The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 21, 1898, Image 2

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It Destroys the Chilkoot Pass and
Engulfs Many Gold Seekers.
la th List of Known bead Are Two
Women Who Wore Going In Search,
of the Yellow Metal Fire Thousand
People Dlexlnii For Dead Bodloa. -Seattle,
Wash.. April . Advices Just
received from Skaguay, Alaska, dated
April 3. say: At about noon today on
the Chllkout trail many persons met
death and a I arse number of others
were Injured more or less seriously In
a enowslide. Sixty-nine dead bodies
have thus far been recovered and the
names of 15u mitring have been report
ed as unaccounted fur. It Is barely pos
sible that some of had succeeded
In crossing the pass before the ava
lanche occurred. A conservative esti
mate Is between
und 1U0 per- i
sons were killed.
The point at which the accident oc
curred Is some live miles above Shep
Camp. The nearest telephone station
is four inllvs distant. The telephone
wires at this ;.iir.t were carried uway
by the tdide. Tlje wstlKe of the
trail in the vicinity was wiped out of
existence, and where it lay Is now a
moun'ain of snow and ice, under which
are many bodies.
A fact tint lends horror to the fear
ful tragedy Is that it may never be
known with any (let . cf accuracy
Just how ninny lives were sacrificed",
who they were or where tiny came
from. Many a poor fellow lies burled
where nu human aid can reach him,
and his ret. inlns inut't rest until the
summer ri::i melts ill.' Ions of st.ow
and Ice trni!. r v. lib h he lies. I'pun the
crowded trui! no record was kept of the
living !:!."!" ef I, ('.inanity braving hard
nhlpn and fr.t :rir death Itself in the mad
rush for ip'hi. in the procession that
dally pa; Mil people from all parts
if the w.-rlil. unknown to one another.
The work of rescue has continued
nl'lit and ! iv ever 'since last Saturday,
being gradually more systematized and
consMiii nt !" iieet ipu w ith better re
sult;'. Than r i- work lias In i n confined
to the oi:t'!:i-:s of the slide, In the hope
of rert:ii-'.
not jet d":
lecl dcci' .1
yet ln i n t
bodies undi
oui'd in ti'i
vere t:i i :i
liei ,-, l.-tr:
slaa. (: tin
lin:i. ii! la
natural a.J
Mill l.iltni i
scene ol Ih
lie ;.' who are injured, but
Th" main body of th
v. i'ii h is estimated to be fid
; .1 l.'iO yards loiii;. lias not
. i' :l:' '. If tlu te are any
i'ii- at 1) they i an ni t be im
! (;ive lif--. IVur men
i i ut alive after 1 !i. v had
I :.i iiours. In many in
' ii s of Dip dead are not
I I : : inhtest, and aiipear as
: 1 . i:iilii-ii liriu that they
.;;! in the snow. Many
s were lnu'ii.l near the
ii .'-JiiM i
, ' K-.tii,'',i W...
- --r ,r'
:.Ttl, :
iy, tin-
I'H'l v.
up to
:VX ( iF.DKA.Nrf.
.. and had u stormy paf
..' la;t elKht days, tin
h. winds and rain
. I'll.- sliijis were lu
h:il day. but on Tuesday
m t;..
sar" i
'. el e
"occame separated and did not come
together until L'l hours had elapsed. The
Vnn Francisco came through all rlnht,
1... l.A V..... Il.l..n,.j ...... 1 ......n.
It is est it., n. d th-st in.rbii tons of out- -.ITT g Tir-'f- J K'.j M I I'-O
fits arc lurid und- r the mow and ice. li i I ! ! J ' 1 i i 1.
' I" I ...... . -I o.,.ll..r li,l.w be. "V iL-n""' fs'i - ,5? I'- Jllll.
l-.-r,- t!' d' I'.h ili i.o.i;; nvalanclie slurt- -- . w."'1 p'JSx -'drr'
OUR KDW WAR VESSEL. '"--r-V.-. ' :
Iho fi-nN.i- New" Oi'lcii. Arrives 'i ran.!; :i:f.--Vc!l, lii t le la.l.v. will .vou
sail ni Iliilllux. rivt v.'.u a loi ti tii tii.ti iri'iiy ntur in
Ualifa::. April -Th- Anicri- yours'.' ' "- " !l
.-an men- .: San I-'ram lco and ' MajoriM- Vc. ;r:-tti n: tint- (l-eci-
New n!i ".. . I'liii'i'iily tli" o'.n rittin;4T 1 iloh't Ji:-': tine fm-'; votiM' lie
shin An.ii ...' i.trlV'd lure M-!Mdav ,; W()U,,, u ., .;...,,.
.-hot'T e.r i Ilotli v I'scr.; 1 . t '.vnunTl . ...
j IT-.:::ii;.i 1 re.
