The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 07, 1898, Image 8

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nir' iiTvrx r i lrm Tl'n eern water n4 g-mbUn at
llriM Ur IjAMjflilMl every wMn( moment from the com-
mencement to the termination ot the
itt the follocinrf Journe- twtK " un
. j. . try reeks with Urf ain. In acme ot
. those cities every third or fourth house
may iiraacnei ,n mahy of the Blreeta Js gamJni.
u .uwt the ludnl rIac.. nd lt mav K truthfully averred
't Vi-.-W rrUCe in that each of our cltlea is cursed with
'-''4i -"knce. IH)intiliK tius eU
out tbo unhappy en wishing to gnmble will find
fi.d that invariilily ,acea Just suited to their capacity not
c unts to tue ' only i;. t!.e vitrcrrounJ oyster cellai
or at the table back of the curtain,
covered with creasy cards, or in the
steamboat mokinic cabin, where thi
Moated wretch with rings in his eart
tHer. The list i
Acts 1:19. "Aceldama that la to say
.--he Held of blood."
Th money thai Judas gave for sur
rendering C'hnM w as usvJ to purchase deals out his pack and winks in Che un-
.1 Kravt .. nrd. As thy money was blood suspwtlng traveler, providing free
imnuy, l lie ground bought by it was drinks ail arouiid, but in gilded parlors
n.. I it... vrlfin i,iniii. A Iri ma and nnilfl imnritoiifi mirrnundlnfrn. This
meaning the 1U la o: wool, wen, wn woras ruin nrsi uy proviaing an
there Is one word 1 want to write to- unhealthy stimulant. Excitement if
!ay over every race course where wag- pleasurable. Under every sky and In
ITU mv staked, and every iMMtlruom, every age men have sought It. We
and every gambling caloin, and every must at times have excitement. A
table, puWic or private, where men and thousand voices in our nature demand
women bet for sums of money, largo it. It Is right, lt Vs healthful. It Is
r small, and that is a word Inearna- inspiriting. It is a desire (Jod given,
dined with the life of innumerable vie- I5ut anything that firwt gratifies this
iinis Aceldama. appetite and hurls it back In a terrific
The gambling s-pirit, w hich Is at all reaction Is deplorable and wicked, j
times a stupendous evil, ever a:id anon Any trade or occupation that is ofi
sweeps uvi r the country like an epi- use is ennobling. The street eweeiiei
domic, prostrating uncounted thou- advances the (Interests of society by
sands. There has never been a worsa the cleanliness effected. The cat pays
dttaek than Uiat from which all t'.ie vil- for the fragments it eats by clearing
lagt s, towns and cities are now suffer- ithe house of Vermin. The fly that takes
ins. the sweetness from the dregs of the
While among my hearers and readers cup compensates by purflyuig the "air
are t!i.e who have i .is.-il n inlo the and keeping back the pestilence. Rut
afternoon of life and the shadows arc the gambler gives not anything for
lengthening and the sky crmison with that which he takes. I recall that sen-
the glow of the setting sun, a large tence. He dues make a return, but it
number of them are in early life, und is a disgrace to the man that he fleeces,
the morning i coming down out of the despair to his heart, ruin to his busl-
clear sky upon tin m, and the bright tiess, anguish to his wile, shame to his
air is redolent with spring blossoms, children and eternal wasting away to
and the stream of life, gleaming and hJs soul, lie pays In tears and blooj
glancing, rushes on between llowery and agony and darkness and woe.
banks, making music as it goes, s'ome what dull work is Rowing to the
of you are engaged in tm-rcuntilo con- farmer when Jn the vtlage saloon in
corns as clerks and bookkeepers and one nBnt ne makes and loses the value
your whole life Is to be passed In the 0f a summer harvest! Who will want
exciting world of traflle. The sound ot to sell tapes and measure nankeen and
busy life stirs you as the drum stirs the ,.ut garments and weigh sugar when
fiery war horse, others are In the me- tn B night's game he makes and loses
chanlcal arts to hammer and chisel nj makes again and loses again the
your way through life ami success profits of a season?
