. f. rrc yaps, i it j.$, 1 . a ' . . . , -a) at-" ska ' v juoae metptess as a ooty oy a artaapu tmvous y ' awe 4 rvtw ow like his own, and had tnomfh , faith to follow the example4 it set him. Now he is -himself an example to others who ore suffering from disorders of the nervous system. . Gdte 'voei voriUag la h gu4n, rfaaaftfart t tnm a ol MiddMWd CmM) N.Y. Ha Us mtoMMIi ssMMsy. fvfiftvvaan aHadakftiftlrt. ifMfiJMKef Pliii ttoesyaeaa :cfi . TrWi carsar is a tTM. fat fud with hoftth rrowetav far k HihMftTHleNMMlfDr. ' Pink PSk far PkPU 01 brans dwMk Midi i Mart, MB, I wm attack y I afterwards Han "two iUOM 4x trwytUnc ttaryhuU far aaaTl Matsttr hoM ofn Vm wuMi to mvtwM. rlconMaotaMWflvaatlMt Hm rxrrtbA wu canies to sav sJmJs, IltVt Wfl bofSV Tk HttM tt MM MXNmal. I M Ml Ml to IN vary kmc. I wm bm Uflim fate a Mr.! I auk low east lawm. Tni foe A ttia tanas)! Fm s lowtol ebb, ll begani to Ml ana vigor. "Tbi tonfaf foklmi irtkk, . "ft mil bitt i saaa nln irflri ll M svfcfe&liatJ fawa CMwlfaybiwVa. hW ftokkk fat Pal rtoflc. MfcpvsM iaJtJisaW tof. I took two kuiailfaciibi faajNtMHku. "At mm waa MMAyj ay Mm to htjVk wm mm of Miy Mirlftnttoi. k fl I ttakfttttasa tow si ft atfls 1 1 pud I eaves) I wm cntM y wl At a a baa. bat estovers r fay rwM mi tow at a tone nrtog JUS, . I pn nf mm cotooy to Dfcffltam HP? tor rut rtoeM. Tfa dtodi fca raruffcaU itory toW add to III hdytoliMM to ethan, Jtr.Trtop madt affidavit to ra trnthfukMM faafort Kotncr Hkiuu, a local Notary Pvb&b Frwn fatlpfaMMMy Mkrlnf and f Mr. Tripp ni Natead to Uit htaltfifwV aafal acfivtfy iiaMMlid at tbt faiatoahn; afthaikncfa. Ha ttpcrkact k Haw mmm. . Thll factttootoi atoate a at af the saait baffltoaj ttarvMM dtoMMt wttn wfalcn eyMdaat art callad to caatoMLtta cur fay .VUUama Ptok Pttk far Pafc Paopfa hat bHMM a aaattor i ahneat dairy oc ttrtntt. SomImy bmtom tmthki ykld BMch mora Maddy to the powarkil toflit aaoe thaw vtfttafalt pOkcacrt to iMtorlBg wailid orv fare aad to amtfytog and CMkhiaf the blood. Draftwi everywhere atfl DhTiOlaeaa Ptak POk ior Pak PwpU. DON'T SACRIFICE . . , Future Comfort for preBent seeming Economy, but BUT the Sewing Machine wiL an established reputation that jniaranteea von long and satisfactory service : Its beautiful figured wood- t; work, durable construc tion, fine mecliani- carad3tiM coupled VitW k Attac-hmflntSjmafcrii it tne aaTSond ior oar beautiful half-tone aataloKue' , ineft SetofStwl ED Insurance. Snyder's old, and reliable Gen'i ', Insurance Agency, SELDISGEOVE, SHYDER C0UIIT7, PA- Tillmor SJSTm Snyder, Agent, Successor to the late William H. Snyder. The Par-Excelleoee of Reliable Insurance is represented in the follow, rig list of Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None Uetter tne world over. HANK, a itn aaflAat FIRE Royal, Liverpool, Eng. (induduiR foreign aaBett) $43,000,000.00 Hartford, of HartfordTOonn (oldest American Co.) 8,645,735.02 Phoenix, Hartford, Conn. , 5,688,068.07 Continental,' NewYork, 6,754,908.72 German American, r New York, 6,240,098.8 LIFE-MutualLifeIna.00. New York, ' 'V $204,638,983.fi6 ACCIDENT EmrJoyers' Liability Aaaurance Corporation, Aocident Ins. Go. Subscribed Capital of - $3,750,000.00 Fire, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowost possible rate, jua tified by a strict regard to mutual safety. All just claims promptly and satisfactorily adjusted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur ance promptly furnished. ELMER W. SNYDER, Act., Telephone No. 182. Office on Corner Water k Pine Sts. Selipterove. P ARRETS. f(r CANDY 10c ' N-Ufl - . .v.. .i W- 25c SOc ; - .rx " ' ' ALL DRUGGISTS Though MWM an fVseaaM MMtlCto upba Tiicnisaincts ralasaa wrthqMM-U- Nua an mo- aom Mar aMtht a ta nih .tw wiow M,p tiolfor-StrtCKeii WM) Mwt oWteM4 ownlM to aMMI Ufaml itum ef au- protuoa lbMMICh4 fMl4r. ato tt4 mmmm3 UWio. Via, nitab awl la abllibajHO.aTtwl00f aalf lM.iUMratt)Mv bom. mm taAtognpto. " , - U ,,;TKcro b Other Book tlk li. at tola took aad mM tar a imW ! bli m wOakii w ottoM to to piwMta torMM to rnrt rM CwV U tovrtae M nN ft!nMMak; Brct amiiaiai bn fkaatoMi fat ftfVl vO ttM pvUlO dJOfTwaJfl j tmSL. wt wamt aoaarral i Aamtrihaior. Will m ! to tMMM I navitovtookl Proawstoa It aow iMdy-AWrito , aa unomn?; Four Free Scholarships To be awarded by The Best Practical School in America. TO TfcE FOUR PERSONS Who teoure the largest number of votes in the contest ex ' ' plained below. Getjonr friends to snUe for the POST and secure a Free Scholarship Votes Allowed tou SnucRii For (.very new fiubfieriiidnn nr ro. newaliiw a year accompanied, by i.uu in cash oue hundred votes will be given. ' For every sixmondusubacrintiim or renewal navint-50 cents fiftv (50 votes will be given. For every dollar's worth of iJ r J- work, legal advertining, bUKinesgad" vertirfng or other printing; brought to this office, we will issue a certi ficate, when work is paid for calling for 100 votes in the contest. ScI)olar?t)ip Coupor). Thi.f Coupon entitles :.. y'e have just concliulcd an ar rangvincnt whenby we are enabled to offer each of four young persons a free scholarship in the celebrated Eastman Business College, Pough keejie, New York, the New York Business Institute, 125th Street, New York City, or the National Correspondence Schools through which they give mstniction by mail. These instituions are known in every section of the world. Their graduates are thoroughly equipped for business pursuits, and are numbered by tons of thousands. They are found in every city and in almost every county and village in the United States. The courses of study given are short, inexpensive, practical and useful and afford a betttr training I for business than can be had in any other school. $1 10-In FreeSchoiarkhips-II 10 The following statement by Mr. Clement C. Gaines, President of the College, explains what the different scholarships are and what their valu is as prizes. $37 Firkt Pkizk $37. A $3f Scholarship Books, $2. Good for n term of twelve weeks personal instruction (at the College) iutlie ACADEMIC, BUSINESS, SHORT-HAND, TYPE-WRITING, TELEGRAPH and PEN MANSHIP dqmrtmcnts, ami $2 for complete Short-liand books. If the student prefer, Instruction by Mail in Book-keeping and Short-hand of the same value will be given. $32 Skcosd Prize $32. a $30 scholarship-bookh, $2. Good for a complete course in Short-hand (with looks $2) including Principles, with practical work in Coircspomlenos and Reporting, in struction exclusively by mail ; or personal instruction of the same valne (limited to ten weeks) in any department of the College, with our Simplified Short-hand Instructor $2-. f 25 Thihd Prize $25. A $25 Scholarship. (iood course in Ituok-kecpiag (without books) inclnding InKJi Sing&c and double entry, principles and practical work, instruction by mail or personal instruction of tltc same value (limited to eight week) in airy department of the College, without Ixioks. $1C Fourth Prize $16. A $15 SchoLARsiiiP-LHKsox, Pa pers, $1. Good for a term of tn weeks, correspondence instruction, in Short hand, including lesson papers but no books ; or wrsonal instruction of the same value (limited to five weeks) in any department of the College, without books. These prizes are easily obtained and the lour young persons who make the most telling efforts and apiteal to their friends for help will win them. The POST wants to add 1,000 subscribers to its list within the next 4 months. To .ac complish this end it offers the scholarships to the four ladies or gentlemen who secure tho greatest number of votes in our Eastman College Contest which is started to-day and will close with the last issue of the POST for August, 1898. Every ballot cut from this paper counts one vote. Certificates for votes acquired by new subscriptions and renewals with cash in advance will be issued with ballot annexed, which must be filled out and forwarded to be counted No votes except those written on the printed ballots cut from , the columns of this paper or those allow ed for subscription, renewals,4 job work and advertising will be coupl ed. -Extra copies of tho POST may be obtained at 3 cents per copy. to ONE VOTE in thcMiddleburgh POST'S contest for 4 Scholarships at Eastman Business College, Pough ksepsie, N. Y., worth $110. Geo. W. SVac.enseller, Proprietor. Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a chance to get other papers cheap we have mode arrangements with a nuinkr of papers to combine them with the Post at special rates. The regulur rate pei year for the Post is $1.50 but during our special ofler we will accept $1.00 per year in advance. Then if any want other papers that we name below we give them the advantage of special rates. The first column names the publishers price, the second the amount which added to $1.00 will pay for the Post" and the publication named. 1 he list is as follows. Pub. hrlce. N. Y. Weekly Tribune, ti.oo Phlla. " prom, l. 00 Washington Weekly Pott, 1.00 N. Y. TUrtoe-weekly World, 1.00 American Oardcnlng(M), 1.00 Phil. Inquirer (daily), 8 00 Vatm Newi (M), -50 Womankind (M), .60 American Agriculturist, 1.00 PracUcal Farmer, 1.00 Magazine, Serlbner'i, ion Ladles' Home Ideal l.0 Tne Arena, 2.M M CO all's Fashion Ma?., 1.00 Cosmpoltun, 1.00 Leslie'! Weekly, 4 ott Kevlew ol Reviews, .W Century, . 4.00 Com. ITU. $. .to .40 M .35 IM 10 .10 .75 Ti -J.M .45 t.00 .30 ,N0 ti.00 00 S.M IUWMIIIBII1.IH...I.. HOME DYEING A PloMsttn mi Last No Muss, NoTkvable,- f 13 WNWt sdflp WASHES and DYES AT ONK OPERATION ?.ANY COLOR. Tha Cleaneat, Fastest Dye for Soiled or Faded Shirt Waista, Btouaca, Ribbons, Curtains, Under linen, etc 4 whether Silk, Satin, Cotton or Wool. .-....( ' 1 SqU in All Colon by Gnctn and Bruggioto, or mailtd froo for15cont$; AaVrwa, THE MAYPOLE SOAP DEPOT, Ut Dm Strut, Nw York. You can make a variety ot com binutioas from the uhove, for in- stimce tlie IVist and N. Y. Trihiimv: V:. i!.'h.?ntury- WIDOWS' AI-1'KAlSb.MliN rf.-NuUot U ben by givu turn Hit) tuliuwlUK Widows' Ap priUwuicula uuUcr tliutUtu uw, uuve Ikd 0ll Willi Uiu t ierk ul Uie Or juus' Ouurl ul buy iter county fur Ooullruiutiou ou MuiiUii, the Sth day or June, 1. Apprameiueiilot Llllle C. Uiitlilon, widow otl'uaiws A. Kulhlou, late ol rraiikiln twp. Snyder c. dec'u, eluclud lu bo ukeu under lue law) exemption law. X. Appraltieuieulot Bllzabeth FenMer. widow of Wlliluui II. Feaaler, htle ol Ceniru twp. Sny der co. det'd. elected to be taken uuuer me ISOOeiemptlou law, a AppraiMemeutol I.uelnda Dowrn, widow 01 Samuel Howeu lale 01 r'raukllu iwn. snvuereo. dee'd, elected to be lu keu under Uiu turn exeiup Uoulaw. 4. Aopralseineut o( Stirah Waller, widow ol Jacob o. Waller, late 01 Fronklln twii. suvdi-r co. dee'd. elected to be Uikvu under the faoo c&euipiuiu law. S. ADDralMclllHntUf IlKrrl"! Kmntz. wlilnw nf Michael riaiiti, lute 01 Krankllli twp. Miyder co. dee'd., elocUM lu be taken under tliu fciuO exvuiiuuii law. C AUDrallUUlHIlt Of Hulln UrPHNl-r urlffnw nf Henry K. llreaHler. lale ul Cbapinuu twp. Sny der c. dee'd, kcied to be ukuu under the tatuexeuipuon law. 7. Appraiueiueutof Ellzi Helehehbaeh, widow of liauiel KelehenbHeb. lute ol I'urrv i wn mhv. ovroo. dac'u. cycled l be taken under the JO() li. Appralwmentnf Alice M. Uepner, widow ui rauu uepurr, taiu 01 waaiiinirion twp. sny cerco. ilec'iKelftiid to be lakeu under the Hoo exrmriuoii law. , O. M. Hiiinukl, Clerk. O. C MWdliburga, Pa., May 7lu, iim. Accounts. ThefollwlliKaeCouhUt will be presented for mnllruintkin ul the next term m court : I. rue oral ana nnal accuuu of It. A. KautZ, tjuiiiiiiiui ui mury m. iiukikh, ueeeanM. H. ThesHcond accouiiL4ii n. a u'Him.i nn... dian and eouitulllee ol William lerijer of for $1.25 ; the Post nnd tin! Phila. Press for $1. HO ; the Port, the N. Y. Tribune, Womuikintl and Farm News anil other papers for only $1.4f4sh in advance atvl soon combinations ran be made to suit jiurelutsers' tastes. Atldrtw all or tlers to the Post r liniultheiu totair agents. t Many old soldiers now feel Che effects of the hard service tbey en dured during the war. Mr. Geo. S. Anderson, of Rossville, York county, Penna, who saw the hardest kind of service at the front, is now fre quently troubled with rheumatism. "I had a severe attack lately.11 he says, "and procured a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It did so much good that I would like to know what you would charge me for one doten bottles.71 Mr. Anderson wanted it both for his own use an a to supply it to his friend and neighbor, as every family should have a bottle of it in their home, not onlr for rheumatism, but lame back, corains, swellings, cuts, bruses and burns, for which it is unequall ed, for sale by all Druggists. OLD COPIES WANTED. In order to complete our files we want the following named issues of the Post: July 8, Sept. 1G, 1869; Oct. G, 13, 1870; Jan. 26, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar. 7, 1878; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17, Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Aug. 7 and Oct. 30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28, May 6, Oct. 28, Dec. 23,1886; Dee. 29, 1887. Any of our readers having copies of the above issues will confer a favor by letting us know. Such copies in good condition will com mand a fair price. tf. It HOWTEK'S NOTICES. Notice is neronv mv eu urn the lollcmhifcr uaiued persons huve tiled tlimr Auiiiluisiratuiit', Muaruiun, and Kx eeutora'.uucouiili! lu tne rtegmivi'a Ullleo ol Sni der county, and Ihetuujic will be uretieuled lor continuation and allowance at Uk I'ouu House in juuuieuuruu, .uuiiuay, j uue Ui 1.1HH. 1. Account ol 1. W. uumlrufii unit u I iv.i.r. Her, aUuilhlstratorHolJohn O. Uoaa lute of Ve"l uva.vi i-n.nuyuerua. uee'U. i. Klmia'id MuulaccuuulolMeorge O. Aunilll i,rxcuuiur 01 ine uHUiie ol araii Auuiiller, h..v u auu,, iv , gujuer CO, uec'u. V. Klrl una hum account of A. S. Heclirtxt auuunjsiratorol M- e. Sechilat, lale ot Union 4. Tbetlrstand filial account ol John Million executor or Matilda taunt, late of Mlddlecreek mji.. miyuer eo. uec . 6. Final accounluf John P- Ilii i .imiii. tratorofSBmlltiM.1, lute of Mlddlecreek twu Snyder Co. dee'd. H 6. J'lrstand nnal account of Charles A. Sailer, ex. ol the laxi wid and leaiauieni of Kllzaneih llreuii, lute ol Mlddlecreek twp. Snyder co. dee'd. 7- First and final accouut of Albert Fesnhr' administrator of Meuoeu H. Keaaier, late of vvu.w oilULI i;u. UW W ( The account of Adjin B. Walter, guardian of Uobiusou K. Walter, el. al. nil nor chlldreu ol Mury Waller (nee Itenuliiger), dee'd and grand .iv-u u vuwu u, iiouiiinuer. miu oi rrana llu twp. Snyuer co. dee'd V. First and final account of Emma HIblgliaus. administratrix ol the estate ol Dr. Thomas 11 Blbighaus, late of the borough of Mtudleburgh ... bu, wuillj Ul DJJjUCr, UIK U 10. Theflrtitand final account of (ieorge II aim jacoo iireese, executors ol the lust will and fl-iMiiurui, 01 diicoo iMuene.iiiu) 01 I'eery iwo Snyder co. dee'd. 11. First and lluul account of William Housh. admlulHtraior of the eitule of .loun Arboguai lale of Perry twp. Snyder, co. uee'd. IX. First and Nnal account of ll. a iim.iini. administrator ol the estate of Andrew J. Uower- wi i oi venire iwp. Bnyuer co. bee'd. 13. rimi ana nnal uccounl of Peter S. and Henry J. Herman ext-cuiura ol the estuto of j acoo ueruiuu. uec a. 14. First and final account of L. It. llaluca admlulslralor of the estate of Elizabeth Mover lale oi spring twp. Snyder co. deceased. 15 Flrsland partial account of John S. Wolf, administrator of tho estate of Harriet NelU. late ot Union twp. Snyder co. dee'd. 10. Flint and ti rial account or Y. II. Wagner execuioroi me mat, win and testament of John ecu. mie oi reiiu iwp. nnyuer co. dee'd. 17. riiBiand ntiul uccoiiut uf Levi Ulrlch, adiiilulHtratorC, T. A. of tho estate of John HosU rnmn. late of the borough of Sellusgrove, Suvder co. dee'd. in. Accoiinioi Henrr oinius, guardian of the eiiuiireu mm iifirn ui r ninhiiu Bliyder, lute ol v ucanou twp. ouyuer cuaec a. 19. First and final account of Lucetta seera and William H. Seers, administrators of William B. Seers, lain ol the boiough ot Selluhurove, Buy- JOUR H.WIM.IB, ltcglHter. Whoophs Cough. ' I had a little boy who was nearly dead from an attack of whooping eongbv My neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cough: PemedyX did sot think that any me'' would heln him.- but after him t feyr doses of that remedy j. noticed) anj improvement, and one' Dotua curea mm .entirely, it ia Jhe beat coygh mcdiclnr I aver had in the houee.-'-J. L. Moohi, South Burgettstown. Pa. For sale br nil Druggists. Court Proclamation, WHEBKAH the Hon. Harold M. Mot'lura President Judg ol the Judicial District, computed of the oountlea ol Snyder, and vuiuu . ."i onuiuQvi ana 'i', ueiil berllng, fcsui., Auoelate Judges In and for Sny der county, have Issued their precept, bearlna; date the iT7lh day ol Apr. A. !., Uw, to me directed forth holding ulan ornhinai I'nnri court oltloiuinon Pleas, oourt ol Oyer and Ter- ujiuvr uu uvuem uiun oi quarter sessions ol the Peace, at Mlddleburgh, lor the county ot Snyder, on the 1st Mooday, (being tb 6tli day ol June lHiw.), and toeonUnueon week. notice Is tnerelor hereby given to the Coron ertJ' 's or the Peace and Uonttables Id and r ity ol Snyder, to appear In their n With their rolls, raoonll. Innnlil. InaUons and other remsmbraneee 'nings wnion or Inelr offices and In pariain ra De done and witnesses . prosseuUng In behalf ol the Uora .ih aaalnst any person or persons are. re- V-iraoe men ana tnere attkndlnj and da rting without leaY at their peril. ' Justice are requested to be punctual in their attendance i mm appoimea um agreeaoiy to notice. Office In Mlddfetu: Olven under m band anit the HberlfTl nee in niaaierura-n. tha Bth da ol xfmv a.l'non thousand c&rbt hundred and alnetr . 1. . u li t . wn. i ' ... . - o. mil cja, PBWin. Ua'U,. Look! Look!! TaOntr mi. rnnrflAtf wlian aV.- clothiiigat my store. 1 kt-ep con- latlly iu htock the bet-t ami finest a? TI a 1 .. iineni nsis ana uenis doming, Furuif Ling Goods, Underwt-ar and Cups. Call to see my stock. W. B. BOYEF. MOTHERHOOD STQPl) SCNBCHT, - - l'F.NNA A SUMMER SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleaBam? XTtwaetth cifsiW- Vir nlnati. ure it gives, there's no sail i ? t i t nun t.wi nniA 'ittiTi a esa vsaa enjoying it, and securing the prettiest, coolest and best fit ting Summer shoes now man ufactured, at prices which buyeis find it a pleasure to pay. For house or street wear, pleasure or every-day practical purposes, walking, riding, or driving, we supply the ideal shoes demanded by fashion and the dictates of individual taste. Ladies, whoever claims yoar hands, by all means surrender your feet to these shoes. G.H. WANTED-BRAINS find for nrhidct)TiTi37nbllo tsilltagt, itifal ui tvritis ef WitUxftei City. This teck eon ai ausy iollirt. It wUlbt Mat to yoi for sotkiu. Writs u ts-dij. Cta yet tsiik of lOBitkuiK to f Hoot I rrcUct you ldssi: tbiy mty Msf yos voilta. tofns JRlTtri for ptttst, It nr Ueml olon ni bvnMr'i Auiitut. Castor la Italy.. nopp a co. pti t"wiT ,"rvr"ts. r New Music -Liberal Offer. To introduce our new monthly pub lication. American Popular Mrsic, wemnke the following liberal oiler : Send us the names rf tbree or more performers on the piaDO or organ, and fifteen cents in money or post age, and we will mail you sixteen pages of the latest popular sooga, two steps, etc., full sheet music' ar ronged for piano or organ, and jSm emcan I'oitlar Mcsio for tBre months. Address Pcpular Music Co., Indianapolis, Ind araj. r ? s7 a:: ' K 1 Sth nay. ' VWE GREAT REVIVO RESTORES VITAtlTr. Made a wen ivia.1 of Me. :mih Day. jviiiircix xixsztyzxajL'Z- pr''-.irvs Uiu nlnnc- resultK In III) days. It t Mrai-rtiilly li. J iiiirk!y. Cun-s when all othr tull Vniing nii'ii will n uaiii their Imt raaiihnod.aoIiia nun will tr tlitir yontliful visor br um K I; VIVO. It ijiilckly and unruly restores Nervou nfw. Lo.t Vitality. Jmpotrnrr. Nlirlitly EmlKions, lwtl'oir.FalilHK M. inorj-. WaMlna DiBcams. and all i lfi i'U of M-U thiiKo or neurit and Indiscretion, winch nnt1ts..n6torK'iiity.biiiilneMormarria(e. It nni only enn's by rtartma at the aat of dlaesse, bid ll s arret nrrre tonic and blood builder, brias) l bars the pink kIoit to pal cheeks and nv torln the flr of youth. It wards off Inaaaft) and Consumption. Insiat on hivinu RKVIVOrfla othrr. It can bs carried In treat porket. Br mall, 1.00perpackaae,oraix foras.oo, wlthapoal tlTe written guarantee to rnie or raond hesnoney. OlrcnlarfrM. Addrtaa 10YAL IEDICIKE CO.. 271 Watoti Ue CHICAGO, ILL rr sale at Mlddleburgh, br W. 11. 8PANGLER. A leading Chicago packing firm has Just buUt a private telegraph and tele pbona Una between Chieaffo and SL Lotila, to have direct connection with. IU branch at tha latter place. Aamafl: switch connects tha telfttrranh or tele- pliona Instmments. At tho circuit la metalllo and the wires are In a cable, there ! no Induction that can be no ticed, and tha lonir distance 'nhnna works better than the city onea. Thli lithe flrtt private Una. of over 20 mllea la the west. It practically cost nothing to onerata IK and It aaveatho packing company thousands of dollars J-ear in telegraph and telephone tolls.