
sion as to what course will be folowed
by the government with relation to
another trial. District Attorney Van
degrift said that he could not say when
Senator Kenney would be placed on
trial again, but waa under the Impres
sion that the government would en
deavor to have It arranged to take place
In September.
The trial of Senator Kenney began In
the United States district court two
weeks ago yesterday, and aside from
the nature of the charge against him,
occupied considerable attention be
cause of the defendant's high position
as the Junior senator from Delaware.
Much testimony wus taken during the
trial, and the principal witness against
Senator Kinney was Wlllium N. Boggs,
former teller of the bank, who pleaded
guilty to defaulting in the sum of $107.
000. The bill of Indictment under which
Senator Kenney stood trial named
specifically 25 counts on which the
grand Jury hod found true bills. All but
six of these were disposed of by de
murrer or nolle prosequi. These six ag
gregated about $3,50(1, which amount
the senator was charged with ulding
and abetting Boggs in taking from tho
Death of Illxhop M ('Govern.
Harrlsburg. July 26. Right Rev.
Thomas McGovern, bishop of the Har
rlsburg diocese, died lost evening at the
Episcopal residence In this city after a
lingering Illness from a complication of
diseases. Bishop McGovern wan one of
the lest known Cutholic prelates in tho
United Stutes. He was born In Ireland
in 1S32, and emigrated to this country
with his parents when a year old. He
was graduated from St. Mary's college,
Emmlttsburg, Md., In 1SK9. and con
cluded his theological course In the
semuiary of St. Charles Barromc, Over
brook. He was ordained a prlost De
cember 27, 1861, End was appointed
bishop of the Harrlsburg diocese Janu
ary 15, 1888.
Unitiil SnllorM Hold For Trlul.
Havre, July 26. Nineteen Austrian '
sailors who arrived here by La Bre-!
lagne Sunday were taken yesterday be
fore a magistrate and confronted by
four second class passengers, surviv
ors of La Ilourgogne, on charges of
cruelty nnd brutality at the time of the
collision between La Bourgogne and
the British ship Cromartyshire, off
Sable Island, on July i. Although the
evidence offered against them was very
slight, six of the accused were held on
remand. Tho others were discharged.
Think Warner Hon Money Conceulod.
Louisville, July 26. Chief of Police
Maynard, of Northampton, and Sheriff
Clark, of Hampshire county, Mass.. ar
rived In Louisville yesterday to take 75fc7(H4c,
As Itciliicted by DenltngH In Philadel
phia and llultlmore.
Philadelphia, July 2!i. Flour firm; win
ter superfine, .1U3.25; Pennsylvania roller,
clear, $3..V4j4; city mills, extra, $3.2!i!jj3.40.
Rye flour moved stowly at $3 per barrel
for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat steady;
No. Z red. July. SOiiStmo.: do. Auiuit
do. September. 74fi7HVic. Torn
cnarge oi uewiB Warner, tne default- 1 quiet, but firm; No. 2 mliml. July. 3Mi;
Ing bank presldont, captured here on I 3K.i do. August, 3lHi&3lic. ; No. 2 yel
Saturday. They called at detective I '"r ,u-'al trade, 41o. Oats quiet, but
headquarters and Identified the fugitive i "rm; No- 2 w,lte, '32a.; No. 2 while, clip
bank president. The Massachusetts of-1 S"'1' .Jt8' "i'y ",rm for",,I: :,,,,u''
fleers are confMen h. ha. mn ! ""ohy. I12.M for largo bales. Hoof
cealed somewhere, hut h rnnn h i. I ri' " ","""' t ' "rK Mnuny
, . - ' i im iv. 1 1 :nMn.(
duced to talk about it. Captain Sulll
van, chief of the Louisville detective
force, Is sure that Warner has money
In reach. The meeting between Warner
and the Northampton officers was af
fecting, they being old friends of ths
-Four Children Honied to Death.
Beatrice, Neb., July 26. Four chil
dren of Elmer Wnllman, a farmer, have
been burned to death during the ab
sence ot their parents. Tho ages of tho
victims range from years to Infancy.
How the fire' caught is not known.
The Next Philippines Kxpedltlon.
San Francisco, July 26. The next
Philippines expedition, consisting of the
remainder of the South Dakota troops
and recruits for other regiments al
ready In the Philippines, Is expected to
itave next Thursday or Friday, at the
latest, on the steamer St. Paul. The
Scandla will follow the St. Paul west
ward In two weeks, by which time, It
Is figured, the Arizona will bo ready
and may accompany the former to
A Camp For Shutter's Heroes.
