The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 07, 1898, Image 4

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R.jral wbt tfc. Hot para.
Absolutely Pure
I were a Hungarian? What would
be my colonial ideas If I were a
German?,, And I think that in our
modern world this manner of form
ing one's judgment is the ouly one
which afford any vliance of arriving
at the truth and consequently of
doing any good. r rom an article
by llaron Pierre de Uoubertin, in
Ameriain Monthly Review of lle
riVir for April.
National Doom.
Thought iiboni Sjtaln.
The Middleburgh Post.
lulliln"l fvory TIiui'M'Ih.v.
Geo VV 'iVa(cnscS!cr.
Pd;tfr and Pnifi'iotor.
Will 'i ill' ' I I'.ini I'. .i-U .::
,A T F S OF APVt R ilr.'.tm.
.ill ! ,.111-,1-H' ."I" HT r r il.-il tur N 'II If I . i '--I :l "
.Ml p r tit:--, i--in i iri I !i"-;imu- ! ir li- ' I
i ; l in s p-- 1 i.- fur i-c-r.v - i
tflinh m-(iV---, '''-'' ,- ''-";( j"
!n'.'.;iV I'l K ..jj.c'. ill,-.. II' I"' r.'ii.' n I-
replicas Cruise C:mltt::.
creatures whom Montezuma ruled
were exceedingly progressive But
their works and plans and : gricul
tural gains were scattered to the
winds by their blood-thirsty ton
querors, and to this day the spirit
less Peon seems sunken beyond 'al
hope of revival. Thus everywhere,
at home, abroad, Spain has prepare
the way for her own undoing.
centuries alter the destruction of the
Roman Empire by the Gauls ami
I Vandals, the human intellect was
j practically leiiiinibed. A pall ol
I darkness was overall; the nobles
were almost as unlearned as Their
Cup rinhwd by Puwe t Tuiior. ' serfs and the serlrf were utterly
Thu demon that has iM-n 6ttiidilyiMtHUss. Aspiration lay like a
and relentlessly forcing Spain to- pant chilled by t! ecold. But since
ward its final national plunge, is pre- j that time stimulation of thought has
paring to close the compact, wherein ! caused the great heart of the world
Spain as ii nation fmr centuries ago to throb with increasing power until
chose wealth rather than wisdom, the feeling of a common humanity
and pride rather than progre-s. ; thrills in some degree even those
Even leaving out of consideration ! nut separated by birth and wealth.
lor an lent the present conflict in 5ut against the tendency ol the
Cuba, the evidences o I certain na- i jHiiplv to think and act, hope ami
lioiiii! doom ran easily lie rend. aeeomplish, tlie proud and stubborn
.spirit of Spanish (Iramleeisni has
To reader the thought more do- ,mt resolutely. The rising
unite I will make three groups of ti'le of human a.-.inition nmnot be
weaknesses, ai!V one of which will If a government, even
.c fatal to a nation in the long run. i tlw.iifili hoar with age or .tusNmI
'. with heroic deeds, try to turn a deal
, ,, ! ear to the erv of the poor for lift'
, W."IA - -i:Khl):-lf we;aiIiII.llHlrtv U!lll ,,.
Iiai'k al l he eoiKiiiests ot a lew i ,i ' .. -n .. i: ... t . t
' . ,. no lie, t!;eerv will not !:e om lint its
Carpets I ; Carpote 1 1 Oarpota ! ! j
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
AH Prices.
The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, Bugs,
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks'
Bug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, &c., &c, . '
We can show you the largest and best selection of the above goods
ever shown in Lcwistown.
Rag CarjK't as low as 20c and u
Cotton Carpet " " 22c. " "
civet Carpet " " 75c. " "
Itrussell CarjK't as low as .r0e. and up
AH Wool Carpet " ,r)()e. " "
Half Wool Caqnt " 35e. " "
-Ohina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to Select From
Compare quality and prims, you will find that our store is the
I place to buy at. J lie goods are first-class, prices are the low
I est, our rooms are clean rial no trouble to show goods.
jKro"!rtfu"y' W. fi. FELIX, illvis(,llv, rcn
III P" (I! fiM IRlWiilff- Llberal Adjustments- Prompt Payments
es rici .9
I! IV-!,
U-, -r U .
1 Villi '.
I'll i:'..:lll,
I'ri -i. h.i.