awaits you. Some are preparing for lU)raci. Wlls - mprrnn.
professional life, and grand opportu- tl!e a(r,t from Bremen to England and
nities are before you nay, some of you
already have buckled on the armor.
il speak to-day Is pertinent
this country. After two years his em
ployers mistrusted that all was not
whatever your age and calling, rlch, .,,,,..,.,,- ls7 Mn
subject of gambling, about which It WM found that ne had )ost , um.
bard fttreet. Tendon. SIA.OOfl: In Fnltnn
Some years ago when an association lrw,t New yorki 000 anJ , New j
for the suppression of gambling was 0rlean8i w000- He wa imprlaonei I
v.,h..,.,..u s.nt ,u toe .aun but ufterward escaped and went into
came to a imminent citizen and asked Ule Karnb,ln(? pnfe8alon. lle Uled ,n
him to patronize the society. He said: . lunuitlc asylum. Th,l9 crime is getting
No; 1 can hove no Interest In such ,tver umJer mert,nUle
an organlziution. I am In no wise of- houge , our c,t, M
ted by the evil.' At that very time dow , wm e8!
IUs son. who was his partner In busl- abllshmenti crughlng rt.putatlon. home
..ess, was one of, he heaviest players comfoI.t anJ lmmorU, oulgi How a
in a famous establishment. u)verts an(, lnka m
Another refused his patronage on the feprp(, from 8ome autnentlc gtatement
ame ground ncrt knowing that his first Mon us Th(? ten bomM
bm.kkeeper, thougm receiving a nalary .Bro B,hnr.,. , H
through the banks yearly 325,000,000
Furthermore, this sin is the eource
of dishonesty. The game of hazard it
self is often a cheat. How many tricks
und deceptions in the dealing of the j
cards! The opponent's hand is oft times
found out by fraud. Cards are marked j
of ony $4,000, was losing from t'i0 to
$100 a night. Tho president of a rail
road company refused to patronize the
jn .Itutlon, saying: That focloty is good
for the defense of merchants, but we
railroad people are not injured by this
evil not knowing that at that very
time two of his conductors were spend
ing three night of eauh week at faro
tables In New York. Directly or In- t,h,t, th,y may be t1 fro
ioe mien, i'.ajjci i gitmenirrs nave ineir
directly, it li Is evil strikes ut the whole
clambling is the risking of something
more or less valuable in the hope of
winning more than you 'hazard. The
accomplices, nnd one wink may decide
a game. The dice have been found
loaded with platina so that doublets
come up every time. These dice are
instruments of gaming may differ, but ;ntr"'lu''d Ramblers unobserved
uy me nonesx men wno nave come into
the principle is the same. The shuffling
and dealing cards, however full ot
temptation, is not gambling, unless
stakes are put up. while; on the other
liajul gambling may be carried on with
out cards or dice or billiards or a ten
the play, and t'hls accounts for tlie fact
that H9 out of 100 who gamble, however
wealthy when they begin, ait the end
nre found to be poor, miserable, hag
gard wretches, that would not now be
Pin alley. The man who bets on horses, nl,,,wc(1 to Blt ln tl,e doorstep of the
on elections, on battles, the man who ,1,,us', thnt they onve ow,,ed-
deals in "fancy" Mocks or conducts a A ynunK ,nun ln L""lll,n eo'nlng
business which haznrds extra capital of ap" r'ivt'11 a fu"tunB of $i:0.000,
or goes into associations without foun- lhr"llh Kambllrw in three years
was inrown on nis motner ror support.
I An only son went to New Orleans. He
was rich, intelectual and elegant ln
manners. His parents gave him on his
dalion, but depends upon what men
call "luck," Is a gambler.
