The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 16, 1898, Image 8
! ' i;- 'V. it i J i f ; I J.I 3 i BiGAtlTIC SALES OF mirier Glothin : AT : ; BROSIOUS BROS'. SUNBURY, PA. We now offer an opportunity to buy SUMMER CLOTHING at prions tint are entirely new to the Clothtuir buyiu? people about tins m.-c tinu or Pennsylvania, and all Che newest ami most fashionable Raiment. We Rivd below' a few of the many bargains we are now offering: A Man's Bicycle Suit, $1.69 Tins Wo Call a Ileal Bargain. Men's or Bern' -'ummerUaps -Men's Fancy Striped i'ants Men's Uonts with Vests .... Men's Summer Underwear -Men's Caps - - - - Men's Shirts - - 25c. Two Wash Ties Fancy Bow Ties 5c. Half Hose, G pairs, Crash Hats, 25c. 49c. . 69c. $1.25. 25c. 17c. 5c 25c. More Than A Thousand Straw Hats Prices from i o Cents to $5.00. Old Richland Families, .-l llandmme Octavo Volume of 250 Paye, Klaantly illunt ratal. It contains genea logical and his torical data of great value to persons looking up ancestry, in reference to the Rolierts, Foulke,ilton,Strawn, Penrose, Morris, Green, Shaw, Edw.mis, Heaeock, Thomas, Thom son, Hallowcll, Johnson, Ambler, Iiestler, Jamison, SjM-ncer and other families. There an; 21 chapters, as follows: The Great Swamp, Richland Town ship, The Friends' Meeting, Quaker town, Records of Richland, Original Dm-unients, Edward Rolierts, John Thomson, John llailowcll, Green Family, Rolicrt Penrose, William . .I'jHiiwn, Kimm-l J. Ievick, Bio graphical Mention, Notes, copious index is added. Chapter V. "Richland" ,Qu:ikcrtowii, Rucks Co., Pa) with thousands of names and dates of births, deaths, marriages, removals and interments, is a feature of un gual importance. Rkaky Kint Dki.ivkijy. i; lwond Kolx-rts, author of . Edition should 15 v Jjvrics of Quakerism, etc limited to 1(0 copies. Pj ice .o. Iii pamphlet form for iImm- ivlm prefer t hind for tiicm- M'lvi-s f2..iil. ' mVrs w ith the monev, !e sent to Kllwoud RoU-rts, Xorris fown, Pa. SUMMER OUTINGS. frMmnlly-'oiliiftaMl Tour Tin 1'ciin ) I tan la Railroad. Ih- IVnriMylvanlH lUltmart Company nti .l'jiiuivH in- following reraonallv-Oiuductcd Tours fur the Miiaiuvr una turly ' Auluiun of Totlm North (iiiol'Kllni, WaikliisOlen. Mac .ira K.iII.h. Thousand M'.andi. Moi-trral. Uut-liw, Au SiOie C'iiiiu. likm Chaplain and Oww, H.iraU.Ka. iiiid a du.v lulu ride ihnjiiKh th High lands of th lludum). July ilRh'l AUKUxt l. 'Utf, lioufor iliHroiujd trip from New York, l'hlladf.Ma. Baltimore, and Waalillnr'oii. coverinif all xp.-nvi of a taowwks' trip. I'ro pnruonate rules from othrr points. To Yellowtou Mrlc ail the TranvMltnlsslp pl kxpoaltlnn on a sp:l.l train uf Pullman alwoiii''. (oinpartment, nhwrvaMon. and dluliuf tarn, alFowlnif eicht in -Wonderland" and twoanyaat Omaha. M-pli-mber 1. Ham. iiiS from w York. Philadelphia. Biilllmure, and VTaaininrujn ; X) from IMUtiur. To Niagara Kails, eicuntlon irkts rood to renim wiihln t-n days will he sold on July lil. August 4and 1", H-p'emUr 1. 