'" r.rr.tthi .'. tpet-e a I!"..iii v.ltli nnul so dead,
' V, iiri r.evi r t i l.ltri-'i if h::s !::..:
. i "Wire I paid ncoortiniK t-i r.:;.' worth,
. I'd have a i.eirlKa.'.'.e on tile eai nil 7"
! . , I -:hii a;;'j I'aily Nv.vs.
i ,.. '. i
. x
1'Ui on: A,v ' 'ii' uin im -i ii in i-'i rirai , . , . ,
i ni .ii.. . r i. .. . .i .ii . . wherever 1 go there Is suro to be so::ie
diflleulty, one of her starboard boats i . . ,. "
bell-.;,' smashed In and the steering Bear j
wtoi for a ll::v I'.aniused. As she came i
tip evidence of her rotiKh paMsuge was '
easily dlsccrnable. I'reparatlons were 1
quickly made to load the coal, and the
(ihipii sailed this afternoon.
J utl In !! Lean I Victory.
Washlr.Rti n. April 12. In the United
states supreme court a decision wan
rendered ye-U 'rduy by Justice Drown
In the matter of the claim of the New
York Indians to the proceeds of the
bale ef the two million ucres of land
formerly owned by the Indians In t In
state of Kansas. The lands were Bold
toy the Koveinment and the proceeds
covered Into the treasury of the United
Statci". The Indians brousht suit and
lOBt their cose In the court of claims.
Yesterday's opinion reverses the de
cision and t?!ves them the money,
-amountlnK to about $1,250,000.
Father nnd Son Killed In a Mine.
Dubois, Ia., April 12. Joseph Good
year, aged L0. and his son were killed
by a fall of shite while working; In
rihawmut mine yesterday afternoon.
Goodyear was a local politician of con
siderable prominence, and has held
several local offices of trust.
Falrchlltl l.oson Ills ( on tout.
"WashlnBton. April 12. The house yes
terday declared William U Ward, the
sitting; member, entitled to the seat
from the Sixteenth New York district,
centested by Benjamin Falrchlltl. Both
are Republicans.
Conspiracy In China' Imperial Palace
Shanghai, April 12. The existence of
a formidable conspiracy In the Imperial
alaca at Fekln has been discovered,
and the lives of some of the highest
people la the empire art In danger.
rm rMMHisaplloa C mm
T. a. Sloeure, the Great tHiemtst and Xctenttst,
will sen lu Sutlereis, Three Free BolUes M
Ills Newly ll-oTerwl hemedb to Cure Cen
sempiioa tod aU Lung roubles.
NototUK could be Mrer, more phtlantruplc or
carry more Jy to Mm articled, lb gener
ous ofler ol I lie nouorvdanrt aiatlnifulsbedclielu
Ul. T. A. hiocutn. M. C. ol New Vor Oily.
Ho has dlscoverc a relluble aod absolute core
tor couwiniptkiu, aud all lironrniaL luiuai, luiur
nd cbuat dnwmie. catarrhal nflecUnii. ueoeral
declineai.d weakness lessor tl-"lii""1 am
tllttiKisol wnstlng awoj.utiti to iakt Ha Kreal
mertte known, will iwnfl three ire bottle ot Dts
newly illovered remedies lu any aUUuled read
01 tint Post. .
Already bin "new aeieiitltle sywusn of medi
cine" luut periurtiieni Iv cun-a Uiur"d Of up-
i pu-elitly liopeu-MH cmshx - - '
The potior niiislders I' not mile his pro'es
; hIoiiiiI. but hN reiiisioiiH duty admy wbuti be
I owiioh i4iKiilierui Uiiinaull) dodouaio bin lu
! lit II; cii'e.
I lb- lia provided Hie "divided rnmmmpllon"
in lie a curable til-.-u e oevoud a doubt. In any
xiiiiiuij.. ami b:i on Hie III Ills American und
i.-,in.n-.Mii'iilnilfM ihollsuliOH nl .' IihhNIhII
I lI-siliiioaittNiifirrailuiile"tii.iollMi; IjimMted j
I ami cured, in all p trtit ol nie voriti.
i t'alirrlie.l inn! p'llin'ihury irmibles !.; to ron
' aiiniiilloii. and eoiii.inii,iiioli. iit:i:iorriiptel.
! mentis snet dv .Old ielli.Ul e;ltli. ll in't deliiy
1 .nun ii is i. i lull-. Slinnb vrlieT. A. Mnciim.
m. (; , m pine sir. el, New York, trivlutr express
! iilnl lleslllllli-i' in dre-h. i III" tree lilt-Hii-nir
VIII IM" nllll ' St'lll. i v-
,1)11 niw lili oiler In lllil'wr.
ti ll I lie lliH lor
'the light of the world,
Cost over t'W.niM to etalilili. Ciiiibtins nearly
JOii (nil -piiisn -UKiiivhiKH of iiir Saviour, by tlm
lireiit iiihhhth I A ery piituie t n-jirodiuvil
ll'Olll Home rillnoll-p:llllllllK. Altellt lire tllliilllt
from three in tw.Mity nnli rs per day. The bonk
IB mi lii'iuiUfin tliiil wbeii iieople wo it 'bey
wunt it. l b- llci niilnxe. I'niiln, l'lli?i. I'ini.
