Reyal km th 14 sjtsj. 1u ravnai Absolutely Pur ow smim swot ee., m vem. The Middleburgh Post. Publialie d every Thursday. Geo. W. Wagenseller, Editor and Proprietor. Subscription $1.50 per year. wrli U mujt be paid In advance wben sent out side I be county.) RATESOF ADVf RTISINO. I transient arivprtlr'tnonta not otherwise i)iit-ftotm1 tor will tw iluuyiil at the rate of 18 ivnti ptT llno(nonparltl measure) for first Inser rlnn and 10 cents per line tor every subsequent Insertion. -VtA tuXuwi published r i obituary poenj, 'HtruUt ( rttftct, dc, tArw Mill bM. Ecpublican Standing Committee- Ailams, W. It. Herman, Jeremiah Bowersox H-nvrr, Jan. M. Kliiie. Charles Hpevht Bnver Oeo. J. Nieeoe, Chan A. Warner Centre. H. H. Wagner. K. B. Krdley 0xiiman, W m. It. Kerstetleri O. 8. Troutman Kra iklin. W. U. (ilfi, II. 8. Renniner Jackson, Oeo. A. Mrnuse, J. 8. Yearlck MKlilleburK, Al. Clelan. N. A. Hewes Middlecreek, 8. S. Voder, Theodore Row Monro, A. K. Ynunc. I). If. Killer Penn, Frank Miller, Howard Row IVrrv, J. N, Hroelua, Dr. M. Kothrnck I'rrr y W.. IH-o Mrewser, John Noll ellne;rove, N. H. Fisher. F. II. Smith lrin(j, I. K. Kelgel. tJeo. S. Lrplejr I'nion, ' O. t. Hire, II. J. Mroh Washington. Henry Brown, John Miller Hkpuhlican Ticket. lor U. 8. Senator, J Ion. M. S. Quay. For Congress, lion. Trad. M. Mahon. For Assembly, Dr. A. M. Smith. For Aiaociate Judge, Hod. Z. T. Ucmberling. For County Surveyor, Geo. A. liotdorf, Esq. Thursday, March 10, 1898. AIM OF HISTRICAL SOCIETY. The Snyder County Historical Society was incorporated February 2Sth last by His Honor, Judge II. M. MeClure, issuing a Charter injt)mt time at the Historical Society proper form, as prescribed bv the ; room in the Court House. Copies General Corporation Act of April; of the Union Tib-graph and Anti--Mth, 1874. His Honor affixed nU'"c Iteporter published at New . i .t a I Berlin in 1828, the oikes freund of mine to the Charter alter scrutmiz-1 . . ,. , . ., . . J ,r, 1 boo published at this place. J he ingthed-R-ument, hatukJupby tlie!Mi(Wleblirg Jourml published by solicitors, and returning it to the I f. L. Smith 18 o7 and lots of other clerk cf the courts for recording, j county papers of a later date. Bring ompleted an official act which but'"' all your ld newsMi'reesiccially few IWvlvanni Judges, in tlieKSnyd7;,,,Dty a"d publish ,. , ii i i ed in Union county prior to 1 boo. dM'targe of technical and cumlK-T-rr.. . . . . fe lhe history of the county ouglit to medutief,luive performed. There prm-rvwl and the only way to .ire probably a dozen historical so-1 get post history is through the old cieties in the State. The paucity of ; ucwsiiapers, etc. this class of organizations well illu.-1 During the jmst week the Society trate.4 the n-tlo combat for gain ' has received some valuable contri- .i I rn ; butions which will be acknowledged in the world of commerce. Ihci , . . - i( ? . . i through the papers after the coming L-t energies of a lifetime mast bemwting tot,etKr with the eoutribn- devoted to the struggle for bread ; ! tom brought in at that time, the frills and leisures go unheeded There should Ijc a liberal effort mid few stop to thick how much they i made to ransart the old garrets in really constitute of the material es- J Snyder county for old newspapers, - nce of existence. ' ai,d a" hrought to the society room .... where the Sooiety will have all coin The society deems it expedient to pieted &cs and prcscrve,l for annr,unt: that the officers are pre-the use of the public. pared to receive and properly store J Don't forget the meeting on the ;iuy contributions which may Ix? ll'th. nttde to it rolletrtion. Tliey should J -mt ',a-irt of iK-w?jxiier, volumes, bio-. Rev. TJ. F. Swengle. graphical, hl-torica!, genealogical,' w..itira1 orix r.nahkeu hes; in factj, liev; U-F- Swcnglc, A. M., has ... . , ... , Ixtn elected secretary of annual con ativ tinzitjle evHltwb which can be e ' .. , " ! Ference in the hvangelical church ..f value in r-uing and preserving ' for the ((?nth limt llev Sw(.nic t!t- f-z hi.-t.ry of the crrtinty. IVre will tx stated rn-tings of ; Baltimore Memorial, making 7 in I'm organization in Middleburgh ! d" rfJureh in JJaltimore, Md. -si i i ! Mr. .Swengle was lxni in Snyder wwrn iarr will Ix read nixn ap- ,f ., ' ,. ,. . . countv, Pa., Oct. 28, 1810. He ,rr,ate atvl it u , WJW fjll(jato, in the jlic schools brlr tli: aim of the wxiety ti draw f)f Snytlcr ,nty, anl L'nirin Semin- li it all pr-n4 ititTtel in this, an, now Central Pennsylvania Oil- -.