The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 21, 1898, Image 4
Beys l FOVDH) Absolutely Pur IKMV. BIUUM rowMD CO., Mf TOM. The Middleburgh Post. Published every Thursday. Geo. W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor, Subscription !1.50 per year. vrtttoti muj be paid In advance wtten wnt out aide the county.) RATES OF AOVf RTISINO. All irnnttlenl adverllcnvnta not otunrwtoe onninwu-d lor will he i-bawd at the rate of is i-enia per llnefnonpartH mmuture) for flrot Inner linn and 10 cents per line tor every subsequent insertion. TM twlief puWuW frtt ; obituary patny, VibuUt of resptct. ., thm tmU a lint. SepulUcan Standina Committee- Adam, W. If. Herman, Jeremiah Howeraoi Reaver Jan. M. Kline, Oiarles Hpecht Heaver W., Oeo. .1. Heece. ("has. A- Warner Ontre. II. U. Wagner, R. B. Krdlejr Chapman, W m. II . KeraU-Mer, U. H. Troutroan Franklin, W. I). til ft, H. 8. Kennlntcer .lack Hon, Ueo. A. Hrnuae, J. 8. learick MlridleburR, Al. Clrlan. N. A. Bewea Middlecreek. 8. 8. Yoder, Theodore Row Menro, A. R. Youn. I. P. Kilter Penn, Frank Miller, Howard Row Perry, J, N, Hroeiua, Dr. H. Kolhrock Perry W., Ueo Hlrawaer, John Noll Selinwrove, N. 8. Ptalier, K. II. Smith florin?, P. F. Relirel . Geo. 8. Leplejr ltiion. O. H. Klce, H. J. Slroh Washington, Henry Brown, John Miller Republican Ticket. for V. B. Senator, Hon.. I. S. Quay. mj . ' For Confreec; Hon. Trad. M. Mahonv For Assembly, -s' Dr. A. M.Smith. ' "i" . For Associate Judge, Hod. Z, T, Gemberling, ' " For County Surveyor1.' ,u t '' ' fitp. A,.Jiotdorf, iti Thursday, April 21, 1898; Fire Near Kratterville. . t; On Wednesday morning the barn with all its contents, near Krutzer ville, on ihc Martin Matirer farm was burned to the ground, at about ." 30 a. m. Mr. Maurer was up uirly and started away with his team, his wife turned out the cows and every tiling was alright, and iu a short lime after the larn was in flames, how the Are started is a mystery. The on!y cause thus far determined on, is that tramps lodged in the barn and by the use of matches fired the Irnrn as a Iwx of matches was found only a fhort distance from the Imrn, proluibly the tramps vere using matches in the barn and the straw or hay was set afire in this way, and wss burning a slow name wiuic wr, juaurer was yet at home, but as farmers generally liave their fowl all prciwired for. the morning Mr. Maurer did not go to the upiier floor of the barn and did not discover the Are, this is sunixxs- cd the cause, but the fact how the fire originated is notknown. How ever it is a heavy loss to Mr. Maur cr and we sympathize with him. New Berlin Airuv. WEST BEAVER. J. J. Steely and son, made a busi ness trip, to Mifflin county last week Boys what luck did you have trout fishing on the 17?. . . .L. A. Jenkins and Mrs. Aaron Moyer made a business trip to Mifflinburg one day last week T. F. Swineford made a call on some of his Snyder county friends since his removal Our old comrade and friend Wallace Lcpply died on last Friday night, nnothci old soldier answered his last roll call.... 1. W. Treaster moved to Tainter, (Mifflin county) where he is engaged in sawing lor the boss boys ... Mr. Banner and family of Lewistown, spent Sunday with his father-in-law, Emanuel Knepp, Henry Hitter was also a visitor with his friends over Sunday in W. Beaver.... A few of our Snyder county boys found out what it is to fish in Mifflin county on Sunday. I hey