The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 05, 1898, Image 3

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    mi wJStSV'VeV TO
U m bnuttMl
-------- -
m. r .-- ' - -
ana too' iHitM or u tNMi trug
u ... . ' .. ' ...11 .V.
vastlfo of woaa, -. - 1
t ow. I think"- .
014 too Mat; rot to bo, tar mot
L. aot tbo lout Ilk Bioko, or CoUln-
nr any otbor boro of tho soaa:
aVhYoovorooids "To hoi" or "Avast, my
lade, below 1" -w
trodltloool oxpnsslans ouch oo thoso.
lad be bodo't cot linstock, and ha bodn't
I ot drum;
at ho bod IHtlo button, which tu no-
Hod tbo Bodnoy rot to bo. door moi
bo tbo ftodnoy bo woo learned, and with
Pot macbmaloe. motbomoUeoM squares
i , and cuoee;
L( would proctleo JusC for tun with a com-
As bo know about submoriwd. torpodo
I tubes.
would looturo with oojornont, (ottlns
pleaouro out of toll,
a tho noweot form of turbloo or tho
Would tbo Rodnoy yot to bo, doormol
tbo llttlo kaob bo pressed which ho
InOUfDl WWHU wnf nun rai.
And a novol cordMo Impulao down below
. .Am " 1 HinuniH. 1UU IU BlUIT
. glyoonno.
Spinning hard oalnot tbo frigates of tho
... w. ll-tMa ,111 h- k..
n urn " --r
a distant roar,
k. . LnM lh, fla-ht u nvr and be
atcomta oway lor ecore
Did tbo Rodnoy yot to bo, dear mol
... k. ...t In - ttlat .
That th conflict had boon for from pie
turesque; with midnight oil.
And hi vlotorloo at tfto drawing offlco
Bui b cam to tbo conclusion It waa
.Jb.mi WavaYa tat aS1mm
and a man. though scientific, waa a bero
just uie hwii
Like th Rodney yot to bo, dear ml .
-at, Jam' Gosoete.
I Providential Escapes, j
Vr '
TI1E porson who doe not at some
timo or other of his life experience
w.iat can only be described as a "provi
Jcutlal escape" must be quite a unique
personage. We have all known or ex
perienced them, and tales of this order
are multitudinous in their number.
Some of them I may briefly relate.
The cellar-flap was cautiously raised,
timl the head of a woman aDueared
through the dark entry a woman of
three or four-and-tweuty, with fair, dis
hevelled hair, and a face in which con
siderable beauty combated an anxious,
worn exnresslon. The woman had
passed through tho terrors of the first
ifge of Paris, and was now experienc
tug all horrors of the Commune.
She looked anxiously in the direction
of a group of men, who were hauling
with ropes the carcass of a horse (killed
by a shell from Versailles) in the direct
tion of that cellur-flup which she now
carefully raised.
In this way did Gretchen Hoffmann
and her sister "run" the Ilotel du Nord,
the shutters of which were closed dur
.ing that memorable occupation of Tar
Is. They supplied the wants of many
old customers, who might otherwise
have starved, while their cowordly
brother Carl, the proprietor of the
hotel, was chuckling in comfortable
lodgings in Soho. Carl had fled to Eng
land, leaving his plucky sisters to bear
the brunt and burden of the day alone.
Some time had elapsed since the
trifling incident just recorded, when a
-scene took place on the steps communi
cating with a side street to the St.
lazare station.
i uiua wiui a purbiiiuubCMU nu ucrv-
ously descending, looking from right to
left, when he attracted the attention
of a tall, seedy, seml-military-looklng
individual, who arrested him in the
iname of the Commune as a Mons, Jao
4ueiard. The man's first impulse was
1o run but he was speedily seized, and,
after a brief struggle, hurried into a
'.fiacre, In which his captor rapidly con--veyed
him to the prison of "La Ro
quette;" his explanation that he never
beard of Jacquelard In his life going,
of course,, for nothing. Now, In those
days the accused had short shrift; the
faot that a man was believed to be a
notorious Informer was enough for his
hastily-assembled judges. After a
mock trial, at which the prisoner had
no opportunity of clearing himself, ho
was condemned with '- nine others
"(charged with various real or supposed
offenses) to execution within 24 hours,
in the prison yard. .
