The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 21, 1898, Image 6

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    , AKSWTBIUttPg- '
... taturUM cast
- :l.inlLlinil MrnlM,
Will iua lo Hatter..-.. Three YreHoU.r 1
auinpUon and all Luug Yroubtae.
Vnthlnc could Ix-1 . more ubllantropto or
ca mTv loTlie anlicuai. Kan the gener-
1st. T. A. olocum. M. t '., of New urK Olty .
He has dlscor- a reliable and .,uic
joroounuminurti. audaU brm.culal. turoet, ton
and chest dVas. Wrt.l n-j.lloD, ireneral
Inline Ld wanness, U of flash slid all cod
anions ol wastlnif away. a.-l tomake Ua
merits known, will send three free
i wiy di-ovcred reinedlen to any amicted read
af tUe Fiwt.
Already his "new "'"ri'inc svatem ot medi
cine" baa permtninu eiirtd thousand ol ap-pa-ently
taupelM .-a. ,
TbeUocUrciMi!.l'i.-rli not onlv Ms P"'
slonui. but his rvlb. l..ty-e duly whlcb he
pet Vb bare committed this unnatev
nu crime. . Hare to tbe heatTWs trim':,
of Haul on Um walls of I'.atlw'jnu.
Here to a man wIm chased Mule Du
Tkl ten feet In stature chasing- four.
nr.TslniR'W at:rl-
bntes to intjilelity . Here to tha man who consulted a .alr
Hie reason for so Toyant-wKeh of Endor. Here .
liiitiiv sin It iau-iftt'man who, whipped In battle, Instead
Acts xvi, S8, "Do' of surrendering his sword wKn dlgni-
foe seats wo!4 N
progress, and tl
HiV rnvi;'
In? tUm the rt:
WfiiW (d . . -be
r!l, ! '
diet. :t
mtnesuiHurreriuiiiiuiuiaity -Jo donate bis In- U'D tne herlrT must be enduugeouetl
for tfcrve or four' yearn, uud if tbii
prisoner bntiklng Jail was to have suf
fered ca)itr puulKlimttiit then tbe
lie has presided the -drwedfd consumption"
o be a curable dtsea-e J ouU doubt, in euy
.-llmaUs. an.l lias on file In Ills A'"fl',nrf"
Kuroiean lah-.ratorli-a tliunHHiida ul "be";
ivstlinoalals of gratitude" trom those bvueflttea
nd cured, In all parts ol the worldV
t'siarrhnl and pulmonary troubles lead to son
xumptlon. and consumption. '"""IlES;
ineuns speedy nnd certain death. ln t -y
until It Is too late. Simply write T. A. sloeum.
M. C . Wt IMiie Mireel.. New York. glvlug eJUWesa
and posiofllce address, and the free medicine
wlllbeprompllvsent. Please toll the Doctor
ou saw bis oner in the Host.
It Mat SeSkr LMffl The
tun and ambitions ol Ills ran
be mimed to yon. fljjW
nnLiuna NttrToai Debili
ty sre abKrtnWly . eprejl by
LlilTS prompt relief to lnomul.
Ifalllns mmoTj imi
F anddraln of Tltal powera.lncar
red by lndlcrellonoreicies
of early years. Imrl t nor
i ....n tji M.rt f unrLInO
traeeapthe syatom. ui P5ax ;.V.of7ooni
, hoeas and luntre to tbeeyea oi yoona
Nfold On. bos n"sn 1 1", g, ISSi
Kr alc in Mitltlleliiirjrli, 1'iu, by
Miildklnirg Inig t., inMt. Picas
:int Mills by Ib'iiryIIardinp,nn(l in
IVtm'B Crifk by J. W. Sanipsell.
h..if hrm " tj. as many a man nas uone. aK ui
Would "trvanl lo ,ul "" " " uru
ftervam oecnueu, uieu iuc
the Ullt ot his sword In tbe earth, tbe
ulrnrp iMlut sticking upward, and be
throws bis body on It and expiree
the coward, the suicide! Here Is Ahl
tophel, the MacWavelil of olden times.
