The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, July 21, 1898, Image 1

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Interesting Items.
Told in, Brief Paragraphs for
Our Readers.
r 1tm Prlaent.
A nice lot of Cotton Coverts at
1 I 4li
Veis,' Selinsgrove, pi ice lie. -ti.
C. W. Herman and family of Ed-
wardsville are visiting iu town.
County Superintendent Bowersox
had a 'phone placed in his residence.
The Ladies' Mite Society hud their
iiiinual pie-nic on Ulsh's island on
Miss MinaLongis at Rebersburg,
. 1 i
Centre county, visiting ner sick
Aaron "Walter ot Akron, Ohio, is
visiting Ins sister, xurs. jonn oiani
necker, at this place.
Daniel Crouse and wife; of Wal-
linirf.ird. Pa., are the guests of
friends and relatives at this place.
Miw Ida Beaver of Northumler
liuul spent several days at home with
her parents, Gabriel Beaver and
The Sunbury camping party broke
camp last Tuesday and returned
home. They had a delightful out
ing. The Teachers' Normal School
opened on Monday in this place. The
presence of the students enlivens the
Kev. I. 1'. Neff, who is the pastor
of the Lutheran church at Knoxdale,
Jufleram county, is visiting his son-in-law,
A. S. Beaver.
Ilolinan- Weiscr, Miss Martha
App and sister of Mahantongo were
t'iu guests of Attorney "Weiscr at
t'iu Central Hotel last Thursday.
Kev. John Yoder of this place is
supply preacher for the Lutheran
church at Treniont, Schuylkill Co.,
Pa. lie preaches there every two
A party of 25 or more from Mid
dlehurg and elsewhere will spud a
week camping at Red Bridge Grove.
They will pitch their tents onThurs-
lay, July 2Stli.
Sylvester Bowcn purchased the
"lied Bridge Grove," twomiles west
f town. It is said that the United
nrethren cliurch will hold a camp
meeting there this year.
Samuel Hilbish and wife, of
Washington twp.. and Frederick
Hilbish oud daughter, of Freeburg,
were the euests of Mrs. Barbara
Yoder last Saturday.
Samuel App and wife and Mrs.
lames Row, ot Selinsgrove, Ur,
Mit, of Globe Mills, and Clyde
jliolig, of Wiufield, 8ent Sunday
fvith Mrs. Barbara Yoder and family.
Judge Bucher says that the Wan
Mmaker clerical discount joke Is ten
ears old. At the time of its occur
fence it was published everywhere
iroughout the United States.
Quite a number of the legal and
pcial gentlemen with their bet-
halves spent Wednesday of j
pt week fishing at Meisers Dam.
"oy caught quite a number ot nsn
'id had a pleasant time besides.
We hear tliat the friends of Car-
ion Seebold, proprietor of the Wash
ington House of this place, mention
w name as a candidate tor County
'reaaurer. Carbon is a hustling
:llov and would 'make a good of-
A smooth, easy shave, trenteel hair
K or other tonsorial work, is air
oDiainca at Boles' Jiarber Shop,
"iwenmyers buildinor. onoosite
Pt office. Go to fiolea and von
ill make no mistake, shaving soap,
scream, hair oil' aud gg-sham-
for sale ., , A.E. Soles;
The Post always gives the latest
war news oii page 5.
Miss Cora Ulrich, of Seliusgrove,
wjfr visiting Miss Mamie Beaver.
Mrs. Israel Bach man fell off the
porch and broke her arm one even
ing recently.
Anion B. Spangler of this place
has been stationed at Marks' distil
lery as storekeeper and ganger.
Don't miss the special sale of
Dress Goods and Linings at Weis,'
Seliusgrove, Saturday, July 23. 2t.
Misses Pauline Schoch ami Iva
Mensch of Union county are the
guests of Hou. G. A. Schoch and
Ladies' Shirt Waists are being
closed out at Weis,' Seliusgrove, at
J price, regular price 5.Sc., now 25c,
The Sunbury camping party was
royally entertained by the Middle
burg Social Club. All enjoyed them
selves immensely.
Some One stole the Holy Bible
out of the S ilcm church in Centre
township. It is hoped he will read
the ten commandments carefully.
