The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, June 02, 1898, Image 10
A Offl! SiLE OF How's The To 1 Greatest Showing of Clothing In Sunbury ! Men's Fancy Suits, $3.49. Meu'a All Wool -tute, $4.98. 800 Hoys' Suits at 98 Cents. Men's Shirt two Collars, 45 cents. Men's String Ties, two imr 5 cents. Wonderful Bargains so Early In the Season. SELINSGROVK. Miss Nuenian of Medico Chirur-gi.-al Hospital I'hila., Seiit several dav.s with Mrs. K. M. Huniniel ..." Mrs. E. R. Klinger who . 'pent a moiitli with her mother hus returned to her home at Trenton, X. . .1 T. S. iA'isenintr. wife mid slaughter of Altooiia are sHmling u week among tneiitls liev. A. II. Fullmer ami family of Pittsburg are sicnding Miinetiiue with r. J Schoch and fainilv Lewis Paw limr ami wife attended the funeral of his sister-in-law neir Williarns- iHirt on Tuesday of this week... Memorial day oa-ed otl very well, . there was a large turnout ot the (i. A . U-and other organizations. The Kant Hand and a drum corps fur- . insiinl tlie miiM- my, ranme Jm-uvt ih-v Kti-cr an-: child of Sieelton U vi-itin her aunt Mrs. W. O. Holme- Mr. Harvey Txjfr ot" Sunbury and .sou Fred of lradlord were guests of Dr. Boyer u Monday of this week Dr. I inrn -i-!itnl in the laving ot the t. v i -I. ...... I ; trim l HUII. '."I il .lt 1 1 1 trn Su iJav la-t -At P.Iain. Pa Miss hris. Iie,s,,1- K.H'k-ille. Ills, was the welcome gue-t of her uncle, Dr. j. Born Mi-s idler-of Ixk Jla.tni- being ji!eaantly enterUiin .i i... v r ..v.k l i ;!.. Mrs. Kai- Kantncr -iM-nt several 'Liys widi a brother at Sliamokin i Pa Prof. Xoctliug was hoinej v:r.iiiilav. fShririaa 2nisav:r Rally 'Arrangement have Ixi-n made -i. ... t iri.Tinn I nil.cit-iil. I : i I 1 1' Tik . .... ...... ...... ... In- held at Island Park Sunbury Pa., on Monday July 4th, under the aii.-ph-c of the ( liristiau Kndeavor Sieieties of Columbia, Montour Northumlrf-tland Snyder and Union Vanities. The day will IjeoWrved in a Patriotic, Keligious and Social manner. It will be profitable and pleasant lor other Christian jieople to join tite Endeavorer in the cele bration of our National Holiday. A president of the C. E. Union of Suyder Co,, I -all ujion Kndeavor Siitit?- of all churches to U-gin arranging for as large a delegation as rrAii' to attend the Pally. wial li.. li. accumulation ratei will be made known later. I). K. Mr Lain. A Valuable Publication. l'.rmrtm Kmtt aa. ju i otif. I. 1 fvtfr beaaruneat iA f b murjItkLi Rlrf1 jatM0r will Lkmm Ui :n ( tu inwr BievMon float tsM Hi III 4f M4 lo prvrli UM! pllr im iu mum wrtit tAX Um pnaclpul mmrr tCa (A tuKn Aawrtca. vtt Um ni fvbut utm. u4 nu m tan. Turn tittAtM rwirto la Urn tmM vt wruVM r hi ' vA4. ftad ovr ftllw-ti b4rS iffri.t ri Of eonUMrfiUM (4 rvvwa- Ilk pi wi vuk UaMat cf, u4 tfvipXlMt M U tf owtAco (ml erBpr. ttMT mxA't ia -tmmnt uiH rr offer. t to u ule. Ii li is it t Lit5w M MrkUaf eevtr. n "auu wnm wp. pmwtiv