FP- ..'.-. . SoL 2S, John JUauDerman au te'llullvntiauh, both of ' Kratror. 11c. Sent. 2S, JohnSharaoryofFrauk ,tvp. acd liaeholDeobler of litre twp. Oct. 5, by Kev. W. K WichiiJ, ttennrc F. Gariiu-rer of Sun- Irv, Pa., and Sadie Smith of sit Valley, this county. Oit .", John Sower and Jane miner of Jackson twp. IKt-, lVter Dreese of Snyder . and Amanda Haines of Union. l. ' IVt .", KolKi t K. r.rb and rwrar Jieish, loth ot rranklin twp. V-t. 1', J. Wetel f Salem to ie raii!;t ot !s:hnsgnvo... Vt. !, by Kev. Haas, Thomas l'J. . i i:.... t .i.... l.H. reeliur;. L:it. bv same, Jlcii,aimn iu is of IVllvvilli, Ills, and lia Swarm of Selinsgrove. CONGRESS TO ACT. Lawmakers Will Decide tie Question of War or Peace. CONGRESSMEN'S OBJECTIONS .To Giving the President Absolute ' Power to Act. LEE'S TRIUMPHAL PROGRESS. kici I OnrConsnl General tolIavuaGrwtn) With Wildest Knthiishism ou Ills Trip From Tain pa to tlio National Capital Ail in I nil Iternngor, Spnlu's Minister of Murine. Declare Tliut tlio Harbor of Havana mill Other Cuban Harbors Wcro Milled liy Ills Order. Washington, April 12. The future ot the relations of the United Stutes with Spain nndrto Cuba pow rests with cun- , ... 1... I... - 1.:,.1..,....v,.r. i lne ropreH.uu,ve uouy or the i. i., 17 "... ,M American people What course tin I ... : i fi t. .., i...,i. : p lillZ lo Minim.! vi-iiks, " 1 elected men composing it will pursue p-ivlrtir". ' cannot just now bo forulold. The fur- 111 1 . ',... I' InwvM.U Llu c'kii affairs committees of both housei l. 1.', " ," "J "" i " 1 . . 1 it j "Where ta Lee rv was the cry from i 'ramp to thl- place, and until he made his appearand the crowds could not control their Impatience. Whenever the general etepned to the' rear plat, form outbursts of applause greeted him. Before reaching Jasper, Fla.. three telegram were received on the train urging him to make his appearance, so that the peonle could see him. Arriv ing there, the local company of stat troops and a score of Confederate vet erans, with a wild crowd, met htm. "A thousand welcomes to you. Gen eral Lee, as a brave man: a thousand welcomes to our old Confederate com rade; ten thousands of welcomes to you, sir, for your admirable official course as our consul at Havana," said one of the gray headed men. "I thank you, sir," said tiee "for your kind ex pressions. I thank the American peo ple for. the commendation they hnve shown my administration as your con sul general at Havana. I have never really known until today how united the people are In sanctioning my course." In the afternoon he endeavored to get some sleep, but It was impossible. The crowds would beslese the train ami even attempt to force the doors of the private car In their frantic efforts to see the popular general. One aged vet eran said: '.'I am 62, hut nil I wan' you to do Is to Found the bugle, anil I will be with you, saddle and boots. Don't put It off too long, general. He" us go to haul down the Spanish Hag." This sentiment was general all iilonr the line. 11; tssinir'T, 1 . si- ami Amainm tut 1 leaver twp. 1. IS), ly same, 11. A. llvmmel , Misan Gearhart, the former iii ! urivi k twp. ami the latter ol i cr a I lev. . 2", Samuel A. Mover ol twp. and Amiii' (lomberiiiiji ; iii'oe. . :, J. J Warner and S11 I Kith ol Pel m twp. : . 'Jii, by l!tv. Pi !; iuiieyci , tun Shotzlx'r-rer ami Ilarliara n, both oi't 'hapmaii twp. II, at Krcamer, bv Uev. Ivi'rr, I.-aae V. l'ysind ! .ydia : r, both ol Snyder 'o. j v. 1(1, by Kev. Krleniiieyer, ! 'Jiiiiiin anil ( !ara J in:-;, rmaii. : i!' lYi'i'lnirtj. 