Medncwe, This tells of a discovery that alleviates suffering and frotongs lift. It is inexpensive, effective. : Medical tcicMC is revolutionised over this, one of the greatest achievements of modern times. AT .'. v- TV fid that several do&ut ipent fcc th4 Cktnt nd rood ingemoui instrument of ptfO, M - "firtSw tc P kwncwt .it-iri a new. inexpensive and ture JSVth. reiocatloo of health .ni the jLch wM the ewerieace ol Mrv. A4 'VSmt'w owvoas, desponding per. Jo, Attn made eitrong, active woman . cheerful, helpW wile. Mn. Hen suffered terribly bora female Jiwfdefi. Hef nervet became wutruofo rimpi erfpe te nd Mulcl m04t TVand phyjlcaOy dcmoralLred he, that the slightest labor wearied Lt od household duties were a burden. I The mott alarming symptom of hw Ljjdy were the frequent hinting spells SataHlided her. ja the miM w 77 w venation, dUitoen would coma upon her aod ih( would fall prottrat. taaiwooo. ... W a mutable ehrttciaa. He durd her cue and preacribed the usual ImUad ot improymf , cononucu grow wotss I the aflment that waa fobbing iberiueot tne joy" r" Ibtcamc niors pronounced. It seemed Impossible to correct or nrcn to check the disorders. M I had become greatly weakened," said Mrs. Herr, in telling her story to a reporter, "and the awful cramps and the frequency and nature of the fainting spells alarmed me beyond belief and shattered my system. "I tried electric treatments it failed, and 1 did not know where to turn for help. M A friend told me how her mother bid been greatly benefited by taking Dr.Vil liinu' Pink Pills for Pak People. MI had but little hope for success) but da tided to give these pills a trial ' SI took two boxes and ws much bens' .filed. After taking six more boin I was cured. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People had done what all the previous treatment had failed to do. "I am fully restored to health now, and do things that I had hardly cUre attempt before." No discovery of modern times his proved such a boon to women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, regulating the functions, they restore the strength and health to the exhausted woman when every effort of the physician proves unavailing. These pills arc recognized everywhere as a specific for diseases of the blood and nerves. For paralysis, locomotor ataxia, and other diseases long supposed incurable, they have proved their efficacy in thousands of cases. Truly they arc one of the greatest blessings ever bestowed upon mankind. Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Nnety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIEE STOCK OF FURNITURE , AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICE EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. , t We are uot wlllun our, but we do this to inoreaae our salm above any pre. vIouh year. W kIv h few of the prices ns follows : Soft Wood Chamber Suite 14.00;Cotton Top Mattress.. J ffl 1 VU.iAil Phnnthut) NlltrB..... Itl.tHI: llOVPIl i! rr HUTU ' JJi yiJiuw. ' ', . . Antique Oak Suits, 8 Piece lD.OOiBed SprlnKU Plush Parlor Suits 80.00 : Drop Tab hh, per ft Wnn,l,.n Chairs ner et 2.50Platfonu Rockers In stock. everythlnR In the furniture line, Iuludliir Mirrors, book Caae Decks. Sideboards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fauoy Rockers Baby Ghalra Father Pillows, Lenses, Couched Douuhtrays, 6ink8 Hall Racks, Can Heat Chairs 6ne, uiedium and oheap furniture, to suit all classes. ( Prices reduced ull through. Come early and see our etock before, KlvlnK your order, and thus save 15 lo 20 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Givon to yndertakinji & Embalming. . KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, L.imited, MIFFUNRCRUU. 