Tixto iD tho Pcctxog remember it It contains Washing Powder that cleans everything quickly, cheaply and oerfectlv. I for economy boy 41th Pekf. I TO I. K. rilUiHK C01P1ST, Vtao. Bt Louts. Nw York, CANDY M CATHARTIC -4 SCURE CONSTIPATION ii ,te 5jj!V; iiJliSS5 all M 25c 50c DRUGGISTS RIPAMS TABUIJES re intended for children, ladies and all xrho prefer a medicine fectionery. They may now be had (put p in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), rice, twenty-five cents or five boxes for ne dollar. Any druggist will get them f you insist, and they btained by remitting eRioans Chemical ..iJ V" p.iu at " I i Hill IT i ( N'T SACRIFICE . . . I Ire Comfort for present seeming Economy, but 1UIY t! Sewing Machine with t! I guarantees von lone and 1 . MU&i&&3!Tg w""-?r'A-.. 15i-tiot 'vVF" 1H am. I i 'llal ud for our beautiful half-tone catalogue. BE.aLIFE AMDl ACCIDENTS j Insurance, kl . pER'S OLD, AND Insurance 3EUHSGR0VE, SNYDER COUNTY, PA- UlDlrrxer 77. Onydor, Agent, M Successor to the late William U. Snyder. rar-Exoellence of Reliable Insurance ia represented in the follow lot Standard Companies, from which to make a selection. None ln world over. . . LOCATION. AMRTI. hyl. Liverpool, Eng. (including foreign assets) $1.(KM,()00.00 Hurtford, of Hartford, Conn., (oldest American Co.) 8,643,735.62 x ubdix, mmora, Uonn. 0,oss,unH.07 OoHinental, - New York, 6.754,908.72 Geiman American, New York, 6,240,098.83 -lfttualLifeIns.Co. New York, $'204,638, 983.R8 a f employers 'jjiabiutr Assurance Corporation, VwdeBt lns. Co. -HnbMnbed Capital of . $S,7S0,00O.QO Ufa and Aomdeot risks accepted at the lowost possible rate, jus t K "i c) resTrd to mutual safety. All just claims promptly aad adjusted. ,Inforatioti in relation to all classes of Insur- Mho. la ' 02c on Corasr disguised as con may always be the price to vr jvlh an established reputation satisfuctorv service : Tle Il;ite. Its beautiful figured wood work, durable construc tion, line mechani cal adjustment, coiijik'tl with the Fimst Set of Steel Attachments, ninkes it tiic Kcst Desirable Machine ia Ik Market. FRANK S. RIEGLE, MlDDLEUURGH, PA. RELIABLE Gen'l Agency, Water & Piae SU, aeUswroTe, ? Ami or i vi ad BE NOT WEARY. Oh. weary hoasewlf. trvcgllnc . Beneath a wtlght of toil and car. With aching fact, and anxious brow. Thy burden teema ao hard to bear. Tired of the oft-recurring task. And never-ceasing dally round. Post lotnetlmea wonder If f weot rest On hither aid the grave war found? Haro heart of patience, weary one. Lest thou may'at "paai beneath the rod." And all the loved thou laboreat for. Like mine, beneath the allent sod. -Shall eleep In Ood'a Oreen Acre: where Nor loving word, nor bitter tear. May call them to thy aide again, ' Through the long vista of the yean. For If I might resume my load (And ah I It seemed ao heavy then) How eagerly I'd lift It up. And now, content, go on again. What though with busy hand and brain. And weary, aching feet the while, Methlnks I could toll on and on. With joyous heart and cheery smile. Tea, I have leisure now, for now la the last loving service done. Dut ah, my heart! a weary round I still pursue from aun to sun. . My soul grieves for the loved and lost That dwell upon the spirit shore; My cup of Joy I thrust aside, And I shall quaff Its sweets no more. Deem not thy llfo 111 spent: for God Counts homely task and trifling deed. If they be done for love