1. Hi, by Kev. YVcMlil, J. (). Liai Ic.n AI. Driw, both oi t!nrr. IS, by Kev. lirh'iimeyer, 1- II lit . l I ' I I 1 ivaiiihieanii Harriet u e.ier, ii 'alii:lon twp. -0, byJev. Wwtntl, How-; 1 laines m V. Heaver I w. t fry N. Kink oi LamitTvil i-. bv Kev. Krleninever. i now have the subject In their control, and after due r.elihoratlon will repu-t to their resjiective hranclies what they consider vliDl'ld be the ikttltude of the Unit 'd States on the crave ijiie!?tiou presented. Kutly tictloil by the foin niltleca In CNpei'ted, but exactly tti:(ii It may be loolied for la nut now d. t -r-nilned. The full re.ipiinMlbllity i.f the subject was plai'cd upon eoi!;.;re:-; when rrcsidcf.t J.lcitluley y.-acrday trunsir.iited 1 ) It a ciin fully nerar, ! and iiiixluus!; awr.il d tin ss:;;e viat- Itlg to Our lie;;, it . ,,,1S Willi Si'.li!) Wi(!l retfard to tie- warfare i'l t'uiia. 1. i drawing thi'vC-vm bis per.-oral ( dr!;. sie.ns and reeoiiiinetidallons. No message In fecal yi ars, tioi ,,:, that r Jiv! Me'nl fieveland on Vcn t.i:; la i:oi- rie;l lint llanisoii n "u' , e.!i;;:ed ::i!r! v i I .-e;. d and Inli In ten i;t. No i':t s. i.':e was ever lb tea.. I to Willi raoio clo.ue uttentlon ly le . .';a!K rie;; avil 1 i inbeis at both ends n' ".lie Capit..!. 'I'ii 1; li did not erea: - : -found lie hi: i.i:;i may ;:i w dr. i to the i .e t t liat i'.a n.a'u fe.itut 1:. .1 been ccecr -..; r' ii-a.-a: v. i t'i a . aplo!liti:u a; aaeT.', th.Me who v...;;;. -i Cuban lie.l. i" i.i'i m . i.a.l l.a!nfc:'!..te re prisal upon .'..iin 1'or the i'a mi ria 1 a a if the Mair . '""er a .a'..". ti.ne a lai e innjority ;i both holies lieve faVere.l t. IS, b- KeV. I:rleni.)ev,.v, " aif. - r XU- lade,,, -nd-m. 1 r fu- p 1 ' till 1 . 1 i.i.i'h In:. 11 l,.i v..'.-. r... ..: in r. ti ji.i: . . .1 l y eony.'e:-.;;, tile recotail, li.ii i.f belligerency h:.n been Koii!;:il. I'.otl. if f.ies-.e nroi o:'l!ion i -0, yiu'V. W WtlKl, ih'W-: Wcre un'.ae.ori-,:. .1 In the mesrle;.., en.l 1 laines ol W. Heaver t V . conseou-atiy In tl'ls regard the nies- f .,. ' l.in. .li.t n... I 1:1;. 1 1 1. ....... Hentiuieiit. The iiies:-i;ve left eotifrrcss veiy much at sea le. eaii'.Tj of the disparagement la views between it and the exeet.tive, a:; obstacle hard to surmount unless, as 2:!. bv Rime. Joint Ficldaia! 1 I10W n'm. l,r"1,,l,,,,-, ty"&rm. lls . 'M-i ii 1 course in in; 111 accord Willi the pn?s';. i'Jiotll i t yiultlleen IK tWl. I dent's lecei.imclidatl.in. It ts eeoei- .l. -'."i, lit Uie resilience of the,ly bp",'V'-rt that the president would j, 1 . ... . .. . . have been authorized to intervene with lalller U -Mullllelllire- by ; ,h(. nn.iv and nnvv hml II nol l,.... r.. Derek ami i Ilcriin. Sevilla Sell nee . h. Niilitlel ot St llll 'o'ro'e, ' the concluding paragraphs of the d a tiaiioliter ol Kev r.u nw!!,.e l.'i. .in.! : un,l'n. which ftunouneed the latest Notice to the Public. konitfit f.om A. II. Wugni-r 11 dark blS" utal bUL'g', ami I liii'iliy '.'Ive teiill I'er.Mi'i not, to medil n wjtli I lie ('.A. OoiuioN, Perry twp. pouglilJroin s. A. Wniftier a tup bun:,-) kli.v u'lvu warning to ull peinns tic 1 Willi the same. JanksOihukis, Perrj two. MAHH.IF.V). tih.TBP i.f ' dtnlonxfi! le n. .rr.tt l;i f I. m I. 1. j The r.i.'iiate eoniinlttee on foreign re i lations immediately went Into session 1 but reached o definite com luslun riran inu laci nun iin lieiiuiilleun I members held 11 consultation afli r tin ; meeting adjourned, and what was sab regarding it, the Inference was drawn I that some strong measure was luces- ; sary in order to carry any action by the committee through the senate. A j declaration of war was talked of. ami u declaration that the people of Cul should be free, coupled with authoriza- tion to the president to bring this about . by armed intervention, was suggested j It is well known that any proposition aiivaueeii ui'i ne met In the senate In. gov. ii'Keftinned Pai-Siiliai'e, Xew ! witl1 un '"''Klnient declining the f,M.ii. 