Tho man of whom I particularly
peak waa absolutely innocent of tfie
offense imputed to him; in fact, he had
liad no concern whatever in the affairs
of the Commune. To dilate on that
terrible interval, day and night, be
tween his condemnation and the mo
ment when be waa led out into that'
prison yard to be shot like a dog. would
occupy unnecessary time, since, if it can
I reollied at all, it can be better
imagined than described; suffice It to
"ny, be waa tho last of, the victims
brought oat. His face was of a green
'b gray hue, bis eyaa were dilated, bia
ftftoon already almost unseated: ' in
deed, hd it riot been for tho enpport of
the prison- 'wall, ho nasi have fallen.
The firing party were already drawn up
n line, tho moment for the command
'Ilr!,, had come. ... ,
3uddealy-aa officer who, with , a
rupdfthere was inoklngon. rushed
up to tho one in command of the firing
u4 insisted opnammonVi delay.,
U then, to area! excitement, returned -to
those with' whom he ha been eon-'
veralnaa and to one.oMhese, a man-lit,
Absolute authority, ha addressed him-,
If i A ' " ' ' v i
iai.miir: (s,inpewnt,polntis' to
wnni TtMwmrni Tti HaU
teSMMOBt of all amitteti. wrftk nrw!
poiitioa. I have dined at hts hotel : ?u
aooroa of Umoa. Seo, 1 will prove itbo-L" f rt?n rovolatioav Tbo
yoad tho shadow of c1iwV tlugHi;Ml
hal dead already, ho will respond to his ! w Johaaaea, my tetwttia
ii Htffwnal' -T-'"; oTTant,and the driver of my Araoa.Bo
Tho man sprang forward as If elec ot erd taatrwetion which
trifled, and feU with a heavy thud to Hen, and Wlnff too hot to
tho ground. jetfeehAdeieptonttoawioke. .
Tho evidence waa In Itself conclusive. WU trambliag bond I ralawi tho
Ho was liberated on the aaauranoa of muaxlo of that revolver and earofwlly
tho officer who had saved hi life; ,voweref tlnw' JohM
though before he could be removed he humTly. peoklng-been saved hy hU
waa tho half-conscloua witness of the umlk)1Jr qoUbao booo, i )
execnUon In which he had so nearly , , wu TOU to-day to Join see on t
himself played a part. 'K1 town of San tobas-
It will be seen at a glance that this th mout cod republican
Hoffmann waa the cowardly brother of
the two sisters, and the proprietor of
the Hotel du Nord. who, having r.
turned to Paris, waa arrested, eon-
demned. and thus providentially aaved
by an old customer. Be never, however.
regained his reason. The hotel was
nlUmately sold, and the last I heard
of him waa that, nursed by his elder
sister, he waa llvlng-a harmless luna-;
tic a few miles from St. Cloud. :
Taking events in the order of their I
happening, I may now record a person-!
ai adventure during the Spanish' I , . 7 TT . iu"mk
(Carlist) war. ' 1 look to their guns, are probably
I was with the government tiWps.!la"thn y other arm of
On tho previous day, at the bottle of th,frT,ce Aa otoln path down
Behoble. the Carlist. who had taken Whl,ch we were now flJrtn h,ter
possession of that place at early dawn. ! "k"1' W" Pe th to hot
had before nightfall been driven at the ,U'i"d" ,r,m Crl,,U on Vcop;
nolnt nf th. Wn. .... k.u responding ridge, it may be Imagined
their mountain fastnesses; not. how.
ever, before they Tind set fire to the lit
tle town of that name, and left us an
Inheritance of dust and ashes.
Having, as I have said, on the day
succeeding the fight explored Bchobie'
t.f -.i .i ..,.. .... i
itself, myself and a friend extended our
Investigations to the suburbs, where,
amongst other points of Interest, the
still burning ruins of a chocolate manu
factory attracted our attention. The
door having been barricaded, we made
our entry by a half-demolished window
on the ground floor; and, having sc-
venirs of our visit, we lit our pipe, and i.i i , ,t. 1 I
owv.dii ,ruiuicijr vui lulu IUD Uiru, Hil
ly believing our routed enemies to be
far away, somewhere up In the Pyre
nees. Xot so, however. We had been
watched while "looting" in that chocc-
late manufactory, and as we uncon-
cernedly approached a flat-roofed house
in which some 15 or 10 Carlists hod se
creted themselves, they prepared to
give us a warm reception. But they
were premature in opening their bat
tery. Had they waited a few minutes
longer we roust have been killed. t
were, perhaps, CO or 70 yards oft when
some from -the balcony, others from
the broad dusty road they blazed
away at us from ail points. As for us,
we fled as fast as our legs would carry
us towards still burning Behobie.
