Kayal MkM tlM Im4 rmn, MiMMM4 cat . ravDin Absolutely Pur Kn mumo KWW CO., MW . The Middlebupgh Post. Published every Thursday. Geo. W. Wancnseller, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription $1.50 per year, whlcu mu.it be paid ,n advance wnt-n sent out- HIU IUU I'OMIIiy.l RATES OF ADVIRTISINQ. All transient advert lr"nvnta not otherwise omracted fcir will im cimnti-a i uit nww ..." ...... ,.,. ,,ri.. i .aiin.t fur flint Inner- Hon audio cents ptTllhi) for every nubwqueut uiacniou. tt-Dtath noiia-M pulliihnl frtr ; obituary porrt,), trioufM ofrrtr'tt. dc.. Ihretcrnt a lint. Republican Standing Committee. Ailainn, W. Hi-nrrr, Ik-aver W., TentrO. Chapman, W Franklin. ,Iarkon, Mi.Mlel.iirK. Miildlecrrrk, Monro, I'elin, I'crry, lVrry W.. SvlinitKrovc, SprhiK, Cnlnii, WaKlihiKtnn. II. Herman, Jeremiah Bowerioj 1n. V KlitiA 4'lmrlnnSlM-cht (Ico. J. Hprwe. ha. A. Wanner II. II. wiiirncr, K. . r.rumy in. It. Kemlrttert . H. Troiitninn W. I. Oift, II. H. Hennlimer tico. A. Hrmie, .1. 8. Yenrtrk Al I'l.Bin. S. A. ltowon 8. H. Yoiler, Theodore How A. It. Younir. I). P. Hitter Frank VUU'T, Howard How .1. N, Hrociim, Ir. M. Itotliroek tieo. Strawscr. John Noll N. H. Fisher. F. H. Smith I. K. ltcluel, (leo. S. I-ejilcy O. . Itice, 11. J. Stroll Henry Brown. John Miller Kkitiu.ioan Tk kkt. For U. B. Senator, Hon. M. S. Quay. For ConitrcBH, Hon. Thid. M. Malion. For AsKcmhly, Dr. A. M. Smith. For Awoclutu JiicIkc, Hon. Z. T. (it'inlifrling. For County Surveyor, Gwi. A. J Jot dor f, Exq. Thursday, May 20, 1898. Jaw Bone and the Philippines. (Jriu'ral Merritt lias committal It-ttue mnjexty. His crime consists of an economy of parliamentary lan guage when scnkiiur of the Admin istration. Tlie indiscretion was ag gravated liy tlie florid imagination oft lie newspaper reiMirter in whose presence it was said. All newsa rt rcjxirtcrs are not to Ik; trusted to clothea deeply-moved individual's naked thoughts in type. This is getting to be more and more an axiom. It is the proper thing now for a great man to ask a nepiicr re porter if his intentions are honorable lief i ire allowing him to examine a very extended jwrtioii of the secret recesses of his mental anatomy. Advantage has often Wen taken of the confiding in this rcstcct, witness Hilly Mason. lie 1ms scarcely a vestige of his virgin ongnality leA. We know now every pulsation which throbs in his sorely ravished breast. The newspaper sleuth has exjiuscd to the vulgar gaze what he' thinks, how lie tliuilvs am I Iiow inticlr he thinks. I'ut (iencral Merritt may lie held tit strict account tor his vicarious utterance.-. The fact up tears to lie that (iencral Merritt has u lively appreciation of the task In Tore him in licing military governor of the Philippines. Hewiilhavc to meet and ' disjiosc of ."0,000 veteran Spanish soldiers, ljesidcs such of the Spanish inhabitants of the island ns may-choose to ally themselves with that army. To accomplish wild and gentle feat the "War Department promised to send him out with twelve thousand nndrilled and unseasoned milita together with, asa leaven, one thousand regulars. (iencral Merritt has remonstrated. He wrote the War Dcjtartment usk ing for ut least fivethousandreguhrs to give his command a better Ktasoti ing. The Department kindly but firmly informed the general that it was running tliislittlewar. Apropos to which Homelxxly lias recalled the fact that General Merritt once pre sided at a trial by court-martial o1 recrctary-of-W ur . Alger. JJut of course this is all I'jng sirce f 'rott.-n a":d pardoned by the one at the lime adjudged guilty. General Merritt, however, is not without those who agree with him. There aie a number of Senators and Members of Congress whose sons 1 V. have not been appointed ongnmcr generals; who have called , upon the Executive concerning uenerai Aicr- ritt's request. '. .' Washington in War Time, i The war with Spin 1ms now last ed tor a little more thaii a month, yet to tlii; eausal oltscrver there is no ex citement whatever visible on the street. lWincsii moves ou in its wonted way with the exception that the store, dwellings, and even the street ears and butcher's delivery