Mi.l II-
M ..,
IV It,
I'-T: '. ,
I'-rry v
W. K. Ilc-riniiii. .Ii-rc-:l:lll llmvi-i-sn
.l.l-t. Mill-'. ' llillll M it-'-li
Cm ,i. .1. S,,, ,..-, . I 1,a A - :l.-H- I
II. It. w.-iirui r. U. II. l'.nlli-
W iii. II. K-i-'-n.-i. i. s. Triiiitm.-iii
. Ii.l.ilt.'l S I'i-niii h-i i
(., A. I'r -11-". ' S :i il l
Al I'l. lii'i N. A. Il- vvi
' s s Yo-'rr. Tlu--'l-ii'- l;-'v
A l; Yn'iiiK. I I."'-''-'
I'l i-iU Mill- r. I..mi'-I !:"
.!. N. l:...-in. XI. K"tlir' I-
-n;HV'IT. .hiltll A-'l I
u liiti:;l'itl.
..! ill r. I'. II Sn,;ll,
I', i-' t s. I . i.l- v
ii. i .. i:: i-, ii. .i. Mn. i.
Ui-lll V ltniHII. .luilll .-I Hi i
.ICA.N I li'Wr.T.
r..i r
. S'i;:l'"l',
S. ( u:iv.
For 'mi
:.;. M.
a - nii'iy.
. Siiiilil.
- ..
!'. '.ieiuiieriii'
:-.:y siirviy-tr.
li ii:"-i", li-li
-eiitiiries i'go, when lreiiien. tilling
t new eonticeiits and lioundless
, e lllll iireii the souls of advent lirolls
hu h, I he slirts oi no nation will he
lolllid en! ilel v. In ' In -in iinioeell!
-iloo;!. i!nt gentler tiiiu-s have
iiroiijjit gentler method.-', him! the
xalni' o!' having pnpuloii-i colonies
;nleal 1 ravaged miles to rule over
. liilllld to lie ultillintelv of t!ie
ri:ite:-l advantage to the home
.'oiintrv. This is only another evi
diiue that the world progre-es.
i' while tin- ,.i-;;Ics oi' iii'nniiaiiitv
ii.lM.' Ia!li!i ii'om the eves ol l"',ng
laini, and oilier naiioas (hat ailcnijil
io i ewiill In -r ilien!o!iiing polieies,
.-jia!n as MtVd a. id cruel us in the
-li-x's ol I ';; r rro in l'cni, andCorlez
pleading tone xxill be turned inio
tiie iieree and law ful growl " a
cornered bi a.-1. Thu has it in-i-n
xx ilh Spain. more organ':; d
than Nihilism in Kiissin, is Anarcii
isui in Soain. The nation is honey-i
comlic I w i;h lawless sent'inci.t.-.
1 lie inen in power are under the
I.oim'Ic.-s neee-.-itx- ol" "-.uarding
13 Xj J3XB rR O YE j F A
Unly tlie- Oldest, Mrongest Cash Companies,
Vi lmve just finished taking our;
... i tit -i -
Sfocl; iiihI liml xve xvill be needing i ran A RSPTT? flit's
luoi o rooiu for New Noting (ioods. ' f- 'f ' " .
We nn l'er iimkini Oniek btep 1 hi) Actllil
" Jioinii 41
fi iees to niMiiy of our winter goodn
I him carry them over till next son-'
Ladies' ('!oa!iS, Uupe' il'nl Wraps
miisl. i o soiil lit. cost, iiihI bt-loxv.
lJoii'1 hiis.-i tiin li-itx'iiiiis on Ladies'
aiiist the home population as if it ,,,! C'Jiil.lfon'ri t'lonks mid Cup.
e.Mei i.
mi I'i'iii
. I
e.'ey to be
The spirit
Ihnr.--di,.j1 7, 1M
Coam.i;jo: t'.n Ldc arii'lnici'iialiona
In oder to f.iah rst.'i!!'' a eoiind''
it is not enoiigii to see it li'e; n.- I
present ate nn;.-l lie eonipareu wtti
its eeeiit jia-t. A nation is ;:i
eternal invalid; there is not om
which is not ill, which has not mhiii
nicer of :i more or less dangcroii
nature. l'.ut t! at which it is huh
important of all to know is, what i.
;he c-ure of its malady. One musi
decide whether the disease is incliuei.
to increase or whether, on the on-1
trary, it is on the way to a cure.
lo not hoe to kiioxv this until you
yoiirseli have I'ouinared yc.ter.iay
and today. For this history is iu--lispelisible,
:iud especially the po-j
litieal history of the present century.