The excitement of the hunter Is as
nothing to the. hunted, and in this in
stance we were subjected to a cross-fire
from our own side: for the government
troops had opened fire on the enemy.
I know my companion iiuthls experi
ence (Mr. Henry Lane) and Myself are
not likely ever to forget tho rattling
fusillade from the Carlists, and the
cross-fire from the government troops
under which we sought 'cover, Oud
which is vividly brought to my mem
ory at this moment by one of these
chocolate tins which I have hud eon
verted by means of four little foct into
a receptacle for the ashes of the pipe
of peace. The same receptacle serves
also to remind nie, when smoking my
calumet, of the most irtnrvelous escape
from assassination I have ever experi
enced for they were lavish in their ex
penditure of lead on that occasion.
Uis nose was aquiline to a fault; he
could have given llookybeak the raven
several points but I anticipate.
Two other war correspondents and
myself were up country, in Asia Minor,
on our way to the Turkish lines, and we
hod secured accommodation for the
night in one of those empty barn-tike
stables, which, for the convenience of
travelers in remote districts, are now
and again to be met with In Anatolia.
As, however, we had not long been
quartered there before, too lute to avail
themselves of its shelter, a number of
Arab camel-drivers encamped outside,
and as, moreover, Arab scruples about
other people's property are said to be
limited, we gave out emphatically to
our small escort and followers that, till
wo left at sunrise, no one should leave
tho khan; Indeed, It was already so far
Into the night that we kept our horses
and ourselves in readiness, after an
hour or two's rest, to continue the jour
ney. ' It waa a sultry night, and, fatigued
with a long ride, wo were soon fast
How long afterwards it waa that I
waa aroused by a curious creaking
sound, I can't say; but, as a lantern
which waa burning threw a fitful light
round, I eould distinctly see that the
stable door was slowly opening, abeam
which had ben placed before it having
been removed. Clearly, some one within
waa in collusion with the Arabs with
out, and murder, If necessary, and rob
bery as a matter ot course, might be
expected, wider and wider still did
that door open, revealing presently a
long silver streak of moonlight which
threw its shaft athwart tho earthen
floor,' Not an Instant was to be lost; to
arouse tho others attach moment
would have been a signal for the entry
of the Arabs en masse. I. quietly as I
eould,' rose to my feet, drew my re
volver, rested my arm for steadier aim
on a wooden partition and waited.
.To our mutual protection there re
mained but one thing to be done, the
first Whot attempted to enter mast be
laid low. '
' A Beod, black against the moonlight.
iBeeredMnto 4he dim recess of the khan .
I" . ' . . ft J . '
Kroftbeheadwa. nown.
Wvolver-lna second bew,ld bo
tM trWMx-rWn, provttontlaliy tuiu
j.J fill I
I. raised tbo trigger higher and higher. I
1s proaio
P0" aunnoT the CarUst rising of M7;
P1" known ao Oriamendes, where
t tbet nne materially aaoiatod
7 .wml bttrie of rtmrr.
Jeth U dlrecUona. Two of
our bt.trie to be strmtegically
Te,OTeo. , n tetMUan'
to occupy a lea expose
P?,'titman(1 u WM during the retreat
of tboM ttoriea that I experienced as
nd " long-sustained jeopardy
M.ew ndrwL
. " mu" ? rstooI that artillery
tboJtenient was at fever heat
when the bullets, having already
plentifully bespattered the rocks with
lead, began to take effect. One of the
battery horses being shot, brought us
" ry Retraces
bd to be cut before we could proceed:
and thankful we were that at the par
ticular spot where it happened the com
paratively level nature of the road ren
dered it easier to cope with what might
have been a fatal catastrophe. To the
rattling fire which those Carlists kept
up, our side found it utterly impossible
to respond, and another and most un-
Ptd dilemma occurred.
fork in the rood left two r
A sudden
routes open
to us, both of which were commanded
by the withering fire of the enemy.
