The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 28, 1898, Image 1

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    8orl.r Co. U-
2To. 32.
f.dltor b
Interesting Items.
t.u .n Bnef Paragraphs for
Our Keaoers.
L.ui.1 l-l. I !
LnMiuni m Mora
ml . "
Dr. J. W. Orwig spent Tuesday
MiISifiith visited friends
town on Monday night
Editor J. A. Lumlurd aud wife
re visitors in town uns wee.
i ..k., sutler and wife visited
fends at Xothumlwrland last week.
t n IT.irtimmofCcntreville was
Middieburg visitor on Saturday.
frc H. A. lYibiehausof Phila.,
L come to Miltiinburg to spend the
Ti. Herman of Dalmatia
ught theXew lSerlin Xetn plant
E W. Snvder, the hustling iiwur
Lilian of Selinsgrovc was in town
The return of troops to Spain is
lite in keeping. 1 hat wholeeoun-
,' is going liack.
n nmmnt ot the crcat drought
L, on,l iut!itMa will bo an execed-
;ly short crop.
In l.uildinir another navy, omn
11 he in a position to licgin at the
(torn and work up.
H. I Koinig of Adnmsburg is one
the carpenters at Attorney James
oases new ohtce.
.1. C. Stuck, Geo. A. Fisher, 11.
Felker of McCiure rode their
vclcs to town Sunday.
Mr. Mcnsch and bride of near
itliiiihurg visited his sister, J I if.
E. I'awlingon Sunday.
The Sunday school at Gnibbs
iiireli will hold their tuinual picnic
Saturday, August Gtli.
About 50 cvelers from Shamokin,
inhery ami elsewhere dined at the
ashmgtoii House Sunday.
Med (liuidruin, at Sclinsgrove is
times in a precarious condition,
tiering from a fractured hip.
liev. .1. A. L. llomig gave a ster
ptican entertainment in the court
use Monday and Tuesday nights,
Ou Sunday Rev. John Yodcr and
sifter, Born, drove to Salem
icre he preached an interesting
The Miildleburg Camping Club
11 embark for lied Bridge grove
1 hursilay ot tins week for au
W. A. .Nairn of Centrcville
hug goods at and below cost in
iler to close out business. Call for
renins. 7-28-4t,
ihe Snyder County Teachers'
Kitute will open in this place.
mday Dec 5, 189S to eoutinue
k' week.
Albert Sehuee imrchased a farm
Fremont from H. M. Nipple, the
"i formerly lieloiieiuir to his father
for theiwst nine weeks verv
lu rain has fallen in this section,
m consequence vegetation
ering greatly.
V. V. Auraud of Adamsburg has
me the foreman of the Herndon
f r I le moved his household goods
Mie latter place on Monday.
Should Wntson previously meet
juara's squadron it would nmlmhlv
dt iu the Sjnnish Minister of
nne having still more of a Binc-
Mrs. Gross and two children' - of
rf Ucrhn spent several days -with
i " uuciw anu auni, airs.
AliredSchnnli nnrl vifi. Al.,
past week. .
Couutv Ham wauled at Witteu-
myer's store.
Miss EvaSeebold ofSunbury is
visiting in town.
Wm. lloutz is erecting a new and
landsome residence in Franklin.
Morris Erdley will offer his farm
in Franklin twp. for sale some time
in August.
The Statement of the first Nation
al Hank of this place will be found
in this issue.
lleno Walter, wife and child of
near Mifllinburg visited Mrs. K C.
Aurand and Amanda Wittenmever
over Sunday.
Dr. A. J. Her mail has removed
hisofliee toRooniNo. 4 in the bank
Buildiug where he will lie pleased to
meet all his patients.
Attorney II. K. Miller, Druggist
II. Ulsh and Dentist A. C.
Spangler of Sclinsgrove were bi-
yclists iu town Sunday.
Miss Flora Kerwin, a teacher of
Baltimore, and her two little nieces
are spending their summer vacation
at S. B. Spitler's in Franklin.
Bihlk Found: A bible was
found. The owner .can have the
same by calling at the Central Hotel,
proving property and paying tor
this notice.
Senator E. M. Hummel of Sclins
grove and Business Manager llousel
of the licwisburg Saturday News
were Middleburg visitors iuesday
' D. (1. Garnian, of Holler, has
contracted to build the new school
house at Meiscrville, anil hasahvady
arranged for the lumber at Jno. D.
