A 1T2W TaiUUPS- fffc aee.lt aaa at fallow (need. . A JOYOUS RELIGION . . iikaaid and rtntliir. win odto aafferers. Three TwBotU lot Oil gewly Discovered Keroedlee to Core Caa umuuon and aU tuu ".roubles, N.rfwwc onuld In- I sKtf. more pbllantroplc or .-mjmwvl.' Hie -mi.-u-. ".en the JZr of the honors .n iawinl.i tr.T.A.H.um.M.C,otNewor.Ully. . . H- tH)vv" reUal'le anitatrajluieriir. ."im,i m. 10..I .11 brow-Mai. threat. Iuuk iM' w.ntltigawav.aa.1 ui make m.t .t-asly sr-cm .rl rjauM'-JSta un) tmkted roed-lUl- rW. ' . i ' lr-iiv lit -oewr x.:lf rt:lr sve'eai of UH-dl--iuo" I.a-Mwrmauentlvcur! Uiousvus 01 ap "iiiiy impel" ,, vut iMinliU nt ! not inlv III "nana. t oui. ...it r..iijiw .i,v duty wiiirU he . d 'u .s -rtu uf.iuanHy do donate li lu i v'lt:i',,r. . M H lin li - .1 i-t Hi "iltvartwl i-oimuinpilon" O In- Clt- l'.- il.l'll hhvhihI u U'llll.l. In HIlV , -iltll.tt. H.I.I U.l tit-' til 111 AtU.Tll'UII and fl.rsaH uta.rm.il.n t'l'iuiiMiiH of heartfelt . n-i tMiti-i.f If" truii thine Imjiii-IHUmJ . Vii'l .m.i iii p-i. flit' wiirl.l.i C u Tti J ; initirv troiitMVs I."") t eon- ' - M1U..I !l'l. Mild tHII'llnlil.'IHI. llt.tlll.MTUll. -.U.M'1-M0. .!. liU.l u.'lliilll H'h. IHHl't ui'lity mm!.: f i. i-h. In-1 S'mtilv write T. A. Mocillu, M r . w i-.iir 'r-i.. New York, giving expreNt .i.l (.lof.i.wHl.lf'N iim'I ihi" iri- mi-ll.-li.e Mil ., Hiir.. m i l', -!.! I'im.ho t.'li lue D.x-lor . OU a i. ix i. , IT III III- (fiKE PERFECT BED : DO NOT DESPAIR ! Not atMBVr Uiitrl The Iovn aud iiihitlon ur fan Iw rUired to too. Tin' ver I tv ahf.iluU'hr Piinif hi l.i:ii,niii.l roliof tu Inwmula I filtltnK njt'ni.iry auu iiiv ' an1 rtrnlnof lial K.w'ri.liirur red hv InilNpn'tliiliRUrexreiiiiK ol i';irl) jours. ln.iirt vlitor . nm.'.i In Msln wrnm roil 'UM, "'J,'!?? For f-iil" in MiddWiuruli, 1'n., by MWtlli-lnirf: Drnj? Co., inMt.rhns nt MH'h I iy ll'iirvlliiriliiir,nrl in .I Vim's ( nrk ly .1. W. Stiinpoll. 1 HAIR HEALTH 2 Never fail to Rs- M new Youthful Color 2 and Life to CraySJ Hoir. un. iiAVn HAIR HEALTH. IVivra HAI.lv anola Htnpa dandruff, hair j la ni. icalo auraanp. or lloan. Abeolulely Dm t ataln akla ha .-mica. Gives Perfect Satisfaction. IKI IIAIIl GIlOWEIl DRESSIRO fnr Mn Womn, Ihllrtren. II ironr hair ! FAI.I.INU. KAIMMJ or Till ;RAi try at once UK IIBAL.TII. or TIHiHIJU HAY'S HAIH : Only 50 Cents Per Large Bottle. Prpard hf 1 KD3 HvopdTr, N. V nrnald. ttiarther With llAV'H KII.L CORN, onljr tar and st:ppi.Y co. who will aen4 It a raaa of UK. laatant COHSI ( HtB, on rectlpt of ulr. thr Mittlrn. 01 C AT JU-i. LHADINQ DKUOOtSTS. X If DON'T ACCEPT ANY SUBSTITUTE, j NESS & HEAD NOISES Cl'RED Inaiantly. Our INVIHinLB TUBS Cu-rmin. hlp whr. all u faila. at I'uarl l.lp ty" B.ii-nuj.".., .-. ya.n. Whl.r twil. Hrno to.K. Ill.o.i Co, 8S8 ttroadnat , K. " for llluitrted book DDDO Jid Pnx.fa DEAF SFECIAL NOTICES nihli ii'hrnlun rn' (! Ai iy (li'Sriliilinri. .Vaiil. sail" r lit ii'. I,.i.'l K.miiil r Hut ih ici-s iiiH. il. .'. niiiii r il. N l.tiul lur I'li.'-lmli ci-i i (.? ! ii.r on.' tn--rrlii.il u !"l niii-li'iiri h i flit it wnrl m.-Ii Mit.- i..ii'iit tn-i'itlon. NulliliK In scr'i'il lor ,.f,s I hi. i ti'ti iviiIh. N.-To-Hu i .1 !.! .1 t iOt.'O !.l. t)lur .... for Klfty tenia. iU'r.i linliil cure. iniiIii'H wi'iilt I vir.. doc l Ml ' ' i Eilnrnlo Vour Hnwrlii With I'HWiirrt Canity finhnrt If, ciin- coimtlpatlon fm-iver. I'Jo.iZf.. II t:. C. C. lull, ilrut'iriM-sri fuml iiinm y. A t. from Hie Kill lor. TU!' .-.litor nf n I. HiliiiK K'nl" iii:r vriti- K i nn l.ii.l m-cii my iff lnt Jum- niid m: t.i -.oeeff tiwiiiy you wmilil not U-lifVe ulie ui ilif taine uoiii'iiir Tlii-n ulif 'n hrnken il.iwn : jy oervmiN .l. l.ilitv anil millru-.l t.-rril.ly from oiitiiuilion an iek livailvli. Iln-.ir 'I try king lor Ilif N.-rvf inii.le ln-r a wull u-oiniin i un uiic iniiiilli.', V. II. Ili-rniiiii, 'J'rovfl tile: Miil.llrawurtll & I ' In la. .M.CIlir; II. A. .i.ri(,'lit. Ainu- will kivh you n frii- Mitiiilc . ;aukui:.' of tin- K"'i' I ' -- i I 1 tfliu-l' Ijirife . mzci. liV ainl M I NlSTHATOIfS NOTICE. J..'t tcriii.l Adltlinihtnitioii i II t Ii f Mute ol Vr. l-artill Ili'liHT latf of C. nirt twp Mml.T cuunty. I'n.. ilix 'd, baviim lieen tn.i.li'U o the ui.J. t'ni .l, all ).rrm Iiiii.kIi.k thein. elvui- lixlfhlpil to mini P'tntu uru rcoul'Mt.l In inka luiii'it.hatf .u) input, while tlniK liiKlrv .altu tvlll .nnui tlieiu duly u ut lif u ' leal e.l ti. tt. UlJilorMllM.I. WILLIAM IiKNKKIi Apr. IK. 1HVK. Ailin'r. ADTlNISTIJATOlfrt NOTICE Lt tern or AtluiitilxtrHtioii ill the rnxntr ol IpO. Kfrn, lu'e of Miihlleb'ltvh. Hnydpf county, I'a., dc-e'd. havlnic Iw-t-n uraiiteil tuttiv .iuJpr"iK. c-'l. nil pcTMiim kiiou'inif thrill ulv iiiilt'tJteil to uld tatp nre re.Urtpil to make liumudiat,: p.ivmciit. whilv tliow liavinu , ln.mill prpwnt thuin duly autlieutUati-it to lite underpinned. I. A. KKItN. ' av V4. IrP.iH U. M. MOAT.. ;jti'ulUIHN-rt, AU'y Adm'r. 5000 BICYCLES All maJtrMi mnd nnxltjU, NiHtf tiet'lutrd umt at OfHV. mjiUd, l.r Ut IH "htiworo nd aartt t drl, l U MA. aaalleK. HhlVIi1 to OH If (Met m MntioijJ without ailmw.1 dtt- HjtnltMWiiHiu'enIr bouk tm. VlLl A Mi tt'X'i'l It Of HUt work fur iA.UV.t I'HK T Mmple W ut ri'U r Hvnt. Writ- Rt iw tor ur cll (frr. r ML MKAIf St FttKNTIttN. IWch-i lit fJM'PHREYS, mm m.'iw wa -5 eaV- 0 10 'G. J'k. Nc. .No. ..No. No, "No. in No, ro Na 17 DO Ma 77 Cures Fever. " In rants' Diseases. " Diarrhea. " Neuralgia. ' Headache. ' Dyiepsla. 14 Cuma Skin Diseases. ' Rheumatism. ' Whooping Cough ' Kidney Diseases. ' Urinary Diseases 4 Colds and Orlp. ftoM by rlrurjrljU. or eent prepaid a poo reoeVpt aWTteTWUUatB Ut, KoeT York, Dr. TaJmaice doe oot advocate lonf faced Chrletiavne and la thla aermoi be apeaka ttroncl) la favor of health ful tnuNmenti, The test la Jud ges zvi, S3: "An4 K came to - past when their hearts were oaerry that they aali!. 'Call for SamjUJn that he may make ut lDort. And they called foi Sampson out of the prison house and he made them sport.' T:erj were 3.000 people assembled la the Temple of Daffon. They had oomt to make sport of eyeless Sampson. They we: e all ready for entertainment They b. i. in to clap and pound. Impatient foi the amusement to begin, and they in il: "Fetch him ou,t! Fetch him OLt!" Yonder I see the blind old giant coining, led by the hand of a child into Hie vi-iy midst of the temple. At his nrt"l appearance there goes up a shout of Lu.. IiUt and derision. The blind old 1,1..:.. ....'tends he is tired and wants t. a-:., .limatlf against the pillart of the liui..' . to he says to the lad who leads liiit.: "lirins me where the main pH Ium am." The lad does so. Then Hit sue i. ; ;;u:n I'UtM a.s hand.-i on cno ol tin.- ;i!l!i r;i, ti:id, with the r.ilKhtlaat jiu !i narta! ever made, chrows hliinei. furwarJ unlll the whole hoti.-t co.!:.-. 'uown in ii.a::.irous crash, ai.uUir.if the audlcn -e ilko Krapva in wine presK. "And -to Ii. came to pah! w.-.i'ii tlicir hearts were merry, th:it tiiey said 'Call for Sampson that he nmy ir.alte us sport.' And they called for Hampiton out of the prison house ami he made them sport." In other words, there are amusements tht? are dtsuuctlve and bring down taster ami death upon the heads of those who practice them. While they laugh unj L-iu-ir tiiey die. The 3,0t'l) who perishej that il;iy in Uata are nothing compared lth the tins of thousands who havs beim destroyed, body, mind and soul, by bad umuuenients and by good amusements carried io excess. In my sermons you must have no ;icivl that 1 have no sympathy with ecclesiastical straltjackets or with that wholesale denunciation of amuse ments to which many are pledged. I believe the church of Ood has made a tremendous mistake in trying to sup preps the aportfulneBS of youth and drive out from men their love of amuse ment, if God ever Implantod anything in us he implanted this desire. But instead of providing for this demand of our nature, the church of God hta for the main part Ignored U. As in a riot the mayor plants a battery at th end of the street and has it tired oft, so that everything Is cut down that happens to stand in the range, the good as well as the bad, so there are men In the church who plant their batteries of condemnation asd nre away indis criminately. Our communities are filled with men and women who have In their souls unmeasured resources for sport fulness and frolic. Show me a man who never lights up with sportfulness and has no sympathy with the recrea tions of others, and I will show you a man who is a stumbling block to the kingdom of God. Such men are carica tures of religion. They lead young people to think that a man is good in i.ronorilon its he groans and frowns and looks sallow and that the height of a man's Christian stature Is in pro portion to the length of his fuce. would trade off 5M such nun fur one bright f.-utd, radiant Christian on whose fo-e nre the words "Htjoics evermore!" Kvery niornlntt by his cheerful fuce he preaches 50 sermons. 1 will go further and jy that I have no eonlldence in a man who makes a religion of his gloomy looks. That kind of a man always turns out badly. I would not want him for the treasurer t,t an orphan asylum. The orphan would suffer. Among -IO people whom I received in to the church at one communion, there was only one applicant of whose piety I wns suspicious. He had the longest story to tell, had seen the moBt vi-ti'ins nnd gave an experience so wonuVrful that all the other applicants were d.B ciiuiaged. I was not surprised the year after to learn that he had run off with the funds of the bank with which he i was connected. Who is this black an- gel that you call religion wings black, ; feet bluck, feathers black? Our relig i ion Is a bright angel feet bright, eyes ! bright, wings bright, taking her place j in the soul. She pulls a rope that i rcui-hes to the tklcs and ni ls all thi bells of heaven a-chlmlng. There are ! iun:e persons who, when talking to a minister, always feel it politic to look lugubrious. Go forth, O people, to your lawful amusement. God means you to be happy.. But when there are to many sources of Innocent pleasure why tamper with anything that Is danger ous and polluting? Why stop our ears to a heaven full of songsters to llHten to the hist of a dragon? Why turn back from the mountain aide, all n bloom with wild flowers and a-da.th with (he nimble torrents, and with blistered feet attempt to climb the hot sides of Cotopaxl? Now, all oa-era houses, theatres, bow ling alleys, skating rinks and all styles of amusement, good and bad, I put on trial to-day and Judge of them by cer tain cardinal principles. First, you may Judge of any amuaenient by Its health ful result or baneful reaction. There re people who seem iraada vp of hard faott. They are a combination of mul tiplication tablet and ststlstlct If you how them sa axiiulfttt picture they wttl begin to dlaciiaw the pigments In volved Is the color.. . It you show them s beautiful rote they will sub mH It to a botannl yu nlrla, which la only the post mo cam examination ol a tower. Thay sever. do anything tsaa feaMr rest tides of feeling surging up from the depth of their soul la billow after blUow of reverberating laughter. They went aa If nature had buUt them, by contract and made a bungling Job of It. , But. blessed be God. there art people la the world wne bar bright face and whose life la a ong, aa an them, a paean of victory. Even their troubles are like the vines that crawl up: the aide of a great tower on the top of which the sunlight alts and the oft hira of summer hold perpetual car nival. They are the people you tike to have come to your house. . They are the people I like to has come to my house. Now, It it these exhllarant and sympathetic and warm-hearted people that are most tempted to pernicloua amusements. In proportion at a ahlp Is swift It wantt a strong helmsman In proportion at a horse It gay it wants a strong driver, and these people of exuberant nature will do well to look at the reaction of all their amusemertta If an amusement tends you home at night nervous to you cannot sleep, and you rlae la the mornrng not because you are slept out, but because your duty drags you from your slumbers, you have been where you ought not to have been. There are amusements that send a man next day to his work bloodshot, yawning, stupid, nauseated, and they are wrong kinds of amuse ments. There are entertainments that give a man disgust with the drudgery of life, with tools because they are swords, with working aprons because they are not robes, with cattle because they are not infuriated built of the arena. M anv amusement sends you home longing for a life of romance and thrilling adventure, love that takes poi son and shoots Itself, moonlight adven tures and hair breadth escapes, you may depend upon It that you are the sacrificed victim of unsanctlfled pleas ure. , Our recreations are intended to build ua up, and if they pull ut down at to our moral or at to our physical strength you may come to the conclu sion that they are obnoxlout. Still further, those amusements are wrong which lead Into expenditure be yond your means. Money spent In rec reation it not thrown away. It la all folly for ua to come from a place of amusement feeling that we have wasted our money and time. You may by it have made an Investment worth more than the transaction that yielded you $100 or 11,000. But how many proper ties have been riddled by costly amus- ments? The table has been robbed to pay the club. The champagne has cheated the children's wardrobe. The carousing party has burned up the boy's primer. The tablecloth of the corner saloon It In debt to the wlfe't faded dress. Excursions that in a day make a tour around a whole month's wages, ladies whose lifetime it is to "go shopping," have their counterpart in uneducafed children, bankrutcles that shock the money market and ap pall the church and that send drunken ness staggering across the richly figu red carpet of the mansion and dashing into the mirror, and drowning out the carol of music with the whooping of bloated sons come home to break the'r old mother's heart. When men go into amusements that they cannot afford they first borrow whn,t they cannot earn, and then they steal what they cannot borrow. First they go Into em barrassment and then Into theft, and when a man guts as far on as that he does not stop short of the penitentiary. You may judge i f amusements by their effect upon physical health. Thi need of many good people Is physical recuperation. There are Christian men who writs hard things against their Immortal souls when there is nothing the mutter with them but an Incompe tent liver. There are Christian people who Beem to think that it is a good Blgn to be poorly, and because Richard Baxter and . Robert Hall were invalids they think 'that by the same sickness they may come to the same grandeur of character. I want to tell Christian people that God will hold you responsi ble for your invalidism if It is your own fault and when through right ex ercise and prudence you mielit be ath letic and well. The effect of the body upon the soul you acknowledge. Agu'n, Judge of the places of amuse ment by the companionship Into whien they put you. If you belong to an or ganization where you have to associ ate with the Intemperate, with the un clean, with the abandoned, however well they may be dresied, In the name of God quit It: They will despoil you. nature. They will undermine your mo ral character. They will drop you when you are destroyed. They will not give one cent to support youi' children when you nre dead. They will weep not one tear at your burial. They will chuckle over your damnation. But the day comes when the men who have exerted evil Influence upon their fel lows will be brought to Judgment. Scene, the last day. tHage, the rock ing earth. Enter dukes, lords, king, beggars, clowns. No sword. No tlnsol. No crown. For footlights, the kindling flames of a world. For orchestra, the i replied: "Tea, I a If aha. "do you remember "Well." aalJ who. put' it i trumpets that wake the dead. For gal- I lery, the clouds filled with angel spec tators. For spplauso, the clapping Moods of the sea. For curtains, thn heavens rolled together at a scroll. For tragedy, the doom of the destroyed. For farce, the effort to serve the world and God at the tame time. For tho last tcene of the fifth act, the tramp of nationt across the stage, tome to the right, others to the left There la not a prison la th land where than are not victims of unaaaoUfleJ amusement!. How often Dv I had parents com to ma and ask tris to ga and beg their boy off frem the eonaa nuartoaa of erlmaa that aa had cam mated against hit tmploVsr tbt taan there r "Yes," aaid ha. "I 'put It there." And all the paat seemed to rush upon h lav By the memory of that day when m the pisaeace ot men and angels- you promised to be faithful In Joy and aorrew and In sickness and la health; by the memory of those pleas ant hours, when you aat together In your new house talking of a. bright future f by the cradle and the excited hour when one life waa spared and another given; by that tick bed, when the' little one lifted up Ita hand and called for help and you knew he must die, and he put one arm around each of your . necks and brought you very near together In trial dying kiss; by the little grave In the" cemetery that you never think of without a rush of teart; by the family Bible, where In In storlea of heavenly love la the brief but expressive record of births and deaths; by the neglect of the paat and the agonies of the future; by a Judg ment day when husbands and wives, parents and children, In immortal groups will stand up to be caught up in shining array or to shrink down into darkness by all that I beg you to give to home your best affections. I look In your eyes to-day and I ask you the question that Gehail asked of the Shu nammlte: "Is It well with thee? Is It well with thy husband? Is It well with thy child?" God grant that 11 may be everlasting well! Let me say to all young men your style of amusement will decide your eternal destiny. One night I saw a young man at a street corner evidently doubling as to which direction he had lei.tr take. He had hi hat lifted blgh enough so that you could see he had an Intelligent forehead. He had a stout chest: he had a robust develop ment Splendid young man. CuHured young man. Honored young man. Why did he atop there, while so many were going up and down? The fact la that very man has a good angel and a bad angel contending for the mastery of his spirit. And there was a good angel and a bad angel struggling with that young man's toul at the corner df the street. "Come with me," said the good an gel. "I will take you home. I will spread my wing over your pathway. I will lovingly escort you all through life, I will bless every cup you drink out of, every couch you rest on, every door way you enter; I will consecrate your tears when you weep; your sweat when you toll; and at the last I will hand over your grave into the hand of the bright angel of a Christian resurrec tion. In answer to yqur father's pe tition and your mother's prayer I have been tent of the Lord out of heaven to be your guardian spirit. Come with me," aaid the good angel, in a voice of unearthly symphony. It waa muslo like that which drops from a lute ot heaven when a seraph breathes on it "No! No!" taid tht bad angel, "come with me. I have something better to offer. The wines I pour are from chal ices of bewitching carousal. The dunce I lead is over floor tessellated with un restrained Indulgences. There is no God to frown on the templet of sin where I worship. The skies are Italian. The paths 1 tread are through meadows, daisied and prlmrosed. Come with me!" The young man hesitated at a time when hesitation waa ruin, and the bad angel smote the good angel until it de parted, spreading wings through the starlight upward and away until a door flashed open In the sky and forever the wings vanished. That was the turning point in that young man's history, for. the good angel flown, lie hesitated no longer, but started on a pathway which Is beautiful at the opening, but blasted at tho last. The bad angel, leading the way, opened gate after gate, anl at each gate the road became rougher mid thn sky more lurid, and, w hat was peculiar, as the gate slammed shut It came to with a Jar thut indicated that it would never open. Passed each portal there was a grin ding of locks and a shoving of bolt, and the scenery on either side the road changed from gardens to deserts, and the June air became a cutting De cember blast, and the bright wings of the bad angel turned tu sackcloth and the waves of light became hollow with hopeilt'KS grief, and the fountains that nt the start had tosssd wine poured forth bubbling tears and foaming Mood, and on the right tide of the road there was a serpent, and the man said to the bad angel: "What Is that ser pent?" And the answer was: "That is the serpent of stinging remorse." On the left side of the road there was a lion, and the man acked the bud angel: "What is that lion?" And the answer was: "That is the lion of all devour ing despair." A vulture flew through thn sky and the man, asked the bad angel: "What Is that vulture?" And the answer was: "That Is the vulture waiting for the carcasses of the slain." And when the man began to try to pull off of him the folds of something that had wound him round and round, and ho said to the bad angel: "What Is it that twists me In thla awful con- Bid Yea Tdz) Scott's,, EmuflioEi through the winter? If so, we are sure it quieted your coufh, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you feel better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back again, or you are get ting a little thin and pale. , Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. Its persistent use will certain., give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. Don't be persuaded to take something they say is just as good. All Dragg'sta, ant f i. SCOrr ot BuWXE, CheaiiMa, K.Y. Razclir Tti 1 -o- i SELINSOKOYE 1 hrr.i rat it aJUTYflL w ii 'rni. ft) and fc. .laeqo my workj-urj it favors I ,Uoit"2 utinnance of hJ AifflinbUrg Aarble Works. R. H- LANCE. D.. 1? MARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE MoMMts, Ums aid ACemetery l6t& Enclosures. Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lovrest. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED, J. A. JENKINS, Ag'n, 4JriiH8urove, Pa. iTlLODDPOISOn l ertPM Ml I W Prlmar. a C lcmrflLoD VUISCW u Boensnre, It we full to euro. If yoa 4e taken mer cury. Iodide uotiiah, and etllf hare aches ana pain, M oeoasVatclww hi oouth Sore Throat rlmplea. Copper Cslored Hpats, Ulcer on any part of the body, Ilairor Eybrowe fallinor oot. It It this Secondare BLOOD Ffliso nafe easea and challenge tha world for a ! BO W ER & P A WT.TNfl csaeweoaanotcura. Thla dteiue bat always L V JUXb ve A I IjAJU, Attornevfl-fit-Law M. L. MILLER, - - pl I keep constantly on b.ndanii J faeture to order all kiuds of Marble and Granite iusts And Mw Old Stones Claanoi and Ileuirri. LOW PRICES! LOW IMmcJ I have one of the best Jrnl.rj ters in tbe Star and .... ?( turn out jtootl work. ItiVOotue and aea Thankful for nast Sliectfullv aalr a anntln . - . M.iiiiigutr oi aa M. L. MILL? New War Songs and MBit Two of tbe morit popular piece,, tu U810 arranged for uiano nH J have just been issued by the PooS Music Co,. Indianapolis, Ind "BrJ Our Heroes Home,' dedicated M ueroes oi me U. . JJattleHliipJ is one of tbe finest national Z ever written. The music is utirS and the words linjfwith rmtrioti, Diwev's Battle of Manilla jjt-Two-Step" in H tine inslruiont piece and will live forever as a w oiur ui me greatest naval event tbe World's hiorr Eit.hor ..... these pieces and Pouplar Manic J? containing 18 pages f nil sheet mJ o7ud un reciepc oi crnts. Address Pofolar Music Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Biioi Wall Cfii Is Heed for I'lastering IioiiN& It is-a new dt?cvery Guaranteed to last lungi than any other plastsr. j is preferred to Adamant For jnirtioulars caU on ocadJrJ D. A.EM M1DDLESUBG3; II (Duaticeof the Peace AND CONVEYANCER. M. Z. STEIMNGtH. Middlcburgh, K F.K. R4MTCK. K. t. I'AWLhj filed thaaklll of tha mo.t ......JTiVLVt" elans. 8300,000 oaartal behind our nncondi. tlonnl froarantr. Absolute proofs lent sealed on application. AdaYrwa COOK. REMEDY CoZ SOI Uasonlo Temple, VUIUWO, UJU Mr. P. Ketchaia of Pilte City, Oil., says : "During my brsther'H late sickness from sciatic rheumatism, ChHinbi'ilaiu's Pain BhIlj whb the only remedy tlia' uuve him anv re lief." Many others have testified to tho prompt relief from pain which this huiinent affords. For Mile by all Drugeistis. Offices lu Uank BullOtng. JA8. O. CROUBE, aTTOKJ-JIT AT LAW, MlDDLKBUI18,fj All bineiB ntrnste.1 to liSscJ will receive ircmipt attention. Not Par from . "lie claims to be a tout hern platter." "lie doesn't look like one." "lie is, though. He is a Mobile undc laker." N. Y. EveningJonrnal. Noncommittal. "Whar'd you gitdat chicken, Mose?" "Skiue me, Mandy, 1 can' tell a lie an' I don' wnnter commit myself." N. i. Truth. Ah, Lost Yemth. Warwick Your son has no c.xpen lvo habits, I believe. Wick wire He husu't? Thntboyhas had tho bicycle sundry habit for over threw years, and Inst month was ex posed to the kodak habit. He's making the parlor over into a dark room now. N. Y. Journal. CHAS. NASH PURVIS, Collections, Loans and Investim: Kent Katnle and Private BanKfi. Hilliuiuapoi't, Lycoming Co., Deposit? M'cepiud, subject todrattsotcM ruin suy piiri ui me worm. a. rx. Potticsci VETERINARY SURCEOiV SELINSAROVE, PA. All proA-ssloiiul business entrusted to m; will receive prompt and careful attention. Newly Established. WEST PERRY HOTE OncftHirf h mile East of RU lHi Teams free for traveling men todi to town, beforo or utter net Kates 75 cents per Day. T. 33. Hoss, Fro volution?" And the answer was: "That It the worm that never diet." And then the man taid to ths bad angel: "What does all this mean? I trusted In what you said at the corner of the street that night. I trusted It all and why have you' thus deceived me?" Then the Istt deception fell off the charmer and It said: "I waa sent forth from the pit to destroy your toul. I watch ed my ohaao for maay a long year. Whea you hetltated that night on tht treat I lain my triumph. Now yon art hare. Bat Mat Tou ar hert! Come now, Ut us aYU these two challcea of flrt ssd dtiaft totethar to darkness and wo ssd dears. Hall, taafll" ' Oh young man, will the rood angel Mat forth by Sacrificed to Blood Poison. Those who have never had Blood Poi son can not know what a desperate con dition it can produce. This terrible disease which the doctors are totally unable to cure, la communicated from one generation to another, Inflicting its taint upon countless innocent ones Some yrara ago I wan Inncnlnted with poison i by a nurse who Infmstcil n:y babe with blood laint. -inn nine one waa Unequal to the strugtfle, ana its me waa yinutra Up to the fearful poison. f or six long years i ui furod untold misery. I was oovorcd with sores ' and ulcers from head tu foot, and no language ean express my feelings oi woe uunng mose long . years. I bad the best medleal treatment. 8ev eral phytletana succes sively treated me, but all' to no nurnnaa. Tha mar. ciirr and notash seemed to add .fuel to tht awful name whtoh was devouring me. I was advised by friends who had seen wonderful eures made by It, to try Swift's Bpeoine. . We not two bottles, and I felt hone emln revive In my breast hope for health and happiness of fuada sat f tht mptoytr'a lll, , S-'lLir.!', , J.I. Ah aaaaaaafal . . - - ths SVAw. -l Au - - - - - I saw v wayward fca4 lUaCM i"r "T.Z , at Um 4MU. bed sf .Ute,CaC3krWl dtsUnt. M am.ta ApskaftMS Ml and I saw her pftlat tftaff a fcsf and ooador la aald-waty. This hour fager and heard her say t Mr k. may dM.de your tostlar. Ood help yawl -Ps rH ass that tlaarv Es ts . w iw . M train I Imnmnll from tha atari, and a flOln nTi! anil nerfMil aura waa the recall. 8. S. 8, U tbe only blood remedy whleh reeohes des perate eases, - i-i'W.'.' . m ur 1 mmm, . " . war.. Montgomery, Ala. Of the manv blood remedies. 8. S. 8, is the only one which ean reaoh deep seated, violent catet. It never fails io cure perfectly and ' permanently ths most desperate cases wntcn srs dstoim the reach ot other remedies. . , t - . ta Kbslt -vsaiTasUi. and la ths only blood remedy gaarsntsad to contain no mercury, potash, or other minsral. Valuabls books mailed two by Swift OBTAINS nATCMTQ rniLiiiWTEm si Consult or communicate with the if of this paper, who will give all netiM. rcatlon. A Common Dnuger. If vnu have ever had a cold which 1 mlttud to "wear away" it may lntroii jj la waa a tlaiiuvroiM urooeediiiK. 1 Cold and cough whloli is neglected iar way for coiimiinptloii, broncnitm, a""T catarrn. Ulto suura. me tuniouar-rnw-i . MniHic will mi r anv L'Ollxn " l anil aava vou from Ponaumutton. H'7 II. Herman, iroxoivtiio: animio--i Vlah, MeClure: II. A. Kbrlght, Alliieanc . ample bottle free. Irge sizes Vfc "iv Beattty la Blood Deep. flnn Mrwul tnnnna a tic clean your blood and keep it.cH stirring tip the lasy liver and """"n nuritiua from til hnilv. lil'JIll lfh)M banisli pimples, boils, blotches, nnd that sickly bilious complexion H'l Lascarets, beauty lor ten cents. ', gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c. Union Steam Launi Adart3 & YoUtz, Prop's., . Mfflirburg, FAULTLESS LINEN crowning feature of evening The UNION- FINISH W this laundry is famous speaks of painstaking care in every Collars and cuffs ironed with Ivory-likk Edges. . DalAaa ftA l.Vft ffaV IwWtf 9MW es-ass. - a We'lcd ; others follow. , Uca CurUlns a Specif, G. A. Qtmxiurj, Agt, J , ( , , .Middlebuit .-v. ' . A"'-- ) ffW,l!'!J1tllHtW'iW