l. -iivie. Vlllk'illl. ol l.iniilon, National
of licrlin, llelviilere mi I oilier celebrated lt-r -s I. live ilaeri Ha ir ureateMt anil
iiricHt treii-oirt'M ut oitr titiiosal Unit tliey iniulit
lie eni-iiiveil fur ItiiH htiperli work. "l-lltSP
.I..M K AT I II i: Pl I I Kl.S HHul'Uirr
1 1'. A lis T MY KYI'.S," wiys oin-. "I 'leared I
an lir-ii wu-k s Wui'K Willi I lii' l K, sain
liiiolber. Some llii;ll i;r.ii n man or woman
-lionlil !ei'ure 1 lie iii-eni'y here at nnee," -'
i-verl editor. '!l- l-'MLItan Honn lie liiaile taking
orilers for II ' .V urly ? ln.iNh f-xpenili'd on new
jilat 'm for edition cnmiiii; fiom ne'-H. Alsti u
mull or woinaii of ioinl eliureti utaieiinir van sc
ciii i- pnnitlou of .Mikiiai 'r and I 'oi're-joil'!eiit of
l In tei (i tor y, to tie ii lie all lii i. ti nu to einploy
iin; ami ilrltliti.i; aentn and eel ri'Hi'oiidiiijx -.-itii
tiinin. Aililrci-i for fti'l iiii-tie iilnr-4 A. 1. T.
I 1 . 1 I. It. I'ulilinlier, is Avenue.
t'liiea;ii. Ill tl-ttl-'in.
r-l 'V 'V J
i v
i s I
o I'.i IJence of I:itrlli,;: rce.
liiograpl.ieal Fdilor Did (iotrox
eon:e I'ror.i a wry intelligent family'.'
t'oui't KepnrliT I hardly think so.
The i.-'ime.-i of his father ur.d uncles
ccciir f -o ; lit-n t ! y on I he jury lists, and
one member of his family served iu the
legislature. N. V. Journal.
A Hint to Advertise
Mur;i'.:y Do ycz ir.oitul the Dago sign
in the wiudow beytiut'.' O'l'.i'u n says il
mi'.iics there's a mini im ide v. hot spake
F!a:!ii!g:i:i Thin wh don't lliey put
it in Fsigiish so ivery wan wotdtl I. now'.1
Tow n Topics.
I!cr faith Was lireiu.
lie Do you believe in palmistry
that you can tell anything by the hand?
She Certainly. Now, for example, if
I had a certain kind of ring on a cer
tain finger of my left hand, people
would know that I was eiipigcd. Tit
Fits. DinnKrernble for All,
Dowper 1 tlon't know how it is. but
thing disagreeable.
Stiekin And wherever you go that's
1 just what everybody else says. I'oston
; Transcript.
A IIJ.;bcr Value.
Klondike Dride And do you think.,
I am worth my weight in gold, love? '
Klondike Dridegroom Worth your i
I weight in gold, pet? Why, blame my j
I eyes, if I don't think you're worth your
' weight in canned goods! Fuck. j
Infantine I'lillonopb y.
Tottic (aged five) I wonder why bn
bies is always born in de night time,
i Lottie (aged seven, a little wiser)
Don't you know? It's cos they wants
to make sure of findin' their mothers at
home. Harlem Life.
In the Line of Progress.
"Some doctor claims that the stom
! cch can bo removed without injury to
i the patient."
, "Yes? I wish he'd find out how to
remove the snoring apparatus of soma
I of the folks who snore." Puck.
A Qalet Game.
i Tommy Can we play at keeping
I store in here, mamma?
Mamma (who has a headache) Yes,
but you mtiBt be very, very quiet. , !
Tommy All right, we'll pretend wa
don't advertise. X. Y. Truth.
Her Caanplalat. .
Mr. Malone (at the window, watch
ing a . funeral-procession pass) Bad
luck we're horin'l Molke has drove thot
kearse. fur folre years with ' niver m
chance to droive It fur hla own wolf e.
Judge. " " '. ""
J--- -.-. --
Christian Endeavor Society,
Lutheran Church,
... MlDDLEllVlUJII. Pa.
May t Little ways ot beiterlng- too world.
PblLS: 11 14; Matt. Ii 1S-11 MABEL U. MOYKK.
May 8. Things my denomlDatton has aocora
pllsbed.' Epb.SiSS-(T;rs7:l-T. (To be led by
ibe pastor.) ' ' KSV, V. E. McLAIS.
May IS. Our bodies Ood's temples. 1 1 "or. J : lu
ll. (A temperance ioplc ) ' O. W; n ASSINOKK.
May M. Christ our model. MatL to : M. M : Joli u
13: is 15. (A union meeting wtih tne Juniors
snirgested. to be led by tlie Junior Huperliiteii.
deul.) LuTriK UtturaK.
May M. Christ In u growili. . ti : 7-U ; Eph.
4:11-11!. A. H. HE.IVEH.
June 5. Cbrlst's luKslon on earth. John in :
- .w
June :s. ("lulstlan courni;e: exnuipb-s (rou.
Ucokscr life. Mark li): SHIM; Act.iiil: tu-U.
MAK1UN CilOi.ll-
June 1. True friendship.
9 : 15-19: John 15 : 12-15.
Prov. IS
W. P,
; SI ; Mark
June ii. The rlRlit uso of time. K.-cl. S: t-8;
Actsil i l,-i. M.WIESTElLKK
July 3.
1-4 ; Piov.
