The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 09, 1898, Image 8

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Ilore Than A Thousand Straw Hats
Prices from io Cents to $5.00.
: Arrests for Counterfeiting
JMtdirtM MhIu! a Sensational Haul
i Brush Valley.
For utmost two years pasta large j
juaniity of spurious coin has been j
afloat 111 tin- lower end ot the county,
ctiprttully in Brush Valley, and also
in Clinton county in the locality
4f Loganton. For months past the
business men in these localities have
Instated in accepting any coin, hav
ing lieen imposed upon frequently
in tlie regular channels of business
intercourse. The matter finally
culminated in the arrest ot Yalen
. tine Breon, of Madisouburg, Clark
M- Grnmley, of Rtlicrsburg, and
Charles Bartges, of iAiganton, all
. accused of making counterfeit coins
. trod circulating the same.
"About four weeks ago 0:1a Situr--tfiiy
night the nierchauus and busi
ness men in Uebcrsburghad a large
.jjiiantity of counterfeit half-dollars,
quarters and dimes worked on them.
The neAt day the business men met
. and discussed a means of stopping
i Hie circulation of the stun. Accord
singly a letter was written to the Trea
survIViKirtinent with the complaint,
yotliini; lievoud an acknowledge
ment 4 the receipt of the letter by
.the JViurtment was received by
. those who laid in complaint, and it
; was-snpposed that the officials at
Washington did not deem it worthy
ot any .action. ' The spurious coin
. still ruatinmtl to circulate and cv-
.ery.ctua mat was received was carc
Jiillc exaniiiied, vet much of it was
-wotkwl off.
. About three weeks ago a man ar
rriveSat Rebersburg. Ills business,
he said, was that of a liquor agent.
lie pretended to do business. Sev-
. od, in lhe town, ostensibly out on a
fishing .triii. There was scarce a
unmnv trn l:i w-nhulintr
citizens .of Reberburg that these
tin iiHJi were detectives and
6, e - Bt
v Viiel!y,g2thjrjg evidence for sensa-
tiamal artwV.
' Lo.-t Thiudayafternoon the three
mMTi hired a Lone and covered
.wagon ar.l drove to Madwonburg.
Har&e street tliey met Valentine
Breon. He wm the ol jcct of their
rrisitaoil km immediately placed
x r:.k
ibr kteetive drove back to Rcbers
3mr, .arriving there about eight
f'febwk la the evening. A half
bour-efefT arriving in the town tlie
tVlectives "drove - to the liome of
Clark Gram ley. One ot the detec
tive entered the liotise and found
Jrtnly ettling an account with
another roan, The detective waited
1 BBtil the mmtwm bad been tnUMoet
,f4Laod thn read his warrant (or ar
f rnL .When he tame to the word
, wnterfril Gramley U aaid to have
. made a rw.h ir the bade door of the
hDNt to ewane. Qne of the other
a-Jetertive hfta tp to the rear tA
jtbm heuimtmtwz wh amove
alimmilnmej rwhed out he
xaetMA. iieing atroog and
iUr man Uramler gave the
tmn,,iirUeitrr no taiereaUnr Uum.
frW oa the wagoa wit
A 1W
We bow offer an opportunity
prioea that art entirely new to the Clothing buying people about tnu aeo.
tion of Pennsylvania, and all '.he newest and moat fashionable garments.
We give below a few of the many bargninr we are now offering :
A Han's Bicycle Suit, $1.69
This We Oall a Real Bargain.
Men's or Boys' Summer Caps - - - 49c
Men's Failcy Striped Pants - - - - 69c.
Men's Coats with Vests - - - - - - fl.25.
Men's Sammer Underwear ... - 25c.
Men's Caps - - - - 17c.
Men's Shirts - - 25c. Two Wash Ties - 5c
Fancy Bow Ties 5c. Half Hose, 6 pairs, - 25c.
Crash Hats, 25c.
handcuffed Iris prisoner to the wagon
seat and joined the fray. Gramley
felled one of the men with a
blow, and it was ouly when he was
! himself dropped by a billy that he
submitted to be handcufled. hen
he rushed out of the house, Gramley,
it is said, threw away a handful of
coin. The detectives made a search
and found the greater part of them.
