A'Physician'sTribute D Ik issHls Basely tram Dr. MBee ' NEW HEART OUM. HEART PIPE ASK Is curable. It la not surprising that ell Cases are not cured, i Inca no physician haa mada aVeheartasperialstudy tor a quarter of a osatury a Dr. Miles has done. The follow j tribute from a physician will ba read with interest. "Forali years prior to taking 3k. Miles' New Heart Cure my wife was a sarrfble sufferer from heart disease. She I bad a constant flutter ing of the heart and severe palpitation and lfHSSllOCCav8Dtook three Bottles I Cure and was complete ly restored to health, and ha not taken a .'crop of medicine during the past two years. Ssder these circumstances I cannot do latfcerwise than recommend It to other." friendship, K. T. W. II. Scott, M. D. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gfcu under a positive guarantee first bottle tenn&ta or money refunded. Boot on Heart tod Nerve mint free to all applicant. UEttlLEo MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. 1 VM . PWSYlVa.NU KMLR040. Sbnbury & Lewistowu Division. In effect Nov 28, 1897. raSTWABD I Die. I staios. I kastwab p: III I. VI .2II 1.1 WO 4.01 J rut M AM" .: .1110 S.24 .1.1. t t.tn .m !W 2.Si id i;i7 1 I ii m A. I. a ni I. m 'l'i.us LewUtown J. l.m t.ns 112.02 Mala Street I 7. .18 1 I.uS ilj.oui Iewlstuwa : T.1M 1 S. In II 61 t Msltlaatt ; 1M ' i.va iii.4t c , Painter 7.4 a as .11.40 II Mhloill ' 7.64 i S8I 11.30 13 ; Wanner ; 7.v ' )M 17 MoOlure 8 OH 1 a.iS 18 H Haob'i Mills I S.1U 3,11 II 12 2i I Adaambur ' s.M ' h.ah 1 1 .OS 116 Heavertown 1 S.M 4.04 1U.4 M Beolor , H.il4 4.14 10.611 1.1 Mlililleburgb 8.111 421 iu.43 S'l : veuer 1 8 4H i.M loan IT K rennet ! 9.4 . IMS an Pewllnr ! Si . jw.vs 4a . yeliDnruv i w.on 4 'i lu.17 46 Sellnnicrove J.I .a 4.41 lucj tl Suntourv 9.18 00 Iriun JeaveH iMinbury r 'i.i p m, ar rives at Sehnsgrove 5 45 p 111 fraiii. leave Lewintown Junction : I Va in,U) 13 a in.l27 P ra,5 47v m,7 07 11 SSim Altnoim, I'llHlmrK and the Went. Kor ll'iltliiKiniHnil WitnliliiKton VilSain 102. t:ia 4 15 lip m K'ir IMiMH.Iolihl nml Nw York H 8.1 II V am. 1 0 1 83 4 43 and 1118 pm Kut 'snrrlntiurx 7 0) 111 and K 14 111 Pniladelphia & Erie R R Division AND NOKTUKIx.N fK.NVUAI. R A' LW AY Vrmia li've siiniinry dally exeotit Sutid iy : . ! a la lor Kriii mil Ciiniijiililn Ma 111 fur Hellelinti Krl 11 n. I CiinanilaiKiiii jttn lor lM0i llsvon, Tyrone nnd the West. 1 10 p 111 fur Hellelmite Kuiit X CamibilulKUH VSl.p 111 lor UcDOf'o mill Eliulru t i ui lor lot k H.ivoti n"..iy 5 -8 a in I"' Krle and ('uti inilnluuii itfvuin for Icicle Huven and Hilpm lor U (1 Jam)Hirt iftti in torlTjtnwl-M:i and llu.niton iji n 111, 11 Vi 11 hi 2 IK) iiml r 4:i p hi lor Wllki!- 'juiti' uiid lliirltiiii in. 10 4) 11 in, -i n; p iu. 5 41 p m for SI111100 A10 mill IMuiinM'ariiit'l Siiiiiluy 0 IV) i iu lor WllUo-ih.ir.-i- Trnlni leiive Soliniijrovo .linictliin WiDHk in; woik i1:ik iirriviiiK at flill nlelplil.i too p in New Ynrk'j 53 p in liallliuore H ll p in VaihlUKton4 10 pin iM p 111 ilmly arriving at I'lilladolpliU J-W p m Nw York 8 M a iu. HalMiuore 0 1 p 111 Otlpiu, weuk iliiyn arriving l I'lilladolpliU ttl iu Now V in k 7 :n a 111 Tni'ns alau leave Siiniinry : t :.9 a-m .hilly urrlvlim at I'hlladeldhla S .Vi a in Nultliimre 6 41 n in WalinKtoli 740 am Now (brk VKl.il 111 Weekdtya, 10 3H a m Munilay, 15.1 niu, work day arriving at Philadelphia n ni, New York v :J0 p 111, Haltlmore S ou p ui Wa.ihlNglon 7 I", p in Truin alfu lavf Sunhury at I V) a in and M5 aanictapic, lur IliirrlnburK, Philadelphia ami nktUliuoru I K. WOl, (len'l Pane Aifent MX HUTOIIINSUN (lea'l Manager DVOfn Tiriv irm t tittj i WANTKD Airenta to aell waaliiiig maclilnca i Knoll, hi, h. t Ml., lebanon, J"o. jy 1 a. We Hake WH EC I C ' IT ULililiiJ, Too! 1IUER RODE ONE 2093 MILES IN 132 HOURS The Eldredge 050.00 The Belvidere 040.00 Safterlor to all other Irrespective . of prke. CaiJlotue tttfts yott ' why. Write tor orie. ' 4V9 BROADWAY, MewYaek.' BBLVIDBKff, ILL, .i.-l:::.: twtr raltatitmsMsx rm Mm gt f tafamy .tkey wan brouftit smcbw to thatr fatbefs naa aa4 m (UUrlvm baaa a pack eft lamU- f mornU tMtlaaa tMBi tka a a Irlarai ail- mwha im tail . .... . I r - - - - tow ana to ng at sows taBatnnary oenu aemon that to lirt Aad then thty tre lid rut in hlghr Bobly U to ftoocpl npboUt(rv4 parlor, the caaked coveree wbaiever cornea oJ wfU aowara y ndnl0t tArewta, flow ioktiaM or trouoU tra (Us.f(stlT, o a naurrecUon with at f" Tti . . r:. Uiga. Tbe 1 text M -yo o,!. mornlnsr at 70m JobiMYll,1U And tabu looked lato tin rtiwa . witaara saaval 4a1 av 1 u ., L , , 7r , . , faoeo of your oaadren patrtiaaa jroa Ignal. out Ship reeflnv malrrtopU . 1 Awning uken In! Phophecle. of foul .Uf W1V -"n HW 1 weather everywhere. The cloud, con- ZttSKEStZSSZ gregate around the sun, proposing tl I " abollah him. But after awhile he asaall. Y? "V" Dr. Tali a peaa of congratulatloa, that by you tlllery of light, and here and there Is --- - ' .v. M the prospect for the heaTU th banka of the clouda with flying ar: of your chlldraa are mightily Unproved you may hava lost a toy, but you havt a sign of clearing weather. 'Many diet not observe It Many do not realise It ' A n 4 nnw. man baa ha tli. HvlvKfr llvttl which la In the clouda." In other wordi WB P.,C" w " '' ' ' J Aaain, a rwiumrK jnit uiii 10 niajn the vary beat of yonr bereavements t The whole) tendency la to brood ovet these aeparattona.1 and te give much time to the Handling of memerKoea of there are 100 men looking for aunshlne. My object will be to get you and my elf into the delightful habit of makini the beat of everything. tlatlc. that In India In the year 1871 J!pa'1' tC m","f V,?"w .i. . ,. .,.. tlona to the cemetory. and to say: "Oh, wild beaste. and that in the year 1871 1 C"1 "ver 'k P y hop Ir i.hi. ..... M rwvi 1. on- My courage la gone. My rellg- deatroyed by wild animal. 'But thers J- la a monster In our own land which li year by year destroying more than that. It is the old bear of melancholy and with gospel weapons I propose t chase It back to Its midnight caverna I mean to do two sums a sum In sub traction and a aum In addition a sub traction from your days of depression and an addition to your days of JV If God will help me, I will compel you Oh. the wear and tear and exhaustion of this sickness!" Tho most frequent bereavement la the lose of children. It your departed child had lived aa long as you have lived, do you not suppose that he would havt had about the aanat amount of trouble and trial that you have had-? If you could make a choice for your child between forty years ot annoyance, loss, vexation, exasperation and bereavements and forty yeara ot a - . ,k. Vln1. 