The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, May 05, 1898, Image 1

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1 i:
; Co. Commissioner. 1 1
Editor mua nvyiwiwi
f Hurrah for Admiral Dewey!
w. E.' Custer treated his house to a
h coat oi paint r
retty silks for waists at Win,
blinsgrove. .
Mrs. Isaiah waiter was taken to a
Jhiladelphia hospital for treatment
Miss Bertha Crouse spent several
Uka at Sunbury visiting relatives.
Attorney James Crouse Esq.,' has
len laid up with rheumatism. j
Anni? Smith oi Beavertown was
town Saturday between traits. '. a
Mrs. Loretta Bmltli of Carbondale
visiting her sister, Mrs. Daniul
lhouse. ,
Mrs. Ellenberger of Duocannon
visiting her lather A. V. Bower-
JBuy your dresB goods at Weis,
fclinggrove ana aave mpuey. on.
The members of the Evangelical
lurch celebrated the Lord's supper
kt Sunday.
Mrs. T. Me Williams of McVey
d is visiting her parents, Jas. M.
anzondt and wife. , .
F. P. Kuster and laniily of Penn
Vd. were visiting Mrs. J. C. Has-
1 1 . "
hger on Sunday.
Mrs. Kate '.'JNaoe of "Shamokin
tim visited her parents, H. H,
fenuiuger and wife in Swineford
Large variety of matting at lowest
ices at Weis, Selinsgrove. pt.
Mrs. Herbert llowe- ot Millers-
prg was called home on account of
e , illness of, sher .mother, Mrs.
E. C. Graybill is greatly improv
ir his property by enlarging . the
hraue and placing a stone wall
bug the walk.
Jacob J. Steintnger and wife of
artletonon Sunday were the guests
his brother, Squire M.Z. Staining
and wife. '
Mrs. A. W. Smith, the wile of the
pular ticket agent at Selinsgrove,
as in town Saturday afternoon be-
Ket'ii trains,
lards at Wkis, tielinsgrove. ' at.
"Army and Navy coat Buttons"
hen mounted as hat pins are both
mropriete and useful, call at L.
unkleberger's and secure one.
I have just received three ne at lots
Millinery goods to day. I know
at I can give you just what you
nnt Call and be convinced.
In times such as these every man,
kinmn aud child hi the United
fates will wear anAmerican flag'
Dunkleburger is prepared 1 to
fpply them.
Large variety of ladies shirt waists
vvws, Beiiusgrove at
Harry . Harter and family ot
ortliuinberland and James Matree
. t a a .
Vl nister Erm'a of Kreamer were
Mdlcburg Tisitora Sunday.
Telephone 'corounications receiv
Tuesday evenine stated that Chris
lanien, a well known citizen
jarrisburg, had died. He is wel
town in this ulaoe,
James Kunkle and. wife attended
b trial of thettwp alleged highway
bbm at Bellefonte last week.
e accused' proved an alibi and
Mcnsbur, the p;xecutor had
pay the costs.
Eetty stylet oflinan warp matting
Tf us, seimsgrove. m .
M iss Ida P. Beaver, who had been
Altoona, was visiting in town
King the past week. She will
rke her future home' with her
Mrs. W. F. Dagle of Jiorth-
A. Knse2er has been quite
faf the put tca, cUya.;di1got
Mrs.' Hubler of Union County is
visiting J. M. Bowes.
Mary A Bolcnder is having a new
iron roof put on her house.
Large var .ety of carpets at bottom
prices at Wkis, Sellnsgrove. St.
Sarah Boyer will erect a new
brick house ou west Market Street
Senator Hummel of Selinsgrove
was m town last Ihursday after
noon between trains.
Mable V. Young and Hattie Bow"
ersox of near Middleburgareattcnd-
mglie Musical College at Freeburg.
Mrs. Frank Spechtot Beavertown
spent several days in town last week
visiting tier many friends.
.The 8cholarshipoffered by the Post
can be taken by mail if the winners
desire, or they cau go to the school.
Mrs. W. E. Smith and daughter
Annie, and Ella Smith ofMillmont,
were in Middleburg on a shopping
expedition last week.
A free education is a rarity, but
the Post has already awarded six
free scholarships and now it oilers
four more. Therarealolutelv tree.
Read thennnouncenicnt in this issue.
We are making an effort to in-
crease our business, xsonce our
prices. Children's Leghorn hats 25c.,
Children's flats 25c, Velvet Roses
at 15 and 25 cents, Velvet, 5c.
The farmers of this vicinity have
been busy hauling wheat during the
past week. Dollar wheat is a reality
and one which, our farmers ( Bhouid
not mi8. ' - it is , uutorwtyiu:, how
ever that so many of them were com
pelled to sell long ago for less money.
' A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles' Barlicr Shop,
in Wittenmyer s, opposite
Post office. Go to Soles and you
will make no mistake, shoving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-sham
poo for sale. A. E. Soles.
ltEWAKD. A iigiit new
buggy harness nickle plated, single
strap, was stolen from' my stable
last December, i will iwiy tne
above reward for information that
will lead to the recovering of the
i ,i i . i . i
Harness or tne apprehension ot tne
thief. M. K. Schocu. 4-28-2t,
The Snyder Coiuity Medical So
ciety will meet, at Beavertown on
Thursbay, May 5, at 12 o'clock
sharp. . Dr. H'ermau will deliver a
lecture on lvneumatism. ihe an
nual dues should be made so that the
proper report cai. be made to the
State Society. Some important un
finished business is on ' hand to be
finished. Several interesting clinical
cases will be presented. All are
earnestly requested to be present,
v Fraterdally Yours,
J. O. waoner, M. D., Secy.
of S. 8. Convention to be held , at
Freeburg Sunday May 8, forenoon
and eveping. '
Adress, Prof. D. S. Boyer
Child 8tudy, May.Hilbisli,
Primary Dept Annie M. Grimm
Sunday School work, D. G. Smith
The word ot God,' Emma K. Moyer
The S. IS. teachers . compensation,
. ' . Jennie 'Arbogost
S. S. os'a force, . Lottie Hilbish.
The S. St Teachers influence, in and
out ot ipjiool V. A Moyer,
Teachip j he lesson, May Cliarles.
The trup object oia & J. W. Haas,
Some necessities for sucocssf ul work,
r w.LfcBassler.
The best meant of securing the co
operation of all, , ' . . C. Miller,
True basis of S. a wt.ik W. iF.
loteratiooil LesBoo 8yftem, ,C.;A.
' -A . . a
" ' " M.' ' '
Four Free Scholapj ;ips
To be awarded by X4 .
The Best Practical 8cbc .1 in
America, rf '
Who secure the largect cor
of votes in toe ooBtrtt ;V "
plained below. -v.Jr ' '
Getyonr friends to s!" fjtte
POST and secure u. Jm i
SdiolarsMp. ; ;
- ;U ( !
Wo have i ust concluded an ar
rangement whereby we are jsled
to offer each of four young persons
a free scholarship in the celebrated
ristmnn Business College, -Irufh-
kec)sie, New York, the New t'yrk
Business Institute, 125tM l
New lork City, or the
which tliey give insti uction t' J1.
Tlue instituions areknowrie7Ty
section of theworld.Their grad 38
are thorouglily eiuipj)cd foitbu." )b
pursuits,-and are numberecrby
of thousands. They, are ' foC
every city and ' in almost i
county and villaire'inl t 3,,Tv 1
States. . Tlie course ' y l
are short inexnensrS-r.".' ' J .
useful and afford a -r.
for business than .catfTi TiadTh'any
otlier 8ch(X)l. ,
The following statement by Mr.
Clement C. (Jaines, President of the
College, explains what the different
scholarships arc and what their
valup is as prizes.
'$37 Fiiwt PmzE $37.
A $35 SriitLAUHHii'-BooKH, $2.
G(kx1 for u term of twelve weeks
personal instruction (at the College)
MANSHIP departments, and $2 for
complete Short-hand books. It the
student prefer. Instruction by Mail
in Book-keeping and &iort-hand of
the same value will be given.
$32 Seooxd Prize $32.
A $30 Scholarship-Books, $2,
uood tor a complete course in
Short-hand (with books $2) including
Principles, with practical work in
Correspondence and Reporting, in
struction exclusively by mail ; or
personal instruction of the same
value (limited to ten weeks) in any
department of the College, with our
Simplified Short-hand Instructor $2
$25 Third Prize $25.
A $25 Scholarship.
Good course in Book-keeping
(without books) including both
Single and double entry, principles
and practical work,-; instruction by
mail or personal instruction of the
same value (limited to eight weeks)
in any department ot the College,
without books. . ,
$16 Fourth Prwf $16.
PERS, $1.
Good for a term . of ten weeks,
correspondence instruction, in Short
hand, including lesson papers but
no books: or personal instruction ot
the aame : value ' (limited to five
weeks) in - any r department of the
College, without books. v
These priaes are .easily obtained
and the four young persons who
mug me most iciung enora asa
appeal w uieir menua tor neip win
wiu utvm, iiig .rwi wui
add -t,(X subbcrt toA iU
within the nestl'iDOBtha.i To ao-
gentlemen who secure the greatest
minuter ot votes m our
.Eastman College Contest
which is started to-day uml will
close with the last issue of the l"OST
tor August, isy. hvery Inllot
cut 'from this paper counts one vote.
Certificates for votes acquired by
ww subscriptions and renewals with
cash in advance will bp issued with
ballot annexed, which must be filled
out and forwarded to lie counted.
No votes except those written do
the printed ballots cut from the
columns of this paper or those allow
ed for subscription, renewals, jolv
work and advertising will lie count
ed. Extra copies ot the It)ST may
be obtained at 3 cents jht copy.
Votes 'Vllowed rou Sunscair-
T '. v I S . TIOX8.
""For every new subscription or re
newal for a year accoMpunied by
fl.XX) in caeli one hundred ' votes
will be given.
For every six iuoiaIm subscription
or renewal paying 50 cents fifty (50)
votc (wiu. fx? given. , ..
For every dollar's worth of job
work, legal advertising, btteanewad
vcrtuiiiir or other printimr broairht
to thik olfiee, we will issue a certw
pcato, when work is liajd for oalhnir
for" 100 votes in the contest.
Scl;olar?l)Tp Cpupop.
I Tliis Coupon entitles v V , 1
i- Ail' I - "; -4
"r '...t. !- s ;, i; :
HjoF8 contest ior 4 Scltolarships at
Eastman Busim;ss College, l'ougli-
kccpsie, N. Y., worth $110.
Geo. W . Wag enkellkr,
It is said that Clayton Wetzel,
son ot merchant David ctzel, is
offering his i-es to the U. S.
eovemineiit Vf In-half of Cuban
Bryant liowcUson of Attornev
F. E. Bower, formerly of this place
has gone with the Icwisburg com
pany as a volunteer to iiirlit for
Culmn iiulejR'iideuee.
B. K. Shaeffer and Oliver Kessler
of Franklin twp. killwl two large'
black snakes, one measuring ( tcct
1 J inches long and the other 5 feet
lone. They were found in u stone
pile near Shacfler's house.
Mrs. G.W Burns of State college,
Centre county, is visiting her par
ents, Joseph Bowersox' and wife in
town. Her husband has started i
new republican jiaper at State Col
lege. In the first battle, of the Re vol u
tion the Continentals lost 07 meu
killed, wounded and missed, their
opponents 273, aud yet there remains
one nation so incapable of learning
as to believe the Yankees can t tight,
The pension of Geo. A. Strawser
of Selinsgrove was raised from $1(
to $ 1 4. Wm. Swinehurt of Usher's
Ferry $6 to $8. Samuel Naugle of
Penns Creek was grunted an ongi na
pension of $6.
Death of Philip Spade.
Philip spade, one of the old resi-
J i. 1 L! L I. J- J 1
oeiiiB oi uiis oorougii uiuu wiue
day mornine. He leaves a widow
and 7 children and a number of
grand children to mourn his loss.
His .sons are, George, of Beavertown,
Charles, of this place, and 5 daugh
ters, Mrs., John Steininger, Mrs.
James Bowersox, . Mrs. Hathaway
Merti, MVs. Winey R Caster and
Lillie who resides at home. Philip
was an iodustrious man, a soldier in
the late war., and a quiet citizen,
lie was.apou.o years oi age. , .
Tiff 'j rl f&brflfrteriea 4a ajbos.
duw Tift cheap at WwV 8e
MAY 5. '1898.
i. TMK9P H
Two Weeks of Continuous Victories
for the American Navy.
Dewey's Capture of
Brings European Nations out with a
Note to Spain to Sue for Peace.
The Hussion and Austrian Govehunents have con
ferred with tlra' Kaiser of Genuaoy. and have decided
fa give a, collection note that paiqll sue for peace.
And it is given on good authority tftut Kriglaiid will join
has been received vet from
niatiou is brought that Manila is in flames from the
American shells. Madrid is rioting and 40,000 Spanish
troops in Cuba are anxious to revolt at the lirst oppor
tunity. Spanish Steamer Argonauta with soldiers and
officers was brought to Key West yesterday.
For otlier
war news, see
Wednesday, 1 P. M.
. Sampson sailed this morning under lighting orders,
There was a wholesale slaughter o" Cubans at Kingston,
The British consul at Santiago was attacked by a
mob, and fired on them in self defense. lie was arrested
and throe British warships have been ordered there,
A Spanish spy was captured this, morning while tam
pering with the magazine ori the St, Paul. : 1
Musical College
The Mimical College 'y.'i-ttt! at
Freeburg, Snyder County, I'u.,
touted in a charming .valley,- pure
air and romantic scenery combine
to make it an ideal sjxtt. The build
ing is admirably adapted to ib pur
ose, new futilities beingadded from
time to time in accordance with the
njost adyanced ideas, yet the charges
are very low as the management de
sires to put its opMrtiinitics within
the reach of all. The teachers are
specialists in their respective depart
ments, none but the best methods
are used and the instruction is given
individually. The students . range
from beginners who are just learning
to read music to the advanced work
er in harmony and in composition.
Summer term will begin Monday,
Jnly'18, 1898. Catalogue free
Address, Henry B. mover, Direc
tor. 5-5-2t.
Mrs. Martin M. Hart man, wife of
the propicter of the . Ferry house,
Shamokin Dam, lost a shopping bag.
Among other articles it contained
was a twenty-dollar gold piece, 2
two-dollar bills atod 3 one-dollar bills
and I purse containing small change.
It Was lost on Wednesday Abr. 27
after 3 o'clock, between, Middleburg
and Globe Mill. -The findfr will
oe' suitably rewarded by returning
VOL, 35k NO. B
the Fhillipine Islands
9 A,lM. No official news
Dewev. hut, ntW infnr.
page 5.
Mrs. Perry Aurandof this place
was stricken down with u stroke of
paralysis last week, but we are pleas
ed to say that she is slowly recover
ing Kalph Ih'intzclinHii of
1'uxinos was home over Sunday
J. K. Magee and sister drove to
Middleburgh on Sunday afternoon
....... ..Grant Yoder and Frank
Grimm of Middleburgh were calling
in this vicinity on Sunday A.
C. Smith and family were visiting in
Selinsgrove over" Sunday Win.
Freymau is rcinodclinghis house by
giving it a new coat of paint and
attaching new shutters to it
Thompson Hilbish was in town on
Sunday. . . . . F, F. Walter and A.
A. Ileintzehnan took a trip to Sun
bury on Suturdny on their wheels
.......'..Daniel Musser is lying upon
a bed of sickness,- we hope to sec
him about again before long ......
Ralph Mitchell, Chns, Herman and
Geo. Gilbert left for l'axinos on
- The members of the different s. s.
of Union twp. met in Olive Uuitcd
Evan, church, Port Treveaton, Pa.,
ou Sunday May 1st at 2 o'clock p. ni.
to organjjee and elect offi cers to co
operate with the county 8. s associa
tion. ...The following officers were
itiected. President J. .w. Bogar.
Vice President A. s secbrist 8eev.
"g.t.stcfrcn TrcQS. N. Q. Dundore .
. y
f .r
) rV