The Middleburg drug store, last
week, was bought by Dr. A. J. Her
man. We wish the new proprietor
abundant success with his new ven
ture. Foil Sale. A dark bay horse,
7 years old, works any place, single
or double, can Ih? bought, Inquire
at this of lice or address Box
Middleburgh, Pa.
lie v. S. B. Bottghtcr has been
granted a vacation of three weeks,
which lie will spend in Lebanon Co.
lie started Tuesday morning to drive
from Middleburg to Ijchauon, a dis
tance of S) miles.
Attorney James Crouse is erecting
a new and handsome two-story build
ing adjoining his residence. The
first floor will be used as his ollice
and it nroniises to be iv. haiidsoini
and commodious one.
Miss Viola Moore of Mechanics
burir and Miss Victoria Mover of
A'.lanisburg stopped at the Wash'
ington House for supper on Friday
evening while returning from a visit
to MiiHinburir. Of course Francis-
cos was happy.
Mrs. W.A. Lutz of Shippciisburg
is visiting friends and relatives in
town. Mr. Lutz was here acvera
days, too, but he has gone home.
He is an enterprising gentleman con
ducting two overall factories, one at
Chamliersburgand one at Shippens-
Dr. Ixvi llooke and wife of Win
field, Mrs. Little of Pittsburg, Hon.
J. C. Bucher and wife, Mrs. Dr.
Harrison and daughter, Nellie, of
Lewisburg drove over to our county
seat last Thursday to partake of
chicken and walllcs at the Central
C. B. Patterson, of Mifllintown,
who spent six weeks here a.) agues!
at the Central Hotel, left lor home
last week. Mr. Patterson is a drug'
gist and a gentleman made up of the
better qualities ot human nature.
He made many friends during his
stay here.
John Krecger, assistant cashier of
the Middleburgh Bank, went down
to Atlantic City last week, and took
a plunge into the deep there is a
hole in the ocean now yet, where
John struck it. . He always leaves
an impression wherever he goes.
The invincible Joe Lusher of the
invulnerable Selinsgrove lima came
to Middleburg last Friday afternoon
to get an ice cold glass of beer and
to learn that he could no longer find
his political party. Joe is the only
editor in Central Pennsylvania who
can slash right and left and fear no
evil. : .. '
A Large Family Group.
The Phillips family, numbering
fourteen with the jMirents, six boys
and six girls, had a group photo,
taken on Tuesday at Ulrieh's Art
There are few families of this
size, unbroken, as is this one in this
section. The eldest child is still in
the twenties and the youngest in its
third year. The group is a bcautw
iui nun nappy one when all are!
gathered togetl icr. 7 inii-n.
Special Sale.
A special sale ot Dress Goods a ml
Linings at Weis', Saturday, July 23.
' As usual we will allow a discount
of 20 percent, on Press Goods ami
Linings purchased for cash on the
alwve mentioned day. This sale
will include all our cloths, lienrict-
tas, silks, satins, organdies, lawns,
dress ginghams, etc.
2t. S. Wkis, Seliusgrove.
Educational Meetings-
A special series of educational
meetings will lie held over the com
ing Sabbath on Freeburg Circuit,
United Brethren in Christ. Kev. H.
U. Roup, Ph.D., of Annville, pre
sident ot liohanon Valley Col
is expected to be present to assist the
the pastor, Kev. (). (J. lloniig
The following meetings will lie held
On Saturday at 7:30 P. M., at St
Ihomas, addresses by Dr. lloop and
I rot. Keiter, of Oriental ; on Sun
day at 10 A. M., at Salem Church,
IhjIow Oriental, address by Dr. Roup;
at ZMU r. m., at ;-lt. Zion Cliurch.
Knousetown, addresses by Dr. Boon
... ... '
ami i'rot. II. C. Klinjrer, of Orien
tal; at 7:30 P. M., atKichfield, ad
dresses by Dr. lloop and Prof. (i.
