7 ,1 '- , 1 I . . , . , - f , XOROl M. BOWER iw - a a I- U. Bower wmi bora at town, nerawej w"vi ..j n haa been a resident of luntyallhtalife. At present hli i in HartiniDurg, wn -citizen and baslneM man. .thr. the late John a Bower. on after the aon attained hla ma and the latter at once took of the larpeeatate left. In 1886, ut 23 years old, he was elected itate legislature, and was regard ing the members of that body aa ible and Industrious. Two years e was chosen as a director of the rland Valley Hallroad company, same year, 1858, he was a candl r auditor on the republican tick- THX LIGHT OF HOME. DESTRUCTIVE FUNGUS. It la tka ! That A waits a BlaJ. Haw t Treat twwa-n.at rii There, wtta CuiltNkl Meat. It Is verjr.atrange.that men, as a gen- It ia aoarcely necessary to repeat the eral thing, should be proud of that general remarks on treatment for fun of which they should be ashamed, and gus diseases published In several previ- ashamed of that which ennobles them. Now, to my eye, a man never looks so grand as when he bends hla ear pa tiently and lovingly to the lisping of a little child. I immediately love tkat man whom I see with a baby in hia arms. I delight on Sunday to see the fathers leading out their little ones lu their best attire and setting them right end up, about SO times a minute. It fa as good a means of grace as I am ac quainted with. Now that a man should feel ashamed to be seen doing this, or us bulletins. But concerning brown (Monllia fructlgena) we may rsy that only the moat persistent effort can hold this fungus in check.' As all grow ers have observed, the decayed fruits hang to the twigs and persist over win ter. It ia from these, in the early days f spring that an abundant crop of llev Brew. "Just think!" t.:t said. "I never met him but twice, and yet he sent me low and kisses In a letter. What wo aid you do about It 7" "I should never recognize him again," replied her dearest friend, decisively. "That seems rstber harsh, but " "Any man," went on the dearest friend, "who does not know enough to deliver anything cf that sort in person should not be entitled to the privilege of ft-m'nlne society." Aftfrwnrd. when the matter was ONE OF TWO WAYS. The blxddrr wh rrmtrd for oue purpow, iiaiufly, n rt-rt iiii,ele for the oriue, nu amnion it Ik ne t liable to airrady DisOe sr4 to he made In (!' s m Kloo any loroi of dit.fe vie, pi by one f i wo ;. me nrr v m from Klondike lu k teallaftj bora Alaska) Why not get your rnmtw ot Ul irrMl furl uftr the wondVrlal iirbveries dike Ataka Eldorado THK WACUIXii Tl Ut.LD Fl ELI'S EXPLORATION lO.M- spores are borne, and the petals of the t i!;Mt up at the Cirls Debating club, it flowers, young leaves, and even many ununiiuoiisly decided that she wss branches, are attucked. These mum- risrlit. Chicago PoRt. mled fruits also hang on all mi miner and continue to produce spores. Hence, by think it necessary to apolomze, eren i the time tbe fruits become half-grown jocularly, when he meets a male friend, ' or begin to mature, the infecting spores is to me one of the unaccountable may come from the old decayed fruits things. It Beems to me every way such of the previous year or from more re a lovely and good and proper action in cent infection on )he young growth of a father that I cannot help thinking I the current year. Whenever the fruit that he who would feel otherwise is of f hos become bndly iittiiclu'il treatment so coarse and Ignoble a nature as to be quite unworthy of respect. How mnny times I have turned to look at the clumsy smoothing of n child's dress, or settling of its hat or bonnet by tho unpracticed fingers of a proud father. And the clumsier he was about it, the better I have lowd him for the pains he took. It is very beautiful to , me, this self-nbnegntion. which creeps so grndunlly over a young fa is quite useless. The proper plan Is to remove all de cayed fruit from the orchard when the trees ore free from foliage, ns it can be easily seen at t-his time; then, before