were arrested and fined $25. or 30 days in jail. (Belleville lime) y- Continued from Id page.) 1 Jan. 15, by Rev. V. R. Weand, at the parsonage in BanLerville, Harrison Breininger and Sarah J. Schwartz, both of Musser Valley. Jan. 21, 1. N. Gross of Shamokin Dam and Amelia Hancock of Sun bury, formerly of Cromwell, Eng. Jan. 25, by Rev. L. C Edmonds, ReuU-n Steiuinger toCarolinc Price, both of West Beaver. Jan. 25. in Beavcrtown, by S. A. Wetzel, Esq., John M. Fike and Clara A. Wagner, lioth of Beaver two, Feb. 1, by Kcv. rlenmeyer, Emanuel Ik-ufer and Rebecca Leifr zeljlioth of Jackson twp. Feb. 5. bv Rev. Geo. Hunter. George Maurer of Jackson twp, and Emma Slcar ot Union twp., Union Co., Pa. Wit K lr !? Vjlnmiulu Simon Wiandt and Susan Hendricks, lxth of Beaver twp. Feb. 8, in Manheim, by Rev. L. Peters assisted by Rev. Daniel K McCuuley, Rev J. P. Smith of Manheim, Jjiincaster Co., formerly of this lK)rouirh. and Mary J. nine ot Rulphotwp., Ijancaster Co. Simon Kroiise of Adam- ville, Mich., formerly of this county, and Mary J. Wingard of the same place, formerly of Centre Co., 1 a. Feb. 8, by Rev. W. A. Haas, James Mussulman and Mary E. Houseman, both of Selinsgrove. Feb. 10, by Rev. John Johnson, Jos. L. Schooley of Watsontown and Lizzie McVicker of Derry, Montour Co. Feb. 12, by Rev. W. R. Weand, Irwin Fetterolf and Evilene Stein inger, bolh of Musser Valley. Feb. 15, by Rev. Edmonds, John Simon and Lizzie Ettinger, both of Beaver. , . - : Feb. 22, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Denius and Hanna Maria Benfer, both of Jackson twp. Feb. 22, by Rev. Anspach, in Mifflinburg, Jefferson Walter of Bellevue, O., to Mary" Walter of Ceutrq twp. ,1 . . Feb. 24, Dr. B.'L. Kerthher of Georgetown and ; Fietta Spotts, of McKees Half Falls. Feli24, by V,M. , Teats, Esq., Charles Len and Catherine A. Deets, both of this county. ,' Feb. . 26, bv Rev. Eslenmcyer, Geo. S. Snyder of this borough and Kate Bowersox of Franklin twp.. ' ' Feb. 27, by Rev. Edmonds, John Messerman aud Louisa Hitter, both of West Beaver. '-. Mar. 1, in Kratzerville, by Rev. Samuel Yenrick, John II. Bachman ofMiddleburg and Kate Baertges of Centreville. Mar. 1, Geo. Heintzclman ot Chapman twp. and Hannah Leitzel of Jackson twp. Mar. 1, John Shodt aud Amelia Dock, both of Shamokin Dam. Mar. 2, by S. A. Wetzel, Thos. J. Nipple and Annie M. Wagner, iKjth ot Mifflin Co. Mar. 3, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Henry Woodling to Margaret Kratz er, both of Jackson twp. Mar. 4, Henry J. Rem and Sarah J. Gaugler, both of Shamokin Dam. Mar. 5, by Rev. Edmonds, Franklin Beaver and Ellen Jane Aigler, both of Beaver twp, Mar. 8, by Rev. W. R. Weand, Wm. II. Johnson and Alice S. Rcnninger, both of Musser Valley, Mar. 12, by Rev. Edmonds, a- thdinel Jordan and Diua Gerhart, both of Beaver twp, Mar. 15, at Bnnncrville, by Rev. W. R. Weand, John Ettinger and Mattie Wagner, both of Lewistown. Mar. 16, C D. Grissinger and Mary P. Baker, both of Selinsgrove. Mar. 17, Geo. Stout of Blairsville to Pramilla B. Goss of Lewisburg, formerly of Snyder Co. Mar. 19, by Rev. Elias Landis, Benjamin Dunkleberger of Frecburg to Catherine Amy of W est Perry twp. Mar. 19, by Rev. W. R. Weand, James II. Aigler and Sarah Has singer, both of Beavertown. Mar. 22, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, David Goy to Sarah Forry, both ot Freeburg. Mar. 25, in Hughesville,hy Rev. L. Heisler, Theodore