wagons display American and Cuban flags. It may also lie olservcd that the street lands find it n:orc to their profit to play national airs than other styles, of music. The calvalry ironi Fort Myer and artil lery from the Arsenal have gone South ami scarcely ever is a uniform seen on the street. The dillcrence iR'twtv'n tlie calm serenity with which we are prepar ing ftir the conflict and feverish excitement of the Spaniards isltound to produce a dwp impression ujkiii the world at large. The govern ment is in reality accomplishing marvellous results in the way of developing and marshalling its re sources, but it is supported so heartily by all classes of people trom ocean to ocean that there is no uudereurrentsofanuigonism or shoals of discord to interrupt the mighty onward movement of the nations purjtoses. What an object lesson for Christ endom ! 000,000 men, within one week from the call for but one-fiflh of that numlx'r, aiming forward and asking the privilege of joining the crusade against tho brutality of the Spanish, and this with.no view of acquiring additional territory but of aiding a downtrodden people to gain its freedom. There are busy points in the city if you know where to seek them. At the Navy yard the men have, been working in three shifts of 1800 men each. Here they make navy guns and shells only. At the War Department work never ceases. (Jreat increases have I teen made to m line of the office forces and night work as well as day litis lieen necessary. In one branch of the office the force has been increased three-fold and compelled to work some nights u;itil 10 o'clock. Early this week the entire 1 )istriet National Guard was ordered into camp, The entire force responded with the greatest zeal anil many affecting farewells were spoken. Upon arriving at the camp grounds the order win countermanded and the soldier I toys were told to return to their armories and disband. There wasa good deal of disappoint ment for almost to a man they wanted to start for Cuba forthwith. Next week, l.owevcr, a full regiment of selected men will go into camp in earnest unless the exitccted naval victory shall be so complete as to decide at once and forever the free- ! ioin ot tlie Uuban mimic. el Georgia colored mu, Andrew Hon ar by name,, la. maaifeatinf kia r - Ugioua cnUtoauum la a aubmni though nnoanal way. Bonner U a pla-mlnded negro, filled to overflottinf with what hta admiring' wife teraa "da oT time rellgHon." Be reaidea wtth her at College Park, a flage a few mile front Atlanta. Hit ambition baa been, for year to build a church for the bea elt of tome of hia own race, the materi al uaed to be procured with hia own earninga and do workman to asaiat him la the reartng-of the edifice. With ut ter dlaregard to legal meaaurea, An drew selected two yeara ago a ait foe the church of hia dreama, which he ex pecta to be a monument to hia mem ory long after he haa returned to duaU Hie fact that he doea not own tbe ground haa nerer disturbed klm. When far-algbted white frieatfa urged him to wait until the grouiai could be bought for the purpose, he baa paid no heed to the proposition, but kept to hia origin al purpose. Every spare penny waa spent by him for lumber and naila. The work haa necessarily been alow, but now, after 24 months of patient labor, Andrew gazes with pride upon to building which Is almost covered. Tha old man Is said to hare sometimes de nied bis family bread that he . might save money for his pet project. A Voice fro it Alabama. A half dozen or more of the many vis itors at present in Washington from all over the union were talking a few even ings ago at an up-fown hotel where there is always a southern contingent. Naturally the Bubject was the war with Spain. "Let the war fight proceed," said a long-legged man from Alabama, "but 1, right here, as an Alabomlan, rrpresentlng the best interests and tbe patriotism of that noble and long-suffering state, 1 want to warn you north ern fellows to keep your hands off. You say that 60,000 troops is all that is need ed to wallop Spain off the earth, doyou? Well, Alabama can send 100,000 and still have a reserve left, and what is more, we propose to do it and to carry on the war ourselves. You fellows up north ia the last war had things in your own bands and swiped all the pensions, and now if there ia to be another war Ala bama intends to do all the fightingber self and get all the pensions. Do you understand that, Yank? If you dont. you bad butter take something to clear your thinker with in order to get but of tbe way when the Alabama troops get tho word to charge. See?" a item in the Perry county (Fa.) Freeman says: "We had a comfortable wedding at the home of one of our old est families last Thursday. George Alley married Katie, the daughter of Col. 'Andy' Frew. The wedding waa held early in the morning, as the happy couple wished to take a wedding tour over the N. & S. V. railroad to Newport. The marriage was performed at Ci90 a. m. by Squire Brown. After a sump tuous breakfast of sausage, buckwheat cakes and panhaas, the bridal couple departed on the early train for New port, returning on the noon train tbe same day. The bridegroom looked happy and the bride handsome. She is so ha ndsome that it is said she can nissb potatoes by just looking at them. Ttie next day after tbe wedding George was In tbe store, and, after sitting behind the stove for about two hours, evidently In deep thought, he rose, stretched him self and remarked: Travelin' 'a tire- READING SESQUl-CENTENNIAL. Ketlurrd ltatesvl)t I'riinftyl vnnln Riill rend. Kor l lie Kpndlnir, p.. Ses(iil-OintPnntaUiib. lee, June Sito U, tlm Tvnnhylviinla Kallrnal roinpiiny will sell excursion tlrkfta from sl.i- Moim on lift line in tne suite ot I'ennsvivaniit tUllmad Readme and return at reduced rates. Kor Hpttitlc rat!f atld conditions, apply to Ticket AlfflltH. Tlil celelirat Ion promises to tie one of tho Creates! events In tlie city's lilstory. Mondnv, Wednesday and Thursday. June , K and . will special darn. Tlie celebration will clno with a irrund marked carnival on Saturday nlfrtit. .nine is. .V!-at Climax lirandy. From crape wine, haR, by Its treme sire and constant care whim In uniform tempera ture and pure, sweet atmosphere of storntre houses for fourteen years, become a rival of the llennessy and other brands of ("oirnac llrandv, and much lower In price, and preferred hv the physicians of Philadelphia, New York and other cities, lluy 11 of druicKlsla. Wonderful Malarial Hitters. The recommendations of the best C'linmlst . and Medical Practitioners assure the public o' the purity of Kpeer's Wines and thev are as well assured of the purity of Aunt Raohiel's Malarial Hitlers, the base of which Is this wine, only made hitler bv herbs and roots araon? which are Peruvian Hark Chamomile Ftnwers, Snake Hoot, (ilnifer. etc. It Is used dallr bv the Medical Faculty. Druwlsts sell the Hitler. I have been a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea ever aince th war and have used all kinds of medicines for it. At ' jt I found one remedy that has been a ruccaps an a cure, and that is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. E" Grisham. Qaars Mills, La. For ale by all Druggists. , Tbe recognition of Cnban indepen dence will mean that Cuba ia a nation of her own, with a flag of her owa and her own form of government. Sh can be a republic or she can become a monarchy; she can rule by placing a man in absolute control or she can choose her own heads and become a generous representative government. Cuba as a nation can make her own lawa of import and export. She can be grandly independent in the goods she brings into the island and she caa put her owa pits Qu ete and out. Cuba, proud little Cuba, today caa plan what her fatal will be, for the beginning of her f utare la at haod. WALL PAPER H " " njr nnperinfff we will nend yoa I no von ex. IN) yoa free s larire select'on of sample fm-n 9?., per roll no, all new oolorlnirs snd novelties up to data. WE PAY KKKKJIIT. We want m sifent 111 everv 'oa to "ell on mmm"'o trm large MmDle irws. sc!'.lt' (ni'. for (ample or Iwrtlenla', Viiieu t-. V.OLr', T6I Ninth AveN.Y. - Ht-lin. On the report that two jouraaUata who have started a newspaper in Kau nas hare to conduct their affairs with out the usuul complement of clothing for eacii, tbe story has been revived of two brothers who, many years ago, set tled in Mcrberson couqty, in that state, with practically only one complete suit between them, so that if one was obliged to go to town the other hod to remain within or very near doors till hia brother got back. They applied themselves energetically to work, and in due course attained to the possession of land and money. For th t-litnt lime we have been in busim-st, our store aud goods have t-come w.U mid luvut.iblv known ax : qiiHlitv. LOW PRICES and FAIR DEALING. from New York and Philadelr.L:i. Largest stock ! J3est stock ! Lov er prices ! The bsnruins we give hold your custom ; be convinced by giv war us a call. )UESS GOODS. We can, show you 2."i0 kinds of Uri'M Goods,, Novelliw, Mobnirs nnd iu fact all kinds of tho Intent Pattern. Remember we rre selling mi our uiebft 1'Mtterns; only one Pattern of a kind vt find in this way we can uhow rou n larger usort hient in Dress Goods nnd sell at lower prices. We can show vou Novelty Dross Goods from 8c to 90c per yard. LhII and see this line, and we are sure you win nnd a bsrgam. LAWNS. From 5c to 25c Fancy, Datt Swiss, Rbold Dimitv. FrioM Dimilr PVi.,Vl Orir.. Perftclfl. SerpA Pn' in font no snow you a full assortment in all KinuB or mess uoods ana Uinghams. Dress Ginghams 5o to 15c j oil Apron Ginghams, Lancaster 5c; all Blue Galicoonly 5c. SHOES. To fit the foot and fit the Durse at pur store, we always try to give our customers flits : we do not ask vou to make your foot fit tho shoe ; but we simply give you a shoe that fits the foot. We jUBt received a larsre new line of Spring and Sumnipr styles in Russets and Patent Leathers and all kinds, tbe latest styleH and lower prices. Call and see for yoursel.'. Groceries. Arbuckles and Lion Coffee. 12c ; 2 ids. lor zm ; 4 tor 45c. WiDner Coffee. 13o ; 2 lbs. for 25c. Loose Roasted Javo.'lDc: 2 lbs. for 25. ' Java and Mocbo. 85c 1 3 lbs. for 90c. Extra loose trreen coffee. 25c. 9 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c. 8J lbs Gran ulated, OOC. 10 lbs. Light Brown. 50c. Corn Starch, 50 ; 3 lbs. for 12c. New Rice, 5 ; very nice. Best . O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. Syrup, 18o. a gal. ijigut oyrup, 80c. a al. Chocolate. 18c. Baking Soda, 4c. per lb. lioking 1'owder, 6c. i lb. Rasins, 7c. Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Oatmeal, 10c., 3 packages 2c. Crushed wheat, 15c, 2 packages 25c. t'offee rakes, 5a a lb. Ginger snaps, 6c. a lb. Oyster crackers, 6c. a lb. Kiiick-kiiocks, 8c. a lb. Water crackers. 9c. a lb. Cnsh!paid for food butter and eggs. OarpotcJlCarpoto I ! Carpcta 1 1 1 In Carpets, lings and Oil cloths we hove all the newest patterns and choice colorings. The latest de signs are beautiful and at about a quarter off from former prices. Good Ingram Carpet, only -c. Good Home-made Carpei, 25c. 8 4 Floor Oilcloth, 50c. per yd. H-4 Table Oilcloth. 14c. per yd. 6 4 Table Oilcloth. 12c. per vd. Chicago Judges Haney, Brentanoaud Cbetlain the other day banded down a decision which in effect knocks out the butterine law passed by the last Illinois legislature. The Judges, sitting la banc, decided that manufacturers have a constitutional right to color butter Ine or oleomargarine yellow or imita tion. Under the terms of the law thia waa prohibited. The law waa enacted through the Influence ot the country; member, 1 Each of oar soldi en In the next war will carry an aluminium taf by which he can be inAMdnally Identified. ItU a practical idea and would bay beeaol great torvict In the civil war. ' No. 1 Butter, 14 No. 2 ButU-r, 10 Fresh Ekics, 10 Onions, SO Dried Apples, 2 Shoulder, I I'otiitoes, Cb ' New Ijiril, t Tnrljoys, 10 Young Chickens, 7 Dried Cherries, 8 Bacon, 8 Ham, 10 -CARPETS! I he Mhole lower fltKir of my store is taken np with CarpeU Rugs, Art Squart, Carta,, Window Shade, Curtain Pole HassockZ Rug tVmge, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths. &c. 7o. A All Kinds. W AH Qualities. We can show you the largest and best selection of the above goods ever shown in Lewistown. b Brussell Carmt as lawns iO All AVool Cann " " TiOn Half Wool Carpet" 35c. Kag Carpet as low as 20c, and u Cotton Carpet 22c, " i Velvet Caruet 7. I -China and Japan flatting 100 Rolls to Select From4 BEE OOODS! Compare quality mid prict you will find that our store is the place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low- ' est, our rooms are clean rnd no trouble to show eoods. I Respectful!, Y. iH. FELIX, Lewistown, Pena'u Liberal Adjustments- Prompt Pavmenb. . . . REMEMBEr"" H. HARVEY BCHOCH' GENERAL INSyRANCE ASENGY, Only the Oldt, Strongest Cash Companies, Tire. Life. A No Assessments No Premium TJnfpp The Aetna Pounded A IV.IftiQ Ac.ton nnn eio oo Home u 853 9 853 628.54 American - u 1810 ..... 2,409,5843 Hie Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. .. Until you aee Solid-fact Bargains. We have iT ne oea80n Wltn a stock or goods that.beats the record for beauty and low Prices. Be fair with yourselves and see our Elegant Stock of Spring Clothing. It presents an opportunity for economic al buying that is not found elsewhere. Spring Hats j faijcy Sfylrt? Everybody needs something in this lint We have just what you need, and at the prices that defy competition.. We have the Finest Line" of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods on the Market. Hats. Caps, ValiceB, Trunks and Rubber Goods we have in large assortments. IN DRESS SHOES, We have a line unequalled in the county, our Spring wear, in price and quality, cannot lie beat in the State. We want you to see our shoes. 1 0p, Seliispffl, fa. N. B. We lnive no Spec ial Bargain Day. ' Our Bar gains are Every Day. F. H. Maurer, N. Wf Corner, Frcnt and Union Sts New Berlin, Pa. Slieritl's Sale of REAL ESTATE. liy virtue of certain wrtu ot PI. Fs. Issued out ot ibo Court ot Common I'loas ot Snyder County, pa., and tome directed I will expose to public sale t the Court House In Mlddleburir, Pa., oo SATURDAY, the 38th day of May lRWl at one o'clock P. M the following described Heal Is taietolfs All tliat.;cortatn tract of land situated In Spring townttblp, Snyder County, Pa. Bounded on tbe North by a public road; on Uis East by publk) road; on the South by lands of James Blckel and on the West by lands of W. F. Ettlnger, containing (seres and 42 perches more or loss, on which are erected a DWEEI.1NO BOUSK, HTABLK and OUTBUII.DIN08 Belted, taken into execution and to be sold as the property of W. H. Knepp. Sberiri cirtce, Kiddleturir. Pf May S, DM. . P 8. HITTER, Sheriff. Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THK GREATEST SACRIFICE EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. Wo are not Milling out, but we do this to Increase our sales above anypre vloim year. WV ttlvf a few of the prlci'8 as follows : Soft Wood Clmuiber Suit f 14.00;Cotton Top Afattres '. 2.25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits lO.OOiWoven Wire Mattress. 1.79 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Piece? 19.00: Bed Springs 1.25 iMueh Purler Suit 80.00: Drop Tables, per ft .60 Woodeu Chairs per set . 2.60iPlatfonu Rockers 2 50 - In stock, everything In the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Book Cases, DeHks, Side-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers, Baby Cnaira Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Raoks, Can. Sent Chairs tine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Price reduced all through. Come early and see our stock beforej giving your order, and thus save 15 to 80 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN.& HARTNAN, Limited, ' MIFFLINBURGH, P Hev; Ekduare Store, KIT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep every tiling in the hardware lino. Horse shoe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels, hoes, tools of all kinds, . Horse Blankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of all kinds, brooms,' tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets,- and Patent Washing Machines, , Cajl to see my goods and you will be convinced that you can buy cheaper here than any where in the county. TrrJ- L, Varncrv 4 Hfiiil nn tn Yniir llnllarc I WBB v IUMI LfUIIUI J i i f! ti
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers