The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, March 24, 1898, Image 3

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    are intended for children, ladies and all
' who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now be had (put .
5 up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box),
L price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get tnem
if you insist, and they may always be
obtained by remitting the price to
TheRipans Chemical
t " ivyiv
I t
Future Coniiort for present seciniug Economy, but BUY
the Sewing Machine with an established reputation
that .guarantees von long and satisfactory service :
Tl;e l)il-e.
lis beautiful figured wood
work, durable construc
tion, fine mechani
cal adjustment,
u i )(! v 111 the Finest Set of Steel
Attaelirmmt!1, makes it tiie
IkI IifiiieWe Machine in lhe Met
C If I
XV "1
NSend tor Our beautiful halftone catalogue
. ' i v - a. u w ua. rej L tiv u u w mwM , f j, t
; Insurance Agency,
I' lmoi W. Snydor, Agont,
Successor to the late William H. Snyder.
ie rai-i'.xcwiericp or i;miaoie insurance is represeutea in tue roiiow-
list of standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None
ter lhe World over
IV A. 11 K, i
,E Royal,' Liverpool, Eng. (iucludiug foreign assets) 43,0i)),()00.0)
Hartford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,64u,T.J5.(i'2
Phcouix, Hartford, Codu. 5,588,058.07
Contineutal, ; New York, 6,754.908.72
German American. New York.
fE Mutual Life Ins. Co. New York, $20,638t983.i;0
IDEN I Employers Liability Assurance Corporation,
Accident Ids. Co. Subscribed Capital of $3. 750.000.00
arc, Life and Accident risks accepted at the lowost possible rate, jus-
i Dy a strict regard to mutual Bafety. All just claims promptly and
faotorily adjpsted. Information in relation to all classes of Insur
promptly furnished ELMEB W. SNYDER. Aet..
pboue No. 182. Office on Corner Water & Pine Sts, Selmsgrove. P
The Cleanest, Fastest Dya for BoUtd
or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses.
u '-I : . . "'u-?ru""u"' "inn, etc.,
w irouoic wnetner Bilk, Satin, Cotton or Wool.
Sold in Mil Colon i groetn mud Drufgittt, or mailod free for 15 conttf
Aettess, IMS MAtPOLB SOAP DEPOT, UT Dma Strut. Nw York.
j -I ui?Ns all '
K C.,,t;: KvUGCSTS w
- '! .
Colonel Wilson, of the lluladel
phia Bulletin, has been looking up
some interior Pennsylvania towns,
and writes an entertaining article
concerning them. After telling of
the saleottlie entire village ofUhler
town, Bucks county, to one man,
some time agci, he tells ol a town
not so far from Middleburg which
will be of interest to our people.
He says:
"Pennsylvania can boast ot even
a smaller town, and one with only
two inhabitants. Its uaiueisNeko
da, and it is on every map of the
United States. Kekoda is in Perry
county, five miles from Millcrsburg,
on the Pennsylvania railroad, be
tween Altona and Harrisburg, and
seven miles from Liverpool on the
Northern Central railnxid. The
town has two mail deliveries daily
and a daily stage line connecting it
with Millerstown, Liverpool ami
McKce's Half Falls.
"The population consists of Mr.
and Mrs. S. II. Baker, and never
before in the history of the country
has one man had to perforin more
officers than this solitary male, lie
is thejusticeofthe peace, postmaster,
burgess, town council, chicfof police,
election inspector, president of the
board of health, blacksmith, drug
gist, general storekeeper and the
holder of many other otlices. Mrs.
Baker is the president ol the Ladies'
Guild, Health Protective Society
and numerous other organizations,
which she has created and promoted
during her long residence in Nekoda.
She is now in hor seventy-third year
while Mr. Baker is in his seventy-
sixth. They are hoth hale and
hearty, and carry the burden of
their many duties with u cheerful
ness and strict attention to business
that in comparison puts to shame the
officials of some other towns who
lave only one office to till, and cvcif
neglect that.
"Mr. Baker was liorn in .Nekoda.
He hnows every stone in that inter
esting place, where he has spent his
useltil lite. Ihere is not a tree or
shrub, aye, even a blade of grass,
that is not laniiliai to his eve. The
politics of Xekoda are strictly Re
publican. The Squire, as Mr. Ba
ker is affectionately termed by the
other citizens, meaning his wife,
always votes to please the cominun
ity. "The Squire did his courting
from Xekoda. The blushing dam
sel whom he ask to share his many
honors over fifty years ago was Miss
Eliza Rickabaug, of Millerstown.
Her father was the jolly host of the
Crass Keys Hotel, which llourished
in the old stage days. Many a night
young Baker footed it home by the
light of the silver moon from Millers
town to Xekoda with the firm de
termination in bin mind that the
next time he saw Lizzie he would
just out and say it. She had many
suitors. Hint winter was a hard
one for Sammy. His determination
always weakened when he found
himself in Lizzie's father's cosy
parlor, and it was not until they
were both capsized out of a sleigh
into a snow lmk that Sammy found
wurngc to speak. Then, at they
frantically clutched at each other,
Sammy cried: "Xow I've got you,
and I'll keep you forever." This
was how he proposed, and the mar
riage followed shortly after, when
the chief of police, burgess, town
gouncil and all the other officials
carried of! his bride in triumph to
reign unmolested for fifty years as
the first lady of Xekoda.
"The statistics of Xekoda, for the
last half century show that there
have only been one marriage and
two births. The latter blessed the
union of Sammy and Lizzie, over
forty years ago, since which time the
offspring became full-fledged, and
flew tfie nest. One became Mrs.
Valeria Hopple, the wile of the
agent for the Pullman Palace Car
Company, at Broad Street Station,
Phila., and the other is Colonel
Joshua D. Baker, the manager of
the Lafayette Hotel. The statistics
which have been faithfully kept
further show that there have been
no elopements nor failures in Xeko
da during this long period. The
town is of a purely niercliantile
character, its entire business being
centered in what is known to the
community as Baket's store, which
is also the town hall,' church, ' residence-location,
and everything 'else.
It is in this building where grim
justice presides, surrounded by well-
stocked suelvtawtuiKWare, drugs,
Xo one has ever been arrested for
drunkenness. XTo other town in the
United States can show such a
record. Perfect harmony exists in
the community, and a solid vote was
cast lor 'C0,s, which has remained
an unbroken law c.en since.
"The money question has always
been an open one at Xekoda. Far
mers from the surrounding country,
who come there to market, are com
pelled to change the standard tosuit
lhe burgess, chief of police and the
storekeeper. Yesterday it was three
eggs for a two- cent stamp. To-day
it is a head of cabbage and a bunch
of carrots. Fine dress goods arc
worth two bushels of corn a yard,
while double-barrelled shot guns
bring as high as two loads of hay.
The standard is ever varying, but
the population of the town inclined,
if anything, to a cheese staudard.
"The residents pride themselves
on their horses, cows, sheep and
poultry but the spring house must
not be forgotten. It is in this cool
sequestered spot that Mother Baker's
dantie pies and big bowls of rich
cream can always Iki found. This
little spring house, with its quaint
oaken door, is known to traveling
salesmen from all over the State, and
many a one drives out of his way to
visit the hospitable town of'Xekoda,
where good cheer is always ready
and the door wide open."
A Miner's Alaskan Experience
IMvUl Wurtl Sty He Found Xtty
yd u Thick m l'otatw.
Public I(ltfcr, riiilulnlphia. Pa., March 4, 1K
lwvid Ward, who left his home
in Kansas City three years ago on
a prospecting trip through Alaska
with but little ot this world's goods,
arrived in the city last evening and
registered at the Central Hotel, lie
had with him, as a mute testimony
of the richcuss ot the newly disni
vercd gold fields, nuggets" of the
rich metal as big us guinea eggs.
He is enthusiastic over the vast
extent of the gold dejnisits in the re
gions of Alaska, the morcsolxxaiusc,
he says, by far the richest finds are
on American soil at least 100 mile:
trom the Canadian line. "If I tell
you just what I think'" he says,
you would hardly lielieve me. ' I
SJK'Ilt tin 'co years in the cold region
traversing g greater part ot the ter
ritory, and I tell you frankly there
is enough of the yellow metal there
to make every one ef the l.",()(M)
people already there or on the ir way
Millionaires. Why, sir, nuggets ar
are as thick there as jHitatm-s in a
prosH'rous fanner's patch."
To illustrate the richness of the
field Mr. Ward gave an account of
his rinding some of the nuggets he
exhibited to a hditr reporter, sav
ing : 'In Company with two native
Indians, who acted as guides and
jKickers, 1 v:as working my way
along a big tributary of the Yukon,
far over on the American side of the
line, when we stopjied to rest for
night. The natives Itegan digging
into the ground so as to strike stakes
for a cache for our provisions to
keep them out of reach of the dogs,
when one exclaimed that he had
struck a rock and we must change
our location. I examined the hole
and found in it nuggels as iargc as
potatoes. I soon discharged thena
tvies and sont several months there.