13, and . ai rale of ,o from Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wadh :nifou. Tiinu; ilckw Include (reimportation uiv and will pcrinli. of aiop over within limit ot. Buffalo, K-'tieier, and Watkins oo the re tif .'i trtp. Tvo t-n day to'int to Otiyntiirjf. I.nniy Cav rn. Natural Hrldice. Virginia llol hprlnk'a. Kh hivinn. and Wanltiiftw, hepiemtier W( and :to0r l Kte, Hi frum New Yurk. M from t'hllnilei,hla. l'rorrUonate ruti from other tir ltlti.rarleniii,d fiirtherlnfonnutlon, apply to llrki-t axetitH. oradoreaa io. W. Bold, Am MMafii Oener l'aenier Aiient, fUlladelpliia. Convention National Educational Ass oation, Waahmjrton, D. C. K-4lncd RatearlaPeBBnlvitaia Kail. Yur the National Eduratlooal Awor laflon Con veuilon Vi ti held at W antiunion. It. V,., Jul v 7 Ui Vi. the I'er.i.v. I'at'la IhUlrood tympany will wll exRuntoo ticket from point on Itn line to w aMittxtiti and return at rate of alnsle fare for r ite round trtp pU U.V) memberehlpfne. Then lkH will te Buidon, and ifood goini;, July 4 to ?. and "! io return ieavtnir Waablnvuin July 1 14. whec iauiied by Jolut Afcenl at WMBUlKUifl. By depMlUiK ticket vita Joint a n-ct on or before July I) and on Mvment of M cenu the return limit may be xtebded to wn II. Tf-kew for mie trip trotn Waah httrvoo to Geltyiwirsr. Ulchroood. OlS fotntoom ik t, aMi AliTti oftiefteldii will on on Mle at the Otnrr ill tbe fennylanl llallrrjad Coto Daa in Whtt(Uib Ounng the conUiiuanne of tbeConTebUfA. VlHrt. .Sj L"nfc:rifiitel Grape Juit in Kuroie. 1m v d repuutVia tt'Hm Ha enVanr lo the mtra rmt. Th )uW la rirh. taMea Ilk witlDlC ttM npe rtm tmk from the vim; raed by 4lBeeatvcae. FREEBURO. Deferred jroiu taut meek.) Mrs. Moyer, wife ot Prof. Win. Moyer, has gone to Phila., to visit her daughter and son. She willalso visit her son, Prof. F. C. Moyei, at Heading and attend the centennial celebration in that lively city. She will also go to New Jersey to visit her grand-children, Sessinger's, who areattending school in that state. We nil wish her a pleasant tripand safe return home The spring Term of musical College will close Thursday evening. A large class of ladies and several gentlemen were in attendance from different sections of the state The spring term of the Freeburg Academy will also close next Friday. This well estab lished institution was also well pa tronized and the prospects for a large Normal Class for the next term are verv flattering Aaron Kantz and wifeof Iicbanon Co., visited our town his native place. The newly married couple enjoyed the hospital ity of their relatives ami friends We expect a large attendance at the horse sale next Friday ..Fred rick Keelcr of New J Jerry visited relatives in Freeburg, the place MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Correoted weekly by our inerolmnts Butter 10 Eras 10 Omons 00 Lard 0 Tallow 4 Chickens per lb 7 Turkeys 00 Hide 7 Shoulder 9 hhui 12 Wheat 90 Bye 4.' 1'otntoes 00 Old Corn 35 Oatu 3: Bran per 100 lb 75 Middling" " 90 Chop " 90 Flottr ier rbl 6.40 CENTREVILLE. (Crowded out (a-it week.) Our miller, Herbs ter, WAS to Middieburgon Monday R. R. Erdley and wife visited Morris Krdley's of Vickshurg on Sunday Mrs. S. Ii. Sheary was the guest of J. H. Lloyd's family over Sunday Charles Sampsel mid S. F. Sheary, Esq., attended the conven tion in llarrisburglast week. H. K. Sanders was to Middleburg tine day last week U. II. ce Fessler is having Ids barn iuinted his nativity Miss Maggie Shafferlaughter of E. G. Shaffer Esq. of Oriental who was a student in our Academy, left for home last Saturday Next Sunday the Lutheran Howard Zechman and wife of (Jltn Iron visited J. Keister's over Sunday I)r I). II. Kothroek