mi AT 1 -a I Sill FOR MEN and BOYS ISHNG PRICES. IVIEN'S SUITS ASTON BOYS' SUITS 6 Us in The last lot of the 800 Boys' "'uits lias arrived and are now on sale. No telling how long they'll last as the quantity is not large. More of the Men's Suits al $4.98 .-Arc her U,r quick felling, made of fancy cheviots and plaids and plain colors. nVr, $0.50 at least, should be the price ot tiiese suits. BROSIOUS BROS, MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURY, PA. The Record of 30 Years Ike Marriage, for Ike Last Iktrty ' Yean Compiled to Revive Pleas ant Reoolleetione amt ts Proem the Same. :' 1881. Nov. 24, by Rev. W.A. Haa, Nouli Wise and Ellen C. Straub, both of Washington twp. Nov. 27, by Rev. W. A Haas, Francis Miller of Penn twp.' to Savijla Bailey ot Monroe twp. Nov. 27, John Mengle of Wash igton two. to Mary E. Stiver of Perry twp. Due. 1. C. W. Sanders of near Centreville ami Emma E. Mover of Union Co. Dec. 1. Rufus Kncnu ot Banncr- ville to Agnes C. Worrall of Milroy. Dec. 4, by J. E. Shinkel. J. P.. Jonathan Brunner to Ellen Bower sox, Iwth of Centreville. Dec. 4. at Beavertown. bv Rev. D. M. Stetler, John F. Grhart of Centre twp. to Sarah Jane Row of ar Monroe twp. Dec. 11, at New Berlin, bv Rev. H. W. Gross, Samuel B. Shollcr and Caroline A. Beaver, both of Snyder Co. Dec. 12, by J. I. Yenrer. J. P.. Lewis Troup of Cross Roads, Junia ta, Co., to Sullie S. Bender of Perry twp, SELINSGROVE. (Ifrftrrcd jrorn last week.) Mrs. Henry Derk uee McClees -if Philadelphia is visiting her cous in Mrs Ciortner on 'Pleasant street Rev. J. M. Anspach D. D. J of Williamsport, who delivered the Baecalaiiiato sermon is domiciled at F. J.Sehoch's Mr.audMrs. 11. L. Schroyer, have returned from their wedding trip Rev. J. E. Weldley, A. M., of Pittsburg, who delivered the address to the Y. M. C A. of the college is being enter- . Uined by M. L. Wagenseller Prof. Meado Wagenseller, whose school at Milton has closed is under the parental roof Prof. (Xlen rflortner is upending a fewdays with his mother and sisters Prof. .and Mrs. Cope, of Blooinslmrg 'Normal came down with Prof. "Noetling and spent Sunday with fuinily, the Prof, and his wife took natural after years of uhscnue lrom our midst Miss Chris. .7iie of Kocitvillc, Ills, is lieing en tertained by her uncle, Dr. Born.... .Mrs. G. A. ihirtcr ai.d cliildren of '.May town are welcome guests at her prcnts, J. W. dangler and wife The outlook for a very large attendance during commencement M-otk is good, already many homes filled with guests The Milton Central League team played our .''toy on Saturday lat, hut the league , v-w fiot in it. Score 18 to 20 in . l'avoi of the home team Rev. . J. 11. Barlj filled the pulpit in Dr. ii-pach's church in Williaiustort v id Sunday, the 1 h: lieing here preach jng the Ifcuralaiire-ate. . . . Rev. P. I lorry Miller and Win. S. and Doumt ririch returned from Mt. Airy Seminary on Thursday last .Miss Etta Hoffman of Wil iiainstown is being entertained by Miss Annie Potter liev. I. P. Zimmerman, wife and daughter, of Sharpsburg are taking in comiucnce f went this week, Rev. Zeeliman is a member of the board of the Univer sity liev. M. S. Ceasman of Ijewistown and Win. T. Horton of Recdsville, two faithful members ot the board .put in apjicaranoe early o as not to miss a single session Mr. D. K. Ramey of Altooiia.. '..ilio eilicient president of the lioard is promptly on hand, which is char acteristic ot Mr. Ramey The students are publishing the daily .-again during commencement, it had already lecn eagerly sought after by the friends of the institution .... Our citizens who took in the Scsqui TCiftntutul exercises of the Lutheran i Miiiisterium at Philadelphia, have r returned home well pleased with the exercises A young lawyer arriv- il at the homeof C. P. Ulrich,Esq., n Saturday last Prof. James C. Rollback and family of Iowa are .welcome guests at E. P. Rollback's. 'Aunt Rachael'ti Horehound aud Elecampane. Mute OrtB Itock ca1J ;rTfl nl die UuntovkU herb, If mmpte and effcUv riDtJr)gb. cold lionntenewi nd aorv ttroV-UUly reoum mended for ouUuiHIvm. riniM'i eavnt medicine mixture, but It M oare'HoretoouDd, Elwmpne Hoot, Kock Candy mkV ttraa I uloe. combined wlUi ot her nwdlcln. t axnCbA liy coneumpuvw. puoiie wwe.a atdataiw. Sold b driuiriaU. Met, ! WEST BEAVER. i Some of our farmers have com menced hay making and rejxrt a big crop J. J. Steely is still adding improvements to his property by giving his house a coat ol paint Our farmers say the wheat crop will be short at this end this season, on account of the fly A. A. Romig's, son-in-law, Charles Waencr is still confined to the house at tliis writing, but under the care of Dr. Boush is slowly improving J. Irvin Howell is now run ning the Lillyville Hotel under the act of 1303 (no license) J. P. Fisher is making preparations to have his excursion boat (the May flower) hi running order by the 4th of July from Fisher's landing to the lake o cts tor round trip, meals ami refreshments served on Uwt by the Lowell ladies Wm.Grossand family of Middlecreek spentSuuday with Henry Baunigardner The rain we had Sunday was much more appreciated than a Spanish victory Some of our farmers think they will lie able to cut wheat by the last of the week or hegiuing ot the next ........Michael Aumillcr of Troxelville was a West Beaver visitor on last Sundav. UNION TWP. Hay making is in progress Lixzieand AmcliaSchrey were visit ing at Sunbury over Sunday J. M. Walbom and wife were cull ing on friends at Slmmokin Dam on Sunday Jacob A ticker and sister made a trip to Centreville. on Saturday John Ulrich and family of Strouptown were visiting in our vicinity on Sunday. He drives a spirited horse in a brand new Dayton wagon Charles lieigle started for Northumberland on Monday where he will work during thesummer The Hoover Bros, are building three big coal flats one will carry an engine for ojierating to take coal out of the river. They claim they can take 20 tons out per hour they named them Texas, Olympia and Oregon. Women as Beasts of Burden. It has ken said that women and dogs, harnessed together, do more hauling in Germany than the rail roads and wagons put together. Throughout the German Empire women and dogs may be seen liar nessed together to small carts, pull ing heavy loads, all through th? country. The men of the family are in the army, aud the ieasant women have the home work to do. Put Them in Jail. A few days ago the publisher of a newsiiaper in Ohio brought suit against fourty-throe men who re fused to pay their Kubscriptioiis, with the result that judgment was obtained in each case. Of that num lcf twenty-eight made affidavit tliat they concluded none of their belong ings could be attached under the de cision ofSupreme court. They were bound over in sum of f 300. All gave hail hut six! and they were sent tojaiL ' MiDDUBuacH Market. Corrected weekly by our iiipritlntiiU. Butter 10 EgifB 10 Onions 00 Lard 6 Tallow 4 Cblckengper lb 7 Turkeys 00 Bide 7 Shoulder 0 Httlll 12 Wheat 85 Bye..- 60 Potato 00 Old Corn 8 Oats 80 Bran pr 100 lh 75 MiddlhiK " J00 Chop " ,t)0 Flour j er bbl 6.40 The Pennsylvania Ra'l road's New Double track Lire to Atlantic City. ' With tho npw Miwlulo of fn v mimm-r trains In fllect May num. the West Jprwy aou jfatihore Hiillroui prarilrallv npeim to trnvl im tiflw uiiuipir irn.-m urn; irom i nraaeD ana Broad fclreet 8'ailon to AUaut.c City. During IhB Wintoranl Spring fh Hie from Caindvn to Atlantic cttv has been ctu.lly rp. hullt.. T!ie old llslit -nils have Imsii rr pi need hy new ateel ralla welvhlnir one hundred pound to t!ie yrtl. onl on entirelv new rmid con. strutted by the jr.rllng uwessitry for the doublr truck. - The (rrnde nriMlnir oVMr Hm (rank of the Jcrse 8 Mil htrn Railway at Winnlow has ftwn f llniint.-i hi- Mi liiUMIn? or an eli-vativl road, way high Hliori the Iticnu-ctlnir Imckd. and thua enablltiK Ilia la (lout trains fvpims this point. wit'inur.slu'keiilnvspPKit An ahaoliifly nXr roadbed has owm conKiructed across the men. down. X nlUmartin.;erit foundation ot th old Camdpn t Allanuc roadbed, wliloli his btwn buiidlnii or t!io MO'in'ilated worK of. forty years. IhdllMliI nf rnrloadsnf irravel ntiil sand have heen placed to the depth or six tent from lheaiirfuoenp.sjth.nr. tin tracks are elevated aiiovethe iieiiriit. of the otorni tide, la ordnr that the elevated truck mnr 111 belter With stand tno action of storm fide, faosln hare been opened at Intervals to carry the aflctiinulaLed walr beneath the roadway and tho expiwed RIMO. nf tlitt imh.nl.mui l . . I . coated with the heuvv and adhesive soil due ii"ui inn uir-uun-. i ue new tracs is as llrro as the old ever was. and with the protections and reinforcements it will stand tlrmlv the hrilflt nf nnv nr.1lnarv ulA.m Kii. nn. has lieen co i:1 wit h an application of oil so as free It rmm the dust naturally lucldcnt to the w grudln?. I nder these Improved condltlnns the West Jersey and seashore's rtonble-lr.u-ked IMk-s to vy nnn uiennesiana best rme of rallroftn In anv Humm.p ..... i .. ... ........... i.n . 111 niiirrn.il. 1 no siwed of trains both irom Hroad Htreat Htatlon and amden will be materially aoe'lrated and the time of transit proportionately reduced The rolling stork and equipment, will be fully .... ..... uikii -viiiuora mainuiiiida oy me Pennsylvania Hallroad. The Hummer traveler to Atlantic City by this Popular route win enjoy the finest faullles offer ed by any railroad. MARRIED. , , ' June 12, by liev. 8. K. Ochseu ford, at the Lutheran Parsonage, Selinsgrove, Henry A. Hollenbach and Catherine E. Kratzer, both of Kratzerville, Pa., June 14, in Jackson twp. by Rev. S. Sydney Kohler, George W. JJeav erof Middleburg to Florence L. Leitner of Jackson twp. DIKU. June 11, at Selinsgrove, Mrs. Susan Gemlierling, aged 85 yrs. 3 mow. and 26 days. June 10, in Franklin township Conrad