The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 31, 1898, Image 1

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To. 32.
:tW2F IBM fft ISiiW
the hot ctaedb
Spring microbes are in the air.
The first rose of summer shad
A paper bicycle has invaded the
a '
The days and nights are : nearly
ual. . .
The little onion will soon lie put
its bed.
"That tired feeling" is becoming
tevalent .
France makes 8,000,000 wooden
Joes annually.
Tobias Rciti of West Beaver was
the county seat last Thursday.
Mrs. G. A. Laub and son. Ru-
Vt, are visiting relatives at Adams-
Irg and Lewistown.
Rev. K. M. Oiilcote has been
urned to Selinsgrove as the M.
preacher much to the dulight ot
ill. II. Faust, proprietor of the
kitral Hotel, lJeavertown, and Dr.
llf ot the same place were in town
lursday of last week.
You will need some spring shirts
U stylish pants and if you drop in
Oppenheimers SeUnsgrovc, they
II show vou bargains. 3-31-3t
It cwt the State of Pennsylvania
hundred and fifty thousand dol
ls to put down the strikers' riot id
seme region last summer.
tiooordinjr to the Centre county
Kirs, Thomas Bitner of Blanchard
his hair cut week before last.
news getting scarce up there ?
llf you need any trunks or satch-
call ou 11. Uppenneinier,
insgrove, where they have a large
luk to make a selection. o-Jl-ot
An effort is being made to erect a
v county out of mrts of West
rland, Indiana, Somerset and
Imbria counties, with Johnstown
the county town.
Thomas Uostcrman of Woodward
light the Selinsgrove bakery and
lice he and - Mrs. Hosterman (nee
ive licnmnger of tins luace) will
rate at Seunsgrove.
T. B. McWilliams of McVey
Vii six'nt several days in town
Vs. will accompany him on his
;urn and tliey will begin house-
pping at McVeytown.
car load of Iowa horses came
liddleburg on Saturday evening
o clock for Henry Walter of
ksburg. Tiiey were unloaded
taken to V lcksburg that night
Gilbert G. Kuln of Shamokin.
bther of Congressman Kulp, was
I town several dava - lnt week.
Jbert is an active vounu? business
i . .
n and a clever fellow as well as
ardent republican.
L. F. Gilbert ot the ithra, da-
wed an oration in Lancaster lust
ek on "Individuality" hi eonnec-
i wiui ine exercises of thff second
)iaiAH As.. O r
v uj cxmor rass oi
inklin and Marshall Colleg
Notice to Delinquents. All
standing taxes of Franklin town
'p for the year 1897 not paid be-
i LJ- a! 1
ecu uua unie ana une 1, 1898,
A be collected according to law.
M. J. Courtney, Tax Collector.
pjvi Walker, formerly of Selins
bve. recently mnvwl
Mm wj reeuurg wftere he has
iKmmmI aL- A 1 . .....
e i i .
- Mwuiuur
at from P. J.Bickel. Mr. Walk-
i a pleasant and obliging busi
L man and no doubt will make a
t o(hi& new business.
ev. R Vi Knr,. Ul.. 1.
ot the Lutheran congregation at
ponnelsburg, "has received a call
? Y'orlc.V Pt,
resign hu ptgiormte at Beaver
ram hwity-
- Thomas Specht is working tor his
father at Beavertown this week.
John Stuck, of the Central Hotel,
made a business trip to Sunbury last
William Swarta will be employed
at the Eagle Hotel after Thursday
morning. f
John Wetael and Charles Shirk
of Beavertown were at Middlebnrg
last Saturday.
AGbandOpportunity Seead.
of A. H.llereiidecn & Co., Geneva,
N. Y. Steady employment, good
A full line of tinware can be
round at Sclioeli and Stahlnecker's
stand. All kinds of repairing
promptly attended to. tf.
T. F. Swinefbrd, James Steely of
Lowell, Fred Gundrum, 11. J,
Waener and Charles Smith of
Bannerville were county seat visi
tors Tuesdav.
A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
cut, or other tousorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles Barber Shop,
in Wittcnmyer s building, opposite
Post othce. Go to Soles and you
will make no mistake, shaving soap,
face cream, hair oil and egg-shampoo
for sale. A. E. Soles.
