AT . finea4etf 'Clearing. ?tole WILL COMMENCE TUESDAY, JULY BROS10U EBKi 5, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. SBROS CLEARING SALE at. lit-. mm 1 The Record of 30 YeapsLr-""-' l John repp of (.w.treville ami Elleu Ihe Marruiye for the Last Ihirtif jbnruUi-r u irauklin twp. COMMENCES JULY 5. Thousands of Dollars worth of the FINEST CLOTHING at a Erac- tlon of Its Real Wrth. It ia settled fact that wo do at no time carry our season's goods for a future sea sons selling if price will sell it. We think its not good business form. We are not satis ..i wa slmw a. new and complete line in the beginning ot the season. We Hell Ulllvoo it v .. tart the wheel agoing with a TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT REDUCTION- AND NOW WE SLAUGHTER PRICES. CLASH SALE Men's strictly Suits Avhich sell at $6.50 plain colors. Wo mark them. all wool were made to in fancy and S4.I9 CLEARING SALE PRICE. Men's Fancy Plaid Suits which $4 would be a fair price for wo mark $2.89- Children's suits, 29 cents; was made to sell for $1 ; the sizes are 4, 5 and (i, Hoys' caps we make 12e; they could be sold at 25c. CESTuuviLiLK. ! i Most of our farmers arc through with haying and harvest . I'. A. Slim was to Siinliurv on Friday ol last wwk Tobias'Seehrif.t was to MilHinburg one day last wwk- Postmaster Stino transacU'il business at tin county scat last Sat- j unlay Edward Molin is visiting friends in Bloomsliurg at this writ lug (Jeo. Stout It'll for Nebraska tm Tuesday. . . .Howard Zeclimati awl wife of (J len Iron visited J. W. Kcister'son Sunday Mrs. J. K. Mohn and daughter of Jersey Shore are visiting here Edward Smith and wife of White Springs visited Levi Pick's on Sunday Masters Harry ami Emory Mohn of Jersey Shore have been visiting their grand-parents during the past few weeks W. M. DrciU-lbliss and family of White Springs spent Sun day with Benjamin Ijosb' Frank Cole, wife and his brother, Johu and Miss Lizzie Wood of Moiitoursvillc visited U. II. Fess ler's during tho past week. . . .M. A. Rnteman and wife of Selinsgrove visittil friends here over Sunday Sheriff Hitter, F. S. Riegle and Charles Rousli of Middluburg trans acted business in town on Saturday .... Miss Dessie Sainpsell, nflor un absence of several months, visiting Ler cousin. Mrs. Clem. Smith of Johnsonburg, returned home last week Mrs. Geo. Mitchell, after attdending the funeral of her son, F. M. Spangler of Moore Park, Mit-h., returned last week C. E. Sampell earries the belt for Bass fish ing, havig caught 1 1 bass last Fri day afternoon. Farmers Break the Boggy Monopoly. It 18 claimed that for years bU(NTT manufac turer liave secured exorbitant price (or Uielr goods, but recently, through the combined as nintKiiue of the firmer of Iowa. Illlnol and MBr ntnl'w. Skahs, Itorniurit & Co., of Chicago, Boys' Suits which wo bought 800 of and should be sold at $1.25, wo mark 89c. Children's waists 2 for they are tho 25c kind 25c: FUEKHUHU Bicycle Leggins in fifty dif ferent patterns, we mark 25c. The dollar kind we mark 50c. Bicycle Belts, i(Jc, should bo sold at 25c, Bicycle Caps made of crash; the coolest cap ever made, we mark 17c. A Letter to Aunt Kaehael. t'AiHO, III., Auirnst as. To Aunt ItuchnflSTcriii 1', N J.: Dkah .Majah : We hate iim?U Jour .Main In! Ulnars l.)r itnt Ml nicii.ihx imxi. Mini find 11. Hie Ik'm luiiiu w bntc ever n'rt to effectually wipe oiil ti.ifca ut malari level . Alex Bowcrsox of Middleburg removed F. E. Ililbish's sale stable to his residence at the west end of Market Street. It is now more con venient to horse dealers mid jll who attend the sales. . . .Rev. Drucken inillcr has returned from his vaca tion. He preached a suitable ser mon on Sunday evening. . . .Thanks giving services appropriately ol scrved by the Lutheran and Rcform en Sunday school last Sunday. Supt. Moyer conducted suitable music for th occasion. Dr. Smith read the President's proclamation. Supt. Boy er, Charles Miller and W. L. Bass ler addressed the large audience in attendance Joseph Moyer's hor ses rau away in crossing Flint Ridge south of Freeburg last Monday. They were attached to a threshing i . fm ii ii i .i v ."w..iiBmmiWuliw me norui. uu- machine. 