1' 1.23 .60 2 60 FIRELIFE 8 flNDFACClBENT!) LOCATION, AMHKTM. , Liverpool, Eng. (includinjr foreign itHseth) 84:1,000,000.00 orJ, of Hartford, Conn., (oklest American CoO 8,Cir.,735.G2 ix, ; HnrJford, Conn. P,5H8,038.07 Four Free Scholarships To b awarded by t Tho Best Practical School in America. TO THE EOUR PERSONS Who secure the largest number ' of votes in tiie contest ex- plained below. Get yonr friends to subscribe for lb? POST aim scenic a Free , Scbolarsnip- Wo have just coik-muIimI nit ar- ranm'intnt wlu'tvhy we art I'tiablttl to otter cadi of four young persons a free wliolarship in the celebrated rjistnmn J5ii(iness College, l'otigli kecsie, Nef York, the New York IJusiness Institute, 125th Street, New York City, or the National CorresiMiulcnre Schools through which they give instniction by mail. These, instituions are known in every section of the world. Their graduates are thoroughly equipped for business pursuits, and are nuni1)cred by tens of thousands. They are found in every citv and in almost every county and village in the United Stiites. The courses of study given are short, inexpensive, practical and useful and all'onl a U-ttt r training for business than can lie had in any other school. $ 1 1 0-1 x Fn k k Sn ro i a us 1 1 n -$ 1 1 0 The fylhiwing statement by Mr. Clement C. ( Jaines, I'residt'iit of the College, explains what the uillcrcnt scholarships are and what their value is as prizes. , $37 Fiwt I'kizk $3i. A $3") Sun i.AUsmi'-l'iouKs, 2. Good for a term of twelve weeks iHTSonal instruction (at the College) in the ACAPKM1C, 1UISINF.SS, SI IOIlT-l I AND, T Y lMC-WlUT-IN(1, TKLKdllAI'II an.l l'KN MANSII 11' departments, and 82 for complete Short-hand Inioks. If the st talent prefer, Instruction bv Mail in i(Hik-keeping and Short-hand of - hdvIi-w of kuviuwk. the same value will be given. $32 Sku ix ii l'ui.K '?32. A 30 SuiciLAUsmi'-lVioKs, 2. Votes Allowed tm Si hmcrij. TIOXS. ., t , . ' For tvery new sulwcriptiou or re newal for a year aecomiianied by $1.00 in cash one hundred votes will be given, . For every sumontlwsubscription or renewal paying 50 ce'ute fifty (50 votes will be given. For every dollar's worth of job work, legal advertising, business ad vertising or other printing brought to this office, we will issue a certi ficate, when work is paid for calling for 100 votes in the contest. Scl;olar;?)ip Coupop. This Coupon entitles to ONE VOTE in theMiddleburgh )ST'S contest for 4Scholarshipat Eastman business College, luigh k?epsie, X. Y., worth $110. (iW). W., Proprietor. Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a chance to get other jiapers cheap we have made arrangements with a huihIkt of lMipers to combine tl IOIII L'if Mil... IV WT at sjH-cial rates. The regular rate pel year for the I'ciht is $1.50 but during our special offer we will accept $1.00 per year in advance. Then if any want'other papers tlmt we name klow we give them tlie mlvanUige of sjHtial rates. The first column names the publisher's price, the second the amount which added to $1.00 will pay for the l'osr" and the publication named. The list is as follows. GCENE IN'A PORTUGAL WINERY, In the mountains, at the Quinto do Sexto, J'ortujjal, a famous Fort Wine district where tho custom of treadi;; Vc Speafor Port Wina is still in vogiie. ! From tn to a do.x?; mo:i or wotyea tor each gang in turn continue the treading, day and night, daring the four or five weeks vintage. Some of the treading vats are large enough for three separate rows of n men each, who with their white breeches well tucked up, their mi on each other's shoulders, raise and tread theit feet alternately, .th song and shouts to keep the lazier ones up to th work, and a band with string instruments enlivens the hours. Spccr, of New Jersey, Uses Hollers instead of Feet It is from this district the vines were imported over forty years age that now (ill the vineyards of the Speer Wine Co., at Passaic. At Passaicthe same kind of grapes are crushed between large rol lers of rubber, revolved by Meain. This is the only place in this country where the real genuine Port Wine is made from tho Oporto grape and they are grown right in Sheer's Vineyards. These vineyards extend over J$ of a mile along ono of tho Main avenues of Passaic, and comprise fifty six acres. The soil being rich in iron makes the wine most valuable for Medical use. SPEER'S WINES Are well known to be of the highest character, the oldest and most refined Wines in America, equal if not superior to any w ines in the world. They consist f Port, Sherry, Burgundy, Claret. Sauterns Wines, and -kir-k Climax Brandy. Mr. Speer has some Wine irt his cellars that he made over thirty eight years agov AJ1 Speer'a Wines and Brandy are very old, rich, well rounded, soft and delicate. Every family should have a bottle or two of each variety of Specr'a Wines and Brandy always in the home, for sickness or 1'ainilv use. For Salt by Druggists and Groctrs ll'hoScU High Class Wines. l"ub. ITIIH. N. Y. Wookly Trllmne, ((.ml Phllii. prsn, i.oo Wuslilniftori Wwkly IVwt. l.ixi J. Y. Thrlce-wokly WorM. l.mi Aincrlciin (iarciiMilii)f(M). i.oo 1'hllii. Inquirer (dully), ami Kurm Newa (.11), -no Womankind (Mi, .mi Amorli'iUKAKrlcuuurlM, i.oi Practical Farmer, i.m Maimzlnrg, Srrlhniir'H,' IKlli-H' Homo Ideal Tlie A.rpim. McCall's Fashion Muj.. MSIllKltlll, I.csllf'a Wii'kly, Sano-Rio ; century, .'Jim l.tHI J.w 1.INI I.IKI 4 (HI '.'.All 4.00 Com. Trice. .as ..'0 .411 .M X..VI 10 .10 .7S 7 i.M .IS S.HI ,:hi .NI 4.IKI ri- CM) .i.:iii You can makc.i varictv of com- TIu ppttllr iiiui'tliiim u( WHItl tllUMt bn kt'pt vlff- up uAue DCUtnV omu- tv1' for FEMALE COMPLAINTS i riht n tli.jr r wronit. ll tlwna wlii. mvinibtrlUiw ami wrtl. Ibo fiimu3aIW IU'Iit l'ly lierwlr Krllnvra an pwiji in lvciniiiiir Ovrln In 10 Mluutmk i'rumtly rellvt'K Htnuliub, Nkiiot,, IUihhI anil llladilir TniiilileN, Kalntnvi,, KtrV4iil d,,,, Vrr aal Iipondiny. CurkM tj.nniirrh,i.a. Wtttntl CumttlftlntM, I'tft- lilanmi-nta, nFkahf, Brartnif IWI I'Nin. all Kt.inu. uiiMirarnt. Hor.nt.HN itn.t Clirial..llH. C IllPrri tliHul'Irl" anil Vltll-a Mm wh.ilo rrami., w..r. Sum mill AhMiliitrlv UnrmWM, ...... .11.. Mill .m,nl.t k I'tmi In untlnanr ruxr. NIII.IP 111 Al.l. WKM.Hl'-l or nialli'4 In I'luln Krapiwr on n'oi'lpt ut prlct by I TbePertcdoCo.CaitnBt.Chlcaito I itaiiiMiiMB 1. XjDEf STOPS ALL PAIN IN TEN MINUTES' Sold 111 Miildlcliiiritli. I'n., Iy Mlildli'lnirit Priii I Co.; Ml. I'H'iKiini MIIIh I iy Hriiry llardlii); ;iinu m l'L'llll.1 I njt'h ll .1. . niiiiiini-n j biiuit ions from the above, for j stance the I'osTnnil X. V. Tribune, , much after her furmcr ones. BOOKS AND AUTHORS. Miss Nina Harrow is tho title of a ncsf took by Frances Cmirtenay Haylor. Amelic IHves has put forth a ni-iv m Btory, "A Dainnel Kirant," inoilelvil T iJ ' ' i 1 m 1 3j Insurance, fee SNYDEK'S old, AND RELIABLE Gen J Insurance Agency, SEIINSGROVE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- Blmor iTV. Snydor, Agont, Successor 1o tLe late William H. Snyder. ThoTar-Excellmice of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow ne list of Standard Companies, from which to make u nelec.tiou. None lietter the World over, NAM K, . FIRE Royal, Hartford, Continental, New York, PHH2, German American. New York. 1,240,0!W.8J LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, .2&4. 338.083.ft6 ACCIDENT EmployoiB' Liability Akhuiuucc Corporation, Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Cupital of 3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accidout risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt., lelephon No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Tine Sts. Se Jinscrove. P (iood for a complete course ' for 1.U.") ; the 1'iisr and the I'hila. Short-liaiid(witliliiNikH2)iiifliHrnij:( i;. OST( w lViiiciiilcs, with practical work in t y. Tiibnnc. Woniaiikiiid mul ln- i i i i:.... . . Vorrespomicncc ami .iiiii, '-!.(.ws ami other paiiers lor only! "Jennie June" (Mrs. .1. C. Crolj) lian i struct i m exclusively dv man , oi j j,, ,..1S, , ,iv.m).4. llU so , Sirs. Mary Mapes Douse has issued B compilalion of liri;ht utories, rhymes and pietures, culled "A New l'.uby World.' iiiersoiial instruction ot the same t ,inbinatioiis can be made to I value (limited to ten weeks) in any ,,,,.1,;,.' .lst4s Address all or department oftlie College, with nr jders to the lWr or hand (licm toour Simplified Short-hand Iiistnu'tor X'l. a,t.ts. tf A $' Suioi.Ansiiii'. Person- troubled with diarrhoea will tin itit.uri.uli.,1 in lliuovniii-iiiiin .if (iood course in llook-kecpiiif? ! Mr. W. M. P.usli, dork of Hotel (without Inioks) including Intth l Dorranee, rrovidimcn, U. I. II" i ii ii , ..,.,.. ,.,.:., ,j ! savs : "For sevei'id vini'n I tmvo '.''en Smjrle and double ent.j, ... in. .p es , he(imUnt m(fneir troM and practical work, instruction '' ; rhoea, thefreiiueutattaeksooiupleto- mail or personal instruction ot me ! ly prostrating me nmi reiiileiriitf me ... v.l, ...rliinited to ci'rht wrksV' untlt for ,n' llu'i t this hotel, more than Q00 vases twlei, a week. N.I ile(lliniU.l to cyit tK.j Abouttwo yarB ng0 H lrftVeiin thnt 1,,-r health was really saerilleed to in any department t tlie V ollcge, , (,ale8raan kindly kuvo mo a sinftll ' it. A visitor who curried to hern bunch 1 been appointed an inspector of publio ,,'lt Helmuts in New ork eity for a terra or ! fn o years. Mrs. Burnett, shnwiiifT seme visitors llie vault in her London house which ;n- unircd her latest siicee Quality," said: "ff r- "U l;now. 1 inst had to ! :; '. :io::ic: l.i.'.j; I'.appen, to lit thi;. ' ' and so Clorinda w born :: I on! her destiny !s ri leelly olivioiiH, yon see in fact. It waa Inevitable, alter I bad once stocd In this room." Pel la Thaxter was so devoted to what idio colled her "island garden" filling Look ! Look ! ! ' Look at younself when you buy elothiuC at my store, I keep cou tatitlv in stick the best anil finest line of Mats and (Scuts' I 'lot hint;. FiirnisHiiL' floods, Underwear CupH. Call to see my stock. i?. I mm BROTHERHOOD STOPC ScMILliV, - - l'KNNA f(r CANDY ALL . DRUGGISTS . . if REE TO GONSUUPTIVES. Dr. Haru UI mtU on traMMiion ' a fn unpl of bit new dlMMTury low tmHUmpilon. vroncDiu nn liuuri, which care t Mar tmrti. Tha Uoctor la very muoh Inkirwlad In prradtnit th new, ol IbU (raat raitmly. Kadon ara avntni to Ht wltkaat 4alaj. Ta W. n. BABTK. la., cimia . STOVE : X APHTHA rTho Cheapest and Best Eael on the Market. With ityoa Can run a vapor stove' 'for one- ' 'half cent iper hour. Give ns7 a' call and be - 'Convinced.,,;":.- '' ;'' ,' .':'':,' '' ";'." Schoch & Stahlneckr, Middleburjjh, Pa a t I without Immiks. 10 FoLHTH PitlZK !51t. A lft St hoi.Ai:.siiiP-Lis(i.N, 1 PKUS, $1. tjootl tor a term ot ten weeks, i correspondence instruction, in Short-, hand, including lesson jiapers but no Ixxiks; or jhtsoiiiiI instruction of the came value (limited to five weeks) in any department of the College, without buokfl..' - ' ' Thei'e prizes are easily . obtained and llie four young pei-Rons who mnki! tiic most telling cfliirtn and appeal to their friends for help will win them. The POST, wants to add 1,000 Biibseriliers to ' its list within tlie next 4 montlis. , Jo ac complish ' . this end it offers the scholarships to the four ladies or gentlemen who secure the greatest numlier of votes in our Eastmax Collegk Co.ntiht which ia started to-day and will close with the lust issue of the POST for August, 1898. Every ballot cut from this paper counts one vote. Certificates for , votes acquired by new subscriptions antTrenewals with cash ia advance will be issued with ballot annexed, which niustlw filled but and forwarded to be counted No votes except those written on the ' printed ballots cut from the columns ot this paper ortliose allow ed for subscription,! renewals, job- work and advertising will be count ed. Extra copies ot the POST may be obtained at 3 cents jper copy. bottle of Chambai In n's Uolie (Iliol- of mnpnlneent exotics from her own era and Di snhoea ftouiod v. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were immediate. Whenever I felt symptons of the diseaso I would fortify myself against tho attack with a few dosts of this valuable remedy. The result has been very aaf.iafatnrir anil filnmnf nmnnlnrn relief from the allliction," For sale j on,y profeHHor In that Instin by all Druggists. ;:tLS COPIES WANTED. '. In order to coinjilete our files wO want .the following named issues of the Post: : July 8, Sept. 10, 1809; Oct. 0 consenntory found tier so atisorhed in her floral treasures as scarcely tg ho tie the gift. Itrandcr Mnt thews who;c "V!;. "' 'f of Maiituittim" arc so popular. ! -sor of KnpliHh literature at (' ..i!i''n'.. unlvemity; and, snd to relate, ' 1 U !.t nnnl collcfrc cirls to at'rrd Uis h! I'lC s!nJl is ovor flr ttilJiiU'I " tMnj?: nn'd wd'tniBt that Mr. Nfutthcws will reconsider his nciTTm, To prcpnri! lilmsoif pfoprt-ly fof the wrltlnp of "The Dnyit of .tchhne i)'.rc,(' Mrs. Maiy Hart well Cathcrwood vlnjted the pensnnts of Vohcs and liorrnlnn, Jir w-- r. JMI n lit n 'it a ui o iniunu niium it vontcn by jefujiiaj,' to nllv 13, 1870; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17 IT1 rie.l to project herself backward IkVq v i i o- iu-- -r ' 'nt0 "le 'rne ' "10 wonderful Maid of -NOV. '1. lhv.., Mai Domremy. In this way, she has snc- 7, 1878) May 15, 1879; Feb. 17 coded tn rcprodnclnff the atmoRphere Mar. 10, 1881 j Apr. 23, 1883'. March 27, June 12, and Oetolier' in iqoi jt 1 loot, t u wv, iom , i.n-jii.. xi t lociiijiiiin, i,3 May 6, Oct. 28, Dec. 23,1880; Dec. 29, 1887. Any of our readers,having copies of the ' aliove issues will confer a favor by letting us 'know. Such copies in goixl condition will com mand a fair price. , . tf. 1 Oar babv haa hfifin continiidllv troubled with colio and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not seem to give more than temporary rhef,' until we tried Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. Since giving that remedy he baa not been troubled. Wo want to Sive you this testimonial as an evi enoe of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy. Q. M.'Law, Keokuk.Iowa. For sale by all Druggist. of those days, nod has achieved a very skillful piece of historical pnintinjr ns she has so oftn done In her stories of colonial life nnd of the French and Indian troubles. A Rica DlatlDCtlcr. Wife (reading letter) Who do you think it coming to pay us a vUit? j Husband Who? . j Wife My mother. t Husband That will be ft visitation.' Town Topics. ' . S? $100 Eeward. $100. The readers of this naDer will be nlcased to lenrn thiil there Is at least one dlwane that science has neen ahle to cura In all Its stapes and that Is Cat-arrrh. llallrs Catarrh Cure la the only positive cure now known to the inedlca. fraternity. Catarrh belnjr conotltutlonal dis ease, iriifrei aconstltutlonnl treatment. Hall's Catarrh cure Ii taken Internally, antliiit dlrrtty utnn the blood aod nrncous surfaces nt the svstu'n. tuerehy destroying the foundation of the disease, arna fftvfnir the pstlrnt strenifth by building up the constitution and assistlnir na tnni in dotnr Its wor. The proprietor" have so mitnh faith In Its numtlTH nnwpra. that. fhfv off." ODsHUndredDollarsfnrsny case that It to cure.. wnciorllHtor tcpttmonials. A'l.lress. F J. CIIBNEY Ct., Toledo, O H'1by nnint,'its."fo. , , Uail'slarally Fills are the bestf . ' -t-- t s s:i A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasant voyage a foot . For tho pleas ure it gives, there's ;io'sail like our sale. Crowds are enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and hest lit tin Summer shoes now man ufactum!, at prices which huycis j'mmI ii ;t ju'c.'tsu.'V to pay. Foi house or street wear, pleasure or cvery-day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, wo supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. 6.H. WANTED-BRAINS Srelformi hmliow rinn rfnbllt bailllnn. ititirl uttTniM of Wuhiaftoa Hty. Tblitoek cou u muy dollin. It will U irat to jn lor aothiac. Wrlto u toty. ; i roxtn nt Ubml oSin ixl IhtkWt'i luiiust. Gi:ir la dUr. Ou m tfclsk of loottiltf to nUat I tbor aty W m wnlu. Bifore if ct grow lliu: rsopr A CO. Ptr ':''i''tjT r ' Boat Tobarro Spit tail RnioV Vi ur A nay. - To quit tobacco enally nmi tui-". i . netlo. full ot life, nerro iiu.l Iin Bac.the wnnilur wiirUiT. t atrong. All dri teed. Hoo'hIp', i Bterlinv KeincO . ..y. ". .. .... ' 'V" 1 .liliM i 1 "v''illl i I I " nwrnrwMi tiii : Zl