Most of these were spurious. ;
With their two prisoners the de
tectives drove back to the hotel and
got supper and after nine o'clock
started for Coburu, where they
stayed all night. Friday morning
the detectives with Jireou and Gram-
ley handeutted together boarded the
train for Altoona, where the accused
men Thursday evening were arraign
ed More United States Commission
er McLeod, who io default of ?1000
each tail committed them to the
Ilollidaysburg jail for a hearing.
The hearing for Gramley will bo
held tomorrow, Friday, and on Sat
urday the case against lireon will
lie heard.
Friday morning a start was made
bv a detective for IiOirauton, two
miles across the mountain from lie-
M.rsliiinr. At that Dace Uiarles
Hartges was arrcst-'d without any
trouble. It is said a' large quantity
of counterfeit money molds and
mold frames were secured. Satur
diiv iiHirtiiiiir he was taken to Al
toona and remained for a hearing,
In Breon's house and tarn at Ma-
disonburg the detectives claim to
have found a considerable amount
of counterfeit money and the neces
sary metal and molds to make it.
A search of Gramley's house did
not reveal anythingof an incriminat
ing nature, except a counterfeit coin.
Onre Hall lteporter.
T. O. Evans' Sudden Death
T. G. Evans died at his home in
Lewisburg Sunday evening about 7
o'clock. His death was sudden and
unexpected. HewasBoyearsofage.
Two daughters and one son survive
Mrs. Marearat McCalman, of ew
Bedford, Mass.; Miss Annie Evans of
Lewisburg, and Robert Evans, attor-ney-at-Iaw,
of Wilkes-Barre. His
wife died a number oi years 'ago.
Funeral will take place from lus
late residence Thursday at 2 o'clock
p. m.
Mr. Evans was a prominent
citizen ot Lewisburg. He conduct
ed a book and stationery store there
since 1876 and was president of the
town council. He was a quarter
master in the army during rebellion,
and was a member of A. G. Tucker
Post Grand Army of the Republic.
Far Um Readier. Pa- Sawl-P leonta! JoM.
a. Jvae llo H,Um rwaaaytraaks Bauroad
oxaaaar win wu esrarMoa
i uesata i
iyM ita Um la um mat e( reaatvmaia
rtT SSaacral? alM nSllMniai. appTtoTMuN
Taki BUswiaUiie arrjsnlts tn tw oae of tat
iraaat evaat tn tba ettys battwy. Moaoar,
Vi ( aiTaaia'aa Jw,aa4 t, wfll
- . Tat m.mtrm wIM etoe wHk a
J iaa atti n cavmtval aaMroay Mfkt. Jane
' J Tl O v 1
Mislekk:! Market.
Corrected weekly by our uierchitnU.
Butter........................................ 10
Egirs 10
Onions 00
Lard - 6
Tallow m 4
Chlokemperlb ... 7
Turkey!..., -00
Hide 7
Shoulder 0
Ham 12
Wheat 1.00
Rye AO
Potatoes 00
OldCoru as
Oat 82
Bran per 100 lb 75
Middlings " go
Chop " yo
Flour per bbl 0 40
A Valuable Publication.
Prnimylvanta lUllrmtd ISfi Kanrnrr
Esrnnlsa Route Bok.
On June 1. the Pwwn(rer Department or tbe
PennH.vlviinU Rsllroad Coinpuiiy will Ihoum the
m edition of its summer Excursion Route
Hook. Tills work Is designed to prorldathe pub
lle with olioit descriptive nol a ol Hi principal
Summer resort or Eastern America, with the
routes (or reaching them, and the rates ol rare.
There are oer rour hundred resorts In the book
to which rates are quoted, and otit fltleen
hundred different routes or combinations of
routes. It Is compiled with utmost care, and
altogether Is the most complete and compre
hensive handbooK ot Hummer travel ever offer
ed to the public.
It U bound In a handsome and strklotr cerer,
In colors, and contains several maps, prewnt
Ine the eiact routes over which tickets are sold.
It Is also profuselx Illustrated with line half
loned cuts of scenery at the various resort and
elouit the lines of the Pennsylvania Kallroad.