1 lie l.inu axle broke, the . er irHonatiy-conducti tourist avsieui. . i P. I i "7 so auu August 10. tub point Included In ! Upset ailtl one of the horses me itinerary and the country traversed abound My wu lias been hiitkly, feverish, weak and ihiiicU'i! lor Hii-pHi. lour M'utona, and im d al iikmI everylhliiK. We heard mi iniii h of your biters Unit I concluded to iry It ; niv wlio'a up pel He Inn IcIiii Dt il anil hIih In Htronif, well and fliriKhlly iijjuln una iillowlntf to oiir Ivruviuii Miiluilul lliili rs. u. II. W'OODWAKD. Throat Disease Curetl with Crapes ami Jlorclioiind. The liO'id old nurse, descendant of llnlland Duli'li, ducovenm Unit a t'oiiiulimllon of L'ranea Willi the linn-hound Herb and the H,m f Kieeaiupune made lulo u eorillvul will cure sore ltinialtaiidcoutfhs,aiid Ih excellent for colas caiarrn and all irrliutlon of tno llrouciilul mue' tonallHandtliront, and for slnimre and nulillt! Bpeakers. UruKKloU any the sales are limiiRii aud it is dot ugtfriat Kood. It, Is called Auut Itacliuel's hlecaiiipune and llorehouud fj.uial. DELIGHTFUL SUMMER TOURS. Two Tour lo the North vli lnniMyl. vmiiIh llnllroml. For the convenience of those who seek the most attractive way of spendlUk-a Summer vaca tion, the l'euhslvaula Kallroad Company bus n.iauKcu mu urii(llllUI ioui ui the Norlu, uu- maclnne upst: was thrown across the fence. The drivers cswijied uninjured, but the horses were injured.nt several places and the machineconsiderably broken. Musical College commences the Summer Term on the 18th instant. Dr. Perkins, A. W. Potter and a combination of Freeburg and Selins grove singers practiced music in onr church on Saturday evening to be rendered at the Lutheran Reunion Packer's Island on Aug. 4. The Lutherans at this place will celebrate the Lord's Supper Sunday, July 24. MARRIED. On June 28th 1898 at the resi dent of the bride's parents by Rev. L. Dice, Kev. Walter J. Dice of Newport Pa. and Miss ' Belle R. Freed of Beavertown Pa. July 5, at McClure, by Rev. W. II. Hilbish, Clarence C. Breininger hRor. the pi ice of ooen burgles down to: ana Henrietta Bmitn, Doth' ot Mo Hfcsur Top Buirln,l2!i.7i Tplsurrle. I Mllro t . July 2, by G. M. Shuidel, Cleric O. C. Adam L. Howell and Cath erine Stetler, both of Middleburg. and upwards, and they are shipping tbem In hanisnwr lumber direct to farmers In every stat!- Tfiey Bond an Immense Bumr Catahyne ires, poal paid, to any on who asks tor It. This ovv'ulnlv tea blfr victory for ins tarmer, but a fevmo diow to tne carriage manufacturers ana JralM. M4-1M. lo nuture's besuUeH : Watklns olenn. ni .r,.r,. Kal.s, Thousand Islands, Quebec, Montreal, Au Sable t'Uasm. Lakes fhsiiinuin . iJ,.?.. sarutok'a, auu the HI(Ulaud& of the Uudson ire" attractions. mm ttuu topbw natural Bacb tour will be In charge of ono of the com. pauy's tourist DKeuta, asslHted by an expert. iicidladyashaperou, whce especial chaTae wiu be uescortea ladlw. The rate of f 100 from New York, Brooklyn. Newark. Treuion. Piiii.i,.i.,i,i.. 'n..:?'''"' Balilinoreaud Wainii n ?.u: SSS!t.ISSJ?LtM2L """ trip. pauorHMtr r""' uum vuieruticuient, trauier charifes, carriage lilre-ln fact, every Item of necessary eiDeuse. s ' For detailed Itinerary, tickets, or auy addl- uuuw luionnsuon, addreas Tourist Agent. I'enusylvanla Itallroad Cumpany, im bTwut w2yuNe7 Vork i (km Fulton Street, Brooklyn! io..