letrnyluK his liest friend, laTid. lu or
der tlmt he may become prime minis
ter of Absalom, and joining that fel
low In his attempt ut parricide. Not
getting what be wanted by of
politics ne takes a short cut out of a
(llsnraoefiil Mfe Into the suicide's eter
nity. There he Is, the Ingrate!
lre Is Ahlmelech, practically a sui
cide. He Is with an army bombarding
n tower, when a woman In tbe tower
Here is a
be suicide arrest
ed in his deadly at
tempt He was a sheriff, and accord
li to the Roman law, a bailiff himself
must suffer the puulshment due an
escaped prlHouer, and If the prisoner
breaking Jail was seutenced to be
enduii'i'ontd for three, or four years
sheriff uiubt suffer i-njilinl punishment
The sheriff had received special charg'!
to keen a' sharp, lookout for Paul and
flas. The government had not much
ZT"ZZ Z "LL " :.lak -nud-tone from 1U place and
MIC lill-THT IWV in II"
there sHmed to be something strange
.ioobury & Lewistowu Division.
In effect June 26, 1898.
I 111
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I :W
I v4
:t 1 1
1. tl
2. 1
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p B
li.uo ;
,11. W
11 I'l
A. I.
L.wlttoea J.
Mala Street
Raub'i MID
Hen lor
S.llninroT. J,
am p m
T.30 S.05
T.S3 S.U8
7.48 t.W
7, 4
8 (IK 1.4.1
8.11 8.S1
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8. M 4.04
8.H4 4.14
! 8.40 4 20
8.4 4.M
S.4 4.u
8.M M
9.00 4 4'i
D.CK1 4.48
9.18 101
Train leaves Suubury 5 25 p m, ar
rives at Selinsgrove 5 45 p m
Trains leave Iewlstown Junction :
l "s a m.lo IS s m,12S7 P m,S n m,T 07 11 68 p ta
AHoona, Fitlslmra; and the West.
KorltaltliiKireand Waslilnxton wSSam 10Q,
) .18 4 W. 1 M p in For Philadelphia ami New
York 838 9 8ft a in. 102 133 4 43 and 1114pm iol
llurrisbura: 7 OJ a ni and 8 24 p in
Philadelphia & Erie R R Division.
Trains leave Runbury dally eieept 8unilay :
1 24 a m lor Krle and Cananilalijua
Id m lor llellclonte Erie ami tJanandslfua
w a m lorTliok Havrn, Tyrone nnd the eel.
1 III pm lor Helloront. Kane t'anar.dalnua
1 45 p in lr .cnnn nnd H hnln
m -il p ra or it'illl iinPii1 1
Sunday 5 .1 a m lor Krm and t-i nut ilKUa
u 45 a ni lor Look Haven au.l 25pu lur wl
n in a m lorCatawliwa and Hntolton
Hill a in, y Mam 2 00 and 5 43pm lor WIlkM
barre and Hazelton .
T(0s m. Id 20 a in, 2 M p m, 5 4.1 p m for Shamo
klnnnd Mount I'arinel
Su iday 0 M a ui lor Wllke-lwr -e
ami suin'rnnMirtil. 8ure enough, by
miraculous 'power, they are free, ami
the sheriff, waking out of a souud sleep
and supposing iliese ministers have
ran away aud knowing that they were
to die for preaching Christ and real
ising that he must therefore die, rather
than go under the executioner's ax ou
the morrow and suffer public disgrace,
resolves to precipitate his own de
cease. Hut liefore the sharp, keen
glittering dagger rf the sheriff could
strike hlit heart one of the unloosened
prisoners arrests the blade by the com
mand "lo thyself no harm."
In olden times and where (Chris
tianity bad not Interfered with it
suicide was considered honorable and
a sign of courage. Demosthenes
iMilsoiieit himself when told that Alex-
'auder's niulmiisiidor had dcinauded Hit
surrender of tbe Athenian orators.
