A SEW THIUMPn- Ttse lrel-el 4'wasampllasi .s.siwum, iun-trtwmti.tiiii.t roBe betwwn himself ami a young Ht.vriy iMsroviTi Ufiiiit u cure tuu-1 nobleman.' The tatter sought to dls euui'piiou ai.-i si: Limit 'roiiiie. . parole Foot by asking him what his Nomine ryuia u i,.ir more '''".lirEln I f thcr was. eoa (7tr of in Iwuomlsnri dmilMjukut-itiDeni- tot. T. A. M-a-uui, M.t'..4 M- l " Hi- bus imnvrrf r.-ll.itil and absolute rur fvr ouu-tuiupilon. aiiJ all uniwnlal. turoal. turn: sad 1-Bf.n Oin-'u-' H. calarrli-il Htl.vtU.iiH, in-lit-rsl SrtUiifai.il was iif, 'll'0 .H11..11.101 .uiii,a..u-i to i.ms is Bivi wm Im.wi'. will u i..l tlirwiivt- iMieul Ills y .li-i-m-ml n-meilif lo any anllrlnl reud I tlie I'iu-t. Aln uiiy Ills "new wientine system of meal lf liits iH-immieiulv cur l llioum-ds oC up Mfnilv hnpi'li-ss riu-ps. ... Tli- Ho. lorioiislili rsll not tmlv Ms proft-s-.......i 1...1 i.u n iiji.iiimiIiih sduiy whlrli litr nHra'losiinrlu. Uun.siilij lu donate tils lu-j Hi- Hits irv.lHd Uie -MrMk-il 4-oiiHUmpllon l. a 1-ur.HiV ilis.--- m-y "lid a iVMiul. Ill hiiv miiiiii.-. hii-i Hits on Itlf in ul Aiiii-rl; au arm Sur. 'I fu uli lalfriil.irl IH.MIS1M..IM or U-'itrtK-lt .aim- r kiuiiiuIk" from tm tjeuilt tod , swli-ufitl. liilli.riaotlliroi-i. I tiavrhul iiinl iiliii iiiary In.ulili s lead to sm wiiiilHliiti. iinl eoiiMiiniitton. uiiiiiii-rruniMl. nnin-t ijss-d Mini em lulu deiiiti. D'Hi t in-lay sum It it. M i I in- Mlmplv wrlleT. A. ISIlHMIIM. j M V , lis pine Siici-i. New York, t'lvlntf expivus , ml iiMimis- .1 l.lres.s. nd lUe nw medli-tiie will tw iini!- iv o-nr I'.i-nsc tell tlie Diiclor jmi n.iv liiho.l- r lu tin- our. Alaska -Klqndyre Gold Mining Co. Capital StiR-k, ;)00,00U Sliares of -10.00 t-arli, fully jnid and non-as-w-ssjibk., f wliit-h l'0,000 .Shares art' now tillcrM for subscriptions at par. SPKGIAL. NOTICE- Tin-re sro mimy iemon who dt-siro to go to Uio Ki.ld Hi-Ids of Alaska tlie ciimint,- si-wion, who linve a t i-iioiikIi rooily money nvsilnble Vriutllc tlirm to do mi. To all mich, we would sdviee the drinilHlty ( li.nnlim a local nyndieats of three or more in-rw.us, nod jointly purelnwe SOU nlmrei of our jloi k. and itclii-l one of your number to go and vMHi-t mid mine for Joint aeconnt. With iartirs .forming "'eh syndicate, this (VmHuny will eontroct to send out one of their auinluT for eavh MO share of stock purchased (bin it at ptr.it 1 1 iniiiitiln su.-li rty there tf diic year from the dats of arrrlval at the Snld tlelds, supplying him with food, tools, and ill tilings reiilite to enable him Ito proeii for goM, and with help Uidevelop and work all good claims localisl by him the claims to be located I i the niimo of the syndicate and the Alaika K.lou.lyke tiold Mining Co., and to be ward jointly and equally, share and share alikv Wnte forCircjIar Full Particulars. DIKFITOIU. Jctnies ltice, late Secretary Mate of Colorado ; Win. Shaw, capitalist, Chicago : CM. Tltconib, i Vice President and General Manager Kant man Kruit Dispatch Co. ; U. C. I' neli, member Maritime Exchange. New York ; tiro. Vi. Morgan, Circle City, Alaska; John