and family of New IJeriin visited Val. Walter's on Sunday e Yl at and Reformed S. S. will observe ,' V"!1 iwhltm. lias some rye stalks children' day with aoproniateexer- i u,u 'uget mcnsiiring t8 inches, ciscs Rev. G. D. Drucken- miller and wife are in attendance at the symxl at Phila., ami will visit relatives at Allentown. KREAMER. (Crwrded out laxt Veek.) Ralph Heiutelnian and friend of Paxinos were visiting his parents at this place over Sunday Miss Ida Fields who has been in Selius grove for some time, has returned home There was a surprise jwirty for J.R. I leintzelman last Sat. evening. Those present had a very enjoyable time Geo. Gordon, who is working at Sliamokin, was 1 ionic over Sunday Prof. Fish er of Salem was calling in this vicinity on Sunday Mrs. Tom I eitrich and sons and Mrs. Luther of Glolie Mills 8jent last Thursday at Sliamokin Dam A. C. Smith and laniily drove to Sclins- grove last Sunday evening Mrs. Henry Uplinger is lying upon a bed of sickness. Robbers at Gunsburger'8 On Monday night robljcrs entered R. Gunsburger'8 clothing store by prying one of the rear windowsojx-u with a pick. They took eight or ten men's suits, about 2 dozen finger rings and all the change that was in the drawer, making a total capture of il'A) in value. They made their utcatic through the court house yard and rear gate and not understanding the latch, they broke it io order not to delay their deKrture. Tiiey probably belong to tiu Iawlewigang that fretjucntly visitx this section. MARBIKD. At the home of of the brule'n par ents at Penns Cneek, June 9, 1S98, by the Rev S. Sidney Kohler, Mr. Edward A. Engle of New Berlin and Miss Katie E. Long of Penns Creek. , At Harrisburg on the 25th May, by Rev. Gilbert, Mr. W. Ii. Mench and Miss Sara A. Miller, both of Limestone twp., Union Co., Pa. June 14, in Middleburg, by llev. Roughter, Charles Edward Corkius and Clara M. Spitler, both of Mid dleburg. June 9, by llev. 8. S. Graybill, at Richfield, Uriah AV.' Strawser and Hannah V. Kerstetter, l)oth of est 1'erry twp. June 1, at Selinsgreve, by IJev. II. N. Follmer, Richard Lloyd Schroyer and Eva Katheryn Strhoch, both of Sclinsgrove. May 29, nt Reavertown, by Rev. C. I). Zweier, John F. Peter and Ella Waguer, both of McClure. Dl&U. , In Union twp. Union Co., Pa., June 5, William H. Snyder, aged 7 2 years. . 7, . . a In Ruflalo township, Union Co., Pa., June f, Mary, relict of George A. Heaver, aged 84 yrs. 2 mos. 16 days. . j $1.56 Per Day, A TtW LADIES AND OKKTLKHIK WAKT BO TO CANVASS. Above Mlary gUannUML For particulara. nail or addraam. KMlhTaraVHal(aUWaDa,rB, The Record o! 30 Years 77 Marriage for the Lad Jhirti Ytan Compiled to Ret ice Neat aid Recollections and to Preserve the Same. 1SS1. . ' Jan. 1G, by Rev. Stetler, Sullie C. Miller o! McClure to R. Ner Felker of West Reaver. ' Jan. 20, by Rev. Stetler, Jennie Kriek and Jaooh Sprigglenieyer, both of Decatur twp., MitHin Co. Jan. 20, by Rev. D. P. King, Jas. E. Forrester of Sclinsgrove to Nancy Emory of New Columbus, Luzerne Co. Jan. 20, by Rev. Wampole, Mary Magdalena Wochley to II. Frederick Tents, loth of Perry twp. Jan. 30, by Rev. II. W. Zim merman, M. R. Downey to E. A. Roush of Chapman twp. Jan. 30, Charles Covert to Bar bara Jarrett, Iwth of Seb'nsgrovs. Feb. 1, by Rev. II. R. Belmer, Wellington Honseworth of Maou City, Ills., to Lillie Davis of Sclins grove. Feb. 8, by Rev. Edmonds, Mar garet Lamliert to Jeremiah Druck- enmiller, loth of Adams twp. Feb. IS, by Rev. A. 1J. Casper, Rev. S. Sidiiey Kohler to Agnes Casper, both of New Berlin. Feb. 21, bv Rev. Irvine, S. Morris Showers and Savilla Walter, Iwth of Centreville. Feb. 27, by Rev. Haas, Eler Bol linger of Middlctreek twp. to Alice Witmer of Union twp. Mar. 1, at Beavertown, bv Rev. D. M. Stetler, Elizabeth Kaiser of Middlecreek twp. and William J. Blcttof Lewistown, Mifllin Co. Mar. (5, by D. S. Thursby, J. P., Wilson P. Noll and Bertie , A. L. Woodling, both of Port Trevcrton. Mar. 6, by same,Wm. II. 1 looser of Chapman twp. and Sarah J. Sny der of Union twp. Mar. 10, by Rev. Belmer, Joseph Wallace of Northumlierland to Mrs. Lucctta Moore. Mar. 11, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, fi. rj. jMicKanu jjvaia r House- worth, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 1 0, at the Coleman House, liewistown, by Rev. J. M. Reim- ensnjder, Thcotlore A. Walter and Laura A. Btdendcr, daughter of Daniel Bolender, Sheriff of Snyder Cottnty. Mar. 10, at New Berlin, by ReV. Kohler, John L. Snyder of Shaiiit) in to Jemima E. Cochran of New Berlin. Mar. 13, bv A. J. Ikm'Ol'soX.Eso., Solomon Wise of Centre twti. and Mrs. Maggie Siukabine of Union Co. Mar. 13, bv Rev. J. W. Rente, Sarah A. Swartz of Chapman twp. una John b. bhatlcr of Union twp. Mar. 20, by Rev. P. Ii. Haines, David Hotter of McKees Half Falls and Mary Ellen Kerstetter of Mil- Ierstown, Perry Co., Pa. Mar. 21, by Rev. M. L. Drum, J. Frank Sandel of WinfieldtoKate Young of Monrae twp. Mar. 21, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Emma Spigelmoyer and Allxrt Knck of Decatur, Mi til in Co. Mar. 20, at the Evan, parsonage, Port Treverton, by Rev. J. W. Bentz, Sallie Kemble to Simpson Jlerrold, both ot Union twp. Mar. 27, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Emma Reitz of West Beaver to Roswell Sechrist of Beaver twp. In Sunbury, James Fuller of WilkcsBarre to Eva, eldest daught er of the late Capt. C. S. Davis. Apr. 3, by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, Elizalx'th Gerhart and Jeremiah Bowersox. Apr. 5, by Rev. Haas, Lewis King to Mrs. Daniel Gembcrling. Apr. 12, at WaddansGrove, 111., Mamie L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, to Robert J. Panis. Apr. 14, by II. Benfer, Esq., liawrence Middleswarth and Iiizzie Walkins. Apr. 17, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Ada Harniau to Georgellains, lwth of Washington twp. May 1, at the residence of Clias. Steininger, by Rev. I. Irvine, Calvin 8. Steininger of Middleburg and Cinderella High of New Columbia, Union Co., Pa. I May 8, by Rev. J. W. Buckley, $. D. Specht and Utica Hummel. May 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Adam B. DeLong of Lyons, Berks Co., to Amelia Helfrick of West Beaver twp. May 22, by P. M. Teats, Esq., Isaiah Tressler and Mary Kerstetter, both of Chipsum twp; May 22; by Rev. J. P. Wampole, Phillip C. Brawler of W. Perry twp. to lunuia E. Roush ofWashiagton twp. May 22, by W. A. Orr, Esq., Israel Sanders of Wagner to Mrs. Mary Haines of Baunerville. May 24, by llev. D. M. Stetler, Daniel Riegel of West Beaver twp. to Susan Nevil of New Berlin. May 29, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, David