The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 23, 1898, Image 3

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James H. Wallace could have paid fj,ooo for Ike
information contained in the following lines, and been
a gaitter by the purchase. His experience, which
cost dearly, given freely -to others.
n information contained tn the fol-
in, Uaei had been in tht ponwioo of
Z?H. Vallate, of Detroit, Mich, he
-jd hart saved more than $3,000 and
nuli have enjoyed five yean oi health
ai happioe instead of tortare.
Mr Wallace is aa expert accountant and
Imakecccf. t um woe ui . ruocr
rri.'rL Detratt. He Uvea with hh
CSy ta a pretty home at 240 Sixth Street.
Irth, havinj inherited scrofula.
icuti Dun man. Mc Vallacc atemed.
L he told Us story, to have a long Hie of
Lprous health and useKilrm before him.
iHc tells about the remarkable incident
kit ltd to h complete resroraoon as iouo wn
lTk. n ohviician soon said I had a
Liiltutionil blood disorder, and by con-
Lnt treatment and diet it might be cured I
"Blood punncra ana apnng meotctnes
ni, the eruptions more aggressive and
.iImL In 18S8 I was a fearful looking
"Large Uiucra vu iuj auaea unuuugro
"I triti evervthiflf I took medical bathsi
Ltnt to Mtdktae Lake, Washington spent
L. 13.000 for medidrk and medical aer-
(ice all wasted money, time and energy.
"My recovery seems ukc miracle to
. t t in
he, us Beginning aaama nu imnanrr.
"One iiv in the fall I read a newtoaoer
Ukls about a cure effected by Dr. Wil
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days !
hie Undersigned Offer
It the greatest sacrificr ever known in central Penn
We arc uot tMlog ont, but we do this to IncrenBe our sales above anypre
!oub year. We Rive a rew of rne prices as rouow : ' ,
oft Wood Chamber Baits $14.00Cottou Top Mattrew 9N
lard Wood Chamber Suits 10.00:Woven Wire Mattress 1.7S
latique Ouk Suits, 8 riecee 19.00: Bed SnrintfH 1 2"
lush Parlor Suits SO.OODrop Tables, per ft .00
JVoouVu Chairs per set 3.50;Platfonu Kookers oo
I In stock, everything in the furniture line, including Mirrors, Book,
fcesks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre
feather I'll lows, .Lounges, Uouclies, UouKiitraya, rsinas, nan iwjuh, van
teat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
I Prlfips reduced all through. Come earl v and see our stock before, civ I n
lour order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent, on every dollar. . .
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming.
Snyder's old, and
Insurance Agency,'
Elmer OT. Sixydox, .orLt,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow-
ng list of Standard Companies, from
Setter the World over. -
flRE-Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign asseth) $43,000,000.00
Hartford, of Hartford. (Jonn., (oldest American sjo.) H,b40,
Phosnix, Hartford, Conn. 6,588,058.07
Continental, New York, 6,754,908.72
vnuwu auicilUHii lion ivibi " I -" I " "
LIFE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York. $204.638.983.f,6
ACCIDENT Employers' Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00
a-no, iaue ana Acciaent tibkb accepted at ilb iuwui ijubbiuio iuio, jua
ified bv a strict recard to mutual safetv. All iust claims rromr)tlv and
latisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes oi Insur
We promptly furnished. . . ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt.,
eiepnone No. 182. Office on Corner
t fr' ; t'M.tariswlitsaallaarilMitiuf
The Cheapest and Best Fuel on the Market,
With it you can ran a vapor stove for one
half cent per hour. Give as a call and bo
convinced. ' , v
Schocb & Stahlnecker.
liams' Pink Pflls for Pale People. It Inter,
cstei me, but I quickly forgot it.
That afternoon while moving some
books I broke aa ulcer on my leg and
nearly tainted.
"The pain made mc sick. I stopped
work and dropped into a chair.
"Then I again saw that newspaper arti
cle. The paper was lying on the floor, the
article exposed as though Lreng sic to take
"I read ft through1 again carefully and
decided to give the pills a fair trial. The
cure described in the paper was like my
own case.
"I sent for a box of the piQs at once and
took some that afternoon.
"From that day I began to mend.
"When one box waa finished my friends
remarked upon my improved looks.
"Eight boxes cured me completely
there was not a sot left on my body."
Mr. Vallacc made affidavit to the truth
of his story before Robert . Hull, If- a
Notary Public. . '
Thousands of similar cases illustrate the
aneqtlled power of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People over diseases of the
blood and nerves. No blood disease has
been discovered that can withstand the
actloa of their powerful vegetable ingre
dients, which harmlessly expel the impuri
ties that cause disease. All druggists sell
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People l
one box 50 cents, six boxes, $2,50.