of Him; And surely thou'lt receive the meed Of praise and righteous Just reward, When He shall say to thee: "Well done. Come dwell with me forevprrqor; 1 Receive the crown, thouJaTthful one." Then bravely lift thy drooping head. And show the world a smiling face; And thou shalt conquer all; for God To those who ask Him glveth grace. And If thou make a happy homo, Where sweet content shall rolgn supreme. Thy work shall more enduring be Than sculptor's skill, or poet's dream. Ingar Ingram, In Housekeeper. !HAMONUrBMin I ' a By William p. Tlsdala. J (''k-0-.-VO- CAl'W JEXKIXS wa'n't no diulc, but lie wuz miglity fine lookiu' all the Hume, 'specially when lie wore It is vel vet coat, Ills Mexican sombrero with tlje silver bmhl, his buekRhin . j Vlin' breeches, nn' his git spurs. On them Vnxions Mrs. JenkinS use tooller him 'roun' till satisfied tliet ho wus safe 'mongst us boys an' 'way fniin the liulies. Xone of us hed ever seen 'notlier velvet coat like that one within a hun dred mile of IJoomopolls. So, when Mr. C'l'b TerkinH, liailiu' ptraiyht frum Roston, tia cliiimed ter be an artist a huntin' "local color" fer his sketches, dropped inter Doc Morey's place with 'notlier velvet coat on' a sombrero, an' him Jenkins' nlze to nn Inch why us Imivs nil fairly pnsped fer breath an Mr. Terkins found jest what he wuz n lonkln' fer. Twuz th' evenln' of the day when tho Chinese bunkhouse at thefiolden Wedpe mine wns blowcd up with dynamite. Who blowed her tip nobody knew, but wo nil sespicioned Baldy Ilowers bifj man, bad man. Never havin' did a lick of work in his life, it naturally puv Tialdy apnln tcrEeenChinnmnn a-work-ln', so quid an' patient-like, same's a burro, never savin' nothln", Vcpt a lectio Toe-hawin oneet In awhile 'moofeUt his own kind, nn' never standin' treat. Taldy probably lit the fuse to thet cliarpe of dynntnite out of pure, nll "ron n' cusscdncss. jest to make a row nn hurt somebody. I'.ut In this last he wuz disnpp'inlcd, fer, bnrrin' n broken leg or two, the Chinamen jro off alive. Seems like a (T.immmn hcz cz many lives ez n cnt, any way. We wuz all disciissin' this event that evenln' In INie Morey's place an' Cap'n Jenkins rrninrked that lwuz a low down, cowardly t.riek. He wuz no friend of th' Imported Chinese hlrelln', but he b'lieved in fair play. He w'dn't shoot a do with a rope 'roun' its neck or mur der n cat In its nlecp. The man the hed done this thinpr wuz no pent leman, an' if the enp'n only knew fer certain who 'twuz, he'd take pleasure In liekin' him v ithin nn inch of his wuthless life. We c'd see Ilaldy flowers' eyes flame up, like a coal when you blow it to lipht your pipe, but he didn't say not hi n' not In words, fly an' by the boys eummenced to deal for seven-tip an' flaldy invited the cap'n to play a pame of cribbope. 'Twns a queer invite at soch a time, but the enp'n consented, on they sot down at a table by themselves, ordered drinks fer the crowd, an commenced to play. Now, I don't know nothin' 'bout crib bape. or old maid, or any of them ladies' frames with keerds, but we all saw thet there wuz the mnkln' of a pood-nized row in thet 'ere panic. It run Mono; kinder monoternous for awhile, "fifteen-two. fifteen-four. fifteen-ix po," nn' all tho rest of the childish linpo. The enp'n. played very slow and keer less, reachin' fer tho cards with that tootle, white, wiry hand of bis, softly an nuletly ez if he wus half