-.T t7Jv. . . """ or ueo. v. j , omuut unurrai rasseneer Broad Street biatlou, PhUadelpbla. Asent. I-HHt. Reduced Rates to Buffalo via Pennsyl vania Railroad, account Baptist Young People's International Convention. For tne Internationa) convention of tne Bap tist Young People' Union ol America, to be held t Buffalo July U to 17. 18W, tne rtnnsyu !,.a?'"..?eUr0BS V?pn' w,u Ml wcuralon tlokeu from all tiokel (tatloni on 1U line to Buffalo and return at rate of tingle far tor the round trip. Ticket will be ol July u to is and will be good to return an tu July 10. ex cent tnat by depositing ticket with Joint Agent at Buffalo m July if, la, or it. aad tke payment of nrty oonts, the return Hmlt mav be extended to leave Buffalo to Bepwmber luss. w 8peclsl train win leave Broad Street Station. Phfladelphla, at t J0 A, XxJuly it, rraaw lftio A. M., Lanoaater UJt A, xJulnlitborg uh P. M. Psswengeri from otber poiata deaUlcir to use special train cao use regular train to luao tionsution. . it. Years Compiled to Jterice ffea- ant Recollections and to Preserve the &tmc. 1883. Aug. ll,ly llev.T. O. Cloese, C. S. ktsskr of Shainokin Dam to Olive N. Smith of Suubury. Au;. 10, by Kev. M. L. Dietzler, Anion il:.s.singer of Sniithgrove mid Mollie K. Si-liivyer of New Berlin. Aug. 30, by llev. J. 1'. Shindel, Job liuachcl and Mary Alice Mover, both of Snyder County. Sept. 4,11. J. C. Fisher, formerly of Selinsgrove, and Sadie Berry ot llughesville. Sept. 5, in MiHlinburg, by llev. Aiispich, B. S. Sehoeh und Minerva Benner, both of New Berlin. Sept 6, Philip W. Stroupof Buf falo Run, Centre Co., to I lady Dock of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 0, Jackson liar man and Barbara Ramer, both of Washing ton twp. Sept. 7, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Charles F. Wagner and Amelia Smith, both ot Beaver twp. Sept. 1 2, at the residence of J. II. Arnold, by Rev. A. II. Spangler, Ccorge Seiberand Ellen Moatz, both of Akron. Sept. 1G, at Middleburg, by Rev. D. F. Reed, Win. Deppen and Emma Lose, both of Globe Mills. Sept. 20, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Joseph Luck of liannerville to Ada Jane Swartzler of West Beaver twp. Sept. 20, by same, Amos C Smucker of Mill Creek, Hunting don Co., to Jennie A. Schroyer of liannerville. Sept. 23, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, David A. Mattern of Troxelville to liiiura E. Berge of Centreville. Sept. 22, by 1). S. Boycr, Esq., Bonneville Straub to Lydia Ann Mouicr, both of Susquehanna twp., J uniata Co. Sept. 23, by D. S. Buyer, Escj., Frank Straub and Mary Dcpiien, both of Washington twp. Sept. 25, at Beavertown, by Rev. 1). M. Stetler, Tlicophilus Swine ford and Emma J. Knepp, both of West Beaver. Sept. 27, by Rev. S. E. Oehsen f'ord, Frederick Row and Jennie S Stetler, both of Salem. Sept. 30, by J. F. Wampole, Albert Straub of Washington twp. to Sarah A.IIassingcrof'Perry twp. Oct. 5, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Franklin Sanders and Jennie E. Ocker, Injth of near Centreville. Oct. 7, by Rev. A. II. Spangler, J. F. Eisenhour of Middleburg to Seniecdu M. Kantz of Freeburg. Oct. 11, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Geo. F. Rhawn of Milton ahd Noia F; Ileckendoru of Adanisburg. Oct. 14, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Samuel II. Hummel and Jane Mus ser, Initli of"(ilol)e Mills. Oct. 18, at Beavertown, bv Rev. D. M. Stetler, Anthony Will and Ida Steininger, lioth of Decatur twp. Oct. 18, by same, Amos Snook and Sarah X. Male, lioth of Decatur twp. Oct. 18, by Rev. II. W. Gross, Wnu W. Shol ley and Minerva Hum mel, both of Snyder Co. Oct. 20, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, I James r. Wii'th ,of Union Co. to Eliza!)ct!i Spechtof Snyder