- " . I - 'a F ...w 0'7V- ; " .-. vy: . . . "Spainl Paint No gain." James II. Long has been appoint l postmaster at Crossgrove. Miss Lillie Ponkteburger has been visiting relatives in Union twp. W. H. Ulsh of Middle Creek will move to A. H. Utah's in Swineford. L. Q. Yost of Nuremburg spent Sunday with Sheriff Ritters family. Clem Spangler of the Shamokin Rmrineas Uoilcsre spent Sunday in town. ...... Miss Mabel Grimm spent last week with Miss Lottie Spangler at Verdilla. . ; . F. W. Gundromof Bannerville was in town between trains on Tuesday morning. Steinincrer Bros, have put a new roof upon their warehouse at their Fob Sale. lb. beef. Call or address Box 60, Globe Mills, Pa.' ' . ' ; : tf. Joseph Frock , and wife of near Art ley's church visited o. U. Mover's on Monday afternoon. A 'j ! y 4 Daniel Kleckner of Mifflinbutg on Sunday visited D, T, Rhoads, liia brother-in-law titfW pftoej A. M. Gamian and family of Mt, I'lensant Mills spent Sundav with C II. Steininger and wife. Uue Dollar. Hint amount paid , liefore June 10 will bring the Post to your adress for a whole year, Samuel M. Kauttman, propietcr of the Keystone hotel, Selinsprove, was a county seat visitor on luesdny. Misses Lottie and Annie Sangler of Verdilla, were the guestsof Miss Mable Grimm oii Monday. ' On Monday morning George Beaver lmuded us a dollar for a new Subscription for S. H. Leitner, New Mrs. v ilebeoca Wagenseller of Selinsgrove spent Wednesday and lhursday of last week with her son, tlieditorofthePosT. On Wednesday of this week was license ooart ' The stout ' men of the county were ell here and some iean ones too. v- 4 A fall line of tinware can be ound at Schoch and 3tahlneckers tand. All kinds of repairing promptly attended to. . tu ' Among Middkburg's volunteers ior me opanisn-American waf are . veorge Clelao, Win. bwartx, Francis m. and Harry Bpecbt. Dr. 0. Heirabaoh ,'of Beaver- town, wbd last week went to .'New York to 'offer his service to Uncle 8m, returned on Satttrday. . Our Bummer Millinery Opening will take nlao JThuraday. ..Friday m Saturday, April 28,, 29 and tf. 1 Bennwille South aid flauirhte! UeMie.on .Buikiar. drovci to Port Treverton ami broht Prof. Charles ad hisfiWly fa (hlone.' ,. L. Itthicfibar.eaiL supply ypu waists.' fcfihSrtWar: HlfflaW WtW tui Plikl Boa,i Give IWr lHyou anik v Mmtit orfurdarevenifls. - (WnunioaservW W giw w a. dollar traraar'ssQb- 1, i.a n, ia. 1 w. a nm o tmr ' am . 1 niiai xu. win 1 - . am - wibk i nnnnpai huh . hdu i r .. . ii.n i mi nil 1 111 miiii ii iiiwim imimwiiam n an " " ' lr' 1 ' .."111 " " ' 1 ' V MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER CX).. Mist Alice Haines of Beavertown is spending the week in town. James Beaver of MiiHinburg was in town Tuesday and yesterday. Henry Erdley ofNorthumlierland, a few weeks ago shot a wild hog weighing over 200 pounds. Rev. F. F. Anrand of Mifflinburg came over to Middleburg Tuesday bringing his Nephew, Arthur over home. 'D.A.Kern has recieved a car load of pipes. Aaron is a good busi ness man and always keeps on hand a good stock of drainage pipes. The attention of our readers is called to the advertisement of 8. Wolf of N. Y. city, dealer in Wall w. .a paper. It will be lound in tins issue. We are making an effort to in crease our business. Aotice our prices. Children's Leghorn hats 25c, Children's flats 25c., Velvet Roses at 15 and 25 cents, Velvet, 5c. L. DlIKK ELBERO EK. tf. Rev.O. G.Romig of Richfield made a call at our new building last Saturday. For 0 years the parson was working in a printing office and hence fully appreciates the needs of an up-to-date omce. Irvin J. Long, the enterprising editor of the Lykens Regider was in town last Friday. The Keguter is the oldest paper in that section of the state and is held in high esteem by the people of Dauphin county Harry Bibighaus, the hustling and wide-awake hardware Salesman of Philadelphia, was in town several days last week. He is the same pleasant lellow . lie ' always was, Come again, Harry. " Among our last week's callers were, ouiuuei Jf . Maurer 01 r ree burg;J. D. Shaeffer of Oriental; Harry' Iiibighaus 01 Philadelphia; M. E. i Erdley of Salem ; 'John P. Wetel of Benvcrtown ; and 1 1. A. Klinglcr of .Washington twp. Union Township Sunday School Convention will meet on Sunday May 1 1898 at 2 p. m. in the Olive United Evangelical Church in Port Treverton. Rev. McCluin on Sunday evening in church burned the note which had been held against the church for 5 years. About $030 was col lected and paid within the last two weeks and the entire church debt has bee 0 paid. ' . It is claimed that the oyster and the strawberry has done its share toward ' evanirelizing the' world. They have built and furnished more churches, paid the salaries of . more preachers and helped more heathen than any other two agencies in the World. ' There is an item going the rounds of the press to the effect that the proper method to keep apples in winter is to wrap them in old news papers so as to exclude the air. ' 1 he newspaper, however, must be one on which the subscription has been paid, otherwise dampness resulting from what is M dew" may cause the fruit .to spoil. . t Tmrin Rnwaranr the nmtiriftir nf One ni our conentionery stores andl ice cream saloonr; finds it necessary to go to the Medico Chirurgical hos pital for .treatment' He is afflicted with, a very irritable skin1 disease. It 'teanw ; to be. .Inmethmg new. Minburg i aaid to, have twenty oajaf'of ' ft. ii ..''! x " : The first Quarterly Othferenoe, of the United Evangelical' Church wHlbt lield at' -Kramer: April 80 at 2 n. aL Commuiiibn aarvicss Sat? 10 a. . Pairnll Sundayevd. . A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair cut, or other tonsorial work, is al ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop, in Wittenmyer's building, opposite Post office. Go to Soles and you will make no mistake, shaving soap, faoR cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo for sale. A. E. Soles. , $20 Reward. A light new buggy harness nickle plated, . single strap, was stolen from my stable last December. I will pay the above reward for information' that will lead to the recovering of the harness or the apprehension of the The Grand Army Posts ot Snyder county are already making prepa rations to observe Memorial dnr. This year it comes on Moudar. There arc over 4X) soldiers buriSd in Snvder county and near its bora ers, whoso graves ate decorated by the survivors of the Civil war. The Post last year published a list of all the soldier's graves dowrated by Snyder county G. A. R. Post. Millinery Opening. I will have my millinery opening on North Market Street, Selinsgrove, Apr. 28, 29 and 30 being Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Special re duction in all colors of UiblxuiB and all kinds of huts. I will have a large asssortmeut of huts on hand trimmed and untrinimed. Call and see my goods and learn my prices, Kate A. Waoenheij-er, t 4-14-3L Selinsgrove, Pa. ' Church Dedication. llie tKiiiihtul eh 11 rcli edihee re cently erected at Salem, this county, was dedicate! Sunday. A great manv , pconle tumwl out to a f- witness the scrviiiw. Rev. Strunk of Schuylkill Haven, Dr. Fry of Philadelphia, Revs. Barb, Ochsen- ford, lliuis und Suable of this county were present. The first named was the beireur and a cood one he was for he inanagcd to collect $1-100, leavinir only about 8300 debt. The Lutheran and Reformed choirs of Selinsgrove assisted with the sing' ing. Tliis edifice is t he third struct ure erected upon that site. The first was built by the pioneer settlers iu 1775, when it was said to have !)cen the first church West of the Susque liauna river, this probably meaut North of Harrisburg and the Pat riarch Henry Melchoir Muhlenburg, father of the Lutheran church in America, was one of the earliest visiting preachers there. Thesecond church was started in 1812, but was not completed until after the war. The third was erected last summer a most lieautiful testimonial of the devotion of God's children to him. During the period Qt the century and a quarter of the church history, the various pastors; reeieved into the church and carried upon the rolls some 5000 members. - There are upon the records of , this old church the names of nearly all .the "early settlers of this county. The people of Salem are' to be congratulated upon their beautify! .str ucture. " UIDDLCBEK. On account of the continued wet weather, but fsw of our, farmers are sowing ' oats If the osPna jre a crhemn to the fruit 14KW me uuwTi , pcwcncB uu piunw will be aboodant as the trees are all in bloom . I..',', .'. Alvin iJlsh ,wa in tKe city last week aid' bought a large stock 'of , Spring and summer gnnicfrom pbila. brotW et Jars, osepa Wagner was faW vill 'W Monday viewing TJIkkXLoif ftiitown1: .wa. Tisitka Akrio lUJaWver Sunday. . UUTtira .iW Ute that Andrew UUh Sr. is able to be on therrMaVn.:Gi. Yeaga twiMBStteg W paWtowm4was PA.. THURSDAY, THAT" COMPELS SUBM18SI01II TO THE PEOPLE'S INTEREST COURT HOUSE CHIPS. . , DkU EatcrMl tor Umvrd. Rcbeix-a, David and R. Mciser Ex'rs of Joseph Meiser to Maria Hornberger, 47 acres and I erch in Chapman twp. for $4.55.00 Same to same, 10 acrus in Chap man twp. for $195.00 Maria Hornberger to R. B. Weaver 10 acres in Chapman twp. for $195. ' Same to same, 47 acres in Chap man twp. for $455.' Michael H. Mover and wife and James K. Smith to George D. Fisher house and lot in Selinogrovc, for $120.; . A. K. Gift and wife to J. L. Middlcswarth, siHcial warranty for a tract of wood land in Franklin twp. containing 100 acres tor $100. Levi Musser and wife to Mrs. Susana Musser lot in Centerville. Consideration $000. Vmtn Uraate. ' Letters of administration in the estate of Eliza Reichcnbach lute of Perry twp., dee'd, were issued to H. D. Swineiord. Will Protmtod. The lust will and teshinient of John Hepuerof Freeburg, deceased was probated lost Thursday. Geo. Hepner, a grand son, and Davis Worncr, his son in law, are nr.med as executors. f Hcrliert N. Rowe, Millersburg. Gertrude T. Kreeger, Middleburg. Israel Sliamory, Franklin twp. Ellen Aikey, Limestone twp. (Frank A. Walter, Franklin twp. Emma Yearger, New Berlin, f Harry G. Suable, Sulein, Marv A. Milkr, " Our Clubbing List. In order to give all a elm nee to get other j'wicrs cheap we have made arrangements with a mimln'r of paiwrs to combine them with the Poht at special rates. The regular rate pel year for the IV wt is $1.50 but during our special otter we will accept $1.00 per year in advance. Then if any want other papers tht we name Iwlow we give theni the advantage of sieciul rates. The first coluuin names the publisher's price, the second the amount which added to $1.00 will pay for the "Poht" and the publication named. The list is as follows. Pub. hrlce. N. Y. Weekly Tribune. fl.to Pbllt. rnn, 1.00 WaalUngtoB Weekly Poet, l.oe H. T.Thrtoe-weekly World, 1.0 AmeHoiiDOardeDlnr(M), l.oo PMla. Inquirer (dally). t oo turn IieWf (M)t -SO womuklna (Mi, .o Amerleu Agrtoulturlst, 1.00 PraeUeal rermer, l.oo Mtfulnei, Von. Price. i. .M .40 M M IN 10 .10 .T5 7 1UM ' 6 1.00 JO M .M 0O 8.W Sen bo r, . 