asleep, an" Ilnldy kep' a-banpln' the keerds down onto the table, an' n-rippln' out a lot of hip fireaser cuss-words, an' a-eount-ln In a voice, like a bass drum, an' then, of course.they quarreled "bout tho eountin'. That wuz what the pame wuz for. ' Cap'n Jenkins Insisted 'twuz fair to count one way, an' Baldy swore the rule wuz t'other way. I don't know which vros ripht an I don't ear. But pretty soon Baldy ses: "Cap'n Jenkins, you're n-countln wrong sg'n; you're a-tryln to cheat ag'n." "You're llar,H sed the cap'n, turnlu a shade or two whiter, like he wus get Un'hot. Then Baldy made a lee tie play thet hed often took the starch out of bigger men than Jenldna. lie rii up to his sis feetwo, ao' thro wed off his coat, an rolled up his shlrUleeTe. showln the muscles ou his arm, bout ea big ei s keg of beer, an' he see: "Cap'n Jenkins, you leetle whiffet, Tm a-gotn' to lick you right now." "You're a liar," sed the cspn, an' he lowly rla up onto his feet Nobody rightly knowed Jest how It happened, but when Baldy drew his big, sledge-hammer fist back, the leetle table that they'd been s-plsyln' oa flew p between 'eat, aa' Baldy1 flat esna asassi a'gln It. As It tumbled to the floor with a clatter, Cap'a Jenkins sort; rit up la th' sir an' bruog his left Ish like s streak of liphtnin a'gln' the Tint of Baldy'schin. The blgfcUer jest lapsed. Bis whole body stiffened, lie Tripped the floor a second, or two with his heels an' then he went smash, ful4 length onto his back, with a jar the) shook the buildls. Twas full five mlidt by the watch afore he moved s mnvsle. Et soon'a Baldy c'd Stan' up an take a glass of whisky he went out of the back door sn' Csp'n Jenkins went out of the front door. We all knowed thet the ocx' thing to come 'long w'd be a ieetle gun play, sn' whilst the two principals wuz gone fer their tool we sir took a drink an' three or four as wufe sensitive to the sight of pore slipped out an' spread! the news of what tent a-eomln'. That wus how CMMj Perkins happened t' 'ear on the scene. Ilavin' come to town artef dark he wuz eat in' his sup per; at the Transcontinental when he fleered the news, an he rushed' over to Morey's thinkln' he might swipe a sketch off'n th' Incident. You c'd hev knocked u fellers down with a feather" Whfn he iprunjr Inter tjie room. ike',',1,,,n0,"'y",",,,'lreU'1"ll"r"' n,,y,1"l,-"). he wuz shot tmt of wttn. an' looked . C -T 0 'ronn' sorter daeiJTy the lights nn the queer look on our faces. Skeered a little, too, I reckon, for his voice sorter trembled as he sed: "Gentlemen, will you hev a drjnk with me?" . Perkins pouredl out 'hout a finder of whisky in a (rlass an' wuz jest a-raisiu' it to his lips when the back door flung open ford which Terklns' back wuz turned an' n biff gun come In, follere by Baldy Towers. Thout wuitin' a second he pulled the tripper, nimin rlpht at the center of that velvet coat the back of It. Hut Tony Moore, the barkeep, wuz too quick for him nil the same. He knocked the muzzle of the punt down with nn empty bottle, on' the bullet nipped the heel off of I'erkins' boot, on the blood ran out onto the floor. Of course I'erkins' wtiz s'prized. lie eatched np the heel in his hail's nil Flood nn' hollered. Jest sheti'the berifT, who'd been a-wnitin' outsld till tirter the sliootin', t' arrest the sutvlvor. If any, came in an' nabbed Haldy.1' Cap'n Jenkirfs wuz the ea'niest man of the lot iu the