The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 02, 1898, Image 3

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Four Free Scholarships
Tobe awarded by
Symptomt that mm like consumption; a1 lack of
blood; friends feared one girl would fall dead on tie 1
street; 'restored to health by a sensible woman s
suggestion. , .
"She pined itrcagtii rapidly. Sooasltf
ww in perfect health. -
"Since then I have kept Dr. Villiimr
Pink PiOs for Pak People ta the fcouM at
way and have done much food wffc them.
One numple i
"There b a younf ftri friend of my
daughter who seemed) almost transparent.
"She tM white and rcry thin, We were
afraid ihc would fail dead in the street
when she went out.
"I begged her to take Dr. Williams' Pink
PiUs forPale People, and finally induced
her to try them. They helped her won
derfully, probably saved her life and re-
stored her to perfect health. Now she ii
have coosufflpuon, hwn r
""rfcri, anzfeu twenb aad bfeacb watch
them slowly fade away.
A deatn-nw pauor,
oUiioo an Bsuessosse are
condition.. . ."'
The boay uco dbot., .- .
Mn. John Tansty knows tbe meaning
of .ymptomfc "--"g
She lives ai )ju sun ouot, wuw,
kh. . . . -cL-
Her advice w nwr u "T."
value to her neiehbosa, She tefls the story
to help otheis who are at a distance, i j
Shessia: ,
"When my daughter was sixteen years
old she began to waste away.
"Had I not known there was no taint of
consumption to the family I would have
belirvJherhingswewaflected. r
"She grew thinner and thinner every day.
She lacked only the hacking cough to show
all the outward signs oi consumption.
"Our doctor called tnc eusease oy an coo
name, which I learned meant simply weak
blood. ....
"No treatment seaneatoooner anygooa.
"She was fading away before our eyes.
"I was induced to try Dr. Wtlliamj' Pink
Pflls for Pale People, and the change they
made was almost magical. '
"Before she had taken half a box there
was a great improvement in her looks, ap
petite and weight.
recommending them to other young women.
"I earnestly advise mothers with grow
ing daughters to keep Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills always on hand as a household remedy.
Many women's lives are miserable be
cause such symptoms as Mrs. Tansey's
daughter showed were neglected while they
were developing Into womanhood. During
that period of rapid development the blood
needs the highest degree of strength to re
pair the tissues that arc rapidly wasted.
These needed demerits are supplied by
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
The vegetable ingredients of these pills act
like magic in restoring strength to the mus
cles and roses to the cheeks of growing girls
or adults weakened by overwork.
All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People. They cost SO cents a box I
six boxes $2.50.
The Best Practical School in
America. .
y Who secure tbe largest number
' ' of votes in tbe contest ex- t
' plained below.
Getsonr friends lo sntaibc ferine
POST ani secure a Free
Votes Allowed for SrtwcBir
For every new subscription or re
newal for a year accompanied by
fl.00 in cash oue hundred votes
will be given.
For every sixniontliiisubscriptitiii
or renewal paying 50 cents fifty (50
voted will be given.
For every dollar's worth of job
work, legal advertising, business ad
vertising or other printing brought
to thin olliee, we will issue a certi
ficate, w hen work is paid for calling
for 100 votes in the contest.
Lovely Women in the Lagar
at th Qalnto Celtelros, Portugal.
Girls treading Grapoa, to music, wearing short jackets and short linen pants,
but great variety of headgear. A viotinUt. seated on the edge o the vat. Addle
while one or two of the damsels Join In with their voices, keeping time with their
I".' T.
Scl)olar?l)ip Coupop.
This Coupon entitles
M'e have jut concluded an ar-ltoOXK YOTK in theMiddlebtirgli
rnngement whereby we arc enabhil POST'S contest for 'IS-holarshipsat
to infer each of four yo::ng jiersons ' Knstniiin Business College, l'oiigh
a Irw scholarship in the eelebntteil I k-.vpsic, X. Y worth SI 10.
Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, hut BUY
the Sewing Machine with an established reputation
thut guarantees von long and satisfactory: service :
Eastman Jiusincss College, Pough
kivpsie, Xew York, the New York i
Business Institute, TJ.'th Street,
Xew York City, or the National i
Corresiondcnce S'IhhiIs througlij
which they give insti uctioti by mail.
Tliese tiistituious are known m everv
t i 'Ji"iJSW,.,.,rlll. Tlu ir graduatJs "tlnT we Imi
. ' . .. . . II l.i .ll..lll.r..l.l..llt ll fl 1 ! Illllili,..!
(ir.o. W. W'.wiKNsr.i.i.r.i:,
Our Clubbing List.
In order to nve all a chance t Rubber Rollers are Used for Crushing: the Crapes to Make
Gpeer's Port, Burgundy, Claret and Other VInos,
aretlion.ii'dilviMuipii a n"ml"T w,c. as is well known, rival the w.rld in excellence, for invaliilsand
" I.... . , l.v t,..M " papers to combine them with the aged persons, and are made fronUhoporto.ijr.ipegrwn. :ivi!K sini-
Ifir ; Tl r r 1 ; at-uiln.U Thon,,,!:,,- Ifronl'ortugal forty years aro. Thes.nlof northern New Jersey,
of thousa uk h .un d n I . amtatnintr iron just suUcd for them. Mr Specr. lu.wvvcr. uses t!.c
everv oitv ami in almost eer .. , improved wav of mashing the v rapes, lie employs lav:, e rollers
eountvaml village in tlie I'liitiil ; ""l ,,,irV ,Mir s!,'l;l,"1lll'r rubber run by an engine which crush jpes at the rate . -f a barrel
Slates. The coiir.-cs ol'studv given accept H .(K per year ill adv; nee. a minuto. Speer's Wines, especially the l'ort and l'.iir--.;:: :y n in
ire sliiirt inexiiciifive practical and 1'n,'n if any want other papers tli-'t market, arc of very old vintage, ar.d h ive no superior. 1 h vs ciar..
f l.tlllir IA t J I II ll '1 1 1 till ' ' i i s i io iu 'i t i i 'v. iiiv in i"i niiOM, v i u.nv . n . i . ( -
c.rnl -M. ,1 itV.inl ln'tf.r tmininir,
er buM.H-s than eim be ha.i in :ihv!,v:,",T "f ""'T;. ,T'"'
.ill ' , lir.-t column names the iiuhlMicrs
other school. . i
Miriec, the second the amount which
110-IN ;Fi:k.kS.-iim!.m:miii-s-110 (,s ,m wiM i;iv ,,. tle
The t' llowiiiT sialeineiit bv Mr. 1'ost"' and the publication named.
Tl;e Wl;il'e.
Clement C. (iaiucs. I'roidciit nf the 'The lis! is as (ollows.
College, cxi!ains what the .lillereiit
seholar.-hms arc
work, durable construe-
1Mb. iT'.v
and what their .. . iv.thi;. Tiiotin,-. i .
i 1 ll 11 " r"is, I.lM
WllslllliuKill Wi'l'kl,. 1V(I. I
N. . Tlillo'-Mn kl.l WulM, I.H.I
Aiiu'i ii .ai i.,iriii iiliiiM). l.oi
l'lillii. 1 1 .. 1 1 li ! r el.ul;. ), ". mi
I'iirin Ni'tts ( Mi, ". i
, U ..I.1-.I i 'i..i . ii . f..t
I . , . . I I'M 1 "
al m.-iruellolt (ai UK- v oncej i AinrrhviM .:rlenltnrl-r.
I in the A( li:.M K , LI SI . hss, n .wi, :,! I'.nn. r.
i SI 1( UT-I I A N 1 , T Y l'K-WWIT-'
INC. TKI.KCUAl'll and l'KX-, unw u, . ,w.
Most Desiralile Maciiiiie in llic Marl(cl.iANsiiir, a-ais- li)iiMiB
I llllll I' ' MIWI l-lt.ltl.l . I'l)-,
!!l. ITS'
tion, lino niechani
cal adjustment,
' '
coupled ,vhh the Fimrt Hot of Steel
Attachments, makes it the
A :'." Sin i..i:iiir-li'Ks,
. . . t
(mod lor a term ol twelve WecUS
1 mi
HSrSoud lor our beautiful half-tono eatalosue.
Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i
Insurance Agency,
2D1ZXXOX W. Snydor, JSLorxt,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow
ng list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
Better the World over. . .i.-
NAM f, LOCATION, . f Lnn
FIRE Royal, ' Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign aRBeth) t8,0(H),000.00
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,645,W5.C2
Phoenix, . . Hartford, Conn. 5,588,058.07
Continental, New York, S'SS'SS'S
German American, . New York, .3
LIFE-MutualLifeIna.Oo. New York, , . $204,638,983.06
ACCIDENT Employera! Liability Assurance Corporation,
. Acoidentlnfl. Co.. Subscribed Capital of $3,750,000.00
Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowest possible rate, jus
tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and
satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Agt,
Telephone No. 182. Office on, Corner Water & Pine Sts. SeDnegro ve. P
iiiiin!;l ,ii
student prdcr, Instruction oy .Man i.-ii-s w.ri.i;.,
jin Hook-keeping and Short-hand of. n.-vi.-w-i h,m,.w
(I.....,,,,.. ,.,l u'dl I... irivi.ll. iCllllliy,
; .. (S.-((l;n I'in.r lf:-. Ym c:ui nuke a vnriity ol' rtiin-
I ' Miii'tioiis i'nuu tlu- 'lo(', lor in-
' tOil V.'irii i iikiiinl.iuii:v; S'' . . . ... . .....
1 1 f ...I , i j;) .nee the rosl' and i . In-line
(mod for a complete course in lor I ."Jo ; the l'o'i au.l (he l'hila.
Short-hand(with Ixioks 8-) including ! I'rcss for $1...0; the Post, the X.
Principles, w ith practical work in I Y. Tribune, Womankind and Farm
Correspondence ami licporlinj;, in- .News and other papers for nly
structioii cxeluMvcly by mail; or 1.4. cash iu advance ami so mi
jiersonal instruction of the same .combinations can In- made to suit
value (limited to ten weeks) in any purchasers' tutc?. Address all or
dcpiirtnient of the Collcjri', with ourdcrs to the Post or handthctn toour
Simplified Short-hand 1 nstructor '2. ' ajents. tf.
Si!." Tiui:nrui.K 2."). -
I whs seriouHly alllicted witti n
Thcv are blood-making, addintr iron to ihc system, ;v
lonj lifo. lixtensivcly used at parties, weddings ar.'I ; .
use. '-i'SoLD nv Dhlouisis ami i lum IKS WHO i;
l'llvs' AIM'liAIKMHN' Is liiTf-
l.y K'lvi'll thul tin- rolliittlllk,' Wlilnws' Al-I'l'tll-ii'iiiriilH
ilu.l.'l' I hr f:ioi law, li.iv li.'rll III '.I
II ll i lie i h'l k yl lliroriaiih' cmirl i f Muncr
.'.illlilv l.c I'nlilil iii.iIUjii mi l . 1 . 1 . . 11," ill.
.l;i ci( .1 out'. IMis.
1. A.iiM'H"ini'lil "r I. Mil.' I'. lt;'t'. I.. II. W.l'.u
iM Clin 'If A. ll ill, ton. ui I . ol I I'ankllll t p
.'' . 1 1. I' .'.. l,T't, f 1 i'i 'It 1 If 111'' it lilflll' I . .
f iu.l,"i law.
J ,..ral . 'iii'iii ui i:il il.,'l!i 1 i'-I. i'. vl,l.,v.
, it Willi. un il. I'.-M.-r. I .if of (Villi. ip. M,'-
.l.'l' (1. .Ir.'.l. .1.'. I.. I... I.IM'II UI..1. e I in
;, .1 fi'tnpl I. 'II law.
.i. . ;if i..,ii.,,i nt I n. -.via lt,,w. ii. wi.l',
Ufl ll.iw. n lal.-iil I'r.uiiillii i. M,..l' mi
id . '.I. fl.-. t ,1 i,i In- lakil. llf i:,.ij' v I'
11. ii law
I. A.f M'al.'iiii-i.i f S ir i'i Walter. ii!i.v i.l
.1 i.'.ilu '. ui. i . 1. 1 I'n iikiiii lw.. M.!. l
I.'. M. . in In- i.ik. ii i tin- Mil
. s . Ii 1 1 -t 1. -ti iau.
AiUal-i-lll.'lil il llllli t I'ull!, i.l.'W It
.Ul.'lia.'lliai It Int.. nr I'i :ii,l.l"i Iwe. M.Mlei
e... ll, i .1., eleeli-,1 In .f lak.'l. Illali'l III1' J !
l','lllll l.ill l.iw . ul -.all.' r.ies. !i-r, uliluu m
II. ill v F. 1 !' -1. i'. late .il l li.i 1 1 I v ..
I. I e.i. .lee . I, el.iie.t l.i l.el. le ll lil.ller II l-
- a . .'iii.' In iv.
7. Aiii'iii-iineiii ol Kir: li.-lelnil aeli, widow
.. ll llllel l;.-lelll, late I I Cell.'. I'M'- SlO -
' .FT f ii. .I.'i '.l. el.-. I. .1 l.i I... taken mail r i lie iaim
Appi'MlM'ini'ht (,t Alli-a M. Ilel'ii' t'.
.U.l.lllll l'. Illlf III Wlll.lliXti.ll IHp. Ml-
Cf I .... lie, ',!. el.-ete.l In lie lakeh lllutel' tile f.11,11
f . i.. .
li. M . SlIIMH I., I ".el U, O. ( '.
MM Hi liii.-h. l'.i..Mav "III, 1"'.'.
! prii
.! !' uri;!v
, YlMS.
I (Wild
MX VJiii Y
Tilt' I'lll'twllli; lldliillllM Will l.f plfeiileil Ii r
vi.lllirliiitll.ih al I hi iit-.xl tel lii ur i-.ail'L :
1. I lie :nv aa.l Una! a.'.'.iili ul If. A. I:nil ..
t'.lllllllMU'f nl Al . 11 y Al. IIUkIii, lleeeil.s.l,
1. Tl.eM t-iinil a euillil til S. A. Weli-l. Oilar
than tili'l t t.iiiliilttfi' of Willlain Verier m
lie.ivei iwp. en.
ii. M. Sin Niiki., I'riitliniiiiMiy.
MliMlfliiirxli, I'"., Aluy 7Ui, I"'.'--
Look! Look I !
r,". k ut yoniM !l when von buy
clothinc at mv ,on. i I.Mi't'oii-
hiiitlv in stock i le I i -I in d li ncht
line of lints mid (n i,lf Diol Ii iiif,
I'lirnishinc 0 ids, I n ii i wear and
('ii,h. I nil to nee in V Mrck.
V. I', E 0 Y F f. "3 E r. CT E EE H "JOB STOPt
'iJLXilTKU S NOI'R'KS. Nullce 1 Hereby
tllllt 111" Illll.lWllllf llilllll'd IN'I'WIIIS Inivt
------ itieti i iti-tr AuiiiuiiAi i nuiin , if.ittitiiitii, tin. i i.
coutn ior Heverai yearn, una nisi, ntu m'iifir' iiivouuim in toe iii'visiei it oniw m Miy
A $'1 St'itoi,Ansiiii
'i i ... 1. li.... ilr fiiiiiitv u iii I ilin uiiitntu. Ill lu nri4inf ihI fill
( iood .-ourse in IM.k-kccpinfr ? a uBut lu"" )r ninriSHiiln iihTw. it i' .mo .
z ... .i , I . ! . I ,i, uuium. j, uum noun ujuu.t Ul ilUtllfUiu-i,'lii .MtJliani, Jtinu (itll isvs.
(without iHKiks) includinir lioth ,:ti10iit roninvinL' much relief, and . . ..... .
beinc recommended to try a bottle
of Chamberlain's Couch Itomody, by
a friend, who, knowing me to be a j -vuuJl"!.!
poor widow, gave it to me, I tried ;e;t Su)lir(W
Single and double entry, principles
and practical work, instruction by
mail or mtsoim1 instruction of tlu
,0e sS?Saiij ftife iifvflf ALL
- t ' , - 7 - t m,
t L
25c 5QC!
:'r" CSZV;. .M4VJilMSa
" -1 i'-ii ii tl.J it . In) i r ' if I 'I', . TTl '
nKMwUI mU oo aoplleuioa
turn mw ai
BretufcUli mnd
mmtii ta writ wllswaS fetor. ,
J v;-i.ZTiJ .5. 4.. -A..
. The Cheapest and. Pest Fuel on the Market. ,
,. . , itr ilt jroii'can jruh; a ..vapor 'sltoTp for one:'.r
half cent per iiourv-i .Give ' a calV and be n A
i . -'.i X-j-ConTinced.iii Ii07 hatoo-d .i ol lin'J
.;::, f;DUVi iiM iQfeiltVn antral
11 Uiddieburgli; Pit
same value (limiteil to eight wii-ks)
in any department of the I ollcge,
without IxKiks.
$10Foi'nrii I'kizk
A 15 St hoi.Ansmp-LES.sDx, 1'a-
I'ERH, $1.
Good for a term of ten weeks,
correspondence instruction, in Short
hand, including lesson ipers hut
no books; or jK-rsonal iiiHtrwtion of
the same value (limited to five
weeks) in any department of the
College, without lxioks.
These prizes are easily obtained
and the four voumr persons who
make the most telling efforts and
appeal to.their friends for help will
win thenu rTlie IDST wants to
add 1,000 sulisicribers to its list
within the next 4 months. : To ac
complish this end it offers the
scholarships to the four ladies or
gentlemen who secure the greatest
number of votes in our
Eastman Colleok Contest
which is started to-day 'and will
close with the last issue of the POST
for 'August, " 1898. Every ballot
cut from this papee count one vote.
Certificates for votes acquired by
new subscriptions and renewals with
cash in advance will be issued with
ballot annexed, which mut be filled
out and forwarded to be couuted
No votes except those written on
the ; printed ballots cut ' from the
columns of this paper oi-thosc allow
ed for pubscriptioD, renewals, jol
work and advertising will be count
ed. 1 Extra copies of the POST may
be obtained at 3 centi per copy. .
1. Aci'uuul, tif V. W. OuuiJniiii mill If. I. Wnij-
bit, iiiliiiliiblrulnrsiil -l.ilin o. Oixvs late nf
llfuviT lwi. snytler to. !: M.
mini Hcetiiiiil of litiirifi' C. Auiiilll-
ul tilt) fKtule tif S.i ml i Auiiilllel,
it. iu-ii.'ii ili-ii'il
it. and with the most gratifying ,
.1. Vlr.t Jintl niml flfviilllil nf A. S. Seehrlst.
results. The first bottle relieved me ; nuiiiiiiisiraiuroi H- s. sedirint, iut oi imou
very much and the stcond botUo has ' . , . . , , , .
i .yi .A l t i .. 4. T ho Unit nli.l final account of John lllllM'rt
aosomieiy cureuuie. xuuvo uui uu i-xwi,lw(rt Mniliaa i-aust, luio ol MldUlt-urvok
as coou neaun ior iweniy yearn, twp.. snytur uo. uc u.
Itespectfnlly, Krs. 41 akv A. 13kaud, . Kinai account ot Joun r. uitzi i. iidinii.ui
Claremore, Ark. oid by all Drug- j ti,iuw utituuKtk ip
ff18t8. tl. Klrnt and flnid notiount of ChlirleH A. Sutler,
MSi - ex. of tltt) U.1I. wlil null U-stameiit of Kllniwl li
lire on, luU? of M idUlecruek twp. SuyUer co. ilft'O.
1 T. First mid fin ul account or Allien Kowtlor,
i silmliilHtrator ol Ueuoen H. KeHHler, Into ol
. L't'titru lwd. Snvdvr cu. dee'd-
8. The account of Adjm 11. Waller, guardian
ol KobinHou K. Waltvr. et. ul. uiiuor children oi
.Mry Wuiu-nute ICi:ii liiKer i . tlec'il and grand
euil.irun or Jtiun 1.. iteunuiger, iuio ui inm
Uu two, SnyUcr co. tlec U
y. First dnd final uccount of Kmiiiu Hlbltfhaua,
uduiliiLstrairlx of (lie emle Ot Ur. 'i'liotuua U
Uitigliiius, iHteuf llieboroiiKli of Mrudli'liUrgB
in uie coulij of snyufr, ueo-u.
10. Tliunrntaud flnul account of livurire II
and Jacob Dreese, ex.-eiitors of the lust will and
tulumenl of Jacob ureeae.lute of t'eery iwp
"uyutT co. acc'a.
il. First and final account of William KoubIi
adinlnlstnilor of tbe eiUile of Jobu ArbuKust,
luie of I'erry twp. unyuer, co. toe u.
IK. PlrHCand final acoountot U. A. Dowersox
adiulnlHtraior ol Hi. eatato of Andrew J. Ilowur-
box, Uie oi Ut'iiUtf twp. Sujder co. Deed
13. Kln-t and anal account of Peter S. ano
Henry J. Uennan ext-cuumi ot tbe estate oi
Jacob n.nuruiuu.uecq.
In onlcr to complete our tiles we
want tlie following named issues of
tho Post:
July 8, Sept. H), 18(55); Ot. 0,
13, 1870; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17,
1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1S73; Mar.
7, 1878; May 1.1, 187'J; Feb. 17,
Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883;
Mar. 27, June 12, Aug. 7 nnd Oct.
30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885;. Tan. 28,
May 6, Oct. 28, Pec. 23, 1880;
Dec. 29, 1887.
Any of our readers having copies
of the alxive issues will confer a
fiivor by letting us know. Such
copies in good condition will com
mand a fair price. tf.
14. flrel and final ReAoQiit nf pnlnes
ailiulolsiralorof tne est aloof KUuioeiii. woycr
lata ol Spring twp. Snyder co. atccaiicd.
Bad management keeps more
people in poor circumstances than
any other one cause. To be success
ful one must look ahead and plan
ahead bo that when a favoradla
Opportunity presents itself he is
ready to take advantage of it. A
little forethought will also save much
expense and valuable time. A pru
and careful man will keep a bottle
bottle of Chamberlains Colie Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house,
the. abiftlefls fellow will wait until
ecesBitv . eomDela it and then ruin
it best borse going for a dbctor and Pi
are a bis doctor bul to pay. besides: U
one pays out 25 cents, tne otner u
out a hundred-dollars and 'then'
winders why bit neighbor is getting
richer while he ie getting poorer.
For sale by all Druggists.
in Vlmtaiid partial accdunt of John' S WAlf,
adinisMWaiior ol lu eHiaw f lliuilct oll
late ol union twp. snyaer co. dee'd
lfl. First and final account ot V. B. Wagner
executor or uie iota win ana lesuinieni oi jono
Itoed.late ofeenn twp. snyder 00. aee'd. (
IT. First and final account of Levi Ulrlch,
administrator C. T. A. ot Uie entate ot Joliu
HoHterman, late of tbe borough ot ballnsgrove,
Snyder co. dee d
Id. Account of Henry TMhltw, xuardlan of the
I'blldren ana Mire 01 jraimiin onyuer, mie 01
Jackson twp., Snyder Co., dee'd.
19. First and final account of- Lucelta Seers
ami Wlllliini H. Seers. adininlHtratoreof Willlain
B. seers, late of the borough ot HeUii&Krore, Huy-
dor co. aec u.
. Johr B.W1U.1B, Kcglhtcr,
Mr. P.' Ketcham of Pike City, Cal..
its 1 "Durinff my brothers late
sickness from sciatic rheumatism,
(Jhamberlain'a Pain Balm was the
.pniyremedy that gave him any re-
heL Many otners nave testinea
to the prompt relief from pain whiob
this liniment affords. For tale by
all Druggikts.
in ladies' shoes is a pleasant
voyage afoot For the pleas
ure it. gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds arc
enjoying it, and securing the
prettiest, coolest and best fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at prices which
buyeis find it a pleasure to
pay. For house or street
Wear, pleasure or c very-day
practical purposes, walking,
riding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded by
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