M a tan to Sin M - TO' BE SEEN IN SUNBRRV;' ;-v' 4 ' :. t :.- . The Record pf 30 Years , . - f Marriagta or the Lad IKirty ''Yedn Compiled to RevveklPUa- T -3 JtanHtfiiom and U Prtaervt thtanieij-V;t V; eldest daughter jf?t;?;freters, Esq., A SHAN'S SUIT $3.19 Mixed Wool Suite, neat dressy and very stylish, at tbe above astonishing price. 7K Lb Jlr : A BOY'S SUIT a: 08c - Mixedclotb, made same a higher priced suits. More tban one hundred sold al ready.. J , v. r Ang. i3,by-?ReV. J, A, , Haas, Albect,Schnee to, Mary. K. Brcjeiiis, . 'Aug. 16: tv.Rev. Haas, Tillman Rorhig of leaver to Kate Howell of West. Heaver. , . Elias Kitster and Jane Cml Dec S, bv Rev. Eriemaerer.1 Charles C. Saebrjldand Emma Bufcl- necker, both of this placef. Uee. 13, in Mew Berlin, by Ee. May II. 'bv 'Rev ErW ErwintV Henr 'Bfciler of BuflalelOeo,- W. Weaver to Barl. iwp., union uo. to , tfebecea Jap I bchnee, both of Fwebta. by Ret. May li, 'bj 'KeV.1! BROSIOUS BROS;, SUNBURY, PA cr WRITE FOR SAMPLES OF SUITS AT $4.98. BEAVERTOWN. Ed. P(T,Pcrhapsa few jottings from this place might lie of interest to some of your readers ...We arc still in existence, moving along with the tile, are enjoying pleasant ami healthy weather There are very lew .ick people among us...... Among those enfeebled and indis posed are George Stetler, David Boush, Mrs. ex-Sheriff Specht, Mrs. W.JI. Weaver Miss Bessie Freed had the misfortuneot scalding e of her hands very severely with a rup of hot water one day last week Harry A. Howell was brought home from the mountainsncarCam nial where he made a very narrow ppe from !eing crushed and ground to death by an engine under which he f"!l on Friday while in t;'rtof coupling ears.. He was erd:cd uud rolletl only a few feet wbut the engine was stopMd. The wini'cr had k-cu him fall. He was very severely linked alniut the hip", but no Inmes arc broken and will lie all right in a few weeks .t 'onnnunion services were held in the general council Lutheran tlum lain Sunday forenoon the pulpit aul platform of the church were bubbly decorated. FiveKrsonsjoin- tl tLeeiuireh Jchersoii Kern, JaiiM s Hassinger and John Hassinger re engHged in building new houses TluM'itizcns of town made ijniica JUkthI donation to the fumily f th? late Klias Foidk on Saturday (Jeorge Stetler's house is lii)g treated to a coat of paint .... Jjk. JIainsis makingsome improve wnls to his foundry, on West Mar ket Street W, H. Speeht js Iwilding a large addition to lis planing mill A. H.Bowersox is oil' to the city for a new supply uf merchandise Scth Winey of die firm of Winey Hrothers went to the city on Monday evening to buy ww goods Mrs. Rev. L. Dice visited her mother at Glen Bock, York county. . . .Miss Mag gie Dioe went to Selinsgrdvc where where she is employed in a hotel TheY.P. 8.U E. of the EveiigeJical church and the only society in town, is in a prosperous eonditia.........Dr. G. L. Heim- badi went to Phila. ou Saturday in hope af securing employment as arse, in case the U. S. and Spain ,aome to blows. . . . .W. H. Specht has die contract