confusion thet follered. Sech a Khout as went up when he 'penred on the scene. He hed n six hooter in each han' when he stepped "AG IT TKE PINT OK BALDVS C IIIM Inter the front door, but he dropped 0110 inter each pocket t f his velvet coat an' stood sniilin', first at CTb I'er kins, artitt, still a-honlin' with pain, an' then at Iluhly I'owers, uho wuza sulUin' in the praspof the law. Then be shed hU foinbrero, an' made a bow all 'roun', an' sed, in thot soft an' courtly voire of his, an' alters the happy thing at the right time: "Tony, set but the Itourbon, an' ev'r--body take a drink with me." Xex' ttoy the sheriff tried to pit some body to swear out a c'mplaint ag'in' Tnldy. But the cap'n sed he wuz sat isfied an' hadn't no c'mplaint to make. Bald hed insulted him an' he hed licked him good thativuz all riirhJL' An' Fer kins sore heeiMdn't hurt him none no fault at all to find with that. lie b'lieved in brethren a-dwellin' together in unity, an' in peace an' hormonynu' goodewlil. He wuz willin' to fergive Biddy rower fer beiu' licked, an' didn't want to see him sent up to the county Jail. Xo. be wa'n't afeard thet Baldy 'd tackle him ag'in. Some frieud of Italdy's guv Terkins a new $12 pair of boots an' persuaded him tbet a leetle thionin' of his blood wuz good fer his health la sech a dry dilute. So he w'dn't make no complaint, an' Bowers wuz turned loose. Hot he left town same day an we necr see him ag'iu. San Francisco Argonaut. Pathetic, eldest. An exchange prints a pretty and pa thetio story said to have been related by l'rof. Ualiaudet, the well-known in structor of deaf mutes. The professor has a favorite pupil a little deaf mute boy, exceptionally bright. Mr. lial Uudet asked him if he kuew the story of George Yashlogton and the cherry tree. With his nimble fingers the little one said he did, and proceeded to re peat It, The noiseless gestulattons con tinued until tho boy had informed the professor of the elder Washington's dis covery of the mutilated tree and of his quest for the mutilator. "When George's father asked him who hacked hia fatorlt) cherry tree," signalled the voiceless child, "George pnt his hatchet in his left hand" "Stop," Interrupted the professor. "Where do you get your uthoritv for ssvioshe took tht hatchet In hla left haodr "Why." responded the boy, "he needed hU right hand to tell hla father thai ha cut th tree." Youth' Companion. Ctuistajr- Kiita-ara'a rws Th first us of Nlacsur' power was mad In ITtS, priaalUv sawmill being' operated.' Nothinf moMwstsdonsnntil IMS, when Anfoato Porter toacird th pUa cf hydmmllo Mla, aad tn 1S a of tana eompltied. M I Elondyke-Yukon-Alaska International Exploration CAPITAL STOCK, - - $1,000,000,000. SHARES OXE DOLLAR EACH. rt'LL PAID AND NOK-AKNBSMABLS. General Office ; 5, 7, 9 & 11 Broadway, Now York. Combined Cuj!ttl Secure lAirye iVoW Tlie Created (7oo to the Created Number! ! Your limited mina, whrn Joined with oth ers, will wrnin (or you all Hi n.Wni.tnitra s lrit sniouiit t cupitnl roniniitnds when hi voted under our i-o-oertive plnn The Greatest Amount of Benefits - Hare you made any money lust year? If o, wc can offor you an opportunity to do a ureal deul better in the coming year. Have you fulled to save and lay aaide a surplus? Then h gin the new year by makinican lnvotment In our stock. Our harea are sold nl pur, at $1 n per Alia re, and are aold in lota of S ahnret and upwarda. A quick decUlon. a wiae move in the proper direction, will alwaya prove beneficial. Start the new yearriirht bv aondlinr vour aur- . j"-r ...re. a, - . have Inlmren am mntl tjillei, i-nur n,..nM.. I.. Ia... " ' iiioney lor vou, ami wnue you nave not Kone to Alaaka nor devoted your time and labor to other promising venture, you have roaleil all Hie benclita and have enjoyed aucccaa. Send your money by check, motley order, eiprcsa money order or reKiatercd letter to International Exploration and Investment Co., it ; v it v 11 IU-rpouoible npt nts wanted in every city nnd town. II (locked. Gobunp What sort of a trip did you have coming from Europe? L'kerdek AwfuL Sick all the time. There must have been at least a dozen of the fools who rock a bout on board. Town Topics. I.oat Forever. "Vou my you lost a son last year. What did he die of?" "Oh, ho isn't dead. He married a hawk-billed widow who runs a select boarding house nnd has never been no ticed Rince." N. Y. Journal. Needs of Cooperation. "The meek, you know, are to inherit Ihe earth." "That's all rifflit, but they will have to pet the cheeky to collect it for thern." Chicago Record. A Related Dlaeovcry. "Was he secretary or treasurer of the company?" "Well, they supposed be was only sec retary until after he had pone." Clii ;ago Journal. ' Left In Dad Minup. "1 see your son has turned out an art ist. Mr. Giltbs. How did that happen?" "I dunno, sor, his mother thinks he was left that wav bv the measles." N. Y. Truth. Prnetlenl I'lety. "What is a devotional attitude, grand pa?" "Gettins down Into yonr trousers pockets for a ilol!ar to send to the heathen " Prooklm Life. Years ago, when one of the now bureted Wichita banks was running, its officials cause acertuiu money borrow er to insure his life ami transfer the policy to the bank as security. Year ufter year the bank paid the premium and kept the policy alhe. The other day the mau died and the reeeiverof the bankrupt institution collected $7,500 from the insurance. It turned out to be the best investment the bank had ever made. Gov. Cushnell, of Ohio, gave a pardon to Iialph Wiutersgill, a life priouer,oa Christinas day, which waa promptly re fused. Wiutersgill is now TJ years old aud hus served 20 years, la declining the pardon he said the state had un fitted him for life aud that lie uiJ care to go Uiek iu Uia uM age to a world that had forgotten him aud preferred tha.1 the state should continue to care for him to the eud. A chopper of wood in Milo, Ale., was found at work recently with a huge cowbell attached to his back in such a manner that every motiou of his body caused a clangor likely to drive away timid wildcats aod shatter the stillness of the forest. When asked why be per sisted in creating such a disturbance, he remarked: ".No fool shoots uie for a deer." They must have some more greeu hunters up in Maine. W ANTKL by an old e-vthblUhoil houw. a man ! ttfttt vtmrio? u( ami look sfu-r tlinr buiuem in tH-tiit. Stlarv $ii4ii), with votnitiirtiuti. i'mt security rvtUirtl. AiKU"r ltunintrBMf cure tVT. Zl AGENTS- XK FASP SKL1.KK, laricn Protltn. A Kluiulik (ur Uunllvrn, stuiiplv aiij (xu l-e. ItoiM. Joili tUt'KK. IVrrvyille, 3-3-1 iu. COK S VLK. One Job Hr tO'xlS limhfii iu a iftNHl yrUr, one tiw fuix-r-vutter ill buy couipll ooicv. S. . McLAIN. Kwirealuu, 111. It ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Lt ters of Aduiiulstratiou iu the Mlalol Nry rWuftr. lu'ol MiUUIevrmiktwp., HiiyUvr vouuly, rk.. ilec'd. htavtn bwu gnuitnl lo tint uudntKtieAl, sll perMoiiM kuowiiiK lhiu v1vm IndttbtMi to ait! ltktf nr rtuvlvU to wsk liuniwlia.il. p(iujiit, whilv IhoM hjviiiK vluiniawill prvwut Ihvui luly ulhtiilloUvd to lh uiulvraiaitU. J.& MK1SEK, rb. li, ISil. Adm'r. $4 PEN DAY SURE 8ALM1 OM OOWMIIOM. man smwakWa, ttt aWaMa ih jarar iwiM. ur pod maft. at your turn mm w owMrir tr M wait 4c. in stomp tm whoUsnl initMst turf jartmkr aVw'jA bt qt ban "vVawc AMERICAN TEA CO. OCTftOIT. MCUAJI K-TrssM to VUsy Vwksa, Gusltui1 totco habit cue, bisJm weak IMS itTWM, MU4 Jr WS.IL. ma and Investment Company, IT COSTS N0TR1NG toaend tor our prmiertii snd spunainl vour ell with the comliliicl dvsnlaire we offer. The enortnoiiK proHta to l ilrrivel from Ihn development f Alaks Kold liearlns; in?rtie Is but one ut the iiimiv fraturea wo bii oiTer you. We Invent and muke money for yiMi wherever money ran he made. Let your few dollara he the nuelcua of a tr Iiik fortune. thj M.nimiim Amount of Risks. or even five .lollara-nt once to the . i.ei,.re ,onK y may ii..t that while ou m.m . . .. irontlvay, inoiKiwav, .nv inr k, X. Y "50 Years' ImpMffis u mm. I'lihlMiei! by the Nsw-Volts Tumi Jf Skconh Kmtio.v. :W IVies, 18 ly 2i Inciiks. A Rt'iierul review of tho hiIvhih-" and iinprovotiH'iits mado in the -.i' ins lirunclicH of funu iinlusliy ..'ui ing tho last half ct ntuiy. Special HiticlcM by the best cult mitl writer, on topics wrli they hfivo made tlieir life study. Illustrations of uld f:-hit..l :!. p'.cliuiits. A vast anion:: t of pi tu-ticnl i. ' unit ion. A valuable aid to fanut-rs wlin .. sire to sliiuulate ninl profit. Exticinely intei -fhtiusr and in.- m tive. ON'LY 15 CENTS A COPY, by 1 -..!. St ml your order to THE POST, J'iddleburs, 1 :'. Look! Look! r; Look at yourself when you .mi clothiuj: at tuy store. I keep i i. statitlv in stock the Ivst aud line of Hits nud Gents' Clot I on:. Vll rtl iirilli n llil.l. I; T'n. 1 jru uu ..i W.B.BOTER'3 BROIHERHOOD STO. L SONBCRT. - - 1EU. Jlrmltich tnl Xeurutiyia curvU by Dr. I'AIN PLLLri. "Ouo cent a done." Lady ipts 't . OT T. rVirrysville. O. IVrfoni'ed Stiinipi ri ; sntl Maiupel I men l-.T-iiii. To Car Constipation ForeTor. TaltD t'asirarets Caatly Oithurtic. 10c or It C C. C. till to cure, UruKui&ut refuaU a. .'1.4KE PERFECT ME;1 1 DO NOT despair: U X( lir lmmmrl Yh- tsjyi anil uuuitiona ut 1 fe u b rtftA)rti to vun. 'l'fi r womt cmb of Nerruus Liclitt tr art &rtMil.itlv ftn -ii h pturu ro f iBi.n v lily pn'fupt. rjltwf U iiihuhri.' fiitlinif rjjsffiuir tiuU tin- anO ilrmnuf vital ptmn . : ri -ti of arv yvr. iinp.tr vm &mt itowni-'v w fiwrv f it ctn't vduvlw ntnl tittttr u ftli ''-: oroJO. OunHh 'X wat'W"f,fr Al-itul r:, djxim t 3i.tf ctjtn-rW 1 f JcIhui - ' -Uf4il can or tuuuny mrinnl-W4atwwi0. (. oarptod Iu v!Ai pH.'kt. skill! THrw r. mailed trjtrlttiu wrniipiTun rwwipl- i-r y TUK PUliJf'KCTO CU. CkiWu Blug , (.bit. -u.l' For sale Iu Mkllk'tutrli, Ta.. by Mkkllobur lru 1M iuMt. r!c;i aiit Mills by HourvllarJinui -l L:i IVnuV Cmk by J. Y Sun iL IIECCIl & DnorGOLD'S sMi7'iuoEr::!::s wontiafflU uunvwimMiii wtw sou ft. Banth , axHKMnrt'.'aJTOo Stim asaw. wyUiwia thmarft ftab rati, uwix ail tlM taaxl tmtum laaJ aalUit Itawk; ln: taM mlM wr. t.'u. kNiu awl KrfM aim WprtM HaurrK faUWaaarc. !' Ifsnnti. tawUaif, Mattttvtk. r. 'Ml' MJI''' ! ' 1 -mj tvm k I s 'Mrv'. t