'inuring fit iter nnd in itlier. Kali, it:
17: 6, SI, Si. lil.ANCHU SWAHT..
July lb. The comrcmt Inn ur nbillly, llag. S :
l- ; M irk 13: ! 31. (Prayer lor Hie lnternntlj
nul Clirlstlim Kiidiavi r c'uiiveiitlou )
July 1. Clirlstiatilty cotnpaied Willi oilier
religions. Acts 17 : Si 111. ( A mlsslonniy tuple.)
.".IKS. Mc LAIN.
July !. lluw jo luivu a luippy home. Job SJ :
v0 ; Ib'iit. B
.oveioasiieii. I.x. 2J: 17;
PliKol.r: KICNM v'UEU.
Jillytll. TU evils of
l.ttke I.' : l.i-l.
Anvf. 7. Lessons trout iu Hie of K'.ijuli, 1 i-:t:i
18: SMI. ItlillCKCUOl :!
Ail).'. II. Kalt Cii.lal. M.iti.
: I II.
1.1. K WIN'KY.
AuK. SI.
1'lai'ti.Ml uaos cf Hie lillil-s. IM. lilt
Join. I
s Willi
r iiil.;lii " K "e. si : lu:
.'. SI'ii IIKAVK'I.
ami itoiiverslon ; Ii it
li-.'W: A"ti. Si; lii. s,l.
Sepl. I. l(i'ienl:i:ici
arutliey 1 Eek. IH:
II. S.'lf-lll,lul;,'.ilii-
': (ial. J : 1H-: I . '
(A leaip 'IMIIi'i- tll
orselt-di'tilal t,r,
J. W hlVAltl.
i. Tile t: liliii'iiii n; Carlstl.tiilly. i.'lli
10 S2.
S-;it. Si. Vli.
ma.ih i:kn.ixui:,i
K true
: n.'t.
I s-sn.
Trials, .ni I a i.v i j b"
,ir t'li'in. U i. II :
.lAl'ULl I STKK,
.itrlntia. I',, ii'!: 1 52.
I.A vUil'..VK Sl'Kn.KU,
(i ir soi'i.'ty
; : i'. la-SJ.
work, iuhI li ov lu but ter
t i.iee! ill.; tn eiil.sld 'I'
u' Ik s i,', , to be
all liian: In s or S'lelety
led by t'.io iriMlil"iil.)
.MliS (i
W. iV.MlKN-ilCl.LI'.li.
(!. tl i. in ml.
(A lal.sloii.ii'j I
A'-ls li: I 1 i.
o.ile. I HKV. I. P.
:. If:
i:i : li tl. li: lA
il I'll WollulA
Pie.-.iil. 'lit. Mi's. (ii:n. ;v. iVA .UN 'K.'.LKi:.
Vice pieM'lei.t, VV. p. sliKl.l.Y.
buy, John Ii. d.KN til;;;.
Triiisuri r, MA.Mi; STUTLI'll.
for. secretary, ;.'Ks. A. s. n;-:v ;;,
s. J. M. Sii'iui,i,'ei', 1 .vs. J. Mover, Mrs
ieo. Slelnlnser, ;!rs. J. V. Swart,
.Mrs. Win. IV'ese.
S te Ki'avi r. lottlc rouse,
l.oyil lifiwersox, ' .Mi
II Ttli'i frutMt', Mubi'l Moyer
lio sietler.
Il'-rtli'i Krluirt,
lervu Sietler.
Itiaiii'lu; Swart.,
Kill Wliiev,
Mh lain Bin lunaii.
.Mabel (irliiiiu,
ltoswcll (illl.ert,
t ieot'ije lliussliijfcr,
Maun' Sietler,
litlla (irliiiiu.
Good Literature.
tieo V. W'ugeasi'ller, Laura linnkle,
W 111. Keese, Marlon Selioeli,
I.iinreiiee Stetler.
.Mrs. A. 8. Heiiver.
Hev. 1. P. Neff.
Mule Heaver,
Kute metier.
Lillian Sterler,
A. 8. Heiiver,
Ilruce, Lulu Smith,
Jestu Kroj uian.
Orir:iiiicil 1st work of May 181)1.
Clmrtor aIoihIhts, 10.
' April 24, 1898.
Nuinlior of Active MoiuIrtk.
NuiiiIkt of Associate Members,
Total Mviiilivrslii),
Amount ot money collected for
yonr ending Apr. 24, 1898 $58.95
Deafness Cannot be Cured.
by local applications, as they cannot, reach the
diMuetetl portion ot tue eur. There Is only one
wuy tocureaeufnehs, sod thst is by constltu
tlonttl reiuetlleti. harness Is ouusetl by sn In
flraed condition ot the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets In
named you have a rumbling sound of the Im.
perfect nearti.g, sort wnen It Is entirely olomd
desfuess Is the result, and unless the Inflamma
tion can be taken oat sad tbls tube restored to
lot normal ooudltlon, hearing will be destroyed
forever; nine cases out ot tan are caused by
catarrh, which Is uotblug but an Inflamed coa.
diuoa of the mucous kurfaces.
anvcaseofDealness (caused by catarrh I that
cannot be cured by BALI8 CATAUUU CVBK.