'in.l. 1 wuv I .. l l 1 "' Pcnileniic i.f the prjsent Cuban t t 't'". -v .'iciicv. erninent ley Koirjer, .bilni J'. Zeeli- The temper of the house could not f T rovi'lvillii iiiul fwj I e accurately determined, but there. L 1 ....... . , ...., n,., .. , k I. ...it, t tl l "ii.ci 111 in ui.uni tiuu lor ......j;, jcaMToprins, Cuban indeiieiidencu 'haH to be met. Any report from the committee on for eign affairs that does not carry with It this feature will be antagonised by an amendment, nnd the prospects are (Snvilcr Co. Pi una. VI, at the britle'w parents in jure at 1 P. M.. bv Pev. Visiter. . R Seehrist il I a.n un",J,t'llti a'"l the prospects arc l ' ,, LA. .... I ,nal nearly all trie Democrats and .r. inn. i.ii.xsiiaiue lu'ljiie: many Republicans would favor It. Ef laee. They left oil the ii ' fort8 liavo U8'n directed toward ae- Iraill for Pewistmcn ' I tlon wnlch would secure the solid sup- I , . j I'rt ot the Republican organization C Ullll inst. hv liev . A. 1 an" republican majority of the house, jibrew A. Kli'ii.rli.r im,l V ' T,,e s"anitih "ilmster, Senor Polo de L . e J,V",o1(' - Bernabe. remained at the legation dur- IJC, ikhii 01 Kratzerville. ing the day, uendlng and receiving ?. Pl.KASANT MILLS. jkl snap eamo rather nnex- many of our jmhijiIc. . . . ster J. N. Prosiiis' moved on Thursday last h'Qsiu.s and j. A. Sehailer laee starteil for Ihieknell lyat TjewHibiiron Monday. ' people are awakening to hat a longer' school term liry, Kathcryn Miller al intends to teach a select to this Kpring. . . , . .C. n lmnght a hoi-se and bmr.' -v. ir. w agner ; hinms of a newspaper repl 1 nettml cash value. X0 afford to give free udver ' "re than a merchant f to pass dry goods or shoes Jonnter for the asking! Id It and ' " 1 dM ... r"e 10 cent!. nn.tn.iH aksi8. PleartntvllleVrt; THE awssiiK President McKinley Declares in Fa vor of Armed Intervention, BUT IS OPPOSED TO RECOGNITION A I)A1A(.1X(1 Spain's ADMISSION, Wnr Minister Si'ivs lluvnii.' Harbor Is .M loeil. Madrid. April J'.:. 1C1 Heraldo I e Madrid publishes an interview wit 11 Admiral He rancor, former minister .,' marine, In the course of wiiirh be re pressed his conlbleni e hi the nbiaty of the Spanish navy to win in the event of a war wlih the United plates. "There ii no fear," said Admiral r.eranger, "of our Cuban imrls In lug exposed to a nii'.ht attack, luasann : as Havana, "ion 1 in gos, Nm ias ..n.l Santiago de Cuba are defended b.v elec tric and automatic torpedo's, wiih a large ia'!;ts of action. Th. y were placed by onl. r of the lale j-'ennr I'an ovas d"! (Viyiillo and my:--elf." It Is sr'iil ti..' I'niled States niiuls'e'-. Oeiiei al St-Aurt. U Woiidfor.., ..;i ,v Madrid t el. y. It Is further all. . ! that he will be aeoncpai i ! in tic frontier by : n escort of gendarmes. wai: m:vs ok t:ii: wi;i k. Spnnlnrd .l.-ered lit Americans as They Ii it 1 1 it vii tut Harbor. Wtis.iir.i.ti.n. AiTll 12. The evi ni. 1? the past . '. ill W.li'lllnntoll I.eVe ki pt th r a. 1 il public goes. in;;. While there ware 1 e.lless war rumors. It wua known that 1:1 president Would 1 ppose hostililiis as far as coiisis:. at with liati.eial ! for, and the members cf hi., party in i.ni;:nrs have fell a v. re to m. i f wa.'fat ml e.'Ter olir people S'.-e.',' th, a f alow.-: prosper,.! .1 t I I 'll ti :el,... Hie human com mieiralive ' I'.e.i I .. ai: .ie;. I- jitld I.e.-. Sllffo . .! : our ci.i;.':e. !r..t. mi. I f: .1 our p. . led as :o In".. piny b d tb. Ihe war 11:1 vy tb ; be- el'leii. ' iuer t lu ll it be exp. cie,' e 11, ins- many dispatches and conferring' with his advisers. He cabled the entire president's message to Madrid, except only the historical references to Gen eral Grant's message, Texas, etc. Tho minister said ho must decline to make the slightest public allusion to the president's message, as nny remark from him would be Inconsistent with his position. The war and navy departments con tinued their active preparations today. While eventualities are being