Co. Oct. 21, by Rev. W. A. Haas, David F. Rowand Minerva Pontius, both of Kreamer. Oct, 23, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Levi Musserand Mary M. Stine, both of Centreville. Oct. 25, by Rev. A. II. Spangler, M. L. Wagner of Beavertown to Annie E. Tobias of Troxelville. Nov. 4, by Rev. A. II. Spangler, Dr. James J. Greenhoe and Minnie Kepler, both of Fremont. Nov. 18, by Rev. II. V. Gross, Mr. Harder and Miss Alexander, both of Coburn, Pa. Nov. 18, at Beavertown, Arthur D. Snyder mid Joanna E. Snook, both of West Beaver. Nov. 18, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Jacob E. Herrold and Amelia Hum mel, both of Chapman. Nov. 20, by Rev. J. W. Bought er, John Metzger of Union Co. to Kate Huttenstine of Snyder Co. Nov. 21, by Rev. J. W. Bough ier, D. M. Cargill and Mrs. R. J. Tioe, both of Lewistown. Nov. 22, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, EliasO. Price of Adamsburg and Sarah E. Thomas of Paxtonville. Nov. 2S), bv Rev. J. E. F. Has- singer, Win. H. Bobb of Fisher's K-rry und Mrs. Martha Musser of Kaniz. .. . Dec 2, by Rev. .). P. Shindel, Hiram W. llackenburg and Alice Stroub, lioth of Centre Co. Deo. 2, by Daniel Weiriek, .T. P., John Datih-rmaii of Union Co. to Lizzie Gill Franklin twp. f lec.2, by Absalom Burner, Fxi., Alisnloin Wilt ami Emma Herrold, both of this county. Dec. 9, by Rev! J. P. Shindel, GusUivus Mengel of Washington twp. to Izora Biekhart of Franklin. Doc. 0, by Rev. P. Born, Wilson Wendt and Kate A. Kerstetter, both of Shaiuokin Dam. Dec 9, by Kev. T. O. Cleese, Harvey Yager to Sallie E. Baney, Iwth of Freeburg. Dec. 10, by lie v. Boughter, John Duck und Alto Walter, both of franklin twp. Dec. 1G, by Rev. D. M." Stetler, Wm. Romig of McClure to Amanda Rearick of Franklin twp. . Dec. 10, by Rev. W. M. Iandis, Jonathan Bachnian and Reliccca Stover, both of near Troxelville. Dec. 18, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Iiewis Walter andAlda Moyer, both Centre twp. Dec. 20, by Rev. II. W. Grass, Charles F BuRiington and Jennie h. Dorn, both of Middleburgh. Dec. 23; by Rev. W. A. Haas, George Bloomfield of Phila. and Martha Jane Parks of Selinsgrove. Dec. 23, by Rev. II. W. Gross, J. C. Swineford ot Middleburgh to Clara L. Bailey of Centre twp. Dec. 23, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Jesse Gearhart of Centre twin and Susan Houtz of Adams twp. Dec. 23, by Wm. Moyer, Esq., iicorge Hams ot OAlimgton twn, to Hannah L. Ileintzelmanof Perry twp. Dec. 25, byR. L. Gearhart, John A. Ilunimel of Freeburg and Ella uetz ot Ijtjwisburg. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Wm. II. Markel and Mary Amanda Spigelmyer, both of West Beaver. Dec. 25, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, David Middleswarth to Sarah Herb ster, both of Adams twp. Dec. 25, by Rev. II. W. Gross, Harvey E. Shambacli and Mattie Bowersox, lxth of Paxtonville. Dec. 25, at Grand Rapids, Mich., by Rev. Craves, Win. W. Ayers, formerl y of Middleburg, now resid ing at Trufant, Mich., and Lizzie Ilartnett cf Grand Rapids. Dec. 25, by Rev. KB. Killinger, Charles A. Erdley of Salem and Alice S. Ilackenlmrg of North- Feb. 7, by liev. M. L ft Reuben Dreese of Halstead,! Cik Kansas, and Emma t2 of Wagner, PL . . l Feb. 10, by Rev. M. L J Daniel Zeiber ofllaLstcad, 0 Co., Kansas, and Siisani,,.' ) klau oi Adamsburg. Fell.-12, by Kev. P Irvin Rtimig and Kale A li of Milton. I H Fek 14, by Rev. II. Josie Smith of Kreamer and Gutelius of Middleburg. Mar. 2, by Rev. S. p lames Uoodlinur nf Elizabeth Vogley of iVrrv AJar. 2, by A. G. U,,,.,, i., iienrv feteim 'i lent,; ti Glatfelter, both of GtWwJ Mar. 6, Gco.Sadeonu an4 .uuuiu xierusier ot Mm mar. b, by C. SIi.k LI.