In my opinion itisahnost impos.-iible
to understand a modern country il
one is not acquainted with itspoliti
cal history lir ii period ol the past
eighty years; ami I would like to
"sav that it is regrettable that one
should visit a country before he litis
made such a study. The English
are sometimes great .travelers and
sometimes very sedentary. 1 havi
known some who were admirably
well acquainted witli France, am.
that almost without having seen it,
an.! others who had traveled it re
peatwllv and knew almost nothing
aliut it. The former were not al
ways intellectually superior to the
latter, but they had acquired the
habit when they read their news
papers of never passing over any
thing which concerned Franco with
out pausing, without meditating iii
011 it, and especially without finding
out what the French themselves
thought aliotit it. This is the proper
manner of judging things. One
cannot understand, ior example, the
movement which is aliout to trust
Xorway out of her union with Swe
den if he does not study this move
ment lrom its origin and if he know s
nothing otthe phases through which
it luw passed since the tiwitdinli
Xorwcgiau kingdom was constituted.
For my juirt, 1 have searched the
point where I always try to get out-
. side of myself, in a way, when I
have to judge an international ques
tion, I say to myself: "What would
1 think alxmt Cecil Rhodes if I were
im Englishman? What would be my
opinion on India if I were a Russian?
What would I desire in the East il
ue!i more ni'L;
hy multiply win
xViih an ah-iilut
cr wealth the new territories
men regained as lair
ic-.-IV sil'lppeil i
unlnc and portable
o tne men who curved her vast cm.
p re on; of a new world lias rcmain
el unchanged through the centuries.
x'i li.itever colo'iial positions were
open have hull filled bv .spani-h
uohilily ; many cases without regard
to tit ness of the person or the ad
vantage of the colony. Indirect gain
rom the development ol a cohr..y
na.-never been regarded w ith such
liivor as the direct results to he
attained by squeezing out taxes and ; p!lsS(,(l away.
tanning out lucrative ollices. In a ; fi',ange
were an invading army. .o oilier
government in lluioe, not even
Uitssiii, is in so serious a condition.
Spain stand' revealed bi-Ibre the
world as not having controlled In
growth ol hope and thought, but a
having withstood i,t. The ineviialile
disa.-tci draws nearer each day, ::nd
is not delayed by the lact that
Spani'h .statesmen wclcnme Ibrcign
eoinnlieations as olferinga favorable
diversion of the direction in w hich
tin; combative spirit seeks to expend
They must, be sold us xve don't cull v
any over Season.
1'iro, Life, .Accident and Tornado.
Founded A. I)., 1819 Aeisll,035,5i:.S
1S53 44 fl.853.C2S.:,
America.!! " 44 44 1S10 44 'A.inO.fiS.! :
The Simula rd Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelitij Mutual Mfc Association.
Your Patroiiajje Silicited.
,1 :
it be written, but
.s? Spain is 1-
hinried to her doom by the
limiting torces witlnu her. .'ler
brutalitv in peace and in xvir inaUe
her imwoi'thy ol king.-liiji with
sisterhood of progressive pen
She is ii survival of blood v
pin.' in a Mirivni oi niooov nine." i 1 1 m iu.s iiiiwn.i, yi(Mliui, i- 1 r 11 1 .1 . .
.. ; i . ' i ci i i. e have a line inieipiallwl in t ic eonntv, our Snrinsr wear, iii nr
Unit have lor maiiv liiitions long ;igo no(1s iind Siloes, II! tact !U . .. . . . , . j""1 xi.u, pi
V.i ll's ';l'V JillH' 5f!!V"V Ovftconts ," ) ; .Men's Ib-uvv l-iioria
Ovi n-oiils nniy .?.. .iso Men's j
ami lioys' Heavy niiis, ihev must nt ll'id I.i lo-V coht.
Hf fa 'P. sr,; Mfow
LulilD, LJ'J Jti uLLl l!hul;ulfli ;
We have evei vlhinp in Footwnro.
