The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 12, 1898, Image 8
Tho a suit $3.19 Mixed Wool Suits, neat dressy and very stylish, at the above astonishing price. BROSIOUS tROb., SUNBURY, PA. 3 WRITE FOR SAMPLES OF SUITS AT O4.98. PAXTONVILLE. William Spiglemyer ami family visited at McClurc on Sunday Melvin Ilarncr f Central Pa. Ctl k'ge wait liome over Sunday, lie wat out trout fishing on Saturday :nr J was quite successful in catching iT ' . . . 1 ... 1 . " eke Huttal beauties . . V rank relm- .1, ..i.m.i i ;n r. it in i:u 11 1 y iat v . , mui tinu J t stands a very narrow fJiance of recoveri 1 1 ir rtliur obson and family of Sunlniry are visiting liisinother, Mrs. Sarah IMh in, tit tin's place Mrs. I .aura KHuily visited at Adamsburg on Monday Key. F. lT. Gift of STaiitou jsjM'iit Sunday with his parents. He attended Synod at Selinsgrove last week Mrs. J W". Swart and daughter Blanche, visited her parents John Ernest's, last week. ... .Mrs. Charles Kathfon if vinef.oid circulated among tnrivls at this place over Sunday . . . .Mis-j Nettie Wanner of JSeav- crlin u is visiting her sister Mrs. Shaeiibach Mrs. J. (). Sterner J -Siiiliiirv visited her parnts Aus- Tim lull s over last Sunday .....Mrs. Howard Sliainlach is on the sick Hit, but i.l rccii)eratii)g slowly. Men and Nations- T;ltlitx illiiml tin' I War at Vriix ill .llUl'iftl . DY NEMO. llow'lhfiTTiiig it is to gaze on the lav ki' a man who is arousetl either 'in ili-imueiatioii of evil or defence of that wldch is right. His very face will Dppear transformed ; out of it will lave disiipM-arcd all traces of jR'Wr.tiess, and as his head is thrown bark and his eyes flash, thekst that is in him will 'shine forth. These njrrciiic moments arc to Ijcchcrishcd. 'They throw things into their right projKirtionsjwhcn it seems to the aroused one that even life itself is a small matter in comparison with ihefxirth that must lesM)ken. Per- sumal ease and comfort are despised until the tongue has uttered the -word that are inspired by a released nalare. The imiMrtant thing ut such moments is seen to le, that the . thing lw lie done, must Ik? done ; no nutter whotiie invidtial may be who docs it ; but that the one who is . aronsttJ to do, must do or lx" falsi; to the greatest that is in him. And . li flat aroused life tie? truth uimes home thai failure todoand to irre, may mean that the leed and iJwlkiriug will never be done; for no two lininari k'ingsfollow exactly ilk' mniii lines of .life or meet the .law opjwiluuities. A call to a taJc ia therefore found tobea solemn ibiDjj that tests and sits down to wall limits those .whose tasks are tlrnie in the dread fear of tlieir never rafjirjiing if left undone. Thrilling uiLt'twm imture on fire. The memWs of tlx; Isxlyjuust suffer if ivau be till tfie wurJc is finished tidA jmi wan atA nnl Ima ...n.. ' FtKB hitiiy lalwr and nut rebel, the Jtrmn avtium mt taittr; yet neitlier 'im't, nor'ldy,'Hor brain have any rittfiu&t am tie duty, they are merely .itrrtvU who must uffer till all is .4itniiy die individual who sits in .aiutro! of brain and all letMerorgans Lou Pricos for la Multinlv all this nianv million times and then yield yourself to the wonder that nils the soul when a whole nation thrills and ;ises in infinite majesty. Theouward sweep of the temH.'st, the resistless Kwer ,. ..' . 