Ixocrates killed himself rather than
surrender to Philip of Mncedoii. Cato,
rather than submit to .liillns Caesar,
took his own life, and three times after
tils wounds had been dressed tore them
open and perished. Mithrldates killed
himself rather than submit to Pompey
the conqueror. Hannltal destroyed
his life by poison from bis ring,
considering life unbearable. I.y
rurgus a suicide, Hrutus a suicide.
After the disaster of Moscow Napoleon
nlways carried with him a preparation
of poison, and one night his servant
heard the ex-emperor arise, put
something In a glass and drink It and
soon after his groans aroused all the
attendants, and H was only through
the utmost medical skllll that he wait
resuscitated. Times have changed,
and yet the American conscience needs
to be toned up on the subject of suicide
Have you seen a paper In the last
month that did not announce the pas
sage out of life by one's own behest?
A pulpit not long ago expressed some
doubt as to whether there was really
anything wrong about quitting this
life Vhen M becomes disagreeable, and
there are fouud lu respectable circles
people n'vlopet!- for the crime which
1 v. ir ',,'M uir st:Ml. I shall show
' Vlotv I , l llirmij:'! suicide
i l lie worst of all eiliius. and I shall
1 , warning ui.i'ilKiiikaMe. lint lu
I the aily part of this sermon I wish
! io :i:..:ilt that some of the liest Chrls
J tlnns that have ever lived have com
mitted self destruction, but always In
I ' 'inentla and not responsible. I have
ii more doubt about their eternal fe
i limy than I have of the Christian who
dies in bis bed In the delirium of ty
ilioid lever. While the shock of the
'those who have had Christian friends
tinder cerebral abberatlon step off
Trains ,tve Selin'urovo Junction
Uiki a in, "ffi'U dnv arrivmic nt f llll d'-lphla
loo p m New Yurk A VJ m itaUtiuore 8 11 p in
Wa-lilnvton 41 i i in
WuKiilnKton 10 M p m.
SSTpui. we.-k .Iny arriving at Philadelphia
... . . V . V T UO m HI
Trails ali l.av. Sunhury: I the boundaries of this life, to have no
sMsmly'""'1' :;'u:t their !i li.piness. .The dear
Iliillliii.iroOil in Washlnirton 74(1 am ow ' , . ,,.!,,,
York w Ma in Winkdayn. Ki a iu Min liiy. '.,,! Ilu ill ICht out Of their Ull-
p in. Washinittou i uo p in. : ty. How ChrlFt feels toward the ln-
i v. p ui. week day. arriving h""'i1ihh : naiie yon may know from the way he
' (' ill. i .i w 'ro j. u. . ...
Wn.hlnnton 7 16 pm
trcr'e'l t!'e denioi.l.'ic of Cia'dara, nnd
JiSi i.S!tlu. cliil.. lunatic, nnd the potency with
Italtluiure ' ' , which !.o
1. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pass Agent
J.B. HCTCIIIXSON Oen'l Manan.r.
Vs7 Tnn!
The Eldredge
The Belvidere
Superior to nil others irrespective
of price. Catalogue tells you
why. Write for one.
., ,. t.OAUWAY, Factory.
ixcw Yark. BELVIDEBE, ILL.
husbel teiniH'Sts either of sea
or lira In.
Scotland, the laud prolific of iutel-
lectual giants, had none grander than
Hugh Miller, great for science aud
great for God. He was an cider In
St. John's Tresbyterlan Church. He
came of tbe best highland blood nnd
was r. descendant of Donald Key, a
man eminent for piety and the rare
drops It upon his head, and with what
life he has his cracked skull
he commands his armor liearer "Draw
thy sword and slay me lest men say
Hint a woman slew me!" There Is his
post mortem phoUi-rapb lu tu book
of Samuel. " '
Hut the hero of this group Is Judas
Iscarlnt. Dr. Donne says he was a
martyr and we have lu our day apolo
gists for him. And what wonder In
this day when we have a book reveal
ing Aaron Iturr as a pattern of virtue,
and this day when we cover a statue
of tieorge Sand as the benefactress of
literature, and In this day when there
are betrayals of Christ on the part of
some of bis pretended aitostleB a be
trayal so black it makes the infamy of
Judas I sen riot white. Vet this man by
his own hand hung up for-the execra
tion of all ages, Judas Israrlot.