A. 1'i-w of Ihe fii'l ui'd xxinter styles
nre still hero All sizes. They xxill
he sold for itbont mm half their vitl- :
M '. itiey arc lun -u r r cent, less
ihn las. yeiir. Men's Gum Boots
o'lly ; T'iliim' I'ulibers from
.! . ! : ()i.;v hli'v-s must, tio re
..! ceil to make room foi; tho ineoin
i.i : :-;-riii'r sto'-I; No is your time
t- mal;e iJ.'.r;,':u!-.s hi
Wc will jxive r special dia
conut of 10 per cent, mi ev
erv dollar's worth o' )rv
(ioods Notions,
lie! on Is
four. Dollars,
tntil you aoe Solid fact Caipoins. We !:
opelieol the Sciison witb 11 stock of ('ii'
that bents the record tut beauty uini i
pricfls. Ho fair . it'u yom selves ninl
our JOIeRuut Stocic of Spring Clot I.i
It- presents nn opporuuiitv for eeono:!
nil myiiig that is not found clsexvheii .
Spring Hals, ci!nTj Shir
I' very body needs something in this 1:
Wo liavo just xvlmt you need, and tit i
prices that defy competition. Wo 1,
tho 1'iiient Ijiue of Oentleinen's Fun:,
ins (ioods on the 'Market. HatH, (V
Yiilices, Trunks and Rubber Goods
have in large ussortmeuts.
It will indeed be a evervtlitu but, (5 roccries.
ustoric parallel, il the i
and quality, cannot be beat in the State. We want vou to see our i
. : l I., s: i... i i! ..i 1....1
1 is sllllpl V il mail ii;o him i-iiioi-ii
ner career in tne western voriil.
should also be the one to fumllv e.-
rogroMve tigi
-pint ol M-ll-ilestructiou. Ihe in
evitable has been the loss one bv
one, ol the very jewels of her dia-!lM '
drin of empire, until now out of a
.erritory once uneipialed cither in 1
natural wealth or in extent, there re
main the very minor possessions of
I'orto Kico, Cuba, and the l'liilipiiie '.
AtiuicnifimAh uxruo-
i II1KSSI VIINKSS :About the be-;
ginning of tin: Kith century Spain, j
posse.-seil ot a religious lury adroitly
mingled with greed, expelled the
Jews and .Moors and confiscated their
property. It thus inflicted as severe
a national injury to itself as France
did later when it drove out the Hu
guenots; lor it stripped itself of its
noft farmers and mechanics. In
KiOD, 1 believe, it gave agriculture
a further fatal blow by expelling the
Christianized Moors. As a conse
quence the very basis of national
prosperity is remarkably undevelop
ed in Spain. The crudest imple
ments are still in use, and great re
gions that the Moors had rendered
productive, fell back to wilderness.
Similar short-sightedness character
ized her abroad. When l'izarro
landed in Peru, the strip ol hind
lifty and more miles wide, stretching
from the ocean front to the foot
hills ol the Andes, supported apros
jicrous jMipulution of many hun
dreds of thousands. The 'patient
Peruvians had, by vast irrigation
works, made this sandy desert blos
som like the rose. In some cases
they had constructed aqueducts
hundreds of miles long, and even
pierced mountains in order that this
region might be watered. The desert
is once more triunipliant. The con
querors seeking and esteeming those
things only that.could be gained by
the sword, neglected the real essen
tials of prosperity, and to this day
the evil results are felt, Mexice
was a similar victim. The- strange
l-'alli-ii tin- irlili! uf .Aruit'Mii,
Tin- lontly minlit of liluli I'li-tllo!
lark Imw tlie cluihiK mIiihIiiwh Html
XX'lu-ru crt tliu inn uf i-iiipirv hIioiiu !
A Rome ittroiig him-iI unthliikiiiK Hpi'iit
In i-ii-lly vii-nor fragile jar,
I'HHliirily ruoti iliiwiiti-uti-liiiiu far
Ilurt oiitwariln, Hi-t-kiiiK iioiiriNlmifnl :
So whtn ii new worlil liml lln liirtli,
Ttiu NWtilUng MC-L-il of wiilc dniniiiii
l-'t-ll on tht! Iiurren Hull of Spain.
It witlirreil thi-ri- for lui-k of carlli.
Tlum many dawning liven We hcu,
1'loniliK too Moon in ilark dt-npuir
Too narrow-Honied to rightly bear
Full-grown rHpoiiiliillty.
Inspired by Cuba's Need
Innocent Mood from Culm cried,
I' litil It'a licaril bt-jrond tliu nicies.
Wako up, ye miiia of Amrt an noil ,
Make every drop of blood t J boll.
Kise lip, ye eona 01 tlie lirave,
To liln-rale tlie t!nban "lave.
Strike, strike with all your minlit,
And wii the SpanUli out of g(ht.
Such Cruelty In Tuba's land,
We can no longer utaiid
. To arm and let all nutlona learn
That t'uele Sam ia very atern.