II M U-lMr ntrai4 Uil Am hut (4 c (rMr7 at Um twVxh MurU tA Oft ml4 kw ;ir l. K uf 14 pro4 tf MMIiMnKAl. tnt lUUmi, b raW.WIMi;nlU M. AT SUN BURY, PA. fit s Susquehanna University,. KLlN'SiROVK. PA. ( VMMES'CEMEST 1S0S. The exercises ot Commencement week will take place in the follow ing order. Sunday, June 12th. 10:30 A. M. Ilacealaureate Sr liiiui by liev. J. M. A'jspaeh, D. P., of Williamsport, Pa. 7:30 P. M. Address to Y. M. C. A. by liev. John Weidley, A. M.. of Pittsburg, Pa. Monday, Jink 13th. 0.-tM)A. M. Kxaniination of the Class ennipleU'd. ( TrnsDAY, June 14th. 10:30 A. M. (iradnating Kx- ercises of the Theologiral Depart inent. Address to the Thitilogiesil Class bv Uev. I. P. Zimmerman, A. M., of Sharpsburg, Pa. 7:30 P. M. Address to the Alumni of the Theological Dejiartment by Kev. C. 15. King of Pittsburg, .Pa. !I:H) P. M. Philo Ueeeption in the ( )jiera House. !:(( P. M. Clio Pan.,.iet. Wkiniday, Ji nk l.Vrn. IMNiA. M. liusiness Mirling of the Collegiate Alumni. 10:30 A. M. Annual Junior Or atorical Contit. 12:30 P. M. Annual lian-iuet ot Collegiate Alumni. 2:3 P. M. Kntertainmeiit by Students mi the Campus-Class lay. 7:30 P. M. Addr-s.s to Alumni of Collegiate Pcartnient by liev. L. T. Snyder of Orrstown, Pa. Tiii'iiMiA y, Junk IGth. 10 A. M. CoMMENl KMENT. Summer Vacation. Aug. 31, Wednesday. Kxaniina tion tor Admission. S'pt. 1, Thursday. First term ojH'nM at !t:00 A. M.' Programme for Directors' Convention. 7o if Jlfld in Muhllfburyh, Tor Ony, Jntw 7, 1808, Beginning al 1 o'clockp. m. Qnerylfcix, Conducted by the Pres. How Khali the Compulsory Law Ije enforced, F. E. Specht, J, S. Kaufi man, Ceo. W. Long. A Director's View of what a Teach er should Tea:h xmde the regular eourue of study, Jaab Handricks, J. D. Reigle, J. A. Snader. How hliall Teachers lie Kmployed awl wliat dhall Contrtitute a Teacher's Fitness, H. C. Haas, J. G. Horn Ierger, Chas. Arlxgast. IJejiort ofDcli-gttte toSute DirecUW AiMfjciation. Kai:h Director and ex-Director is ormliallj invited to be present. J lorehound and Klecampane CordiaL cwt, nt: HmtrUtfUvi mM rifmnene Hoot MltrUmhm tMrUa fee tow rrj mi r wmi or m Aval ORB. rjn MlDDLEBURGH MARKET. Correoted weekly by our merchauU. Butter Ekks Onions. Iard TaJlow Chickens per lb 7 Turkeys - 00 Side 7 Shoulder 9 Haiu 13 Wheat Bye Potatoes Old Corn Oats Bran per 100 lbs... Middlings " ... Chop Floar per hbl 1.00 .50 00 . 85 ,. 82 .75 .00 .00 6 40 CEXTREVILLE. S ime of our lanners have not finished corn planting on account of the rainy weather C. M. Showers is trt-ating his storehouse and dwelling to a new coat of paint A. 1?. Sheary was to Mid- dleburgh on Saturday Chas. licbkicher ol Milllinburg was in town onSiturday evening (J. W. Sheary is digging the foundation for u new house on Market street (). V. Keichly and wife of New Jicrlin visittnl jmrents and friends on .Sunday Jolly Dan. irccse oi iiiuisijuiujue was tne guest of Val. Walter's