Whatever you expect to get from
your neighbor without offering an
equivalent in money or time or skill
js either the product of theft or gamb
ling, lo ttery tickets ami littery pol
icies come into the name category. Da
zars for the r
Hcliools and chui
raffling system, come under the same
denomination. Do not, therefore, asso
ciate gambling necessarily with any
inytriii mcnt or !; or time or placn'
or think the principle depends upon
departure from home their last bless
ing. Thp sharpers got hold of him. '
They Mattered him. Thty lured him to,
the gaming, table and let him win al- j
ounding of hospital.' ,nost vvvry ,imo for a K"1 and ,
vhca. conducted on the ' ,,ttUed. hlm l,le ,Kl, k a"d 8ald' "Flrst
i raie player. nui, iuuy in tneir grasp, !
j t'hey iloeccd him, and his J:10,000 was.
lost. Iast of nil, he put up his watch,!
and lost that. Then he began to think!
of his home, and of his old father and ',
.,.,. U. .. n- 1 ..,.. 4V... a. I
whether you play for a glass of wine ' "" " k, ' , ,
or PHI shares of railroad flock. Whethel , MJ ,''',0Vl'd l1 l,U wl" ddUbt-(
you patronize auction pools. French ,eM fl,('' a "ll"'"'ntar' Jy ut thp -!
mutuals or book-making, whether you! c,,th,n of tl,ls '"tU'r fr,,,n ,1,e rhlld ot
-nploy f.iro or billiards, rondo 'r Ijosom. on whom you have lavish-j
tarn,,, cards or bagatelle, the very ldeaU'du11 the favors of your declining years. :
. f the tain:; is d;M .nest, for It profess-l ,,ut 8h,n,1', a ft'clin of f"r tt m- i
. .. to b, s;.,w Up., you a good for which Hprln up In your hearts when!
you give no equivalent. y,JU h"uld h;,ve rece,ved thi8 fr,,m me'1
This crime is no new-born pnte,! h''rl!,h U, m,t' 1 have doeP'l
. , . , , ... .never to rise. Those gray hairs that I,
,,'Hit ii haggard t r.i usgress.Mii that I , , . ,
, , . , .,, should have honored and protected I
.out 'S staggering down under a mantle .... , , . I
.., - ..,.n ti.u a,i! hnn dl,wn in orrow to th
i win nut uuitsc my uvLrtjy tr.
but, h, my God, avenge the wrvmga
naUwii, .arUii'oUrt ami civilized, have
laws of the whoo civil-1""" '' l"
wary jn a way inai anau oesi piease
him! Tills, my dear parents, is the
. U"Mt now the
d world denounce the system.
Enactments have been passed, but only
phriially enforced, a,ad ut times not
enforced at all. The men Interested In
gambling houses und in Jocky clube
wield such inlluence by their numbers
and affluence that the Judge, the Jury
and the police ofllcers must be bold ln-
.deed who would array themselves
against these Infamous establishments.
The House of Commons of England
actually ndjourns on Derby day thai
members may attend the races, and ln
the best circles of society In this coun
try to-day are many hundreds of pro
fessedly respectable men who are ac
Jtnow ledged gamblers.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars In
t)hls land are every day being won and
lost through gambling. Says a trav-
last letter you will ever receive from
me. I humbly pray your forgiveness, j
It Is my dying prayer. Long before
you will have received this from mi
the cold grave will have closed upon
me forever. Life to me is Insupport
able. I cnnot nay, I will not, suffer
the shame of having ruined you. For
get and forgive Is the dying prayer of
your unfortunate eon."
The old father came to the postof
fice, got the letter and fell to the floor.
They thought he was dead at first, but
they brushed back the emlte hair from
his brow and fanned hlm. He had only
fainted. "Aceldama, the field of blood!"
When things go wrong at a gaming
table, they1 about: "Foul! Foul!" Ovet
all the gamine tables of the world I
.a t i wk. wt 'T havA trav
: time upon th,' cry out: "Foul. Foul! Infinitely foul!"
