The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 21, 1898, Image 7

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    s-A-zr i
rw.-1 ' i in
C a. I a. : " ' n i a. IJTTV
Future uoiuion lur present, Beeniing -rviconuuiy, uumu
the 8ewing Machine witb an established repuUtion
that puufantees vou long and satisfactory service"
Tr;e Wlyite.,
Its beautitul figured wood
work, durable construc
tion, fine mechani
cal adjustment,
toiipltd with the Finest Stt of Steel
Attachments, makes it the
Mcsl BisiraWe Mine in the Market.
MippiiERrRii, Pa,
ScdJ tor our beautiful half-tone catalogue.
Insurance. b
Insurance Agency,
3Elmor v7". Wnyclor, Asont,
Successor 1o the lute William 11. Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Reliable Insurance is ripremoiitod m 1ip follow-
crlist oi oouiimru tjompanieti, iroia wuicu to muk .wm
ttpr the World over.
IIllE Koval, Liverpool, Enp. (including foreifju assets) $l.'!,tKiil,(i;)0.00
Jiuriioru, ;i uaruoru, vjonn., toiuesi .ii.iunnc.nii uu.j o,u-,.i,c'..
riifienix. Hurt for J, Conn. 0,588, 0.VJ. 07
Continental, Xew York, '(i,75t ! W.72
German Auiencun. New York, fi.a-Ni.uUS.KI
tlTT.-Mntu.d Lif.i Iiih. Co. New York. !?'2()l,(5:W,!t83.(ifi
LCIDENT Employers Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ins. Co. Subscribed Capital ot S oii.ui;.wi
Firo. Life and Accident risks accepted ut the lowest, possible rate, jtihi.
;ied by a 81 nor. letrarn to mutual saleiy. All just, nanus prouipn.v hih
isfac'torilv adjusted. lufonuation in relation to all Hiihsch d Insiir
i,.h promptly furnished ELM Ell W. SNYDKit, Ait,,
Itphone No. 1W. OHice on Corner Water fc Xn Sts. tS btu-tr "ve. V
Kvmy bosom bath Its sorrows.
Every heart lu bitter wm:
Masks they are, Instead of faces.
Which are passing to and fro.
Caul' wa know the weary watcoinca,
Could we count the allent tears
Bee the hearta all Beared aad bleeding,
ToUlnc on through weary year.
Struggling with onjimilon. maybe
Striving 'neath misfortune's ban,
ttanlllng. while the eoul Is starving.
For the sympathy of man
Would we not withhold the censure
Trembling on our thoughtless lips?
Ah I we know not of the trials
Which have wrought this dark eclipse!
Hope and faith in God are stranded; .
Friendship fades like morning dew;
Wrong and scorn have seared and blighted
Hearts that once were brave and true.
Sin and poverty., it may be.
Drugged for him life's bitter cup;
But. remember, he's your brother,
Lend a hand to help him up
Nor with righteous Indignation.
Or a Pharisaic pride.
Fold too close thy spotless garments.
Or. pass on the other slile.
Mrs. Mary Ware, lu Woman's Work.
Oy J. n.
W tw 4f-j
4 lXU$11J$L,!L,&
are intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now he had (put
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them
if you insist, and they may always be
obtained by remitting the price to
The Ripans Chemicsil
m pin mi v. ' k'r vTTr.v'iiD a vji -j mi bh aisri
WliEELSj' jS 4
ihe Belvidere
uperlor to all others Irrespective
' Prkv , Catalogue telU yoa ,
why. Write ler one.
I'r'-r:. Pfi
, Diplomacy... .
' Toung Lady Bow old . would you
take na to be, baron?
The Baron, (bowing) Ah, madjemoU
aolle. how can 1 say for yonr aeoom
f j)ljbnenta tell mo what yw . leeks
TT'S an awful -nuiisaucc. Will anil
J r'lo (rpltinir enjig-ed!" said Will's
young brother, nu-fully.