to wainscoat the P. U R t A. hall The United Evangelical church that was rebuilt hut summer and rededicated several mmtliB ago, is completed all but a Ettle painting on the oaUide. This Moae of tlte best and neatest places I worship in Snyder County .'and , the large stained glass window in emory of Mrs. Alice Feese Has ainger is one of the largest as well as one of the most beautiful in this Cof the state ..Word has recieved of the death of Mrs. ' Uar&n Eisenhower at i -wton Kan. Her suaiden name was Jane Howell Midsleem Market. Corrected weekly by Opr merchant. H utter. ... 14 EfM ...... .1... .. 0? Onions... XahI o Tallow: m.m.m 4 Chickens per lb Turkeys .' 9 Mtrie o Rhnulflnr 8 RHIU - Wheat 1.00 Rve 48 Potatoes OR Old Corn 80 Oatu 8 Bran per 100 lb 75 MlddliuRS " 75 Chop " 85 Flour per hbl 5.00 Jury List, a daqgbter of Abner Howell all vfcpa)y...ol Franklin ' two, t-r. GteriS Bitter, and Prothoootary Shindle is-cil through town on Sunday in a tcinily carriage, it is supposed eni-oute to Culm; of course the Ixtys were aeeomjmnied by there ladies Among those who jid Beavertown a visit recently were Hev. J. M. iteariek and family, Spring Mills, W. B. Winey and son and C. II. Dunkleberger, Swineford, Frank Iteariek wife and children; and Mrs. G. M. Thomas Lewistown; Wm. Shaw and wife, Sunbury; Miss Jennie Specht, Blooinsburg; W. F. Fecccwife and son Earl,Middleburg UNION TWP. Henry Foltz and son Charles of Strouptown were visiting here over Sunday I. O. liongucreis work ing at Sunbury at his trade as car penter David W. Stahl is rebuilding his house ; It. W. Aucker of Shainokin was here look ing up his business intcrsts last week ... .A. W. Potter Es.,of Sclins grove planted 1000 peaeli trees on his farm in our township A number of our jn-ople were attending the dedication at Silem on Sunday Our newcltov sells a numlxir of I daily jtiijuTs at present even takes sonic out through the country. CENTUGVILLE. K. 15. Hart man made a business trip to Middleburg on Monday Carby smiles lain use it is a boy.. . . Druggist Mohn and family of Jersey Shore are visiting among relatives and their many friends Mrs. Kate Woltley is very ill at this writing F. B. Bolig is repairing his house w hich will add an excellent sight to Market Strtet Mrs. Peter. Smith died last Tuesday night and was buried on' Friday in the Union cemetery. May her soul be with Jesus. Important to Subscribers. Those of our subscribers who ex pect to change their postoflioe ad dress this 6pring, sltould notify us of the same. , Be especially careful to give your old address and the new one. Also send in your name ex actly as you find it printed on the label of your paper. By. observing these points you will be sure to get your papr regularly and avoid con fusion. , tt OLD C0PXS3 VfKSTXD. In order to complete our files we want the following named issues of the Post: " July 8, Sept. 16, 1869; Oct. 6, 13, 1870; Jan. 26, 1871; Apr. 17, 1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec 23, 1876 ; Mar. 7, 1878 ; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17, Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883; Mar. 27, June 12, Aug. 7 and Oct 30, 1884; Sept 17, 1885; Jan. 28. May 6, Oct 28, Dec, 23,1888; Dec. 29, 1887. ' . , . ! Any of oar readers having copies of the above issues will confer a favor .by letting us know. Such mt.t . oopbea mgooa oonaiuoa. wip cocn-i er 1,1st of Grand Jurors drawn for tbt court o( oyer and Terminal General Jail Delivery and UnwtfT SeBHlons of the peace ot Snyder County. !'., held aa June Term commepclft June a. A.D. 1SW. (, , Aurand. RIlHwortn. laborer, Mlddlecreek Baker, Robert W , farmer, W. BPavor otlbert, KmDinM, " Adamn Qundrnm, Fmd carpenter, Hellnxifrove Ilerrold, Qen, M., miller, Monroe Herbeter. n. H.. " centre Hendricks, Morton, laborer, I'nlnn dare, William, " Sellnsirrove Kerr, Joseph, farmer, Ontre Kinney, Daniel, " - Solinsgrovo !nlg, J. D blackHmltb, WaahlnKton Marks, John, carpenter, - Bellnsirrove Manbeck, Mwls, (rentlemaa, - - W. Beaver Pawling, W. W laborer, Washington Bice, o. G union Row, Theodore, farmer, Mlddlecreek stronp, A. N., " Centre Smith, Bennevllle, clerk, Middloburg Sholley, Daniel, farmer, , Union Steeley, J, J teacher, W. Beaver Snotzberger, Harry, auctioneer. Washington Ulsb, W. A. T., farmer, Spring Weurtt, Robert, carpenter, Obapman KelHier, Kpbralm, laborer, Centre list of letlt Jurors drawn fur the Court ot Common Pleas, court of Quarter Sexslon or the Peace, oyer and rennlner and Omeral Jail Delivery of Snyder County pa.,' held as June Term commencing June 4, 189J. Bowersoz, Oliver, farmer, Boust,l4aac, " Blckle, C K " Boweraoi, Isaiah, Dreeae, John, " PMstermacber, (leo. F., laborer, Forry, Samuel, Piss, B. C contractor, aarman. t. W., laborer, out, Howard, farmer, Hummel. L. P., laborer, Herman, 1. T., merchant. Hottensteln, Wm. J laborer, Hartmaa, Howard, farmer, : Hartman, William, blacksmith. Holmes, w, 0 Justice ot the Peace, Haupt, Harvey, laborer, Herman, Sylvester, farmer, Holahoe, a., gentleman, Hehn, J. a. traoker, Kiln., Solomon, sr., farmer, KUne, Joseph, Kline, James If , laborer, Kreba, Daniel, farmer, Kreaner, B. W laborer, Ioog, Peter, gentleman, Hnsaer, Jenaiban, tamer, ' Miller, prank, laborer, McAfee. O. P. -Msnfea,.Go. W., canienter, , , t Marks, Cyrus, faraer, MMdleMlranh, M. B.. aMTClant, Multr, Rutua, farmer, Paige, Tnowwa, Jostloe of the Peace, caapmaa Kltur. D. P., laborer, Moaree Belcbley.O.W, clerk, i ' ' osatre aeksbenback, J ost, farmer, Bouaa.O. J., laborer, ; ' MtOdtectoek Kousb. James H., farmer. BaultrMVJ.BUearpentet. . smtj, l D.,tartMr, 1.4 Tt)S.A.m totter, ; TMiar.lL,afMt,) I sFwm mmm pna; "ww4 Wnwora. itn. Ms nsaaiitb, , . wtas Jofea, tntti Franklin Monroe Mlddlecreek Franklin Washington Sellnagrove Pens Monroe W. Perry Franklin Mlddlecreek Centre Monroe Centre Pena Sellnagrove Jackson W. Beaver Monroe Jaokaon ' w. Bearer Beaver Union W. Penn Mlddleercek Penn FreakUa Waaunftoa Centre W. Beaver Waabingtoa .1 ' 11 h Ualsa Watew. lwaUta, laborer, .- : Mfalsoressj WagMr. wiuaau farmer, . ' iif, wmm " t 11..' ".vu "SwaMH -zmmmmm . .... ''. Aug.," by Rev. Fxlroonds, Henry KHngler to Alwilda Kauffumn, both of Beaver twp, .... ; '. Aue.'ie' by Rev. 'Snyder, Wm I I; Specht of this borough and Sarah E. George bf Richfield. Aug. 23, by Rev. J. P. Shiudel, Samuel ' Hassinger and Sarah J. Hunutlel, both of Mlddlecreek twp. - July '23, Jas. C. Smith of Union Co. ; and Margaret S. Baertgcs, ot Centreville. .. Aug. 27j by Rev. Shindel, Geo. lloush and Mrs. Elizabeth Boliir, both of Washington twp. Sept. 24, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, John A. Glass to Mary Glass, both of Frecburg. vSept. 27, hy Rev. Frlenmeyer, John Arbogast, Jr., to Amanda Kantz, both of Washington twp. Oct. 11, "by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Maxwell Bowersox to Catherine E. Walter, both of Franklin twp. Oct 4, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Michael K. Brouse to Margaret S. Walter, both of Jackson twp. . Sept. 29, by Rev. A.Copeuhaver, Jerome L. Haldctnnn of Monroe twp. and Ada M. Lebo of Fayette, twp., Juniata Co. Oct 18, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Wilson Shaefler of Perry twp. to Catherine Hopp of Greenwood twp., Juniata Co. Oct 1 8, by same, Benjamin Stetler of Penn twp. to Mrs. Susan Wittcu myer of Middleburg. Oct. 25, Amos Bowersox and Kate Ramer, both of ' uear Paxton-ville. Oct 25, Henry H. Glass of Free- burg and Ijouisa Brosius of Perry twp. Oct. 27, hv Rev. W. R. Weiaud, J. D. Hess of Shenandoah and M. C. Kobb of'McClure, Snyder Ct. ' Oct. 18, Pliares Shambach, son of Jesse Shambach of Centre twp. and Jennie Beaver, lioth of A villa, Noble Co., Ind. Nov. 1, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Calvin Forry of Penn twp. to Alice DaulKTt of Port Treverton. Nov. 8, by Rev. PMenmeycr, Wm. Hepner of Washington twp. to AliccSehnee of Mt. Pleasant Mills, Nov. 12, by Rev. W. R. Weiaud, George Laiul)ert of Beaver twp. and Clara Dreese of Decatur twp., Mif flin Co. Nov. 18, by Rev. W. R.Weiand, Andrew S. Youtz and Mary M. Miller, both of Mt. Union, Hunt ingdon Co. Nov. 15, by Rev. J. W. Miller, John D. Houser of Mifflin Co. to Mary A. Bingaman of Beavertown. Nov. 24, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Joel Bilger of Mlddlecreek twp. to MnL Margaret Bitting of Liverpool Nov. 26, by Rev. Edmonds, Wil liam D. Raub and Sophia M. Sptgel meyer, both of West Braver. Nov. 26, by same, Andrew Weader of West Beaver and Cathe rine Becker of Kelly, Mifflin Co. Nov. 10, by Rev. Edmonds, Edward Graver of Lewistown to Tillie Snook of Lillyville. Nov. 12, by Rev. Edmonds, Bos- well Bowersoz to Amanda Rager, both of Decatur tvrp,, Mifflin Co. Nov. 15, by Rev. Edmonds, Jacob Bingaman and Ada Wetzel, both of I Beaver twp. y Nov. 15, by same, James Peter and Lydia Steiniuger, both of West Beaver. Nov. 15, by P. M. Teats, Esq., Georgft Fogel of Monroe township, Juniata Co. to Frances Gordon of West Perry twp. Dec. 1, by Rev. Haas, Noah Leitzel of Northumberland ' and Amanda & Trutt of Winfield. Nov. 22, by Key. Haas, Jacob B. Mowrer of Jackson iwp. to Luxie Dim us of Mlqdlecreek twp. Nov. 26, by Bey.Haaf,Benjatriu Mowrer and Sarah Boyer, both of rean twp..,;, n . ; , . ". I " Deo. 3. by Rv. A. W. Dankar. lleac Beaver of Middletoiwto Kate Ky cv. Rosa. A. rDec 29f-MicWl W4ney of Hoover of; IHavei;'; EvendaJe and-Frances Reynohb-of Lu.M-li1tlliJ'i'r',i lOTtr -vil 1. ..... .... -r- ( . iJOBepmne oitot jremooti ; JajV-TbvRey. W. It' 'ieand;! May2,byRev. EriemnevJ LWni.H. Buov of White Plfreoh'tCrarrnan and RtfHna Men,.i' Micli., awl Wary Emm Krebbs of 1 01 rerry twp.- rv.: West Beaver twu. . " M.' 5.T'h; nS C....1. . . I . .-.'.1, ''Hi Jan. 7. bv Revl t)r liamiltonJ Walter and Margaret Hare! h r n - ' n vi? . "i J. K, Peck otMcKecs i Falkland "anaim iwpr S. Jennie Kipp of Pfoutz Valley, May23,ty p; M. .Teats, Jan. 10, by Rev. ' Erlenmeyer, M 0 . Ellington Iwp. w !- T tr i -a I .-i T 4v li.' n.j.': r ntneis . u, . ixiyer 01 asnington 1 - t -1 , uy xvev. rximoii twp. to Elizabetli Benfer of Mid- miah' . Miller ; td ' Sarah' X'ai dlecreek twy. Spjgelmycr,both of Beaver t Jan. 21, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, May 31, by.. Rev, Ediuoi Levi H Benfer. n .1 .v4 r :Ji 5 Hartman, Esq., Henry lleicheDbach lioub "d Tillie J. Gross,' J and Sarah Beitret both of Centre ver iwp.. a " . T '- I n ..wh twp. . , - I . "" rlenf V no r. vr i Tt ! 1 r I Amna Ri.lin. orit Ttiana ' W iibu. Ot ivev. xrimter. jjbviu yj-1 r Wendtto Emma . Heiser, Wh of y Middlecreek twp. Monroe two. . " I r oc " .' ..' t-. , 1 amy u. uy JVC v. rriin( Jan. 28, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Penry Arbogastof WashjnirtJ wu A inu vi vsmu ouu no. IIO AHIOU) IWU1U Ol rOBQ tlVDl ..jci . . xp.cy vi w xruu, , June b j. - ,, ofRichacldandllanna GanJ r eb. y, Dennis Snyder olouubury I Perry twp. woainei-isncroirenntwp. June 10, by.liev. W.Jt.W 1 r. 1 -air w p il - ' w "1 j; en. iu, ny itev. vt.K. w leana, Jacob A. J? reed of BeavcrtoN Edward Scebold of Union Co. to Alice Mover ot Parinnvilla Lizzie Manbeck of Snyder Co. T . , . . , I unf v June 17, byRcv.L.C.EJi ieb. 11, by same, Jacob M. lees near McClure Paul , ErdK to Amelia B. Herbster, bothot Bea- Su8an Aurand) of ;3m w..k in i... p-.: w W wi' .J.u!r Weirit. , , V,Vr," 7, J 1"uo oi this borough. both or Mifflin Co. T 0 . n . vi t 1, 0.1 t ! J tme 20, by Rev. W. A. . ieb. 4, by Rev. Sohme, Lev a A. fit!,! n Young tollarriet Fessler, of Centre- Ca andMaryGemberUngofj IT l'"f VVtAlll'. T nn x IkT' .1 . r 11 el .1 ' j t ' ' tfuuew,ai ixoruiumrjenaa Yu c x- uane "OU8er Rev. James Hunter, Dr. uvususuuipHHx. Womer to Lizzie Wolf, W tcb. lb, by Kev. D. 31 btetler, Fremont. David Kline of McClure to Delila June 22, by Rev. L. C. Ed. Goss of Mlddlecreek twp. H g j lm f West , Mar. 0, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Jane M. Pheasant of .Huiith! John Hartley to Jane Swarm, Pa. uoinoiMmtretwp.. . July 8, by Rev. Edmonds, Mar. 9, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, J. Furguson of Ohio to Katt S111 11. detleries ot bunbury to ljouisa Beavertown. , SecsholtzofSelinsgrove. July 18, by Rev. J. P. k 