The church ot God hu not me
vilUng to altow the world to hare all
h advantage of these game of
hance. A church basar opens, and
oward the close it is found that some
it the more valuable article are unsal
able. Forthtrlth the tonductom of the
enterprise conclude that they will raf
1e for some oi the valuable articles,
and under the pretense of anxiety to
make their minister a present or please
.me pcpular member of the church
fascinating persons are dispatched
through the room, pencil In hand, te
"solicit shares," or perhaps each draws
for his own advantage, and scores of
people go home with their .trophies,
thinking that it is all right, for Chris
tian ladies did the embroidery and
Christian men did the raffling, and the
proceeds went toward a new commun
ion set. But you may depend on it
that as far as morality Iscbncemedyou
might as well have won the crack of
the billard ball or the turn of the dice
box. Do you wonder that churches
built, lighted or upholstered by such
processes as that come to great finan
cial and spiritual decrepitude? The
devil says, "I helped to build that
house of worship, and I have as much
right there as you have," and for once
the devil ia right. We do not read that
they had a lottery" for building the
church at Corinth or at Antlot-h or for
getting up an embroidered surplice for
St. Paul. All this I style ecclesiastical
gambling. More than one man who Is
destroyed can say that his first step on
the wrojig road was when he won
something at a church fair.
The gambling spirit has not stopped
for any indecency. There transpired
In Maryland a lattery in which people
drew for lots in a burying ground. The
modern habit of betting about every
thing is productive of immense mis
chief. The most foealthful and Inno
cent amusements of yachting and base
ball playing have been the occasion
of putting up excited aid extravagant
wagers. That which to many has been
advantageous to body and mind has
been to others the means of financial
and mora loss. The custom is pernic
ious in the extreme where scores of
men in respectable life give themselvee
up to betting, now on this boat, now on
that; now on this ball club, now on
that. Kettlng that once was chiefly
the accompaniment of the race course
is fast becoming a national habit, and
In some circles any opinion advanced
on finance or politics Is accceted with
the interrogation, "How much will you
bet on that, sir?"
This custom may make no appeal to
slow, lethargic temperaments, but
there are In the country tens of thou
sands of quick, nervous, sanguine, ex
citable temperaments, ready to be act
ed upon, and their feet will soon take
hold on death. For some months and
perhaps for year they will linger in
the more polite and elegant circle of
gamesters, but after awhile their path
way will come to the fatal plunge.
Shall Isketch the history of the gam
bler? Lured by bad company,, he finds
his way into a place where honest men
ought never to go. He sits down to his
first game, but only for pastime and
the desire of being thought sociable.
The players deal out the cards. They
unconsciously play Into Satan's hands,
who takes all the tricks and both the
players' souls for trumps, he being a
sharper at any game. A slight stake
Is put up, Just to add Interest to the
play, (lame after game is played.
Larger stakes and still larger. They be
;;in to move nervously on their chairs.
Their brows lower and eyes Mash, until
now they who win and they who lose,
I're.l alike with passion, sit with set
; n and compressed lips, and clinched
;:.'!;;. and eyes like fireballs that seem
s. i::ing from their sockets, to see the
"i... i turn before it comes. If losing,
i. I- with envy and tremulous with un
i; .i red oaths cast back redhot upon
the heart, or winning, with hysteric
!;.n: h "Ha. ha! I have It!"
A few years have passed, and he Is
n:'y the wreck of a man. Seating him
si if at the game ere he throws the first
e,;: :. he stakes the last relic of his
. .: -- the marriage ring which sealed
the solemn vows between them. The
:.i.' is lost, and, staggering back In
...iu.stlon he dreams. The bright
loi rs of the past mock his agony, and
oi li:s dreams fiends wJth eyes of fire
.in 1 tongues of flame circle about him
w.i'.i Joined hands, to dance and sing
!l - orgies with hellish chorus, chant
icg "Hall brother!" kissing his clam-
:i forehead, until their loathsome
e k.-i. flowing with serpents, crawl Into
V. bosom and sink rhsir sharp fangs
t.i.l suck up his life b'.ood and, coiling
around his heart, pinch il with chills
.:rd shudders unutterable.
