The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, April 07, 1898, Image 1

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    ' v
' . .. ' ' ' . ' ' '
. - - "St THI TV a 2
8Mdr Co. .Hh.
iitornnd Proprietor.
MSY i n
(member when your due-ats come
L vouf date goes up. ,
Vu. II. Poyer, ot Salem, was a
leburg visitor last week.
orney Jay Wciser was in
iburg Monday night.
itmnster Mann of Sunbuiy was
ildlebiirg Tuesday.
A. ISowcrsox, of Centre town
was at the county neat Satur-
knt Yexlcr, of (J lobe Mills,
Sunday in town with Jus
iin Hilliert, the executor of the
ot Matilda Faust, was in tow n
I. Yerger of Mt. Pleasant
was u county neat visitor
tss Jennie Sehnee went to
klin county with her sister,
C. K. Slangier.
Vv. I). E. MeLain attended the
anniversary nt Freeburg last
wday evening.
ward lluilev, Centre township's
ksful bee raiser, dropiod in to
W. Thomas, Krcanicr's wide-
e landlord, was in town Mon-
He also deals in cattle.
D. Jarrctt, one of Snyder
's Biisceasful pedageiguos, was
courthouse last week.
i. R. Hendricks, the sticccss-
rdware merchant of Selins
was in town on April Fool's
, Jacob C. Walter and Mrs.
Iin ISoyer, of Danville, have
the guests of Architect J. I' .
len Moyer, son of S. (. Moyen
ondav entered this office as an
entice to learn the printing
rulicti Snook, of Centre twp.,
Iiiiio!:ir our numerous callers on
tday. He enjoys the Post and
Ives in paying in advance.
I lull line of tinware can lie
ll at Schoeh and Stahlneekcr's
II. All Kinds ot repairing
hptly attended to. tf.
you need anv trunks or sateh
ca!l on II. Oppenhe'imer,
Isgrove, wl ere thev liave a large
t to make a selection. :5-!51-:!t
Mi will need sonic spring shirts
Ftylisu jiaiils and it you drop in
Ypenheimer s Selinsgrove, they
show you bargains. D-ol-IU
Del liilger, one of'lhe best known
in the county, dropped in to
lis on Saturday, lie IkIicvcs in
Jig advantage of special offers.
I D. Kr inner has administered
jo estate of his father-in-law,
fard Alillcr. I lie legal notice
f he found in this is ue.
E. Cork ins moved the one
V building from. Robert Sham
Jfa lot to Mrs. Smith's lot on
Jar street and moved his jewelry
t into the same on Momhiy.
I kat '1 IUOK. Fold in, a ,me-
ir bill, enclose it in an envcloiie
i .I. . . .
essed to us. We'll send you
columns of j;ood readinir mat
the Post for next year.
jj. C. Carman, of Mt. Plcasuii'
lis, and J. F. Kerstetter. of Me.
Y Half Falls, dropped in last
Ersuay to take advantage of our
ial oiler.
.us "iinwrs oi me I'cnn lele
W Conivuiy were here last
M to make un cflort to remove
objections to liaving the poles
g Sugar Street. - r, ,
joeiuh liingaman and wife ot
Idlcswarth were caller at this
iTiday. They just returned
tle moving of their son-in-law,
rge xvnne, who mAved to W.IL
iter's farm at Ben J rmc.
J. P. Shirk, of lVavcrtown, the
successful merchant and the mer
cantile appraiser of Snyder Co., was
here on Saturday preparatory to
lcgi nning work as appraiser.
E. S. Mitterling a lumber dealer
of Strotiptown, was in Middlcburg
Saturday ami ordered an advertise
ment of shingles and boards placed
in the Post. See ad. elsewhere.
In the list of those w ho are mak
ing external improvements to their
proprty are David Oeker, 1 rot.
Paul Jhllhardt, Allen Clelan, Win.
Heaver, W. F. Fecse, D. A. Kern
and others.
S. P. Sainpscll, of Salem, a bro
ther of Judge Sampscll and one ot
the most successful farmers of Penn
twp., cume to Middlcburg Saturday
to test the strength of dentist's nip
pers and of course dropjied in to
see us.
Jacob W. Ilcnfcr, of Freeburg,
and D. F. Seip, of Mt. Pleasant
Mills, Win. Ilassiner, of Paxton
ville, and G. F. Dunkelliergcr, of
KreiiKT, wtc among our t'allerson
Welnesday our prest day last
Our sp,,ial offer is still gixid.