New Goods! Easter novelties
together with house hold articles
which we wish to make a specialty
April 9th. We will give to each
purchaser an Easter gift worth hav
ing, Ulrich and Osiiiun, don't for
get the time and place, Sehnsgrove,
Pa. 3-31-SSt
Youne man, get married. " The
single ones are drafted first. But
npon second thought, perhaps it is
just as well to bide a wee, and await
the verdict ot the Court of Inquiry.
l here may De no war, ana, in case
there should be, well, as between
two evils many would prefer to take
their chances on a man-of-war Oil
City Blizzard.
Uii luesdav ot this wc-ek Mrs.
Harry Bowcrsox killed a two-year-old
raster and she was surprised
to find upon opening it that it con
taineu an immense liver, lne or
gan was weighed and registered one
pound. The heart is alxiut the
usual size and nothing else about
the animal is abnormal, j
The editor of the Wilkesbarre
Newsdealer sarcastically remarked
"The worst thing about the Pennsyl
vania National Guard is the official
rej)ort that its uniforms were spoiled
by hard services at Hazelton. What
the officials rcallv meant was that
the girls of the town are wearing all
the brass buttons and the guards
are holding their uniforms together
with safety pins."
We repeat the suggestion made
last week concerning the "Marriage
Record". Our readers who pre-
serve tins will find that they will
secure in 3 or 4 motifl time an
almost complete marriage record
for AO years in Snyder" cotlnty.
The papers can be preserved irf their
entirety or the record can le ctft out
and pasted in a scrap boob for ready
refereneei Try it You wlt prwe
your collection very much.
Jacob Benfar Dead.
Jacob Bentcr, of BeavertoW,
one of the oldest citizens of Snyder
umnty, died on luesday afternoon
at the home of his daughter at 2
o'clock, He was 85 years old and
well preserved man of good me
mory, a kind disposition and a man
of unwavering fidelity to honor and
manhood. The funeral ' will take
place on Friday afternoon from the
rarfdenoeof hia daugUer at Beaver-
towni wno is toe widow' of Jonathan
B. llainea,; ;
l. The .deceased ' farmerry lived; ' to
&&&urjand wife' Sed. beat
lllddlebarg on Woetla.
The fiittants about Middlebuiv
are quite numerous. Those we have
learned ot are : Mrs. II. V . Smith
to ew Kensington, Pa.; Win.
Snyder to Mt. Carmel; Harrison
Moyer and John Snyder to toe old
jail; Chas. Meiser to the house pur
chased of John Kunkle; John W.
Kunkle to the house purcliased ot
Meiser and Moyer; Curtiii Bowcr
sox moved to his farm in Franklin
twp.; H. it. Tobia and Mrs.
Wagner into Curtui Bowcrsox a
house; Edward Walter to the house
vacated by Harry Specht; Harry
Specht to the house vacated by A.
E Soles; A. h. Soles to his new
residence on NV est Market St.; Hath
away Mertz to the house recently
bought by ousan Itoyer of Aewt.
Bachman ; Samuel Erdley to Nor
tliuinberland ; James Erdley from
the farm to West Market St.; Pres
ton Erdley to A. W. Bowersox's
house; Iank Schoch from X. Y.
City to the brick house in the Flats ;
Jesse Shelly to Swineford; Harry
Bowcrsox to his proiierty vacated by
Shellys; Rev. S. B. Boiighter to
the house vacated by Hathaway
Mertz : Foster ltciglc to house vac-
ateil by Kev. Boiighter George
Bickhart to house vacated by Foster
lieigle ; Allen Moyer goes to Ix'wis-
burg; Charles Butiingtou to Allen
Moycr's house; James Smith from
Elixalicthvillc and 11. H.llassinger
from Dr. Hassinger's to the former's
proprty vaciited by II. K. Tobias;
Howard Folk moves to new brick
dwelling of D. A. Kern near the U.
IX Church; El win Charles tohote
vacated by Howard Folk ; William
Kciglc, County Treasurer, to house
vacated by James Uunkle; the lat
ter will move to John Uunkle;
John H. Willis Register and Recor
der, w ill move to house vacated by
Treasurer Reigle ; Mrs. Adam
Spangler to her son at Verdilla; C.
R. Spangler moves to Franklin Co.,
and INlrs. Barbara Yoder will move
into Spangler's resideiuwjT. B. Mc
Williams and wile will move to Mc
Veytown; F. M. Speoht will move
into the house vacated by Mrs.
AWellZnomi Teacher Gone.
Charles D. Grissingcr was boru
in Harrisburg, Danphiu county, Pa.
June 5, 1845. Died March 25, '98
in Seliusgrove.Pa. He lived in
uarrisuurg unul lie .van IU years
old, the family moved to the country
i A ! a . i r i
it nines easi oi iiarnsDiirg, ou a
small farm adjoining the land of
Wm. II. Brennman'8 father, where
a life long attachment was formed
between Wm. H. Brennman and
C. D. Grissinger, tliat lasted to the
last hours of his life.
He moved to SelinsgroVe in the
spring of 1865, where he- Iwame
engaged in teaching school. He
spent 33 years of his life in teaching
and endeared himself In the hearts
of many His delight WUS in that
direction, h always tried to sot a
good example before his'' pupils and
at the time of his death was assistant
teacher in the grammar school.
He was married1 to Miss Mary
P. Baker, eldest dattghterot Lorenzo
D. Baker, March 18, 1874. Of this
union six children" were1 Viveu to
in em, tour sons and two dongliters,
the youngest being 5 years old.
Their family circle was complete
i a . .t ..... . '
wiuioui a oeatn until the gnmmip-
r caiiea tne beloved lather first.-
He was con verted and joined die
M, E. cbureb in the winter of 1866:
his wife also becoming 'a utember
the sWM year, where lor 32 ; years
he wa eonnatent' member. ' filling
difleren eOeaa in the churet and
Sunday seaeoiaad ira" a "steward
at the elbM- oi hk weH spent life.
He was-a &voted hosoand, kind
ietVv raed JirirJm. H
: hope
ofteniL.i rwM.::rT ixX.-
that oohpelb mmmmm To tcje people's interest
Behind Prison Bars.
One of Shamokin'a Lawless
Gang behind Prison Bars
Eepecft Judge McQurt to fkntenee
. IFtm ami IIWica IU Would
Come Soon to Do li.
Martin Lawless, of Shamokin,
was put into jail here on Saturday
afternoon on a charge of house break
ing and attempting to rob. The!
warrant was sworn out by Amos
Focht of Chapman township before
Kohler Peck, J. P. It appears that
Lawless and two others broke into
Amos Foeht's residence near Mahon
tongo on Friday night. The family
was aroused , and Amos and his son
Harry came down stairs. Hany
find, but the aim was toohigh. The
load went into a mirror aliove law
less' head. It was a terrible shot
and lioml a large hole through the
wall. Liwless had an axe and at
tempted to down the two Foehts.
One of the Foehts turned his gnu
around and hit lawless across the
forehead with the butt end of the
gun. Lawless dropcd to the Moor
unconscious and remained uncon
scious until noon on tStaurduv. The
other two escaetl.
Thk Prison kr
was brought here on Saturday after
noon. He is 2D years of age and is
at home in a jail or a penitentiary.
He has a father, mother and several
brotlicrs residing in Shamokin. John
lawless is the father's name and is
an old man severely crippled with
rheumatisn. Only one ot John Ijiiw
less' sous works regularly. He is
employed in the coal mines. The
whole family hasalmd reputation and
doubtless some of Martin Lawless'
brothers were the others who com
posed the party, but lawless says
he was the only one. Patrick law
less, says our informant, at Hmiuo
kiu, is a bad case too.
On Monday, a Pos'rRcportcrcall-
cd at the jail and found .Martin
IjiiwIcss taking it easy in his cell.
His head was tied up with bandages
ami occasionally he but hod it with
water. He told the reporter that
he had been arrested aliout two years
ago for robbing a wealthy man by
the name ot Dietrick in Sliamokiii.
J here were six ot them, hut he
the only one caught. They secured
$28 which was used for a spree.
He was sentenced to 1 year and 0
months in the Sunbury jail and was
released from there only a short time
ago. He has been in the jail several
times siucc, but only tor drunks,
At Oliamokin una ounuurv, he is
said to have the right name, and
we are iu formed from Shamokin that
the bigger the sentence he gets from
Judge McClure, the better the people
over there will be satisfied,
Lawlws asked the rcjxirtcr when"
the court would convene. Uiwn
being informed that his case could
not come up for trial before June,
he asked, "Couldn't I get before the
Judge sooner and get my sentence?"
"Then you expect a sentence?" was
asked. , "Yes, I can't get out of
that," replied Lawless.
The Reason.
Considerable guessing is being
done to arrive at the motive that in
spired Lawless and his gang to enter
Foeht's house The opinion in the
neighborhood prevails that as Harry
Focht is reformings the bandits fear
ed doubtless that Hurry, may have
had a secret ot theirs and to prevent
him from revealing ky they de
termined to seal hia lip forever by
ending his life. This may not be
true, but it is the prevailing theory
ra the neigh bofhood.. If, however,
Hany had net aimed quite so high,
Lawless' .body, would have been sev
ered in twain and would now be
lying hetaath the aod. . ,i .
A. M.OJoots moved on Wdai
day lntoCoub'a house.
MARCH 31. 1898.
1000 New Subscribers to
The publisher of the Pokt has nuiintained that when a special price
was to be made for the subscription
the same time. This announcement
us less tluin our regular rate and promised secrecy if we would agree to
the rate. We invariably refused such offers on the giound that all our
atrons should lie treated alike. Now We are going to make a
and we make it to everyliody at the same time. For all NKW sub
scriptions that are received and paid in adviinceduring the next ('() days
we will make the rock bottom rate of
Only One Dollar Per Year.
To secure this rate, payments must Ik- made in advance during thu
next (H) days.
In order to keep all alike we will allow any of our regular suhscri
Ikts during this jM-riod to jmy up all arrearages to date which of course
must lie at the rate of 31.50 jier year and we will allow you to pay in
advance kor as many yi-ars as you
Only One Dollar Per Year
within the county. Those who reside outside of the county will Ik
given the same privileges except the paynicnt-in-advaiice rate, owing to
extra postage outside of the county, will be
One Dollar und 25 Cents Per Year.
We will guarantee each week to give our rcadcrcs:
1. Dr. Talinnge's Sermon. 2. The International S. S. Iosson. 15. A
(loud interesting Story. !. All the Important News of Congress.
.r. AU the Important Xewsof the Country. ". All the News of the
State. 7. All the News of Snvder County. S. All the News of the
Court House, il. The Proceedings of All' Courts. 10. All the Mar
riage Licenses. 11. Deeds Filtered for Kceonl. 12. All Wills
Probated. i:. All Letters of Administration. I I. The News of the
Commissioners' Ollicc. l"i. All the News of Middlchurgh. K'
Soeeial Articles on Local Historv. 17. Obituary Notices of all who
die in the neighborhood. IS.
and Injuries. 21. New
Kditorials on Imuortant Events. 21. W c will tell about the
thousands of things thai will lmpen the coining year for only
Ope Dollar v) Advaixe.
Sl'Ki lAL Edition. In addition to the aUive there will be an
of the Port Ijefore long, which will contain:
1. A History of Snyder County. 2. A list ot all the county officers
from 185o to the present time. 3. An account of the county seat fight
4. History of the Post from its origin in a (Jcrnian ppcrat New llcrliu
about 1810 to the present. A History of Middlebnrg. i. A De
scription of MUidleburg. 7. Portrait of the Court House. 8. Portrait
of the County Jail. 9. Portraits ot Business men in Middlchurgh. 10,
Portraits of County Officers. 11. Portraits of Business House and
Hotels J 2, Portrait of the Bank Building. 13. Purtralts of some of
our litwycM. Hi Portrait of our Judge. 15. ThcadvanfiigesMiddk
btlfg hS for the location of au industrial concern, 16. The names of
some pWjfk rlio lived here 100 years ago. 17. Municipal Govern
ment. 18. The1 llistory of our churches. 19. The history of our public
schools. 20. Sketch mid Portrait of County Superintendent. 21. The
Professions., 22. Middhfburg in the Col lege. World. 23. Agricultural
Interests of Snyder County 2 L Our Musicians. 25. TheEduational
Institutions of Snyder County. 20. A Peep into the Future. 27. And
A host of other good things. -
This special edition alone will be wWth a dollar, but we will send it
free to all subscribers.
Canvassers Wanted in Every District to Get up Clubs.
Any one who gets up a club of four new subscricbers at $1. each
will receive the Post one year free. Those who want to canvass can do
at once. Sample copies will be
Get right at it before some one else
Such" beraLofitrs as the above cannot last always. You must get iu
out of the wet within 60 days days. You had better do it at once. The
tthtt may ran out before you think of it. This offer is positively only
g for 60 days. The' Pom has.' always been the great powerful strik
ing ann of fiepublicanprty, nevar afraid to speal tie !.twth even .
wfi ifhitsKepuUk offieJikkri. v ; H riXfl.
VOL. 35. NO. 13.
rate it should be announced to all' at
will lie ruid bv innnv vim (iu"..iv.1
desire to do so at the rate of
Marriages Notices.
151. Fires. 20.
22. Improvement..
sent free to those who wish them.
gets ahead of you.
v t
-.1 .' ;vct'"
.-'-' A ink .
jiw b h mae to seaq in your name anaa aoiiar. . ,
. p.