prepared for, the Bcntlment In armv and navy circles Is that war is not so imminent as It seemed to be a few days ago.' It can be stated on authority that no consideration has yet been given to the withdrawal of the United States fleet at Key West, as the administration IvihU that the situation has undergone bo change which makes this withdraw al necessary, or advisable, UEK'S TH1CMPI1AL PROGRESS. The 1'atrlotlo South Wildly GrootM Our Consul General. Waycross, Qa t April 12. Consul General Lee's special train left Tampa at V.ZO yesterday, and every station along the route lavished tributes upon him. The country for miles in the in terior furnished ardent admirers, who came In carts, wagons and on horse back. Ladles filled the car with hand some bouquets, accompanied by mis sives expressive of their . admiration. cplie.'.hu' hi-, policy. Will), preparation'; In .holh ariiiy a; have cnihiii ' I uninlerrtipl la w.i fclvcii 1, hi here has led t. Iii f that w ; r might, yet be A ( .'ling 1 I disgust spreai ciii'..ry lie. 1 Wednesday win ca.ra l;ui..;i Hint the lop; Cuban inessu"" would not I. milted to 1 'iii.gr.'S.i, ullhoierli it ha i been preiiilied on that day. The rea son i.ivi 11 was ih.it Consul 'icin ral l.e' had ciniM'.'.'le.l delay, fearing that i In t . mi(,ht be aa .uprising against Ann 1 i cans in Havana, The reports for tb day .vcie 1 .tremcly peaceful, 'i'hiirs dfiy war clmnls again a)iinire., It be lug a inounecd tiiat Consul dencral I,e.. bad been ordered to leave 1 1 .1 vana. lied 011 that day tile exodus of Americans from the ('una 11 capital v. as begur. Flld y's dispatches from Madrid nit-' erat.d Speiu's d.i lermlna'inii to allow no foreign inn i'i eutlnn. AnoHier pence ful 1 Van;;' cime on Saturday, when i' was amioiiia cd from Madrid that a a un. list H e had U en ordered in Cuba, nnd yesleiiley this armistice went Into effect. Hut us th" insurgent have no: consent"!! to the jv-mistice, an I still (e. mnnd Cuban imlepeie'ence, it Is nm likely licit the aiiuiiaice will iast. On Sunday the Ktcai.u-rs from Havana land 'd Hie American refugees, Includ ing Consul Ccneral J.ee, at Key Wc-I, and thi so refugees told of the jeers nnd Insults that had been llnae; at them by Spaniards as they were sail lag out of the harbor, "(let out, Yan kee swine,'" was among the mild-sl ex-' precisions used. Vice Consul Springer waved bib blind to a particularly abtiMve group and shouted: "Wall, wait, my friends; we will be buck soon." When the sailors at Key West heard the expressions they felt crtiln j that they would be called upon to bombard Havana this week, nnd the prospect of war tnude them extremely Jubilant. He Ask, However. That tlio Presi dent Ite (ilveu Absolute Power Ho Imc!ssh the Horrors of WeylerN Concentration thaler hihI Itet'ers lirlelly to the Maine Horror. Washington, April 12. President Me Klnley's message to congress on the Cuban question, which was transmitted yesterday, reviews at length the revo lution which has waged on that Islund for more than three years past, which Is "but a successor of similar insurrec tions which have occurred In Cuba dur ing nearly half a century," and de clares the latest outbreak "a struggle unequalcd In the history of the -d-and," which has "subjected the l'i,i- icu ri.ni:i 10 great iiioil aim .ex pense in enforcing Its neutrality laws, caused ciioriiieus losses to American trade and iniumerce, caused Irritation, annoyance and disturbance among our citizens, nnd by the exer cise of ci ne', barbarous and miel i!i:'.. ,! pnictl. iiihilltl palhic The St"i " "A . bi . .1 1 Its p.. thou-;.!!'..: ; tion. 1 111; : ; Itnl Inv. has In "ii !:, and foil. 1, been so : .,; oils Ii:"'. i w hd'h I .. i : i. a I ' .i. 1 1 e;;ii!a:i': . A :t r i Of Ids Cuba )" ef I i pe, In W hi. il i e "lly ti... t-'.-Hi. a Ie"! eull'.al 1... lilil.l. i' ... w i 1 1 . . 