1 tr.V. t lhal I h.ro 1. In . . . B . . . ... heaven, would you take the responsl- the clouds and compel you to make th, wmd best of everything. J ' ttonal In the nrat plaee. you ought to mak. J nand.th. the very best of atl your financial mis- ' . . . . . , . ... cup of many bereavements? Instead of fortunes. During the panic a few year, " Jnto tna, ago you all o.t money Some of yot J oat it in most unaccountable y-Fn mof. the question of how many thousand! ..... of dollar, shall I put aside -y, 7.ct that you have ho man, you aubstltuted the que. Ion V Ho own .hall I pay my butcher and baker and when you are clothter and landlord?" You had th4. j, . i , ,w ; Rolng on a voyage, everything depends sensation of rowing hard with two oar ., .. . and yet all the time going down stream1 un w,h're Tt . u ilt or Tot. did not .ay much about It be. ?" " th ,whar th 'ou rnn cause It Was not politic to .peak much he wrf whlch Jou olnr: of financial embarrassment, but you, J Infc othe' vord"' wife knew. Less variety of wardrobe. frlenf yU hV ln "f Ven, eM " more economy at the table, self denial " wl be t0 fm thta In art and tapestry. Compression. re-jTh" "ore friend, here the more bltte, tronchmcnt. Who did not feel the ne-' troodbya. The more friend, there the cesslty of it? My friend, did you mak. more Klorlou welcomea Some, of you h.t f h.? Are vou 'aware ol ve " many brother., .Istera, chll- t,w n.rrnw nn e.ran vou made? Bud- drn. frlend ,n heavn tnat 1 do not '" ' trnaaaf h Q f HI V ttniV VAll Afatb sTfil fl IT tfh pose you had reached the fortune to- ward which you were rapidly golngl crowd through. When the vessel came Whnt then? You would have been at from foreln lan,U ana broufht a Prlnc proud a. Lucifer. I t0 our httrbor' the hlp" were covered How many men have succeeded large- lth bunting, and you remember how y In a financial sense and yet main- " men of war thundered broadside talned their simplicity and rcllgloui bu ther a" no there Compared consecration Not one man out of 100 j lth th V whlch donstrat There are glorious exceptions, but th. ed whn yu P n broad bay f general rule Is that ln proportion as a ven.y .aiuiauuu. xf n,, ir.e.m. man gets well off for this world he geta J hav tb ealer own LlUllOli V ll.l. ! UUI w - TIIVHICI 'noorly off for the next. He lose, hli sense of dependence on God. He gets a distaste for prayer meetings. With .inn,., nt hank alrkz-lca . ml rilpflfv III ' . .., . . , ,,,, romp and laughter of her householJ Government securities, what does thnl t j j, man know of the prayer, "Give me thli ... . , . . . . , .J. , i -.. m. .... yu nt the bright llRht ln the clouda. day my dally bread?" How few men . , , mm iikiiv me mauiaicu invtro u, ; oui whose children are In heaven?' Why, there I. no more grief In It than there Is in her going Into a nursery amid the 1.1. Larit aaatlcina. Tea) art geaag la ae wei anyhow before leaag. Reavea leaa old city. Wt Ma.aaver yet repotted aae eaaa of slckaeea er ease bin at naortaK Ity.' No ophthalmia fof the; eye. He paeiuaonla for the lunga. No nlaurtay for the ride. . No' neuralgia ' for the aervea. c Na rheumatlaa for the mua clea "The tahabi touts shall never aay, I am sick." "There shall be no more lurculv nllr.riuf 111 In thin u'nrld nrft bringing houIb to ChrlHt or .l.owlmj' gl"r,,,ed klndred.? self-tlenlnl for others or are eminent fot piety? You can count them all upos your eight tinners and two thumbs. One of the old covetous soulsj, whet he was sick and sick unto dtnth, unco in hnvA o hn.ln VirnliL.hr In A hn.ln filled with gold, and his only amuse-, obJec' a mile off and you cannot see 1. ment and the only relief he got for lill So also, my friends, I would liivc you make the best of your sli'l:n-s-When you see one move off with classic step and ln full physical vigor, rui re times you become Impatient with youi lame foot. When a man describes an i " 1 1 ,' ' ' : ' "-Wfl T fmGms?rlas4i bfi f I l In time. aoM d-uL' - I . j .. . ..-J'jnl. 1 . mJ at all, you become Impatient of youi inllammcd hands was running them 11 ' down through the gold and turning II mak,nf a K,reat achievement you be up in the basin. Oh, what Infatuation come 'mpatlent with your deprnsed and what destroying power money ha.' nery"U8 at T oHapl;la:8u for many a man! Now. you were sail ', hea'lh- 1 VU Ing at thirty knot., the hour toward make, the wtuof Brood over II these vortlce. of worldllness-what . brood over aU the8e Ulneae-and youi mercy It was, that honest defalcation! nerve8 become more twlt.-hy.. and The same divine hand that crushed Vw yW more aggravated, and your storehouse, your bank, your office. yur eakne.. more appalling. Bpt that vni.r la.nr.1,,. rnmnanv. lifted vou out' the devl1'" worlt t0 te V how tc' " " . 1. - . I . T. ,. iimav uiv nuisi ui lb. Al is 111 Hl'i p of destruction. The day you honestly suspended In business made your for to show you a bright light I cloud.. I Which of the ln n nlAnUv ..rti... -t ..f oinnJ Which of the Bible men most at .ry well myself, but I am so dl8ap. tract your attention? Tou say. Mowi pointed that I cannot leave a compe- Job' Dav'd' Jmlah, Paul. Why, what tence for my children." My brother. a ,tran" thln u li that yu l"lv the same financial misfortune that h CB0,en th0M who wer Phylcal!j aisoraerea: moses i Know ne va a-olno- to' save your soul will save youi hlldren. With the anticipation of larg rvou. '"m fortune, how much Industry would youi children have, without which habit oi the clip he pave the Egyptian. Job hi. blood was vitiated and di.ea.ed and his s':ln industry there I. no safety? The youn. l"tre.fully eruptive. Davld-he had a man would aay, "Well, there', no need ru"1 hlch he apeak, of when of my working. My father will soot . "My ore raa In the night and atep out. and then I'll have ju.t whai cea nt-" Jeremiah had enlarg I want" Tou cannot hide from hint ment the. apleen.. Who can doubt It wno Tou think ' re" meniatiousT. . tiui n i,mi. it m. u.. .if .knni: naa m meume aicaneee wmcn tne com- how much you are worth. It. He can tell you almost to a dollar. Perhaps he has been to the county of fice and searched the record, of deedi mentator. have been ' guessing about fdr year., not knowing exactly what th. aspostle, meant by ."a thorn . in th and mortgage., and he has added It aU! fieen. . I do not know either, but It tva. up, and he ha. made an e.tlmate o' something .harp, .ome thing that stuck how long you will probably, stay is him. I gather from all this that phy. thl. world, and la not a. much wort Horder may be the mean, of graci rled about your rheumatism and short- th o"'- Tou .ay you have so many nee. of breath aa you are. The onlj 'temptation, from bodily ailment, and fortune you put la bl. bead and heart! r ware only well you think you f all the young men who started