Soyaa t t d rmn. FGwOZl. eUaotatebrur mnu mum wwmii ca., m vofco. The Middleburgh Post. Published every Thursday. Geo- W. Wagenaelter, Editor and Proprietor. li Subscription $1.50 per year. wblcb mu3t be pnld In advance wuen, Rent out- Mae ine county.) ATI OF ADVIRTISINO. au transient advprtlcmonta nor- otherwlne jomracled for will be charged at the rate ot H cenia per line (nnnparlel memmre) tor first Inner Uon and 10 cents per line lor every aubeequent meeruon. V7)ra(k Kotictt puhtitKM frn ; ototuary pomj, tuUi f rttMet. fc.. MiwwnuaniM. REPUBLICAN TICKET. 'lovernor Col. W. A. Stone t.lent, ov.-en. i.V.S. tlobln. seo. Int. AfTalr-Gn. J. W. Latta. superior Judge W. W. Potter, ''ongrcM at Large lion. O. A. Grow. 8. A. Davenport, congress Uon. T M. Malion. Amembly Dr. A. M. Smith. An-oClate .lutlg 7.. T. Gemberllng. Uouoty surveyor U. A. Ilotdorf. Thursday, June 23, 1898. course in Electrical B""' , i f i it relief from the affliction," For aa e . . .Thelk.n.iichtracli- 1,11 P' vol" vow (loot 1k.1I viulur ! , v - . -..iv-i-v n::- ni...::...,.-c. I'a-Uytlailyiiciimia Our baby Las been po',li.,u j- SELINSGROVE. The Commence iwiit passed off very well, the weather was all could le desiretl, the exercises were all excellent, the music by the orchestra was highly appreciatedbyall. This orchestra is coiniMiscd of students in the institution. There were a great ninny visitors lroin a distance, there were very lew homes in the town in which were not some guests taking in the commuicement . . . .Many ex pressed surprise nt the rapid stride Susquehanna University had made in the last few years Miss Dora Itratton of McClure was the guest of Miss Annie Miller during (Yiinmenrmctit . . . .Jas. K.Davis Jr. has returned from gtatecollege where he is taking a course in Electrical Lngineering iug last . . . .M.-rs J. v. i'l.-licr-ville is the welcome guest at Frank Good's. .. .Dauntless Hook and ladder Co. held a festival on Friday and Saturday evenings, they did very Well, the people alwavs support the''Fire laddies" L.T. Sharp loss, wile and daughter of Hlooms burg were entertained by Dr. IJ. F. Wagenseller during commencement week .... Miss Myra Mover of Bloomsburg is a weleome guest of the Misses Kistner Mrs. liayard of Ridgwav is visiting her jiarents, Rev. and Mrs. C'hilcote at the M. E. jarsonage The Reformed S. School held Children'9 day exercises on Sunday evening, the exercises were well rendered and enjoyable .... Trinity Lutheran choir has accepted an invitation to sing at the Lutheran Reunion on Island Park on Aug. 4th ....Dr. W. O. Perkins of Huston is in town and has eommenc giving private lessons on voice From Bellefonte Oaiette. Brief Fun Hawsa Barrick. Liever Kernel JIardeu. Ich und de Poll -hen cm ledshta Moondawg morga de train tiff em Hawsa Barrick rigglewakc g'numma un sin nivver in do I'enns valley far der Mike Iletzel d'soocha woo dol a pawr yohr izurick uart nivver gatzooga is. Un es hut usht so g'liapiH'tied os der Mike der naixt nuch Jtellefonte cie hut wella de demagrawdisn convention atteuda, 1111 hut drutf insist os ich mit gw set far siena we se de bisniss dooiia ini shtettleawoo de govineer woxa in da fens- ecka un utt de shtooinpa wede karnbsa Ich hob ols feel g'hojrd fun Belle fonte tin fun Miicnu rigglewake os dorrich Penns valley miff gied un wos os cs de bowera gakusht lmt far en bowa. Se hen mere ols g sawd de gons loudshofl -ware ga-agened by Demagrawda woo olla yohr on de leckshon sin un far der (.jeneral Jackson eavote lonir noach deni os are dote wore -es lonil fuu fetta tixn, shiena maid un grosse boweri. Ich hob en oldtcr liower woo uff meim sitz g'hucked hut g'frogt ebs nuch so ware un are hut g'sawd : "Xhj. Mere hen els oehtza; hoon- ert Dcniagrawdishc mareheit g'hot in Centre county, awver selle tzeit is farby. Sell wore de tzeit woo mere ols usht dri juirtdies hen g'hot Ludcrish, Refermeered un Dema grawdish awver now hen mere en uolb dutzent un unser yunge sin uet tsu-f ritta mit sellcm. Won mere ols der "Berichter" un der Lngcster Kolleniier Ini house hen ir'hot don hut incr lashs g'hht for weUH liawua." ' ' , "Dueawksht?TJn shtandasedes?' ' "O, yalw En Demagrawd muss olla wile nemnia wos are greeketl. 1 un won 'a usht ' deligate u teu " der shtate convention. Se miesa tsu fritta si won so karl we der Col. Spannler usht hands shaked mit ecna olla tawae yohr. . We de convention ferby wore, Kernel, liov ich usht nuch tzeit g'hot far de train maucha un sele is far wass os ich netcoonui bin dich saena. Un ea is mere usht so wole. Far leicht ware ich so feel disappoint gawest mit dere os ich wore mit der Deaiagra-vdisha looinberi un sell het mere my hartz gons farbrucha. Ols widder. Gottlieb Boonastiel. 1 Wap UppIuppiI I 11411 UUU1U1UU! Agents Wanted in Every County to Supply the Qreat Popular Demand for America's War for Mail TOLD IN PICTURE AND STORY Compiled and Written by SENATOR JOHN J. iNcLLs Of Kansas Ihe most brilliantly written, mist profusely and artistically illus trated, and most intensely popular 11 .1 ... t . oook on ine 8iu)ect 01 tne war with SjKiin. Nearly 200 Soperli IIIoslralioDS irom FHotoraplis taken specially for this great work. Agents arc making $50 to $100 a week selling it. A veritable bon anza lor live oauvassers. Add! v. for description, terms and territory at once to N D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO- St. Louis. Mo., or New York City. Oarpot&fi Carpbta- VI s Oarpotd I nnTTinoo r A AH Qualities. Mill HUUdi '. All Prices. Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, Ac, &c, The whole lower floor of iny store is taken up with CWs, Ru Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain PoleTlLi S , For the abort time we bare been in busiDush, our nloi huJ KUda hare Stcouie well hikI fnvorably known an i quHliiy, LOW PRICES and FAIR DEALING. Jnst Mmti We can diow you the largest and best selection of the above "wed, ever sliown in Lewistown. ' - Brussell Carpet as low as 50c. and ui All M'.l a. .... m. . " Half Wool Carpet" 35c. i Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experienc of Air. w. m. liusu. clerk of Hofpl Dorrance, Providence, It. I. He snys : "Jror several years I bave been almost a constant fluff erer fromdiar. rhoea, the frequent attacks complete ly proatrating we and rendeirne me unbt for my duties at tbis hotel: About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were immediate. . Whenever I felt aymptonaof the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few dost a of this valuable remedy. The result baa been very satisfactory and almost complete be lteu tsti feel un aui-s neacli cm onera fun unsera boova joina de Republican party. Dare rigglewake woo du now druff forsht hut der divel g'shpeeled mit der Denwgraw dish arty in Centre county. Are hut loolt ri gainst un bletz woo's ols so doonkle wore os nemout En glish schwetza hut kenna is now der blotz woo re professors rous draya tun da colleges un universities." Gli hut der conductor ga-grisha, un ich bin nows un ob'slitart tar de grossa Demagrawda srcna woo ich so leel derfun g'hasrd hop g'hot Mer sin grosser hivvel nuft un don sane ich eu grose house iu der mit fun der shtrose shta; mit em himicra end iin budda weeu ground kellcr. "Wos is sell now?" hov ich g'fntgt. "Sell is es court house woo de Demagrawda era convention hieva wella," hut der Mike g'sawd. Mere sin forna ni un en shtake culture. All who can iiossibly do'nuffungli sin mere in en grosse ) slioulJ embrace tins opportunity. a su'.'h opjiortunities du not often come so close to hand, as this does, by such a distinguished musician as Dr. Perkins Rev. C. R. BoUford and family leaves this wwk for his field of labor at North-umU-rland Rev. H. P. Mil ler will leave for his field of labor ihw week. He goes to Brwklyn Rev. Dr. Ochsenford Stak ing in the commencement of Muh lenburg college I larry Y. Fry ling of Rimova pcnt Sunday with h'u lrotlter-in-law, 'L T. Hettrick. Accident at Zion's Church. (n TwIay nvrning, at lialf n4. eight, a wrioiu vxAnX occur rl at Zifyo'n f4iiirr.h. ItU in procow )f rtJMtrw-tiun anvl tlie men were putting no tlie raftT. A number fiftittun ha1 txtt put up, when tlie rftT, 'JiT'miU wmut rwftiM, Jot fair balaiM Ml, knocking wcnA 'All mm - ilmn witli it. The rafur tell in Abwr Harkenlurg finkurf htm iu tit region of the titHiwAi tl irnWA him (fjtmUr .11. T. f f 3UMj, Lnuu luuruma t u& waa brtJuii aorl iAr were alightly wpitvi. am will rewver. shtoop cooma woo feel leit wora. "Now, Mike," hov ich g'sawd, "Wise mere dere Judge Orvis, der Judge Hoy, der Col Wm. H. Blair, der Shtate Senator Cyrus T. Alex ander, der Govineer Curtiu un de onera grossa Demagrawda woo ich ols so feel berfun ga-ltesa hob. "Se sin oil dote." "VW) sin era kinner?" "Well, era Ijoova sin net dot). Dale sin im greek, de Shponver fechta un de onera sin doh in bisniss awver se kara nimmy tsu der Denia grawdislia pardy. We der Bryan de DemagTAwdish fuhr dorrick gu? hut mauctia tin se turn wauga ea- jumped un hen g'sawd, "won dere dun tzu m divel ga mist don gaxl mere gtena net mit," un de keyoona ben oil far der McKinley gavoto. "Well now, Mike," hov ich g'sawd, "Ware sin de karl oa dart forna sliUena tin runna deeding?" "S.-ll in de ynnga Demagrawda un ch'oldta office seekers. Deyunga timW Car gbjrv un de oldta far geld. 8 Kffg arl fun Penna valley dob rirver un ' maucha ae glawva e bmka de wtldt uo ollea iun cna Iaa en utm otfux oua-daila 'gail un dVrno greeked Penrw valley der loodV-r grub uo Jfellcfuntenemk dr troubled with colic and cholera infantum since his birth, and all that we could do for him did not aeem to give more than temporary rhef, until we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera' and Diarrhoea Rem edy. Since giving tbat remedy ha baa not been troubled. ; We want to give you this testimonial as an evi deuce of our gratitude, not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remedy, O. M. Law, Keokuk.Iowa. For sale by all Druggist. A Tabular Statement of the number of school children, between the age of 6 and 21 years, as ' regis-, tered in each township of Snyder County: Districts, No. of cMldrenj Adams 243 Heaver 230 Beaver West 323 Centre , 308 Chapman . ' 3G9 Franklin 407 Jackson 172 Jackson indep. dist. , 37 Middleburg Boro 110 Middlcoreek 240 Monroe 354 Penn 357 Perry . 437 Evandale ind. dist. W. Ferry 24 Perry W. 209 Sehnsgrove Boro 3221 Spring 340 Union 377 Washington 490 Groceries. Arbuckles' and Lion Coffee, 13c ; 2 lbs. for 25o j 4 for 45c. Winner Coffee. 