5 i -i " Thetl do you good? a physician said m giving torn pitti to hit orient, a woman who had suffered for months from diseases which baffled skillful treat ment. Hit words proved true. The woman rejoices. W, harry tad bwtU at titf fcoaatwue 2y7wriDf mfm Ike eVOicaU or- ,i fctfflM saraawaesi itfUka, tanpta act coaetonily to go (tocarlcffaa.eatoateM Tne bmUat al Kit fcfl fcaarfly vpoa I wccMaWa ai wr esriertaUags for a Itsaood, but to 4otof m vrtaat4 my- f I u wry ill bel Mr yton'afo lay ma inr on Mi town t to my throat for a CMMtot totoMI agaajk.' amhJlfrtnyihi iiiitlii acta btf moatMaMtoUl I was a . J At.- - toy room, omi bed. ' " " ' MvfuaAl WW mlw to tfcU I ltd myitttV aa4 th nnfltog in my ktl I aaklei wettM lto totoV wilUlf iav WbU I aa. sea . (Oac MV attar aeeSaraate toHHBi jky-Wm.-Wl You DMd a teaay as w ih km that will ad a aaea aa. taie b i . 4 -- oiUwSi lor PUk " I padtbtfco the MBS Yea fci NpiH tol mM Dr. DOW Pink Pflk for Pal People, tort you aead ot to alaraaed, they art not pkyac, aad By wor4 far k, ttoyU eo you rood.' fcBefare I la beaa taka&aeaawatk I aetkai a (real fcaaierimiat to my ooo tjoa. Sooa my itoulto wm goat, "Ifrtw ttfaager sack Say and now am aa tka ka ef kcaltfc "1 coaaUcr Dr. TtOUmr Piak Pills for PaUProaltfccfcfc. A friend aot loaf if m-ai Idling ma of bar mother who is at a critical period in act life. "She waa subject to terrible fainting aacllaad the eaore famfly would work """Dr. VnUmr Ptak Pflh have aot only topped the faiattof eaella, but gtrta bar to much etraagth that aba a abla to taka as UVadatiaaafato.M . To bmm ltobJy aadana towards. Jtn. Browatog mad amdavk bafora Gaoraa GUL Notary Public. All dkaaaea arlatog from aa tapoverbked caadttioa ol the blood, aad meat all coma from that at cured by Dr. WtOUm Pink ior Pala Pt eat. tey act directly upoe the blood. Build mf It aa with lachtaf awatttueatat it ha. comaa rich and red, the various orgaat are anufhbad aad tttauilatod to acthriry to pcr formtor their faactieaa, aad Ihut diaraae eitottoatol bom tfee rytUm. Tkcae pilla are told every where, the aale beiag eaormoaa. udo m if? Four Free Scholarships .Tobaawardtdby I . .. The Best Practical School In Auierica. : ' . . ' v. v TQ THE FOUl PERSONS Who seoure tbe Urffast number ... of totes in toe contest ex- i ' plained below. Get yonr frienis to siscrilic for the . POST and secure a Free , Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days I e Undersigned Offer The Public Their EH THUS STOCK OF FURHITURE THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN 5 ' f?TLVANIA. - e are not Mtlllng oat, but we do thfa to Inoreaae our salea above any pre is year, we give a few or the prleps aa follows : ; Wood Chamber Softs H. 00 'Cotton Top Mattress 3.96 d Wood Chamber Snita 16.00iWoven Wire Mattress. 1.75 Iqoe Oak Salts, 8 Pieces 18.00 1 Bed SprlnRa i 1.25 ih Parlor Suite 80.00: Drop Tables per ft .00 xlen Chairs per set. ' 3.50 Platforni RoaKera.... ........ 9 50 stock, everytfatnir In the farnltnr'e line, lucladlnf Mirrors' Book Cases, it, 8ldeboards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Faucy Roekeray Baby Cbalra tber Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doaffhtrays, Sinks,. UU Raoks, Can Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all 6laeaa.t lees reduoed all through. Come early and see our stock bef orej giving r order, and thus save 10 to 20 per cent on every dollar.-' ,, .-i-t XJ. ii rts J TT 1 A t J P T" 1.1 ' KATBatUIAN & HARTNAN, LilOUted, MLFPLINBTJRQH, P ,' Insurance. RYDER'S OLD. AND RELIABLE -Getl'l ' ; Insurance Agency, 8EUHSGE0VE, SHYBER C0UHTY, PA- ID lxnezr W. 0rk.yca.exry Lsezxt, Sacoessor to the late William H. Snydert ie Par-Excellence of Reliabla Inauranca is reDresented in tha follow. of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None cruie worm over. - l11". LOCATION. ASSETS. Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assetb) $48,000,000.00 mrtiord, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.62 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. 6,688,068.07 Continental, NewTork, 6,754,908.72 uerman Amenean, , NewTork, . 6,240,098.88 Mutual Life Ina. Cm VnrV ftO.M BJW 0a c )ENT Ernnloyere' Liability Assurance Corporation, Accident Ina. Co. Subscribed Capital of $8,750,000.00 i Xilffi inn A nniAant tnabtt MAntaJ t lAinn.i Aaa!klA I a vjmmi wma nvwfVW NIV tVITVDV JiVMIUM Jill" DV a Strict MffarrI tn mnfnal aafatw All nmi. nUini nrnmnfl and otorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Inmir WompHy famished. ELJT2B W. SNYDER. As.. fUOneNo. 