II. Shacfier and Alice . M. Gaugler, both of Ptrry twp. May 29, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. J. W. Buekley. J. Ostsir Snvder of Ml Carmel to Mary E. Geinberling ot Selinsgrove. June 2, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. E. 1 1. Leisenring, George C. Wag ensellerand Lulie, eldest daughter of 1?. J. Schocli, bothof Selinsgrove. J une o, by Rev. R. S. Arndt, Wm. E. Shaett'erof Washington twp. to Hannah A. Longaree of Union twj). June "), by same, Noah M. Roush and Ellen C. Gundrum,loth ot Freeburg, June 5, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Rev. S. E. Ociiscnibrd, pastor of First Evangelical Lutheran church of Selinsgrove, to Sallie C. Boyer. June 8, in Lykeus, by Rev. J. A. irt, J. C. tear of Selinsgrove to Josie Martin. June 10, at Selinsgrove, by Rev, II. B. Belmer, Dr. Benjamin Em erick and Bertie Wagensellcr. June 19, at Beavertown, by Rev. D. M. Stetler, Simon O. Kratzer and Mary A.lleaehel, both of Centre twp. June 19, by same, Howard Jones and Catherine Gilbert, bothof Wash ington twp. June 19, by Rev. W. L. Ditzler, Henry C. Krebs ofMiddleeruekHnd Sophia Knepp of Baunerville. June 19, by same, Charles P. Fiss of Troxelville to Sallie J. Middles warth of Middlecreek. June 19, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry J. Wugner of Penu twp. and Emma C. Steever of Millersburg. ' June 22, in Bristol, Ind., by Rev. M. Rosevelt, Charles C. Bower of Bristol, Ind., formerly of Middle burg, to Kittie Hamilton of Law rence, Miss. July 3, II. E. Austin and Clara E. Bogar, both of Port Treverton. July 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Allen Stetler and Carrie Trutt, both of Monroe twp. July 9, L. W. Riegel of Adams burg and Maggie C. Botdorf of liewistown. July 10, by Rev. Irvine, The philus Swineford and Nettie Sooy, both of Philadelphia. July 10, by Rev. John K. Sny der, Riley Miller and Susan Stroub. July 23, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., II. Percival Hottensteiu of Sliamokin Dam to Sallie Hane of Selinsgrove. July 24, by Thomas Paige, Esq., Win. H. Sliacffer to Martha M. Hcrrold, both of Chapman twp. July 14, in Selinsgrove, Newton Jarrett and Mollie Benuer, lwth of Selinsgrove. July 17, James Blackford of Mif- rlinburir and Mary E. Stetler of Sliamokin Dam. July 28, by R. C. Fiss, Esq., Dr. C. Folk of Northumberland Co. to Margaret Coryell of Snyder Co. July 28, at Beavertown, by Rev. I). M. Stetler, Roswell Kriek to Mary S. Hassinger, lioth of Decatur twp. July 31, by Rev. II. B. Beliner, losenh Brown of Herndon to Delia Stroub of Port Trevcrton. July 31, by D. S. Thursby, J. P., Ix;vi Fritchman of Chapman and Sarah E. Keller of Port Treverton. July 31, by Rev. W. A. Haas, John II. Auman of Union twp. to Anna Alcinda Gilbert of Adams- burg, j Aug. 6, ncarAdamsburg,by Rev. L. C. Edmonds, John Homniel and Ada Harmony. Aug. 7 by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Benton Kriegbaum of Fremont and Agnes Schnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills. Aug. 7, byJ.C.Rcyfogel, George P. Tompkins ot Phila. to Susan Woodling of Freeburg. Aug. 7, H. Mitchell to Amelia A. Kratzer, both of Centre twp, Aug. 11, Thomas Chanel of Un ion Co. to Ilattie Bailey ofKratzcr ville. Aug. 13, Charles C. Miller and Maggie Hftins, both of Danville, Pa. Aug. 14, by.J. S.Meiser, ' J, P., Wm. O. Gilbert of Smith Grove to Fanny E. Kerstetter of Chapman. Aiiar: 14, John Geoibw Sarah Diehl of Middlecreek Aug 21, at Port Trev.