Bogar's mills.
l'erry Aurand found a turtle on
his farm in Middlecreek twp. that
Itears the initials of Harry Jioycr
ISol and Mr. Aurand's in 1S72.
Mr. Aurand says the turtle looks
as though it (Sudd live for "20 years
Ira C. Schoch of Sclinsgrove
spent Tuesday in Middleburg mak
ing historical and genealogical re
searches preparatory to publishing a
Schoch family history. The Schoch
re-union will lie held Aug. 21, at
The Ihij-s in their eager desire to
carry out the bicycle ordinance have
hunted up ull tlie cow 1m !1s in the
town and put them on their bicycles
until the "cattle" business is a bigger
nuisance than any violation of the
Mr. and Mrs. G. li. Hendricks
and daughter, Miss Carrie, returned
last Friday from l'hil-idelpliia, where
the latter, who has been in foiling
health for the past few months, un
derwent treatment at the hands of
a specialist. Selhwgrorc lime.
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles' BarlwrShop,
in Wittenmyer's building, opposite
Post office. Go to Soles and you
will make no mistake, shaving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo
for sale A. K. Solus.
Lost week a fishing party consist
ing of II. D. Stahlnecker, Charles
Rousli, Fiank b. Kiegle, b. U. Moy
er, John and Aaron Stahlnecker,
Cnrlion Sccbold and James Erdley
went down to the aqueduct. We
understand they caught a few fish,
but the number they failed to report.
Last Thursday night the large
curtaint at the north end of the din
ing room of Senator Hummcl's res
idence, were ignited from the heat
of a lamp standing upon a table near
them. Airs. Hummel discovered
the flames and gave the alarm. The
blaze was extinguished by tearing
the hangings, from their fastenings
and throwing them out of the Iiouse.
The only damage resulting was to
curtains and the wood work to which
they were hung.--Selinsgrovt limes.
Geo. II. Smull and wifeof llebers
burg, Centrt County, spent Tuesday
night in town.
Grand Reduction Sale at Ulrieli
&Osniun's, Selinsgrovc, Saturday,
Aug. 6th. Special Wgaius in oil
our goods. Now is the time to buy
cheap. Don't forget the time and
place. 7-28-2L .
Kcv. Dr. A. K. Goble, of. New
Berlin, was in this place Monday
morning for a short time. He is, as
ever, enthusiastic fortheconslruction
of the trolley line from licwisburg
to New Berlin via Mitllinburg, and
rightly so, Ixrause it would lie u
grand thing for all the coplc along
said line and even lcvoiiditin differ
ent directions.- MjjUnlmnj IrUgroph.
Iast Friday we received a pleasant
call from our friend, . L. Gretz
inger, the hustling registrar and
business manager of Bucknell Un
iversity, lie bail Ixxmi over to Ml.
Pleasant Mills looking up students,
and we Indieve, with some success.
Mr. Gretzinget- bits an excellent re
cord in manuring the business end of
our neigl.lioring collegiate institu
Ba-KXKM. U.MVKUsnv, John
Howttrd Harris, President. Col
lege, leading to degrees of Art and
Scieneo. Academy, a preparatory
school lor young men and boys. In
stitute a refined hoarding school for
young ladies. School ot Music, with
graduating course. For catalogue,
address the Registrar,
Wm. C. GuKTZixuKii,
7-14 It. licwisburg, Pa.
W. A. Arbogiist, the retiring
propictor of the Ivigle ll)tel,Svinc
i'ord, luts leased the Jacob's Ib Miseat
Milllintown. Mr. Nixon of the
Jacob's House is going to Ncwjvoi t
in a few days when Mr. Arlnigast
will g'.'t jmisscss' jii of the J.icob's
House. Mr. A rbournst is a valuable
citizen and a good lmtil man. We
regret to lose him, but Milllintown
is glad to welcome him back.
hew J. A. li. koin'tr, the I'A'an-
gelistof Bcutou I larlMir, Mich., with
his wife ami two children, are visit
ing Geo. H. Steiningor's and John
Ucnninger's this week. On Sunday
evening the liev. preached a very
interesting and able sermon front the
liook of Job on "Character." He
is a native ot Miydcr county, ins
father being lloswcll 11. lioinig who
resided west of Middleburg 'alout
25 years ago. Hev. Komig was a
missionary to Honolulu.
The Lutheran lie-union will be
held at Island Park, Aug. 4lh.
Among the speakers will le Rev.