The Public Their EN
Tables, Fauoy Bookers. Many unairs,
reliable Gen'i
which to make a selection. None
Water & Tine bts, Belinsgr ore. r
a mm niwpiv ok qis nw aiw-oTpry
(ur Oonnmptloa. Bronchitis nrt
wUi lung, which tare So tmf
nni TM Doctor la verjt mmh
lnlonK4 la prcaoliMI th iwwa of
thai itol rwaedy. RMdan ar it
sum tad to writ ailaaal 4tlay.
M, Calrscs.
Four Free Scholarships
To be awarded by
EaHDtes Cote.
The Best Practical School in
Wbo secure the largest number
of votes in the content ex-
plained below.
Get yonr friends to snliscrilis fprie
POST and seenre a Free
AVt have just coiicliiilwl an ar
rangonu'iit whort'by we are oiuiMihI
to oiler M'h of four vikmij? jicrwuis
a frw sfliolarship in tlio ceh'hratoil
rjistinan Lusuiest Collojrc, 1 ougli
k(H')si, Now York, tht X'v York
IJiiisiiu'ss Instituti', 12")th Strtft,
New York City, or tln National
CorrcsiMiiKU'iiot' St'liiHils lliroiifih
which thi-y give inst Miction by mail.
Thcst! instituions arc known in every
section oi tliev.oi hl. Their graduates
are thoroughly eqnipiM-il for business
pursuits, and are numloml by tens
of thousands. Thev arc found in
every city and in almost every
I county ami village in the United
States. The courses of study given
l are short, inexpensive, practical and
j useful and afford a bcttir training
j for business than can lie had in any
other school.
SllO-l.V FRKK.Sl'MOI.AIiSllIfS-81 10
The following statement by Mr.
Clement C. (Jaincs, President of the'
College, explains wlit the !ifleient
scholarships are and what their
value is as prizes.
.;7F,,ist I'KizK 837.
A S ill I.AHSllIl'-l'ilMlKS, S2.
Good for a term of twelve weeks
personal instruction (at the College)
TELWSiaril and PKN
MANSIlIl'department.s, and 2 for
complete Short-hand looks. If the
student prefer, Instruction by Mail
in JiiHik-keeping and Short-hand of
the same value will be given.
?:V2 Sw ( n i) PmzB $52.
A $30 S H(I.A!tSIIH-15lMKS, 2.
Good for a complete course in
Short-hand (with ImhiIvH 2) including
Principles, with practical work in
Correspondenee and Uejiorting, in
struction exclusively by mail; or
personal instruction of the Kime
value (limited to ten weeks) in any
department of the College, w ith our
Simplified Short-hand Instructor $2.
$25 Tumi) Pkizk ?2r.
A 25 Sriioi.Aiwiii!'. j
Good course in IJook-keoping
(without books) including lotli
Single and double entry, principles'
and practical work, instruction by
mail or personal instruction of the
same value (limited to eight weeks)'
in nny department of the College,
without IxMtks.
1G Focirrn Phize 10.
A 15 SchoLAHKHii'-IiEKsox,
. I'KIW, 1.
Good for a term of ten wn ks,
correspondence instruction, in Short
hand, including lesson pajers but
no books; or personal instruction of
the same value (limited to five
weeks) in any department of the
College, without books.
These prizes are easily obtained
and the four young persons who
make the most telling efforts and
appeal to their friends for help will
win them. The POST wants to
add 1,000 subscribers to its list
within the next 4 months, To ac
complish 'this end it offers the
scholarships to the four ladies or
gentlemen who secure the greatest
number of votes in our
Eastman College Contest
which is started to-day and will
close with the last issue of the l'OST
for August, 1898. Every ballot
cut from this paper counts one vote.
Certificates for votes acquired by
new subscriptions and renewals with
cash in advance will be issued with
ballot annexed, which must be filled
out and forwarded to be counted
No votes except those written on
the printed ballots cut from the
columns of this paper or those allow
ed for subscription, renewals, job
work and advertising will be count
ed. Extra copies of the POST may
be obtained at 3 cents per copy.
Votes Allowed fou SruscRu-
For every new sul ascription or re
newal for a year accompanied by
1.00 in cash one hundred votes
will be given.
For every sixinonthssubscriptioii
or renewal paying 50 cents fifty (50
votes will be given. x
For every dollar's worth of job
work, leg-al advertising, businesad
vertising or " other printing brought
to thia ollice, we will issue a certi
ficate, when work is paid for willing
for 100 votes in the contest.