W. Walborn, of Frccburjr. Xo om
...... . . .
should tail to attend these interest
ing services. The Public in general
is invited. (). (i. JIumk;, Pastor
jiuk.mi.i, IJMVKKSriY, .lolm
II IT. t
Howard Harris, President. Col
lege, leading to degrees of Art and
Seienee. Academy, a urcnamtorv
school for young men and I toys. In
stitute a refined Iniardiiig school for
young ladies. School of Music, with
graduating course. For -catalogue,
address the Registrar,
Wm. C. Grktzixokh,
7-1 -1 It. Ijcwisbnrg, Pa
The Town Council passed an or
dinance iorltulding the riding of bi
cycles on the side-walks, making it
necessary to use a lcll in daytime
and a lantern after dusk. The pro
vision of forbidding thcridingon the
side-walk is a good one when the
roads are in good condition, but the
Supreme Court has decided that no
fine nn lie collected for riding on
side-walks when the streets are im
passable for bicycles.
Mr. Anion Kemphfer who is a
mcmlier of the 10th Pennsyluania
V ols., and who is now at Manila.
while on his way, stopped at 1 lon-
olulu, and while there he wrote an
interesting letter to his uncle. Ira C.
Schoch, and also sent him a copy of
1... u n...u i i '1-
me xja'.Ymiuii vjHizeui'f which is prun
ed in red, white and blue in honor
of the annexation of the island to
the United States, and by the wav
tne paper isedited by rt in. 11. Arm
strong, wliose father Dr. Richard
Armstrong wa born in McEwcns-
ville, Northumberland county, in
louo, and went as a missionary to
the island Id 1832. Amon says tluit
they met with a royal reception,
while he was writincr in the senate
chamber, which had been tlirown
open by theautlioritiesfortlicacooin
modation of the soldiers, bands were
playing and the dusky natives were
cheering lustily. The letter was
written on senate letter heads. The
writer is well and in the best of
spirits. We wish him a good luck
and a safe return to his friends and
native land. Iribune. '
Robbery of Oapt. Miller.
J lure Jbisknl Men fimtk into Gtjtl.
MUhr JloitHt' and Vomjnl
Him io Ojh u Hi &tfr.
Last Tuesday night three maskcl
roblntrs, without ceremony, lxddly
broke open the door of Captain
liewis Miller's residence two miles
east of Middleburg. They lunged
oiK-n his sleeping room door on the
first Hoorand liefore the captain could
get out of beit, the burglars flourish
ed revolvers, fhey sand-bagged
him and under a jM-nalty of death
eoniiellcd him to opeii his safe.
They secured from the safe 52,
$21 of which lielongedto a traveling
jew, Joseph (Jetz. The othermoney
of Captain Miller's was made up of
rare iiis, family relics for many
generations preserved and handeil
down as heir looms. They told the
captain that as he was a dealer in
railroad stock, they thought he had
more money, else they would not
have annoyed him. They took his
horse and buggy and drove down to
J. 1''. Walter's where they exchang
ed the old-fashioned high buggy for
a buck-hoard, then drove to Shamo
kin Dam where they left the rig.
Mrs. Miller and her grand-child
were up stairs. 1 here is a strong
suspicion that at least one, if not all,
are from the very ncighlorhoo
where Capt. Miller resides.
Kllcn Wicriek of Ccntrcville, Mich.
is visiting I. II. Bowersox's.
The Y. P. C. U. of the II. B.
Church of Middleburg will celebrate
jiovo-icasi on next Mimiav evemnir
at 7 P. M. sharp. A nice program
isiireiiared for the occassion. All
yie cordially invited to conic.
A gcrman Sermon will be preac
edat the V. B. Church of Middle
burg by their fanner Pastor, I lev.
L. List of Baltimore at S o'clock P.
M. Sunday next. A cordial invita
tion is extended to this coiiiini'iiitv.
Sunday alternoon W. D. Baker,
Mat. Long, Frank Kiiousc, Will.
Olt, Harvey and Arthur Jrissiiigcr
spun oil 51 miles on their cycles
Route Selinsgrove, Adamshurg,
Troxelvillc, Ccntrcville, Xew Berlin
and Kratcrville. Start was made
at 1:15 P. M., arriving home at 7
1. M. I bu t lord iind Columbia
bicycles carried them safely. Take
this route, tor it is one of the U'st
in the state.
Jl itrrlH k l.lca'iiM'M.
f James 11. Hassinger, Pwavertown,
P. Jennie Coleman, "
(Geo. 10. Wagner, V. Perry twy.
lxttie Weidciimeyer, Perry twp.