On and after June 1, It may be produced at
anyiPennsvluanla Kallroad ticket office at the
nominal price of ten cents, or. upon application
to the general office. Broad Street Station, by
mall for twenty cents. --.
G. A, R. Encampment, Oil Ci'y.
Rednreil Ratrsvla Peaaajrlvaala Kail-
For the Annual Encampment of the Grand
Army of the Kepublic, Department of Pennsyl.
anla to be held at oil city. Pa., June Band,
tn- Pennspujaala Kallroad Company will sen
exurslon ticket from stations in Pennsylvania
on Jene 4 to 8, U) Oil City and return, at rate of
single fare for the round trip, good to return
until June 11, Inclusive. tf.
Another Scheme.
A clever scheme is being worked
by a pair of smart fellows in nearby
towns. One goes through the coun
try on a good bicycle. Wfcen he
strikes a town he claims to be hard
up, and offers to sell the wheel cheap
to get some money. The boys ad
mire bicycles and bite readily, pay
ing a small price for a f ret class
wheel. After a few days the other
sharper turns up and claims to be
looking for a man who stole his
wheel. He describes it well, frivinir
the number and the owner has to
part with it. The sharpen raise
from $20 to $40 a trip, and start
lor greener nelus.
June 2, by G. M. Sliindel, Clerk
U. C, Charles U. Hummel and Alay
Hartley, both ot 1'ennstwp.
John W. Kline of Adams town
hip waa io Middleburgh attending
court on luesday. He 'reported
thai a two year old heiflerof Eman-
nel Gilbert crept Into a hollow' tree
that had fallen, down. .The admaj
was unable toj get out It-wis
Deceasary to saw the tree ofl at,' two
oeceaMry to saw the treeofl t; two
phuset to release the tnuii;';;
' Yean Comp&d .to Revi ttmm-
amt BtooBedimumd'ti fVeseaw
v . , J880. ,..-.. ,
May 16. by J. W. Bentr. T. J.
Graybill to Edith Winey both of
May 26, by Kev.' Haas, Luther
Landis of Goldsboro to Ida Ott
of Penn twp.
May 27, by Rev. H. B. Belmer,
Jacob V. Mohr of Hastings, Neb.,
to Jennie E. Usher of Selinsgrove.
. ' May 30, in Selinserove, by Rev.
Haas, Joseph H. Covert and Katie
I. Botdorf, both of Selinsgrove.
June 10, at Port Treverton, by
Rev. J. W. Benta, Isaac Neits to
Sal lie A. Bender, both of this county.
June 10, at Cowan, by Rev. S.
8. Kohler, Calvin Sanders of Penns
creek to Lizzie J. Von Neida of
June 13, by Rev. D. M. Stetlcr,
Benjamin Hoffman and Polly Ann
Wieand, both of V est Beaver.
June 13, by same, Henry B.
Wagner of Beaver and Caroline
8nook of Ceutreville. -
Juue 14, by Rev. J. W.Buckley,
H.J. Eckbertand Ida Ryan, both
of Selinsgrove.
June 15, in New Berlin, by Rev.
Kohler, Reuben Boyer and Maggie
M. Rote, both of Iaurelton.
June 15, Wm. E. Stringfellow of
Milroy to Ada G. Wildman of Ad-
June 20, at Selinsgrove, David
Sholly to Sullie Gaugler, both of
Union twp.
June 20, in New Berlin, by Rev.
Kohler, Samuel Mover ot Union
twp., Unien Co., to Clara E. Snyder
of Jackson twp.
June 20, bv Rev. W. A. Haas,
Noah Bronsc to Emma Ulrich of
Jackson twp.
June 22, by Rev. H. B. Belmer.
Levi G. Walker to Clara Bickel,
both of Selinsgrove.
July 1, at Freoburg, by Rev. II.
W. Zimmerman, Christian S. Sprig-
gle of Washington twp. to Barbara
liollinger of Middlecreek twp.
July 4, at Freeburg, by Rev. J.
F. Wanipole, Jeremiah Charles and
Minnie 1 Watt, 'both ofrreeburg.
July 4, by Rev. J. W. Buckle',
Elias Stroub of Freeburg and Surah
Cordelia Thonijvwn of Selinsgrove.