1 1 t 1 ' : i Ina.'.c. 1. poll. I'e.l'i- I I 001 ly 1 ':. ' en. anitai . i.f f I of the ,1, I , ib st il in i. a arid Man. 11 ileal Ii 1 .', ! ratio. J'y euuserv .11 elllci.ll r.ei . recoil n:r.' the ill. . f.tl p. r 1 , : practical (lestllllte. 'I l'lady se;' could y i e ; Mills, ify "The !-o 1 tabashe, It Is specially our duly, for It Is right at our door. "Second We owe It to our cit liens in Cuba to afford them that protection and Indemnity for life and property which po government there can or will afford, and to that end lo terminate th conditions hat deprive them of legal protection. "Third The right to intervene may be JustiUed by thevery serious injury to the commerce, trade and business of our people and by the wanton Destruction of property and devastation of the isl and. "Fourth Aid. which is of the utmost Importance.. The present condition of affairs In Cuba is a constant menace to our peace, and entails upon this gov ernment an enormous expense. With such a conflict waged for years In an Island so neur us and with which our people have such trade and business relations when the lives and liberty i f our cltixens ure In constant danger and their property destroyed and them selves ruined where our trading v.e sels are llab'e to seizure and are seize. 1 at our very doer, by warships of a f.n clgn nation, the expeditious of tni blistering that v.e are powerless al together to prevent, nnd the i in t a t i ir: iiuestions and ciitanglenien. s ti.!;: 1:., iiig-i-all ti'iese and others that 1 11. . : tint liicntn Avlth the ri uM:u: itraia 1: "Pel 't I ' I'd relation: our peace : semi-war I w hi. h w e a "Those c order aire. strikin v. I'i 'h Ann i ii niilt.d naval tion oi I...:- of r.:h . . are a com taut m. nd conlpel us to lo "oliie; wll'i a pat: re at peace. emelits of d .llupT I : idiiii '1 o;.t I- Mill: Haled by .! : ';.' un Ju p. nlec. I ll:l , 1 1 n. r.-.:. Hie 1 . I 111 piiry - 1 I 1 ly I ! I ' I. d'l. ' I Hi ,t I ion T. o sai'. car ill 1 i I: in I. I o 1 1 Hon. ie I. I b . I::': : I V. . Pi'e.-.M 1 I lie ir i: :;; .a- in. a 11s ; III" o! eliell, lie til. .1, v.i I. I .posi-l 1 .I'l ta- a: .1.1 .,f .1.1 Inc. 1 Il by riii riio 1 ii- iai 1 eiici Ion o ; . ' a." 1 f alii. i;:i' I il:.-can I by '11 a la rn t he peal 1! id. nt. .il mi: tin :.i e of I Hie IllSol The part and ease the ; . and f.ii y as. a 1 in. I on un Vi-'IMl'll i In Ipl. -s ami bun oil. u.'li for 1 heir ou n of Ihe cities, avow ei'ly a ' ; to cat 1, If le gents. v.oi'Ke 1 said In ley it was 11 "t extei nii'iai i i beget was I the grave" Keferi in" I mlcr ( 'a ii .s as power iu t -1 1 1 in the in.'ssa"" di IOCS III d mi. Sol' lie r- ;iy 1 !;Ij .1 c 11 ' te - 1 nd nit I viii dm." of cull i iii ,ei,' iin'.noiliap. mi, i ..nli'i.l about ih" imps, pin..! p. I or I be r 111,'ei ie.)-. in ;' for ipe im .. 1 e.a il In a d 'I I 111 I , ll 111 'I ildl.ll. II. ellfeebic r. cup. I in.l tools, seed Ppoi t or for eiuii 'culratii war ineasin 1 . so s pi I it picssa 1 i iii:-. I. 'I'll l.l! of Willi a a, I i by ,!i;.'- il.'IW tilled or sln ltei. t be supply 11, .-lib i ii e ill ol'.lei' trees of ihe innir- llertiill d I'esllll. A l of last l, cember, '1 w arl'iii .; Ii w 11 : only p . Il could the wilderness ami the assassination of I'l... and tile llclessloll to of a more liberal parly. Ills With the plribps of Sailors Kxpect 11 Declaration of Wnr. Key . West, April 12. The confirma tion of the llrm stand taken by Presi dent McKlnley In the Cuban crisis, as shown by his message to congress, was received Willi profound satisfaction here. Naval olllcers think they are 1 n,,. ui.i..nt autonomy of the i-'awasta cabinet and then ilisciiss-s the work of the char itable people in this country in reliev ing I lie iii. I 1 esse.l recollcellllados, which has resulted in saving thousands of lives. 