3lar. y, by Itcv. Erlenmeyer, Franklin W. Erb and Sal Jacob Martin of Freeburg to Mary Frantz, both of Paxtonville. Ann rorry ot renn twp. July 18 l)y Ke j A, bT 'Vereiltn a I.. 1 Mar. y, in Mitiuieburg, by Kev. Jolin, liover of Limestone D. M. Stetler, Moses Specht, Esq., Union Co.; and Elizabeth II and Mrs. Mary B. Boyer, both of of this county. uns county. jH,y , t Kant . Mar. 18, by Rev. Edmonds, Hughes, Esu.. William Auni 1 ni ar ar t ' 1 samuei omrey to wary Mcuieiian, Williamsport to Ellen Nau uoin 01 ivuainDurg. i'enn twp, Mar. li, by Itcv. W leand, How- Amr. 8. near Beavertown. 1 itwi .1- 1 -a ar rn I J ' ' I ara KiineioiiyuiaMoyerot iroxel- m. M. Stetler, Michael Folk Vine. . Reaver to A melia H"nin. nf Mar. 28, by Rev. E. L. Reed, creek twp.. Milton R. Wenriek to Josephine Aug. 1 by Rev. J. W. Hane, both of beliusgrove. Wm. H. Snook and Ivina Mar. 18, by Rev. Haas, Daniel both Centreville. Dieffenbachof Penn twp. to Cathe- Aug. 1, by Rev. Edmondi nne Koush ot Washington twp. t Herbster and AtneliaRomi; Mar. 25, by Rev. llaas, Frederick I from West Beaver. Koush ot Washmgton twp. to ( Amr. 10. bv Rv. VAmtm Amanda Jane Dieffenbach of Penn Vagner of Mich, and Mrs. S lwP- Weaver of West Beaver. Apr. 5, in Freeburg, by Rev. W. ij.-' ik hv Riv. h O. A. Haas, Henry B. Moyer, junior mever. Iio Roott. of TV -j; it. f 1 n . . i , n wuwr oi me xreeourg uuncr, nuu Northumberland Co., td Anna lizzie iuenz, oowi 01 x rwourg. ring Heiees of PerrY two. Mar. dl, Kev.' J. Uowcr, Amr. 29. bv .fMrnnnflT fnrmprlv ni Rnvthr nniini-v, nnw rp-lir m 1 tw J .v....v.r j r . -w iwi niTaii stit nvin .'ieihsb no sident in Morgantown, W, Va- and Smith of Mrddlehtuw. I it it it : e 1?. :n tx. I e I aa. a. xr. s fcpt. 5f by J. Apr. 13, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Albert Clelaa of Perry dm( Amon Rel of Paxinos to L. Laura Anna Spaide of Franklfa tw -Apr.JW, by Rev. J. Weuick, m NawBeilin, Charles Dru Henry P. Beaver of AviUa, Ind. Mill Run, Northumberland ( and Mary h. Buffington of Franklin Maggie S.CaUierraan of New twP ' ' 8ept 2, by same, Jar Apr. 9, near Fremont, by Rev. KiJmr r.fT tWiin aim X a. Tim Oa! A 1 t! I ' 'w A Mjamt, Tf iiww owfver 10 ivmeua L Hall of Jxdomore. ; -' Arbogast, both of Perry twp. m ;A 28, ; Joaeph Gek . Apr. 18, by Key. D. M.' v8tetler, Wnite Springs and Susan Y. Robert Reanck to Ameha Moyer, Beaver ' ' Apr. 10, vj f mt. xitwucycr,! w, HerTOld and Clata Peter Heintaelaaanof fliapmaji twp. kab of TTwh" iwn. name uuoerx 01 Uw, . t Umj u , W j ', ' . " 1 5 ,x.. 1 LinioB,Ewp. ana Amanaa , "Anr. 15. bv same. Uenry.IJnterlnr whu. M . 01, ocauyiaui. vor., asKi jimit HemtBelman of Chapman twp. .. i, ( ' ' Apr. 18," by Stv; Erluneyer, PWlip H. 8mkh of Perry tw anf Mary MM3tinsey of folintma, Air. 25, by Ew.; Itner.uefia O. Oarrber toBiLJ.GnfejrUKS, If r-ki iiv.-tt t.t I: U .v !" CUrcax: Old Fine WMmimU win. fc aa"1 Imh anvtM mrt tm t. ? I 5a;Ai 'Ml j vil" a. 1 ! " ; a.i.jii ' f tf.i .i" i.iJ '. :w?-..':.,'; i:'..i .vt.'wui-. tit (Kf-.lr .,-!, al Ul" i' 'I i, -.' i p.' . ,V. .'ft. :.'