- T v- nw . "i o uuies jv. irunuer of Snj "uu varonue JJiena-h of fniu If.. A I.. 11 - - mar. v, oy ivev. &i. J,, jy Jacob li. Haines and Ada E.D warth, Iwth of Beavertown. 1 Mar. 11, by Rev. W. JfllllM IT. Hillvurf i Dniav T IT.x.l.l i- . "f "j ..uiviu ui Jvailtz, Aiu. uy ivev. J . j t' William Bingamau ot JiJ and Caroline Elizabeth s.,;Jj Mar. 30, by Rev. J.F.i Jeffei-son D. Hummel and Artley, Iwth of Middlecm Apr. 1, by Rev. D. M. 4 Johu E. Charles ofllartUJ ion Co., and Ada Musr 0f J vn:e; Apr. 10, by Rev. J. v. J tcr, at the Eagle Hotel, F r aim rwizaoem iMmtli, iMith ville, Schuylkill Co., Pa. Apr. 13, by Rev. S. 1 Frank Brown of Chapman ac "win m v erauia. Apr. 17, by Rev. A.C.W John Yeisley of AVest lluffj ion o., and Alice Riegle 0i .Denver, ouyder Uo, Apr. 17, by Rev. W. M.J Wm. F. Ettinger and Jennitl oil, both of nearSelinsL'mvfc Absalom , JNIiller nml Clemence of Juniata Co. Apr. 27, by Rev. S. E. i.wA T. .,.:!. !r cs a i uusiuu ii. i3ciiraiL'ran. E. MilloiT. Apr. 27, by Rev. J. D. R. A. Kantz of Scliiissrow Laura Hughes of Kanlz, May 8, at Beavertown. D.M. Stetler, Anion IlJ Susan CVRomig, both u Mifllin Co. " May 20, by Rev. S. V lord, Asaph Beaver of -c to Ellen Hummel ol"Kt May 25, at BcavertowM Apr. 27, by Estj., James Ji unilerland Co. Dec. 27, by Kev. D. M. Stetler, D. M. Stetler, Johu IVtcrJ 1'eter J' . Riegle of Adams twp. to lua C. Smith, both of 1W Lizzie E.llassinger of Decatur twp., MitHm Co. Dec. 27, by same, John O. Kuu- autla Jwdou of Centreville. June 1, by Rev. D. M. Jacob Bubb of Troxelville A kle of Union Co. to Mary C. Wal ter of Centre twp. Dec. 27, by same, James M. Mil ler and Iiizzie A. Shawers, both of Centreville. Dec. 20, Joseph Clelan and Mary E. Spaid, both of Middleburg. 1884. Jan. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wilson Walter and Ellen B. Crou; , both of Hartley twp., Union Co. Jau. 9, by Rev. S.E. Oehsenford, James F. Kessler of Hummels' Wharf and Ellorah J. Kocher of Selinsgrove. Jun. 13, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, James A. Felker and E. Virginia Wood ling, both of Adamsburg. Jan. 14, by C. R. Rishel, J. P., Simon J. Wenrich and Clara Hoff man. Jan. 15, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Edward L. Rothrock of Decatur, Mifllin Co., and Lizzie Gctzof Ban-nerville. Jan. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry B. Rcninger and Mary M. Stetler, both of Salem. Jan. 26, by Rev. T. R. Dietz, Charles F. Winters of Willianwport aud Ella C. Seebold ot New Berlin. Jan. 28, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Amon Hnmmel of Kreamer and EmmaC. Charles ot Freeburg. Jan. 31, by Rev. W. H. Stover, James F. Snook and Sadie S. Haines, both of Beavertown. Feb. 3, by Rev. W. H. Stover, James M. Kline and Mollie L. Wetzel, daughter of Judge Wetzel, both of lieavertown. . 1 June 1, by Rev. J. F. Vi Charles A. Sower to U Bilger, both of Middlwreek June 10, by Rev. M. I J Thomas J. Middleswarth wi town to Clyde K. Ilarnerofi burg. June 17, by Rev. T. 0. M. C. Walter of Selin TillieCDock ofFwelwif June 19, at New JJorlin, I W. H. Stover, Wm. X. K MitHinbiirg and Kate t. Centreville. June 19, by llev. M.L John O. Klimrler of M and Anna V. Gundruni ui burg. Juue 2D, by Rev. M.L Isaac W. Treaster mid Gross, both of McL'lum June 29, by Rev. S. P Philip Daubert of &W Hannah Rothermel of rn ton. -June 29. bv same, John and Susan Biekhart, both man twp. Jnly22, byRev.J.F' Irwin Bitting and Emim both of the vicinity of July 27, at Freeburg, If. Wampole, John A. Dillie Agues Heigcs, vicinity of Jb remont ioyouiv;w " t i . Jj.oo. J 17W ISM Model UdM' VAJ are ow belag aoUl oa easy S4; otber oouifht at W-J, at lt.M and SSS-M. to be paid It yon will out tat notiotj", Siab bomooi M cv, caw; you their 1M btoyoki catalog1' oolara. ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers