The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 30, 1898, Image 8
IF IT Ml Oil IV BE p WILL COMMENCE AT TUESDAY, JULY 5, BROSIOUSBROS, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. GREAT CLEARING SALE COMMENCES JULY 5. 4 "Thousands of Dollars worth of the FINEST CLOTHING at a Erac- tlon of its Real Worth. It. is a settled fact that we do at no time carry our season's goods for a future sea sons selling if prico will sell it. We think its not good business form. We are not satis fied unless we can show a new and complete line in me uegiuuiujj in mc buhbmm. tatart lhe wheel agoing with a TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT REDUCTION- AND NOW WE SLAUGHTER PRICES. BLARING SALE PRICE. Men's strictly all wool 'Suits which were made to .well at $6.50 m fancy and plain colors. We mark them, $4.19 Children's suits, 29 cents ; -was made to sell for $1; the sizes are 4, 5 and (i, Hoys' caps wo make 12c; jfhev could he sold at 25c. COURT HOUSE CHIPS CLEARING SALE PRICE. Men's Fancy Plaid Suits which $4 would ho a fair price for we mark $2.89- Boys' Suits which we bought S00 of and should be sold at 'AY v murk .ZO, WO 89c. Children's waists 2 for they are the 25c kind 25c; CLEARING SALE PRICE. Bicycle Lcggins in fifty dif ferent patterns, we mark 25c. The dollar kind we mark 50c. Bicycle Belts, i6c, should bo sold at 25c, Bicycle Caps made of crash; the coolest cap ever made, we mark 17c. 1XtN Kiitorpil lor lltrorri. S. V. Sii-isamaii to Amelia K. i Shaffer 101 acres in Jackson tu p. lor 17.-J") I. A. lcrn ami wife to Henry 14. lliegle, one-f'nrtli acre situated in the; liorough of Middleburg for Hcnrj Jlartnian and wife to Miche' Aumillcr, 103 acres situated qd Spring twp. for $-1500. A. II. Rowcrsoxand wife to J. (i. iSndyer, 3 acres of land situated in Heaver twp, for $350. Jacob P. Martin and his wife, Mary to George Mitchcl four tracts of land sin anted in Perry twp. lor $585.00 Lester E. Spcclit and wife to Tiilie J. Bobb liouse and lot in Beavertown for $2200. I.Htt-r UranliHl. Ix'tters of Administration in the estate of Henry Grubh, late of Cen tre township, deceased, were grout ed to Henry B. Grubb. Marriage I.lretMM. ( John V. Swartz, Union Twj). I Amanda Keister, " " ' J II. I. Reichcnbach, McKees. tllie E. Frantz, " " '( Irvin II. Uixledrovc, Sunbury. Mary Reichcnbach, l'erry Twp. f Newton E. Diehl, Jane E. Snook, Calvin Bingaiuan, LUzie Spanglcr, Walter J. Dice, Belle II. Freed, 1 t V 1 Hlooe Mills. Centre Twp. Middleburg. New Berlin. Newport. Beavertown .' A Patriotic Commencement. The48tli Coninicuccment ofBuck nell University closed at Lewisburg this week. ' On Tuesday afternoon, Jen. Daniel II. Hastings, LL. D. Governor of Pennsylvania, attended the exercises aud made a patriotic address. Themusicduringthcweek was furnished by the Third Brigade BandtPottsville. On Wednesday morning the eol Urge department held itsgraduatiiigexcrciscsinCoiiimeiiee. mentllall. Four members of this classare in the II. S. volunteer service with Co. A., 12 reg't., now at Camj) Alger. Three of these, CorjMraI F. C. Katlierman, and Privates 11. F. Koons and M. C. j VaiiGundy were here on furloughs to participate in the exercises and to receive their degrees. They wore the army uniform on the stage whilst the rest of the class wasattir m in the cenventional cap and gown. The fourth member of the class, Scrg't L. T. Fetzer, could not be present, but u vacant chair, decorated with flags, represented his place and when his degree was announced his diplo ma was placed upon the chair. At the annual exhibition of the Buck nell Academy on Tuesday morning, Private L. It. Ranek, Co. A., 12 reg't P. V. I., was present and and pronounced his graduating oration. Another member of the class in the same service, J. W. McCrackcn, was not present but he was also awarded a diploma. Buck nell has 20 of her unedr graduates in the various branch es of the service, the infantry, artil lery and calvalry. The graduates of all departments numbered 71 at this commencement. The total enrollment for the yea? was 433, of which number 2o5 lelonged to the college department. WEST BEAVEK. Some of our farmers finished cut ting grass last week. .. .Charles Wagner is able to be out and around again, but it will still be a few weeks before he will be ready for hard work. . . .John Quay Stcely'a father is giving free exhibitions on Lowell street with his wheel. One point he claims to be master of is that every time the wheel becomes unruly he can lighton his head. . W. H. Knepp, blacksmith, expects to have carnage works attached to his blacksmith shop in the near fu ture. . . .Some of our farmers think it will not pay to cut some of tl eir lields of wheat on account of the fly . . . .Prof. Bowersox, Sheriff Hitter mid Prothonotary Shindel, all of the County Sisat, were at this end of the county last week one night in search of frogs. Their reward was a few orphans, as Reedy Steely had cap tured the heads of the family a few days before. . . .The party that sein ed the dam last, Saturday was well rewarded. They caught a fine lot of pike. Some were supiiosed to be 20 inches in length. . . .The Long and Short Festival held at Cross grove last Saturday evening was for the benefit of the Shoe String Band far a Iwss fiddle. KBEAMER. Miss Curia Hilbishof Selinsgrove is visiting her relatives in this vicinity Mrs. Dora Mencli of Cowan is the guest of Miss Emma Wagucr Miss Edna Smith and friend of Selinsgrove were calling in this locality one evening lost week Miss Izora Walter has returned home from a few days sojourn in Selinsgrove......... C. C. Seebold of Sunbury last week placed a piano in in the parlor of N. C. Gutelius. . . . liosooe North and Chas. Walter of Selinsgrove spent last Sunday in our town A. C. Smith and wife were to Sunburr last Thursday.... J. L. W aguer and sister drove to Middleburg last Sunday afternoon Quite a number of our young folks attended the festival at Salem on Saturday evening ...Misses Mable Gutehus, Carrie Hilbishand Nora Kramer attended children exercises at Salem on Sunday after noon. Alvin Keck ofFreeburg was in town one day last week 8. A. App and wife of Selinsgrove spent Sunday afternoon ' with ' the latters parents in this place. ; ' J "I hare - used GhaMbeMaln'a Cough Bamedr in ny family-for years ana always witn good rsuiu," says Mr.. W. Roooptf of El Lie 01 "For small children w find it mma. ally effective." Tor sals by all Druggist ... ; The Record of 30 Ycsrs Ik Carriage for the Lad lAtHjy Year Compiled to Rent Plea' aid Recollection and to Praerve the Same. " 18S2. -June 16, by ltev. It. S. Arndt, Jacob H. Armstrougof Mouroetwp., Juniata Co., and Souhia Kerstetter of Perry twp. . ' June 29, by Iter. W. F. Warren, Budolt 1. Schneider and Belle D. Suyder of Freeburg. July 1G, Win. O. Bingaman of Georgetown aud Lulie M. Beaver of Snyder Co. July 20, in Williamsport, by ltev. Geo. Cooper, Win. 11. Yost and Lulu J. Hare, formerly of Selins grove. July 23, by D. S.Thursby, Esq., John L. Swartz and Ida Charles. both of Port Treverton. July 27, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Henry I. Peters and Mary E. She! lenberger, both of liannervilie. Aug. 14, by ltev. A. II. Spangler, Wm. II. Weaver and Alda P. Ya rick, both of Beavertown. Aug. 15, by ltev. S. P. Brown, Edward S. Hockenbrock of Rich field and Emma Goodling of West Perry. , Aug. 20, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, O. P. McAfee and Jaue M. Gill, both of Franklin twp. Aug. 20, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Calvin A. Artley and Lizzie A. Row, both of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 2, at Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochseuford, Francis I. Wood ling ami Amelia Row. Sept. 3, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, James Ijose and Henrietta Hackcn burg, both of Adams twp. Sept. 3, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Levi Kuhns iuid Amanda Deibler, both of Centre twp. Sept. 3, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds. Henry Gross to Lucy Ann Kaley, both of West Beaver. Sept. 10, by Rev. A.H.Spanglcr, J. A. Bolder and Lizzie Smith, both of Franklin. Sept. 10, in Port Treverton, by Rev. U. Gambler, Win. Hoover and Sarah A. Gaugler, lwth of Port Treverton. Sept. 17, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, JohnL. Hook of Wagner to Ellen E. Spiegelmoycr of Decatur. Sept. 20, in Selinsgrove, II. Harvey Schoch to Emma C, daugh ter of George Schnure, both of Se linsgrove. In Bellcvuf, O., by Rev. X. S. Slump, Geo. Bush, formerly of Dau phin Co., Pa., and Savilla' Moyer of Sandusky Co., O. ' Sept. 21, nt Selinsgrove, by Rev. S. E. Ochseuford, David R. Roth rock of Middleburg to LizzieBeaver of Kratzerville. Sept. 21, Geo. P. Mertz, Esq., of Northumberland to Mrs. Wolfe of New Berlin. Sept. 24, Win. II. Swarlz and Louisa J. Sholly, both of Chapman twp. Sept. 24, on Cooiwr's Island, by Rev. U. Gambler, Philip W. Steffen and Maria C. Neitz of Port Trever ton. Sept 24, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, John Zechman and Anna Swarm, both of Snyder Co. Sept 2G, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Allen C. Hackenburg and Abby Senora Harris, both of Washington twp. Sept. 28, by Rev. Sjiangler, Aaron Dreese and Adda S. Hassingcr. Oct. 1, by ltev. L. C. Edmouds, Grunsom K. Camp of Beavertown to Clara Jane Thomas of" Adams burg. Oct 4, by Rev. G. T. Gray, Thomas Dimhart of Williamsport to Angeline A. Roush of Shamokin Dam. Oct 8, in Northumberland, John B. McCreary of Northumberland to Maty A. Roush of Washington twp. Oct 15, by Rev. D. E. Reed, Chas. F. Spaid and -Emma Newman of Franklin. Oct 15,byRev. J. G. W. Herrold, William C. Snyder and Ida Mink, both of Middleburg. Oct 15, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, James H. Swartz to Lizzie J. Swine- ford of Chapman twp. Oct 15, by Rev. & E. Oohsen- ford, Wm. H. Wolfe of Chapman twp. to Matilda C. Keck of Kream Oct 19, at Cannervillei by Eer. IL L. DUu!er, Wo. nonce CUoaf aad Margaret Jane Koepp, both of west Heaver twp, . , , Oct If, Wm. n. Kline andM Caroline Knepp, both of West BeaT ver. . ' Oct 23, by Henry Beufer, Esq.; Samuel Troup and Jaue Whatniore, both of Paxtonville. Oct 29, by Rev. W. A. lliasj Reuben Hummel to Lizzie Herman, both of Kreamer. Oct 31, by Rev. M. L. Dictzler, Samuel II. Hendricks of Adams twp. aud Amanda Elizabeth Denis of West Bearer twp. Nov. 23, at Beavertown, by ltev. W. II. Stover, Wm. F. Howell and Lizzie L.Manbeck, both ofMcClure. Nov. 30, in Selinsgrevc, by Revs. J. Yutzy and S. E. Ochsenford, Dr. P. A. Boyer and Flora E. Carey. Dec 10, by ltev. J. P. Shindel, AbnerR Walter and Ada Gift, both of Franklin twp. Dec. 10, by Rev. J.F. Wampole, Philip Mengel of Perry twp. to Em ma Hackcnburg of Washington twp. Dec. 18, by Rev. D. Klose, Cyrus B. Hoch, formerly of Snyder Co. and Alice Troy, both of Leona, Kansas. Dec. 19, by S. A. Wetzel, J. P., Wm. Holtz worth to Sarah C. Cath erman, both of Centreville. Dec, 24, by Rv. M. L. Dietzler, D. Aaron Kern of froxelville to Mary A. Mover of Middleburg. 1883.' Jan. 9, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Wm. J. Wieand of West Beaver to Loviua J. Garman of Perry twp. Jan. 11, by Rev. A. II. Spangler, Wm. T. Dietrick of Middleburg to Same Parneha lodr of Kreamer, daughter of Hon. S. H. 1 oder. Jan. 11, Wm. Luck of Troxel villc and Eliza J. Yeakley of Jim. iata Co. Jan. 14, by ltev. W. A. Haas, A. L. Stetler of Kuntz to Emma M, Roush of Freeburg. Jan. 18, by ltev. D. M. Stetler, Abraham Ilolshue and Emma I Lepley, boihofMcClure. Jan. 21, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Levi Matter of Middlecreek and Harriet Foltz of Franklin, Jan. 21, Daniel Jarrett of Chest nut Ridge and Mrs. Mary Holmes of Selinsgrove. Jan. 30, by Rev. S. E. Ochsen ford, John Kreider to Mary Kratz. cr, both of Kratzerville. Feb. 2, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, James Fuhrman to Alice Smith, both of Adams twp. Feb. 11, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Charles Hare of Middleburg and Hattie Ragcr of Paxtonville. c nous, 1 JP'e RV i. dJ er. Oct 17, by & Meiser, sp.,' Harrison Bollbger and Savilla J. Syster. both of Washington twp. Feb. 1 5, by Rev. Spangler, Dr, I. Grier Barber and Kate itten meyer, Iwtli of Middleburg. Feb. 15, bv Rev. I). M. Stetler, Auroa Singley of Wagner Station to Maria Kcrstctter of Decatur. Feb. IS, John A. Rudisill of Dauphin Co. to Emma Haas of Se linsgrove. Feb. 23, by Rev. D. E. Reed, J. F. Bickel of McKees Half Falls to Mrs. Kate De Wolfe of Middleburg. Mar. 1, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Albright Dreese to Annie C. Green hoe, both of Adamsburg. Mar. 5, bv Rev. G. Lcidy, Geo. S. Wright of Indiana, Pa., to Mary Jirubaker of Rockton, Clearfield Co. Mar. 6, John Wylau of Milroy and Amanda Hoffman of McClure. Mar. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Win. J. Peters of Decatur to Mary Elizabeth ShultzofWest Beaver. Mar. 8, Rev. E. D. Keene of Mil- heim and Emma J. Yoder of New Berlin. Mar. 11, in New Berlin, by Rev. II. W. Gross, John E. Loyd of Milton and Clara Smith. . Mar. 13, by Rev. L.C. Edmouds, Daniel H. Snook and Emma A. Wieder, both of West Beaver. Mar. 13, by Rev. L.C. Edmonds, Daniel H. Snook and Emilene A. Wieder, both of West Beaver. Mar. 14, at Hartleton, Lewis R. Thomas of Paxtonville and Cath erine Kistner of Laurelton. Mar. 15, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, D. Franklin Spaid and Susan Smith of -Beaver. , Mar. 18, U. F. P. Snyder of Snyder Co. and Dora C. Stover of Aarpnsburg. r Mar. 19, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Robert Pachniche and Laura Spring man, both ofFreeburg. . . Mar, 22, Rev. W. A.: Haas, Allen C. Arbogast and Louisa W. Wert, both of Freeburg. ' D. (tomub, both ofKratawri: Mar. 25, by Rev. Haas. Arf Ha and Arietta Steinmev. t of Globe Mills.; 1 ; ' ' Mar. 26, by J.C. Burns, i If'll . a ... . ' w values miner ana inoene both of Union twp. LMar. 29, by ltev. I W iuussieman ana Alaireje noin ot lenn twp. M; W. Scott Benfer and JennJ Xrr i 1 i .1 ... . "v, eizei, Doin ot Adamsburg. Apr. 1, at Akron, O., J Wearstler of Hartville. Start u., to name A. Arbogast dan oi uavid Arboeast oi Fi o Apr. 5, by Rev. D.-M. Jacob Ritter and Marv V. v. i .i . ... . ' " noin oi west Heaver twp. Apr. 17, at Beavertown. lw A If O 1 t J rt. ii.opaugier, das. u. llerl Ida L Smithj both of Bcavi Apr. 19, in Middlebunr. Iv F. R. Diety, Prof. J. Hall A Halifax, Pa., to Minerva J I oldest daughter of A.K. Gift, Apr. 22 by ltev. W. A. James H. Burns to Ellen both of Selinsgrove. Apr. 22, by Rev. D. M. TV.-fi n J i T . . r 1 isamm unjuu Mi uovina Aiusser oi Auams twp. Apr. 29, by Rev. J.F. W am Carbon Seebold to AmaudaM. er, both of Middleburg. May 3, by Rev. & E. Ochserf H. Newton Herman and lj Khngler, both of Kratzerville. May 3, by Rev. Haas, ureeseantl Clara A. E. Er both of Penn twp. May 6, by J. I. Yerirer. Wm. Boyer of Perry township Catherine Wigler of WashiJ twp. May 10, by Rev. II. W. M. Iv. Hassiuger pf Middl and V ictoria A. eanck, ilauf of Samuel Yearick, Esq. May 15, A. K. Hunberir Thompsontown and Emma Huf ot bnyderCo. Alaylb, by Rev. OdiwJ Joseph A. Ludwig and Marl Ulncli, both of Selinsgrove. May 20, by Rev. T. G. Roliert Auniiller to Mollie both of Pawling Station. May 20, by Rev. J.F. Wad Jacob A. Diemerof Washingtoi to ourah L. Laudenslager of dlecreek twp. May 27, by Rev. D. M. fi Wellington Smith and Josd Whitcnian, both of Beavertowl J une 7, at Selinsgrove, by S. E. Ochsenford, Thomas J. chtleyaud Sallio Leitzcl, bd Kratzerville. June 8, by same, F. Frank merman of Union Co. to H Felty of Snyder Co. Juuc 19, at Beavertown, bv D. M. Stetler, Ephraim G. Ki Beavertown to Sallie E. lluii West Beaver. , at New Berlin, II. W. Gross, Geo. S. IleiniUf Sunbury aud M. Alice Botdi Snyder Co., June 29, by Rev. J. W. W er, Zachariah Bowersox andSf Walter, both of Franklin twrf July 15, at Beavertown, l; D. M. Stetler. Wm. C. U Hartley township, Union Sarah S. Moyer of Centre tm ion Co. July 22, by Rev. W. A. Roush Boiling of Snyder Coui Susan Mussclmnn of Dauphin July 22, by same, W. Fisher of McClure and Ada ner of Middlecreek. July24,byRev,M.L.ri Franklin L. Trozel .of lro: to Ada Berge of Centreville. Aug. 7, in Middleburg, by J. W. Bucther, George Wall Mary J. Hummel, both of burg. .,,.' Aug. 12, by Rev. J. P. Henry Hartman and Susan both of this county. : Wine for Weakly Per Weakly pernoai om Bp!! Port Of and Rm UoformraUd Oru JuiwJ glTW lOn KDCI MTMgtt M Um V superior to all other wIdm. I CUmax Brandy of Graf Tk rapertor HaUM at HOT BrM dnoed by um Spwr M. t WIM Oft.) pokMotby hyiiclM. Tto lollf mony tram tb BftlUotort MwUdtll of your cunMBrMdy prw-od r oartelMa ralM ot row ptvdooUoh. gMoru NMHMIOO BOMty.