July 2, at Sunbury, Daniel W.
Kiiouse of Sunbury. He has many
relatives in Snyder county.
June 29, near Adamshurg, Daniel
Pontius, aged 72 years, 20 days,
July 3, at Dry Valley, Milllin
county, Lydia, wife of James Snook
(nee Jierbster), aged 28 yrs., 2 mos.
and 29 days.
July 9, at Adamshurg, William
Schwenk. aged 72 years, 1 month
and 5 days.
July 1, in Perry township, John
Noll, aged 75 years, 0 months and
18 days. Interment at Kciscr's
church, llcv. II. H. Spahn officiat
ed. July 7, in Perry township, Mrs.
Eliza Garman, aged 09 yrs., 9 mos.
and 13 days.
July 11, at Selinsgrove, Mary,
wife of Rev. Dr. Yutzy, aged 47
years; ,
July 2, at . Selinsgrove,. Henry
Walter, aged 71 years, 5 months
and 24 days.
July 15, at Ccntreville, Mrs.
Elizabeth Waltert .relict of Deter!
Walter, aged -89 vrs.. Ohio. 4das. '
Sho .was thq 1 oldest inhabitant . of
w f.,i
JULY 21, 1898.
Tl... :i .i '!.. . .i
iiiu wiiiH iMH iniuiy liiiuieraii
eliurcli have granted their lmstor,
!..... !.... I ....... ,. 1 . '
vc. jKiru, u vacauon ot a month
Services are held Sunday morning
oy a supply; no services are held in
the evening during July and Aug.
The llcformcd and Trinity
l.utheran . P. S. E. societies held
a union oh-ii air meeting in the
church yard of the Reformed church
.... U 1 nil
on kiiiu.iy evemng j m game
ot imse Iwll lietween the home team
andShamokiii resulUil in the score
of t li in favor of the Shamokin
ti Misses Bess and Kate
Enders. of Phila., are the guests of
.Misses Jennie Ulrich ami Lizzie
Osnium llcv. C. D. llussi l, wife
and little son, of ligiuiton, are
spending the liev's vacation with J.
B. FiH-klerand liunilv Oureoni-
munity was sluM'kis'l by the an
noumvnient on Monday afternoon of
the accident hanging of little Paul
Grissinger while putting up a rope
for a swing The business men
of town enjoyed t'icir annual outing
at Reiser's Island on Monday
Paul Emriek, who has lccn spend
ing the past week with Grandma
Kate Wagenseller, returned to his
home in Carlisle on Tuesday....
A. W. Smith and family arc camp
ing at Schoeh's Dam....!. Miss Anna
Barb and her grand-mother have
gone to Virginia to visit friends ami
relatives in their old home H.
H. Schoch and family are visiting
friends in Alexandria, Va . . Forest
Gregory, wile andchild of Williams
port are entertained this week by
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gregory 11.
I). Seh nu re, son Will, and Lisle
Schoch paid a visit to Washington,
D. C, ami CampAhcr last week
....Kitty Poller entertained a
number of her friends at a par. v
held at the farm of A. W. Potter,
l-si., on Monday Jennie and
Bcsmc Wallace ha vegone to Shamo
kin to visit their uncle.
Letter from Falls Church.
Cam i' Ai.;Kii, July 10, ISDN.
KhITou Post: A better spirit pre
vails among the boys here now than
for a long time. We are all well,
but in addition to that comes the
news that we are tostart for Porto
llico within a win k. We are all
tired of this country where there is
no real duty to perform and no glory
to win. This morning we broke
camp ami moved three miles north
of where we were. Waterat the old
place was very scarce and we had to
walk two miles to take a bath
We would rather have liecn niovet
to Porto llico at once but this is oik
of the fortunes of war.
jjiist ween we rccieveu seven
r i .
i i i . i i. ..
oarreis oi victuals ironi lUiltun.
There were 8 hams, all kinds of
spreads and many other good things
to cat, such as canned fruit, etc.
The cook reports that at the first
two meals the eomjKiny disused
of a half a cheese, a dishpan full of
pickles, thesamequamty of smoked
Ix'ef and twenty-seven quart jars of
fruit and jelly but as the hospital is
already overcrowded we have limited
the issue for each meal to five quarts
of preserves.