the buds swell In the spring, wash the trees thoroughly with a solution of concentrated lye or of sulphate of cop per. The first solution should be made by dissolving right cans of lye in 50 gallons of water, and the copper sul- W Very Coaalderate. Mrs. Heeson tleorge, what makes j-ou so quiet when you're out In com pany? You sit around like a dumb person. Why don't you talk more? Mr. Heeson My dear, I do talk when 1 nin out alone I was quiet this even ing because I thought it wouldn't be just the thing for one family to iinop olize the conversation. Washington Post. iiuperletir Hniion f ihc kidneys. The , PANT un.i. r h ctamrwr I. utii t' d i i r" Sl-Cl'llll WMV ia from naialMi iniul I D"it fir IKd ImlliM Vlnlnr II. li... . .1 ' treatment of oilier iIim-hbvh. I rti.-lu the wonderful (old Held nf Klui-nie CI1IKP t'Al BK. j ! Aliiaka. lunwew fnrtun.- I'aw ulri-ady I'nlleitltliy urine froiu unhealthy ben Kelurdaiid niilili.ua inure u ) ii..i, kitlne s it. the chief ranee of bUdder ' """ Wl" v.u allow lil golden i pp,,r'i.nily trouldt-s.. u the wmul), like the I l" ,,u b'T A ,,-w l"H'- iisird Id blndder, wnsereHted for one purposes. In this Olidertsklnif may he Hie ,i:.rlalUn tu and if imt iloelorecl ton much is not I y"f '"r'uup. The r'nh t., ilu, w0nrt tih.I nre. lilile to wvHkin'n or diM-ncr, except ! ''lea In inmliatr ai-'ion. T: e ni-,t In Ihr ili rre eiiHes. It in (.iliiMlcd Iwek o( j ''d He flr-tt In fortiii e. No m.rh pp,.iiiirUy hihI very clone to the IdioUti r, there- 1 h'aevar Ihtii piewnieit lu the x-np e t C the f re hiiv pnill, dihense or iiieou veni- t !"'' Kenrrallim li cfTmd in ihr Klon- GEOF.GE M. UOWERS. States Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries.) ther. lie is himself unconscious thnt phate (blucstone) in 50 imllons of wa he, who had for so many yenrs thought tor. I consider the lye preferable, but first and only of his own selfish ease ' the latter may be somewhat plensnnter Seldom Fain!. Boody Doctor, I'm very much alarmed about my son. He has hud three peculiar attacks wthin n week and durijig each of them he was with out sense or knowledge for nearly three hours. Doctor Oh, don't be uneasy about a little thing like that. I've known poo plo to live all their lives in a similar condition. Chicago Daily News. nnd wants, forgets himself so entirely whenever that little creature, with his eyes nnd its mother's lips, reaches out j coaxing hands to go here and there, , or to look at this pr that pretty object. I Ah, what but this heavenly love could Gen. (now Judge) Xuthan bridge over theaiixioiisdaysand nights the nominee for governor, but j of care nnd sickness that both these cnted by 300 votes. During , twain ot one llcsli ure called to bear. JIV lnv! .mv irin: 1 Here paign Gen. Goff frequently re- to the candidate for auditor as Vht bower." After the close of paign ..Ir. Towers was elected lirman of the Kepublienn Na- nrrue for tho state of West ir- ld within'a short time there- istcd in organizing 2-Si) repub lic. ) President Harrison appointed rs supervisor of the census in irgiiim. ror Ins worlc in mat lie was highly complimented iutendent IJobert P. Porter. Avers has spent much time in . of ichthyology nnd in piscn scarch. - lie has the finest along tliis line that is to be is r.'ule of New York. When Mr. ;.s riven to understand that in ..i'ility ho would receive t!:e lent as fish commissioner lie look tip that line of work. p. study nnd close application rs has been able to prepare Jfor the position to which he has ointed by tho president. lie l iven his time niul attention to ieular species or family of fish, kr.ado a study of all elapses. ITe lie habits of the fish which frc- io waters of Xew Kngiand ns those which float in the waters kiuth nr.d the rivers of the west. pion, the trout and .the bass have in for their share of nt tent ion. era lias mapped out certain ich he expects to follow. ANO FOR INVALIDS. lie Plnycil While the I'nlleut II CunCncil lied. have ever been confined to for a