One dollar per year in advance.
Old subscribers may pay up arrear
ages and take advantage of our
special oiler of one dollar per year
in advance. This is good only lor
the 00 days,
Dr. I. (3. Rirber, of Danville
and family spent a fewdavs in town
during the past week. The doctor
is a successful physician enjoying a
large and lucrative practiceat Dan
ville. While here, the doctor had
no superior.
On Monday Mrs. Harriet Smith
and daughter, Alice, went to New
Kensington, Pa., to make make
their future home. II. Hums Smith,
the former's son, preceded them, and
is tilling a pleasant position in that
very active town only 1H miles from
X I 1 I i I .
iKW uoons: master uoveiiies
together with house hold articles
which we wish to make a siiccinltv
April 9th. We will give to each
purchaser tin Easter gift worth hav
ing, Ulrieh and Ostium, don t for
get the time and place, Selinsgrove,
Pa. :;-:si-2t
Last Saturday Andrew Wolf kit
completed ins -i ttn year in the ser
vice of the Pennsylvania 1 tail road
Company. He has been a conduc
tor for !4 years and has been over
the bank :(' times. For faithful
ness to the technicalities of his in
structions he has no superior.
A smooth, cay shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tonsorial work, is al
ways obtained iit Soles' 1'iarber Shop,
in Wittciimycr's building, opposite
Post oliiee. (Soto Soles and you
w ill make no mistake, shaving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo
for sale. A. E. Sor.Ks.
The (';)(, Co. Tritium1 cauieout
last week in a new form a seven
column quarto, much improved in
appearance and in the amount ,and
tpiality of its contents. The "young
bloods" in Snyder county journalism
seem to have awakened the time
tried journalists of maturer years.
Wc agYeo with Iro. Luin'oard that
Snyder county needs better news
papers. He might have added that
we don't need any more to add to
the struggle for braid.
, You may publish column after
column in laudation of a manorfirm
and they think it m only a duty you
owe to the public to commend them,
but print one line that can lie con
structed as a reflection no matter
how true and they are up on their
high horse in a minute and all the
good things you liave said count for
naught, and yet a majority of people
will claim they like to see 'a paper
icuniaw, iiiucpvuuciiK uu uuispukcu.
Harry Sccltold of Sunhury was a
Middlcburg visitor last wtt k
Cyrus Rathfoti has received bnek
pension to the amount of
II. II. IJenninger hcitght the
chickerv from C. II. Dunklehurirer
Row's church at Salem will be
tl cdicutcd April 2 1th.
Mich. Hit fe'h ot Shamokin Dam
was a caller here liusdav.
The Lutheran church of this
place is observing passion week.
Mrs. Dr. J. C. Ainiir
is visiting
icr mother, Mrs.
Marks, in Swine-
Mrs. John W. (hunt, of Milllin
burg, is the guest of J. W. Kunklc
and tamilv.
J. W. Runkle is erecting a kitch
en to the house to be occupied by
his brother James.
II. C. Helm and Peter Young of
Shamokin Dam were court lioui-e
visitors Tuesday.
Last week there were more people
niovinir about Midtllcburr than has
been known for many years
The members ot the Lutheran
church will celebrate the Lonh
supper on next Sabbath evening.
The C. E. society of the Evan
gelical church of Smithgrove sent
9 dollars to the Cuban relief fund.
Communion Services at the Ilass
inger Lutheran church ICastcr Sun
day morning. Preparatory services
Saturday 2 P. M.
Clark WalterVot Cadillac, Mich,
a fireman on the railroad out there
sju'iit four weeks very pleasantly
with friends in Snyder county. He
has returned home much pleased
w ith his visit.
The Trustees of the Lutheran and
Reformed congrcjiations hail a lett
ing for keeping clean the cemetery
for 1 S!(S. The contract wasawarded
to Henry Tobias for f0 a year
Nivtler county is one county out
of live that sent no prisoners to tin
Eastern Penitentiary in 1S17. Thb
county has one convict in the pen
itentiary at present at a cost til 2'
per day.
n l,aster exercise will lie ren
dered bv the C. E. Sicictv in the
Lutheran Church next Sabbath
morning at ten o'clock. A special
collection will de taken to be devoted
to buy books for the C. E. Society.