All the good men aud women of the
Bible left to tlod the decision of their
earthly terminus, nnd they could have
said with Job, w ho had a right to com
mit suicide If ever any man had,
what with his destroyed property, and
Ids body all amine with Insufferable
carbuncles nnd everything gone from
his home except the chief curso of It,
n pestiferous wife and four garrulous
ix-onle pelting hi in with comfortless
talk while he sits on a heap of ashes
scratc-liiiiz his scabs with a iWeve of
broken pottery, and crying tfut In trl
umph, "All the days of my appointed
time will I wait till my change
Notwithstanding the Bible is against
this evil and the aversion which It
creates by the loathsome and ghastly
spectacle of those who have burled
themselves out of life, and notwith
standing Christianity Is against It and
the arguments aud tbe ' useful Nves
and the illustrious deaths of Its disci
pies, it is a fact alarmingly patent that
suicide is on the increase. What Is
the cause? I charge upon Infidelity
and agnosticism this whole thing. If
there be so hereafter, or If Hint here
after be blissful, without reference to
how we live nnd how we die. why not
:.rve back 'the foldln-? doors Itetwcon
his world and i.i.? wxt ; .'!' v i-n
our existence hi :v boc( r vi , i. '
some why not pass right ... l.i.o
cljsluiu? rut this so u n; -u u
most solemn reflections. There has
never liccn a case of suicide wtn.e the
operator was not either demented, nud
therefore Irresponsible, or an InfldeL
I challenge all the ages and I challenge
all the universe. There never has been
a case of self destruction in full ap
preciation of his immortality and of
tbe fact that that immortality would
lie glorious or wretched according as
he accepted Jesus Christ or rejected
ion say It is a tmslness troiii'le or
you say It Is electrical currents or it
la this or it is LUat or It is the other
tblug. Why not go clear back, my
friend, and acknowledge that In every
case It Is the abdication of reason or
f.i. teaching of Infidelity, which prac
tically says. "If you don't like! this
lite get out of it, and you will laud
either in annihilation, where there are
uo notes to pay, no persecutions to sui
ter, no gout to torment, or you will
laud where there will be everything
glorious and nothing to pay for it."
Infidelity has always been apologetic
lor self immolation. After Tom Taluc's
"Ago of Reason" was published aud
widely rend there was a marked In
crease of self slaughter.
gift of SM'coud sight. His attainments, i
nllmlilni nn na lie .'111 from the mmrrr .
..,.1 .i. ...ii f .i, ,,, ,ir,.r A man In Loudou heard Mr. Owec
; ueuver ms niiiiici icciure ou socialism
and went home, gut down and wrote
TIT w,skB3?'',i f
I I Beat Cuusta bjrup. TsUe Good. CsS I I
II Intlnm. Hold br dracaiMa. "I I
forth the astonished admiration of
r.ucklund and Munhlsnii, the scient
ists, and Dr. Chalmers, the theologian,
and held universities spellbound while
he told them the story of what he had
seen of ".ihI In "The Old Red Sand
stone." That man did more than any
other being that ever II veil to show
that he Cod of the bills ! the God of
the Bible, and he struck his funlng
fork cn the rocki of Cromarty until he
brought geology and theology accord
ant I:: divine worship. Ills two books,
entilbd "Footprints of the Creator,
and "The Testimony of the Rocks,"
proclalu.'.d the bui-iia of an everlast
ing marriage betwsvu genuine science
and revelation. On this latter book be
tolled day nnd night, through Iwve of
nature love of God, until he could
not sleep i:iid his brain gave way and
he was found dead with a revolver by
bis side, the cruel Instrument having
had two bullets one for him and tb
other for the guncmlth who, nt tbe
coroner's inquest, woe examining It,
and fell dead.. Have you any doubt
of the beat I Heat lorn of Hugh Miller af
ter bis hot brain had 'censed throb
bing that winter night In his study at
PortobeUo? . Anioner tbe mightiest of
earth, among tim mightiest of heaven
To show how God io tbe Bible look
ed upon this crime I point you te flfee-
rogues picture gsilery In some pet)
of tbe Bible, tbe pictures of tbe peo-
these words: "Jesus Christ Is one of
the weakest characters In history, and
the Bible the greatest possible de
ception," and then shot himself. Dav
id Hume wrote these words: "It
would be no crime for me to divert
the Nile or the Danube from Its nat
ural bed. Where, then, can be the
crime in my diverting n few drops of
blood from their ordinary channel?