In the excitement of the retreat, the
guide, instead of turning to the right,
straight on, tho artillery, with whom 1
L..OH taUnwin. cmie ' h, h,.. ,
a moment we discovered our mistake,
but It was too late. The impetus which
the steep desceut gave ub made it quite
impossible to retrace our steps; so on
we rushed, hardly realizing the
imminent danger we were in from the
perpetual irregular fire ot the enemy,
whose bullets simply poured in upon us
from the protecting cover of the neigh
boring rocks. We saw the roofs and
spires of Ban Sebastian in the distance,
which eventually we entered, covered
with blood, mud, and the foam of our
panting steeds. Now comes the most
remarkable part of tkA memorable
We took, a 1 have mentioned, the
most precipitous and longest road.
Now, had we taken that other road to
the-right, what would the consequeaeeat
have been? A few days before there
had been a landslip a short distance
down this road, a vast dislodgment of
earth, which had competely blocked a
descent that would, in all human prob
ability, have been fatal to our whole
I recall another buirbreath escirpe of
mine when in thojuud of the Ci(L It
was u lovely autumn morning, t hod
crossed from Spanish Behobeu to
French Behobie by the little parti-eol-ored
bridge (red and white), which,
spanning the frontier river (the Bid
dasoa), separated France from Spain
as well.
Being then in France, which woo at
war with no man, I "took mine eae
at mine Inn." After dinner It strolled
out of the town along the Freach bonk
of tbst frontier river till 1 arrived at a
spot where, facing me the stream be
ing about 49 yards across at this point
woo an encampment of Carlists,
plctsresque enough to moke Sal voter
llotta turn In his grave. They were dis
cussing their evening meal, copper amd
earthenware vessels lying about in all
directions. '
Being in a peaceful eoontry, 1 eooid
wlthoat interruption devote aa much
time 0s I thought proper to what 1
fondly hoped might be an effectively
warlike front page to my illustrated
London paper. 1 opened my camp
stool, and proceeded to "lay in" my
subject in fact, waa becoming posi
tively engrossed in it, when "Bsngl
bang!" and in a moment 1 lay prone on
the river bank with one leg completely
shattered; while the next instant I had
made, aa best 1 could, for the kindly
protection of a neighboring tree, where,
hidden from view, 1 finished that
sketch. It is but fair I should add that
the "shattered leg" was that of the
camp-stool on which I waa sitting. It
was evident that the ordinary Carlist
was no respecter ot frontiers. tit.
'.' Poeeloatloo by. m Fes.
One day about three weeks ago a
dairyman, who rents a few fields from
the earl of Bwddlngton, when out In
his fields noticed a pheasant roosting
in a tree about 12 feet from the ground
Shortly after a fox came prowling
through tho small plantation In which
tho tree grow, nd quickly marked, the
bird. At. once it proceeded to . run
round, tho tree In a narrow ctrcle and
at a rapid rate. In a very abort timo
the pheasant feu. from It roost, ovi
dently hypnotised or rendered giddy
by watching the circular career of Mr.
Reynard. Before It reoched tho ground
tho fox had it in ft month and aeami
pored off. 1 The ' dairyman waa so
amused with tho performance that ho
made no 'effort to stop th fox.-Lotv
tTOS$ irSS'
ftflf TOWS '
.."; ': ,T'Tf'' ? "
A now aaottfor dooW no hao
rooooa In tbo eon tor of tho bottoav
into wrhosh tho dipper exactly fits, to
fare tho milk oat and cause It to drabs
Into tho dipper to empty tho can with-
oot tipping it op-
To assist in laying carpets a now
otrotoaot to formed of a rod with a tack
slot oa oao aide and a plunger, which
dries tho tack after tho tooth ot tho
stretcher has gripped tho edge of tho
carpet and forced It Into pool tion.
Tho roofs of buildings can bo venti
lated by a new side pole, which has one
T-ohaped piece inverted over another
wfth downwardly opening apertures
being curved inside to prevent rain
from beating In.
A recently-patented attachment for
bicycle handle-bars consists ot two
platen to bo attached to the upper side
of the bar on opposite sides of the head,
with rteesseo in tho upper aide In
which tho fingers are placed when the
rider sits upright.
Bicycles can be safely shipped loose
in a now car, which has a aeries of
tacks aaspended from the roof, with
sliding hooka to support the wheels as
they are hung up, tho racks holding
the wheels high enough so that other
baggage can be stored below. .
Fish cannot work themselves loose
from) a new hook after they take the
bait, the barb and point ot the hook
being pointed on a pivot at the end of
tho curved portion to tilt outward and
form' a T-crosspiece aa the fish tries
to get loose.
Spokes fn bicycle wheels can be easily
cleaned by a bandy new device, consist
ing of two elongated jaws mounted on
a curved spring, with slots on the in
ner surfaces, fitted with a flexible fab-
rlo to scrape the spokes when the jaws
are pressed together around it.
Piano stools for the use of either
one or two players are fitted with
hinged side pieces upholstered like the
seat and hanging down when not in
use,, spring-actuated rods sliding Into
the main seat to support them in a
horizontal position for nse.
Some battles are won by fighting and
others by running away.
Never argue on religion; your preach
er is paid to do it for you.
TBe best wheel in the market cannot
begin to go as fust as a' five-dollar bill.
It brightens the Lenten season to
notice how few real sacrifices our neigh
bors make.
Economy is the estimate vre make of
what other people ought to save out of
their salaries.
No man ever climbed the ladder of
success at a single bound, but lots of
men have come down that way.
Silence pains more than wonts; it
hurts to have our friends silent, and It
hurts to keep still ourselves.
Everything is balanced in this world :
people who get the front seats are the
last out of the door when the show Is
Queer how the woman who can talk
four hours at a stretch at home always
goto nervous when she has to open a
conversation at her club. Chicago
Wliip.h ia tatter. t thoronehlT
cleanse and purify the blood jiwt
now, or make yourself liable to
the many danerons ailments
which are so pawvaleut during
summer? Impuritu's have Ucon
accumulating ia the blood all
winter, and righb now ia the time
to get rid of thm. A thowmgh
course of Swiffa Specific is tsedwl
to cleanse the blood and puri
fy the system, touiug u andt
atrnmrthonina- it all over. TllOBO
" n ,
who take thi precaution mow are
i i
comparatively saie an Kuumm;
hnt to rtpfflaot it ia to invito som
form of sickness which i bo com
mon during tho trying hot season.
It is now that a courso of SwiXfa
will accomplish so much toward
rendering the system capaoie oi
mrimkintm Ka awif nfllMknnCMl whifth
are bo liable to attack it during
the summer wnea iokness is so
abundant. It ia tb beat tonio
nd Bystem-builder on the market,
because it is a real blood remedy
and. ia made aolalv to Search Out
and ' remove all impurities, and
. . , i
supply an anunaance oi pure, ncu
nnrt rod blrwMl. S. S. 8. is made
exclusively of roots and herbs,
and ia Nature's own remedy. It
is rtnrolv vegetable, and 18 the
only blood remedy guaranteed t
contain no potash, mercury o?
other mineral. Be sure to get S.
S. 8. There ia nothing half M
good. . .
OiiJicotta i!ii;j; H i( ill .:du
Tho Madder wao e rooted for oao
P"roo. namely, a receptacle for tho
urine, and uiutk u . .
ooyfoaotdlaeao.eieeptby one of
two ways. Tho trot way Is from
luiperfoet aotioa of tho kidneys. Tbo
oecood' way io from ear! in..i
treatment of other diseases.
CahaaJtio 1 1.1
kldncvs ia the chief cause of bladder
troobleo. 80 tho wouib, like the
DladtlsP. waFMt.Mt
and: if) not docketed too much is not
,mvm m wroanoM. or disease, except
in rare cases. It I UuateT back of
aud very eloeo to the bladder, there
fore auv rutin a...... n 1
eooo iuuifeted in the kidney, back.
umuut-r or uriaory uasvage is often, by
lulvtake. attribute.! tn
neeo or woiuh trouble of some sort.
The error is enrtily mHde and may be
as easily avoided. To flud out cor
rectly, set your urine aslda for twenty
rourt noun, 1. ..11.. .
1 ,1 . vi prilling
tadlcate kidney or bladder trouble.
Tho mild and the eitroodlnary effect
- Wl , HIV
great kidney, and- bladder remedy ia
"hu-u, lv y(o neeuaiueuiuine
yoNishould hove tho bent. At drug
gists fifty cent and one dollar- You
may have a sample bottle and pam
phlet, both seut free by mail, upon
receipt of taree two cent stamps to
cover cost off postage ou the bottle.