llf' could be a ood Christian. While youi with $40,000 capital, how many turnee temptation, may be different, they ar out well? I do not known half no mora than those of the man Who doien. ' r ' ' I ha. an appetite three time, a day and Th. h..t inh.ritanr a. vounsr nu sleeps slant hour, every nlRht can have Is the feeling that he haa U light hi own .battle,, and that .life la From mjF observation I judge that in valid have more rapturous view ol struggle Into whleU as must throw1 body th next ' world than well psoplr and and aonl or be dtaaraoefnlly i worsted wTH hava blgMV renown In heaveni Th. Where are the burial plaoe ot tho met Hh delectable mountami who started life with a fortune? Somt' throuii, the latUea bf the sickroom ot them In the potter's Held, some u' There are trajna running svery: houi the suicide's grava. Siut few of thee.', between, pillow and throne,, .betweet men reached 15 yaari of, age. 'Thai ho.pltal and mansion, betwe. a band-drahk.-they imoktd. they amWed.j Ii flages.andi robes, between, crutch and them' the beast . destroyed the' man tranche Oh, I wlsb.aotoe ot yon Borne of them Uvd long enough to grf Ppla h4fara owparW'4jmv..i, thekrrtpnea and weat through tkem' heM. "r ',.. ffj'f" a Mkrrtunea an went through tkem;" StiISja-S.5 m vast jajerJty af them did not J c xM$W TtsFIVQ? 'Again, yon aught to make the beat of life', finality. Now, you think I have a very tough subject. Tou do not see how X am to strike a spark of light out of the flint of the tombstone. There are many people who have aa Idea that death la the submergence of everything pleasant by everything doleful. If my subject could' close In the upsetting ot all such preconceived notions, It would close well. Who can Judge beet of the feat ores of a man those who are dose by him or those who are afar off? "Oh, you say. "those can Judge beat of the teaturea of a man who are close by him!" Now, my friends, who shall Judge ot tlje features of death whether they are lovely or whether tbey are repulsive? Tou? Tou are too far off. If I want to get a Judgment as to what really the featuree of death are, I wilt not ask you. I will ask thoae who have feeea within a month ot death, or a week of death, er aa hour of death, or a minute of death. ' They stand so near the fea ture., they eaa telU They give unani mous testimony, If they are Chrtatlaa people, that death, Inatead of being de moniac,, 1. cherubic. Of all the thou sands of Christian, who have been car ried through the gates of the cemetery, gather up their dying experiences, and you will find they nearly all bordered on a Jubilate. How oftea have you seen a dying man Join In the psalm being aung around his bedside, the middle of the verse opening to let his ransomed spirit free, long after the Hpa could not speak looking and pointing upward. One week of the year Is called blos som week called so all through the land because there are more blossoms In that week than In any other weeekt the year. Blossom week! And that la what the future world Is to which the Christian Is invited blossom week for ever, tl Is as far ahead of this world aa paradise Is ahead of Dry Tortugas, and yet here we stand shivering and fearing to go out, and we want to stay on the dry sand and amid the stormy petrels when we are Invited to arbors of Jasmine and birds of paradise. Oh, what an ado about dying! We get so attached to the malarial marsh In which we live that we are afraid to go up and live on the hilltop. We are alarmed because vacation Is coming. Eternal sunlight and rest programme no Inducement. Let us stay here and keep cold and ignorant and weak. Do not Introduce us to Elijah and John Mliton and .Bourdaloue. Keep our feet on the, sharp cobblestone, of earth in stead of planting them on the bank of amaranth ln heaven. Give u. this .mall Island of a leprous world Instead of the immensities of splendor and de light' Keep our hands full of nettles and our shoulder under the burden and our neck In. the yoke and hopple, on our ankle, and handcuff, on our wrists. "Dear Lord," we seem to .ay, "keep u. down here where we have to suffer In stead of letting us up where we might live and reign and rejoice." I am amazed at myself and at your self for this Infatuation under which we all rest. Men, you would suppose would get frightened at having to stay in this world Instead of getting fright ened at having to go toward heaven. I congratulate anybody who haa a right to die. By that I mean through sick ness you cannot avert or through acci dent you cannot avoid your work con summated. "Where did they bury Lily?" said one little child to another. "Oh," she replied, "they burled her In the ground." "What! In the cold ground?" "Oh, no, no; not in the cold ground; but In the warm ground, where ugly seeds become beautiful flowers," "But," .ays some one, "It pain, me so much to think that I must lose the body with which my soul ha. .0 long companioned.'" Tou do not lose it Tou no more lose your body by death than you lose yur watch when you send It to have It repaired, or your Jewel when you .end It . to have It reset, . or the faded picture when you .end It to have It touched up, or the photograph of a friend when you havt It put In a new locket. Tou do not lose your body. Paul will go to Rome to get his. Pay son wilt go to Portland to get hi., Pre. Ident Edward will go to Princeton to get hi., George Cookman will, go to the bottom of the Atlantic to get hi., and, we will go to the village church yards and the olty cemeteries to get ours, "and when wa have our perfect spirit rejoined to our perfect body then we will be the kind of men and women that ; the resurrection morning will make' possible. .. - . 80 you, see you have not made out any doleful story yet What have you proved about death? What Is the case you hav made out? Tou have-made out Just thle that death allows us to have a perfect body, free of all aches, united forever with a perfect soul, free from alt .In. Correat your theology. What does It all mean? Why, H means that moving day Is coming, and that you are going to quit cramped apart ment, and bemansloned forever. The horse that stands at the gate wilt not be the ono lathered and bee patted, car rying bad news, but it will be the' horn that St John saw In Apocalyptic vision the white horse on. which .Ihe King comes , to the banquC The ground around the palace will iuake with the tires- and : hoofa of celestial' equipage, and those Christians who In this .world lost their friends and lost their proper ty and loot their health n4 lost their Ufa will, find out. that God was always klod., and that, al. things worked to gether for their (ood, and that; those were the wUeat people on earth who mada the best at everything.1 iee you not now th bright Itfnt la th cloud? If your btby is delicate and sickly and . its food does not nourish it, put ; fifteen or twenty drops of Scott's Emulsion in its . bottle three or four times a day and you will see a marked change. . We have had abundant proof that ; they will thrive on this emulsion when other food fails to nourish them. It is the same with larger children that are delicate. Scott's Emulsion seems to be the element lacking in their food. Do not fail to try it if your children do not thrive. It is as useful for them in summer as in winter. Ask your iocttr if Ait is not trut, SCOTT k BQWNE, Ownilaw, few York SZLXNSOBOYE VL L. MILLER, . . Prl I keep ooastaatly ott biodand raj ufeeture to order all kinds of tuwDie and Orevntte kvaaaaaaMfauf AAAtU JAetattaHUU.. Ci CtaiaaT CktBavi atlf) SamalitJl LOW PRICES I LOWPRlct' I have one of tba best Marble Ci tar la tba State and aonaeqaeu turn out good work. . , . SjrCotue and ae uy work t PrJ Thankful for part favor I SceTj 'peetfall ask a ooDtinuanee of i.W sT . JT eJuatice of the Peace AND (pNVKYANGEJft M. 2. STEININ6ER. r MldolBburgh, r.&Mwu, AifflinbUrg s Aarble. Works. ihA' J .WL St- 1,,J BOWER & PA7UNGJ AttorneyR-at-JLw J fnsf a aa a . I Offices in Hank Buualnfc. . MMIIDluTffll V y DEALEK IN R. H- L,ANGE, EIARLE AND SCOTCH GRANITE Monnmeals, Ueatlstsones and Cemetery Lot Enclosures. i Old Stones Cleaned and Repaired Prices as Low as the Lowest. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. A. JKNKINS, Ag'r., Orosagrove, Pa. t!TTAH M 1 HIT 'PTrBtn a Collections. Loans ....a, HI Williamgport. Lycoming Co., K TaAVWkBlltai anaann ..V.l a a. j.ai. I a'vpvoim seuwuiCJU. BUUlftJfc UJUTIIIUI Or CIVCM Mm a nu na. nuA 1 .a wass uj aMw UI M1V WUTIU. iTILDDDPOlSOn aoeh eury Prlm&rv fl-A. oaaaryorTtr 1V1 ?' LTJr! P"""' " Sa ran. .ilr: r wiaaa 00 we WIIIOOB. arm, lf fail to aura. If yon bats Ukra tna? a, Magoasl'atcbM hi month, Sore Throat, any partofthabody, hair or Eyabrowsfa oot. It to tale Beoontlury lLtMD "8 je aearaatae to ears. Wa sollolt tbs moat Mlfl. n. nArlnf tk.-IJul. mVi- .K io Poisoi? 11 - ':v." " m"?t " r..wTrr"T"w worm lor a ZZiS j.. V . ii" aiacaae naa a wara tun Maeonle XenpleVcUoLitA rNewly EstabliBhed. WEST PERRY HOTE? Ona-fatirtli IUi Rial mt si.ka.ul Teams free for traveling men to driaf Katea 75 cents per Day. T. JSJ. Rosa, Xxo. Jury List. List ol Grand Jurori ornfrii atr the oeurt rf Oyer aaa Terminal fJreoenal Jail D illvery ana quarter Sessions gr the Peace of Snyder County. Pa., held aa June Term comntenclui; Juue (, A. D. law. Aurand, Ellswortli, 1 ibon r, Dakar, Holwrt W., turmer, Gilbert, Emanuel, Gundrum, Krcd., carpenter, Ilerruld, O'm. M., mlllur, lyirbster, II. II., Hendricks, Norton, laborer, dare, William, Kerr, Joseph, farmer, Kinney, Danlol, Inlg, J. D blacksmltli, Marks, John, carpenter, Manbeck, Lewi?, rnutleman, Pawling, W. W., laborer, Rice, 0. 0., Row, Theodore, farmer, Stroup, A. N Htaltb. Bennorllle, clerk, Rbolley, Daniel, farmer, Bteelcy, J, J teacher, Bhotzberger, Harry, suotloneer, Utah, W. A. T.. farmer, Wendt, rtibert, carpenter, Ketsier, Epbralm, laborer. 1 Middlecrei k W. Beaver Adnms HoliDHifrove Monroe Centre Union Helinsgrove Centre Helinsgrove Washington SellriBgrove W, Beaver Washington Union Mlddlecreek Ceutre Hiddleburg Union W. Beaver Washington sprlnif Chapman Centre List of Petit Jurors drawn for the Court of Common Plea., court of Quarter Session ot the Peace. Oyer and Terminer and Gsneral Jail Delivery of Snyder County Pa.; held as June Term commencing June e, ltwt. Bowersox. Oliver, farmer, Franklin Boust,Iaac, . , . . Monroe Blckle. C. K..- Mlddlecreek Bowenwx, Isaiah, Franklin Dreeso, John. , . Washington FeMtermacber, (teo. P.. laborer, Sellnsgrove Forry, Samuel, ' . . , penn nsn, r. c., oontractor, Monroe Oarman, J. laborer, , w. Perry Gilt, Iloward, farmer, Franklin Hummel. L. P., luborer, Mlddleoreek Herman. J. T.. merchant, . centre Uottensteln, wo. J Uborer, Mjoiw Hartman, Howard, farmer, Centre Hart man, William, blacksmith. Holmes, W. O., Justloeof the Peaoe, Pens Haupt, Harvey, laborer, Sellnsgrove Herman. Sylvester, farmer, Jaokson Hoisnue, A., gentteman, ; . w. Beaver llahn, J. . tracker, - Monroe Kline, Botomon, Br., farmer, Janfcaea Kline. Joseph, , ' - W.Beaver Kline, jatnei M-. laborer, , Beaver Krebs, Daniel, farmer, . . Union Kreamer, B. W Uborer, . w. Perry Long, Peter, gentleman. ' e.n Mnaeer, onatban, farmer, Mlddlecreek Miller, Frank, laborer, penn McAfee, O. P., Fraaklla Menses. Geo. W carpenter, Wsahlngtoa Marks, Cyrus, farmer, -Ceatr Middleswarth, N. B., merchant, W.Beaver Millsr, Rttfus, tanner, Wublngten Paige, Thomas, Justtoe ot the Peace, Chapman Rltter, D. P.i laborer,- Retchley.O. W, clerk, Retcheabach, Joel, farmer, Boush, G. J., laborer, ' ' ' ' Roush, James H , farmer. Rennlnger, J.H., carpenter, Roouf , o, D.. farmer, ; , PotUger, A. R., doctor, Tehts. P. V., agent.',. .' tftXief.H. H laborer; . M,:Jolu'.blaanUtb, VigaarriuttJirer. ' :rrw.m Monroe ' Xa(r W, Perty Mlddlecreek Washington Franklta Peaa Bellnsgrove "Monroe 1 Tjakw JA& ii. CR0U8E, ATTOBHKT AT LAW. . MlDDLKBtRa.rJ All Loslne. eutrotited tohisttJ nn receive prompt attention. ii. . Pottiejjei', VEjERiNARrsUriCEoN, (ILINSOROVI. PA. All professional business entrusted tomr J wiu receive prompt and careful attention. OBTAINED. DftTCMK r ri' 1 kit 1 V TEEMS m pAaiaiilt ..a. ...I . vuHoumur vufuiuuuiiweiia wiui 1110 mm ofthlB paper, who will gire aU- needed HM matlon. . , er CT1 O O I- P CD O o s w m ro 3 B 3 a ri ssaaw J XA HI O 0 00 o T 3 9 & 3 if 5 g, rl H A Ceaaaen Dans;er. II you hav rr had a cold which vol milled to "wear away" It mav intarmi ml know It was a dangerous proeeadlnga. W Cold and eough wbleh I nealeotad I way for consumption, bronchitia, aathaal catarrh. OMo'sCufe, the famous Uermaaal and lung ramedy, will cure any Cough 01 4 and awe yoa from consumption. Call ) U. Herman. TroseWllla ; Middles Ulah, McClurei U. A. Ebrlght, Aline and 4 aaunpia oonie rre AargesiseaaManam ! 0 ;' ty b MI: Dees Clcaa blood ntetna a elean skin. hMftl.WllllAHl lt f rtm-.Ai tic clean your blood and keeD it cleat1 stirring up the lazy liver and driving i purities from the body. Begin to-wl bawsh pimplee,)bou bloUhes, blackw and that sickly bilious complexion byw Cm. I.Z . 1IIA imuvj ivr icu rhi. - rsta, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c,. Union Steam Laund " "" Adarria & YoUtz, Prop's., : r ' . firriiriburg, H TAULTLES8 LINEN U crowniriir feature of. eVeniriK Tie mipN. FIN.ISH for l thif Iwodry uiamoiiBBpeaJup ot painstaking ar in every Collar? aid enffs ironed with FlVOBUkB Eooes. ' ,! 1 ' Prices the Lweit Wejead; others follow!. "JJ ' ' Um Curttint SdaRf' 0. A. GuTBUus.Jrir't: ' rl, . Tt