-k, nxh mm arid women. It l'-gc Mr. Swengle taught school at will Ixr a l.ral, rKrtaw-lfih, wdiry ' Jh': ?f ,0 smj afUrwawlin Un t . . . , . , i ion Srfninar hen the nvil war tthifrh rottit lxfne the firnxifKi work , , . ; , ,. . , , . . it brrkeoutMr. Swengle cnli.ted and yf tittMatum arxl therefore no: WT.1 f(jP twmlyam in theUnit ow will lie? HX'hvVA from umnXrt-' 1 Stat army. Mr. .Swtngln was tp bf iratnfmU t: yrtf in-i Ii'Mw.! lxrtore he wax 20, and wrv tmt til iL en hix fintt ap(xiiiitrfM.-nt at21. He , , t T-eJ one Unn M I'riding Kldfrr, M e tmt THy lUt e may aw, m w,ifr 0, s hnvfr ttmtj rprxnw U join and that. liTatnr'. Mr. Swengle was at of procedure may be undertaken to bring it into the full and vigorous recognition of the public, X Poet Laureateshtp. The Philadelphia Inquirer is scenting abroad over the Common wealth for candidates for the l'oct LaureaUhip of the Htate and finally we presume to put the matter to a vote to ftelect a suitable jierson to hold a distinguished honor. An idea had gone abroad that this contest was to lie confined to newspaper ; men. In such a case we fear that our county would not enter the eon test. Since the eligibility clause hus Ixt'ii ocned to uJmit all who are qualified, we lxg leave to sug gest to our distinguished and much esteemed contemporary the name t)f our legal friend, Attorney William K. Houseworth of Selinsgrove. lie has written numerous poems that would entitle him to consideration, but more csjiecinlly do we desire to call tlie attention of the Jiujuirer und the public in general to the merits of Mr. Houscworth's masterly productions, "The Suge and the Sexton" and "Tramp's Soliloquy." Basing claims upon these prodtic- tions Snyder county asks a fair consideration for the poet laureutship of the state. The following stanza by Mr. Houseworth is timely and is also in the line with the Inquirer9 sug gestions on this subject : "Let Susquehanna's muse awake, And touch Aeolia'a lyre In shady forest, Held and lake, True poesy inspire In Pennsylvania's genial sons, Whose sonnets oft hare stirred The souls of sympathetic ones. And Charmed both beast and bird." Historical Society Meeting. The Snyder County Historical Society will meet in the bunk build ing at this place on Saturday, Mar. lirth, 1898, at one o'clock 1 M. to adopt u constitution, elect permanent officers for the ensuing year the re gistration of new members and the laying of plans for future work. ' All persons having old newspa pers, old books, curios, relics and anything that will become valuable as time advances are invited to bring them in at that time. Some very old newspapers will lie on exhibiton at lias completed the second term at j secretary of conference, on the board ot directors of the American Anti Saloon League, Director of Mary land Christian Endeavor Uniou, Trustee ot United Society of Christian Endeavor, member of the State Executive Committee of Mary land Temperance League, First President ot Conference, K. L. C. E. Union, Editor of S. S. literature and K. I C. E. Journal, Conference Journal. Mutt Pull or be Left From Philadelphia Inquirer, March, 3. The Middleburgh Post is getting down to business. "If," it asks, "an industrial concern would oomc to Middleburg and agree to erect a $150,000 buildiug and employ at least GOO men for five years guaran teed, would those who are able do nate ten acres of land and $7o,000'J This would necessitate the building of 400 or 450 new dwelling houses and ut least fifty new business houses for the use of the employes of the new concern alone. A hundred carpenters will have work for the next two years. Is this worth the price to Middleburg?" The Inquirer hus no means of ascertaining what the thought of the x.ople of Middleburgh on this subjt!ct is, it has no hesitation in snying that many Pennsylvania towns owe a large part cf their present prosperity to the acceptance ot substantially such offers as the alxve. Years ago business went naturally to eertuin business houses. Now it must be solicited by advertisements or salesmen. Years ago industrial iilnnts were established on a