( D. 8. Thursby, Esq., John i and of Sliamokin Dam to pi' liToeafottnv nf XT,.!" 1 1 . - " A Ot 1 I I ti , ug. vy a. i.ixwer,.r Wm. Conley of Centre twr. J A IVv,Kln.nfT..- 1..i.' 'I Sept. 1, by Rev. V. Stephen Wendt of ShanioU io jtvaue A. onaeuer of Frtd, SepL 1, by Seni. Ix'itz.1 Jacob liolig and Sarah KrarJ of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 4, by Rev. J. F. W Benton T. Reichenbach tj W Nace, both of Perry tv- Sept. 4, by Rev. D. M, Wm. Y. McGIauglin of IJ to Emma Rotnig of West lij Sept. 4, by Kcv. J. p.jJ Henry Leister andAngelini J Dom ot onyder Co. SepL 11, by Rev.ShinJt.fJ v. Aicniiuncii uuu oaran L. neckcr of Snyder Co. Sept. 11, at Port Trevert,, Rev. U. Gambler, John 0. i of McKees Half Falls to Jti Arnold ot fort Treverton, Sept. 15, by Rev. J.WJ John C. Bogenrief of Thom to Mary Riegel of Freeburg. Sept. 15, by Rev. M. L 4 assisted by Rev. James Cum Rev. E. H. Ijeisenring, Sin Camp of Milton andSueM.S only daughter of Hon. J, Shindel of Selinsgrove. Q....4. IS 1... t TV II ucju. io, uy xtev. u. in, v RculieaA. Wagner and Sari tiltla Goss, both of West Ran Sept. 29, by Rev. II. X Wm. Bennett of Wiufidd at! A. Matthews of Buffalo Val!, Oct. 2, in New Berlin, l)r S. S. Kohler, Charles H. j ster and Sallie A. Mitchell, M licaver twp. Oct. 2, by Rev. H.W.Gp, C. Foster and E. C. Mull, J Union Co. Oct. 2, by Rev. D. M, lhomas Marks of Ijewistoi Ijouisa Stuck of McClure, Oct. 6, at New Berlin, livK S. Kohler, Simon Geis andilJ Roush of New Berlin. Oct. 0, by same, Wm. H. and Rachacl A., oldest daugln of Frederick Fries, lxitli d Berlin. Oct. 0, at New Berlin, bv II. W. Gross, James Beavcru' ,11. .1 .. i r . . ir uieourg iiihi jpnnie ij. Mm Mifflinburg. Oct. 11, by Rev. H, W, Rev. J. B. Fox at Clayl, Berks Co., and Emtna L daughter of Martin Rohbiwln' falo Valley. Oct.. 13, at Adumsburfr, f L. C. EdmondH, Anion 15. I of Paxtonville to Mary 3im singer of Fremonti Oct. 13, in Beavertown, h J. C. Brotlfuhrer, Lticien !i myer and Emma Kriek, biitli catur twp., Mifllin Co. Oct. 14, Isaac M. BniW Selinsgrove and Kate A. m of Port Treverton. Oct. 20, John Hughes uinl Ellen Felker, both of McUm Oct. 22, by Rev. BliindJ W. Seeliold of New Berlin Phoebe C. Felty of Paxtonvili Oct. 27, James E. Rohrer Ktfes Half Falls toJennieA. of Tuscarora twp., Perry Co. Oct. 29, by Rev. M. h Joseph B. Garilinn and Fan! Mills, daughter ofCapt.N.J l both of Northumberland, H Nov. 1, byBev. O. E. M sisted by KevV J. O. Sully, Moyer of IJeatvertown ami Ingalls of Miiliin Co. Nov. 1, by Henry Benfer, II. D. Mitchell. Esti.. of i ville to Lizzie Smith of WuM twp. Nov. 24, in Selinsgrove, l?! S. E. Ochsenford, Henry V.I of Kratzerville and Laura S4 Winfield, Nov. 27, by Rev. W.R. A. 8. Newton Wetzel of N linto EmmaE.Eisenhaurof burg. . Dttn. 1. nt lWvirtnwtl. I? I D. M. Stetler, Irwin RoA Susan Youngman, both ota Aunt Rachael Horehound luunpane for Singer! Than are tbooaanila (A cie m M puraool aOarlng from aoaaujiipu', tompiMelr curadT br lha uae ol amJ llorelMXIDd Uartt, Bai)anpM ft;. OraM Jakw, aad paraooa an wllUM1 taatlfjr to UM alraoutoua carat wrov by tlM ptaaaant mm Bwa artaoUTt b pMMOaVMfeaft.' MftaMbant. ? I 1 I