July 11, by Rev. II. W. Zimmer
man, Geo. W.Goy toEminaBcrtch,
lioth of Freeburg.
July 20, at Mt. Curmel, by Rev.
C. W. Sechrist, Wm. 11. Wolfguhu
of Mt. Carmel to Mary E. Mussel-
man of Selinsgrove.
July 29, at Paxtouville, by Rev.
J. M. Swengle, John Brunner and
Sallie Mitchell, Ixith of Paxtonville.
Aug. 1, at Bcavertown, by Rev.
D. M. Stetler, Ard George of Even-
dale and Martha Anna Garland of
Aug. 1, near Adainsbiirg, by Rev.
L. C. Edmonds, II. Calvin Ulsh to
M. Jane Herbster. .
Aug. 1, by David S. Sholly, Esq.,
George Gaugler of Union twp. to
Kate Snyder, formerly of Berrys
burg. Aug. 2, at Port Treverton, by
Rev. J. W. Bent2, Peter Danbert
and Sarah F. Spotts, both of this
Aug. 5, by Rev. W. A. Haas, S.
O. Laudenslager of Penn twp. to
Alice C. Dunkelberger of Selins
grove. Aug. 8, at Port Treverton, bv
Rev. S. W. Boughter, Peter Dau
bert of Port Treverton to Lizzie
Spotts of McKeea Half Falls.
Aug. 8, by Rev. JohnK. Snyder,
Daniel Mitterling of West Perry
twp. to Tillie Hprnberger of Perry
Aug. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler,
Ernest F. Gross of West Braver and
Bella Kahly of McClure.
, in Middleburg. by Rev.
Irwine, Charles F. Bingaman and
Mary E. Zechman, both of Centre
Aug. 12, at Adamsburg, by Rev.
L. C. Edmonds,' Isaac Wetzel and
Maggie Schwenlc
Aug. 12, at Port. Treverton, by
D. S. Thuriby, Esq., Geo. Irwin
Reicbenbach and Cordelia Cawell,
both of Port Treverton.
I. : Aug. 12, Benjamin Tittle of Un
ion Co. to Mollie A. M. Krebs of
BnyderCo. ' . ' k
Aug. 17, by Bet. John K. Soy
Cer, Uof Marks of- Juniata Co. te
Cors Good of West Perry twp.,
I tfcU county. ;, , -
J-laill V;i3ajo csd Ida. Jut
IxUty, betk of Ciar Co,
Aus iX t Freebwr-, by Rev.
-opt lie' 7ame U lbich or AW
n?,to.,AttM'M 1-idH.ttieAigWof lveO
Aug. 29, by Rev. J. F. Wamnole. ar.jAhit H U.i
Adam S. Reiser ofMt Pleasant Mills
to Alice M. Harding bf Fremont.
Aug. 29, by Rev. D. M. Stetler',
Weldy Dent of Bloomsbnrg to Sarah
Aigler of Beawrtown.
Sept 1, in Ellington, N. Y Dr.
I. R. Sweigart of Bannerville, this
county, and Mary F. Farman of
Ellington, N. Y.
8ept. 6, Henry Dunkelberger of
'wuuqf aim ajishs xruBiusoi x re
moht Sept 19, by Rev. D. M. Stetler,
John Heimbach of Union twp, to
Rebecca Kinney of Beavertown.'
Oct 3 by J. G. M. Swenele.
Sampson Townsend of Bloomsburg
to Airs. Elizabeth Butler of Sidney.
Oct 3, by Rev. W. A. " Haas.
Joseph E. Smith of Plymouth, Pa.,
to Mary V. Kantnerof Selinsgrove.
Oct. 5, by Rev., W. A. Haas
John F. Romig of Penn twp. to
Amanda Arbogast of Washington
Oct 7, by Rev. J. K. Snyder.
Daniel Arbogast and Jane Shellen-
berger, both of Richfield.
Oct 7, at Centreville, by Rev. S.
& Kohler, Joseph Frock of Mifflin-
burg to Ellen, daughter of Jacob
Sanders, Esq., of Centreville.
Oct 10, by Rev. J. K. Snyder,
Michael Brubaker of Susquehanna
twp., Juniata Co., and Priscilla
Flanders of Port Treverton.
Oct. 14, by Rev. A.C. Whitmer,
Franklin P. Daubcrman of Vicks-
burg and Maggie E. Christian of
Aew Berlin.
Oct. 16, by Rev. J. Slnudel, Em
erson Sylvester Dubbs and Sadie C.
Ricgel, both of Snyder Co.
Oct. 16, by Rev. A. C. Whitmer,
Benjamin F. Buoy of Centre twp.
and Sarah E. Jordan of East Buffalo
twp., Union Co.
Oct. 17, by Rev. W. A. Haas,
Geo. M. Wf itmer of Sulem to Dillie
Moyer of Freeburg.
Oct 17, by Rev. D. M. Stetler,
Daniel A. Shell and Alwilda C.
Smith, both of Beavertown.
Oct 24, by R. C. Fiss, J. P.,
John AdaniH of Monroe twp. to Ann
Matilda of 1'enn twp.
Oct. 20, Marion Ulrich, formerly
of Selinsgrove, now of Killinger,
Dauphin Co., to Mary Glass of Se
Oct 28, by Rev. J. F. Wumiwle,
John A. Dubbs to Lucy Craig, both
ot Mckccs Halt Falls.
Oct. 28, by Rev. Haas, Sylvester
Bowen and It. Jennie Bowersox,
I....1. r i.' i
OOlll Ol X'lUIIKlIU twp.
f j. m l l T lir ,
kjci. oi, Dy liev. Ot r. nampoie,!
I rancis Stetfcn and Alice C. Boyer.
both of Washington twp.
Nov. 2, by Rev. I. Irvine, John
W. Aigler and L. . Mazie Specht,
both of Beavertown. '
Nov. 4. at Freeburg, by Rev. H.
W. Sim merman, M. K. Gordon and
Sallie J. Deal, both of West Perry
Nov. 7, by Isaac Beaver, J. P.,
Philip R. Lenig and Amanda Heck
man, both of Washington twp.
Nov. 11, at Beavertown, by Rev.
D. M. Stetler, Jacob G. Martin of
Fremont to Sarah J. Wilmont of
Landisburg, Perry Co., Pa. ,
Nov. 11, by Rev. J. H. Lenta,
Wm. Leonard of Liverpool and
Mary A. Glass of Freeburg,
Nov. 14, by Rev. I. Irvine, J. 8.
Sauers of New Berlin to E. J. Mus
ser of this place.
Nov. 14, by Rev. J. K. Snyder,
Jane Reed Borman of Port Tre
verton and David Brubaker of Chap
man twp.
Nov. 16, by Rev. W. A. Haas,
Henry Sterett Bradford of Selins
grove Junction to Anna ' B. Upde-
graph ot Selinsgrove.
Nov. 18. by R. C. Fiss, J. P.,
Isaac Goodcn to Mary Moore, both
of Selinsgrove.
Nov. 21, by Rev. L. C.Edmonds,
Simon Oldt and Emma Smith, both
of Bannerville.
Nov. 23, Frederick Bolender of
Rock Grove, Illinois, and Amanda
Swarm ol Selinsgrove
, Nov. 24, by Rev. H. B. Belmer,
E F. Faust and Mary E. Bowman,
both of Selinsgrove
' Nov. . 25. by. Rev. Edmonds,
Harvey fioook and Mollie R. Eea-
va:; hnth of Painter.
. KokjT.ttRBc
Dw4eta I-MdabvoiiQ
JJIov. 28,
JWixiger, both ol Uu8 rJaC(. 1
, Jyov.28,Dllev.J.F.WJ
Amelia Weller ot Washing
to Franklin Bineaman of t;j)
T. A .1 .L. VT n
by Rev. U, Gambler, FrauklJ
Dec, 5, bv Rev. D. M.
fliana Uoss to Oliver P. s,
ooui oi uecatur, Mifflin Cu.
Dec 5, by Rev. J. F.. Wan,,
Emelin A Rnanl Uu . 1
T.l.n w v .... I1
wV..u (,f. jhuusc oi anouli
Dec 5, by same, Mary Catli
Lose to Louis Pontius, bothol
aJecreek twp.
Dec 5, by D. S. Thurby, J
Henry L. Shaffer to Mary Y
land, both of Port Treverton.
io, at uie u. ly. parW
by Rev. U. Gambler, John W
man oi venire twp. to JUizabetl
S. File of Franklin twp.
oomuei uramby of lielrsW
vsutre ua, m., and Mrs, Cath,
A. Ooker ot ALddlecreek tn
Dec 14, Mrs. Catherine U,
Middlecreek twp. toSamiiel GnJ
oi neDersburg, UentreCo.
Dec. 19, by Rev. E. P. IJ
T.o.znce ana Mrs. Jennie
Specht, both of Snyder Co.
ic Zl, by Rev. D. M. StetUf
Tf 1 . t r-a a . - -
r.iizauem anambach of AdunisbJ
to Altert Jungle of Beavertown.
Dec. 23, by Rev. J. K. San
CS .
ousuuna urubaKer to Jacob Stauft
both of Union twp.
Dec. 23, by Rev. S. E. 0,1
frtrvl TTmA IT -II'
v. xivrumu oi jvrata
ville to B. F. Hohenbach ofShaa,
kin Dam.
Dec. 24, by Rev. I. Irvine, fl
J. C. Shuman and SevillaC. im
man, both of Troxelville.
Dee. 25, by D. S. Sholly, E
William Hendrix to Mar An
Arnold, both of Chapman twp.
Dec. 25, by Rev. J. W. Umklr
Ada E. Michaels to William i
inters, both ofSclinsgi-ove,
JJec W, by Rev. A. R. Glaf
Wm. F. Bollinger of Kreamer 1
Sarah C. Benfer of New Berlin
TA Cto I li y
ree. to, ny itev. Irvine, uw.s
Lepley of Adunisburg to S. KtlJ
Reitz of Middlecreek twp.
Dec. 29, Moses Benfer and E
beoea Snook of near Adamsburg,
Oct. 31, by D. S. Sholly, Esi.
TV...!.! V -i- i if nt . , 1
both of Union two
: '
j-'uviu ieiiz io Ance Dliotzlieriw
I too,
1 lOOl
Jan. 1, near Adamsbunr. bvlW
Edmonds, Annie Ocker to EnieM
Jan. 2, by Rev. J. K. Snydd
Emma Oberholtzer ot Monroe t
Juniata Uo., to Daniel Stauftcr
Union -twp., this county.
Jan. 2, at Beavertown. bv Ito
D. M. Stetler, Mamrie McClennan
Adamsburg to Isaac Snook of Ki
hacoquillas, Mifflin Co.
Jan. 6, by Rev. J. F. Wampol
Ida M. Shellenberger to B. F. M
bogast, both ot KichfiJd.
Jan. 6, in MifHinburg, byBer.
f! -I T TV n LI' ir t.-j
u ner, u. u.y xnuiKiioxurryru
and Sarah V. Barber, daughter
a & Barber, Wd, of Mitninbui!
Jan. 13, by Rev. Kohler. U
ward Smith of New Berlin
Annie C. Sanders of Limestone tw
Jan. 16, by Rev. W. A. M
n. n. JUingierot Jackson twp. A
rw ww wr. . I
Mary E. Khngler of Penn twp
Jan. 23. by Rev. Wieand. M
Alice Middles warth to D. J. BingH
man, both of Adams twp.
Jan 26, in New Berlin, by K
S. Sidney Kohler, John G. Smith A
tiocniei ana xaary j. csnyaer oi i'k
The Climax Brandy of 1876 Vim
Bat proves to fea s mpertar dutnutlot,
wtu yaart at rlptaing It turn out upot
tsarkat by (ataptar K, I, WIM Co. It at
an or bkiiow uraaor. pvaaaaaiw au " -
aielaal propertta Tut Vbtou brudM
rapt into taunt U mttCul. aoM by
Peruvian Bitten.
In. luu ami
latti malafS a
IKwtl aOHia
taaanaMM-MaC IM 'M'
bv TIov . xj I
TOJ -bwj v WIU 1 JH.i '
irtwy rM Mr uw
rw 1
ff. lf i-A v-i. .