L. Springer agetl about 38 years. Funeral took place on Sun day morning in the U. B. church, Rev. Roughter, the pastor, officiat ing. June 10, in Franklin township, three mi les north-west ofMiddleburg, Adam Walter, aged 64 years. Interment at Zion'a church. June 9 in Washington township, Mrs. Oliver Renningcr, aged 29 years, 3 months and 26 days. TheTriaUofLife, Jan. 8, by Rev. Wampole, Thontaa C Walter to Katie C. Beaver, both of New llerlin. y Jan. 12, by Rev. M. L. Dietxler, Aarua D. Wielder and A. Rdben old, both ot West Beaver twp. ", . Jan. 12, by A. G. Hornberger, J. Wilson Glace and Mary Mey er, both of Chapman, ; :.:.. Jan. 30, by Rev. Haas, Milton F. Smith of Adiiuisburg to Mary J. Beam Taggart ot Selinngrove. Jan. 31, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, John M. Steininger and Mollie M. Spade, lioth ofMid dleburg. - Fell. 2, by Rev. S. E. Ochsenford, Isaac Zimmerman of Dry Valley X Roads to Mary Stahl of Kratzer ville. Feb. 2, Jonathan Hafley of Franklin twp. and My Savilla C. Stetler of Pcun twp. Feb. 7, James A u rand of Lewis-biu-g and Maggie Leitzel of Krat zemlle. Feb. 8, by Rev. P. Born, D. D., D. Norman App of Monroe twp. to Mary E. Dunkleof Buffalo Valley. Feb. 19, by liev. Haas.C. Lau denslugcr and Lizzie Jarrettot Peun twp. Feb. 19, by Rev. J. F.Wampole, Jacob Shaeffer of Oriental to Cath erine Snyder of Richfield. Feb. 21. by Rev. J. W. Bucklev. M. S. Weudt and Ella M.BakelesB, Dec 12, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, , ,' t no. W.Miller of Union Co. and ofmokinDam. Geo Kate Kohler of Snyder Co. 22 Dr D- Clark Nipple of Dec. 13, by Rev. AI. L. Dietzler. toa. "Hon nd LauraBoyer Emanuel B. Steininger and Delilah "wirg- Ellen Snook, both of Middlecreek. Fel)- 23 by llev-J- F. Wampole, 'Deo. 15, by Rev. Haas, W. W. Thetnlore W Fisher to Ellen Row, Maves of I.wistwn .n w A n.. both of rowling Station. V " uv a. a. a, kja UMU I Walborn of Selinscrove. J an 2G "7 v' Jhn W. Swartz, of Dec. 18, by Rev. Haas, Benjamin J08 '. Row to Clara Gordon, both of Mr? IMh Haniaster of mi't.hnmv. Perry twp. r E Shinkel J P Fob 26 at Sehiwgrove, by Rev. of Centreville' and K nford, Henry Derk and Jrubb of Centretwp. K Hernian' b(th ol KratMr- F Smith Grove. Dec. 18, by J. E. Shinkel, J. ueorge Henry of C I i i.-.i. . ii auu uuierine vjruou ol ventre twp, Dec. 22, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, James D. Dreese of Adamsburg and Laura Ellen Straub of Painter. Dec. 22, by Rev. Gross, Rev. J. D. Shortens of Union Seminary and t: t T a xuiuerva u. opitier. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, D. F. Fisher of Penn twp. and Ma tilda Moyer ot ashington twp, Dec. 25, by same, John Clopp and Maggie b. Itotinuin, Iwth of 5,s llnsgrove. ,. Dec. 25, Charles J. Deling and Mia rry, ventre twp. Dee. 25, by ReV. J. W. Beutz, Nathan Bressler of Schuylkill Co. to Lydia Somes of Aline. Dec. 25. bv Rev. .1. V. Riwtl,... John S. Hay brick of Lewistmvn nnd Mary C. Kinney of Selinsgrove. Dec. 25. bv J. E. Shinkel. J. P. Benjamin Loss, Jr., of Centre twp. A. It I 1 -m- . to ousanna unrick ot limcKtone. Union Co. Dec. 27. by Rev Shindel. AIW Ikiyer and Clara Boliir. Imtb iifSnv- der (Jo. Dec. 27, by Rev. Gross, J. Win field SamiiHtll. M. ).. and F.ttie A. Spanglcr, both of Centreville. . Dee. 