"I don't mind their being engaged,"
I said ! lo young sister, slroUiug tier
I cheek thoughtfully with lier tennis
i rae(uet. "Hut 1 wish they weren't ul- ,
ways ciT by llieuiselve.s. They make
i tip kiicIi a good set."
I "Ami there's no one else this niorn
1 big." said yourg biother l!a!j:h. Iting
I ing his raeij.iot. discontentedly, into the
corner of the tent. "I'll give yon .1(1,
j and service every time, if you like to .
have a single. Alacdie."
j Mnudie shook her head decidedly.
I Jlalph was a line partucr a tall, lis-
jiom boy just 1(1. and growing into a
grand athlete inn as an opponent lie
i was rather trying for a little girl two
.years his junior. "Von play loo well,
Itulpli," slie apologized, "and 1 get so ;
I hot. l iitlier says you play better than )
1 a i.ian." j
"Not if he's a good player," avowed i
Prank, frankly. "Will can In at me j
I when he likes. Hut there isn't much !
j difference between a boy ami a man in ;
, ui.ythiug. really, voir know."
"Oh, but men can do lols of things
boys can't."
j "What things?"
"Oh well smoke."
"Look here!" taid Kalpli, contiden
j tially, producing an ugly little clay
I head with a vulcanite stem.
; "Oh. Kalph! Vou don't realiy, do
: you'.'"
j ' "Don't I just'.' I say. Mandie, let's go
' dow u by the brook, and I'll teach you
to smoke, if you l!ke."
1ittle Jhindie inaile a funny mouth ,
big sister J'lo couldn't make prettier,
faces than she; and Kalph had i-m-o
' confessed to a chum thai he "liked the 1
look of that kid." "1 should be sick. I :
rpcet, nnd I don't think I want to
learn, Kalph." j
"We'l, let's go down by the brook,
; and I'll smoke," said the boy, grandly.
Of course, lie. didn't insult Jier by say
hig: ""Dou't tell" that was ipiite un
i.eiessary. So they we:;t and sat on the
grassy bank, a ml he had a few a very
few wli ill's at his nasty pipe. Then
they started catching tiddlers with '
1 their hands, and putting them in a pool
scooped out of the mud; and he let the
! pipe go out. A m::n would have relit it,
I bit t Jlu.'ph felt that he had done enough
for honor.
1 "(Irowu-iip people don't care about
catching tiddler," remarked Matlic,
suddenly, as lie deposited the seven-
i imlia;;py t'.shlet in the pool.
".Not women. .Men do. They like
! everything that boys do, so far as 1 can
see. J'oys can do everything that men
tan; but girls can't do what women
i can. Though 1 can't see that wciuen
do much."
i "Oh, but they do. Lota and lots of
j things."
"We.l, they nin t much good at games,
anyhow. They don't care about them
really, anyone can see."
"Some of them do. 1 do."
! "15ut you're not a woman, kiddie. ;
I Mind! you'll be in." id he rescued her
adroitly' from overbalancing, as she
hung over the brook. It did not occur
to him that a woman might have lin
gered a superfluous second In a man's
arms, just as his pretty comrade did in
"When I'm a woman. Ralph, I'll play
you at tenuis, and beat you," she said.
"Hut you won't care about it really,"
observed be, disregarding the threat
ai unworthy of serious notice. "You'll
like women's things."
"What things?"
"1 don't know, do you? What things
do women like?"
"Oh. llirting: going for walks with
young men: being engaged, perhaps I
expect," answered I'm tie Maudle, wash
ing her aauds in the pool, and waving
them in the air to dry. Will would have
wiped Flo'a hands dry himself, but
iialph merely tossed over bit big pocket
"(Jirls can't do those things," be ob
lerved. . '
Maudie's eyes sparkled very wickedly.
"Oh, but they could," she averred, "only
they haven't anyone to do them witb.
tloys are . so different than men. Of
course, they can't make love, or any
thing of thataort." .
Kalph rested his chin reflectively up
on his band, and kicked holes 4o ihe
bunk with bis heels. "They don't went
to: they could If they Hked."