F. Peters, formerly of this borough and Corn elia Sevison, of Lewistown, both of Hughcsville. . t. , Mar. 25, Franklin M. Fisher of Selinsgrove to Anna M. Sigler, of Painter, Mifflin Co. Mar. 26,' by Rev! G. W. Hem perly, in Bunbury, D. W. Knouse and irrs. Airnes Frantt of this Mar. 2G, by Rev. W. Ha-s, Wil liam Adams of Penn twp, to Anna Brouse of Jackson twp. ' Mar. 29, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Jonathan Meiser and Sarah Snyder, both of Perry twp. Apr. 7, in Beavcrtown, by Rev. Daniel Klose, A. II. Bowersox and Addie Smith, daughter of John S. Smith, both of Beavcrtown. Apr. 7, by Rev. Haas, Henry Brown to Lydia Moyer, both of Frecburg. Apr. 12, by Rev. Edmonds, Abraham Hassinger to Lydia Cath erine McClellan, both of Beaver. Apr. , by same, John Fry and Polly Gilbert of Beaver. Apr. 19, by Rev. Edmonds, Joseph Weiderto Amelia Goss, lioth of West Ik-aver. Apr. 19, by same, Ellis Herlmter to Emma Peter of Jxiunerville. Apr. 1G, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Charles Dent to S. Ellen Erlenmey er, Ixrth of I reeburg. A or. 30. G. K. Shnefler and Lizzie Long, both ot Monroe twp, Apr. 30, by W. R. Weand, Amos A agner to barah h. l oimgman, both of McClure. Apr. 30, in Northumlierland, Dr. Jas. P. Priestly and Clara Simpson, eldest daughter of Col. A. C. Simp son. May 3, by P. M. Teats, Esq., Jacob Gilbert of Jackson twp. to Ada Graybill of West Perry twp.. May 10, by Rev. W. R. Weiand, Gustuvus Moyer to Maggie Swartz, both of Troxelville. May 12, by Rev. Haas, Dr. L. A. Sherk to Rcnie Houtz, lxth of FreeLurg. May 12, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Cornelius Wrtzcl to Matilda Hols apple, both of Washington twp. May 17, by Itev. Erlenmeyer, Jacob Greiner of Shamokin Dam to Amelia Mitchell ofKorthumberland. Mar 21, in Beavertown, by Rev. Klose, Richard A. L Harner' and Lizzie Howell, both of Paxtonvilie. May, 24, by Rev. J., K. Snyder, Jouathan Goodling to Mary Troup May.28, by Rev. W R. Weiand, IRrtm II. Herbster to Laura A. Bell, both of BeRtown, Mifflin Co. May 29, by Rev. Haas, Michael Slear of Union Co. to Louisa' Long of Jackson twp, this'epunty. '; May 31, by Rev. J; P. Shindel,' Josiah Walker ot Buffalo two , Union Co., to Matilda E., second daughter of A. J. Peters, Esq.,' of x rankhn twp., this county. , June 2, in Montour Co., by Rev. Tighlman Derr, F. J. R. Zcller, rst., and S. Jennie Brown. June 18, by W. R. Weiand, Cloyd II. Mattern aud Mary Baker , both of McClure. June 17, by Rev. W. R. Weiand, Robert Long and Ada Roth rock, both of Adamsburg. June 21, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Isaac Sauer to Susan Derek, both ot Middlecreek twi). June 23, by Rev. Erlenmeyer, Lewis Roiislt to Amelia Rcigel, both of Washington twp. June 25, by Rev. Roht, Howard Romig of W est Ik-aver twp. toSabil la Beaver of r rankhn twp. June 28, by Rev. J. P. Shindel, Gabriel Iknversox and IdaM. Mcrtz, both of West' Buffalo twp., Union Co. July 4, by Rev. John K. Snyder, Samuel Brown, of Greenwood twp., Juniata Co., and Lydia Lawver of Perry Co. July 5, Daniel Kemble and Kate Hendricks, both of Union twp. July 13, by Rev. W. A. Haas, Valentine Varnes to Sarah Mason, both of Selinsgrove. July 16, Henry Breininger of Troxelville and Mary Gill of Se linsgrove. July 23, Ezra Rotish and Mary W alter, both of Washington twp. Aug. 2, in Beavertown, by S. A, Wetzel, Esq., Wm. Kiester of Uni on Co. and Mary Ellen Moyer of Beaver Iwp. (To be Continued next week.) STARTLE E1IT1 Carpets ICarpoto I f Carpoto 1 1 1 la !;()ii!Mi- Ont Sale i F.H.Maurer's, NEW BERLIN PA. We have just finished taking our Stock and find we will be needing mote room for Hew spring Hoods, We prefer "making Quick Step prices to many of our winter goods than carry them over till next sea son. CLOAKS. Ladies' Cloaks,' Capes and Wraps muBt be sold at cost and below. Don't mim the Bargains on Ladies' sod Children's Cloaks snd Capes. They must be sold as we don't, carry any over Season. ... CLOTHING. Men's Navy Blue Beaver Overcoats only $2.50; Men's Heavy Stora Overcoats only C4.00. Also Men's and Boys' Heavy suits.' ther must go at and below cost. '' ' I We have avervthinc in. Footwkre. A. few of the fall and, . winter styles are still .here All stses. . They will be sold for about one .half their val ue. Tbey are fullJW per cent, less than lastv jesr. Mea'a Gum Boots only $2.25 ; 'Ladies, Rubbers from 18c. to 45c. Our shoes must., be re-, duced to make room for the incom ing spring stock. No is your time to mate .Bargains in Bnoes. , . We wiljl give a special dis count of 10 per cent, on ev ery dollar's worth Dry Goods. Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in fact on everything but Groceries. " Important to Subscribers. Those of pur subscribers who ex pect to change their postoffice ad dress this' spring, should notify us of the samev ( Be especially careful to give your "old address and the new one. Also send in your name ex actly as you find it printed on the label of your paper. . By observing these points you will be sure to get Groceries. Ar buckles' and Lion Coffee, 11c i 4 lbs. for 40c. llinnna rn4fi 1 Q. . O IKo trW Ofw Loose Roasted Javo, 13c; 2 lbs. for 25. Java and Mocho. 35c i 3 lbs. for 90c. Extra loose green coffee, 25c. 10 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50o. 9 lbs Gran ulated. 50c. 2 lbs. Light Brown. 50c. Corn Starch, 5c ; 3 lbs. for 12c. New liice, 5 : very nice. Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. Syrup, 18c. a gal. Light Syrup, 35c. a ual. Chocolate, 18c. baking Soda, 4c. per lb. Boking Powder, 6c. J lb. Rasing, 7c. Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Oatmeal, 10c 3 packages 26c. Crushed wheat, 15o., 2 packages 25c. Coffee cakes, 5c. a lb. Ginger snaps, 5c. a lb. Oyster crackers, 5o. a lb. Knick-knocks, 8c. a lb. Water crackers. 9c. a lb. CARPETS! MATTINGS ! All Kinds. All Qualities. All Prices. The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, Rugs, Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks ' Rug FriDge, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &c, &c, We can show you the largest and best selection of the above goods ever shown in Lewistown. Rag Cantet as low as 20c and up amox uirpet " " Tic. " Velvet Cnrjiet " " 75c. Brusscll Carpet as low as 50c. and up All Wool Carpet " " 50c. " " Half Wool Carpet" "35c. " -7-0hina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select Fromr S3 THESE GOODS! Conijre quality and prices, you will fiud tluit our store is the . place to buy at. The goods are first-class, prices are the low est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods. Be8peCtfa11 W. fl. FELIX, Lewistown, Penn'a. Liberal AcQustments- ' Prompt Payments, H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INStJRANCE A6ENGY, Only the Oldest, Ptrongest Cash Companies, Pire, Life, Accident and Tornado. Ifo Assessments' Ho Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets fll,055,513.88 " Home - " J853 " 9,853,628.54 " American " " 1810 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association. ' Tour Patronage 8 elicited. Iiqid on to Your Dollars, Until you see Solid-fact Bargains. We have Pnfd the 8eason with a stock of goods that beats the record for beauty and low , prices. . Be fair with yourselves snd see , oar, Elegant Stock ; of Spring , Clothing. , It presents an opportunity for economic al buying that is not found elsewhere. . Spring Hate, faijcy SIjirte - ' Everybody needs somethiag in'his lin We have just what you need, and at the prices that defy Competition. We have the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods on the Market Hats. Caps, Yaliees, Trunks and Rubber Goods we have in large assortments. IIU DRESS SHOES, We Jiave a line unequalled in the county" our Spring wear, in price and quality, cannot be beat in the State. We want you to see our shoe. lllli r, Sslipe In Carpets, Kugs and Oil cloths we hove all the newest patterns and choice colorings. The latest de signs are beautiful and at about a quarter off from former prices. Good Ingrain Carpet, only i!&e. Good Home-made Carpet, 20c. - 8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 50c. per yd. t-i Table Oilcloth. 14c. per yd. 5 4 Table Oilcloth. 12o. per yd. No. 1 Butter, 15 No. 2 Butter, 10 Fresh Eks, 9 Onions, 80 Dried Applet, 2 Apples, 80. Shoulder, 8 Potatoes, 50 New Lard, Turkeys, 10 Young Chickens, 7 Dried Cherries, 8 Bacon, t Ham, 10 N. B.T-We have no Spec ial Bargain Day. Our Bar gains are Every Day. , F. H. Maurer. N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts New Berlin. Pa. these points you will be Bure to get ps m n fCLt J IPSTJ O O yp?rreguu:lyandayoidcOT-j j CTfeA; ) Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days I The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EH- TIEE STOCK OF FUR17ITURE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICR EVER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not Milling out, but we do this to increase oar sales above anypre vlous year. We giv a few ot the prions as follows : Sott Wood Chamber Baits $14.00;Cotton Top Mattress i Hard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00iWoven Wire Mattress. 1.75 Autiqne Oak Suits, 8 Pleoei 19.00 : Bed Springs 1.2 Plush Parlor Suits 80.00: Drop Tables, per ft .60 Wooden Chairs per set. 9.50;Platforin Rockers 8 60 In stock, everything in the furniture line, lueludlngM Irrbrs, Book Cases, Desks, Sldeboards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Faney Rockers, Baby Chair Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Dougbtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, Can. Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before' giving your order, and thus save 15 to 80 per cent, on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, MIFFLDfBURQH, P IM U ivIBw In an Store, KIT. PLEASANT HILLS. I keep everything in the hardware line. Horse shoe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds, Horse Blankets, 1 Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, and Patent Washing MACHOfed;' . . . Gall to see my goods and you will be convinced that you can buy cheaper here than any where in the county. YoursSi-esp'y, f -1 I fcrnr Mt Plesssnt ' IDcroasta, I a