Ami, having written the essay, he
loaned it to a friend, the friend read
It, wrote a letter of thanks nnd ad
miration and "hot himself, Appendix
to the same book.
Rousseau, Voltaire, Gibbon, Mon
tnigne, were apologetic for self im
molation. Infidelity puts up no bar
to people rushing out from this world
Into the next. They teach us It does
not make any difference how you live
here or go out of the world. You will
land either In an oblivious nowhere or
a glorious somewhere. And infidelity
holds the upper end of the rope for
the suicide aud aims tbe pistol with
which a man blows his brains out and
mixes tbe strychnine for the last
swallow. If Infidelity could carry th?
day and persuade tbe majority of peo
pie In this country that H does not
make any difference how you go out
of this world yon will land safely, the
Totomac would be so foil ef corpse
" us--.
xn uld
. --.t ver
' ' -il iincpon
'. u.iu was
- -. ' ik the oth-
read Infidel
. -1 Infidel lecture.
. :o.l from this man's
.-c!.,ilin of future Tetrl-
bntioti. be omi:i;'Med self-slaughter.'
Haw h ul: io do with an Infidel
ity so t-iiu. mi debasing. Come out
of that l:-d company Into the 'com
pany of these who U-lleve In tlis
Bible. Benjamin Franklin wrote, "Of
this Jesus of Nnxaretlt I have to say
that the system of morals be left and
the religion he has given us are the
best tblugs the world has ever seen or
la likely to see." Patrick Henry, the
electric champion of liberty, say,
"The book worth all other books put
together Is the Bible." Benjamin
Rush, the lending physiologist and an-
ntoniist of his day, the great medical
scientist v hat did he say? "Tbe on-
Iv true nnd perfect religion Is Chris
tie nit v." Isaac Newton, the lending
ihlJoKcpher of his time what tlld he
say? "The siiiniiuest puuosopny on
eai-h Is the philosophy of the gosptl."
David Brewster, nt the pronunciation
of whoso name every scientist the
world over hows ills bend David
Brewster saying. "Oil. this religion
has been a great light to me. n very
great ligl.t nil my days." President
Thiers, the great French statesmnn,
acknowledging that h prayed when
be said, "I Invoke the Ixird God, in
whom I am ghid to believe." David
Livingstone, nble to conquer the lion,
able to coueucr the panther, nlde to
conquer the savage, yet conquered by
this religion, so when they find him
dead they find him on bis knees.
Young men of America, come out of
the circle of Infidels mostly made up
of cranks and liuleclleB into the com
pany of Intellectual giants and turn
your back on an infidelity which des
troys body and soul.
Ah, Infidelity, stand up and take thy
sentence! In the presence of Cod, nn
gels and men, stand up thou monster!