1 . ... . 1 or the inu. rtic hliiivmiiioiis nioiion ioi an eartnquaKe are uines otBiue .. c 4 . f ,. 4. . , it; for tins is alive, that has purjMxse. Fill I 1 . A I A whole people arouse! to action is a Hcctac!e of awe. When by a species of revelation a million minds think alike, and move fni waid 1 to discharire the task that is lielbre them, individually and collectively. the sublimity ot tiie sight transcends infinitely thestiblimestthat inanimate nature ever set m-tore human, eyes. Where there have lieen trifling or even imiiortant dillerences before, there will be one vast unity. In the presence of the national duty, a leveling down of pettiness will lie accompanied by a leveling up of purpose. Strangely like n man is this body ot men and ot minus. Deep in the national consciousness it is understood that loveot ease and the getting of gain in untrammeled peace arc mere dust in the iMilance when weighed against anationalduty. Like the man, a nation awake is forced onward by its inner conviction of what is right and just ; and the coiistMjucnccs, it must leave to the Arbiter of national fates, from whom cometh national inspiration and from whose heart of mercy comes "direct the leeling of mercy and commiser ation that jiossesses the breasts of men, women and children at this moment of national uprising. And in our thousand times ten thousand hearts we led that Oik-o to every time and nllllOn cumea the mu liicnt to decide. In IheMrifoof Trutli with Fslat-liood, for the icood or evil aide: Some ureal came, Uod'a new Meaainli, offering cacli the bloom or IiIIkIiI, I'rt the goata upon the left hand, and aheep upon the riujlit. And the choice UOES BY KOlt BVBK.t Uttlt (Urkneaa ami lltjht. We know deep our national heart that now is the moment to show to the distressed that justice is our meat and our drink and mercy to the weak our daily thank-offering to Uod, who has brought us out of our own weakness into strength. We know that opportunities and calls come to nations as they do to men, and that wise is the nation that knoweththe day of its visitation. And much as innocent members sutler when a man is aroused, we know that many who now live must die for an idea, au inspiration, a national purjHwe, yet the cost is cheap in comparison with the deep national shame of remaining silent when utterance wouldsave, and indo lent wlien action would bless. TIIE BODIES OF STARVED jxicifico, CKY IJY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS FOR RE TRIBUTION TIIE CALL IS TO YOU, AMERICA. TO WHOM ELSE SHOULD, THEY TURN? (Copyrighted by Daw Tabor.) In day a of Idle peace whea tblcat glide by As (till aa wallows' wlnga lb annoy sky, Then all men seem alike, and fool and via. UaMlfted pas beneath tlMlr bright dltgulae. Hut when great deeds are stirring mm as claim Strong souls that gladly choose, or dealk or f esse i And bhjh endeavor, self-denial stern. Unflinching purpose, hearts thai boil bum' Tot truth and bo nor, counting not tbe ctt, . But holding life itself that spent well lost, ' ' lis Fine Quality Goods. A BOY'S SUIT 98 c . Mixed cloth, wade same as higher priced raits. More than ono hundred sold al ready. Then the true man Is clearly manifest And evil looks its worst and geod It brat, And shams and poor pretence untimely die. Withered 'Death rays ot pure reality ; Bo will unfalt'rlng feet the higher climb, nowing thai crlsliis God's testing time. The Sunday school of the Olive United Evangclioil church of Port Jreverton will dedicate their new oriran next Sabliath at 2 p. m. All invited. Hotel Shikellimy, sittiateiifyii the heights "pposite Simhury. was de stroyed by fire on Wednesday after noon. Iyoss about $.")0,000, insur ance 820,000. The fire evidently was the work of an Ineedary. ' The hotel was built by Driimheller Bros, of Sunbury, eight years ago. We will be able to offer some rare linrgniiis in bicycles again this year. A. new 'iKS Keating for only $40. and a new '98 Belviderc for' $32.50 These are $75. and $00. wheels respectively and are offered to us on advertising contracts. The price quoted is less than agent's price. Call upon us or write if you ' are interested. We furnished 4 bicycles last year on the sameterms. D1K1J. May 1, at Adamsburg, John CJill)ert, u verteran of the lute war, aged about 05 years. Hn was in terred on Tuesday of last, week under the auspices of the (J. A. R. Rev. Williams officiating. May 4, in Middleburs, Phillip Spnid, aged 01 years. May 1, at 0 o'clock, near Richfield, Samuel Basom, aired 70 years. Interment Wednesday. May 7, at Betivertown, Mrs. Mary Aiglcr, relict ot Reulten Aigler, aged i I years, 4 months and 10 days. May ), at Beavertown, an infant son of Rev. and Mrs. C. I). Zwcier. On May 1, in Chapman two.. Catherine, wile of Daniel Arnold. aged 52 yeaes, 10 mo. and 17 days. Funeral was held on the 3rd inst., at the Paradise U. B. church. " Rev. O. G. Romig officiated. MlODLEBURQH MARKET. Correoted weekly by our uierohanti. Batter 16 EkK 09 Onions 45 Lard ft Tallow 4 Chickens per lb 6 Turkey! a Hide 5 Shoulder 8 HftUI 0 Wheat 1.80 By 80 Potatoes 70 Old Corn 88 Oats 33 Bran pr 100 lbs 75 Middlings " .78 Chop 85 rlonr per nbl.. 8.00 0. 0. F. Parade, Wilkesbarre. For Uie Odd Fellows' Pdnit at WUkMbarro, Ps., Mat IT. Um PooBnyWanU Batlroad corn. Daoy will Mil specUl exoursloD ticket from stations eo IU line, wltbla a rsdlus of one hundred miles, to Wtlkssbsrro ana muni, 4 rate ottfaglejiwe tar tne roucd trip (nlanan rate, n eeatt). Tlekota to be aoid Hay It and 17, mod to return until M ay is, ism, inolaslre. . , WALL PAPER 7ZJ fUWt1 '.w wttt tMid 700 tree a large ttieedon ot atmpiea bom . prf roll dp, all sew colorlBiH and lorelUes np to date. Wl PAY ragAHT. Wswaat aa MtUtrtn town ta anil aa Mnntalo iwwn.M ...r. books. .Noeapiui reqalred. for samples or JWieniara, aoareaa s. WOLF, 74T-IU NlaUi lbs Rccor4.of 3Ct.Ycr5 lie Kdrriagea for tke Lad Jkirtf l'edn Compiled to t&twt PUa out. ReooflectionM and fo iYoen the Same. 187G. Dec, 17, by Rev. W. RWie-nd, Phares Romig and Alwila Brack bill, both of Adamsburg. " Dec, 17, by Rev. W. Donat, Cyrenu H. Dubbs cf Selinsgrove and Sarah J. Bickhart of Washing ton twp. Dec 21. bv Pwev. W. A. Haas. Franklin Hendricks and Anna C. Garnvan, both of Penn twp. Dec. 24, Isaac H. Goshen and El vina Bowtrsox, both of West Bea ver. Dec 25, by Rev. W. A. Haas. Jacob B. Herman to Mary Alice Erdley, both of Penn twp. Dec 31, in Miftlinburg, bv Rev. M. P. Crosthwaite, David F.Swenk, formerly of Middlebunr. and Ella Moyer, both of Millmont, Pu. 1877. Jan. 4. by Rev. Donat, John S. Showers of Snyder Co. and Mary A. Ureibelbliss ot IJalmatia, Pa. Jan: 7, by Rev. -J. P. Shindel. John Edward Fetterolf of Adams twp. and Sarah Jane Berirer of Centre twp. ' Jan. 9. by Rev. J. E. Honevcut. John 1. Jiingaman and r ranees C. tiWig, Iwtli ot Adams twp. Jan. 11, George Ilambrick and Harriet Ireaster, Ixith of WestBea ver. Jan. 11, in Freeburir. bv D. S. Boyer, Esq., John Keiser and Ma- 1 i-il a a Hilda i:hocli, Ixitli of lxwcr Au gusta twp., Northumberland Co. Jan. 14, Scphares Bowersox and Minerva Kleckner, both of Ccutre- ville. Jan. 21, Henry Wilson Weller of this pla"e and Mary R. Kncpp of Union Co. Jan. 23, in Selinsgrove, by Itcv. R. Ziecler, D. I).. John Holme ot ftclinsp-rove and Mrs. Mainne Smith of Miftlinbiirg. Feb. 4, by Samuel Scholl, Esq-, Franklin Stroub and Susanna Rani- er, both of Washington twp. Feb. 15. by Sem. Lcitzcl. Eso.. Samuel J. Bilger and Ellen Bitting, both ot Aliddlecreek twp. Feb. 18, by J. H. Hartman. Esn.. ocott Jiishop ot Centre twp. and Marian Rearick of Adams twp. " Feb. 20, by Rev. Irwine, Dr. J. V. Rockefeller anl C. Elsie Moatz, both of this place. Feb. 22, at Beavertown. Daniel Nerhoot and Hannah Shawver. both of Adams twp. Feb. 22, Ernest Dentz of Selins grove and Miss Hughes of Penn twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. W. R. Wieand. Daniel J. Hoffman of MeClure and E. HK)k of Det-atur two.. Mifllin Co. Feb. 25, by Samuel Seholl. Esu.. John Neitz to Mrs. Harrii'tSchwenk, both ot Union twp. Feb. 25, by Rev. A. Romiir. Daniel Fiihnuan and Sarah llafhYy, botfi of bnyuer (Jo. Feb. 27, John 'Mitterling and Sarah Jane Stiever, lxth of West Perry twp. Mar. 1, by Rev. E. L. Reed, Se lin Herner and Mary J. Heim, both of Kratzerville. Mar. 4, in Freeburg, by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Nathan H. Diehl of Aaronsburg and Louisa Steffen of Freeburg. Mar. 4, by Rev. W. A. Haas, J. D. Gellinger and Louisa Row, both ot Penn twp. Mar. 7, Charles T. Wickersham of Green Co., Wisconsin, and Ma tilda W. McElwee of Snyder Co. Mar. 7, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. Parks, David Henry Peek and Apnie Ray, both of Selinsgrove. , by Rev. George War ren, Robt C. Ludwiir of Sunburv and Ella M., daughter of Isaac Jai rett, Jisq, Mar. 8, by Rev. W. R. Wieand, James M. Lcpley of Kratzerville and Rose E. Filson ot Milroy. Mar. 15, in Selinsgrove, by Rev. Belmer assisted by Rev. Swartz, Ira N. McCIoskev. Esa.. and LibbipC. eldest daughter of Rev. L Potter. Mar. 18, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Aaron Boliir of Franklin turn, nml Mary J.. Rillinger of Middlecreek Mar., 20, by Rev Smith, Edward Kanti' of Freebunr tit'Tivinn. J. Neitz of Mahanoy, Northumberland P. I Ck pbtfAutg to ' Mar. 22. ii Ml Mar. 22. ia BeTilwrviL- bv 1W. !fclmer, Edward Boyer of Fraebonr ana auiie nanne ot Seliasgrove. Mar. 22, by Benj. Hotiseworth, J. P., Emanuel Rambo and Harriet Neitz, both of Union twp. . Mar. 27r by Samuel SiJiolI, Esq., Samuel S. Riegel and Caroline Hinkel,'bothof Uniou twp. Mar. 27, Wm. Sliearer of Mat- tawami and Eva Krebs ot Decatur twp., Mifflin Co. . . Apr. 5, at Selinsgrove, ; by Rev. W. A. Haas, Frederick E. Hilbish and Jennie Moyer, both ot Freeburg. Apr. 5, by liev. A. Romich. Amos H. Thomas and Martha Brosius, both of Musser's Valley. Apr. 8, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Oliver J. Catherman and Sarah Ellen Cathcrthan, both of Lewis twp., Union Co., Pa. ' Apr. 8, by A. J. Bowersox, Esq., Paul S. Bogar and Matilda Musser, both of Centre twp. Apr. 23, near Selinsirrove. bv ltev. M. Sloat, Emanuel Paul of Utehn.-ld. Mich., and Mary C. Siercr of near Selinsgrove. Apr! 29, by Rev. John K. Sny der, 11. Roush and Lydiu A. Gar man, lotli of West Perry twp. May 3, by Rev. W. C. McCool, John H. Hoover of Herndon to Henrietta L. Stetler of near Selins grove. May 10, at the residence of Andrew Kratzer in Franklin twa. by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Chas. Sjiencer of Centre Co. and Siifan Bickhart of Franklin' twp. May 10, at Beavertown. bv Rev. i. M. tetler, Unali Klose ot Bea ver township to Amanda Ij. Benfer of Franklin twp. May 17, in Beavertown. bv Rev. I. Irwine' Curtin Bowersov of Pax- toiiville to Jennie Young of Centre- vii le. June 1, by A. G. Hornbereer. J. 1., m. u. ileigesot Perry twp., C. i. .1 t! n uiijui-i vAi., uuu sirs, ousuii Tangier (late Gumby) of IJverpuol twp., I'erry Ui. June 18, by Rev. W. R. Wieand. John McElrath of Riverside. Cumberland Co., and Lydia Romig ot est JSeaver twp.r Cinyder Co. June 21, John McElrath of Dan ville, Pa, to Lydia Ju Romisr ot West Beaver twp. June Rev. L. C. Edmonds. J. H. Stadon of Bloomsburg and. Sue Gross of Beaver twn. June 23. by Rev. W Donat J. P. Noll of Chapman twp. and Alice C. lieaw of Perry twp. June 20, in Selinsirrove, John Graver and Ida Slough. June 28, by Rev. W. R. Wieand. Joseph S. Hook of Decatur twp., iMttllin U., and Kate Gross of Bea ver twp., Snyder Co. July 8, at Reminirton, Jnsucr Co.. I nd., Thos. Zellon McMurry, form erly of Williamsport, Pa., to Anna lioiiisa lluus, lateot N'linsgiwe. JulylG. by Rev. A. lmich. James F. Ruudeubnsh and J. Mohnev. botli of Adamsburir. July 20. by Rev. J.F. Wamnole. Peter Nace of Perry twp. and Em ma Troup ot Middlecreek twp. July 20, by Rev. J.F. Wampole. Henry P. Yeasrerot Franklin two. and Melinda Stroub of Washington twp. July 22, bv Rev. W. A. Haas. Jonathan H. Bolig of Franklin twp. to Cxiruli J. Row ot JVIiddleereek twp. July 22. bv Kev. Weirick. Reuben Mitterline ot Perry twp. and Amelia Arbogast ot Washing ton twp. July 22, by liev. J. F. Smith, at Port Trevcrton, John Martin and Louisa N. Daubert, botli of Snyder Co. ! eTnly 29, Joseph Scliarf and Kate I lor man, both of Selinsgrote. i .Chas. K. Fisher and Clara Kreeg er, both of Selinsgrove. ' July 29, by Samuel Scholl, Esq, Andrew Herrold and Viola Riegel, both of Union twp. July 29, by same, John Martin of Washington twp. and Mary Troup of Perry twp. . ' ' . Aug. 5, by Samuel Scholl, Esq., David Bickhart of Washington twp. and Sarah. F. Rartman of Perry twp. Aug. 5, by D. B. McCloekey, Wm. F. Diehl of Hartley twp. Union Co.) to Carrie Sampsell of Centreville'SnyderCo. j ' Aug.. 9,. by Rev. J. F. Wampole, Milton Roush of Fremont and Marv Herrold of Chapman twpL . i Aug. 12, by Rev. W. Donat, Ed- too twp. to Si KcZ - i- Auy. io, at ueavertown. byt D.M. 8tetlriauM Mua a i. a . . - ennui g.ooyaer, both of Mid tP-. . t Aug. 16, at same place, by iW Isaac Dreese and Amelia, HaW er, both oi Beaver twp. AUIF. 18. at. HaofU-utlnm A ' M. Ziegler of SeUnsgrove andF, cm jeu oi me lor nu r plat e. Aug. 26, in Selinsgrove, by K f. Swartz, Luther U. Smith Selinsgrove and Kate C. McFall Selinsgrove. Aug. 26, at Freeburg, by fij twp. and Mary E. Moyer of CV man twp. . Aug. 26, by Rev. J. K. Snv T l r i t . . . J wu AiicKer and isther bogast, both of Perry twp. Aug. 26 Sam.Seholl. Esi.. f:., Leach and Liberty Car well, both Chapman twp. Sept 6, by Rev. Romig, jJ Gilbert and Matilda Yeager, both? Adamsburg, Sept. 12, by J. K. Hughes, E, jiijuh xvousn oi wasnington tit Snyder Co, and Barbara Kl Wertz of Point twp, Northnnibo. land Co. Sept. 13. bv Rev. W. R. Wi, J AlbeitJ. Snook of AdamsburuJ uiien J. Komig ot Decatur twi 111 .... o itiiimu ui. Sept l6, by Rev. Irwine. Charl C. Shambach and Clara E. HoW of Franklin twp. Sept. 16, Rev. W. A. llj Henry E. Pontius and Hannah Bender of Middlecreek twp. Sept. 16, by P.M. Teats, fid Wm. Inch and Mary MatiW Haines. Sept. 25, by Rev. Elias LaudiJ Irwin U. Uraybill of West IW twp, this county, and Barbara (in bill of Monroe twp, Juniata Co. Sept 25, by Rev. J, T, StnitlJ l homos iJ. Lease ot Fremont ami Ellen Graybill of Richfield. Sept 26, at Selinsgrove at then. sulcnce ot XJ, li. North, by Rev. T. J. Sherrard, Dr. WashinirtonRiclii er of Columbia, Pa, and Jennie L North, both ol Juniata Co. Sept 29, by Rev.Geos. E, Adara Wm. I. Shiverly of , Hartley tn. Union Co, to Mary H. Shaefier & Jrort Ireverton Ot 6, by Rev; J. P. Shindel, W m. Nialter- ot Uuon Civ and ilan Salome Specht of Middleburg. Oct 11, at Beavertown,, by Ka; D. M. Stetler, John H. Walker b Sarah K, Benler, IxiUi of Franklb twp. Oct. 21. bv Rev. a E. Adan Robert F. Bilger of Adamslm--: ani Hattie Boyer ot CentrevLlla Nov. 4, by liev. Jolin K.Snvdef, Peter Inch of Chapnran twn. ami Barbara Ellen Kerstctter of Pen; twP- r . Nov. 4, by Rev. D. M. Stetk Jolili Erb and Amelia Ritter. bmi of West Beaver twp. Nov. 11, in Beavertown. bvRcv. Irwine, Uriah T. Matter of Beaver town and Mary J. Heimbuch of Middlecreek twp. Nov. 15, Henry W. Miller of Snyder Co. to Jenuie Goes of Mifflii Cu Nov. 15, by Rev. Irwine. at tht reidenec ot Andrew Sfianiltacli, Howard E. SliambachofPhxtonvillt and Alice M. Ocker of Centre twp Nov. 15, by J.H. Hartman. Esq. Uriah H. Fessler and Kate Bentcr both of Centreville. Nov. 18, Beni. F. Hummel sai iunma Long, ot both Monroe twp. Nov. 18. Austin Binaman of ISeavertown and Maiy Shambach ol Adamsbnrg. Nov. 28. bv Rev. H. R 'Belnirf M. S, Schrover to AnnaLlovd. lwtli ot selinsgrove. Dec. 6. by Rev. M. C. Piwr, Jacob Springle ot Perry Co. to Mot a. uiass ot Jackson twp. Perry U Dec. 8, at Freeburg, by Wm- nxvivip uniiiea a. xrymoyerwi Perry twn. to Amanda Stroub cK ... T . ' I W ashington twp. Dec. 25. at Selinsirrove. bv Ker W. A.Haas, Joseph Musser otMMj dleburg to Susan A. Sliaefler xTeeburg. Dec 25. br Rev. R L. Swartt' John Thompson ami Annie Willi, B .1 Aft ' ' I coin oi selinsgrove. I Dea81,at Mifflinburg, by W Dr. Heisler, Millard J. Courtney Franklin twn. tn'Vmnoo as! Bachman, daughUr of Phares Bid man of Adams twp-