Take warning! Tou are no stronger
il.-'n tens of thousauds who have by
th.s practice been overthrown. No
yoaTig man in our cities can escape be
iri, tempted, lleware of the first be
eiiir.'ngs! This road Is a down grade,
,r.!u every . instant Increases the mo
mif.ium, Launch not upon this treach
.n;s s.?a. Splint hulks strew the beach.
!:vi wasting storms howl up and down,
tosMing unwary craft Into the Hell
Gale. I speak of what I have seen
wir.h my own eyes. To a gambler's
deathbed there comes no hope. He will
probably die alone. His former asso
ciates come not nigh Ms dwelling.
When the hour comes, hia miserable
soul will go out of a miserable life
Into a miserable eternity. As his poor
remains pass the house where he was
ruined old companions may look out
for a moment and say, "There goes the
old carcass dead at last," but they
will not get up from the table. Let him
down Into his grave. Plant no tree to
cast its shade there, for the long, deep,
eternal gloom that settles there ' Is
shadow enough. Plant no forgetmenots
or eglantines around the spot, for flow
era were not made to trow on such a
blasted heath. Visit it -not In the sun
shine, for that would be mockery, but
In the dismal night, when no stars
were out and the spirit of darkness
come down, horsed on the wind, then
visit the grave of the gambler.
-itural sound, them, telling hlm I won
1 made a Ihe washing until he
1 i wing, ue went at
Men's Suits I Youths' Suits. I Children's Sud
In niit Spring styles, Hiowiw, AU wool, kmvy and plain Che-Small size 8iiit that sul.l
Greys, Etc.,
Mi All Weil Sails
In fancy chirks and rtripes, blue Elegant grey mixed knits for .school
lilt . i .t
Boys' Sills
and black ; arc worth
etc., the 1.50 kind,
S1.25 to $1.50,
Mil's aid Boys Gat
A big lot was offered us at a bar
we bonght them ; they are t
25c. kind ; we mark them
The Record of 30 Years
The Mnrriuyc fvr the IaiA Htirty
Yearn Compiled to Revive l'lea
anl Jlecollcctions and to Prmrve
the Same,
Jan. 2, by Kev. J. II. Mark,
Israel Sanders mid Alice Shadier,
Uitli ot Chapman twp.
Jan. 7, by Itcv. Erlenincycr.
Mcnoah Stauller and LydiaStrhrist,
both of Union twp.
Jan. 7, by Kime, Jacob Dock and
Amelia Diemer, Inith of Middle
crock twp.
Jan. 7, by Kev. J). V. Miller,
Edward D. Mover of Washington
township to Hannah Ueichcnliach,
of Perry twp.
Jan. 23, at the residence of Win.
(). lintler, Esq., in Danville, by
Ilev. John .Mostyn, George M.
Wakefield of Ijcwistown to Jennie
C. (Jrcgory of Selinsgrove.
Jan. "A), by Kcv. Erlennieyor,
Frederick Walter to Susau Hughes,
both of I'enn twp.
Feb. 4, Peter StijM-r ot Snyder
Co. and Elizabeth Snyder of Xor
thiiniliorlaiid Co.
Feb. 4, by Ilex. A. (iraul, Uobert
Shambach and Harriet Swincford,
lioth of this borough.
Feb. (!, Jonns Fetter and Uarbara
E. Kratzer, both of Snyder Co.
Feb. S, by Kcv. Snyder, John
Shu re of Perry Co. and Mary Hal
lenbach of Perry twp., Snyder Co.
Feb. 11, W.' II. Ducli and M.
E. Yoxhcifner, both of Selinsgrove.
Feb. 13, bv same, Xewton S.
I'achnian and Amelia C. ISoleiidcr,
Uitli of this liorougb.
Feb. 13, at the residence of Ma
thias S'huee in Fn.burg, by Ke
Erlenincycr, Horace Adooof Union
town and Susan Wasser of Ijewis
burg. . Fob. I I, at the liiithcan parson
age, I y Kcv. M. 1 1. Shindcl, T. J.
Smith, Esq., and Lizzie I. Shindcl,
both of this place.