Thy Hp blasted with blasphemy, thy
cheek scarred with tinclennncss, thy
breath foul with the corruption of the
ages! Stand up satyr, filthy goat,
buzzard of the nations, leper of the
centuries! Stand up, thou monster. In
fidelity! Tart man, part panther, part
reptile, part dragon, stnnd up and
take thy sentence! Thy hands red
with the blood In which thou hast
washed, thy feet crimson with the
htimnn gore through which thou hast
waded, stand up and take thy sen
tence! Down with thee to the pit and
sup on the sobs and groans of those
thou host destroyed, and let thy inns-
Ic lie the everlasting miserere of those
whom thou hast damned. I brand
tbe forehead of infidelity with all the
crimes of self Immolation for the last
century on the part of those who had
their reason,
Why was it that at midnight, Just
at midnight, the destroying nngcl
struck the blow that set the Israelites
free from Mciloo? The 4nn years
- i-.. t -, - . :.- tlmt ; . TV
' MP " "tvl 1
! (! V(.i '! !;! " tardy end
too bite. The 4S0 were :'P nl
12 o'clock, and the destroying angel
struck the blow, nnd Israel was free.
And God knows Just the hour when
if Is time to lead you up out of the
earthly bondage. By bis grace, make
not the worst of things, but the liest
of them. If you must take the pills,
do not chew them. Your everlasting
rewards will accord with your earth
ly perturbations. Just as Calus gave
to Agrlppa a chain of gold as heavy
as bad been a chain of Iron. For tbe
asking you may have the same grace
thnt was given the tallan martyr. Al
gerlus, who down in the darkest dun
geons dated his letters from "the del
ectable orchard of the Leonine pris
on." And remember thnt this brief
life Is surrounded by a rim a very
thin but very important rim aud
close up to that rim Is a grent eternity.
nnd you had better keep out of it un
til God breaks that rim and separates
this from that. To get rid of the sor
rows of earth do not rush Into greater
sorrows. To get rid of a swarm of
summer Insects leap not Into a Jungle
of Bengal tigers.
There Is a sorrowless world, and It
Is so radiant that the noonday sun Is
onlv the lowest doorstep, and the nu
rora that lights up our northern heav
ens, confounding astronomers as to
what It can lie, Is the waving of the
banners of the procession come to
tnl;e the conquerors home from
church militant to church triumphant,
and you aud I have 10,000 reasons for
wanting to go there, but we will never
get there either by self Immolation or
Impeultency. All our sins slain by
Christ who came to do that thing, we
want to go In nt Just the tlmo divinely
arranged, aud from a couch divinely
spread, and then the clang of the sep
ulchral gates behind us will be over
powered by the thing of the opening
of the solid penrl before us. O Uofl,
whntever others may choose, give me
a Christian's burin!, a Christian's Ira
a Christian's burial, a Christian's in
tuortalty! x
ii.r,7www.iwii) iron n."."."j g.,.. C"33!!'Mr
rui a
Would you' feel perfectly
eutfa to put svll your money
Id a new bank ? - One you
have Just heard of?
But how about an old
bank? One that haa done
business for ower a quarter
of a century? One that haa
always kept Its promises?
One that never failed : never
V misled you In any way?
& Tou could trust such a bank,
S couldn't you?
K like such a bank. It has never 3
5 disappointed you, never will. ,e
if lb has never deoolved you. !
$ nover will.
ajOOK Out w&ti auiuouuo ,f
V does not try to make you
invest your health in a new
J tonic, some new medicine jg
K you know nothing of.
(oc and i.oo; all drugHta, tf
OF SCOTT & BOWNb, umoiku, new Ten. 5
a eundwfal Imiiimtaaf I ta leila aw
Gle.Baek. BackaaotloaotOarrlatT.inairt'
vmf fluff in in awm'
all the m4 lo stand Mm wl7'?
Inf. ajreel amvtaw ta swwee wm, ,
Wi aae pram free. A NprH.. H'-U
Calrtemtere, 4'era rtaattere, tbellrrL
jfmtHm (All Jpr. I
trrnn nhl'V is e 'care far rfrTl
dl Ur-Uni.aA whic-ce; beeiw.
without tnekaoeledceof the drinker im. atnff, Ih. omim fnr lin... .T.