long time by the brcak- eg or while regaining strength lurgieal operation, you know cx- om experience how long the re in 'passing away, with no one jto nnd when you have read so t your eyes ache too much to al to read longer. ody with an experience of this readily understand nnd praise j token wished to recognize PIANO FOR SICKBED. kst Instrument of Torture Evolved by Yanke Bralni.t nt Invention of a piano to be lusively by invalids. Doctors kes know that the luck of some- do or something to amuse the one of the chief difficulties In an Invalid back to health. This pvented piano for invalids fills ft precisely, at least for those iw now to use it nnd enjoy do lt side of the bed, says the New orld, are four unriirht steel kach pair of which rests on a supplied with six easily mov n. These four upright beams together near the lop, high above the bed to allow this I be rolled from the foot of the fo the head, where the patient ph tho keyboard. Ttia nln.A Jthego uprights, and looks much proinary upright piano, except m legs, low keyboard and light jtion. The keyboard on the r Placed where the ped p an ordinary piano. This key 1 inclined In order to allow it to ay reach of the patient, !Liwhlla about f P"m a while reading a it is! Mine! Something to live for something to work for something to come home to; unci that last Is the summing up of the whole mat tcr. ' j "Now let us have n good love," snid a littie three-year-old, as she da; p"d her ehubby arms about her fatl.ei'.i neck when he came in at night. "Now let lis ; have a good love." Do you suppose that man walked with slow nnd ia'aid steps from his business toward I lint bright face that had been peeping for ' mi hour from (he nursery window lo watch his coining? Do you mij po.-c : when he got on all fours to "play He- i 1 pliant with (he child, that it even : ci-('sc'l lii m mind tinit he had wnrl.ed very hard ail that day, or that he vm:s not at that minute "lookingdigniiied?" Did lie wi:;ii he had a "cluii," where he could fet away from home evenings, or I was that "good luve" of the little erea : tare on his bail;, with the laughing eye.-! ! and the pearly teeth, and the warm I clasp about his neck, which she wr.v, j squeezing to sutTocalion, swteter and I better than anything e'se that tlru ! world could give? Something to cftne home to! That m what caves u man. .Somebody there to i be sorry if he is troubled or sick. Sotne i body (here, with fingers like sunbeams, gilding and brightening whatever ('.ley ; touch; and all for him. I look at the ! business men of New York, at night fall, j coming swarming "uptown" from their 'it ores and counting-rooms; and when ' I see (hem, as I often do, stop anil buy ! one of those tiny bouquets ns (hey g , I smile (o myself; for nllhoiigh it is n little attention toward a wife, I know I how liajipy that rose with its two I geranium leaves, and lis sprig of ; mignonette, will make her. He thought of her coming home! Foolish, do vou call it? Such folly makes all the dif- ferenee between stepping off, scarcely conscious of the cares a woman carries, or staggering wearily along till she faints disheartened under their bur den. Something to go home to! That uiau leu, n, unu oy ever so slight n it. God bless him! I say, and all like him. who do not take home-comforts as stereo typed mntters of course, nnd Cod bless the family estate; I can't see that any thing better hns been devised by the wiseacres who have experimented on tho Almighty's plans. "There comes my father!" exclaims Johnny, bounc ing from a group of boys with whom he was playing bnll; and sliding his little Roiled fist in his, they go up the Bteps 1 nnd Into the house together; nnd again God bless them! I say, for there's a man who is all right. X. Y. Ledger. A Good Paddlns. Victoria pudding is a dish very com mon at English tables, and is made from boiled potatoes. Pass them, while hot nnd in tho meuly stage, through a sieve, and mix with them a little butter, sugar, two eggs to six medium-sized potntoes, three tablespoon fuls of cream, and the grated rind of a lemon. A pudding-dish is buttered and preserved plums or peaches spread on the bottom. The potato pudding is poured over nnd baked in a moderate oven. Serve hot with powdered sugar sprinkled over the top. X. Y. Post. Ham Croquettes. One cupful of finely chopped cooked ham, one of bread crumbs, two of hot mashed potatoes, one large tablcspoon i ul of butter, three eggs and a speck of cayenne. Heat the ham, cayenne, but ter and two eggs into the potato. Let tha mixture cool slightly, and then shnpo into croquettes. .Roll In the bread crumbs, dip in beaten egg, and again in crumbs; put in the frying basket and plunge Into boiling fat; cook two minutes, drain and serve hot. Ladies' Wqrld. Baked Apple Saaee, . Pare, core and quarter apples to fill an earthen crock or deep pudding-dish, taking care to use apples of the same degree of hardness, and pieces of the same size. For two quarts of fruit thus prepared, add a cup of water, and. If the apples are sour, a cup of sugar. Cover closely, and bake In a moderate oven keveral hours, or until of s dark red to handle. This washing is very im portant and perhaps does as much real good as all Inter work. The later washings should be given ns follows: Weak llordcaux just as color shows plainly in the bloom-buds, nnd repealed soon ns bloom has fallen. If the work is well done to this point very little infection will have survived. Concerning value of later sprayings I much in doubt. If the early washing is not well done. I have almost no faifh In la(cr treatment. All washing or treatment of orchards should be done with a spray-pump. Poor, half work is ii'-ually a dead loss. --William I'.. A I wood, in l'.rillctin Vir !;itii:i livpeiiment Station. Corrretly Aiianereil. "Xow, Thomas," said n certain bish op, after taking his servant to task one morning, "who is it that sees nil we do, and hears nil we say, and knows all we think, and who regards even me in my bishop's rolies us but u vile worm f tho d ust V" f And Thomas replied: "Ti e ir.i.-siis, sir!" Tit-I'.its. A I.oer'M llc-Nrli imi. Miss Mil;1;;-1 don't see how il is your sister failed to li:i: me at the station. Vou said you world describe me to her. Infutiiated I.ovi i- (who sees a ; nod Ideal' more i:i Mi:-; Mi"",' than ullur folks ciiii) Yes, I told In r to look for li beautiful girl, with ihe face of a Ma- EEST SOIL FOR PEAFIS. i:rv Nie-I- mi Clnyey llrouiul unci till it lllllhllio. is considered best for pear Clay soi cult IIIC, .1 tenacious will not thrive donna, nnd th queer she mi m I'. I l: 1 Kill i T N a -ylph. It's Y.'Wecklv. ,ii .still it should not lie too 1 1 : 1 1 Micky, A pear orchard so well, savs Green': 1'iT.it (.lower, on any soil that has not ti clay subsoil. Next to a friable clay Inn 1:1, a gravel loii.il is most di sirable. A light, sandy soil is the lea.-t desirable of any, niul yet pears can be grown n ;i m ! y soil. Standard pears can be planted ) to :i.) lei t apart. according to i-i;c'.;i:-.t:'.i-,ces and habits of giowlli. If planted ::.) feet apart, iw.iif pears can be planted between the rows each way. I in b r a landard pear for (.en it:: I orchard culture, for I lie reason tiiat they require less fertility and cultiva tion, and for the further reason (hat (hey are longer lived and ir.ahe larger and more permanent trees. When the question came up for a vote, however, before the Western New York Horticul tural society, we found that the dwarf pear was the favorite for orchard plant ing or for garden. Dwarf pears have the advantage of coming into earlier hearing. The dwarf pear is not short lived. It requires more pruning an I more attention than the standard pear. Many varieties do better on Ilu1 dwarf pear than on the standard. I should not locate a pear orchard or any ither orchard in a. low piece of ground. I should locate on a hillside. The pear is easily transplanted.. I transplant several thousand every spring, nnd they do not lose on nn average one out cf one hundred trees. Pear trees come lntp bearing earlier than the apple. RASPBERRY VINES. low to Keep Them fri,m Sitrnnllnif All Over tlie My way is to firmly drive four-foot stakes one rod apart and nail to each, 30 inches above the ground, a short Ic?.:r.c:: Car.n:t b Czv.L Ilil-V ...!, r . . line li.- leeiil !ir!le H !.!. fll-i II I'd Imttl.'l: . I 1 VV.IV lo I 'ITe '1-iitli --. I i.'l l!i, -I Is 1 t I'Mllll l ellMvllt-.. .1. .illit . i .Ml I 1 1 I II, tan .1 I'll 1 1. 1 : 1 em "i i in- 1. 1 -i :n lii oi ; ii -. win ii ll tni'-ii ; ' i l.-i-;' n;,i::: l ii' .-t l.i -ii i. .:. .in t i ii' " i lli-.-il' i's.s is I hi- I - vi ! I . :t in 1 H tint: e.ill I (' l:lie'li n .t . i f I . I t 1: i lint lieil ri'ti'll' I "i , 't ,n -I-lllil-Vi-l ; lil;ii' i .i-i'l fill, i I ' in li. -. !:'- ll U -i 'I 'lai,' '. e , ii .i :i: lilt loll ill t '"' lull. -'"is mi! I . We will "Ivi- us;: ITNIIi-Kn I m i!g any i-iis.. ul lii-ii-h. - , i -: 1 1 1 -1 - . i . I ii i imiiiimi ii.-i-iii.-.t.i -. ii v i.i. s c i .'.i; :: : semi (or i-.o nl .' '. Ii I' .1. OIAM.V in, T I s .hi : .-. Iinu: -si-. J-, . II ,'; r i..-no- n i- i.i--i. :lv I. in 'H. -I, I"- : u . : vi I I.I, Tin- 1 I'iIMIIi .! lie. I-a 'lUTVii't-r .f 1M ellriTi'. 'i 1'r.uiily inrttlr from k ,ii i:i i M is jitiif :'di h rknc in voiir f.iitulv In iivi'ii's H;tkc u-i' ii y 1 i m! y !i rii tly (tfrv ilir-l i Until f mn tin- i;r;t. i...t f.t 1 I ilu . , TRAINING RASiPBERUY VINES, piece of plank two feet in length and saw a notch close to each end of the upper edge. In these notches firmly stretch No. 16 wires and brace back the end posts. Tbe accompanying il lustration makes perfectly clear this simple and effective way of doing the work. The advantages of keeping rasp berry and blackberry vines from sprawling all over the lot will be best appreciated by those who have tried this method. Farm and Home. How to Test Paris Green. Parts green ia generally favored as an arsenical poison by entomologists In preference to London purple, because it is of more even composition and easily tested. Pure Paris green when dropped into common ammonia will entirely dis solve, leaving; a clear, dark blue liquid, not green, like the color of the powder. It any sediment remains, this ia some form of adulteration, and therefore represents an Impurity, Chrome-green, which might be used to adulterate Paris green, .will give the liquid a dirty green color, and will deposit a bright yellow sediment in the bottom of the vial. ' London purple is just a effective, provided It ia of good quail ty, but its quality can only, be de ftermined by a chemical analysis. Which is bottrr, t tlioi'.u-hly clottiiHo ami purify th" I11 just now, or miiko yourself lialilo to tho many dungorourt iiilnwiitH which uro so provident i u rint; Hummer? I ni puritien linvc heen accumulating in tho hlooil all winterand right now a tho time, to pot rid of them. A thorough courso of Swifi'u Specific U needed to cloautio tho hlood and puri fy tho system, toning up and ntreng;thening it all over. Those who take this precaution now aro comparatively mife all summer; ' hut to neglect it ia to invito Botno form of sickness which 19 so com mon during tho trying hot season. It is now that a courso of Swift's Specific S.S.S.rfheBlood will accomplish so much toward rendering tho system capable of resisting the evil influences which are so liable to attack it during the summer when sickness ia so abundant. It is tho best tonic and Bystem-buildor on the market, because it is a real blood remedy and is made solely to search out nnd remove all impurities, and supply an abundance of pure, rich and red- blood. S. S. S. is made exclusively of roots and herbs, and is Nature's own remedy. It is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed tc contain no potash, mercury or other mineral. Be Bure to get S. S. 8. There is nothing half as good. liar Pn.oi Jl ri Ci iil.iiillsleil in llinkiiltieVK. hack, bladder or urinary pHsnine i often, by liii.