ll Xm I rewnzn AtootutabFur The Middleburgh Post. Published every Thursday. Geo. W. Wacenseller. Id i tor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year, whlcb must be puiil in advance wuen tent ont nidi- the county.) ITIIOr ADVIRTISINO. All transient advertlrmonu not otherwise eoniracwa lor win ne cunrwu i" - .. II-.- , . 1 . . I nA..Bimmk tt flmt InOAP. Hon and 10 centu per line lor every aubeequent BTDtatk nof iau publukrd Jrrt , obituary jxwrtjf, tribuUt of mjMct, rfc, lAr cenU a Une. Eepublican Standinc Committee- Tl . VX nvilliaili ilwiDim-H Heaver, Jan. M. Kline. Charlea Hpechl Reaver W., Geo. J. Hprece, Chaa. A. Wagner Centre, M. H. wanner, n. a. r.raiv Chapman, W m. H. Ker.tettar. O. H. Troutman Franklin. W. I), (lift, H.8. Hennlnger Jackson, Ceo. A. limine, J. 8. Yearivk Miildleburir, Al. Clelan. N. A. Bewe. MtdUlecreek, H. H. Voder, Theodore Kow Monro, A. tt. Young. I). P. Kilter Penn, Frank Miller, Howard Row Perry, J. N, Itroelua, Ir. M. Kotbrock Perry W W Mtrawner, John Noll Srlln((rove, N. M. Fisher, P. tl. Smith Hprlns, I. K. Kelgel.Ueo. S. Leplcjr Union, O. . Ktce, H. J. Htroh Washington, Henry Brown. John Miller Rkithucan Ticket. Kor V. 8. Senator, Hon. M. S. Quay. For CotiKreM, Hon. Tr'atl. M. Malion. For Assembly, Dr. A. M. Smith. For Associate Judre, Hon. Z. T. Gemberling. For County Surveyor, Geo. A. IJoUlorf, Esq. Thursday, May 12, 1898. Dewey's Victory. The civilized world everywhere in scanning the pages ot history to day to find, if possible, the record of a victory so complete as that accredited to Commdore, now ad miral, Dewey in the l'hillipi'nes on May 1st As yet no one has been able to find anything like a jwrulltl. Tlieannihilationofthe entire Spanish fleet with the loss of hundreds of SjKinish Sailors and the destruction oi niillionsof dollars worth of Sjianish projK'rty, without the lossof a single American and the injury of only 8 of our men with scarcely any damage to our fleet is indeed a victory that must ge down in history as one with out a parallel. Truly Americans can celebrate surh an accomplish ment and land to the skies the name of Dewey who carried the forces to victory. Wheat in Demand. The most ardent wish nf our farmers in the price of wheat certainly was realized during the jit week. Wheat went up to $1.7 per bushel in Chicago and hx-.il dealers jKiid as high as $1.4(1. Higher prices for wheat was romiscd by the Repub licans in the campaign ofl8lKiwhcn the Free SilveriteH were advancing their fallacious theories. Practical demonstrations are ulwuys lest and now we have abundant proof that the predictions upon the success of the yellow metal has been proved true even Ix-yond the moot sanguine exjxjctntions of the anti-Free Silver iU. Dollar wheat was really alwiit the btst we could expect, but now we liave more, much more. Why should we not have faith in the Republican party? How the State Aims to Aid the Fanner. Dr. 1 1. T. Fernald, who has been apjioinUtl Economic Zoologist totfic Department of Agriculture of 1 enn sylvania, describes bis duties as be- ing the investigation of all kinds of animals which are injurious orbene cial to field and garden crops, fruit, stock and other agricultural interests )( the State. That this is an im portant work is sliown by tlie erti roates prqmred by oomiietent person at different times and invarous parU of the United States. These esti mates agree in placing the annual loss, due to the attacks of insects and other enemies of the farmer and fruit grower, at one-tenth of his entire crop) In other words, the farmer, in an ordinary year, pays a direct tax to Nature of one-tenth ot all he produces, while in seasons when the pests are unusually abun dant the loss may be as much as one- quarter. If we apply these tacts to a lew, only, of the crops of Pennsylvania we find that tlie estimated value of Wheat, Ilarley, Hay, Corn, Potatoes and Tobacco produced in the Mate durine 1890 was $80,749,080, while if losses by insect ana other similar causes had' been prevented, it would have been nearly $90,000, 000, showing that on these crops alone, the loss to the State each year is nearly $10,000,000. . This is a large sum and it would seem impossible, it it were not that it hasalways occurred, and a year without it has never been known. . It is only when the loss is greater than usual, that the damage is telt, and remedies are sought. ct more than half of this destruction could be prevented if a knowledge of how to protect crops from their foes were general. It is to this line of work that the Zoologist intends to direct his efforts, offering to all who are interested, information how best to prevent these losses, or to check the foe when it has already apjiearcd. In order to do this, and accom plish the most far-reaching result the desire9 anyone who finds his crops ot any kind affected by any insect or other animal, to write him, send ing samples of the the injuries, and if possible, of the nnimal which causes the trouble. All such letters will be promptly answered with suggestions of the best ways to prevent farther damage, and if the trouble be serious a jicrsoual exam ination will lie made. All such letters should lie sent to the State Zoologist, Department ot Agricul ture, at Harrisburg. Bulletins describing injurous in sects and other animals, the work they do, and how to treat them will also lie publshed, both in the news- pnKrs und as pamphlets tor distri bution. It is hoped in this way to induce the people of the State to use the opportunities which have been prepared lor them by the licgislatnre in this lino and in the end, save many millions of dollars each year. COURT HOUSE CHIPS Deeds Entered lr Rceord. John Zering and wife to Joseph Hoeflick two acres in Centre twp. for $3374.70. Dated Nov. 14, 18'J-iJ S. Thompson Hilbish and wife to Josiah M. Maurer lot in Middle- creek twp. for $130. $ Elizabeth and John I Wood ruff, administrators of Henry Wood ruff, deceased, to Chas. W. Duuus 113 acres in Penn twp. for $3700. Henry R. Riegle and wife to Harry Rowersox house and lot Middleburg for $1)00. Frederick Rathfon to Catherine Rathfon lot in Franklin for $400. Thomas Meiser and wife to John S. Aucker 130 acres in Perry twp. for 81750. Letter Urantrd. letters of administration were granted in the estate of Wallace liepplcy, late of Wot Beaver, to A. Holshue and Isaac Gross. Starring IJceaaes. f Geo. A. Mull, Penn twp. SalheR. Knouse, " success of a ' national song.; Twn well chosen selections for the pianr and a song, "Love Letters," . arc al so contained in this number. ' Tlie music is unusually well printed and of a high' order and renders the magazine of permanent value. Ev ry month, New . i. ork, 0 cents. 8ELINSQROVE. . , ' 'loo late for last' issue. ' Mrs. Aycrs of Middleburg and daughter of Williamsport were in town between trains on Saturday The Conference of Presidents of College Y. M. C. A'sof the State convention here in annual session on Thursday last closed on Sunday night, ihe attendance was large. B. M. Wagenscller spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents N. I. Catherman also spent several days with his parents .'.Mrs, E. 13. Kilhnger of I ronton N. !. is visiting her mother Mrs. Amelia Wagenscller Mrs. Mertz and children of Williamsportare visiting Mrs. Mertz's parents Mr. azd Mrs. George von Neida Mrs. R. G. Rannen. a friend of Rurlingahie is visiting her parents J. L. Cooper and wife M. E. agenseller who was in - the store at Phila., during April has again returned home .... Dr. W. Ulsh is awaiting orders to join a vessel as surgeon in the navy, tor wlrich he was 'examined and passed.; The University liase ball team beat Bloomsburg Normal at Bloomsburg on Saturday last Score 8 to 10. . . .Susquehanna Synod of the Lutheran Church convened in Trinity Luth. . church on Tuesday Eve.,it will continue over Sunday. .,. .Dr.B. F. Wagen scller took a patient to the hospital Saturday to lie operated on ..... . Dr. h. J. agenseller and I. Seller went trout fishing on Monday. Ih'iH yeek'a Mter. Susquehanna Synod convened in in this place Tuesday of last week and continued in session until Sun day evening when it finally closed with the ordination of two young men to tlie Gosik'1 ministry. The attendance was large : about 150 were in attendance. This Symxl now ranks about alxnit fifth in the General Synod of the United States' . . Ihe machinery is being placed in the shoe factory. It is expected that they will be ready to run in about two weeks. We learn that' there will be eight or ten new families move to town in conse quence of starting this enterprise . . Ihe planing null is being push ed forward rapidly to completion. Some of the machinery has already arrived and is being put into position ... u m. llaines who was seriously hurt at the unloading of the boiler for the planing mill is slowly im proving. . . .Rev. Fetterolf has lett with his family and gone to Mercers- Kay Number of "ev'ry Month-"' In the May nunilxr of every mouth there is a second of the interest ing and timely articles on Cuba by Gilsou Willcts, eutitlcd "Seen and Heard in Cuba's Capital" : among the illustrations of this article is one ot the famous $3,000,000 Dry Dock the only time it has been in use, with the Alfonso 13, on the "ways" "The Plaza with the I lotel Inglaterra in the foreground" and an especially fine view of Havana harbor, with Morro Castle and Fort Punta. The reading matter is enlivened by short stones and the department of Inter esting People and music- lovers will value the critical notice of Anton Seidl, with a splendid photograph ot the lamented leader. . Of special in terest to women are articles on " Worn en in Music." "Parliamentary law for Women's clubs," and Fashions. The feature of the number is an excellent patriotic song and chorus "The Flag of the Free," which lias the fire and vigor necessary to thj burg, Pa., where he has accepted a call from the Mercersburg Luth eran congregation Wm. H. Gcmborbing "vas seriously hurt on Monday of this week while he was working at the ice house of II. D. Schnure. The train men shifted some cars on tlie siding at Schnure's mill ; the brakeman lost control ot the car and it struck the work Mr. Gemberling vns at and threw him np iu the air. He came down full ing uiion timliers breaking one of his legs in two places, knocking out a numlxT ot lus teeth and was other wise Iwdly bruised, altho' the doc tors do not think he is internally injured. Hope he will pull through all right, lie was a good soldier during the civil war. . . .The normal school 1m we ball team of Blooms burg played a return game with the club of Susquehanna University team here last Saturday and were defeated by the University team in a score of 12 to 8 Our boy are playing good bull this season. They practically won every game they playcu this season A. Marburg- er lias the foundation ot lus new house completed and the carpenters are at work at the house. . . .Sena tor Hummel is treating his house to a new coat of mint which adds much to its appearance. . . .On the occasi on of the meeting of the Synod, the students of tlie University entertain ed the Synod on Wednesday even ing wit h music and addresses ; the music was by the Glee Club and orchestra and was highly appreciat ed. I have been a sufferer from cbronio diarrhoea ver since the war and hare used all kinds of medicines for it. At last I found one remedy that baa been a access as a care, and that la GhamberlahVa Colic- Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. P. ' Oeisbam, Geara Mills, La. For rVfcy all DrufgHst". p Jtpi I For the short time w bare been in businpg, our store and (roods have become well od favorably known a to qutilitv. LOW PRICEfc and FAIR DEALING. from New York and Philadelphia. Larsnst stock 1 Bent 8 took I Lover prices ! The bareains we (rive hold your custom ; be convinced by ri inn us a call. DRESS GOODS. - We can show you 250 kinds of Dress Goods, Noveltien, Mohair and in fact all kinds of the latent Pattern. Remember we are Renins' all our Dress Patterns i only one Pattern of a kind t find in this way we can show you a larger assort- mnnr. in Tirana ftnnJa nnil aall at lower prices. We can show you Novelty Dress (ioods from 80 to 90c 1 ri-n.-j it- i- j joiu. villi luu nnv iuib I1UC, HI1U we are sure you will find a bargain. LAWNS. p L n- n .it c r rum ua to oo r buct, unll iW1H, Bhold Dimity, Friu'd Dimity, Frig'd Or?.. Peracle. Senre Pn in fuM n show you a fnll assortment in all kinds of Dress Goods and Ginghams. Dress Ginghams Co to 15e ; all Apron ftiflffham. T,nnrnflter fin . nil TUa Calico only 5o. ; ...... SHOES, To fit the foot and fit the Durse at our store, we always try to give our customers flits : we do not ask vou to make your foot fit the shoe; but we simply give you a shoe that fits the foot. We just received a laree new line of Spring and Summer styles in Russets and Patent Leathers and all kinds, the latest styles and lower prices. Call and see for yourself. Groceries. Arbuokles' and Lion Coffee, 11c; 4 lbs. for 40o. Winner Coffee. 13o ; 2 lbs. for 25c. Loose Roasted Javo, 13c: 2 lbs. for 25. Java and Mocho. 85c ; 8 lbs. for 90c. Extra loose green coffee, 25o. 10 lbs. bolt A Sugar, 50c 9 lbs Gran ulated, ouo. 2 lbs. Light Brown. 50c. Corn Starch, 5o ; 8 lbs. for 12c.. New Rice, 5 t very nice. Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. Syrup, 18c. a gal. Light Syrup, 85c. a (.'al. Chocolate, 180. Baking Soda, 4c. per lb. Bokmg Powder, 6c. i lb. Rasine, 7c. Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Oatmeal, 10c., 8 packages 2-ic. Crushed wheat, 15c, 2 packages 25c. Coffee cakes, 5c. a lb. Gipger snaps, 5c. a lb. Oyster crackers, 60. a lb. Knirk-knocks, 80. a lb. Water crackers. 9c a lb In Carpets, Kags and Oilcloths we hove all the nearest Da t terns and choice colorings. The latest de signs are beautiful and at about a quarter off from former prices. liooa ingrain Uarpet, only -fc Good Home-made Carpet, 25c. 8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 50c. per yd. tf-4 Table Oilcloth. 14c. per yd. 5 4 Table Oilcloth. 12c. per vd. Carpota I Carpota I !.., barpota ! I CMS! 8 . A AH Kinds. riTTHiOSi! M AH Prices;68' The whole loww - M.cu up wiui varpers. Kam Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain PoW I WirU Bug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &c, Ac,, We can show you the largest ard best selection of the above good ever shown in Lewistown. 1 . . . . Rag Carpet as low as 20a and J rVirtstn i q im.f tt on. i, ri v eivei iarpet " 76c. Brussell Carpet as low as 50a and up AH Wool Carpet " ".',50a . Half Wool Carpet . 35a M -0hina and .TanAn AfAt finer inn Unii n ai i. i ......g, w mvsio w kjviovi, jcrom. Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods. RC8peCtfally' W.fi. FELIX, Lewistwn, Penn'. Liberal Adjustments. Prompt Payment H. HARVEY BCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY. SEONDQBOVBji FA, nut,? i.i rvi.i..i OA . . vuv vu-nmrironge8i uompanies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. Wo Assessments No Premium TTnta. The Aetna Founded A. D.. 181ft AflflAraftll flKK. Kioccl American - u i8l0 a . OOJ . Hie oianaara Acciaent in$urance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. Your Patronaee Solicited. HOId on to Your Dollars, Until you see Sohd-fact Bargains.. We haw opened the Season with a stock of goodi tnat beats the record for beauty and low tpnees. Be fair with yourselves and bm our Elegant Stock of Spring Clothin 1 presents an opportunity for economy al buying that is not found elsewhere. Spring Hats, f aijcy Styrt? Evervhriftv We have just what you need, and at tht uiiuoo tum aeiy competition. We htm , the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnist ffyoods on the. Market. Hats. Cap, Valices, Trunks and Rubber Goods w nave in large assortments. IN DRESS SHOES, We have a line unequalled in the countv. our Snrino. r ; and quality, cannot bo beat in tlie State. We want you to see our slioa. I jienlieiif, Selspyij, t No. 1 Butter, IS No. 2 nutter, IS Freeh Err, 10 Onion, SO Dried Apple., 3 Apple, 80. Shoulder, 8 Potetoee, 00 New Urd, Turkey, 10 Young Chicken. 7 Dried Oberrie. 8 Bacon, Ham, 10 N. B. We bare no Spec ial Bargain Day. Oar Bar gains are Every Day. F. H. Maurer, N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sta New Berlin, Pa. Sherift's Sale of REAL ESTATE. By virtue ot oerUIn writ ot PL Fa. lamed out of the court ot Common PieuofSnyder county, !., and tome oirected I will expose to public aaleattbeCoartHouielnMlddleburr, Pa., on SATURDAY, the I8U day of May law at one o'clock P. M 4 the following described Real a UUtowWt All tbatoerttln twotoriandaituatedlnsprlng taw tub I p, snydor County, Pa. Bounded on the north by a public road; on . the Xaat by puWW road; on the aoutb by landa ot Jane Blckel and oo the Weatby landa of W. p. Ettlnger, eonuintng acre and tt perahea more or lea, oa which are erected a DWKKUNO BOUBI, irr ABLE and OVTBUILDIMOa astaed, taken late execution and to be aoid aa the property ot W. n, Koepp. ehctia's offlw, Middleburg. Pet, May a, ISM, " p. s. rittkb, Sbentc Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days I The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EH TIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE AT THK GREATEST 8ACRIPICR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENS PYr.VANI We are not sellta out, but we do thla to Inoreaee our sales above any pr vlou year. We irtv? a few of the prion as follows : Soft Wood Chaibber Suits $14.00 Cotton Top Mattress 2. Hard Wnnl Phamhuv Hnlta 1Am:illA...un.. u.u . m Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pleoes 19.001 Bed Spring L f'usn rarior uit BO.OO Drop Tables, per ft Woodon Cbalra per set.. a.50;Patform Rockers.... In atnlr ,hln ln f i" T " n i mj V i . , iuoiuuiub; oiirrur, dook U&m feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, SinEa, Hall Raoks, Can. rteftt t;nRlra Una man I n m mnA .ha.n fnMHu A i& 11 , ' frloes rednoed all tbrouKh. Come early and see onr stock before clvlof Vnill nrHa. mnA .K.. mama 1ft 4 a aa . . ' . w u nr uruu on every aouar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, M1FFLINBUROR. P IvIBw In arduare AT....,, Store, T. PLEASANT TellLLS. 1 keep everything in the hardware line. Horse slioe, nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, ures ior unggies ana wagons, ronna Dar iron, chains of au Kinus, IOTK8, suoveig noes, tools or all kinds, Horse Blankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brashes of sH, kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, ant Patent Wasiiing Machines. Gall to see my goods and you will be convinoed tht yon can buy cheaper here than any where in the county. Yours resp'y, I . I : lffrrrr Ht Fleksaut afl bl VUliwIf 1 MiUi p. " A. 1 , '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers