K.rsl MkM the seed swra. Absolutely Pur MUM. tUM KMTDf OO., MW VOM. The Middleburgh Post. Published every Thursday. Geo. W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. which mu.it be paid In advance when sent out- siae uie coumy.i RATH OF ADVIRTISINO. All transient advertlrmonts not otherwise mntraoUMl for will be charged at the rate of IS rents per llne(nonparlel measure) for flrat Inser tion and 10 cents per line for every subsequent Insertion. tTDMtk tutieM publUhed frtt , obituary jKWity, tribute. f Tupfd, dc, thrte wnb lint. Republican Standing Committee- Adams, W. If. Herman, Jeremiah Boweraoi Rravrr, Jm. M. Kline, Charles Hpecht Heaver W., Geo, J. Nprece, lliao. A. Wagner Centre. II. R. Wagner, K. H. Krdlay Chapman, W m. H. Kerstetter, O. 8. Troutman rranaun W. D. (lift. H.8. Kenninaer Jackson, tieo. A. Hrouae, J. S. Yearlck MiddlebiirR. Al. Clrlan, N. A. Bewes Middlecrock, 8. 8. Yoder, Theodore Kow Mcnro, A. K. Young, D. P. Rltter Penn, t ' Frank Miller, Ifowanl How INirry, J. N, lirofdu, Dr. M. Kothrock Perry W.. IJeo Htrawier. John Noll Nellnsirrove, N. H. Fisher, P. II. Smith Spring, P. K. Kelffel. Ueo. S. I-rplcv Tnioii, O. U. Kle, H. J. Stroll Washington. Henry Brown, John Miller JturniMCAX Ticket. For U. 8. Senator, lion. M. S. Quay. For Congress, Hon. Tlad. M.' Million. For Ansembly, Dr. A. M. Smith. For Associate Judge, lion. Z. T. Gcmberling. For County Surveyor, Goo. A. llotdorf, Esq. Thursday, March 31, 1898. SELINSGROVE. l'rot. Chas. II. Albert of Bloonis burc spent u day with his father P. S. Albert ...It. II. Shindel of York was in town on Saturday last attending to the wile of his father's effects, Judge Shindel dee'd A party was held by Senator and Mrs. Hummel at their residence on Thurs day evening last, in honor of Mrs. Hummcl's brother Frank, the young neonle renorfcd bavin? had a fine time S. II. Hare und C. E. Cline former students of the univer sity, were a part of the glee cluband orchestra of Dickinson college, who gave a pleasing concert on Friday evening last C. D. Grissinger one of our male teachers of the pub lic schools here died on Friday lust and was buried on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, services were held in the M. E. church and were conducted by Revs. Chilcote and J. II. liarb, the pull bearers were the remaining male teachers assisted by Prof, ltowersox .... Harry Y. Smeltzer, a student of the University, died on Wednesday lust of a complication of diseases, ending in heart failure. Every Iwdy was shocked at the news as he was beloved by all who knew him, the funeral services were held in the large chapel on Thurs day morning at 7 J o'clock although so early the chapel waB crowded, the floral display was fine, one piece by the odd fellows, one by Ins so ciety, one by his class, one by the faculty and one from 'Trinity Sun day pthool of which he was a mem ber. Alter the exercises his remains were taken to the depot for the 9 a. M. train, six of his classmates acted as pall bearers, the odd fellows sent Dr. Yutzy along as a represen tative ofchiH and odd fellows to his late home at Pleasant Gap where he was interred. His manly form and pleasaut face will be greatly missed, this is only the second death ut the institution in 16 years Defenders day was observed by the Sons of Veterans, G. A. It. and P. O. S. of A. in the M. E. church on Friday evening, the principal address was delivered by Prof. Ilowcrsox ...... Hugh North and wife of Columbia Pa. and Jennie Riter of Philadelphia, brother ' and sister of Cashier North epentseveral days at the 1st Nat bank. Mr. North is a leading attorney of Columbia...., Mrs. D. lieigliard, nee