Scl;olar?l)ip Coupoi).
This Coupon entitles
to ONE VOTE in the Middlfbinvl,
POST'S contest for 4S-hoIarshipsat
Eastman Pmsiiu ss College, Pmigh-;
kvepsie, NY., worth 110.
Geo. W. 'a;i:xski.i.kii, ,
Our Clubbing List.
In order to give all a chance to
get otliKi- papers cheap we h ive
made arrangements with a number
Jof papers to eombiiie them with the
j Post at special rates. The regular
j rate pel year lor the Post is 1.50
but din ing our special oiler we will
: ,(,cp 1 .00 per' year in adviMiee.
Then if any want other papers tint
we mine Mow we give them the
advantage of special rates. The
j first coliiinii names the publisher's
price, the second the amount which
ii i - . ...
jadded to 1.00 will pav for the
I W' ami the publication nam,,!.
i in- lll il IOIIOWS.
I'llb, lTln. c,1in. Trli
I KT V- a.'. ...!..
i. I. ir''hl iriiMIUI', 4
l'lillii. prss,
1 .1X1
WunIiIii(oii Wwkl.v I'.im,
X. Y. Tlirlrc-wt'Okly WorM,
AmiTlcun nar(li-iilni:(M).
1'lilln, Imiulrcr (ilail.),
Fnrni Ni'ws (SI),
WoinHliklnd (M),
AmiTk'n ii AvrlciiltiirlHt.
V .'Ml
I rractlcul Farmur,
I.ailk'H' llotnn Itlciil
Tlio Ari'im,
MiilTuH's KiisIiIiiii Miiff.,
l'(HIIIMllt in,
Leslie's Wwkly,
Hi'Vli'W of Kfvlt'ws,
1 111
i' en
a. -ii
You can make a variety of com
binations from the ibove, for in
stance the Post and N. Y. Tribune
for $l.i!.p ; the Pusr and the Phila.
Press for l.o0; the Post, the N.
Y. Tribune, Womankind and Farm
News and other papers for onlv
1.4") cash in advance and so oil
combinations can le made to suit
purchasers' tastes. Address all or
ders to the Post or hand them to our
agents. tf.
I was seriously afllicted with a
cough for several years, and last fall
had a more severe cough than over
before. I have used many remedies
without recieving much relief, and
being recommended to try a bottle
of Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, by
a friend, who, knowing mo to bu a
poor widow, gave it to pie, I tried
it, and with the most gratifying
results. The first bottle relieved me
very much and the second bottle has
absolutely cured me. I have not had
as good health for twenty years.
Hespectfnlly, IVIrh. Mary A. Bkaud,
Clareinore, Ark. Soid by all Drug,
Iu order to complete our files we
want the following named issues of
the Post:
July 8, Sept. 10, 1S09; Oct. G,
13, 170; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17,
1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar.
7, 1878; May 15, 1870; Feb. 17,
Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883;
March 27, June 12, and Oetolnr
30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1 885 ; Jan. 28.
May 6, Oct. 28, Dec. 23, 18S0;
Dec. 29, 1887.
Any of our readers having copies
of the above issues will confer a
favor by letting us know. Such
copies in good condition will com
mand a fair price. tf.
Bad management keeps more
people in poor circumstances than
any other one cause. To be success
I ul one must look ahead . and plan
ahead so that when a favoradle
opportunity presents itself he . is
ready to take advantage of it. A
little forethought will also save much
expense and valuable time. A ' pru
and careful man will keep a bottle
bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,
the shiftless fellow will wait until
necessity, compels it and then ruin
his best norse going for a doctor and
have a big doctor bill to pay, besides;
one pays put 25 cents, the other is
out a hundred dollars and then
wonders why his neighbor is getting
richer while he is getting . poorer.
For sale by all Druggists. : ' :
Scene in Portugal at the Rio Porto Vineyards.
The rugged hills with projecting rocks of brown stone and shale
containing a large quantity ot iron, make it impossible to use wagons
here hence the grapes have to be carried to the treading vat or larger
as they are called, and some are large enough for twenty persons to
tread, which they do dancing to music furnished by the proprietor.
the Pioneer wine grower of New Jersey whose Port Grape wine ar.d
Ilurgandy rivals the vorld, imported the Port Grape vines manv
years ago, and planted vineyards in the Passaic Vallev N. J. The s;il
in Passaic county, New Jersey, U identical to that of de'Menetiz.
Spoor's Now Jersey Vineyards
are situated in the Passaic valley below the mountain range and the
grapes are carted to the winery in the town of Passaic wheie they are
mashed between rollers made of rubber, which do not break the seeds,
and made into wine.