on Saturday evening and Sunday returned home, aci-onipanie! by his wife and child wlio had sjient the jwst week here ... .U. II. Fessler and J. E.Shink el, Esq., were in Ix-wisburg on business last Thursday. . . . L. A. Mertz, havine siR-nt a few weeks in Hrudford county, returned home last lnday F. J. Hartman sjieut several days in liellefonte last weeK jms Miller and wife of New Berlin visited Nelson Spang ler's on Sunday Master Flovd Miller is sjiendiiig several weeks at JAurelton, the guest ot his Uncle Dr. G. C. Mohn If riMwirt is true there will Ik a wedding in town . 1 a - V . ere tins week is out C. E. Samp- sel, Siiuires J. E. ShinkeL 8. F. ' a V " Sheary, Samuel Shrader and Hon. ii. s. Jsampsel were atMiddlcburgh on Tuesday of last week Theie will lie a festival untlr the auspices of the Iadies' Aid society of tlie Lutheran church next Saturday evening, June 4th. All kinds of refreshment will be served. G. A, R. Encampment, Oil City. For Ibe Annuil SneampiMnt of tbo Orand Arinj of tba Kpublic, Lfepartiuont of PkomvU aau to to Held at OU city. Pa., June tJnit UM Pwnnsplvaala lull row Oomtmr.r will aril xaraloa ucketa from auuona la Peonirlvui aa iinmi to, lo ouuitjr and return. t rata of i iniflo bra for Uia round trip, good to retora tuUlJUM 1U loclttalT. "ul8 Caution Notice. .'ilJi???! iCr,!lt 1 PurcnaaM ItM fouowtof aa-aetarueieaM tte oouMaMaa aleof Aibert Uami aad aU paraonaMaMa. Uoord aot U -aaZlla lUi Uiitaaa i maud fa llii aiaaad totMKua,PatKarr. VUL JhMuA,Siuak Tba Record o! 30 Ycsrs TS Karriogei for tK$ Lad JKiHy - - j vkuoumm u uui, uaw ui Aoaoa) art RtcofootionM and U iVWtWg. tUScme. , 1 ( 1879. ' ' - Oct 2, Hemy Snyder and Mrs, Priflrilla Weirick, both of Centre- Out 5, W.D.HerbsterandDelU Treaeter, both of West Beaver. Oct. G, John & Hine of North omberlaud and Sarah C. Kenuinger of Kreeburg. Oat 12, Charles Stauffer of Se linsgrove and Ada E. Pawling of Uoida Co. , Jesse Cornelius and Mag gie Diehl of New lierlin. Oct. 28. bv A. G. Horubenrer. J. P., SethGelnett of Perry twp. and Jane Strawaer ot Susquehanna twp., Juniata Co. Nov. 1, Charles M. Slear and Charity W. Young of Monroe twp. Nov. 2, by Kev. A. lloraich, Simon A. Snook and Mary A. Oldt, both of West Heaver. Nov. 6, in Middleburir. bv Rev. I. Irvine, Henry M. Hassinger of Fmnkliuand Lvdia A. Cover of Salvia, both of Snyder Co. Nov. 9, by liev. S. Smith. F. S, Naugle of Kantz and S. Leitzel of Kratzemlle. Nov. 11, by Kev. Kohler. Fred erick Bolenderof Kueuta Vista, Ills. and Airs. Diana IVigar ofNew Jier lin. Nov. 18, W. Dankle and Lanra M. Gross, both of Union Co. Nov. 23, by liev. H. W. Zim merman, Jacob Mitterling to Susan Koiiler, both of Freniout. Nov. 23, by Kev. liomieh, Daniel L. Nerhmsl and Caroline M. Mus ser, Urth of Keavei twp. Nov. 27, Kev. J. V. Sliindel, Charles Peters and Mary Humnie!. botli of this place. Oct. 4, at Kreamer, by A. JJ. Keek, J. P., George Martin and Sue Guistwhite, Ixith ot Sunbury. Dec. 4, by Kev. D. M. Stetler, Harvey S. Kowersex and Sarah A. Heck man, lwth of Freeburg. Dec. 7, by Win. Mover, Esq., MehuicOion DunklelH-rger of Free burg to Sarah Ann Weller of Mid- dlecreek twp. Dee. 7, at Freeburg, by Kev. Wanniole. John I lenry Fries tif Krat- zerville and Jennie Etlen Seeliold of Kreamer. Dee. 7, by liev. Haas. John Ijau- denshiger, Jr., and Carrie E. Gem-In-rling, Uith of Selinsgrovc. Det;. 14, by liev. Wieand, Geo. Herbster of Keavertown and Amelia h. Markle of Admnsburg. Dec. l.r, by Kev. 1 laas, Win. St chrUt and Palmira M.Kitner, lioth of Union twj). Dec. lo, by Kev. Stetler Sam. G. Mover and Ida V. IViwermix, Uith of Franklin twp. Dec. 18, by Kev. Kohler, Koliert IJ. Erdley of Jackson twp. aii'l Re becca Wofley of Centreville. Dec. 21, by Kev. Stetler, Wm. I. Snook of Centreville and Ellen Wagner of Reaver twj. Dec. 21, by liev. A. liomig, Samuel Wray and Mrs. Ada Eliza beth Filson,both ot Decatur. Dec. 21, by J. G. nornlicrger, Esq., Daniel Page of Perry twp. to Kate Troup of Monroe twp., Juniata Co. Den. 22, by Rev. Donat, John H. Tschoppe of Monroe twn. to Chris tina M. Dictz of Greenwood twn.. Juniata Co. Dec. 23, by Rev. D. M. Stetler. John S. Kauffinan ot Lower Augusta to Ellen Royer of Bea vertown. Dec. 23, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, Wm. Petcrsof Reedsville to Carol inn Smith, both of Decatur twp., Mifflin vo. Dec. 23, by A. I J. Keck, Esq., Henry J. Keiser to Angcline Miis ser, lxth of Franklin twp. Dec 23, by Rev. W. C. McCool, S. Everett Benner and M. Olive Wolfe, both of New Rerlin. Deo. 25, by liev. I. M. P hie, HoA. W. Stout of near Mifflinburg and Clara Brunner of Paxtonville. Dec. 25, by Rev. J. M. Moffit of Bristol, Ind., Arthur L. Sherwin of IMkhart to Sarah N. Middloswarth, oldest grandchild of Judge Middlcs warthofMisliawaka, St. Joe Co., Dec. 25, br Rev. Irvine, James Roth rock of Mlddlehnro. ir. F.IU V Shtlleuljerger of West Perry twp. Voa. 25r by Kev. W. U.Wleaod, I1"1 n Mrt!i Dso.25,byane, W.R. Ilaines - Deb.' 25, by Rev. Stetler, Win. & Hannger of Adomsburg to Ellen Kantz of Freeburg. : ' ' Dec. 25, by Rev. Stetler Alexl ander Treaster and Emma J. Lash, both of West Beaver. Dec. 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Gea li. Geaiberling to Emma J. Reinhard, both of Penn twp. Dec. 25. at Freebunr. bv IW J. F. Wampole, Henry W. Boyer of wwucurerK twp. ana oaran jane Hare of Franklin twp. Dec. 25, at Fredericksburg, Pa., by Rev. A. R. Bartholomew. Milton Strayer and Alice Hontz, both of f reeburg. Dec. 28, by Rev. Geo. Parson, Adam Haupt of Sunbury to Jennie Ressler of Freeburg. 1880. Jan. 1, by Rev. S.E. Ochsenford, Wm. W. Romig of Salem and Em ma R. Harman, daughter of Gea Harnian of Washington twp. Jan. 1, by liev. A. Romig, Wm. Snook of Decatur and Ada Elizabeth Hoffman of Selinsgrove. Jan. 4, by liev. H. W. Zimmer man, Henry Shambuch and Ida Sprenkle, both of Washington twp. Jan. 4. by liev. S. E. Ochsenford, Joseph F. FetterandSarahE.Derk, both of Kratzerville. Jan. 6, by Rev. liomig, Douglass Ocker and Annie Elizabeth Keister, both of Troxclville. Jan. 8, by Rev. Romig, Roliert Saltzman and Hannah Jane Au'and, lth of Decatur. Jan. 8, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Wm. A. Orner of Iewistown and Martha Ellen Hummel of Kreamer. Jan. 11, by liev. Rev. J. F. Wampole, Frank P. Zerbe and Annie A. Moyer, both of McKees Half Falls. Jan. 15, by liev. A. liomig, Henry A. Ranch of Adams twp. to Mary T. Erdley of Franklin twp, Jan. 15, J. M. Aurand of Salem and Sarah E. Pawlingot Kelly twp., Union Co. Jan. 18, by Rev.H. W. Zimmer man, Cyrus Steiner of Monroe twp. to Lydia Glass of Washington twp. Jan. 20, by A. H. Keek, J. P., James H. Kiegel ot Vicksburg and Ada Hummel of Globe Milk Jan. 20, at Benvertown, by Kev. D. M. Stetler, Jacob Kinney of Bea vertown to Mary Alice Keiser of Franklin twp. Jan. 22, John Oldt of New Kerlin and Mary J. Care of Troxclville. Jan. 25, at Freeburg, by liev.H. V. Zimmerman. Wilson Snvdcr of Washington twp. to Isalielle Hoff man of Perry twpi Jan. 30, in this place, Moses auer or jiimestoiie twp., Union Co., to Ida Bailey of Centre twp. Jan. 31, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Wellington R. Faust to Matilda Sechrist, both of Union twp. Feb. l,byH. W. Zimmerman, Giwrge Tharp of Union twp. to Clara Deppen of Wash'ngton twp. Feb. l,by Rev.S.E. Ochsenford, Oscar S. Bower of HtunmePs Wharf to Maggie M. Gill of Paxtonville. Feb. 5, at Bea vertown, by liev. D. M. Stetler, G. Milton Moatz and Lydia Kern, both of Middleburg. Feb. 8, Wm. Dieflenbach of Elk hart, Ind., to Lou Gemberling, formerly of Selinsgrove. Feb. 8, by Wm. Moyer, Esq., Calvin Miller and Amelia Thomas, both of Freeburg. Feb. 8, by Rev. D. M. Stetler. Thomas Kohler and Amelia Drcesc, both of Beaver twp. Feb. 12, by Rev. Kohler, J. C. Bowersox of Middleburg and Sallie Young of Centreville. Feb. 12, by Rev. S. & Kohler, W. P. Casper to E. N. Bausc. both of New Berlin. Feb. 15, by J. G. Hornberger, J. P., Peter I Aucker of Fayette twp., Juniata Co., and Elizabeth Brassier of West Perry twp. Feb. 19, at Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, El ins Wolfe of Orient al and Emma Jano Good of West Perry twp. Feb. 21, by Rev. Donat, Penrose 8. Boyer and Mary A. Eby, both of Susquehanna twp,, Juniata Co. Feb. 22, br Rev. Wamnole. John C Kreitzer, Esq., of Chapman twp. to oaran tuegei ot Union twp. i Febi.22, br D.aThunHW. J:I . J. R. Moyer and Mary E. tftrftVI, Feb. 22. hw Ii J w Looua ICemtcitarot&fcamoiV Har. 2,1b Erie, by Rr. Bronbg; JSamuel J. PawlitO to; Aliqtf M.quTer, both of' grove. 'V ;,. Mkr.'4.' bv Rv. J l George Martin of Washing w jumtj oua oi v . rerry i Alar. O, by D. S. Thursbr niram a Btabl ana Wm. W: bom of Union twp. . in Beavprtnurn l. D. M. Stetler. W. V. u'J Esq., of Selinsgrove and eTftS mil. 1 lf!JJI 1 . iiva ut juiuaiecreea: iwp. uar.7, by Kev. J. p. I erry Catherman and Mary W more, both of Union Co. j Mar. 7. bv Tlv. W. li m- I Samuel Filson to Adeline u!S ui eni ueaver. i Mar. 1 1, by Rev. & Smith T k!l 1. 1 . " 4 J. KHIBUIUHUII. Mn OF JMflA Sl,.- ana iormerly of this countv resident at East Prospect, York! and Jane Yetter of West Mar. 11, in Sunbury, by lfe K. Zimmerman. W w a . myiy Esq., of Salem and Ella Janti oiituuoKiu ljam. Mar. 18. John Wallow ..i hi ' v: in Yd i i T ... ' iwp. w ijaruara Worningsta, UUIUU VUi Mar. 21. A. G. Hornl Geo. 8. Gelnett Hannah Reichenbach of FreniJ Alar. 2a. by liev. D. M. StetJ Wm. a Miller of mbn I Sarah Joanna Herhsterof WcmpJ ver iwrji Mar. 25. at ItonlinT v Speeht. ooerator nt ILm IT O til ... 1 uium a. onaener ot Watsontoj Mar. 28. bv liu r.,n J Kerstetter of Perry twp. to El J ueiu oiiyueroi West l'erry tvj). Apr. 11, by liev.H. W.Zimm Ulttll. Uni. tJllVPr Millar nwl Tl 1 Jlsner, both of Freeburg. ' - .aataa Willi T 1 mm Apr. 11, by liev. J. W. M Franklin Neitz to TTt inn Kli 'iuU both of Union rw 1 I Apr. 17, Wm. A. Barger of W ihu ai. aua Jiary A. Uoss of W IJeaver twp. Apr. 18. hv liev. 11 Af SilJ James Erb and Susan Smith. U a i ' iv i in ot est lieavcr. Anr. 18. bv IW K Y..,, H. Bileer of Adamsbnnr hi lml C 1 i ir m ' 1 ouuur oi luciuie. Anr. 20. hv J 1 i v v Jinn, .11 thony J. Parish and Annie lii ulJ er oi JMKJKion, Ulearhcltl C.i. Apr. 20, Samuel Weider of W lieavcr twn. and Ellen Mill ! Mifflin Co. Apr. 25, by Rev. Haas, (iinj . oodlinir toPhiK'bfl E., 1. a! l n i lKiin oi r reeburg. Anr. 27. bv liev. J. V.Wn.,. Henry Krumrinfi nf to Kate Erlenmeycr of Freeburg, Mav l. bv liev. .1. P Sl.inil,.! I J. Lenig of Washington twn. 'd i riscuiii iiuiKei oi uniontwp. May 4, bv liev. J. W. Itad If 11 1 a . . iienry x landers and Laura Seeling both of Union twp. May 9. in Freehurir. bv 0 Boyer, Esq., David G. Hoover liower Augusta twp toSaloniel ,-I oi x enn twp. May 9, at Selinsirrove. by II. B. lUdnior Plurin W f2..il0 ling to Ali J. Jarrctt. lmth of Sr iiimnjve. MaV 9. llV A (1 TTr.rtlla.nW Eso.. David l . 7 . mm- m A,ai-)i,t a VIMr'"-' twp. to Mary Jane Fenstermaclipr n i ucvrgvuiwn. Mav 12. bv IW IT Ii H liner. assisted by Revs. P. Born, D. ana w. a. Jiaas, liev. RolK'rt 1 lir a ar -I . Starks of Joliptt Til t, Jennvl Kistner of Selinsgrove. may iu, by liev. J. V. KliimW. Joseph H. Hackenbnrg and E" Herman of Adams twp. June 1, at New Berlin, by R S. H. Ivnlilnr TI,n.o. r-.ii..u V Jackson twp. to Mary C Rhule oi -aWlVCUJIVJI From one of the Boys In Bine. Camp Alobr, May 25th 1698. Editor Middleburg Poht : I re turn my sincere thanks to the fal lowing persons at Kreamer for send ing me a box of eatables, etc. F.W.Thomaa and family, A. C Smith M, F.Bollinger " William Fryman 8. Rumbaugh Fisher Walter F. W.Mltchel . ; E.J. Trewitz 1 Yours Reap. CharUO.' Leoif Camp Alger, vV. Co.E.(12thE Penn. y ok ,.., .r,;., , t - . '