Hall, ofNew Berry spent a week with her sister Mrs. B. F. YanBoskirk on High Street Rev. F. P. Buyers has been a welcome visitor at his father's home at the East end, he has been sent to the Epworth church, York, Pa. WEST BEAVER, Some of our furmers have com menced sowingoats.... Maize Knepp of MitHin county paid Snyder county a visit on Saturday He expects to move to his fathers farm shortly George Snyder and Alice Herb- ster are home again trom uieir western trip W. H. Knepp and Fred. Gundruminade a business trip to Bcavertown on Friday. .. .Dr, Shive is able to lie around again, at tending the sick Am. Hook moved to bis new house above Mo, CI ure lust week, where he is engag ed in bikiiur out timber for Isaac Dreese. 'Brose Peter was through our townshin limine up cows last week. He is goiug to farm for Howard Goss on the Stine farm in MitHin county The Ridge school closed its term on Friday The en tertainment on Thursday . evening was a grand attain Every part was well gotten up, through the manage ment of J. F. Snook and his assist ants. Frank, the mischievous darkey, luinded his oft-springs in the way they should grow up, to be wise and useful. Every one went home well pleased with what they hadceenand heard. The house was well filled and good order prevailed the whole evening. . . .Mrs. llarvey ugner is still on the sick list. 5 GLOBE MILLS. Samuel Stuck is slowly improving . B. W. Yoder was toShamokin and Mt. Oarniel Charles Smith moved to McVeytown to work on a farm by the year. . . .Mrs. S. II. Yoder and family moved to Middle burg Gordon Jjeslierof Sliamo- in Dam moved into the house vacat ed by Mrs. Yoder . . . .Clmrles Bow- rsox moved into the null house The new firni of Fugely & Yoder have taken possession of the S. H. Yoder estate mill, warehouse and farm under the inaniagement of G. W. Yoder The Glolie Creamery will be started shortly. A new line of machinery is put in, F. J. Everett of Reading, Pa., manager. Six teams will be put on the road to gather milk for the new firm Edward Hackenburg moved in the house of J. C. Hummel Freddy Glase went to Biirnhain, Pa., steel works to work there. . . . J. S. Meiser, Esq., went to the coal regions The new firm of the Globe Cre amery expect to put a phone in the creamery, to connect the lieavcr Springs Creamery. Both ure under the same supervision. CENTERVILLE. War, yes, war is our motto, and the Spaniards must die or free the guttering Cubans. . . .Tillman Bick- hardt and wife of Winheld were visitors among relatives over Sunday ....(). W. Reichly and wife moved to New Ifcrlin where heis attending college Dr. J. W. Sampsell is the lucky fisher. He caught a pike that measured 24 inches and weighed G lbs. .. .Uriah Fesshr erected a new lime kiln and is prepared to supply all that are in need of good lime. . . .Levi GrubbnndMiss Surah Snook were united in matrimony. But we are sorry that the new couple is going to leave us this week. May they have success wherever they go. . The following pupils of the primary school were present every day dur- A w ing the term : Friends of "The Post". Roll or Honor. The following persons have paid their subscription to the Post to the dates opposite their names. Should any mistakes occur in these credits or on your pa per please notify us : Carrie Smith' Mamie Musser Hazel Mertz Blanche Stine Mabel Bolig . Heury Kline George Sampscl Frank Rohland Harry Bingaman Floyde Kerr Elmer Bingaman . Charles Miller Warren Walters Nelson Bingaman Cloyde Napp Flovd Musser Miss Jennie Walter expresses her thanks to the patrons and citizens for their co-operation in the work and the interest which they showed both in sending their children and by visiting the school. Boat roaaece Rett sat Sauk Tsar Lift Amy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mai netlc. fuU of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao, the wonderworker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, Wc or II. Care guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Bterlln Remedy Co., Chicago or New York 1 EsivSSJHo? f I tn tires. Boisydrawrtsta ,j 1 I J as Bottleger, J F Kennlnger, J B Snyder, B L Burns, D P Bwengrl, Co oaugler, WBKerstetter, Clmsr Sbambacu, W U Ripka. LI Man beck, Sol Wetzel, David Mojer. James Shurnao. Jas Zelgler, John W Walter, Wm Elsenhower, H H HaBSlnger, David Ocker, Aaron Howell, Geo N Erdly, A C Smith, Paul Rlllhardt, Parcivai P. B rouse, Robt E. Walter, O A Sliambacb, John H Mover, H M Nipple, lllnun S Oaugler, Murray Dreese, Harry Bowersox, Jacob B M surer, John ltomlg. Jr. J U n&rtman, Noab SteUer, Janlel Koouse. t'haa Wagner, . Lizzie B Smith. J B Snyder, J A Ernest, Fred SUmley, J U Kessler, Enoch Kuhns John Kow, Sr.. W C Shaeffer, C II Waller, El leu 8assaman, H E Specbt, J P Maugle, H J Hulser, Reuben Welrlck, Dr A C Spongier, David Wetzel, John M Mover, 8 II Huwlnger, Ezra Rousn, Ed E Moyer, Howard A Walter, Bertha Erhart, J V lusher, J W Stlever, 8H Yoder. E. Qeo I Kline, . Levi s Gel net t. H H Kennlnger, r 8 Relgle. Levi Young, RUey Kepler, B F Arbogast, J E Magee, Ohss 1 lower, Reuben Dreese, Qeo C Wagenseller, Willis Shambach, E E Bohner, J L Bingaman, Adam J Fisher. D U Winner, Fred Row, E E Wetzel, Jacob O Walter, H B smith, Herbert N Goes, GDMengel. ' Frank Row, John Ramer, Wm Riuer, C M Showers. C 8 Stelnlnger, Anion stiolly Adam 8 Herrold, Uriah Bailey, J W Row. Perclval Row. Chas B Fisher, Reuben Kow, Cbas P Bailey, T A Wagner, Perry Aurond, M Mlllner, Lapbenus Walter, sjlvealer Flander, Geo Flanders, M Q KelU. Lincoln zieber, J J Mitchell. Frank Beaver, John s smith, Edward Beaver, Jas K Haaslnger, WD Girt. John 8 Hehn, ' Theodore Row. Jeremiah IlummeC Wm Dreese, Lewis Minium, Irwin J Relgle, Wm snook, H M McClure. Samuel Tret Hz, a Vlsh, H N Troutman, Curtln Boweraox, A FOlU, 8 W Trutt, Wm M Mease, Isaac Moyer, H H Hackenburg. Isaac F Walter, Alfred Belmbaeh, Rev Shambach, AbnsrE Walter, Geo D Fisher, A H Bowersox, Wm H Boyer, W D Jarret, Geo 8 Kline, Alfred Helmbacb, Clark Walter, C H Stelnlnger, Mrs Joseph Walter. W F Dagle, W W Wlttenmyer, Carbon Beebold, Wm Beaver, W I German, B B Walter, 8 B BUger, R MlddleswarUl, H S Blckbart, . Chas specht, Cyrus Bowersox, Jackson Bailey, M B Campbell, Mrs David Reed, Asaph Bowersox, Ftelt Kline, Mm CM Blear, Henry Dietrich, -Isaac Roush, J S Howell, WAWray,. B B Btlger, GASchoch, JWEisenhour, Fred Hackenburg, JOSbasffer, Dr C H Brtsbm, . HH Wetzel, Mrs B 0 Btabl. ' Reuben Benfer, Mrs Mary A Boleiider. sirs j w Beeooia, may IK JaaT.H may I,? leb 1, "17 no v l, to nov 1, ts mar 14, K aug l 1 apr 16, ts Jan I leb 1, w nov 1, m dec 1.W f eb . dec 1, T leb 1. febl, V dec 1, W leb 1, 'V8 July 1. 'M may 1, t may t, 98 aprLta Jan is, W Jaa 1, M July 1, ! apr 1, 1M July I. H8 July 1. Us sept 1. 'M nov 13, "98 Jan 1, t mar 1, 'MS leb 1, 18 Junell.ts nov 1, V Jan 1, W Janl.'ST dec, W apr I, '88 feb in. VI sept 10, MS apr IT, IN apr 1, Us Jan 1,118 decl.ir sept (5. US oct i, $ Jun 1, H8 mar 1, 'W mar 1,1)8 mar lo, w apr is, ft Jan 1, 1 mar 1S,'W tub 15, t feb 15, 't8 July 1,118 , sept '5 mar 1, M may 1, w feb 1,11s Jan 1, D8 apr 1, Ut) dec 1,18 dec 1, 'W nov W, Is mar L W oct 1, 18 may 1, 'vt Jan 1, 18 may 1,18 apr 1, 'S8 feb 1. H) may 1,18 mar 1,1)8 mar 1, W sept 1, 'W apr 1, 98 mar Lis apr 15, 18 may to, 18 apr J. 14 Jan 1, H apr 1, 18 apr 1, 18 apr 1, 18 may 1, 17 apr 1, 18 oct 1,11 apr 1, 18 Jnne 1, IT feb 15, 18 apr 1. 18 sept l, IT mar i, ,S8 may 1,18 may 1,1 June 15, 18 apr 1, is apr 1,18 apr 1. 18 apr t, (8 dee 1, '98 mar 1,'sh oct 1,18 mar 1, 18 lanl.lM Jan 1, im marl,1 Jan I, 'M sept 1, 'M feb 1,18 June 1, ! ' may 1, '(8 June 1, '(T may 1, 'M may 1, '8 July 1,'98 , dee 1, H8 Jan 1, 'W feb 1, M mar 1, 16 sept I, 'M leb, 15, 19 apr 1. 18 feb 1. 'w sept 15, 'tt may l. S8 mar 1, 1 nov 15, 'N may 8, '88 Jan 1, 18 , apr 1,18 Jan 1, apr 1, '88 may i, '90 Jan L '88 feb 1, 88 dc 1, 17 . apr t, 'w marl, '88 apr 1, '98 marl, 18 augl.'or maris, 18 apr 1, '99 mar l.'w " mar 1, '98 marl, f mar at, '98 apr as. OCtC '98 ' Jans, 99 febi, '98 - mar 1,'99 martt, '98 deel, VT mar tt, '98 aprl,'9i may i.ts apr 1, 99 Jan I, '99 . marl, '9 may 1, '98 may 1, '98 apr 1, apr 1, '98 apr 1, Dr 1, '99 apr 1, '98 , leb a, '98 STARTLIWG REDITU Id Fricfs ; Great Gleari Out Salt at F.H.aurers, NEW BERLIN PA. we have just hnished taking our Stock and find we will be needing more room lor New Spring Uoods, We prefer making Quick Step- prices to many oi our winter goods than carry them over till next season. CLOAKS. Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Wraps must be sold at cost and below. Don't miss the Bargains on Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Capes. They must be sold as we don't carry any over Season. CLOTHING. Men's Navy Blue Beaver Overcoats only $2.50; Men's Heavy Storm Overcoats only S4.00. Also Men s and Boys' Heavy suits, they must go at and below cost. We have everything in Footware. A few of the 'fall and winter styles are still here All sizes. They will be sold for about one half their val ue. They are full 20 per cent, less than last year. Men's Gum Boots only $2.25 j Ladies' Rubbers from 18o. to 45c. : Our shoes must be re dused to make room for the incom ing spring stock. No is your time to make Bargains in Shoes. We will give a special dis count of 10 per cent. , on ev ery dollar's worth of Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in fact on everything but Groceries. . Groceries. Arbuckles' and Lion Coffee, 11c ; 4 lbs. for 40o. Winner Coffee. 13o ; 2 lbs. for 25c. Loose Boasted Javo, 13c j 2 lbs. for 25. Java and Mocho. 35o ; 3 lbs. for 00c. Extra loose green coffee. 25c. 10 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c, 9 lbs Gran ulated, 50c. 2 IbB. Light Brown, 50c. Corn Starch, 5c ; 3 lbs. for 12c. New Bice, 5 ; very nice. Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. Syrup, 18c. a gal. Light Syrup, 35c. a ua. Chocolate, 18c. baking Soda, 4c. per lb. Boking Powder, 5c. J lb. Basins, 7o. Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Oatmeal, 10c., 3 packages 26c. s Crushed wheat, 15c, 2 packages 25c. Coffee cakes, 5c a lb. Ginger snaps, 6c. a lb. Oyster crackers, 5c a lb. Knick-knocks, 8c. a lb. Water crackers. 9o. a lb. Carpoto I Oarpetq 1 1 Carpoto 1 1! CARPETS! MATTINGS ! All Kinds. All Qualities. All Prices. The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, Hugs, Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Polos, Hassocks, Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Ul Cloths, fcc, &c, We can show you the largest and best selection of the above goods ever shown in Lewistown. Brussell Carpet as low as 50c. and up All Wool Carpet " 50c , Half Wool Carpet" 3oe, " " Rag Carpet as low as 20c and up Cotton Cnrivt 2"2n Velvet Carpet 22c -7'0hina and Japan Matting 100 Rolls to SelectiFrom-. Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the place to buy at The goods are first-class, prices are the low est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to snow goods. Re8peCtfn11 W. ft. FELIX, Lewistown, Penn'a. Liberal AfljustmentS' Prompt Payments. REMEMBER H. HRRVEYSCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENGY, BiIN06BOTB9 PA, Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. No Assessments No Premium ITotes, The Aetna it Founded A. D.. 1819 Assets ftll.055.513.88 Home 853 " 9,853,628.54 American " " " 1810 " ' 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association." Tour Patronage Solicited. HOId on to Your Dollars, Until you see Solid-fact Bargains. We have opened the Season with a stock of goods that beats the record for beauty ana low prices. Be fair with yourselves and see our Elegant Stock of Spring Clothing. I presents an opportunity for economic al buying that is not found elsewhere. Spriijg Hat8, f aijcy Shirts Everybody needs something in this line. We have jast what you need, and at the prices that defy competition. We have the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnlst ing Goods on the Market. Hats, Caps. ' Yalices, Trunks and Rubber Goods wt have in large assortments. IN DRESS SHOES, We have a line unequalled in the county, our Spring wear, in prict and quality, cannot be beat in the State. We want you to see our shot ?. Opleiv, Inove, In Carpets, Kugs and Oil cloths we hove all the newest patterns and choice colorings. The latest de signs are beautiful and at about a quarter off from former prices. 'Good Ingrain Carpet, only 25o. Good Home-made Carpet, 25c. ' 84 Floor Oilcloth, 50c per yd. -4 Table Oilcloth, 14c. per yd. 5 4 Table Oilcloth. 12c. per yd. Mo. 1 Butler, 13 No. 1 Butter, 10 Fresh Egg, 9 Onions, 80 Dried Apples, 3 Apples, 50. Shoulder, 8 Potatoes, 50 New Lard, S Turkeys, 10 Young Chickens, T Dried Cherries, 8 Baeou.S Bam, 10 N. B. We have no Spec ial Bargain Day. Onr Bar gains are'Kvery Day. F. H. Maurer, N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts New Berlin, Pa. rovrtfmee. fcOOa VatM. Address pmL UnrBEjaVA, W Broadwav Ktw Tork. 57 Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Ninety Days ! The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FUBHITURE AT THE GREATEST 8ACROTCR EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. We are not selling out, but we do this to Increase our sales above any pre vlous year. We give a few of the prices as follows : Soft Wood Chamber Salts $l4.00;Cotton Top Mattress 2.85 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00 i Woven Wire Mattress, 1.73 Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00: Bed Springs 1.2 Plush Parlor Bolts 80.00; Drop Tables, per ft 60 Wooden Chairs per set 9.50Platform Rockers. 9 50 In stock, everything in the furniture line, Including! Irrors, Book Cases, Desks, Sideboards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fanoy Rockers. Baby Chairs Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Raoks, Can. Seat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prioes reduced all through. Come early and see our stock before' giving your order, and thus save 10 to 80 per cent on every dollar. Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited, . MIFFLINBUROH, P IV en n Store, i MT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep everything in the hardware line. Horse shoe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron,' chains of all kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds, Horse B ankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tabs, buckets, and Patent Washing Machines. ' Call to see my goods and you will be convinced that you can buy cheaper here than any where in the county. . YoursVesp'y, I I Unr-trr Mt Pleasant all Ll VUfflCli Mills,