Head for circulars, free. '
P. J. CHKNNtT CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, 7M. HoU t Family PllU
VsrloM KlaAa, mm Wkat Tkey Are
evaraJly timmm rr.
Nature supplies ua with two com
plete foods, milk mnA ggn. which con
tain in the proper proportions all the
necessary elements for tlfe sustenance
ut our bodies. As these are the only
complete foods, it is necessary in their
absence to hare mixed foods, and it is
iu the mixing that mistakes occur, be
cause the fat-forming, muscle-forming, j
and other ports are taken in wrong
proportions, some in excess and others
the reverse. Left to his own taste prim
itive man invarta'bly selects the best
food. This instinct, however, is defect
Iveatthepresentday. For children food
rich in bone-forming substances is nec
essary. Among muscle-forming foods
the following are the bcstnd most com
mon! Oatmeal porridge with rich milk,
n nd whole-meal bread buttered; nieut
U u bifrhly-comlensed fooffof this class.
To men of sedentary occupations a free
use of meal is injurious. For men en
gaged at hard manual labor a generous
incut diet is admirable.
Vegetables contain but little nour
ishment, but are useful ns blood puri
fiers, and olso supply bulk to the food
which Is necessary topivetheconsurpcr
satisfaction. Milk should never be
taken with meat, because they are both
rich in one substance. Tea should not
be taken with meat cither, because it
renders the meat tough und indigesti
ble, lleef ranks first as n muscle former,
and mutton next. Pork makes a vary
digestible dish, und fowl anil bacon nro
a ery useful anrl palatable dis.Ii. Ce-rcai:-.
i r.U'r N:r're!y into ourdict, and are
of in tick alue. because, they supply fooj
ur March us well as muscle food. Iocs provide little nutriment, but
with plenty of milk, which supplies the
precise ingredient they lack, a pood
diet is formed. '
Suinr well worthy of notice, und
the child's love of it is a perfectly
healthy instinct, and should always be
gratified in reason. Fruits nee good
blood pdriliers, iitl tl.ould be consid
ered ns essentials rather than luxuries,
ileef tea contains scarcely any nutri
ment whatever, and is ulniotit purely a
stimulant. A dog fed on beef let
starved to death, while, another fed on
refuse meat throve. Tea, injuritHM ii'
I'lkt'tt in excess, provides, if taken in
moderation, n most refreshing drink.
Many .".cicntists recommend i I k use
;:liout two hours before our principal
t'leiil. itntl without food. OofVt is a
'.tiitni'tint, UTiliki' t'll others, iti fact.
(h-,.t it is followed by no reaction. It
stii'iu'.'ttes the brain, arid is oiled an
intellectual drink. Cocoa deserves to
be classed ns u food. Fit tsliurgli His-
IcKcrtciI Vrlinnn Mt.-llon lie Scene of
lllo.idy lt4olr?i Opercf lot:.
Those v.l'.o enn romrmiier hack to
1ST:; nnd tlierenlmtils in this part of the
territory rccnll that Cicncf.ii r.tation
had a remarkably tragic hi.sttirv. It
v.ns tmee 1 lie it bode of a small Hump!!
tlcsicrnle hand of ctitt hronts iii-.tiu' v
ihe employes of the statfe comp'iny
who posed ns honest linstH while operat
ing n private prnveyord for unfort unrte
travelers, not or. like nor inferior I'i I 'i:it
v, 1 1 ifli has clothed the name of rentier
with its world-wide terror nnd il!'or It wiis the most irrtper'ant k(:
lioti hetween Tucson nnd Silver City
on (lie old llntlerficld slnirc rntitn that
ran hetween San Dirffonnd F.I Fnsr).
The tra;rie piystrries of Clenefrn sta
tion were never entirely cleared up, for
rstnrdcrs nnd rolilieries end hold-ups
followed no swiftly on the heels of eneli
other that the real miscreants were
never dealt with by the authorities.
That their Crimes were tivenp-etl. how
ever, ns crimes always nre. is shown in
1he Indian massacre which occurred
there in the fall of 1sr:i. One tlarlc
nipht the Apaches palhereil iu silence
on the Rurrountlintf hills nnd at tlay
hreak, with n whoop nnd yell, they
rushed in on the little hand nt the sta
tion and massacred all. If any escnpetl
no one knows who it was or where he
went, nnd the presumption Is that all
were killed. On n little knoll, liack of
the station, nre the mounds of 11 un
known pnivcs, marked liv a I'in'jh'
shaft that tells the work of the lU'en-r-ers.
Vo:; of the crimes perpetrated hv
he while men nt Cienepa were laid
to the door of the Ainches nnd It was
p.fterwnrd found that moccasins were
kept by the robbers ns part of their
liiphwny paraphernalia.
The most widely known crime of the
f'iencR'n fiends was the capture of $".",
nflO en route from TCI Puso to San llieco,
In charge of n small povernmeiii puard.
These were funds of t,lie t'nited fjtates
paymaster, and the three men whoyit
tempted toApnvey them in nbucklmnrd
punt rieneff tntlo.1) were n)tirdeed on'
the spot. It wos known that thrs crime
. ns perpctrnt1 -h Americans dis
rruiscd ns Apaches. At this time It was
impossible for these Cionejrn renders
to pet out of the country with their
treasure, so most of it was burled in
secret. Then came the Apnche' aveng
ers. Often since then idle prospectors
have made, vain searches for the hidden
treasure. Arizona Gazette.
Few Soldiers, Hot Lots of Officer.
Lord Wolseley admits that Enpland
cannot put two perfectly equipped
army corps In the field. Sir Chnrle
Dilke thinks that she cannot put one
ic the field. But. whether she can put
one or two, there is no doubt that on the
active list we have seven field marshals
md 223 other general officers, and if we
take the reserved and retired general
officers we have 1,529. That is, if Sir
Charles Dilke is right, we could furnish
a general officer for every 20 men we
could put in the field. London Satur
day Review.' i
Jtmlca'i Life Plant.
There ia a plant In Jamaica called the
life plant, because it ia almost impos
sible to kill it or any portion of it
When a leaf ia cut off and hung up by
a string, it send out white thread-like
roots, gathers moisture from' the air,
and begina to grow naw learefv Cblca-
e-a Lata fleaan.
Callo Klaar4M Arsaaed Over h
Deaths ml Cklldna I'aatteadea
br Phrslclaas Pnreata Held for
MaasUaakter. '.
.. ...... .
(By Ansle-Aoirrlcin Pnw.)
LONDON. Oct 14. Town and county
authorities all . oyer' the United King
dom are exercised over the doings of
the 'Peculiar People." a sect of faUtt.
curlsts. Many scandals have arisen re
cently over the deaths ot children
whose, parents, being members of this
denomination, disposed with medical
attendance. Physicians In several in
stances have sworn that the lives of
the children could have been saved by
proper treatment, whereupon the par
ents of the little ones have Invariably
been arrestafl for manslaughter.
At a recent coroner's Inquest at 'West
Ham the mother admitted that a doctor
had not been summoned to attend the
child, but said the elders of the church
w-ere appealed to and that they sought
to cure the sufl'erlng Infant by laying
on of hands. This same woman con
fessed that she had lost five other chil
dren, none of whom bad been attended
by n physlclun.
Tuhllc feeling Is Rrowlni? ajrlnst
those practices nnd n general demand
has been made for the discipline of the
sect by the medlee.l authorities. Tli9
ppneral sentiment Is that the faith eur-
Ists may try mind healing on them
selves; If they choose, but that they
must not be alio wot to naerlllce the
lives of their Innecent children. '
"Sir Hurry" t.rcctcil nllh tVlrri
renllliou" In I'.iiitliah VrU.
At the enthusiastic Cymric entertain-
mer.t lven at Cardiff on the recent oc- ,
cnslon of their first professional visit J
to Wales, Sir Henry irvind nnd Miss
Ellen Terry heard probably for the llrst I
time what ancient AVelrh penllllon sini;- j
Inr; w;ih lilio. "Kom Dar" ("The Niftht- i
ln;:.-.le of tins Dnre") dvlivured hliiidelf
of eH the accumu'ated Wehh hwyl he
ever bore lu rendering the following
pernlllion or verses in English, to the
evident dellpht of the great actor and
th" great actress:
Sulk.-. 1-ir, If tli" lift r. '' lfir old Wales
Antl l'-t n r viil.'H l.c inrrl .'.'.
Ww. mi'-iint, r.n.t liuicy 'vate
In nil v"iir unlive ff i i v .
Tn welc'illle with n mri':;!! rtllff
tur chuiiiilni; I'.lli-n 'firry.
Hall, linll. nrrnt a' tor to the lnncl of p.way ani
Antl til'ttiirh focill'1."'! :F wo nro.
"l''.H'On l;i"Uiilnl:i l':ll lill'l 'li-.-ifV.
Tliui tin' Vilflm:.iii' litiiri i,.ic with tils
Yi'U'li ula tliiil. Kir Hurry.
lie mill III I'rlticeim Will VInM Wel
bi't'k Mi lit' .
I illy Annlu-AiniMloan Tnin.)
LONDON. Oct. 11. The Prince and
l'rlmvys of Wales. Me to be the RU-sts
of the Duku and" Duchess of I'ortland
at T.'elbeck Abbey from Monday, Dec.
5. until Saturday, the 11th. Their Royal
Highnesses, who uro to be Hccomp.'nied
by l'rlnetss Victoria and Prince and
l'rluccps Charles of Denmark, v.ill go
to Welbectt from RiinQriiifthani, and at
the conclusion of their visit thi-y are
to proceed to MarlborouKh House. A
daneo will be Klven In the undersrifUnd
ball-room at Wclbeck one night diirius
the week.
v.i'.i.Mii wAitii.i:itM rinnsd.
t-lclirnlrtl Choir Will Soon
VImII America.
(fty AnKln-Ami'Tli'iin Press.)