182. Offinann (Vinia WiUp Jk Pina Mil a Vtnmmrnw P CANDY, r CATOARTIC J r r. :, , ZrlZ-; -druggists Dr. aww UI aall am apptteanea a (ntaaMMMtH dlarorcry tot Co u tloa. BroackiU a4 w.lBv w am ta atay a. la omw rmrj Buck MMk nnlie tba owa of i Ml riMily. Utimt art !- M to antta It ST. BABTB. BUa, I'OYE MPHTHA Cheapest and Best Fuel onthe Market. v with it you can run a vapor ' stove , for one-, naif cent per hour. Gire ns; a call and he : convinced, : , , , i; Sohoch-tSs Striockef , ; ,'V, We have just concluded un ar ranpenient wltert'by we are enabled to offer each of four young ersons a free scholarship in the celebrated Eastman Bumnesfl Colleee, Poueh kcepsie, New York the Now York JiiimncHH Institute, Uoth street, New York City, orthe National Correspotulence Schools through which tliev give insti notion by mail. These iiiHtituions ore known in every section of the world. Their graduates are thoroughly equipped for business pursuit, and are numbered by tens of thousands. They are found in every city and in almost every county and villntre in the United States. The courses of study given are short, inexpensive, practical and useful and afford a better training for business than can be had in any other school. $110-LvFnKESciIOIARHIIH-$110 The following statement by Mr. Clement C. Gaines, President of the College, explains, what the different scholarshiiM are and what their value is as prizes. $37 Fiiwt Prizk $37. A $35 SritCLAjismr-BooKB, $2. Good for a term of twelve weeks personal instruction (at the College) in the ACADEMIC, HUSINKSS, SHORT-HAND, TYPE-WHIT ING, TELEGRAPH and PEN MANSIIIP departments, and $2 for complete Short-hand books. If the student prefer, Instruction by Mail in liook-keepiug and Short-hand of the same value will be given. $32 Second Prize $32. A $30 ScHOLARHHIP-IkOK8, $2. Good for a complete course in Short-hand (with Ixxiks $2) including Principles, with practical work in Correspondence and Reporting, in struction exclusively by mail ; or personal instruction of the same value (limited to ten weeks) in any department of the College, with our Simplified Short-hand Instructor $2. $2") Third Prize $25. A $25 Scholarship. Good course in Rook-kccping (without books) including both Single and double entry, principles and practical work, instruction by mail or personal instruction of the same value (limited to eight weeks) in any department of the College, wunoui DOOKS. $16 Fourth Prize $16. A $15 Sc'hoLAR8HIP-LE880X, Pa- rERS, $l.v Good for a term of ten weeks, correspondence instruction, in Short hand, including lesson papers but no books; or personal instruction of the same value (limited to five weeks) in any department of the College, without books. These prizes are easily obtained and the four young persons who make the most telling efforts and appeal to their friends for help will win them. The POST wants to add 1,000 subscribers to its list within the next 4 months. To ac comulish this end it nffi-rs tl scholarships to the four ladies or gentlemen who secure the greatest number of votes in our Eastman College Contest which is started to-dav and will close with the last issue of the POST for August, 18d8. Every ballot cut from this paper counts one votei Certificates for vote" acquired by new subscriptions and renewals with cash in; advance Will be issued with! ballot annexed, which must be filled out and forwarded to be counted. No votes except' those written on the printed ballots cut from the columns of this paper orthose allow ed for subscription," renewals, "jof work and advertisincr will be count ed. Extra conies ot tha POST ma v be obtained at 3 cents per copy. Votes 'allowed pob" SrBscRii TIONB. ' ' For every new subscription or re newal for a year accompanied by $1.00 in cash one hundred votes will be given. For every six monthssubecription or renewal paying 50 cents fifty (50 votes will be given. For every dollar's worth of job work, legal advertising, business ad vertising or other printing brought to thio office, we will issue a certi ficate, when work is paid for calling for 100 votes in the contest. Scl)olar?I)ip Coupor;. This Coupon entitles Chateau de Speer Wines- of Passaic, N. J. Vineyardt. Chew Winoa Rival the World iix qtetlorrce i- r?S rihnd,nell0Wt bT ' yof care VndfrWuent racking -in fumigated cellars as is done with the Chateau Wftlea Pn Franr K to ONE VOTE in thcMiddleburgh POSTS contest for 4 Scholarships at Eastman Business College, Pough kwpsie, N. Y., worth $110. Geo. W. Waoenseli.er, Proprietor. Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a chance to get other papers cheap we have mode arrangements with a number of tnpcrs to combine them with the Pout at, special rates. The regular rate ik-i year for the Post is $1.50 but during our special offer we will accept $1.00 per year in advanct Then if any want oth ;r papers tlr we name below we give them the advantage of special rates. The first column names the publisher's price, the second the amount which added to $1.00 will pay for the "Post" and the publication named. The list is as follows. n- inenateao co taips a limited sup- -ply of .Private Stock PoVt hincteen years old. besid: s Bur jnndy u euacf v.. Claret and Sherry,., arehih class wines. The it Climax Brandy is iS years old. All are preferred whereknownbythe Medical profession as superior to any rhotnmnh at f atMkn ri that ran V Ji nT fr- their excellent effect upon the system when used by invds. the weakly and aged persons and in general family use. Northern New Jersey climate, and soil abounding in iron is just adaoted tor this grape for Port wine. It is the same kind of soil ps in Portugal. Speer's winery and' vineyards are the only Port grape vineyards in the United States; only vineyards that cultivate the real Port wine grape of Portugal while other wines or mixtures called port are made without a single Oporto grape in them. Mr. Speer is the first and only one who imported the vines and acclimated the real Port wine grape vinen of Portugal. He spent thousands of dollars as a hobby to see what he could do toward acclimating these Portugal vines here. It took eight years for thera to become acclimated before Mr. Speer got a single grape- during those years all died except about eight hundred vines, when those began to grow vigorous and bear fruit ; from these, layers were made for new vines. The vineyards now cover fifty six acres. It has proven a success. The grapes are allowed to hang on the vines until they begin to raisin, when they have parted with some of the water and are rich in sugar; and the wine made from Port wine grapes is the ooly real genuine Port wine made in America. It is by far THE wino for weakly persons, the aged and for evening entertainments. Sold by Druggists and Grocer. Pub. Hlo. N. Y. Weekly Tribune. ii.no Phllu. " pr)8,BS 1.00 Wartilngtnn Weekly Pogt, l.ojj N. V. Thrice-weekly World, l.oo 1.00 J00 ut .to LOO 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.50 1.00 1.00 4.00 ii.S0 4.00 Com, 1'rl.e. t .'a .40 .40 .6.1 .75 ISO 10 .10 .75 T5 .53 .45 S.00 .30 .W j.00 2 00 8. JO American tiardeolog(M), Pblla. Inquirer (daily). Farm News (M), Womankind (M), American Agriculturist, I'raotlcal Farmer, Magazine, Scrtbner's, Ladles' Home Ideal The Arena, McUall'a Fashion Mag., Comnpolltan, Letille'a Weekly, HbtIow of Kevlews, Century, You can make a variety of com binations from the above, for in stance the Poct and N. Y. Tribune for $1.25; the Post and the Philu. Press for $1.50: the Post, the N. Y. Tribune, Womankind and Farm News and other minors for nnfv .45 nsh in advance ami so on combinations can be mode to suit purchasers' tastes. Address all or ders to the Post or hand them to our agents. tf. I was seriously afflicted with a cough for several years, and last fall had a more severe cough than ever neiore. i nave used many remedies without recievin? much mlinf. ami being recommended to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, by a friend, who, knowing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it. and with the most oratifvino results. The first bottle relieved ma very much and tha second hnt tl haa absolutely cured me. I have not had as good health for twenty years. Keepectfnlly, Mas. Mary A. Bkabd, Claremore, Ark. Soid by all Druggists. OLD COPIES WANTED. Iu order to complete our files we want the following named issues of the Post: July 8, Sept. 16, 1869; Oct. 6. 