Samuel IJroweroue of the promi
nent men of I icwistown was a Mid
dlcburg visitor last Thursday. For
-1 years lie was a suceesslul mer
chant at itannerville this county,
where he has many friends and ac
quaintances. The council on .Monthly night
voted against the removal of the
telephone poles from Sugar street,
by a vote of to 2. Those favoring
it were Reigcl and Crouse, those
opposed were Wenninger, Oeker,
Showers and Kern.
John Stuck, who lor several years
was the obliging clerk at the Cen
tral Hotel at this place, lelt last
Thursday for his home at McClure.
He will spend some tune there when
lie will embark for the West. John
is an industrious young man and wc
wish him abundant success.
The American Economist of
March 2oth presents in the form of
a pictorial supplement an unique
and interesting array ot drawingsund
cartoons selected from the files of
that paper for the past three years.
The illustrations, several hundred
in number, emphasize in a peculiarly
forcible manner the strength of the
doctrine of Protection as an active,
living political issue, and also de
monstrate with what vigor and ag
gressiveness this doctrine has been
abounded by the American Protee
live Attrin ieugue.
Ha 1X 01 p&LsS
A charter has been issued at the
state department, Harrisburg, to the
Tuscarora telegraph and telephone
company to run lines in Juniata,
Perry, Franklin and Huntingdon
counties. The capita! is :5,l)00,
all lint .-ix of the $10 shares being
licit! by Carl (J. Espciwhadc. The
directors are Mr. lvpciicliailc, James
(J. Thompson ami .1. Frank Patter
son, Millliutown ; 1. X. (irubb.
Tiiompsontown, and X. II. Sulouli,
"When We Go Marching Thro'
We have jest received a copy ol
the nlKivc-uamed great American
Patriotic song. The melody of this
song is even more stirring th in 'hat
ot "(ilory Hallelujah." It is dis
tinctively military and will at once
become a favorite w ith all Iwcgiment
al J Sands. Every true American
should !-e in jiosscssioii oi a copy of
this great song. Can be played on
Viuiio or OrtUH. It is now receiv
ing from six to eight encores nightly
in New York, lloston and Philadel
phia theatres. Audiences rising en
masse in their scats so great is the
KIKST veiisk.
ItloW tllUglHHl olll IiiikIi'i
Li t It riiiK tlit1 toi'nln "M.iiiii'' "
llluw It, bluw It loticlar
Wliull the t-lmt and nlK'll -lmll ruin ;
lllmv it in tin' vuiiKiinril
Tul it miiiiiiN tin' knoll of Spuin,
WhniiWB Ko nmri'liiiiK llin' I'iiIi !
Uluiv tlui wtiiie ulil bugle, lioyn,
To "till ftuutliur uii ;
Tell the wurhl we're nnirvliiiiK now
Twit-! "tlfty thniiMvnil Htrnng."
Tell tlifiu tliut we (lailljr kive
Our lives to riulit u wrung,
Ti'il tlii'in tliul we're ninri'liiiiK tliro' Culm.
Ilurmli! llurruli!
We'll make lliv tyntnt lice !
llurruli! Ilurmli!
We'll ! M t iilm free!
No iiiiu-e upon tliut IhIo hh fuirnhull llic tyruiiny
lioll ttwjiy,
Wlien we k u iiuiri-liiiiK thro' Cuba.
The retail price is ."0 cents per
tipy. All readers of our paper
will receive a copy post paid by
sending -i cents in silver or post
age stamps to the I'liion Mutual
Music Co., 2d.i .sixth Ave., New
Martin Kerstetler.
Last Thursday evening at Milton,
J. V. Martin, an employee ol the
Reading railroad ( 'o. and a sou of
J. II. Mai tin ol I'axtoiH'illc, was
married to Jt iiuit Kerstetler,daugh
ter of Pavid Kerstetler of Swine-
ford. The wedding took place at
the M. E. parsonage, the ceremony
being performed by Rev. Ferguson.
The couple spent a few days lu re
and at Paxtouville with their par
ents ami arc now viiting some of
the Fastcrn cities. ISoth young
people are well known here. The
Post extends congiatnlaauiis.
Moving is about over and now
you will find L. C. Wagner in W.
A. Ulsh's lioiise ; Harden Fish in
Howard Ulsh's house vacated by
Ross liingaman, who inovetl near
Strotle'sMill, MiillinCo., Wm. Cross
on C. O. (ircenhoe's liirin vacatetl
bv 11. Heimbach who moved on
the K reamer tannin I'Vankliu twp.,
James (loss on Allen Wagner's
property the later having moved to
Milllin Co., JeToine licit, on T. 1).