Mention the Mlddlebartrii Post, and
"Hid vonr HflHroui In l. i.
. - - ,w 1 . nuiurr ot
VO., Bin k h a iu ton, . N Y. The proprietor
01 tills paper guarantee the genuine-
tw v aJ IB UUMT
Bao, Ixir nilrlnla.nr4 rmrl ac ut
Man niM d . . . . .
Clear as Mud.
Tho original of thn above, wrttten with a pen.
When d(4TllrtliMf1 ivau aAn Kj. ' .
for typewriter. It reads: "Knelowd find
draft on Nw Vork for tt& rtirwlili-h plpanewnd
mi) .t iirii... am.. ... ...... 1 1 .
wrlttTr J""' luicat impruvtfa type-
He In ptinhatlne n mRi'liliw nnnptnn mnn vn
IIIILf nnl. ttTlla u imnrli' uu .s
letter may not iwUltir1hP. iiut a typewritten
......... ....a,,,,,,, nnn nurwnr-w-tiKtt ap HMirunce
" k"1 " 1 1 1 vj u vivt una ut,t
Thatls Why
Vtll' Khttlifcrl 1IRA a l,llil.'ritiir 'Thn, I, Hn.
tliHHiinw work nu M- him-hIIm! ' standiirrt,.
inuciiuifs, nwiNliiit. SkiCi. nnd lit glvlnir nulls,
facllon lo.'IA.umi users la Why
HctwJfor aoatalogne and sinople of lis work.
.nVsSAI ItrarlMMrn. Mt. t'HK Aj. thla
New Musio- Liberal Offer.
Tn itiirndiin mil nuw ninnl lilw mill.
licittion. A.MEiiiiiN 1'op:lak Mi sio.i
weinuke tliu followini? Iilmi-l nffur -
Send us tbo unmet) ri three or mora
perforiuoraoa the piano or orgtin,
and fifteen cents in mouey or post
age, ami we will mail you sixteen
nsoeH of too Intent nonnlnr nnn era
two steps, etc., full sheet iuuhio ar
ranged mr piano or organ, ami run
erioav Posolab Mcsic for tbsee
AJilress Fowlar JIl'bio Co., .
IudiniiRpolis, Itod.
o auslily
or piTsotmUy. Our systi'm U tcachirq;
daily cxpe-tcacs in pvitj- U.-:ixb of
Baaklog. Mvreb:ieil:aia;, Couheishiuo. Insurance
tion, etc.. Prcniimtorv IVnirtment fjrbackwi
triiiutnr I'raclit ii work ami always rvvurc
Cruuual.f nr out- luainrsn and Ml irtband (Ainrw s u,iji. cit.
enter any div Xc varatmne ExpmtiMS mooTAIi' toot tkumr jffw tinwand mnnev l
lioioit to temporary oravoln when it will cost ywu
a number o( atuitenta who bave ;ft Incoroia -
tell us lout BIX aibQiha ben is equal to a ycur
aj. aa a a m p. to any one ff r Orst Igformattott of vr.cant porctlo-1
lCaVVrrL for Book Itetper. Stennurii.r. Tcatucr CterUc
Telegraph operatcr obicb wo success lully AIL Dusmc?3 Houses auppln.-lwiU
ron.petent asslstantH wlthnut churgp. Refer tn pronainent pafrons In every part nf ibe iro-.'
Th next beat thine to nttenitlnif the MOsTCELKIlKATKD BU.MNKSS !CH( nil, n Aju r .
Is tn take our lNSTKUCI'lOM UY MAIL. If vuu are uneuiployiil and willing 10 siml
send ten two-cent slump fur five easy lessons in sbortannd. Hi uulllul 'al:i.oi'in- tn"
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ta U mi 4irwi
fwff nr 10 yaM
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olaaJar prelia. SkiaWiy
worn lot !
118 twflwa of VtaMlaa
U ! 1m f Himai.
imMfDUawfldaw. UM
a BoVrta. TWaj VaV
aaav Sanaa- IM aa
fftmlts IWTtyll
vr'laOaww uawaw M .awj
. rnavpaav aranea w.matmf. rru
iairtM tMakajaa al aUaaralylaa. aaa.aBnaaaaaa4wa,
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tsoowjallsotftoia the wouaemil dlwaeo
aa-aoOv nwu . ,n k. , .... ..