When these provisions are all
used we must get down to dry bread
The stores must all be moved
from camp. There are four shows
on the ground and all are good ones.
V hen I write again I hope we will
have definite orders to moved to the
front Yours Respectfully.
George Clelan.
llcv. Romigan evangelist will
preach in the Court house next Sun
day evening. The public is invited.
July 10,atMcKees . Half Falls,
J. Kohler Peck, J. P., Hugh I.
Reichcnbach and Sallie E.. Frantz,
both of McKees Half Falls.
"Ev'ry Month for July."
Every month for July iiiainUiins
its standard of excellence as Ui illus
tration and literature, and is further
improved this month by u new dress
of tyjH, clearer and more
readable than the previous issues.
"Men of the Month" are well repre
sented by Gen. Merritt, Military
Governor of the Philippine j Lieut.
Bag ley, the first officer killed in the
Spanish-American war, at Cardenas;
Lieut. Hudson, of Merriniac fame;
Don Carlos, the pretender to the
Spanish Throne; Admiral Ccrvera,
of the Spanish Santiago Squadron;
Capt. Evans, "Fighting Bod," of
the Iowa; and Admiral Sieard, of
the Xaval Strategy Board. In ad
dition to the admiradle pictures of
these men there is a sufficient and
interesting biographical note of r.i-h
one. In "Interestin.r V ,,ini.n" ...
find Clara Barton, with a record ot
her work; Minnie Maddern Fiske
and Miss A llerta Gallatin, with an
appreciation of their season's char
acterizations. An instructive Mill I
interesting article on Women in the
Departments at Washington, with
the difficulties and remunerations ot
their Msitions under Civil Service,
is followed by a sketch of the late
W. E. Gladstone, illustrated by two
photographs taken at ( 'aniiesdiiring
his last illness. The number also
contains two excellent short stories
(one of which, "The Recruit," n war
etching is quite in the manner of De
Maupassant); the concluding ikuht
on Parliamentary Law for Wo i' '
I 'I.. 1 1 l.v. i , ii-i
viuo, mm rasiiiou s imns
1 he music, 1 I wcll-prinh
one ol I he most valuable
the magazine, comprises ores of
"The Ha
waiian l 'arade," ami the "Holla
Waltzes." two nieces for the ii!:nin-
arade, and the
:i Marching Sniiy, "P,enealh the
Flag," and "We Never Meet, 'Tis
1 letter ST a ballad in the si vie oi'
"Sav A -i llcvoir."
The Penn'a Chautauqua.
The lYnn'a ( 'liautaiiiiia opened
July 1st, and will continue until
Friday, Aug. "th. The progranie
is most excellent, the lectures and
entertainments liciug by nuiic of the
most eminent specialists in their
several lines in the country. There
was a grand display of fireworks
on the evening of July . Tu,
display was the lanrcsi. (hut l.w
i . r - ......
ever been fired within a radius of fill
miles of Mt. Gretna. An g the
set pieces was a
Dewey, the American flag, iV:c.
Sjiecial trains were run u give
persons an opportunity of witness
ing the display.
The Chautauqua is delightfully
located at Mt. Gretna, and is ail
ideal place to sjhmhI a week or n
month. The Mt. Gretna Inn has
liecn completed and excellent ac
commodations can now he secured.
For uaticulars. rents of cott ans.
rooms, itc, write the secretary, llcv.
Calvin isher, Lebanon or Chau
tauqua, Pa.
John Moh n pulled out two Inks at
one time on Monday S. F.
Sheary visited J. 11. Lloyd and
family ol Wagner over Sunday
Merchant C. M. Showers M. A.
Bateman of Selinsgrove are off on a
fishing exhibition MissLillie
Spaid of Middleburg was the guest,
of Landlord Ilartman's family dur
ing the past week Constable
II. l.Mohnand J. II. Hartman
attended a lawsuit at Beavertown
last week J. II. Hartman
mabe a businesstrip to Williaiusport
several days this week Rev.
Price and family visited friends and '
relatives in Centre Co last week ....
CaSuptF. C. Bowersox of Middle
burg and C. W Herman of Wyom
ing were in town one evening last
ai y
nj ur
1 In
! y.
I lr