8.09 Ladle Home Ideal 1 og Tb Arena. ' ISO. McWaU'i FmHilon Hag.. 1.00 Coampolttan. . 1.(0 LeaUe'a Weekly, 440 Review of Berfctwa, tA0 CeoMry. , , 4X0 You can make a variety of com binations from .the. above, for in stance the Post and N. Y. Tribune for $1.25 ; the Post and the Philo. Press ff $1.50 ; the Post, the N. Y. Tribune, Womankind and Farm News and- other papers for only $1.45 cash in advance and soon eomhmatkina lean be made ; to . suit purchtrsers' taste. : Address all or dera totfhe Po! ij band them toour ageBta.') verar gentjepian are canvassing the various townjuhy io this.couaty for thasale, byisnbsaription, aof an endkat 'man of Pennsylvania. New S.i&jP "lTejnan'anow the various com tWtowPfV. giving 1 H thoitoWBwdvilkJto ifWl 1ht ilistance totween each place. It U:adbable rprkr if ? sbbainthif of 'i every . ' . a .... , urn miiii iiiiiiii r naa awinn APRIL 28, 1898. War Is Declared ill Spain ail lie lliil Smies 111 War apt Eati.itr. Hostilities flave Begun In Earnest. A Horde ' of Spanish Ships Captured by U. S. Cruisers. The war is no longer on paper. Tlie United States is determined that Spanish barbarity and inhumanity upon the island of Cuba shall cease. President Mo Kinley has called for 125,000 voluntceers. . Tho Pennsylvania National Guards will ho mobiliz ed at Mt. Gretna to-day, Wednesday Moknij. Panic reigns in Havana because the inhabitants fear bombardment by the American fleet that will begin to-day. Yesterday's report of the with 1,000 soldiers is a mith. Tho Sapanish steamer Kingston from a United chased her for several miles, The Post-office Department has issued an order pro hibiting the sending of mail Robbers atKantz Last Friday night at half paot eleven o'clock two or three 1 robbf rs attempted to break into M. Milliner's store at Jvautz. , I hey were trying to open the rear door and fortunately Mr. Milliner had a burglar alarm which went off. Mr. Milliner . shot after them but they escaped. Some tools and a bag were found that the burelars left in their, haste. These robberies' and attempted robberies are becoming numerous . and citieens ia general should use all precautions to avoid the loss of their property by these bandits. Kreeger Rowe. ' Herbert Nt Rowe, an insurance agent of Mjlle'rsburg and. Miss Gert rude Jireeger . of Bwinclord were married in the city of Wuitamsport last Thursday evening. They bought some furniture tii that city: then went to Muiersyurg-wriere tiie groom naa a house in readiness for his bride. Tne grobm : a p6lism3d7ylu,BT gentleman and.thc.bride, one of our bejst christian young ,ame 'who lias many fritndk . hera .who loin At . . . - . ' r le VOL. 35. NO. IT. capture of a Span bh cruiser Talesfora sought refuge in States man-of-war. which to Spain during the war. 8ELINSQR0VK. Kev. M. II. llavk-e of Milton delivered an address to the Theo logical students of Susqueiiunna university last week Mks Smith of Williamsport soent Sun day with Rev. It. 13. Stark's Dr. Wm. Ulsh and wife of Drift wood are tho guests of druggist Howard Ulsh Kllallendrickx of Sunbury was entertained by Evu Schoch a few days Mm. Mil ler ot Philadelphia, is visiting John Richter. .... .Miss Osmum ct Sun- bury is spending a few days 'with her sister Lizzie......... Mrs. B. L. Russell of Harrisburg, the district missionary of , the children's home society, delivered addresses iu the different churches of town on Sun day... The7 base ball team of Susquehanna university defeated th team of Central Penna. college at New. Berlin;' on Saturdar by the score 10-5,... Dr. Dimm filled the pulpit rt Rev. Gilbert at Port Rbyml on Sunday.... .....The chick en and wa3e supper , held in the opera house on" Saturday by thi Atheletv association ot Susquehanna b ' .a a. it li I"