- --- i.H,iiifHi irw am,
dmoAlamka-KIUorado THIS WASHING.
! PANTaader Ita cbararwr aotborised t pros.
pne IT ao acquire MliUsra CUttUS MiO prop
ertroMo tba wondemil cfa BokaV f Ktoodlko
andlaaka, Imawfta lorOsiwo- alrrMly
'"oeallMd sad billions wr, II tm mad
Ibrm will roll allow tilts galdaO Oppartanltr
0 paw you by? A few dollar Invested la
In this uuOi-rtaklii; may tw-4k rouodoatoa to
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Send Tour orders rncloalitx OMa nollurhr aarh
aluua) ol fully paid-up and iiaanmniaablO- atork
aeMaao to the WANIIINOTOrnoi.D FCKLPH
KXPI.OHATION CX)MlAiTl Tacomai. Waah-
Th fcllowinK Tacoma daalera in aoppllea for
the lUandlke and Alaaka trade are MuekSold
er Inabe Company and will Inform you-ragaad.
ln tbO reliabillly of Ita-oRUwra: Mbniy t
QUnvtlroveriea; A. K. Hnaka. Harnaaa IV ;
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U. Kowhind. Outfitter; llugo Krlllai Tana,;
Taonaaa Hardware Co. tOCA-lyt.
(Wade a
Vtfeil RAan
jb way. J) 1 ,
18th Day.
ai Me.
OHCAT 30thVIay.
prc-i'jrM thna)KiT rmnlta In'SOtaya. rn
Tliilljrandiiurkly. Vatr whpirailothaia fail
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iii-L-nilt tnroti r thl mithlul vtnw by mwi
ICK i'lVO. It qtilrkly ad aural MiarMXaimm
u ; l.ot Vitality. Impi.vtanr. Nialitly KuiiMaona,
Ii Ikw. faillKc Mi-n rrr. ulina Iltanoa.and
all ndrM o arll abuM uni-aui aui laillMinHion.
whlii annta -n for miy. bn.inrM or munii. It
not jatrciinabyatartlnialtliiri of ll..M. but
11 avarat nerve tnnlo and bluod laullden. art.ig.
In hack lb pink airto pBa orbaand ra
atorira; tba Are of yoatk. H wnla off rimaiilty
anaCannmptlon. Iniutoa hlt HKVLO, nu
otti4a It can be carrl In vat pockrt. Oy Ball
l.OO par package, or tic for, with a poet'
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Do NotftMrVr 4Uaiasr! T ie
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rorst ca 4 Narrow lHbili-
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Uirm prompt relief tuinimniu
faiUiiui tnvmorT ml DW waste
sod (Irnlpof vttAl piwttrm.tnrur
nwitiy lnlMortHtuiiocireHK't
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B piummof u ever? rafiinitin
race up the ire
-Jii-cka and lumr, w the
bloum to th
n of yonnii
aold. OneMw boaranewi
a ihtmi at aa..&4i a coni'
.rinu enemy;
'asm guarun-
kH.rt mimir ruonpf rttfnuu-
i4i ran he
t eurrlnd tn rent p at r ill
i inallpd tnplaln wrMKT,in "W rtmivtof price
' o TUaVI'KHr h;iJrCO..Ol aid. Ckieagu.iu.
For silt in Midillclmrjtli, Fa., lv
Mitltllrhurg.DriiK J., in Mt. Fltiis
unt Mills hy Henry Ilunlfncr, ami in
Fciiu'h Crt! by A..W. Snujistll.
V f I pound, iter
ponnd iter ma
aMPTlaal S0y
I n l
rircrtrnc., BOOaw VKKaL.
AOtlrmsa UK.
y uuKht p.v mai j W,lf
buamras irifliiUii; J I 1 j v -"ttfy'i jf
iraaro Tra-vsivorta (W I t4-ffi''!s'' ( "
ward, Wu S V JTry''i Wj)
tuaimna (u.iwnntliy sK v
Uaht I'.V MAIU
niit-iui'Ds finxKmitliy
less t aticnt l to HK'C V i'iw-, Ii
li - nt teachers iviliauiud. Such
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ca .a.rmATT, iwy.
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aawaaw owa4arVBAB)a)
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ta. uaMvaaiaga