27. by Elder F. Fred. F. Kramer and Lilli.. Am brose, both of Lena, Ills. Dec. 27, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler. Cvrus, (I l)i..rrw.t and Mary E. Snook, Inith of West lieaver. Dec, 28, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Ioreuza D. Wileman of Adnimhurnr and Mary Jane Reed of Mifllin Co. Dec. 29, by Rev. S. P. Brown, Thomas P. Derr and Lizzie Rhonda. lioth of West Perry twp. Dec. 29, bv Rev. Gross, Daniel C. Percel of Wiufield and Snyder of Forest Hill. 1882. Jan. 1. at Port Trevertnn. bv Tt S. Thursby, J.T., John H.Herrold and Amelia U alter, both of Free burg. Jan. 1, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Isaac C. Swartz and MaryM. Bower, sox, both of Troxelville. Jin. 8, at Frecburg, by Rev. J Ieight of Sum, J data Co. M 5, at Bedford, J r-Connel, W. Ii.' lot' Partj lerofJ ville Feb. 28, at Northumberland, by Rev. E. T. Swartz, Wm. T.Roberts of Northumberland ami Malinda Machamer of Freeburg. Mar. 1, James D. Lesher of Sny der Co. and Ida E. Young of Union twp., Union Co. Mar. 7, Elias Emerick ot Selins grove and Mrs. Diana Hctrick of Mahanoy, ' Mar. 7, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, John C. Stimelingof Pfputz Valley, Perry Co., to EmmaJauelleimbach of M'ashington twp. Mar. 9. at Beavertown. bv Rpv. D. M. Stetler, Mnnasses (Jil'bert of and Louisa Gearhart, Iwth of Bea vertown. ' , ut Port Treverton, by Rev. J. W. Bontz. John A.Kt..n mul and Amelia C. Fisher, lxith of Sny der Co. Mar. 11, at Hiintinirdoii. bv UeV. J. I. Pearce, J. D. Hamilton and Cora M. Erhart, both of McClure. . Mar. 19, at Adamsburg, by Rev. M. L. Dietzler, Millard A. Scham bach of Troxelville to Ellen B. Mc Clellan of Beaver twp. Mar. 19, AVr. H. Swartz and Re-lH-cca Price, both of Chapman twp. Mar. 23, John W. Hoch, son of Albright S. Hoch. and Ida C. Stahl, both of Kelly twp. Apr. 2, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., Za chariah Keller and Sarah A. Hum mel, both of Shamokin Dam. Apr. 2, James Helwig andEmma Kramer, both of near Richfield. Apr. 2, Geo. 11. Hoffman of Perry twp. to Maggie A. Mengel of Rich field. . Apr. 8, at Montandon, Albert C. Peters, formerly of Middleburg, and Amanda C. Winkleblock of Laurel ton. Apr. 8. Edward Rhoads ot Jun iata Co. and Annie M. Willow of Y est Perry twp. Anr. 9. M. L. Wa!tir ami AfniM.1 J. Aloyer, both ofMiddleburg. Aor. 12. at York. Pa., bv T?v Spalding, D. D., R.HatliawayShin- uei, son oi lion. J. li.U Shindel ol ijelinsgrove, and Lizzie M Apr. Sa bv Eer. N h ham, Morria Boon and S o i bothyfWinneld. Mar 2. bv Rev. J. W ' A. Romberger and Emnui man. -May 4, by' Rev. W. A t,l F. Brouse ami Agnes MatilJ auuin, both of Jackson twn I May 7, John C. StimoiJ Perry Co. and Emma J. Q ot nasiungton twp. j May 7. by. A. G. IT... J J . P.. Josenh II. Mcisi.p r o d Ida P. Leisrht of twp., Juniata May 10. Father O'Connel. - t VI - -. I .. auu uutsisu voo, uotll ii, Pa. f- 1 A I... 1 T 11 ... Wm. D. Bilger of Jackson tJ MaryM. Foltaof Franklin J May 15, by Rev. Cts. U Smith of Cedar Falls Jennie Evans of Oak formerly of this place. 