Fob. 15, at WilkesHarrcbv Rev.
F. Hodge, W. W. Smith andClivia
II. Good, botli of Stoctoi:, Snvdcr
Feb. IS, by Rev. A. Graul, Alex
ander Erb of Franklin twp. and
Clara Schwcnk of this lxirongli.
At the same time and place, John
I). KnaiTof Union co. and Catherine
Seh won k of liis borough.
Feb. IS, by Rev. llroiisingor,
Frank Jttirns of Selinsgrove and
Martha Shadel of Winfield.
Fob. IS, John A. Cochran and
Maggie Hummel, both of Monroe
Feb. 18, at the residence of the
bride's parents, by Rev. M. L.
Shindcl, Geo. W. Gates of Grand
Rapids, Mich., 'to Lizzie McFall of
Feb. 1 S, by llcv. Snyder, Daniel
Stronck and Anna llamer, both of
Washington twp.
Feb. 20, by Rev. J. P. Shindcl,
Zachariah Deablcr of Snyder Co.
ami Lizzie Katherman of Union Co.
Fob. 22, by llcv. J. P. Shindcl,
Daniel Deabler and Matilda Bishop,
both of Snyder Co.
Feb. 22, Jacob Heintzclman and
Belle Hummel, both of Smith Grove.
j Feb. 25, Aaron & Stahl of Free
burg and &aloma Martin of Wash
ington twp.
Mar. 3, by JU?t. Erlenmever, W. J
a. ivaitwriter ami Polly Reichen
bach, Inith of Perry twp.'
Mar. 7, by Hev. J. P. Shindcl,
II. C. Kliek of Ohio and Susanna
Deablcr of Centre twp.
Mar. 10, Henry B. Swartz and
Anna Elliott, Urtii of Selinsgrove.
Mar. 10, by Rev.Graul, Solomon
K House of Juniata Co. and Louisa
Smith of this borouh.
Mar. 11, by Rev. Erlenmever.
Wellington Ilcrroldand Catherine
Wilt, Inith ot Chapman twp.
Mar. 11. bv Kcv. Aurand. Geo.
Ilaekonburg and Mary M. Goss.
of I'eavrtown.
Mar. 14. bv Rev. Gnml. Wilson
Hauscr and Lizzie Dieter, Uith of
I it ion twp.
Mar. 10. John J. Waironsoller
and Mary Willier, both of Selinsgrove.
Mar. 2S, bv Rev. Haas. Luther
Myers and AHce Miller, both of Selinsgrove.
Mar. 2S. bv Rev. M. L. Shindel.
F. B. Weatbcrwax of Auburn, N.
Y., and Xattio S. Winton of Selins
Continued on the inside pages.
Annie Klinepcter of liowistown
visited her parents on Sunday
Chas. Keller Mas entertained in
Middlcbtirg last week The Luth.
Church will hold an Easter service
entitled the Birthday of Hope on
Sunday Eve. April 10, All are
cordially invited to attend
Samuel Long of Tliompsontown
sjK'iit several days with his sister
Mrs. Warner.. ..Haines and Spanglcr
have purchased the store formerly
owned bv Klose Bros Rev. Jno.
Barb of Selinsgrove, was the guest
of II. 1. Romiir on Monday. . . .
HarvyBingamaii's moved to Smi
burv, J. A. Laub's to Berwick. We
ire very sorry to lose them Bv
all reports we will apjtarantly have
a wedding in the near future-
Mertie Dreese and Dilla Mnttcrn ot
McClure, were entertained by the
Misses Leung ou Sunday. Hiram
Siegfried of Selinsgrove, spent Sun
clay in town lennie Keller ac
companied her sister, Mrs. Charles
Liudcnslager, to Mifljinburg....Mr.
and Mrs. Dunn, from Ohio, have
moved in with the family of S. E.
KlinejRter. The Primary and Gram
mar Schools closed on Friday,
The Intermediate today. The child
ren are glad to have a vacation
again Mr. aiul Mrs. Mieary ot
CentrcviHo, accompanied sirs. Win.