... WMtlf .rimlni.t.r&TOe.n.iMir'
jures. Its merits have beea proves tan.
aanda ot cases. Mailed in a plain sealed
per, .with directions, on receiptoiTI
DOLLAR. Particulate and tetUmoaiahi!
JUKI-ICS, a CO..S fare. riae. !,
Aarble Works.
Mounts, HeatlstsoDBS m
(fSiCemetery Lot
Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired.
Pnces as Low as the Lowest.
J. A. JliKKINS, Ag't.,
Orossgrove, Pa.
I 1 ltlary TtLOOO VUISOM Benaaoeatte
I I karedlnUloUdSTS. Voeoaebetreatedaa
J ; home fur same prioennderaa me Koaraa-
ity. I fjou prefer to come here we wllleon-
anehane. If we fall to ear. If 70a hate taken mar
enry. Iodide potsah, and Mill have aches and
Pitas, Memos Vetches ta mouth, 80 re Throat,
Implee, Copper ColaredSpots, Ulcers oe
ear pertol theltodr, Hair or Eyebrows faliljisr
eet, II hi this SeeotuUr BLOOD fOlSOfl
e a-marmntoe to cjire. W. solicit ih. moet obiti
ate eaeee aod cTba.UDce the world for e
ease we eaanos enre. This dlaeaes haa always
heffled the skill of the) moat eminent phyaU
Mane, asoo.000 capital behind our nnconoii
Amaieiieproois ssnf sealed on
ale, VWr.&tHi, 1XJ
uonai naranti
application. Addrees
"I have used Chamberlain's
Couuh It medv in my family for
yeatnauo always with nxu resulte,"
says Mr. NV. B. cooper of El Rio, oal.
Tir prrnill children we find it espec
t;nlr effective." For sale by all
I )rnir?ist.
- New . War Songs and Mw!c
"Two of the rnoHt. popular m-
niusinsriMuif-U for pihiio hh o,J
bsve jut been issued by 'hePopS
.mifi- v,. jMiiiHiiNpniis, xtld. "Jj,
Our Heroes Home, dedicated tn
n. ifs 01 me u. 9. taiiieHUi) Ji,
is uue ot iiie nant imiuoiiui 1
ever written. The music is kli.
and the words rinst with DHtrioti
"Dewey's Battle of Manilla Jj,
Two-Sten" ih a hue instrimJ
piece and will live forever as
etiir of the trreatest nsval evrnt
t no woria a ni8torv. turipr our i
these pieced and PoupUr MumpP:'
containing 18 pages full sheet m j
o Ail f ah AAiAVkf t9 0 nnnt a 1
Ot- AV VII 1 CV'ITJI'V VI awt H,CT( bt7(
Address Popular Mrsic Co.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Is iiHexl for Plastering Hon.
It Is a new discvery
Guaranteed to last lonJ
than any other plaster,
is preferred to Adamant.
. For particulars call ou orailM
eJuetice of the Peac
F.E. BOWEK. - E.E.PAWUT a. y a tttt tt'
a v w xia ot r xx w liUL
Offloes In Bank Bulletin.
All business entrusted tohbi
will receive prompt attention.
Agents Wanted
in Kverv Coni-tv l Supply
tin. Ciitjut l'upulitr Demand for
America's War for Hnmanity
Compiled and Written by
senator JOHN J 1 No ALLs
Of Kansas
The most brilliantly written,
nniKtqirofust'ly and artistically illus
trated, and most intensely popular
book on . the subject of the war
with Spin. Nearly
201) Snperl) Illustrations
Horn PflotoEr&Dlis'
taken specially for this great work.
Agents arc making $50, to $10o a
week selling it A veritable bon
anza for live canvassers. Apply
for description, terms and territory
at once to
St. Louis, Mo or New York City.
Collections, Loans
and Investmrf
Real Estate and Private Hasan,
' tit; il I .1 T : . ii
Deposits accepted, subject todrattsofn
row any part 01 tae worm.
a. 1. Pptfiege
ilinsorovi, .
All professional business entrusted tor
will receive prompt and careful attenu
Newly Established.-
One-fourth mile Eaet ot Rirhtsf
Teams free for traveling men tel
to town, before or after at
Kates 75 cents per Day.
Te 33. Ross, Fro
rui (-il iu tew i;
Consult or communicate wim tit
of Oils paper, who will give all oeedel
fcatton. ,
Si. so Per Day.
ED To CANVASS. Above salary guaranteed.
Kor particulars, call or addrrss.
e-le-ot. Emi.rSTHUNK,Matawana,Pa.
Casaradee. Aattentioa.
I lerred from '2 to '. and was wqof
10. 1HK4, In tbe Battle ol the wiktj
would like to nave my comrades
Celery King baa done for me. In i"
complaint, cbronk) dlarralioea.caiiiew
doctors could not stop It, but Celerr t
cured me. and I am once more enjojiti
T. V. I. ). celery King lor tbe Nenes. uj
nrf VlilnBu. la inM In am,, anil 2M. DKI
W. II. Herman. Troxelellle; MWdla's,
UIbU, McClure; H. A. KDrignt, aiiw.
Pete "Doe" Rlct has a cbalnless bi
cycle. Willis I haven't, seen htm riding It
I'ote No, he can't ride t. Some
boiir stole tbe chain. Cycling.
Mnre AeruralMy .Kspreaaait,
"Can you give anr evidence In re
gard to the character of the deceased?"
said tbe Judge, "yes, my loro," re
piled tbe witness. "He was a man
without blame, beloved and respected
by all men, pur In all his thoughts,
ana "Where did you 'learn
that?" "I cople It from bis tomb
stone, my lord."Hatlem Life.
Made a
Well Mat
of Me.
' TMC OfiEAT 30th
pro'.luers the nbove results In'SO days. II artl
!( i rl ullr and iiiii-kly. L'urns wlinn all otharx fall
Iminc m-ii will rcsani tlimr lmt manhooit.amlold
ai.-ti will rc-romr tlu-lr rniithlul viiror by ualas
lit " I : . It iinli-L-ly a'lil aurnlr reaiuina Nervous.
J. i-u. 1 iw. V llallly. ImiHiiuai-r. Mlvlillr KnilulnDa,
txtl'owrr. taillHt M. lnorr, Waatlns Plaeaawi. and
all i ui-t ol aolf sbiiM or emiwaud Imllarrutioe,
wlilch i.i.llu .n fnr inly. biiluiuriiiaiTIn-. It
um --rilv i-uri-a by aiartlngat llinMat nf
u atrial nrve tnnie and IiIihhI bnihlor. br lat
ins back Ilia pink (low to imle sharks and re
storing- iha lire of youth. II wanl off fnaanjty
and Conanmptloa. Inaiat oa bating RK VIVO, Bo
other, it oan be earrlad In vast pookat. By aaall,
1.00 par packasa, or all lor SS.OO, with a past
tire wrlttea guarantee rDra or ysfuiid
the mainey. Circular Iras. Addnss
UYAl HLDlLiHE CO.. 271 Waliasfc CBIUOO. UL
rer tale at Mlddleburgb, by W. H. 8PANGLKR.
BeaatY Is Blood D
Cnmv Kls-kAfl fnMns rlpflfl
beautv without it. Cascarets.ttmlfM
tic clean your blood and keep
stirring up the lay liver and u"1'
purities trom tne noay. Wa,rj
and thai sickly bilious complexion W
Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. H
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c -4
Union Steain Laun:
a ' . , ...
Adam,5 & Youtz, Prop's.!
. Aiffliriburg
crowning fcuturo of evening
this launtlry islnmousnpt'Js1'!
of rainstnkinir enro iu every
Collars ami cuflsironetlwitbK
Prices the Lw-K
We lead J othersJollow. I
Lace CurUIni a Specif.
O. A. GUTEMUS, Ag't,