These grand wines of Spoor's that have mellowed in fi.ivor in the;
course ot years ot ripening, are the choicest wines in this country and
can only be obtained by paying a price that is higher than new wines
from western vineyards. Mr. Speer deems it necessary for a healthy
wine that it be allowed years to mature in wood to get rid of it::
coarse parts; with this object he keeps his wines several years in
fumigated cellars and frequently racks before bottling or oiTering for
sale. The reputation of Specr's wines as a valuable medicinal and
family wine extends around the world.
'"Grocers and Druggists sell Specr's Wines and Di andy.
2110 "KM
Tlio Hilar
rmii'tiuns ir
Ik k.'pt vlK
i mils' a tvj.Mi
for FEMALE COMPLAINTS i. rui.t ii
Di-y u'o wnmif, Kt all these wiln, InviruliirltlrK it in I
iliilli'uHI'MiinnmtMty imC Dirt r-'Hy npl'lir
rurlli e.i'i ! tilt' fnMioiiNOUllll'ltHJhv ,i.H hi tM'l
KHIovcn till nit I it In Womlior
OviiricM III 10 MititM. I'romDtlv
ri'ltrvt'M lit Hittichi'. Simm n, IUmhI hikI
ItliiiJiliT Tioulilm, KnlntinHH, NVrvm
iii'mk, fVar uml lVHHiiiltncy. Cur ft
L l.'UiHrrlnn, Wnnih Oiniplnlnti, IU--
i'h-. -Vj plit''tn-nlH, lliii'kfti hi', lli'iitiiitf I'mvii
Iliitilialii'HSim'ni'M tiihl I'bi nili.nirt. CIi'th"T
II... .11 -...I t'li.llaa II... - PAT
1 -MP' r Paltw nix) all Kntmlc IMfnlrm, M
. Suit. Sun iiihI Abftoliitcly lliiriiil 4M
nTAnn in nnsil HOMMIV AIMHtl iii
iiu ftth. Ihx will ti)nidfttt it run) In nnfltmrv
OlUro ALL rAINl r "m",,i ,n ',l,un wrfti
IN TEN MINUTES ThePerfcctoCo.CaxtoaBc.Chica
Sol. I In Mi.IiUi'hlirLTli l't , lv MhliMrliuix uu
, Ml. .'it'MDiiiT MI!h h H'Miry Hal rlltiv: ; utir
l'onhfi rrt'f-k t'.v .!. , .iiiipsi'ii.
$1.50 Per Day.
Ml III rA.AS. AlMH" Hlll.v K ' II 11 1 ' "
For pirik'uliir.". 'ill or mliltrs.
s-9-iii. Kmii.v Stki'nk, Mniinvnna, l"ii.
irKiiiiiill,r- iiiliii'M'l TotirN In I'cui .
a'ltniilH Itiillroml.
Tin' I'l'imsy vniilii It.illrnai! I'liiiimnv mi
noiihi't'N I In' f'll'Owin piTwiimllj I ninliii'l. il
T'lilrn for Hit' Mlllillifr illid tnrl Ailliiliili ul
l-l: .
To the NitiIi (.iicliiilliiK Waikliisillfii, N ut
lint Falls, TlliiUMiliil I-IiiiiiIh, Mm IH'iiI, i(ih Ii. c,
All Sulilt' Ciiii-iii I.iiki'n rli'iiiiin uml O :
s.iriiluKii, It ml niln.vllulit riiUMliiuiivli Mm' Illy Ii
laliiluol Hi,' IIikIkiiii), July 'ii, uml Aiiuiimi 1,1.
Hal,', flim Kir t In- kiiiimI trip lioin New Viiik
l'lilliulil.ilii, Hiilliiiuir,1, uml V u.-ilillih'
irtivcrliiif nil exM'ns,'H or u twiMvocks U li. l'n -
Ifomomiit ittit'a immii uiimt kmiiin.
To YdlnwHtoiie park and Mil- Triins-Missls!i
pi KxM)slilon on a npecl.1 train of I'lillm n
Hli'i'plnt;. ('(impart mi-lit, olmcrviuion, and iIIiiIi.k
cam, iillnwlntr elulit iIiivh In "Womlcrlaiiil" iiihI
two aayH at. omuliii. scpii'iiilit-r l. liaic, i.':ii
from New York. I'lilln(lcliliiii, ll.ilthin.ic, uuO
WiiHliiiiKton ; fm Iroiii I'HIsIjuik.
To Nluara Kall.i, I'xcunloti tlcki'tn pint to
ri'iiirn wiiiiiu it'll na win i koIU on .liny v'l.
Aiiuust I uml m, SKpii'inlH-r 1, 1.. uml -.11. ai n t,
o( 1(10 from I'lillaileliihla, llallliiion,, uml Wuti
HlKloll. TIlCHI! Ill Ki'lK llll'lllllO I riltlHIMM tilt llltl
only and will permit ul lop over wltlim limit
nt IIiiITiiIo, Uc'lu'sli'i', mid Wutklim on tliu it'
turn trip.
Two tin day tours to Oottyiibiirif, Lump t'av
oriiH. Nalural Undue. Viruiiilii Hot Mirlnus.
Klcliiiiiiml. and Wiinliliiulon, H'piciiilior H and
ortnlHT in. Iluic, Hi irom Nnw York. SMI from
I'lilladt'lplilu. rniKrtlonale rales Iroiii oiliei
For Illiieriiili'S ami furl her Informui Inn, nppl
to ticket uceiilH. oradiiresntit'o. W. HiimI, Ah
HlstmilUeiiernI I'asseiifi'r Ajjeiil, I'lilliiilrlnlim.
6-lA-Kt. ,
Convention National Educational Assd-
ciation, Waahington, D. C.
RihIiicpiI Hati'ft vlal'punaj lvnnla Kitll
roHil. For the National EdiiPHtlonal Aasoelutlon Con
voutlontu oe held at Wastalnvton. U. v.. .lulv
7 to li, the I'ennxylvtinla Itallruad romiumv v in
khII excursion tlckelH from polnb, on lu line to
WuHliiiiKton and return at rule of Hlnule faro tor
the round trip ppi U.OO iiieiulxTfihlp fee. Thei-e
ticket" will be, bold on, and k'ood goini;, July 4
mj i, mm it'""1 iu returu leaving nuMinnKloll
jiuy n w in. wnnn Binuipea oy joint AKOhl nt
WiiKhlnirion. lly dervwlilnif ticket Willi Jnlni
Airt'ht on or before July U and ou nuvment oi
50 cenlj, tlii return limit may be extended to
AiiKiiKt 81. Ticket (or tide trips from Wash
ington to (JPitvHoiirft. Richmond, oil I'olnt I'om-
niri, nun nouiuern otnieiieios will De on Hale at
tlw ortloes of the Pennsylvania Itallrond t'om
pnnv lu WuKhlinftou during- the ootitlniinnie ol
lueuouveiiiiuu. li-levl.
"IIow did Fakem, the hypnotiat, get
along on hi a loat trip?"
"First-rate, until be tried the impossl
ble. He hpnotixed a tramp one day
and tried to make him law wood.
Brooklyn Life.
nil Ytan.
Mrs. Flint (skeptically) n'mt What
kind of a job do you want?
Seldom Fedd (with aurpriaintr can
dor) Any Idnd of a job dat 1 can't git.
mum. Fuck.
- Aa How Tker'r Eacaared.
He See the rinc around the moon ?
She Yea. (After moment of al
ienee,) George, can you tell me what
ia the difference between the moon and
my flogerTBrooklyn Life.
. Ml ; T
Mia v ' v
szamn Mi. ,
IH.T on ' ' ','
Look! Look!!
in ladies1 shoes is a pleasant
voyano afoot For tbo pleas
ure it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds are
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best tit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices which
buyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. For houso or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,,
riding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and the dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,,
whoexer claims your hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to these shoes.
Sol for ou; hudieat rim of piello buildhfi, iUtate
ul vttiM of Wuhisftoa City. Till bock ccit u mas
iollan. ttwmtautt ttyoi leraettlif. Writ Mto-dy.
SunttaliketMaatalteU) ptlntl Prrttet pm Idoaa;
th aiy britf jn wialth. Bofoi ipjlyitr for ptt, rH
m llcinl ofl.n ted Inntor'i ittlrtut. Siuirlaltlar.
CQPP A CO.- rttt tttaan WuHtftaa. UlO.
Ooat Tabacee Spit aad Barak Tear Ml 4 war.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mar
nelle, full of life, nerre and lgor ; "
Bao, the wonderworlifr, f ... v c a
atroBt. All drtJtJj, .- r: . Ccv , ....
teeo. tsooaiet - . v
Sterllnr neoed .; , 'UCf tv : . Y'-
Look at youpsi'lf when you buy
lolliintr at in v n!,in, keep cou
'tatitly in sti c't tb bt st anil finest
inp of HiitH ami dents' Clotliinj;,
Furnishiiii; Goo. Is, Umlerweur anil
Cii H. Cull lo s -e my stoi'k.