'I'he president declares fur ther thai "the war In Cuba is of such u 11.it 111 1 - tioi;, M'lort of siibjiie.at i.ni 01 military evlei mimilimi, a limit military victory I'm cilhrr side seems imprac ticable." "I.'eallziri,' this," he dedans, "I' appeared (.1 lie my duly In a spirit of true friendliness, no less to Spain than to the Cubans who have so much to lose by the prolongation of the struggle, to seek to bring about an Immediate termination cf Ihe war. To this end 1 Niibmllted on tiie 27th ull.. iis a result of much representation nnd correspond ence through the I'niled Stales min ister at Madrid, propositions: to Ihe Spanish government looking to mi armistice until Oct. 1 for the negotia tion nf Jieaci! with the good ollices of .'pi: a n I Hu tu e-;pi'." sr.litnl fel 1 in t- r. e by ih. Wa -in low s: " 'A spi in.: t w t il Spa nl: iii" r.n Ii ni Hi. 1 I bat 1,1. . I I hi : .Ie I ln I. a Iii I 1 '.'He ,p 1 nil. : ' ;'! ;,a 1 11 ai l.i 1 r ea 11 subs ly : 1I-0 dhe il 10 111 I Si .pi love I. I I "lllaille :' ol all If. in Ihe. ul'v CM. I. inisli mini ;. "lb nisi. I, I il.. 1 1 I"; ir ilea pi.Si pi ir v. stlu-it saon i-i "To this He till II President from bis o opposing sin :;eiil s, donioiist r: stable go Splllll I "The loi ohj. 1 t for ea itl 11 I be leclioll I ' : with vary been mid I " Olleslloll 1 111" iliVi'l: i'l .o I el le . I " I ''. I s. pa ill in . eei t, lined by an impart : by expert 1. w bos.- il. i i eepls itl ndeaiiee. ia:e'.. no reply." .' Ie from the in, sr.. ;e.r: . :tant and Cleveland :n.. message of I lei emilci- I ,. Million of the Cuban in im; tin y have imt v. 'I d their ability to hold 1 cr. illicit , ami proceed--': annul su,,H, n,,. Cuban-.. u; trial has proved Hial tl" i lii.ii :-';... i n has w a ;. .1 u ; attained. The lite ol iii ei: ;:j liaine or 1, lay snioll'de il!".. ! easellS. bill II ha I lei it is i.laln Unit il cannot In 1I1 da now likely to be iu Havana tomorrow Some, of them go so far us to claim that the president's message is so war like that their only speculation is as to whether Spain will weaken. All the sailors expect that the next bulletin from the north will bring a declaration of war, and they are wildly jubilant at the prospect. (Jood SiiiiinrliniiH Maltreated. New Orleans, April 9. The steamer Dtsteln arrived at port Kads yester day -rom Matanzas. On . bourd were Messrs. Curtis and' Ulchardson, of the Kansas City Star, who represented Kansas City In the distribution of 600 tons of relief supplies to suffering re- concentrados. They were brutally treated In Matanzas, being compelled to fly to the vessel fur safety. The Spanish mob jeered at them, spat upon them and otherwise- insulted them, and at one time threatened to push them bodily Into the bay. , . . The reply of the Spanish government to the above was to the effect that they would accept at once a suspension of hostilities if applied for by the Insui gents. Then the efforts of Oenerul Woodford In the interest of pence are recounted, and then the president, after arguing at lenslh against either the recognition of Cuban belligerency or I Independence, and citing numerous pre 1 cedents in support of his position, con ! tlnucs: , I "Tin-re remain thp alternative forms of Intervention to end the war.elther ns nn impartial neutral by imposing 11 rational compromise between the con j testantH, or as ,tlio active ally of the I une party or the other, j Itensons Por Intervention, I "The forcible Intervention of tho Unl I ted Stales as a neutral, to stop the war, ' according to the largo dictates of hu manity and following many historical precedents where neighboring states have Interfered to check tho hopeless sacrifices of life by Internecine con- Spnnlnrdfl Shout ' 'Death to MoKlnW" Kingston, Jamaica, April 12. At San- I ,"uts ''ey""1 ther borders, Is Justifiable tlagQ de'Cuba last week, while