-W. II. K.
In order to complete our files we
want the following named issues of
the Tost:
July 8, Sept. 1G, 1809; Oct, 0,
13, 1870; Jan. 20, 1871; Apr. 17,
1873 ; Nov. 4, Dec. 23, 1875; Mar.
7, 1878; May 15, 1879; Feb. 17,
Mar. 10, 1881; Apr. 23, 1883;
Mar. 27, June 12, Aug. 7 and Oct.
30, 1884; Sept. 17, 1885; Jan. 28,
May G, Oct. 28, Dec. 23, 188G;
Dec. 29, 1887. .
Any of our readers having copies
of the above issues will confer a
favor by -letting us know. Such
copies iu good condition will com
mand a fair price. , tf.
Al buckles' and Lion Coffee, 11c; 1
lbs. for 40o.
Winner Coll'oo, l:5u ; 2 lbs. for !25c.
Loose Roasted Juvo, Tie; 2 lbs. for
.Tuva and Moeho. :!5c : 15 lbs. for !M)e.
Extra looso creeu coffee, 2"e.
i 10 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c. t lbs Gran
ulated, 50c.
'2 lbs. Light Iliown, Stic.
' Corn Stttich, 5c ; 3 lbs. for 12e.
i Now Kico, 5 ; very nice.
Host . (). Molasses, Me. a it..
Syrup. iHc. a pnl.
; Lijjht Syrup, 35o. a u'al.
Chocolate, lNc.
JiukiuR Sodu, 4c. per lb.
ltoking Powder, 5c. 1 lb.
Kasins. 7c.
! Silver Prunes, 12c., extra nice.
' Oatmeal, 10c, 3 packages 2'ic.
Ul iipuuu nucni, iuii, m ini,aaoD
Coffoe cakes, 5c. a lb.
Ginger soaps, 5c. a lb.
Oyster crackers, 5c. a lb.
Kniek-kuoeks, He. a lb.
Water crackers. 9c. a lb
II. (pin
r, Sftspis,
In Carpets, Hugs and Oil
cloths wo hove all tho newest patterns and
choice colorings. The latest de
signs are beautiful and at about a
quarter on from former prices.
Good Ingrain Carpet, only Uft
Good Home-made Carpet, 2-'ic.
8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 50o. per yd.
1-4 Table Oilcloth, 14o. per yd.
B 4 Table Oilcloth. 12c. per vd.
Great Beduction Sale of
For Niiety Days !
Tie Undersigned Offer The Public Their EK
"We are uot helling out, but we do MiIh to increaHe our salt's above any
vlons veur.' We uive a few of the nriops as follows :
Soft Wood Chamber Suits 14.00 Cotton Top Mattress i
Hard Wood Chamber Isuits lu.OO Woven VV ire Mattress.
Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00 Bed Si)riu-8
l'lush Parlor Suits 80.00 Drop Tables, per ft.
Wooden Chairs per set 2.50 Platform Koekers...
In stook, everything in the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Book Ca
Desks, tSide-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers. Baby C'lmi'
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couebes, Doughtrays, Binks, Hall Raoks, Ca.
Heat Chairs tine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
Prioes reduced all through. Come early and see our stock beforej give
your order, and thus save 16 to 20 per cent, ou every dollar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalm in
J 1 In tlm. Bold br drnmtate. I I
No. 1 Butter, 1.1 Potatoes, 50
No. 2 Butter, 10 New ford,
Frcah Krk, 9 Turkey, 10
Onions, SO Young Chickena, 7
Pried Apple, 2 Dried Cherrlea, 8
Apples, M. Bcon, 6
Blinulder, 8 Ham, 10
N. B. We have no Spec
ial Bargain Day. Oar Bar
gains are Every Day.
N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts
New Berlin, Pa.
EAT folks nr?
trTtaimresn I 1 Mill
listrinn, BOOK nili Addreas Sj.
ITXIIM. A. W BrodFr New York. H T
Ik; Hardware
I keep everything in the hardware line. Horse slif
nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast stee
tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of
kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds,
Horse B lankets,
Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of K
kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets,
Patent Washing Machines, v , - "
Gall to see my goods and you will be convinced tK
you can uuy cneaper nere man any wnere in me couui.i
Yoursreso'v, f i Ufira Mt"Pleasi
Ji Li VUIIIUI, Mills,
T."TnflWI'ir",l'llllm.nmm...-. ',.