"No. they couldn't. You couldn't."
"Yes, 1 could, as well aa you.-" , , f
, "Ob. no. you conldnt. My part k
easy at first I have only to look aloe,
.hurt see me!" She smoothed her hair
tad drees, folded her bands d&nnrely la
her lap and looked htngutshingly at
him. Then suddenly Itras very
shocking, but history demands strict
truth she put out ber tongue at him.
Is that part of the programme, kid
die?" asked ber cavalier, giving her a
gentle shake.
"Yea wi,tb a allly boy tike you."
"What would you do if 1 were sensi
ble?" "Nething."
-Then how"
"You'd beg-In, don't you eee!"
Jtalph blushed and fait a bit uncom
fortable, lie didn't bold U the school
boy dictum that girls areof nooeeount.
lie was too nice for that and so was
But flirtation ut first hand seemed
rather awkward, and If any of the fel
lows heard of it! So he paused, doubt
fully, whilst Mandie bit ber lip and
"You'd belter catch some more tid
I filers," she remarked, with a naughty
light dancing in her eyes. "That's the
sort of thing for boys silly, big boys!"
A bad-tempered lad would have
grown angry, and a dull lad would have
felt humbled; but Kalph was neither.
So he just pinched her ear slightly and
teased: "If you found me a very nice
girl, I'd try."
The hot color rushed all over poor
little MaudicVi f.;ce. and something
choking surged up in her throat.
Kalph was so big aiul strong; she did
admire him so much, and looked upon
him as ipiite her property. A tear came
up in her eye-, almost, that he should
want someone uiinM" hutvhedidn't say
uuy thing,
"Perhaps 1 ou;-ht to find a girl for
myself .'" he suggested. She nodded,
const raincdly.
"She ought to be a bit vounger than
"Or course."
"And pretty ami nice."
"Well, who shall it tie?" There was a
! mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes,
lie knew very well that there was no
j,Mrl so nice us Maudie, "1 know. l'e
just t bought of one. (iuuss!"
"I don't v ant to know," said she, sulk
. iiy, plucking viciously at the long
I "She's awfully jolly," continued he,
i rellectively; "and pretty my word!
I know she likes me. 1 think i shall
many her whrti I grow up."
"You'll change .tour mind, must like
ly," said Maudie, savagely, "and lie's
sine to. I dou't wa;:t to talk about such
nonsense. I dare
say she's nasty ; and
.1 down horrid! And
's anyone only pre-
I'll show her to y on
, ou're horrid i i;.y
I don't believe lie
"No. she isn't.
siuue day.
"1 don't w ant to
"You'll have lo."
"i won't."
"Vo.l will now." lie put one strong
inn ri'lit round Maudie's waist, and
held her dangling over the. brook.
"Look." .'-aid he. pointing to the wave
i::g relleetiou in the stream, "Isn't she
I'retty Maudie blushed nnd laughed
and willfully sllut' Iter eVs. "I don't
see anyone," she said, in a soft, pie iscd
little voice. "You'll drop me, Kalphie."
"Yes, 1 will, if vou don't look at her
and say she's pretty." She opened her
eyes a little, but she looked at l.ini.
"Wlio'ii pretty'.'"
"The young person in the water."
"That boy do you mean? No m l,
wry." She turned her laughing, saucy
face up towards lis. Her eyes were so
blue and big, her lung hair brushed so
softly against his face, and her mouth
looked so rherry-ripe and fresh, that
he couldn't help Listing her a good
many times. KiTljdi always did things
m thoroughly, you know! And Maudie
didn't struggle, because a grown-up
won. an wouldn't have, or because she
didn't want to. of both. It's no use
asking me which, for I r.cver could un
derstand female ways; and I don't be
lieve anyone ever could.
Then they sat down very close to
gelher on the bunk of the brook, with
their legs dangling, and saitl nothing
for a moment. She looked half pleased
and half shy; nnd he. to tell the truth,
looked rather foolish.
"I wish I did understand making love.
Maudie girl." said he, slowly.
"Hoys don't like it."
"I cxptet they do, if they once lr
gin." "lint a boy couldn't make love really."
"I'erhaps with practice," he sug
gested. Do you know, I don't think he
was such a very simple boy.
"Oh. no; not really."
"P.eeause he cor.ldn't fall properly in
love. Not very much, you know."
Maudie gazed at hiin with saucer-eyes
that looked fathoms deep. I doubt
whether she was quite a guileless little
girl either; and I don't believe there is
such a thing!
"I think he could." said Ralph, decid
edly, "If the girl were you, Maudie."
"Hut people would laugh at him."
Kalph winced a little. "Of course, he
wouldn't make a fool of himself before
people like - men," he said. loftily.
"But he might like her very much, and
make love to her when no one was
"Ah! Might."
"And he might promise to marry her
alien he grew up; and she might prom
ise hiin."
"Y'es they might," murmured
Maudie, looking at her shoes. Then the
boy's great arm went quictlyround her
waist, and she let herself be drawn close
to him, looking as happy as a woman! '
"I know it sounds soft. Maudie." he
aid, bashfully, "but, on my honor, I
do like yon an awful lot I don't think
any girl, was ever hnht so nice. Don't
rou think yon could promise to marry
me when we grow up?" ,
Yes," ahe whispered, nestling her
pretty bead'rlgbt into hi shoulder, "I
wilt, BaJph." And she did! Madame.
A Pleasure st Last,
No Muss. No Trouble.- s-
I -fQ- ! P-
m iff :
i 'V
e g
if . . ANY COLOR, jj;
The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for';.
-Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists,:
; Blouses, Ribbons, Curtains, Under- ;i
r linen, etc., whether Silk, Satin,;!
;S Cotton or Wool. 5;
:SolJ in All Colors by Grocers nnrf-i
Druggists, or mailed free S":
; for IS cents; ;
: Address, Tills MA WOLE SOAP DEPOT, ;i
;5 127 Duane Street, Hew York.
4C -c-C'0-eHi-tt-XH: &-5 9 ;. (t s-Jl-c CtS l
I Southern
I Progress.
Look I Look ! !
Look at yourself when you buy
clothing at my Ktore. I keep coii
Maiitly in the hest and llncht
lino of HhIs t,nl dents' (Jlothing,
FurniHliiiiir Goods, Underwear und
eupH. Call to Ki-o inv fdock.
SlNLCKV, - - l'liNNA.
' f
JJ A nioiitlily, sixUrn-paji-t
journal cont.uiiin;',- in caili
t number some twentv narra
tives of the .South, ehiellv
f tlescrintive ami pieloi
x Tlie iper is tiiidnubtedly
!,...( ;n,... (..,... l i
VUV- l'.1L 1UUU.U(.U JOIM 11.11 (.
in the woihl, and ihe only
publication which presents
in liidit's' sliot's is ,t plrasanl
1' or llio '.loiis-
- vovao al'tiot
n iv it ;ivts, lln ns no s:iil
oililu; oiii' sale. Crowds an
glimpses of "Southern life
and Southern
ni'i mil'.
is a favorite .souvenir with
k those who have visited the
u South; and it serves a ;ood
t'lijovin it, atid seeuriiiif Hit-
' lMvllicsl, coolest and !cst lif-
j t iii- S mi! ii km- !ioes now man
nlaelnivd, at jiiecs uliivli
' lniveis lind it ;i ple.isnn'. lo
n.iv. Iir lioitso or stiver
wear, pleasuro or cvn-y-ilay
practical .nr)iscs, walkinir,
vidin;;, or drivin , wo .supply
the ideal slioes dcn.i.idrd by
l.isliion and tho dictates of
individual taste. Ladies,
.. i i .. : ! i .
purpose, in lieu of a visit, " 1 11 ' ,:,im l
. ,i i 'i bv :tl! means surrender voiu
Icct 'lo these shoes.
who have never
to those
been there.