Reitz's farm vacated bv Dan. Swan-
ger who moved to West ISeavcr twp.
un I lenry Kucpp's farm, John ZcIIk i'
to est lieiivcr twp. on Henry
Hassinger's faun and Win. Yost on
the farm vacutcel by Zcilcr, Jno. D.
Hemser will move on the farm of
Chas. IS. Kline who intends to move
into a shanty as he has embarked in
the stuve mill business.
David Gift, Dr. J. W. Suiupsel,
Elias Uartman, . Peter Shaelfer,
Augustus Stroub and C. W. Fisher
inspected otjr office on Wednesilay
morning. ; , , :
APRIL 7, 189S.
niM 1, 0 Yl If K F S)?ffl!3 nMTSIiMY
Last ThiM'silay evening wereceiv
cd word over the phone from the
Sunbury hWnin;; Jtan that the
operator there had caught from a
messiige going over the wires that
Spain ha.l rejected 1 'resident .McKin
lev's iiltimauim and that all Ameri
cans had lieen noli lied to leave the
island of ( 'ul ia at once. The news
was received at N: 17 and by 0:1(1
we hail news boys on thy streets
distributing the "Extra"' edition el'
the Post. The latter part ol our
niessige proved unfounded but the
other was authentic as the dailies
announced net (lav.
liev. lircidenbaeli and w ile oft iet
tyslxirg, parents ol Mrs. Rev.
Yuty, are welcome guests at the
hame ot the doctor. ... 1 r. IS. 1'".
Einei'ick and son of Carlisle w as in
town between trains on Frit lay. . .
John ami (ieo. Sclmcl i spent Satur
day at ISIoomsblirg (ieo. (iettv
of Catawissa, a lia'iiier resident of
this place, sjieiil several days with
his daughter, Mrs. (ieo. I'Vnstcr
inaehci'. . . . Ed. Taylor, the reslaui
ant man, has removed ti'oni his old
resilience in the Marburger huilding
to the Crouse 1 Hi ick opposite the
Keystone Hotel, lately occupied by
Jacab 1 laupt as a furiiiture ware
room. Hv is fixing it up for a first
class restaurant .... M. 1. Potter,
wife and son spent Sunday with J.
A. Luiiilianl and family ... A.
Marburger has moved the building
(hirinerly used by Taylor as a res
taurant) to the alley opposite Frank
Smith's butcher shop. He is going
to build a house on the site formerly
occupied by the above building. . . .
Mrs. Mary (let of Sunbury, a form
er resident of this place, spent several
days among friends in town....
Henry ISodiue and wife of Sunbury
are the guests of his sister, Mrs. A.
J. Stroll (ieo. Fisher, the
laiimlryman, has moved into his
building opposite' the one hi; occupi
ed before, where he will at '.end to
all the wants of his numerous cus
tomers. ( icr. docs good work and
deserves to lie liberally pad onized.
He has bis laundry in complete or
der. . . .Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of last week were were lively
day on account ol so many people
changing their places of residence
. . . . M. L. Wagenseller has lelt
tor 1'bila. where he expects to re
main during April, attending to tin
wants of his customers who go to
Phila. to lav in (heirstocKs of goods
Dr. W. II. I'lsh at' Driftwood
spent Sunday with his parents. . . .
('lias, (ieinherling and wife of William-port,
former rc.-idents of ibis
place, are visiting friends Fred
rick Coble, an aged citizen of this
place died on Sat unlay and w as
duricd en Monday afteniiH.n
May Lent of Altoona is being enter
tained by her uncle, Rev. U. IS.
Stai'ks. '
At the Reformed parsonage, .New
ISerlin, March oOth by Rev. S. Sid
ney Kohler, John Zcchman of
Troxelville and Larctta Ewing of
Reaver Springs. '
March 21, by Rev. S.S.Oraybill,
Charles ISeiincr and Annie Snyder,
sister of editor Snyder ol this place.
JSot'i of the contracting parties re
side at Riehficld.
At the Evangelical parsonage;,
April 5th, by Rev. J. II. Hertz,
J. L. ISenfer of Dry val lev and Lizzie
Stuhl of Verdilla.
Mar. 25, by J. E. Shcnkel, J. P.,
J. T. Shawvcr of Mieldlcswarth to
Anna R. Crossgrove of Limestone
twp., Union Co.
Mar. 27, Jacob II. lSrubukcr of
Port Treverton to Jennie E. ISitner
i of Dtindore by E. S. Stahl, J. P.
VOL. 35. NO. 14.
KimmW S.iiti'reil Ki-roril.
Simon Long to (ieo. ., I 'over,
lot Xo. ."7 in Freeburg, being Em
pire I louse, tor islOOU.
Adam Showers ami w ite to Enos
I'.ilger and Xel.-on liilger, Lime
stone lot in Franklin twp., contain
ing one acre and 1)2 pcrehc-i for
Adam Showers and w ife to Win.
A. and F. (i. Waller, Limestone
lot in Franklin twp., containing !Ki
perches for 100.
(ieo. II. and Jacob Drccse, exe
cutors ol Jacob Drccse, ilecciisctl,
to Dr. II. M. .Nipple, 1 l"i acres of
laud in Perry twp., for 1700.
Jaeoh Rinc and J.u-oh .1. Riuc,
administrators ol (Scorgc Rinc, de
ceased, to John M. Rinc, tract Xo.
I containing I ."it acres lbrii:JI "..",
tract No. 2 containing l( acres
ill PelTV tw p. fiil I (17. Deed dated
Mary A. Oldt and (Jeorge Old!
to Ada A. Sw art, lot of ground in
Spring twp. tor !".
Susan Mary Kemp and In r hus
band, James ('. Shimlel and wife
and R. II. Shimlel ami wife to
Lydia Louisa Wagenseller, house
and lot in Selinsgrove for :!SU0.
J. (i. Hermit I and wife to Frank
Zerlic, IS acres ant! !" perches in
( 'hapmaii tw p. for il."0.
( 'has. A. Liester, i t a! to John F.
I lover !" acres in Washington twp.
for 2(i(.
('has. W. Erh ami wile, Jonas
S. Miller one acre in Monroe twp.
for .10.
Matilda ISilger and husband to
W. D. ( Fill lot Xo. :', in Smith's
additoii in Middieburg for 100.
M. A. Swartz and wife to Eion
Snook !I perches of la in I in Adams
twp. for ;!.").
Isaac Lepley ami wife to Finn
Snook one acre and 21 perches in
Adams twp. tbr ."I.'.H.
Fniina liibighaiis, administratrix
01 the estate of T. IS., tle
eeasetl, to Henry II. Reiininger ;."
acres in Franklin twp. br l'.ton.
J. J. Pawling and Mary Wet. l,
a miiuistrators of Henry X. Wetzel,
to Isaac 1'". Saiiertwo lo's ol' ground
in Middlecreck twp. for 02 .
Lapheiius Walter and wife to
. I. lines M. Shunian 1 I'! acres and 8"
perches iu Franklin tw p. for S 1 COD.
John W. Runkle and wile to
('has. A. Meiser lot Xo. ::o in Mitl
illeburg for one dollar and otlur
considirat i mis including an exchange
of property w hen by Mr. Mtiser
gets 2100 a.Miiioual.
li. A. llowt-rsox, aihiiinistrator
of A. .1. ISowersox, to David Ibint
zelmaii, 100 acres iu Middled', i k
twp. for I S7".
Hein e.':!, R. S. and D:r, id Mti-er
executors of .lost ph Meiser, to
Thomas Meiser 2.1 acre- i;i West
Perry twp. for ".
John lii'uuuer and v.ili' to .lohn
1'. Shannon '2)5 acres in Franklin
twp. for 1 1".
IS. Elizabeth Woodrull and J. I.
WoodrulV, executors ol Ibni'v
Woodrull', deceased, to II. H.
Klingler 07 acres in I'enn twp. tir
o 1 7 ".
Enos (iross and others to Daniel
ISailey 1 2 " aetes iu ISeavcr twp. for
II. F. Kremer to R. M. Coleman,
2 tracts of hind in Penn twp. for
I.rllpnt ; rim led.
IiCtUrs of udiniiiistratioii iu the
estate of Michael , Frantz, eleeeascd,
to Harriet Frantz. In the estate of
Edward Miller to A. D. Kramer.
MnrrliMcr I.lrnoci.
( II M. Kerstetter, Mekees J Falls,
Mary E. J large, Stremptown.
f J. L. Ile'iifer. Monroe two
1 Mrs. Liziie Stahl, Verdilla
. k