Trenton. N. J., July 26. Adjulunt
General Corbin, with General Manager
J. B: Hutchinson, of thu Pennsylvania
railroad, and a number of other rail
road officials yesterday inspected a
tract of land near Morrlsvllle, P., with
a view of eotablishing a camp for Gen
eral Shatter's forces, now at Santiago.
This Is General Corbln's second visit to
the place, and it Is said he Is very fa
vorably Impressed with its advantages.
Whore Are the RuitKlunn Bonndf
London, July 26. A special dispatch
from Shanghai says four Russian men
of war have left Port Arthur, and It Is
supposed their destination la tho Phil
Ipplne Islands.
nrlit KxodiiM From Spain.
.Vi.dritl. July 26. The government
proteoses to have full information as
to all tho Carllst doings and Is acting
accordingly. The Carllst leaders, It Is
believed, left Madrid because they
feared arrest rather than with any Ideu
of preparing a rising. The authorities
assert that tho agitation has been ef
fectively checked. Vasco, tho Carilst
chief at Bilbao, has been arrested. Tho
exodus of Carllsts from the northern
provinces of Spain Into France Is ex
tremely active.
Lieutenant Hobfton In Ronton.
Boston, July 26. Lieutenant Hubson
arrived here this morning for tho pur
pose of Inspecting pontoons to be used
ir, raising the wrecks of the Cristobal
Colon and Maria Teresa. He said on hla
arrival: "I hope to finish my business j
in lioston in a day. and to return to
Washington tomorrow. I do not know
how Boon I shall leave for Cuba." LuHt
night he was tho recipient of un in
formal reception by the members of
the Army and Navy club In New York.
Tho Pope's Peace PropoMiln.
London, July 26. A special dlnpatch
from Romo says the pope has com
municated to the powers peace pro
Lard firm: western
stuamed, $.1.85. Butter firm; western
creamery, Nellie.; do. factory, Utinc.;
Klglns. IKo.; imitation creamery, 12il!ic.;
New York dairy, 12Hfcl6V4c.; do. creamery.
'17'4.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Job
bing at 21tj2lc; do. wholesale, 20c. Cheese
firm; large, white, 7MiC.; small, white,
sv4c; in rue. colored, 7o.: small, colored.
NUc; lu?ht skims, ttyfi :. ; pnrt skims.
441ii5K; full skims, 24i2ttc Eggs steady;
; New York and Pennsylvania, Hi15u.;
1 western, fresh, lie.
I Baltimore. July 2T. Flour firm; western
' superHne, fc'.SOfi.US; do. extra. $3.2.ri3.7T.:
do. family, Jl'i.4(i; winter wheat, patent.
4.ur;4.7&; spring do., .7!Ti5; spring do.,
mrulKht, Jt.&nM.T.'i. Wheat weak; spot
and month, HJjnt'.i August. H'if
UMic: September, 7IW:flie.: steamer No.
2 red, "'iMiiW'.; southern, by sample,
TOftXOe.; do. on grade, Corn
firmer ; spot and month, 3SVai(.Hio.; Au
gust, &0it'M: : September, SUHttWiic. :
Hteamer mixed. KfefcOTtiC.; southern!
white anil yellow, 4Ui42e. Oats steady;
demand fair; No. 2 white, 32fr33o.; No. 2
mixed, SOiirSle. ltyo steady; No. 2 nearby
SOVfcc.; No. 2 western. 62c. Hay firm and
hlche.r for better grndes; No. 1 timothy,
$1212.60. Grain freights dull and lower;
Bteam to Liverpool, per bushel, IVid., July;
Cork, for orders, per quarter. 2s. loud ne
I Is.. Alienist ; 3d., September. HuKur
strong; grunuiaieu, u. .',,. jmtter stcudy;
fancy creamery.; do. Imitation,
17c: do. Indie, HlKc: good ladle, 124113c.;
storo parked, losdlc. Kggs firm; fresh,
12'dc Cheere steady; fancy New York,
largo, I'tc: medium, HHtttftc.; small, s4
t(!lc. Lettuce srarce at LOHfi&c. per bushel.
wniBKey tit Jl.SiliJ.iS per gallon fur XI ti
Ishcd goods In carloads; $l.Ej',il.M per gal
ton tor jouninif mis.
mines In Boston hurLor Is proceeding
Admiral Dewey, It Is believed, has de
termined upon the Immediate bom
bardment and capture of Manila.
It Is authoritatively announced In
Washington that our government wlU
always retain Porto Rico after Its cap
ture. Admiral CervsVi, It Is asserted. ha:i
about decided never to return to Spain,
but to take up a permanent residence
in Boston.
At Corunna, Spain, many Inhabi
tants are fleeing to the country, owing
to the fear of bombardment by Wat'
son's squadron.
Saturday, .Inly 83.
Aguinaldo, the Philippines insurgent
leader, has declared a dictatorship.
General Wood, Santiago's new mili tary
governor, has ordered all tho shop.' i
to reopen.
The work of disembarking our trvpi
at Manila was being rapidly pushes at
latest accounts.
The Third Nebraska rpplment, Vol -onel
William J. Bryan, is eneamy-'iV'.
near Jacksonville, Flu.
lieutenant Hobson arrived at Wash ington
yesterday, and was most c:i
thuNlastically greeted.
Wine makers at Rhelms, France, havi
presented our government with 1.21V
bottles of champagne for wound-' '
Another expedition for Manila, witl
50 officers, 846 enlisted men, 10 civilian
and arms aru ammunition, left Sat
Francisco today.
Spanish prisoners at Santiago will b
landed hy our government at Vigo,
on the Atlantic coast, and Santander
on the Bay of Biscay.
Monday, July 86.
There appears to be great fuar at tin
Spanish palace lest an attempt be made
to poison the boy king.
Senor de Lome, formerly minister tc
the United States, says that now is the
time for Spain to sue for peace.
Spain's queen regent has been most
melancholy of late In consequence ol
the multiplication of bad news.
General Shafter, In an order Just pub
llshud. applauds the valor of his men
and thanks them for their heroism.
Secretary Long has adopted the plan
of Lieutenant Hobson for paving the
wrecked Spanish cruiser Cristobal'
Colon. ,
Tho distribution of relief to the pool
ef Santiago Is progressing favorably,
and the greatest necessities have been
Cuban couriers report that Genera:
Luque, with lO.OOD men, has abandon!.
Holguln, fearing an attack by ttiu
Cubans at Santiago are securing sig
natures to a petition to President Mc
Kinley nsklng that they be given Im
mediate control.
General Kins believes that General
Merrltt will be glad to have tO.OIIO mer
before he geU through with the Span
iards and InsiuiHcnt leader Aguinaldo.
A convention nf representative met
from all sections will be held at Sara
toga, N. Y., Aug. IS nnd 20, to discus!
our government's future policy.
The body of a well dressed young wo
man was found in the bushes at Mf
Vernon, N. Y. The police are certalt.
she was murdered, but so far huve ni
Louis Warner, fugitive bank
dent und manufacturer of Northamp
ton, Mass., is under arrest at Louis
vllle, charged with looting the North
ampton bank of over $600,000.
The mining town of Eveleth, Minn., I
to bo removed to tho top of a moun
Uln several thousand feet away fron.
its prssent location, a vein of valuable
Iron ore having been discovered under
Our Santiago ( 'usual r to.
Washington, July 26. General Shnf
ter'n official report to thtj war depart
mcht of the casualties sustained by hi." .
corps In the batlln of Santiago will he
madij ptiblio as soon ns It enn be pre
pared for publication. Tho recapitula
tion of the report shows that the tot il
casualties w.te l.Mr,. Twenty-three of
ficers nnd I'ns enlisted men wrro kl'b d;
0 ofllcers and 1.203 men wero wounded,
and lil men art? "mlsnliig." The lattei
are tindouht"dly (lend. .
L'ust Liberty, Pa.. July 25. -rattle stroair
Doaaia that he consider. .M.i..; 7 ' ? "J""' oncxiras;extrs.?.,t,3.1U; prime
u.k on.i. , ,: " : " j 4.'Jir.ii); common, :i.Mi'.t4. Hons active
both Spain and the United Stutes. ! rrr,,e mediums and best Yorkers. $i ilL
namely. American annexation of Cuba 4.13; heavy, $1.055,1.10; pigs, ai to quality
and Porto Rico, the restoration of tho $3.S3C4.10: common Yorker tir.u in'
Philippines to Spain, and a commercial "ugha. $2.75tfi3.75. Bhoep dull and lower;
irewy giving paln exceptional ad- ' ,nulrt'- "" '; commm, $3TiO'3.!ki;
I reruns. wn.n; spring lauios, W.6Oii5.&0;
' veal calves, 6.KK3.75.
Vantages In the colonics surrendered.
t f unnd i'st Xi w Governor Uencral.
London, July 2fi.-The Kurl of Mlnto
has been appointed governor general of
Canada In succession of tho Earl ot"
Aberdeen. Gilbert John Elliot, fourth.
Earl of MInto, was born In 1843, hair,
been In the Scots Fusllcer guards, wa:v
a volunteer In tho Egyptian campaign,
and commands the South of Scotland
volunteers, with th rank of colonel..
He Is a Liberal, and retired from the--nrmy
In 1870.
? ,0hoiw li" 1