13, 1870; Jan. 26, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875 ; Mar. 7,1878; May 15, 1879; Feb: 17, war. ivf lool; Apr. T3, 1883j March 27, June 12, and October 30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28, May 0, Oct 28, Dee. 23,1886; Dee. zy, 1887. Any of our readers havinir conies t ...... ' oi me uuuve issues win conter favor by letting us know. Such : j ... copiHi iu gooa condition will com mand a fair price. tf. : - SHE KNOWS HIM. j "What I Are you going to leave ao soon? I thought yon had decided to atay another fortnight P "Yea, I wanted to, bat when I wrote my huaband for tbe additional money he sent it aopromptly and without ob jecting that I think tha beat thing I can do la to go hornet" Belter Welt A Oalaaclaa Feat. Tha problem freat. propounded bjr fat To tha young married couple la town, la how they may keep appearancee tip And yet keep eipendlturaa down. N. Y. JournaL N Tol ol Saaa. "Drudder Waffler, hoan' I aHua done tole you bon'aty wa' de bea policy?" "Yea, aar, but I quit policy toon'a 1 J'lned de ebu'eh, aah. It'a one ob de wllea ob aatan, aah." Detroit Free Ppesa. A Bla. De I wonder wby boarding house are auch terrible Inatltutlona? She Merely to ahow men that they ought to have homea ot their own. Ainalee'a Magazine. A Claaca lata tha Pwlara. "I puniah yon to ahow my loredtor you, my aon. "When I get bigger 111 return your lore, pa." N. Y. Journal. Ma Oeeaalaa ta Warry. Mirtreaa Why, Bridget, you hare your fingera in tha aoupl Bridget (pleasantly) Oh, don't wor ry, mum; it a not hot N. Y. Truth. Alaaaet aa laalaaatlaa. Belle That man wanta to marry very girl he meeta. Betty Then you barest met him yet. Yonkera Stateaman. Look Look at y. i clothing Ht u , Hantlv in stot t and fiUc . hoeofHnts and Gents' Clothinp Furnishing Goods, Underwear and Caps. Call to Bee my stock. f. a. mm brotherhood stopc Susburt, Penna - T. . ' ... ia management keeps , more people in poor circumstances than any other one canae. To be success. iui one must took ahead and plan ahead so that when a favoradle opportunity presents itself he is ready to take advantage of it . A lime ioreinongnt will also save much expense and valuable time. A pru and careful man will keep a bottle bottle of ChamberUias Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in tha house, the shiftless fellow will wait until necessity compels it and then ruin his best horse going for a doctor and have a big doctor bill to pay, besides; one pays out 25 cents, the other is out a hundred dollars and then wonders why bjg neighbor is getting richer while he is -getting poorer. For sale by all Druggists. ... : v Harah Paalahaaeat. Mr. Bcrubba (inddimantlr) 8ir. hare Juet dtecovered that your aon. haa engaged Dimaelf to two of my daugh tara. Mr. Qrubba (atupefled) The young raican He abould be compelled to marry them both-N. Y. Weekly. Peralataat. Herr Yoa X (to a peraiatent peddler) If I waan't afraid I abould eoHl my banda on you 1 abould pitch you down, ataira! Peddler Well, in- that caae, can't I all you a pair ot glorea? Unaere Oeaellachaft. Eaay Baaaarh. ".(oulae, let me read you thia intereat lng articl 'IIow to Stay Young.' " "o. I know all about that; more Into aoma neighborhood where no one knows your age." Chicago Becord. Aa laataaea. May Miaa Paaaay . haa aoma peculiar opinions. ' ' . Bertha Yea 1 1 think ahe la the only one who eonaldera It aingular that ahe aaouia be aingle. Puck. . Ma ralth la Bla Skill. . He They aar Walter la the beat ahot In the eouhty. She WalL I don't believe It. Ha Uaaed me In tha dark, the other night, vu w hvhv ivbhii Diaieajnan. A 8TmHER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleasanv voyage afoot Tor the pleas- -are it gives, there's no sail; like our sale. Crowds arc-- enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. For house or street wear, pleasure or every-day practical purposes, walking, Hiding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by tasuion and tbe dictates ol individual taste. Ladies,, whoever claims yoar hands. . by all means surrender youir feet to these shoes. 6.H.6MJ, WANTED-BRAINS lad ftrwr lKUefiTf yiWi biUdlata itataai litranMjr Wuilaitaa OKy. 'nil took m u aaay ' arntUaofraotUacto MtntlKotKt yow taau: -lorurlatemwoaHk. kfcn tm&U (or pttoX, rot ir Ubml rltriud btNtorTaiilftut. Btirorla okr Orr A CO. hmUn VuMirtav BlS -. float iteatee Spit aaS SaMke Yoar Ufk twat To quit tobacco easily and forevrr lie macr-- aetla. fall of lUa, aenre aatl v!w - -- Hao, tne wonderworker, t t troo(. All drt i ;. ' . teed. Booklet ' ,,'.! Sterliar Rented . .. . .. .1 VaeW ' Me. . I