II. C. Ilolloway, D. 1)., Bellefonte;
Rev. W. E. Fischer, Shamokin, Pa.;
liev. F. W. E. Pesclmn, D. D.,
Grecnsburg, Pa.; li(!V. G. W. End
ers, D. D., York, Pa.; Rev. J. M.
Steck, D. D., l'ottsgrove, Pa.; Rev.
J. II. Barb, Selinsgrovc, Pa.; Hon.
G. L. Wellington, Cumberland,
Md.; and Chas.1). Fry,Mittlinville,
Pa. Dr. W. O. Perkins of Boston
will In; musical director and Prof.
C. A. Keely of Sclinsgrove will Ixj
- On Saturday night our old friend,
Henry Eyer Gaugler, came near los-
iuir his little home by fire. He was
just in the act of reading his bible be
fore retiring for the night, when by
some means or other the lamp fell
to the floor, was broken and the oil
began to burn. Mr. S. 'P. Burns ar
rived on the scene and tried to smoth
er the flame with a pillow, while at
the same time Henry was causing the
oil to spread and burn more fiercely
by throwing on water.' Chauncey
A. Keeley passing that way, saw the
blaze and ran into the room and as
sisted to outen the fire by means of a
piece of carpet.-' Had this relief not
come to Henry's aid there is not much
doubt but that the house would luvc
burned down while he himself would
most likely have been seriously, it
not fatally, burned. Inbune. .; i
Fire at Northumberland.
The Northumberland correspond
ent to the Sunbury t?m Monday of
this week says :
Alxuit 4 o'chx-k Monday morning
a fire alarm was sounded by the
whistles ut VanAlleu's iron works
which aroused our people, when it
was found that a lire was burning in
Colt't store room, occupied by Harry
11. liarter as a general store. Ihe
tire company was quickly ut work
and played a steady stream on Un
building. The smoke was so dense
that it was iniMssillo to tell at
which part of the building the fire
was, so that the contents of the room
was saturated with water. The fire
was the result of a robU'ry. The
window iu the rear of the store had
Ix'cn ptied open and muslins, shoes
and other goods were found iu an ad
joining yard and in rear of lot and
it is thought the robbers carelessly
threw matches and fired the build
ing which frightened them away lx
forc they could carry away all of
the booty. The fire was first dis
covered by John E. ('oil, who gave
the alarm. The building is owned
by John T. Colt and with the loss
of shelving and counters the loss
will Ixialxml $700, fully insured.
The stock of Mr. Harlerwas insur
ed for $2000 which will cover his
loss. Mr. liarter will cx-ciipy the
room next to Fisher's Imrbcr shop
until the former room can Ik- repair
ed for his occupancy. The p.ompt
arrival of the Hire laddies is greatly
appreciated by the assured.
( );;r neighlxiring town of Milllin
biirg has an epidemic of typhoid
lever. There are from twelve to
fifteen cases and one death lias oc
curred a vouug woman named
Young. There arc aNo a great many
cases of the same disease in the
country around thetown. The epi
demic is a mystery. The water si-;
p!y ol the town is one of the best in
llie country and the sanitary condi
tion of the town is said to lie good.
The fact that the epidemic is not
confined to the towndispeislhc idea
that it is due to the water or to un
sanitary eonditiwiis. illi Slmi'l
"'. Old Style Celebration
The U. B. Sunday School ol
Middlchurgh and Hummcl's School
will hold a Celebration and Festival
on Saturday August (i, at Howell's
(J rove, 1 mile east of Middleburg.
This is to Ixmi union celebration.
All ave cordially invited to take
part therein, addresses will Ik; made
by Rev. List of Baltimore M. D.and
liev. S. B. Boughter of this place
and F. C. Bowersox will make the
afternoon address. TlioMiddleburg
Band will be asked to furnish the
music for theoeccassion. The table
is to bo free to all. There will be
swings provided lor the children.
The Festival will Ixj held in the
afternoon aud evening for the amuse
ment of the young and old. Come
one come and all spend a pleasant
day in the grove.
In Vacation Time.
, Vacation is the season of . "eat,
sleep and read," the time when the
business man removes himself from
the caresof routineoflice, reads, turns
his attention to home comforts and
home, and makes un his mind that
he wants this or that; long before he
buys it, because he has then the time
in which toconsider it. The asser
tion can be safely made that one-half
1 ... .1
oi uic goous piircJiaseu, ixaween tne
first of September and the firs't of
December, have been bouirht in the
mind of tiie purchaser, during, July
ana August, even through ho htni
selfniay no JwY9f7tnat he
had. mvblimtarily made the decision.
0hfoAhrdmnt. i 1 :. ;
', J0 I. , !.i i 'H -It ? '1
JULY 28. 1898.
DwhIs Knlrred lor Kcrord.
John H. Wise and wife to John
W. Nietz, Frame Dwellinsr House
and one acre lot in Union twp. for
one Dollar.
I.oIKtn UrnnlfHl.
In Estate ot Sabilla Noll, late of
Chapman twp. to Jacob Noll.
M'lllt I'rolmtFri.
The last will and testament of
Daniel Beaver of Monroe twp. was
probated July l'.lth. The widow and
children arc named as heirs. Jere
miah Beaver w the executor.
The last will and testament of
Elizalx'th Walter, late of Centrc
ville, was probated Monday. Uriah
Weirich of Centrevillethe is Execut
or. Mnrrtnicc l.lraUMtD.
f Win. S. lioonie, Troxelville.
Mary M. Kline. McCiure.
Joseph I. Ilcimbach, Washington.
Sal lie M. Hendricks, "
f Arthur (!. Kaullmau Shamokin,
Maggie E. Hummel, "
f Harry II. Musscr, ficwistown.
Viola N. Lawson, Wagner.
How tho Costs Will be Divided
In the event of a new inter-county
bridge Ix-iuu; built at Lewisbnrg
under the provision of the law en
acted by the last legislature. No.
thumbcrland county will have to pay
alxiut four-fifths of the bill. If there
is a big steal of say $10,000 in let
ting the contract. Northumlx'rland
county taxpayers will contribute
$S,0')0 and Union county $2,000.
Iu the distribution oi the swag there
is no doubt but our county will get
its full proportion. Milton Stand
unl. Ten Cents Additional.
The matter of procuring a mar
riage license will be attended with
more expense than formerly on ac
count of stampduty. We understand
tiiat each marriage license granted
must have a tcn-cciil stamp attached
under the new law. 1 f one of the ap
plicants Ik- under a legal age an ad
ditional ten-cent stamp will be rc
iuircd, and should Ixtth applicants
lx! under age two additional stamps
will be required.
Dr. Carrol Rotbrock.
Dr. Cam d Uothrock, a prominent
dentist, died at Met 'lure, this county,
last Friday night, aged about fit!
years. He was buried at McAU
listerville at ten o'clock on Monday.
He visited McCluro professionally
for a mouth or two at a time. His
home was at MeAllistervillc. He
was a brother of Dr. Roswcll lioth
nx'k, late of McCiure.
Frank Thomas and Michael Erd
ley tKik a car load of cattle to New
ark, N. J. last week .... Mrs. Ijcvi
Erdley and Mrs. P. Iu Row were
in Selinsgrovc last Saturday. , . .A.
C. Smith has erected a new barn on
the rear end of his lot. . . .Misses
Ida Fields and Emma Moycr were
visiting friends in Mazeppa over
Sunday .... Fisher Walter, Grayer
Smith, - WeUie Heintzclman and
Chas. Herman rode to Selinsgrovc
on their wheels on Saturday and wit
nessed the raising ofOld Glory. . . .
John Dcitrich is riding anew "lioyal
Flush". . . .There was a wreck be
low town on Monday evening. A
freight broke in two and one end ran
into the other, derailing four cars.
Fortunately no one was injured. . . .
Quite a number of cyclists passed
through here on Sunday S. A.
App and wife, of Sclinsgrove, were
visiting in town on Sunday evening
. . . Thompson Hilbish and family
of Sclinsgrove spent Sunday with
friend i here. . , .
VOL. 35. NO. 29.
Konort or tlip Condition of llio First National
Itankof MlilitlitlmrKli. ill Mlililli'lmrKll. In the
Siuih ii( IVmiH.vl wila, ill t lie cIumu oi Imaluttw
July 14, Ihvh:
IXIIIH lllllllllHOOIIllt.S
ovi-nlnm-H, fxruriMt nml iitiwi'iin-il..
V. S. liimds (owTiimoiivuliiUoii....
l S. HonilH on liiiiid
ITi'inluins un U. s. llonUn
county IloniK
StiM'kH H.HlirltlAtl ill..
. i.iigau'
- " ... . ........( w, JMI.wl
;"V " . .i ii. , umi ii.miiii. to.IHl.l-l
otliiT real iwiiii ami inorKiuntt owiiihI
III!., rmiii li ii
tiiiii'iiitr.iiittiuii rn.i, t. ..!....... ... ..
..... ....... ...ii ivmt.1 ii.iiiknv'iot IIUIHTVU
Aci'litH) 4i,W).n7
niii-rnimsuihUiiiik.HHni lunki'in .... J,70.:w
Hue from approved nwrv iiniiH M.wvhT
i iiti kk miu oi ni'r ctmn lli'ins
Nuti'sorotliiT Nilllonal Hanks.. ..!...
Kruclloniil iuHT ciirn'iu-.v.nli'kli'ii, ami
Lawku. Miinky ItKsr.iirr in Hank
vu :
Hpii-ln 14.tIll.T3
Li'val-tiMiiler notes 4 .oimni
UiHti'inpiion mini wiiii r. s. Tri'iisun r
t."i Kr com. of rliviiiiiilon)
l,r,M :ti
Cailliiltiickpalilln IAil.1n11l.1111
SlIlllllH Kllllll JU.IWII.IM
I'nillvlilril pinnis, Ii'ms I'xpi'iiscH ami
taxi'H paid l,:no.w;
National II. ink Holes uiitNtiuullii
Dim tootlirr Nallonal Imnk.H. ltl.riW,m
DIvlili'iitM inipuld Tun mi
Dim to smii' lliinkH and llaiikoCH V7VZ!
Individual drMI huIiJim-I
toi'1111'k 1T,VU.N'I
Ili'lnandi'fitllUati'sot di'- 4,ai:itn
t'"lt JM.l:i5.iil
Noti'aanil Hills ivdlsHUinti'il
TOT A I :1'.I,-J75-W
I.. I. N. TltOMrsoN, .Ir., CiiHlilcrot I lie hImivh
naini'd liaiik.d'isoliMiinly swear that tlni ahovit
Hiaii'ini'iit Islnmtu tint bint ut my knowledge
uiid belief.
J. N. TIIOMI'SON, Jr.,(-iwhler.
SiiliHorllied nml sworn to betoi u iiiu I Ida iird
day ot July Mis.
.1.(1. WEISKH, Notary 1'uMlc.
CoiiKKirr Alltsl :
How it Worked at Blooms
burg. It is said that when the lllooms"orswert)at wnrk eiitiiiiera
tin tlii! school children the parcnt.i
of many of llitni made fidse returns
as toae, etc., to enable them to
keep their children tit work iu the
factories. The return made was 2t 10
short ol the actual number. Now
the school board discovers that the
state appropriation, which is appor
tioned upon the number of children
ol school aov, has been cut ijNOi).
Au extra hall mill has been added
tilhelevy i 11 order to keep the schools
Rev. Driickcuiuillcr preached his
second serinoii last Siinday since his
return Ironi his vacation. He made
the happy aunouneeiiieiit that the.
salary of $."00 was nearly all paid
aud the small balance due is also
provided. He communed a cateche
tical class alter service on Sunday. .
Mrs. 15. W. UoiulH'ieroflOli.alx'th
ville and her sister, Mrs. Kvans of
l'hi la., are the guests of Mrs. Ed
ward I Sassier A happy party
consisting of l'rof. ISoyer, 1'. 15.
Moycrand wife, three daughters and
Miss Kline of Allcntown attended
the pic-nie in Paige's grove last Sat
urday. The young Indies had their
mandolin and rendered acceptable
music for the large and appreciative
audience, assisted by tliethreelJailey
brothers who played on instruments
of their own make. They enjoved
the sumptuous dinner prepared bv
Mrs. W. H. Swartz l'rof. Wnl.
Moyer, President of the Snyder Co.
Choir Convention, wi'.s honored by
church choir publication house of
Chicago by having his picture and
biography inserted intheissuo which
will be issued at the choir convention
to be held August 20 Mrs. Ed
ward llassler and her son, J. C. Y.
Bossier, attended the funeral of Mis.
Giuidrum who died at l'hila., aged
88 years and 4 months. She was
born at Selinsgrovc, married Geo.
Gundrum who died 40 years ago
and Is interred at Sclinsgrove. She
wafl the last of the family of six
brothers and four sisters Mr.
Hendry and P. II. Knight, Esq.,
of Fashmyers, Florida, are here Ut
Visit Mrs. Hendry who also w as here
to visit iriends, but she was' stricken
with serious illness and is now at
the home of I. ft. ltoiniy at Knntz
I near her birthplace.