LIVERPOOL, Oct. 14. The celebrated
Welsh choir will shortly visit the
United States for u lonff tour. It con
tests of Mr. John He'ynon (manager)
and Mine. Milcs-Heynon, AJerlhyr; Mlsa
Pfjtrlce Evans, Merthyr; Mr. Rrough
ton, j'.liby Vale; Mr. Thomas r'tephetia,
Abertillery: Mr. J. Thomas, Lhinelly;
Miss Thomas, niodwen Mervyn, and
Miss Tilly, Abertillery, accompanist.
amllcn for Her tiniitexlou.
tUy l'rffli )
MANCHESTER, Eng., Oct. 14. Alice
Weaver, a girl who hud been In serv
ice with Mrs. Underbill, in Sidbury,
Worcester, died on Tuesday under pe
culiar circumstances. A constable
found her lying Insensible In Vincent
road, nnd It was stated that she had to
leave her situation because Bhe used to
eut wax candles, her explanation being
that she "wunted to look vhlte." bhe
even ate. the candle from a carriage
HrltlPKroom at Kluhty.
(Hy Anglo-Amerlein l're.)
LONDON, Oct. 14. A novel wedding
took place at Christ Church, llexley
Heath, on Monday, the bridegroom be
ing 80 and the bride Both are In
mates of the Foresters' Asylum for the
Aged at Bexley Heath' the manbelng
a widower and the woman a 'widow.'
Another elderly widow acted as
"bridesmaid,", and the bride was glveri
away; by a veteran Forester. This U
tha woman's fourth husband.
Nalllav Ulm Down.
Mr. Jleetleson Would you like tht
date put in onr engagement ring:, dear?
Miss Beryl By all means; and then,
if there's any room, run in aome little
motto lllce tbla: "Any port la a storm."
or "A bird in the hand," or something1
pretty like that, you know. i Tit-Bite,
Way Il Rhkfj Tkasa.'
Interested Friend (to boy who haa
been Interviewing1 m irate parent)
Bay I Did it hart much ?
. "Nawl , It never hurt a bit only th
dustoat of my 'pants has gtt into no.;
a.M TT..1.n T If.
VJM. .-MMWIB lil, .... t- t-
of.thi Mother shapes the course
of unborn generations goes
sounding .through all the
ages nT enters the confines of
Eternity.. ' With what care, there
fore, should the Expectant Moth
er be guarded, and how great the
effort be to ward off danger arid
make her life joyous and happy.
allays all
lieves the
and Nau
sea, and so
fully pre
Darcs the
system that Childbirth Is made easy
and the time of recovery short
ened many say "stronger after
than before confinement." It in
sures safety to life of both moth
er and child. All who have used
Mother's Friend " say they will nev
er be without it again. No other
remedy robs confinement of its pair.
emtoirer wlicfo wifo used 'Mother's Friend."
says that 1f hlio bad to r through the tinted
attain, and thore w no hut four tuiitle to lw
obtained, uuii ,'anro.s. wm$!'M.( p jr ccltta. It t
woultl Iiavo ilicui.'' ci io. Lai toii, Duytuu, uin..
f c"t hy Vail, on reorir rf price. t.Cl TFP vtv?.
ti.f. nook to "ixi'RtrrAXT mothebs"
iniiiliiil frH nptuj piinliraliiMi, rontnirin(t vnl.
iiublo iuf on arm voluntary tcsttmociiUi,
Smnll iiilvtrltseiiieiits of evt-ry tlerlptMn.
Want, Side or Hem, l.i'st nr Knuiitl. or ikt im'
ilerh liiM' rii i! miller tills Imail fur' f,".i
n wont ItiroiiH Ii.sitMuii a nil oiiif-tiiiiri n eiiiit t
woM larli Mili-t'ii'iti i. In-ertluu. Molhluy th
si'rteil tin' Uxs iliau ten cnuis.
Xo-To-liao for fifty Ceutn.
(mvianiet'il loinn'co lialilt weuU
men .U'oiiir. hi"o'i M'i' Mh ' mi iiw."'' k
'ftW tve umil li-iiifii ur l:i'l ii'm to ti'iMl t i
V r-! I'lOilKllllH, tH'HllllSiM'll ;OM,l. ?,1.M
tll'y $115 ii lii i i- I t.'i'.f'S. I'usltton f,:n:y. li.'ti-i.
enee. K: rlfie m ll-iii'ilirpf-ei! Untiii u ,'lM'l-ii' .
Till' l.'UUllllkM. Il'llipilt.', Dt'pl.iV.. t'Mi';,.;iv
U-10-117,1. .
IMm a'e Voiu- .'tiuv.ilit XVIi 1'ut.riirt tM.
Camly Cuthnrtli', cure constipation ftircvu'.
'.Oc.SiSt;. If C. C. C. full, tlrUKHislsri'fiiail iiimii". .
IfOitMcH l!i Plfni;ift cf n. rrs
A liii')Cirriii;Tedoiilil. st'it'til-nsi:r.'oi ;!r:v
in;:. Intciidin hu.vni's of eai'i'ia;:. s or
ntta can k:iv" dollar. t'V ii "iidin.T -li i.-.
Inr"?. free ctitaloiiuocf tin lilltl.i.r; Carriai'
aud Uanicsa JUfe. Co.. iildiur l"-l.
ilr-'tlnchfi and Sruralijfa cured by rr
i. I b i-.i' I'A I M I'I Lbri. "Onu can t a done."
TO 't I5K A '(!,! I DM) R.iy
TaUo I jixalive tjiiiniiif 'I'alili iH. All Un if
;!Ih rofuiul Ihu iiiciiii')' if it fails to ctnv STu.
10-11. .'in.
' A ofc from tlif LtliCor.
The t'lllior tif ii li'mliiiir H'ate j upiT writc
"lf you hail Nt'tin my wifu luxt Jnnti und wtiri't
Hvvtt'r tn-tiuy ytiti wmilil not lit'lievu aim win
tin- mono woman Then hIic whs lirokeu tl m
by nervtnis ilfiility anil biiITitciI terrilily irmn
voiisiipittion imp i,-k lifuiliiL'lio. Hiu'ou'r li i
ery kiuu fur Hie Nervm niiulc ler a well woman
ill till one ninntli.', V. 11. j Iitiiuiii, TroM l
villu; Mnlillrnwartli ic I'Uli. .Mi'C'iiin;; II. A.
Kliriulit, Altnt- will civo you a fri'c moii li
piii'kauu of Hi: Kri'at licilml renietl' Ijirm
aizt'H Sie and 5 ic.
Auditor's ilctico.
In ri'-Ksluteof Piiot'lm ) In the tirphau.-' Conn
A. Iv'i'l.Y, lute of WimI. ol ,Si..vUir I'oiiini, I'...
I'erry Tuivumiip, tlee'il.)
Audi nnw' Notii k.
Tiie undersigned, who was appoltiled uti.I!t i
l.y Kiilrt court to t'l-lrllnile tie funds In lii.'
liniiilft nf W. ;. Wottii'tiy, ailiiiiiiUtriiltirnrsii'.il
(leei'di'M, iispt-r hisllrsl und limit account !i:H
iintl cuiiltnned In Mild entale, to anil nniiii',1
those legally i niitltd Id the Hiiinc, will t, f, r
the purpose of illscintrglng I lie duilm til Ills ui -p.ilnlini'iit.iit
H'ooflneof t'liaih'S llntmr, )Cv
:n tin; li'irmtsh of h. lln?f."ovi', Sr.yder Ct,iiiii.
13., on I'rltlu.v, April :i, ls.i", between t lie liuint
t o'ulock A. M. and 3:'.'ii o'clock 1. M, of sai l
day, wliero and whiia nli piulles are retpit'sti il
lo prtwmt tlii'irt'lalum or lie lomver di lrarri il
from claliiilng any portion of kiiIi! funds.
Jah, 0, Citousi:, Audllor.
iHin of Atlmitiistrntlon in the
fftiiteol Kdw'tl Jiiller, In'nnf .Mitltllt-ric'i'ktwp .
HnytliT eotinty, l'n., tlec'tl, IiiivIiir been irriiiili'.l
to ike unileritiirliett, nil pernoiin knowliiit lli.'iii
elveii intlul ti-tl to will eMtutf are requenlm! t.
make liiimtsliatu pa.vmont, while tWoxu hnvim;
elniniawill prevent tlieiu duly aullieiltitaied lo
the undcmixncd.
Apr.. IS1W. Adin'r.
Ilou't Tobarro Spit anil Smoke Ycsr Lire inaj.
To quit tobacco easily nnd forever, be ratK
nelio. full of life, nerve antl vlxor, take No Tu'
Him. the wonder-worker, that makes weak mm
strong. All druttfflsts, SOoortl. Cure Rimiuii'
teed. Booklet und sample free. Address
Htorllne Itemedy Co, Cliicano or New York
GrnjKM Overhung Two'Milos of
Carriage Drivce.
Grape arhorri loaded with Ornpm, S milt
lonif. and over 300 nille of vluei trilnrd on
wires. Thil Is . the extent of tipper's Oporto
Grope Vineyard at I'msalc, N. J., only 12 mllis
from New York City. .Tbowwlio doubt It ran
have their expennee paid and f 100 given tlieiu
by the Speer N. J. Wine Co. If' they will enmr
and eeeand do not And the above true. Tlir
wine are the oldest and but to be had.
WOKK POK YOU AT MOMK tnaillnR rlrcu
lata, bnuke, and Noveltlvn, hamplee, etc.
10 renu. Hay Uaoa,, (B) Box VM, Moulder.
Colo. ' a-a.m.
WiUTPH OId EablUbetl Hoiwe-Higli
KAlllDU Grade Mn or Woman, of cootl
Church nUntlind, to act ae Man(er here and do
office work and correnpondeiice l their home.
Muni nana already built up and ntablahed bet
Halary SDiiO. KncloM eelf-addiveaed Umpnl
envelops far our terms to A. P. T. Elder, Ueu
oral Manager. ISO Hichigau Avenue, Ch lento
III., Klr.1 Kloor S-ai-itm.
lot of White Pin and Yellow Pine Bldnglf"
and White Plos Beard. - Call and eee Ibis lol.
TheyWlUbe soldOHKAP. ' .'
4-T-lm. B.8.MlTTItBUNG,8troupowi, r-
rV lllfrn XbJHMKN to beadle, oar Lubrt
W Ailluu eating oils on eommlaslon n MM
dlebargand vicinity,' Liberal termi. .
4-7-M. ....:'! Ctovelaad, Ohio. .