sort of hit-or-miss plan. Now they are lo cuted first with a view to natural advantages and second for these are often equal where the highest inducements are held out by the resident population. , Middleburg must do her part or Ixj passed by. Which eourxe will she pursue? Noah After the Flood. The first fruit planted by Noah when ha let the ark was the giape, the most healluy of all the products t.f the earth. All through the Bible we read of grapes and wine from grapes being recommended as the first remedy for the Ills of lite; bat It Is pure Juice wine, not water ed and sugared juice that the Bible refers to. Sugared wines are highly' alcohol te and starchy, the Sugar making excess of aloobof and other products not belonging to a healthful wins. Sneer of New Jersey, the oldest wine grower lu the United Stales, has studiously Avoided water and sugar or any foreign substance what ever, but has his wine fully matured by great age and careful handling. The price ot shoe leather does not seem to have advanced by rea son of the duty which the Dinglcy law placed upon hides. It will be remembered that, the opponents of that measure dolefully predicted a great advance in the price of shoes as a result of the tariff' xn hides, but they seem to have been wrong, as they usually are, when they at tempt to discuss the tariff. A table published in Dun's Review, of Feb. 2t,giving prices of boots and shoes at various dates from 1895 down to present time shows prices in 1898 on many lines of shoes and boots to be from five to ten per cent below those of one year earlier under the Wilson law, which admitted hides free ot duty, and also shows that the rebruary sales and shipments were the heaviest ever known in that mouth. New Use for Grapes. It has been discovered that grapes used with Elecampane Koot and the Herb HorebouDe In proper proportion made into cordial Is per forming wonderful cures In stubborn Case of colds, sore throat and horsenesr Public speaker c'Un It Is far superior for the throat to any confection. It Is coming In gene ral used among physician! Ask for unt Ba. chael'a Horebound Cordial. Forsaleby drug gists. Dot Tobsrre Spit sad Haoke Tier lift a wiy. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mat netlc. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-T Ilac, the wonder-worker, that make weak men strong. All druiurlsts, Wc or f I. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co, Chicago or New York. Duonfl U Cement Is used for Plastering Houses. It Is a new discovery Guaranteed to last longer than any other plaster. It is preferred to Adamant. For particulars call on or address D. A. KERR, MIDDLEBURGH, It i-f-n nisiltt i. r;7-1 )swlN. ThOO-i ,; Adams JkXU was Ml! ; H Cllllil!- Oat Salt al .H.Haurer's, NEW BERLIN PA. We have just finished taking our Stock and find we will be needing mote room for New Snrinsr Goods. We prefer making Quick titep prices to many oi our winter goods tban carry tnem over till next sea ton. CLOAKS. Ladies' Cloaks, Capes and Wraps must be sold at cost and below. Don't miss the Bargains on Ladies' and Children's Cloaks and Capes. They must be sold as we don't carry any over Season. CLOTHING. Men's Navy Blue Beaver Overcoats only $2.50; Men's Heavy Storm Overcoats only $4.00. Also Men's and Boys' Heavy suits, they must go at and below cost. I We have everything in Footware. A few of the fall and winter styles are still here All sizes. They will be aold for about one half their val ue. They are full 30 per cent, less tfn 1 b raar. Mn'a Gum Boots only $$.45 1 Ladies Rubbers from loo. to loo. t Uur snoea must be re duced to make room for the incom ing spring stock. No is your time to make Bargains in Shoes. We will give a special dis count of 10 per cent, on ev ery dollar's worth o Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, in fact on everything but Groceries. Groceries. Arbuckles' and Lion Coffee, 11c j 4 lbs. for 40c. ' Winner Coffee. l3o ; 2 lbs. for 25c. Loose Boasted Javo, 13c; 2 lbs. for 25. Java and Mocho. 