The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 24, 1898, Image 4

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    if Is-
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Absolutely Fur
The Middleburgh Post.
Published every Thursday.
Geo. W. Wagenseller,
Editor and Proprietor.
Subscription $1.50 per year.
iv:rct must be paid lu advance wben Bent out
Ride tbe county.)
Ml transient adverttrm.mtt not otherwise
vntracted tor will bo chargMl at the rateof is
.villa per llne(nonpartel measure) for flint Inner
Men and locuuta pur Hue lor every subsequent
ii wrUou.
-JWA notion pMitkrtfrM okihiary fxwrti,
mtntUi tf raptct, 4e., three tentt a tint.
BepubHcan Standing Committee.
II. Herman. Jeremiah Bowersox
Jan. M. Kline. Charles Spechl
Geo. J. Hprece, C'haa. A. Wagner
H. II. Wagner, K. B. Erdley
m. II. Kersletter. G. 8. Troutman
W. I. tJift, H. 8- Rennlnger
Geo. A. H route, J. 8. Yearick
Al. Clelan. N. A. Bewea
8. 8. Yoder, Theodore Row
A. R. Young, D. P. Hitter
Prank Miller, Howard How
J. N, Hroslus, Dr. St. Hothrock
Jeo. Htrawser, John Noll
N. M. KUher, P. 11. Smith
P. P. Kelgel. Ueo. 8. Lrpley
O. (. Uloe, II. J. Htroh
Henry Brown, John Miller
Heaver W.,
Chapman, v
Perry W..
Hell nag rovs,
Republican Ticket.
For U. 8. Senator,
Hon. M. S. Quay.
For Congress,
Hon. Trad. M. Mahon.
For Assembly,
Dr. A. M. Smith.
For Associate Judge,
Hod. Z. T. Gemberling.
For County Surveyor,
Geo. A. Botdorf, Esq.
Thursday, March 24, 1898.
Deeds Catered lor Beearsl.
Cathriue M. Yearick to H. M.
Derk lot in Kratzerville for $37.
Banks V. Yixler to Matilda
Kratzer 16 acres in Penn twp. for
Letter Uraaiteel.
Letters of administration in the
estate ot Jacob C. Walter, deceased,
to Ira R. Walter.
Marriage Licenses.
f A. W. Hettrick, Beavertown,
Carrie A. Dree?, McClure.
f J. D. Zeiders, West Perry twp.
Sarah D. Hornberger, "
j J. O. Hackenburg, Middlecreck
(Mary J. Gemlerling, Pcnn twp.
J. E. Hendricks, Freeburg
Dollie Setflen, Cluipman twp.
f S. F. Rcnningcr, Freeburg,
Susan Xuue, Washington twp.
f L. E. Boob, Aaronsburg,
'( Katie Glass, Freeburg.
fG. A. E. Raker, Paxtonville,
Jllettie M.Gill, "
Still a few more snows wanted by our weath
er prophets.
Isaac Smith's sale, last week, was Well repre
sented by West Beaver.
T. F. Bwlneford and Fred. OuDdrum attend,
rd Noah Komig's sale in Ml (Tin county last
week, and say that horses and bogs went low,
but cows and young cattle brought a big price.
Mrs. Aaron Moysr and L. A. Jenkins made a
business trip to Lewistown on Saturday.
Tbe Ridge school term closes nest Friday.
On Thursday evening the school intends giv
ing an eihlbltiOn. Disorderly persons Hot
wan tad, all others are welcome.
Houser and Peter took account of stock of
their Lowell store lust week.
F. Weader Intends moviog lib) saw mill to
Kmanuel Knepp's place to saw tbe lumber for
Knepp's uew barn.
Wllsrn t'lsh bought a lot at farm Implements
frosa T. P. Bwlneford at private sale last week.
A. A. Ulsh was a visitor at this end last week.
Tbe fair set contend that At would make a
gOtd s berlft. So say I.
Tbe grand oHer our worthy paper the Poor
has published for tbe next 00 days, will be a
grand affair to tbe many readers of that valu
able paper. The cry should be we are coming
Father WagenseUer, a hundred thousand
strong to swell the list of that patriotic paper,
the Middleburgo Post,
Tom Llbby of Mifflin county spent Sunday
with Levi B. Treastor.
' Lance, tbe marble dealer from Hlfflinburg,
was seen at this end looking up the Interest of
bis trade.
Stewart BoDey moved Into tbe bouse with
Tine Wagner at McClure.
George Snyder, after spending a few days at
MtClurs, started again for the west
ltortng and garden digging are tbe order of
A. G. Glace moved on the farm
vacated by I. J. Bordner. . . .Our
auctioneer L W. Longacre had one
of th largest sales of the season on
Tuesday ol last wees at wu i ita-
ant Mills amounting to over
a e 1 ! 1
. . .Uharles Bcnrey accompanieu
Charles Walter to New York last
week S.I. Stroub and wife
were visiting friends at Jtew Berlin
over Sunday A. F. Shambaeh
and wife of Tyrone were visiting
parents liere over ounnay a
l? S of Davton Ohio was
mingliug among friends there last
week A. S. Sechrist is in
Philadelphia and New York this
. a i to a.
week buying stock lor ins store at
Vomlilln Rev. II. C. Hoch
moved to Maryland last Tuesday
with his lamiiy.
Hnrlnir ilm eaeml to be here, and the onions
th.t were nlanted. bad the "onlOU snow" on
Mondav forenoon. Grain and grass presents
a lovely green appearance and the indica tions
are that we will hare a good crop.
Mr. Lewi's Boob of Aaronsburg and Mlas Kate
Glass were united in matrimony at tbe real
LmiiiI the bride's Daren ts. Mr. and Mrs. H,
It Uu. Several neighboring families witness
ed the Interesting ceremonies. Suitable refresh
ments were served. Rev. G. D. prucKenmmer
rfnrml tha marrian ceremony. The groom
had attended the Freeburg Musical College
when he made the acquaintance of DIs briae.
The nannr couple will visit relatives in Lewis-
burg and other places on their way to the
home of the groom, at Aaronsburg, lenwe o
Our auditors held the settlement with super
vlaora. amsanrs and tax collectors Of our town
ship. They found everything on a sound fin.
anclal basis, and that all our officers had dis
charged the duties to the satisfaction of tax
Our nehestra has a weekly practice. Tbey
nt at the meldsnces of the members in regu
lar rotation. It is composed of persons under
land murfc and their uerformancee are very
entertaining. Our band also practices regularly
once a week, and the) are always ready to
answer any demand for tneir service.
lul Sundav after service Rev. DrUckenmiller
thai donations would be received
far the Lutheran Oroans Home at German town-
Jos, Geerhart, F. L. Haines, W. IL Grimm and
J. Howard Arbogast were appointed a com.
tntttee to receive Snd forward the donations.
Wui. H. Beaver has a new clerk.
Preton Erdley moved Into Alex
Bowersox'g honse.
Jesse Shelly and family will wove
to Bwlneford next week.
Mlag Maxie Beaver, lait week, vis
ited relatives at Mlffllnburg.
Senator Hummel was in town on
Monday afternoon between trains.
Miss Bertha Yeager Is visiting Dr.
C. IL Brlsbln and wife In Brooklyn.-
W. I. Oartnan. our enterprising shoe
dealer, is uiakipir improvements to
hli property.
Mrs. Carbon Seebold is housed up
with a severe attack of inflauiatory
WhooDing cough Is auite prevalent
about tbe town. A number of cases
are reported.
Barber Bimooton and Charles Bar-
ber( of Mifflioburg were Bwlneford
visitors last week,
Mrs. Win. F. Feese, of the West
End, is still on the sick list. She has
been 111 for 2 months.
Mrs. Scbnee of Lewisburg is
vfsltiug her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Sp&Dgler at this place.
Miss Kate Wagenueller, tbe Selins
grove milliner, will trim your hats
neatly for you. (Jive her a call.
Barber A. E, Soles moved hiB
household goods to his newly pur
chased residence on West Market
Miss Ella Btetler, who had been
spending several months in 8hauio
kin, Wllllamsport and elsewhere, has
returned home.
We are indented to Attorney Jacob
Gilbert for a copy of tbe Post of July
25, 1878. one of tbe papers needed to
complete our file.
Mies Elizabeth Dunkelberger has
gone to Philadelphia and New York
this week to purchase a stock of new
and stylish bats, etc.
Miss Daisy Oraybill, of Richfield,
who had been visiting at Jacob Gil
bert's, has returned home. 8he had
been sick while here with Inflama
tory rheumatism.
Miss Kate Wagenseller, the Selins
grove milliner, bas an excellent as
sortment of trimmings on hand. Rib
bons, laoes and violets are as low as
5 cents a bunch. Business place at
her mother's residence, North Market
The planing mill was running
the early part of this week.
In addition to our usual quota of
reading matter ou the inside pages,
our readers will also find, "A town
of two people", "A Miner's Alask
an Experience , "Where American
Magazines Go", . and the "Chicago
Bible Institute" Don't miss the
inside pages.
At Pallas, March 16, 1898 Mrs.
AdamSholly, aged 62 years 5 mo.
and 20 days, interment at Qrubb's
church, Rev. H. H. 8palm officiated.
Howard Sbambaca bought a horse
al Smith's . sale near Adamsburg,
last week.
John Ernest had sale of his cattle
and farming implements last week.
He will move into bia house here in
town this spring.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. H. A How
ell a aon.
Uriah Howell's are .moving to
Beavertown this spring.
Edward Harnei left for Sbamokin
last week where he is working.
F. C. Bowersox and family visited
bis mother over duuday.
Miss Anuie 8wengle is visiting
friends at Selinsgrove and Eantz.
Thomas Middleswarth and family
visited his wife's father, Richard
Harner, on Sunday.
Ripples of near New Berlin visited
Joseph Bruner's on Sunday.
Thomas Shamory, who is sawing
for Chas. Spangler in Franklin Co.
was called home last week on ac
count of his wife's illness.
Mrs. Hester Emery and children
of Mifflin county are visiting rela
tives here at present.
B. F. Sechrist made a trip to Mid-
dleburg on Saturday evening.
Newton Hartman of Northumber
land was a visitor among relatives
a few days last week.
I. O. Bowersox. L B. Ruhr's and
Qeo. M. Hartman are each erecting
a new mansion.
R. 1). Owen, professor of music,
must be a wonderful teacher the way
he gets the young and old to join
the singing class. 1
Rev. Price of Longanton ia tbe new
pastor of tbe united Ev. church
everybody is well pleased, with. him
and willing to make bis stay a
pleasant one.
Prof. Smith from Colepepper is
teaching a singing class at the opera
house next week.
I am sorry to state the death of
Mrs. Shirk who was called to her
solemn sleep on Wednesday last at
the earl t age of 27. She leaves a
husband and 3 children to mourn
her loss. She died of that dreadful
disease consumption. '
Ob, why should we as her friends
be proud f Like a swift fleeting
meteor, a fast flying cloud, a flash
of the lightning, a break of the
wave, she passed from life to her
rest in the grave. ' ' !
Mrs. Alice Miller of Paxinos was
visiting her relatives in town ' over
Sunday .........Several ofourcitizeus
attended the horse sale at r reeburg
on Saturday. A. A. Heintzcl-
tnan of Lewistown moved to this
place last week. Glad to see Aminon
lack again Jacob Lauver
gave his house a new coat of paint
Henry G rover and family
and Mr. Riehl of Lewistown were
visiting friends here over Sunday
A. D. Kramer and Grant
Yoder were in Sunbury last Friday
attending a horse-sale. Yoder pur
chased a fine gray horse.
At the residence of the bride's
parents, on the 17th of March, by
Rev. A. R. Collins, Mr. G. Warley
Schochand Miss Emma R. Cook,
both of Lewisburg.
At his office in Lewistown, Feb.
16, 1898, by Robt.W.Patton, J.P.,
Isaac W. Bigley of Shy Reaver,
Huntingdon county, and Miss Sadie
M. Brininger of McClure, Snyder
At the Evangelical parsonage on
March 14th by Rev. J. II. Hertz,
Joseph O. Hackenburg and Mary J.
Gemberling both of Salem.
Mar. 15, by Y. II. Wagner, J. P.,
C. H. Mull of Freeburg and Mary
Bennage of Dry Valley X Roads.
Mar. 17, by Rev. W. H.Hiblish,
at McClure, Ammon W. ' Hettricks
ot Beavertown to Carrie A. Dreese
of McClure.
Mar. 20, by a II. Graybill, in
West Perry twp., John David Zeid
ers and Sarah Ellen Hornberger,
both ot West Perry twp.
Mar. 17, by Rev. Ramey, JohnE.
Hendricks of Freeburg and Dollie
Stefien of Cluipman twp.
Mar. 17, Rev. G. D. Drucken
mfller, at Freeburg, Lewis E. Boob
of Aaronsburg and Katie Glass of
I tBtsavBoIdydti I
Id Prices ; Great Gleari-
Ont Sale at
We have just finished taking our
stock aud hnd we will be needing
more room for New spring (ioods.
We prefer making Quick Step-
prices to many of our winter goods
than carry them over till next sea
Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Wraps
must be sold at cost and below.
Don't miss the Bargains on Ladies'
and Children's Cloaks and Capes.
They must be sold as we don't carry
any over Season.
Men's Navy Blue Beaver Overcoats
only $2.50; Men's Heavy Storm
Overcoats only $4.00. Also Men's
and Boys' Heavy suits, thev must
go at and below cost
We have evervthing in Footware.
A few of the fall and winter styles
are still here All sizes. They. will
be sold for about one -half their val
ue. Tbey are full 20 per cent, less
than last year. Man's Gum Boots
only $2.25 Ladies' Rubbers from
18c. to 45c. Our shoes must be re
duced to make room for the incom
ing spring stock No is your time
to make Bargains in Shoes.
We will give a special dis
count of 10 per cent, on ev
ery ddllar's worth of Dry
(ioods, .notions, Ulotuing,
Boots and Shoes, in fact on
everything but Groceries.
Arbuckles' and Lion Coffee, Hot 4
lbs. for 40c.
Winner Coffee. 13o ; 2 lbs. for 25c.
Loose Roasted Javo, 13c ; 2 lbs. for
Java and Mocho, 35o ; 3 lbs. for 90c.
Extra loose green coffee, 25c.
10 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c. 9 lbs Gran
ulated, 60c.
2 lbs. Light Brown, 60a
Corn Starch, 6c ; 8 lbs. for 12c.
New Rice, 6 ; very nice.
Best N. O. Molasses, 14c. a qt.
Syrup, 18c a gal.
1 T.irK flttwnn ttti ca sa1
eUlgUV aJJ a U Mm uwt Ha
Chocolate. 18c.
Baking Soda, 4c. per lb.
Boking Powder, 5c. i lb.
Rasins, 7c.
Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice.
Oatmeal, 10c, 3 packages 25c.
Crushed wheat, 15c, 2 packages 25c.
Coffee cakes, 5c. a lb.
Ginger snaps, 5c. a lb.
Oyster crackers, 6c. a lb.
Knick-knocks, 8c a lb.
Water crackers. 9c. a lb.
In Carpets, Hugs and Oil
cloths we hove all the newest patterns and
choice colorings. The latest de
signs are beautiful and at about a
quarter off from former prices.
Good Ingrain Carpet, only 6c.
Qood Home-made Carpet, 25c.
8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 60o. per yd.
6-4 Table Oilcloth, 14c per yd.
5 4 Table Oilcloth. 12c. per yd.
No. 1 Butter, 15 Potatoes, 50
No. 3 Butter, 10 New Lard, a'
Freeh Eggs, Turkeys, 10
Onions, 50 Young Chickens, T
Dried Apples, S Dried Cherries,
Apples, SO. Bacoa, 6
Bhoulder, 8 Bam, 10
K. B. We have no Spec
ial Bargain Day. Our Bar
gains are Every Day.
N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sta
New Berlin, Pa.
imitaNi. 6 .4 Address
j4sms.A. M broad war New Tor. S V
Carpets I Carpbto ! I Oarpoto ! 1 1
The whole lower floor of my store is taken up with Carpets, Rugs,
Art Squares, Curtains, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hassocks,
Rug Fringe, Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths, Ac, &c,
- . . m m "
We can show you the largest and best selection of the above goods
ever shown in Lewistown. '
Brussell Carpet as low as 50c. and up
All Wool Carpet 50c M "
Half Wool Carpet" " 35c. ""
--Ohina and Japan Matting
Compare quality and prices, you will find that our store is the
place to buy at. The goods are firstrclass, prices are the low- '
est, our rooms are clean and no trouble to show goods.
W. ft. FELIX, Lewistown, Penn'a.
Liberal Adjustments-
rti At -vi . . .
wniy me uiaeBt, strongest uasn Uompanies,
Fire. Life. Accident and Tornadn.
Ho As8es8menta
The Aetna Founded A.
" Home " -
ine standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co.
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
HOId on to
We have a line unequalled in the
and quality, cannot be beat in the
H. OniiM, Xeliispe, fa
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days I
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their Eli
We are not celling out, but we do this to Increase oar sales above any pre
vious year. We give a few of the prlees as follows :
Soft Wood Chamber 8ulU $14.00fCotton Top Mattress 8.
Hard wood Chamber Suite lo.w; woven Wire Mattress. l.PI
Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00: Bed Springs 1.H
Plush Parlor Suits 80-00: Drop Tables, per ft .
Woodon Chairs per set 8.50;Platform Roekers 2 Hi
In stock, evervthing in the furniture line, iuelodlng Mirrors. Book Cam?
Desks, Sideoboards, Cupboards, Centre
earner ruiowe, lounges, uoaenes,
Beat Chairs One. medium and cheap
Prioes reduced all through. Come
your oraer, ano tnus save iovo w per oens. on every oouar.
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embalming
en llarduare Store,
AT '
I keep everything in the
nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel
tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all!
kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds, v
Horse B ankets,
Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of al
kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buokets, am
Patent Washing Machines, ' -' v." ,
Call to see my goods and you will be convinoed th
you ean buy cheaper here
All Kinds.
All Qualities.
All Prices.
Rag Carpet as low as 20c, and up
Cotton Carpet ' 22c. "
Velvet Caqiet 75c.
100 Rolls to Select From-
Prompt Payments.
Ifo Premium ITotes.
D., 1819 Assets $11,055,513.88
" 3853 " 9,853,628.54
w IU 2,409.584.53
Your Dollars,
you see Solid-fact Bargains. We hare
opened tne season with a stock of goods
that beats the record for beauty ana low
prices. Be fair with yourselves and Bee
our Elegant Stock of Spring Clothing.
It presents an opportunity for economic
Duymg that is not found elsewhere.
Spring Hats, faqcy Sljlrt
Everybody needs something In this line.
- We have just what you need, and at tfa
prices that defy competition. Wa. have
tne f inest moa oc Gentlemen's FurnTBb
ing Goods on the Market. Hats. . Cant.
Yalioes, Trunks and Rubber Goods wt
in large assortments. .
county, our Spring wear, in pric(
State. We want you to see our shoes
Tables, Faney Rookers, Baby Chain
vongntrays, Bloke, Mail itaoks, can
furniture, to salt all olassea.
early and see onr stock before' giviw
6 Limited,
hardware line. Horse shot;
than any where in the county l
t ....
-a, lMWM.'fJ',"