Seohrist to her new at this place.
Life's Work Finisiied
Krcuburg Courier.
Daniel Stahl departed this
1 is home near Vordilla on Tin
from the ravages of extreme
having lived lioyond SO ycar.
was a life long resident of I
I.! 1 'I
iow iimiio, aim an exemplary en,
He reared a large family of
Iniys and three girls his wilt
two boys preceded' him in i!
The funeral took place from Li
residence on Thursday.
Annie Laura, daughter of I
Shotsberger, diexl on Sunday i
,ngi "gl 33 years, 10 months J
day. She had been in delicate L
for many years, but had luiii
fat but tour days with pneiin,
She bore her suffering pntii
never complaining. When ill,
ceased was but twelve years o!
was left motherless, and she at
assumed the duties of the ik
and was practically as a motlm
her younger brothers and si.t
for which she was highly comm
ed by her friends and neighbor-.!
she will lie greatly missed iii
f'.mily circle. A lather, thrn i
ters anil five brothers survii.
mourn their loss. She was an-;
tent member ot the Lutheran ck
Rev. G. I). Druckenmiller pru
comforting words to a large
somblage of sympathizing iii:
The obsequies were conducts! !
Howard ArUigast. Pall lire
Wm. 1 tonsil, Michael Moyer, X
Kantz, W. II. Goodling, Jolii
Icr and John Rmish. Interim.
Evergreen cemetery.
Moving Notice.
All persons having busiiu;
this oflice please remember t!i;it
have moved our quarters from I1
Otker's building to the new In
ing on the Bank lot near the c
jail where we shall be plea-
greet our many friends and pair
Auditor's ITctjca.
in ) In
iH y ut (
P. ) I'm
In I ho Ksl nte of Jolm 1 In tlm Orphan
1-.. Mclueiiwullor, I'tiH V ut Nnyilfr Ci'ii.n
oi i I'liire luwiminp, ) I'tinii.ivlmiii.i
enytiur Co., im dec U.
The unclersisnt'd auditor, appotutiil '
Orphan '8 Court ol MnyderCuuniy, Henu-j
to dlslrlhiito the tunds In tlis liunds ul
Iiolltf and C. M. Showers, adiulolHtniiernt'
(li'pfilcnt. to and among those entlt 1 )
siiniu, will attond to the duties of Ills a'
uiuiit at the (-nice of J.icoh Ulllvri,
lliirough ot Mltlithb'irg, Snyder CouMj.
HyUaulu, on TiiPHduy , the 3rd day of 51 1.1
ut to'cloi'k A. M . wluiii uud where ull i
ntprP3t'd are rru,ut'.led to prwent tlulc
before titc uiideritifiicd, or be forever on
burred Hum couilutf lu upon mild turnl.
K. Ii.PAwi.iMO, A"
prllnili, 1S1M.
In Jackson twp., Catherine, wife
of Willis Erdlcy, aged f() years o
Annie Shotsberger daughter of
Eliza Shofcjlicrger und wife Amelia,
was born in F recburg, May 20, 1 804,
died March 27, 1898, at Freeburg,
aged 33 years 10 mo. and 1 day.
Solomon K. Dreisliach, a well
known resident of New Berlin, died
at his home on Sunday, -March 20,
aged 73, years.
At Freeburg, March 2i)th, Flo
Walter, daughter of John Walter
and his vife Ann, was born in Free
burg Dec. 16th and died March 25.
Aged 8 years 3 mo. and 9 days.
Corrected weekly by our ineroli.-J
riuttr ,
BKK" '
Lard .'
Chickens per lb ,
Rye -
Potatoes.. -
Old Corn
Oats -
Bran per 100 lbs
Middlings "
Chop " ; ....
Flour per hbl
TakeOaaoaraU OudyOMtarUa V
If a a a f U U eun, drouUU Mfuwl 0
Honulau UowaU With Cm1
Candy Cttbsrtle, tore eooitlpatloa W
ttcKa. uaaaiau,4ratsMMliw.