Senor on ratlonal Sounds. The grounds for Francisco Portuondo, a prominent Cu- , fuch intervention may be briefly sum ban,, fead an account published in a i morlzed as follows: t New. Turk newspaper of Colgate Hoyt's' I F"'9t-ln ne cause of humanity and anti-Spanish, .speech at the banquet- of lu pul " v u L" l"K uur""iies, uiood the Sons of the American. Revolution. ned' B.a.rvat,on and horrible miseries Jose Ferrer, manager of the Snanlsh- 'ow ex,HtlnK ,nere- ana wnlch the par Amertcan Mining company. In which es to the conflict are either unable or Vfr -nnv 1. T iii . . unwilling to stop or mitigate. It Is no With a band, shouting '"Death to Mo- i nBW1er t0 thls l aU ln another be realised. If It falls It will be only Klnley," "Death to the Yankees," J Jountry, belonging to another nation, another Justification for our contem. " HUUI ui vui uuBlurai lll.WU WillUU. extinguished by present inelhods. The only hope 1 f relief and repose from a condition v.hiih can no longer be en iliircd is lie- eiii'orenl pp itiea t imi of Cuba. Ill tin- name of humanity, in the name of civilization, in behalf of en dangered American interests which give us the right and the duty to speak and to act. the war In Cuba must slop. "In view of these facts and of tin s considerations I ask the congress to au thorize and empower the on ddeiil to take measures to secure a lull and final termination of hostilities between the government of Spain .-mil the - pie of Cuba, nnd to secure iu the isl niul the establishment of a stable gov ernment, capable of maintaining order and observing Its international obliga tions, ensuring peace and tranquility and the security of its citizens as well ns our own. and use the military and naval foi s of the I'niled Stutes as may be necessary for these purposes. "And In the Interest of humanity and. to aid In pri selling the lives of the starving people of the Island, I rec ommend that the distribution of food and supplies be continued, and that an appropriation be made out of the pub lic treasury to supplement the charity of our citizens. "The Issue in now with IJie congress. It Is n solemn responsibility. 1 have exhausted everv effort to relieve th IlitoleraMe condition of affairs which Is st our doors. Prepared to execute every jbligation Imposed upon me by ihe con stitution and the law, I await your action. . "Yesterday, and since the preparation ' of the foregoing message, ollicial Infer- , mation was received by ine that tin. , latest decree of tho queen regent of I Spain directs General Ulanco, In order to prepare and facilitate peace, to pro claim a suspension of hostilities, tho duration and detnils of which have not yet been communicated to me. This fact, with every other pertinent con sideration, will, I am sure, have your iu eiuvr. a 1. 11s measure attains a successful result, then our aspirations as a Christian, peace loving peopkvlll A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED. Wednesiliiy. April 6. China has yielded to the French de mands for concessions. It Is reported that all the apt tile works; In this country will lie consolidated. Kecert fr.ista and snow are believed1 to have done much damage to the Del uware fruit trees. Two occupants of a burning I.iuinh , escaped deulh by Jumping ovcrtxjurd in Long Islund sound. Kev. Charles A. Hrlggs. formerly pro fessor of Hlhlical theology In Huiun Theological seminary, will become art ICpiscop.iliau. An election fight ut lirow nsville. . Tex., resulted in the kllline of Con stable Cobb and his brother ami ih lynching of iiiei: murder, r. Hditur Carter Huillcii. TlmrHiliiy. April 7. I.!zzi Moser, of IPowntown. Pa., ,p terribly maneled by a train. People Illicit near Mount .-'t. 1 lee 11.. fear an eruption at any moment. The 1 pie ,,f I'he aen u ,i present j, silver sen :,, m. I .:. : 1 1, si-.:.. tij,uili. lion building el ., i p. 11 ( Neus. Mr-re than half uf I lie j n . 