The regular price of
Soul irr it 'regit'. si is fifty
cents a year, but to introduce j
the aj)er we will scud it
three months for ten cents. " d:U. isyat: s:-t -.s
Ci7:atL.::-.:f::o'.i:-.'.: f:.:.:
' the? r.;?t.;:.':v: .i.
Editor and Publisher,
fi. E 6ip. SMT
W A NT ED -BR A fftS
211 S. JOih St.,
I'hdadtlphia. "
Josi fcr C'.-.r h:r J:os tIj-.-j c:'
Ci? EE-rat c-'.r- :. ;
ron' jl oil.
. :tnso
i ",r;
. :.y.
r.:. .i.a::
r ' t'.lir.
I'M lien t e X: in l'.,v. vVi'li f iiseiir. trt.
I'ronly 1 n t lul It it', .'iit'i- cel!-l,'t;t .1.1, Hi'ft.l.'
'iM'.t'.'il. ' T ' ' ( ' ' l... t 'in' ,'wlv '." Mi. , ..,
CQI PM V Jl T.-ealdicsM easily cured by
iSrJ tlHsa lr. Miles' Nerve Piasters.
.(. Vj OI.ARV OR CoMM.V.i.lON
Jr no vi'i mti' ' ;"'. .'.M.fV i
,i ! ) AWifciK'CAN TEA CO,
International Exploration.. .
and Innestiiient
CAPITAL STOCK, - - $1,000,000,000. 0X11 DOLL A 11 KA CIL
(lenei'iil Oifuvs ; 5, 7, ! & 11 Uroadway, New York.
' ( umhiix'tl I'tijiilttl SccHirH
Lnrir 1'rojih!!
, Tin' ( iVmcsV (tiioil lo llit'
(lirtttixt XiuiiIut ! !
Your limited meitim, wlien joined with ntli
I em. will H4Nure ft.r yon all thn uilvaittiiKeH
' liirnu anifiiiut of eii.itnl eotiinuimU when in
vehteti uudur our co-openitivc plan
tooeiul (or our iinwiii'i'tii" mid iieuimint yoin
self with theeoinl.iiir'l ilvuutni-i'fi weolVer.
The eiiorinoiii profltn to lie ileriveil from the
Icrrlnpi it ol Alikil fM In-nriiiK proierlie.
in lint one of the ninny fi H'.iren we eiiii otter
you. We inveit iiii.l miike money for you
wherever money eun ho niiule.
Let your few ilollilm lie the nueteiiK of s cum
I nit fortune.
The Greatest Arrnunt of Benefits -the Minimum Amount of Risks.
Have you mmln any money lunt year? If so, wo eun otTur you an opportunity to do it ur.t
duul iM'tter in the eoniiiiK yeur. llnve you fulled tn Mive and ley nilo a surplus? Then he
Kin tho new year l.y niakin5ii invvNtmeut in our ntoek. Our sliures are sold Hi pur, lit ft 0.
per shnre, nod are sold m lots of 5 sluiros ami upwards. A uick decision, a wisu miovo in tlie
proper direetlon, will always provo beneflelnl. Start tho now yearriht hy sending your sur
plus money-a hundred dollars, llfty ilollars, twenty, ten or even five dollars-lit once to tlir
Co. and receive by return mall your shares of st jek. llefore long you may find that white you
have labored on and toilen, your money has been making money for vou, and while you have
not ifone to Alaska nor devoted your time and labor to oilier promising ventures, you have
reaped all the benefits and have enjoyed sueeess.
Bend your money by cheek, money order, express money order or registered letter to
International Exploration anil Investment Co.,
5, 7, U & 11 Uroiidway, Xew York, X. Y.
Responsible agents wanted in every oity and town.
$125 Per Month. $125 Per Month.
1 1 1 (-
-Aa nar aa K.000,mod1 habeo
Ummt-& im &i. Panfa tatbcdral
ftaaaaana: r: . 1
rorsiTY. ' ( r
ialan i year rui
OUTFIT FREE. Apply at once for territory, of :
A. H. Henderson & Co., Geneva; N. Y;