'May 17.N.L.Leohn.r O., and Maggie E. Hilbish er,ofCol. P. HilbishofM May 18, by D. S. Bove, iv. u. ounaers and Jiarbara ctter, both of Perry twp. May 18. bv D. R. IV, R. W. Sanders and Barbara l etter, both ot Terry twn. May 18, by Rev. Dietzler J M. Waener of Vet rIJ Minnie J. Strunk of LewistJ May 18. by same. ttJ w 7 -vni Hoover of Penn twp. to Lyd'n oi nasiungton twp. May 23, at Beavertcwn. I V. Al Stetler, Wm. J. S est Beaver twp. to S. Kate ner. May 25. by Rev. H. W rf Honrv P T : it! .j ...vim iv Mjll.w n both ot Uentreville. May 25. bv Rev. DietzU UKanawell of Juniata Co, and! lie J? Ueta of Auamsburg. I May 25, by Rev. Dietzler, H A. Hendricks and Sue Seip, Adams twp. , May 28, by Rev, Reed, G A. Stetler ofMiddleburg audi E. Renninger of Middlecreek. May 29, by Rev. W. A. I TV V W T 1.. T .... ill f . 4UU1B HUU je both of Freeburg May 30, by Rev J. Griffith of Shiinit! Cairie Shaffer of Port TreverU June 4, bv Alliert Fwlier s and Jennie v. J. W. ft.l,o 11 Jan. 3. by Revs. S. E. (hmn. Imth of Yorlr. ford and P. Born. Charles P. TTIrinh Anr. 13. hv Hv Ti f Bwu Esq., and Laura C. Dari, both of John D. Shawver and Martha a villi, Dotn ot Adam twp. ' Apr. 10, by Kev. J. P. Shindel, Edward B. Klock ofHerndon and Selinsgrove. Jan. 5. in Mifllinhiirc. hv llov Tamno T7yu.-Ju .fnl 'l-J l I inauuuui ui x llliaueinilUt afl-lT ,. . "TI " auu siuted by Rev. Isaao Gricr,D. D.,of L?ia Ai,n Weaver of Snyder Co, Vf : ai:i r nr i. , -n ... I Anr. 23. A mn Vama . Mifflinbunr. J. Merrill of F.uin APr- 23, Aaron Kerstetter and and Emma Snodgrass of Mifflinbunr Raber, both of Chapman twp. t - k 1 r v. . Apr. 25, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Jan. 5. bvllev. M. L. D ntrW in "Z:i. a (r ,, . 1, t i x ' 0 , ' x icucnuik o. xierrom ana v& An- w"1 TSn mi K "o. both of thU county. .Waughen, boUi oHVest Beaver twp. , ApV. 13, by Rev. M. ll Dietzler, Wm. Peon Gross of Adamsburg and . Wampole, Hiram & ' Stahl to M. Magaret Wagner of West W Tinrn A Hfillof k..tl. nrir-- I a . , 1 Rev, J, W. K and Alice Slut both of Port Treverton. June 8, by lloVi g, p. Miltou M. Xoccffer and Ann Ilookeubroch, both of Chapmaii: June 11. bvllev. J. P. SlJ Edwin Snyder to Kadora C. U Iwtli of WasluHgton twp. June 18, at Northumberland! RcV R T. Swartz. John ttJ Fm-biif to . Mary Alice Stnl Seliusgrotrt June 18. lrVJX.fi. Hover. Henry W. SteflertoflTnioiitwJ Amelia Reichenbacb of Wucliiof twp. June 24, by Rev. Snttfink rison Knouse and Lizzie hmtti both of Franklin twp. June 27, Prof. A. E. GlftW Union Seminary, New BerSh. Kate Kranshop of Lancaster. June 27, at Mt. Carmel, J Curus of Selinsgrove to Idi Persing of Mt. Carmel. Juno 27. bvRev.Sliind...W Jordan and Amanda Koons, bt this county. I June 27, Geo. F. Holme J Mahala C. Mattis, both ot SJ grove. . July 2, at Selinsgrove, by 1 W. A. Haas. Charles E. Sam ot ventre twp. and Sal lie C. dieswarth of Middleburg. O I... !.... t ia Ar-m Elias Disney of Alton, McKtanll tn V 1. rv i.m July 2. bv J. E. Shinkel. J F. II. Stine of Centrevilln to Valentine of Limestone twp., I' vo. - ' ; T..1.. A I v t ... nr- imy , uy ivev. d. x. n amp. John W. Schnee and Agnes IW ooui 01 rerry twp. : Reducnd Rates to Nathvilla via vania ran road, account Chnsi Endeavor Convention. BUIooai Convention, to tw tald t Tb., JulBto it, the peougrmuil Oonpuur wiu tan Moantoa uokeu of: Utttonann Hallna to MukAii. hui OTlwtti round trip. TldtMi will wUIU (004 tolMve HMbroui Joiyl' eot fatrmln! 11m M twhviue ot or -- , uvinu in AMIHlAi ver twp.