"After 1 had secured all the gold
I could possibly carry I left for
Dawson City, arriving there October
1. I left there for Dyeaaiul tok a
steamer for Seattle, arriviug at the
latter place early in November. At
the Mint in San Francisco I exchang
ed 100 ounces of my gold for $ 1 CS3.
In all, I brought buck with me in
round numbers $12,000 worth of
"I am now returning home from
Washington, where I have been in
the interest of my claim. As soon
as I get it properly protected I will
take a company with me to carry
on operations. Kunning through
the regions is a large river, which
can be easily diverted from its
channel. Its bed contains nugget?
as thick as gravels in the bottom of
many rivers.
TOura American 2asasines Go-
The wide range of the circulations
of American magazines and the
manner in which they penetrate the
furthest points of the earth found
new evidence last week, when a
single list of five hundred subscrip
tions to The Ladies' Home Journal
was received by the magazine from
Bulgaria, the list being headed by
the name of Her Royal Highness.
the Prinoww Maria Louisa, ' George
International Exploration
jnd Investment Company.
CAPITAL STOCK, - - $1,000,000,000.
General Offices ; 5, 7, & 11 Broadway, New
Combined Capital 8tviire
Large Profit!!
Tne Gn-akxl (Jood to the
Ih'ratext Xutnbcr ! !
Your limited tnMm rhn ni.
rm. will MHMira for you all tl ailvaiiluicra a
rue noun, oi tiil command! when In-
unuer our co-operative ulun
ory goods, notions yA g?K ennan, the Saurian traveler, said
to nrl for our prnarrut and aruiiainl your
self with the comlriiMd arivantava e offer.
The tnormoua profits to lie dr-rived from t!i
development of Alaska Kll bmrlni proierlie
I but one of Ilia many f alur. we van oftVr
you. We invent ami make money for you
wherever money can be made.
Let your few dollar lie the nucleut of a cum
Ing fortune.
The Greatest Amount of Benefits -the Minimum Amount of Risks.
Have von n...l. "i.". . ..
, , . ws rB on yuu opportunity t0 ,j grrBt
deul bettor In the cominir year. Ilava you failed to wv and lay aeide a .urpluaT Then lu
tein the new year by maklnKan Investment In our atock. Our aharee are aold at par. at l
per share, and are aold in lota of S .hare, and upwards. A quick decision, a wise move in the
DrOtM-r flimntlrin will .l..u. r..r.w ..1-1 u. . .. . ...
' -"- mn urn new year riirm nyaeiminic your sur
plus monoy-a hundred dollars, fifty dollars, twenty, ten or even five dollar.-t once to the
Co. and receive by return mall your shares of .tock. llefore Ionic you may And that while you
have li.lH.rrd on and toiler., your money has been ru.klng money for you. and while you have
not gone to Alaska nor devoted your time and labor to other promising ventures, yoa have
reaped all the benedtsand have enjoyed success.
Send your money by check, money order, express money order or registered letter to
International Exploration and Investment Co.,
r, 7, 1) it 11 P.roadway, New York, X. Y.
Kchponsible agents wanted in every city and town.
that he found this magazine in homes
on the stcpM-s of Siltcria, while
l'eary met with it in (ireenland. It
is an interesting fact that The Lidies'
Home Journal has subscriptions in
filly-nine of the sixty-five generally
accepted civilized nations of the
earth. During the single mouth of
Dccemljer last, for instance, it re
ceived subscriptions from Svria,
Japan, Uruguay, Turkey, Congo
l'Yee State, Transvaal, Liberia,
Xatal, Sierra Leone, Zululand,
Havana, J'uilianias, Iiiinnah, ISrazil,
Iloheinia, Canary Islands, Honduras,
Costa Kica, Nicaragua, San .Salvador,
Chili, China, Kgypt, Cuba, Kiji Is
lands, (ierinanv, Hawaii, Madras
Presidency, Hungary, Korea, Java,
Straits Settlements, Malaysia, Siani,
Samoa, Palestine, rem, Portugal,
Tasmania and the Danish West
From One Point of View.
"Woman," she said, oracularly,
"should bare all the privileges that
man baa. She is Hhowing her ability
to do all that he can do in the business
"Yes," he admitted, "she Is rapidly
bringing: herself down to his level."
The more she thought of this re
mark the stronger became her deter
mination to keep out ot all suffrage
movements. Chicago Post.
There Never Was One.
Great Ficture Buyer (to hostess)
What do you think of an artist who
painted cobwebs on the ceiling so
truthfully that the servant wore her
self into aa attack of norvous prostra
tion trying to sweep them down?
Hostess (a woman of experience)
There may have been such an artist,
but there never was such a sen-ant.
"50 Years' Iipyeinls
I'lililUhod by the New-York Tumi ie
Second Edition.
32 Pages, 18 by 12 Inches.
A general review of the advances
and improvenieutB made in the lend
ing of farm industry din
ing the last half century.
Special articles by the beHt nt;ri
cultural writers, on topics which
they have made their life study.
Illustrations of old fashioned im
p'.ements. A vast atuouct of practical infor
mation. A valuable aid to fanners who de
sire to stimulate and profit.
Extremely interesting and instruc
tive. ONLY lo CENTS A COPY, by mi!.
Scud your order to
Middleburg, Pa.
A Rote from the Keillor.
The editor of a leadinir .tate paper write
"If you hud seen my wife last June aud were to
seeeer to-day you would not believe she w
the same woman- Then she was broken down
by nervous debility and fullered terribly from
constipation anp nick headiiehe. Huron's tel
ery king- for the Nerves modeller a well womutt
l non one month.', W. It. H-rnmn, Troicl
ville; Middleswarth it fish. Mct.'lura; If A.
KhriKht, Aline will ijive you a free siimi'le
package of this ureal herbal remed' i-.r,-.-sues
i'c and iH:
Not With Her Voice.
"He does not love me any more,"
The ma Men sang to shame him;
And as the notes reached papa'n ears
Ha murmured, "I don't blams him."
-Town Topics.
! ,4 ' ''-"a " I ' ' t-'
i kh i :':J, ij i '
I s
By thousands the women rush into
the show when they read the dime
museum sign:
"The fat lady's weight baa been
greatly reduced, from a thousand to
uine ninety-nine." Y. Journal.
Oaasjhter of Mother Oooee.
"Where ire you going;, my pretty moMr"
"I'm going to Europe, sir," she Mid.
"And why are you going, my pretty maWf
"To purchase duke, sir." she said.
Chicago Dally News.
Bennd to Keen On.
Flip There'll always be a good deal
ot traveling.
Quip How do you make that oat?
Flip Because no sooner does one
man get back than all those that
haven's traveled have to start oil at
one to escape hearing him talk about
It-ST. Y. Journal.
Young Wife The Bible telle us to
east our bread upon the waters end
It will return to as a hundred told.
Young Eusbeuul WU, tor heaven's
sake Mary, don't east any of the bread
yon make upon the waters, then. M.
Look 2 Look 2 !
Look at yourself when you lu
clothing at my store. I keep ec&
stantly in stock the best aud tim-s:
line of Hats and Gents' (Jlotl.ioc
Furnishing Goods, Underwear o i
Caps. Call to see my stock.
iamonfl M tout
Is used for Plastering Houses.
It Is a new discovery
Guaranteed to last longer
than any other plaster. It
is preferred to Adamant.
For particulars call on or addict
T- OTT, Furrys
tor my Perforated Stainpinu
lalterus Bnd Stamoed Linen.
rrysvllie, O. 1-7-liu.
To Care Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Csthartia lOo or 58o.
It U C. C. fall M cure, druggists refund mouur
NT suenM vires of nbU MUlsg. tutlM
M Vuhlirin Pita MH,akb
oHara. wa sail is yn or snsuf. wnwuaxiy.
OMrMlatastfsaaMhhito MUM Thttert yr littt:
Uqp Biy iriagyeieMla. ttfm tvplyisg ftr pttet, pi
ru llswsl atari ml lantior t ijtiruat. Saigfrialtiv
OOPP A CO. fMar 4vers rH-
est TSsssw tfs ess Isms Yoejr je iwsy.
' To quit tobeooe easily sad forever, be ma
sella, full of life, serve and vigor, take No-Tu-Bne,
the wonder woreer. that makes weak aiea
strosf. All- arsggisls. sM or si. Cure guaraa
teed, 9ooklet aad sample tree. Aldrei.
sterling. Beatedy Co.. Chloage or Vow Xor.
omn a