1,1,1,. 1 ineiLiriiry i:ppr.. ti. it i. . 1 1 li.iv airradv be. n speni in ship--, ".ins and a.-iinum t a 11. ' Archil. aid plesi.ll lit el sura 11; Stlh, 'lie!' l ; a s ! . W-U-U. . I , tic .V.e, Vol-'; Life any :; I yes: N-.i.i- ,:. v 1 1: :. : . V I". I !. t. tin i n a - . . I e, . f e . ' ! , I. ;i II. . 1 I l.i" '.". " n .aha i I.:." 1 V o ,.!: 1 ". .; II c 1 . . n . . I ai -I . . ; The 11. e ,-, ,! I.anle : r t ; a:;.. p -I s .... 1. .lam. ' .... I' I.iX- I. I'M.'. Pol P i- a -ip. p: . tut y. A taut . , 1 . : 1 .Mis. .Vac. :. f'.'olii : Is..; ; and si..- e .,, 1, . , ' AS.M.Ie-. . . . I . his be : . - ( 'nsi... r .1. I, , I . I Kx. bailee j. ; I'lle-ila TI.- 'h ,. ie , 'he dip. 1 ; r,: and tic ; .1 ni l a i.e." . liaiaii- .. "' ' Sle.iaiel ! .1, . M :::l..;i ',. i " ! bailey CiM . r.i., by a viej. , .ie.... , I O SOW 'dp 111 V. The ea:. ;.!.. the Kl I. I.e. buslli. :-. I-: , : W I . Apr. I I I. '.It..-. I .1. .11 1. .ub; 1 '. I'l Pal.- s I ..'. ',. f.i " :.' ai;. .1 .1 ,1, 1 1 Ol ,e,, April I.'. h 1 :ni, 0:1 He' 1 In I.e. I- lop Just and careful attention In tho solemn deliberations upon whi?fc you are about at ir. a. .I.e. .1 ll. 1 ; a... a 1 I 1 hourly ai lie ..11 - t., Ciin, iii'.r. 'i .'.,'i . r. of p!ila.e..iia, w Im 1 olil'e;-. . ! 1 taking a blll.e i, inle for Ihe Si'liiiv-.l.iii ,i;,.y naier bill, if said lo Ir in a pi r. ..te .1 - 1 ; m . THE prjODUCFi .'lARKlV'S As la .", ct. ! liy I ;s,i in.z ;,, plilia.lel p'nla iiiul roll imore. Phi'.:.! "i. .ii.:. A 1 11! II l'l,,i,r .,r; wi. ter si.; 1. i-"i" , . . i ::, y . 1 '. a n- i , t nia 1 . -" r b-ar. .d.i' ... : , 1 . : o,: , . :.. . .,, .. ,.; ,,, .':.o."i. U;.e' il is, ipif . f: : ..,..,!, .,t per barrel i..r .-I !. misvlvani.. Wheat we;. I:. ... ' ,. ,. . .,1 ii,1..; .,,. Peimjf.vli.iul 1 and .'.i. J i.. iw-ii-e red. Jl.Ui'Yii l.i'ii'... ''nrii .iii. t; uiix.-il April 11 1.1I .M.iv , ...,. ::. .: e,,.;.!e. Oats steady, ,o. j wn.ie, ::,:,.: ,.i. . White, clipped. ;:..::.;'., . 1 i . 1 - In-ni; i doier tiiniilhj, 2mI2 l .r Urge bales. Href Hlendy. . I'orli .pii, 1, I.ar.l easy; western steamed. S,"..i;.. ItnlP r st-.-ul.i ; creamery. IT'iilc; do. fnetory, 1 je . Hie. :i,;ii,s, v,.'.-Iiiilt.-illnii ci-eanicry, 1 P .'s i:,r c. ; .New oi k dairy, I.eilVe.; do. .1 e.1111.1 ;. . lPiUle.: I'eiiiisylva.ii.' dairy. i:..ii:.e.; .1... cre.'iri-ei-y, I'.iiJIe." i-lii,"-, 1.1:11, r. , wind and colon ,1. Hept.-ii.:.. r. 7' e , ; mu,.1 do. do., .S'i.s4e.; Iiasi slums, .'1 -4 a ii' ,e. . part skims: 4n;r.; 1 ad ..kini-i. L'.-Me. V.gtxv linn;' New tnk aid i'eiuis.i n aniii. ju,i "'ifC.; vvesti'i-n, ir. .1:. In',..; sonihiiii, . !Hv li'J-Uc. llidtlinore, April 11. -Flour dull; went era supcrline. fL".;.".f ::. lo ; do. 1 xtra. '...h;..i 4: do. family, Sl.lfY.i !.; winter wheat, patent, H.T.VuS; spring d,i.. f-1.2' 1 ."i.-tit. Siriin.'Wliit. strMlKhlr J.Vii.'..l". Wli.'in dull: spot .and inoiith. n:i' j'u ::: .; May. SS'iSilii'V.: 'steamer No. 2 red. :'S', '.rjiie. ; southern, by Kiimple, !iie.;.ijl.tinn..: do. im grade, !!:. ijjl. Corn dull; spot and month, MMiMbjc. : May. Sl'tti.nV-: sleunicr mlx ed, :i:i-H'ii:!le nonincrn. . w lilte, ade.; : l. yellow, Kic. Onts quiet; No, 2 whtt'r.' :i2H ".'I'.jC.: No. 3 mixed. :iiiii:Md..c. Ityv lirru; No. -3 nenrby. ride; No. 2 westciju. .'ST'.ic. lOast Liberty, Pa.. April 11. Cattle firm; extra. S!.10'ili.l5; prime. ."'n 3. H: common. Kl.lHi'(.i4.20.. Hogs dull and lower; prime meilinm weights. tWit I; henvy Yorkers,. HI.9tKfi3.D5; light Yorkers. $3.8U1i.1.R5: heavy hogs, W.0't4; pigs. 11s to quality, j:i.COi J.T6; good roughs. tl.2iWi3.50; common Uv !nir roughs, I2.60W 3. Slnsp slow at un ."hanged prices; choice clipped lambs. S49' tii common to good, l4.2afu4.8T: sprlnr. W-s., 1 I t 1 i . I. .-i4-i4sJX4Wv . ' I" ",ll T