13o ; 2 lbs. fcr 25c. Loose Roasted Javo, 13c; 2 lbs. for B5. Java and Mocho, 35c ; 3 lbs. for 90c. Extra loose green coffee. 25c. lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c. 8 lbs Gran. . uiaiea, ouc. 10 lbs. Light Brown. 60c. Corn Starch, 5c ; 3 lbs. for 12c. nice, 5 : very nice. Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. Syrup, 18c. a gal. . Light Syrup, 30c. a gal. Chocolate, 18c. Baking hoda, 4c. per lb. Boking Powder, 6c lb. Rasins, 7c. Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Oatmeal. 10c. 3 oackases 25c. Crushed wheat, 15c., 2 packages 25c. M)nee canes, oc a id. Ginger snaps, 5c a lb. Oyster crackers, 6c. a lb. Knick-knocks, He. a lb. Water crackers. 9c. a lb. Cashfraid for good butter and eggs. 53G5 f-. rs Talk. cto talk uch nonaenM," as b aalA. ' With Juit a ahada of condaacanalon. Tour pardon, air, 'twaa maralr tnaaat To coma within your oomprabanalaa.' KJbloaeo Racord. atylaa ( rtUa. "Yea," aald the man with the heavy gold watch chain, "ha didn't get along Fa life." "To what do you attribute the differ ence hi your care era 7" "He waatd his Ume building eaaUea In the air, while I went ahead and planned mapa of boom towne.' Wa4a IngUmSUr. le Favaallr Tr.., "You're been Uiking about your fern; fly toee .hare you potr ahaaehed. , Tanlly treci" repeated the humon lat la a ptuuled tone. "Oh, dear, ne Wheaw did you get that Idear7, ' TVhy, 1 'heard you say somethJnf about 'cheatanV " ihe expltlned-Oi. eaf 0 Post. from New York aud PbiladelnLM Largest flock 1 Bet iock 1 Lower prices ! ihe barffains wu sive hold your custom t be couviuced by giv ing us a can. PRESS GOODS. We can show von 25(1 Dress Goods, ' Novelties, Mohairs and in fact all kinds of the latest 1'attern. Keiuember we are selling all our Di ess Patterns; only one Pattern of a kind we find iu tbis way we can show you a lurger assort ment in Dress Goods and sell at lower prices. We can show you Novelty Dress Goods from 8c to 90o per yard. Call and see this line, and we are sure you will tind a bargain LAWNS. r rom oe 10 zoo JTancy, Datt Swiss, Bhold Dimity, Frig'd Dimity, Frig'd Org.. Peracle. Seree Pa. . in fa. n snow you a full assortment in all Kinds ot iress Uoods an d Ginghams. Dress Ginghams 5c to 15c j all Apron Ginghams. Lancaster 5e: nil HIha Calicoonly 5c. SHOES. To fit the foot and fit the nurse at our store, we always try to give our customers flits; we do not ask vou to make your foot fit the shoe ; but we simnlv rive vou a shoe that fitn the foot. We just received a larce new linn of Spring and Summer styles in Russets and Patent Leathers and all kinds, the latest styles and lower prices. Call and see for yourself. Rag Carpet as low as 20c and t. Cotton Carpet " 22o Velvet Carpet " " 75c. -OLina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select Fronts l-;BE GrOODOi Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the place to buy at The goods are first-class, prices arc tlie low est, our rooms are clean end no trouble to show goods. Respectfully, YV. fi. FELIX, Lewistown, Penn Liberal Aflpstments- Prompt Payment -RPMrUQCD H. HARVEY aCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, SELINQGROYE, FA, Only the Oldest, etrongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessment tt0 Prom in m The Aetna rt Home AmericHTi Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 11,055,513 88 COO t, ine oiaiiaara,Acciacnt insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Tour Patronage S ilicited. In Carpets, Rugs and Oilcloths we hove all the newest patterns and cnoice colorings. Ihe latest de signs are beautiful and at about 1 quarter off from former prices. Good Ingrain Carpet, only itfe. Good Home-made Carpet, 2-c. 8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 50c. per yd. rM Table Oilcloth, 14c per yd. ft 4 Table Oilcloth, 12c. per yd. No. 1 Butter, 14 No. S Butter, 10 Freeh Erea, 10 OniOna, 80 Dried Applea, t Should tr. Potato., S New Lard, 6 Torkeye, 10 Youne Chlckena, T Dried Cherrlea, S Bacon, Bam, 10 N. B.- We have no Spec ial Bargain Day. Our Bar gains are Every Day. HOid on to Your Dollars, 4 ' TTl.:i a. . uuwi you see aoud-iact Bargains. We bav i?ADudt1heea8011 w,ith a 8tck of goodi tbat beats the record for beauty and lot prices. Be fair with yourselves and dm our Elegant Stock of Spring ClotbiJ Ifc presents an opportunity for economic al buying tbat is not found elsewhere. Spriijg Hats, ffcijcy Sljirt? Everybody needn We have just what you need, and at the iiriocB mai, aeiy competition. We hare tne finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish - wg Goods on the Market. Hats. Caps, ' Valiees, Trunks and Kubber, Goods we nave in large assortments, IN DRESS SHOES, We have a lino unequalled in the coiintv, enr Snrinir wear, in nri anil quality, cannot be beat in tlie State. We want you to see our 1k H. OpMK, SelinsgroTB, fa, F.HVMaurer, N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sta New Berlin, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA CHAUTAUQUA. KMlared Ha lee t (. dretaa la frum. aylTaal BUIIroaa. . For tba pennarlranla Cbauiaunua, to be bold at ML fireUa. fa., July i to Aufruat 4. IMS, tba Penoaylvanla Railroad Company wlllaell tlcketa to tbe gearral publlo on June to to Augunt 4, good to return until Augtwt 10, Inclualre, from auuona on Ita Una In Pennaylvanla, and from WaablDvtoo, D. C. Baltimore, Md., and Caoao dalgua. H. T., and prnclpal Intermediate ala tiona, to Ml. Orrtna and return, at reduced raiee. a-n-n. Reduced Ratal to Altcona via Pennsyl vania Railroad, account Democratic .' State Convention. For Um Democratic Mate Convention, to be bald at Altoooa, June 29, the Fanmylraola Railroad ooapanjr will aaU apeclal (icuralon Ucktu rrom etatloaa oo Ita line In tba Stale of ranaaylTatrla, to Alloona and return, at rata of aingto fare for tbe ronad tup (minlaom rata, twenty-are eanuj. Tlcketa will be told June tr. ia, and It, and will be good to retura trutu 0WIJ , IBM, IIWIIVNT. DONT SA0RIPI0E ... Future Oomiort for present seemine Economy, but BUI the Sewing Machine witb an established reputation tnai jruarantees von long and satisfactory service : IV Wl)ibe. Its beautiful figured wood work, durable construc " tion, fine mechani cal adjustment, . coupled with the Finest Set of Steel Attachments, makes it the Most DesiraWe Jfactiine in the Martft FBA1TK S. BIEOIE, MlDDLEBUBGH, Pi- "Send tor our beautiful half-tone catalogue. - IV uUGI r.lT. PLEASANT HILLS. Store. I keep everything in the hardware line. Horse sboe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels, hoes, tools of all kinds, Horse Blankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs,'buokets, and Patbst Washing Machines Call to see my goods and you will be oonvinoed tbat you. can buy cheaper here than ajiy where in the county. 4YouroJrap'y. I I x lfrrnr Pleasant Ji Li ULlLli mUIi; f.