35c : 3 lbs. for 00c. Extra loose green coffee, 25c. 10 lbs. Soft A Sugar, 50c. 9 lbs Gran ulated, 50c. 2 lbs. Light Brown, 50c. Corn Starch, 5c ; 3 lbs. for 12c. New Rice, 6 ; very nice. Best . O. Molasses, 14c. a qt. SvruD. i8c. a cral. Light Syrup, 35c. a gal. i Chocolate, 18c. Baking Soda, 4c. per lb. Boking Powder, 5c. i lb. Hasina, 7c. Silver Prunes, 12c, extra nice. Oatmeal, 10c., 3 packages 2oc. Crushed wheat, 15c, 2 packages 25c. Coffee cakes, 6c. a lb. Ginger snaps, 5c. a lb. Oyster crackers, 5o. a lb. Knick-knocks, So. a lb. Water crackers, Oo. a lb. In Carpets, Bngs and Oil cloths we hove all the newest patterns and choice colorings. The latest de signs are beautiful and at about a quarter off from former prices. Good Ingrain Carpet, only 25c. Good Home-made Carpet, 2'io. 8-4 Floor Oilcloth, 60o. per yd. (-4 Table Oilcloth. 14o. per yd. 5 4 Table Oilcloth, 12c. per yd. No. 1 Butler, 16 No. 2 Butter, 10 Presh EgK-s, 14 Onions, 50 Dried Apples, 2 Apples, 51). Shnuldor, R Potatoes, SO New Lard, t Turkeys, 10 Young Chickens, T Dried Cherries, I Ilacon, o . Ham, 10 N. 1$. We have no Spec ial Bargain Day. Oar liar- gains are Kvery Day. F. H. Maurer, N. W. Corner, Front and Union Sts New Berlin, Pa. lWiTIBE, CMPM ADD GlffilA. V. H. FELIX, Lewi5t own. Liberal Adjustments- REMEMBER H. HKRVEY SCHDCH, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY, SE&INSCHtOVE! PA. Only the Oldest, Strongest Cash Companies, Fire, Life, Accident and Tornado. Ho Assessments No Premium Notes. The Aetna Founded A. D., 1819 Assets 911,055,513.88 it Home 44 " 1853 " 9,853,628.54 American " " 1810 " 2,409,584.53 The Standard Accident Insurance Co. The New York Life Insurance Co. The Fidelitu Mutual Life Association. Your Patronage Solicited. HOId on to We have a line unequalled in the and quality, cannot be beat in the I OpieiMr, MmmJi Great Reduction Sale of FURNITURE! For Niiety Days I The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN TIRE STOCK OF FTJENITTJRE AT THE GREATEST SACRIFICE EvER KNOWN IN CENTRAL PENN SYLVANIA. We are not telling out, but we do this to Increase onr sales above any pre. vlous year. We give a few of the prices as follows : Soft Wood Chaitiber Suits tl4.00;Cotton Top Mattress S.25 Hard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00; Woven Wire Mattress. 1.75 Antique Oak 8uits, 8 Piece 19.00: Bed Springs 1.25 Plush Parlor Salts 80.00: Drop Tables, per ft 00 Wooden Chairs per net 2.60Platfonu Rockers SCO In stock, everything in the furniture line, luoloding Mirrors, Book Cases, Desks, BMe-boards, Cupboards, Centre Tables, Fancy Rockers, Baby Chair Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Dougbtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, Can. Seat Chairs fine, medium and oheap furniture, to suit all classes. Prices reduced all through. Come early and see our stock beforej giving your order, and thus save 15 to 20 per cent on every dollar. Special Attention Oivon to Undertaking & Embalming. KATHERMAN & HARTNAN, Limited. HIFFLINBTJRGB, P 1'. h HI w In KIT. PLEASANT MILLS. I keep everything in the hardware, line. Horse shoe nails, other nails by the keg or pound, toe steel, cast steel, tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds, Horse B ankets, Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of all kinds, brooms, tinware, granite ware, tubs, buckets, and Patent Washing Machines, Call to see my goods and you will be convinced that you can buy cheaper here than any whore in the county. Yoursresp'y,! I Wnrnnr Mt Pleasaut Ji Li ValllGli Miiis, p. Subscribe For The :0: Bright new designs look ont troni every nook and corner ot our 8 tore Sliag and Styles la wLleb at w you see your Ideal. . CouchesS CARPETS, RCGS, ART 8QUARS and PICTURES at price so low that oth er merchants can not compete. :0: Yours Respectfully, Prompt Payments. Your Dollars, Until you see Solid-fact Bargains. We have opened the Season with a stock of goods that beats the record for beauty and low prices. Be fair with yourselves and see our Elegant Stock of Spring Clothing. It presents an opportunity for economic al buying that is not found elsewhere. Spring Hats, faijcy Sljirts Everybody needs something in this line. We have just what you need, and at the prices that defy competition. We have the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods on the Market. Hats, Caps, Valices, Trunks and Rubber Goods w , have in large assortments. IN DRESS SHOES, county, our Spring wear, in price State. We want you to see our shoes- More. wmm m- , av. v aross'sv "iw vjie, a - f ..,..,..... . 'z'Lz.::.:::