-lnUf, iiltritiuteii to leinule weak-j-h or vvoinli trnnlili' if Mime sort. Tlit iTim- incHhily niMiie tout may lit n Hfily iivoidt-il. To llnd out. "cor-rni-ilv, !ft your iirine.isiila for twenty four liiinr. tt s'-ilnnent nr fttling indicntfw k ill in- y or lilitdiler Iruiilile. Tin- mild Mini iIih eMiii.Ml.niiry etWt of J)r Kilinei'r Sv"nnii Koot, the itrrnt kiilni-v, niul liliuUti i- riuieily i K ll rell7.ell. II ynllheedu llli-llilMIH' you should iav- ti;i licst . At drug k'ists I,fiy cents mid one (Inlliir- Vim inny Iim vh n Mttiiiii Imt i li- niul pnm illlel, lint Ii si-i,t i-,.h y liuiil, Upon l'i uci it of tin if toct-iit sliui'lis to cover i-iist nf iimtiiL'i' nn Hie lioltle Mi'pliun I lie HI Iddlcliiiiiili I ' i.t. mid si-iu! Minr nildi'e.s-i ! lie. Kilmer iV Co., l!iii;li!oitMii. , V 'l ii,. .i-,.n ii-ti r f lllis i,ll.l r y lllll in tee 1 l,' i;elill ine lii s I Ills nlft-r illki .M.iskrt Hold r'irl''. All Klwrcliiildrca Ki t llivir lull iruMirtiiiii ef nil prolit . .Noilivi ili'tila :n-ninilo on Muk rt iimiini. imsoUI. Srnil jrniir tinletv cm-lii-iuK Our millnr fur i Ii -nlmrr ul futty inul-i!i Ami iiiiii-iissfsnlilr NtN-k ilrsin-il In tin- WASMINiiToN lilit.ll KIKI.IlS KXI'I.OKATION IM'.NY. lmi.t-m, Vli ini;t"ii 'I lie fAuW ini; Tnroiitu ileuli-r in siipilii's fir tli- Kloi.ilike llli.l Alaska lra.li- lire Islm-klmlil-i-is in Ilu-1 ll'uiiiT niul will itifi.rin ymi in nnl inic tin' ri li.ilnliiy nf its ullu i rs: M.,nl v A liiiiin, ilroi-eries: A. K. Ilnskn. ll.iriuss t o.: Mliiris lil-iiss Co . li-y IiimhIs mill ( ; .lin ; W, o. Itn linn', -nt tiller ; IIiikii I . M. I i-i.U T.ii-or's, ilaritunre i'n. tii-tyr. IrwM Ulr. Dontri ur.4 V U V V1 KZ-&!9 ff RESTORES VITiUTV :7, tea. t.-.lh P. . ; . r c a V. ! I Mr.;- cf r.z. noiiiim; st iiiois. s,ir.'fii-,r,. '4',;.- . , i - ' ' t : !1 , - ' . V'-',.': ' ! 'x. 7 V 1 'mi li, I'M- , I i -,'J J if I '- - ."lin V. ' '' .'li: ,r , , I'.ir s.ilr :it M' U'f Ul-. co kot r.nv-' !;: " .:. II. i-i M l.'', I- I. .: us if ' X yVV--!" . . -h . ! " ! I " . y " :n-.l 1 ' I.--1- V , ., II ' ' if 'Vsll-m. l.i-e v''T-s. ! , ,! 'II- Mi- I . 1 l.i' A--! --S c !.i-'- ',V'-at U Unit- h:irsli, niltlin;: I ie .ov .,. f-f p ; Vill.'llt i. ... !.et dl or? I -, !-r'mi'i'i ' r.-l. I..' U.-".'" I, '!i:ifs only a f:i .nil.V j:ir.-.. ; , ;!! XX, V I .cd. j i i in. I'l.io-i.i I'oco.ra .'.hi iu.wauu nut a .;o:) nu. ' I' or in Aien l. '.' . .Mi,!.!.!.M"r I ;!;:: i ... i:: -jmii Mills in- ii . fe' 'r?P i l'' !'1' V" K l..v .1. V. ' . mffJ$$ is "Mother, will you take me to see the foot bull inntcli this af It'rnoiiii?" "No, darling, but if you are a good boy niothcr will let you help hercleau her bicycle." London Idler. ...v ! . i : ( f tin- "SO M !liiF6!S:::; ll.lisli.-l I.-.- tin- ... . Si,' : :!J l.,.i..-. Is A iriMM'i'iil l ex ii w iiml 1 1 1 1 1 ' i iivi'inoiit s iiuii It mi,' lii'tiiii'lics cf 1' ii'in iio nix llio lust I, nil' cciituiy. Spccinl ur: i-l-1 I iy I li, cull iirtil writers, on i. I lic.v linvi' liiiiiln t i'cir lil'i llllist t ill U'llS '' 1, 1-1 In.-. p'.CIIU'llts. A vast jiiiioii:' of pi net ii'iil UliiUo:i. A vftl 1 1 :t 1 1 ni'l t" f.n iiicr.s h i do si r to iinuliito iit.il prolit. Kxticini'ly inti'i est ini" uml iiistiiif live. ONLY ir. KNTS A COPY. I.v niiii). Send your ordtr to TIIK l'OST, llilllll. l.UIL-, I'll. r v t i i;,i ;.in ciccs ieiiil i lu r .'UT! ' iiieii i in: info) IVE HAVE 110 AGENTS L, MM, but hard lold dirret to the poo sumer for ib jtn at whole. Ml pncM, uvinft him th uotlar pruBii. Mhiptnj- winro ror elimination, Kverythinff warranted. IIM stylei of Vehicle., hS itvloa of It ii menu. Top Uuejriet. iU". to 170. flurrera, 1'rUUilli.V C'arria- ftaa, Phaatona, Traji, Warna X. TT Ban-tr TftniMf . Prill, I0.OO. a, ou4 m tana ror 9. iittoi, tiprinr Kod tad Milk woih. nu lor lr. irw Ne (MHumr. Prlw.wlllniorulm.l.mr'. CiUlorat af til oar ty In. iliult.irouillo4fr, n. ai(o1ukii rrvo. ELKHART CABBUGX AAa IIAB.-KBil MfO. CO. W. B. 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