It. ljwther,N'ew York j WeorKoT. Uurfee, Kail Kider, Mass. ABVlsORV BOARD. Hon. - If. Wakefield, Associate Justice, First Iu.triet Court South Framinghom, Mass. j Hon.ii.lt. Itkhmond, late President Court of Aiieal. Denver, Col. ; It. U. Cpdegntff, lute Treasurer Lycoming Coun ty, Willimniort, I'enn. - Haniurl M. Ilryan, President Chesopeake and Piitomiic Telephone Co., Washington, D. C ; Br. K. C. l'ishcr, 1.3JI Michigan Ave., Chicngo III. -. Col. P. A. IltiTiuau, Detroit, Mich.; M. li. U. Swift, Attomry-at-Law, Fall liivcr, Mas. . Isuac W. Nsitt, DrUiity Collector, Cedar Itapidr, Iowa. Win. V. MoKniglit, Atlorncy-at-l.tw. (irand Uapids. Mich. Tlie busiiicxs of the Alaska-Klondyke Gold Mining CouiiMiiy will lie to run a lin.dof steam, en on tin-Yukon Itiver, and between Seattle and the dilTerent istrta of Alaska, open supply tores at the different camps, do a general transportation, commercial and banking bus Mtens, and, in addition, deal in Mining Claims, aad work the mines already owned and that nay hereafter be acquired by the Company. Tlie oinjKiny controls tlie following projK.'rtics: f.ight .ild Placer Claims aggregating 1 Acres in Kxient. located on Forty Mile Creek wader CnMed Mates mining laws. Development has t -roved the pay streak to be five feet thlek and has yielded placer dirt that pans from $10 To 115 to the isin. Five Gold Placer Claims, ag - uregatnig loO Acres in extent, on Porcupine Hirer, that pans from 'A cents to (10 to a pan. Ten'mld Placer Claims, aggregating aWarrea . . ....... am svi a am ins ianua ttisvr, iuiiiMa "wm -w v yard. A Ask gold quarts lode in Alaska, which as ays Iruin 115 to t-VUU per ton. The lode show an enormous outcrop of free milling ore. vein at surface being 12 feet thick ; on this property have made VI locations of Ian feel by HW leet, MualiiiglJO acres. We don t Clatsa llial i It Is site atolbrr lode, but we do know it is wiinuu, ( as ritual lor prospective values The estimates and statement above are of aeceatitv based upon information obtained lroniourriunnteiidral, and are believed and rorptrd by the cvtnpaoy. This company having acquired extensive oaklings of neb placer and gold quarts proper tsea. tausble of earning large dividends on its Mock, offers to investors advantages that In- ksre large and profitable returns. Ueorge W. Morgan, our Hoperintendent, tjaa kn ou the Yukon for tbe past year wora anx Uie interest of this company. Therefore, are are out asking any oae ie contribute to a srojess: unplanned, but to one thoroughly ma Sand. This company, with Ms able aids, ex tensive knowledge, and great resources, is eev wat become one of tbe ricOeot companies op aratuat la Alaska. Oar 1 "resident takes pleasure in referring you to tbe following list of references : Jaatrs K. Dewey, Mills A Co.. Beakers, Detroit, Micb.; ;. Tetard. t'otaailtsieef r Worlds fair a-ora Meitca. "Tbe Kooksry." Chicago. Ml U. M. Teller, of Colorado ; Joan Miafrutb, Representative to Congress, Colorado; i. M. Ill.Eeprewnsti re to Congress, Colorado; V.C Clement, Washington Tract Co- Building, Wash! acton, D. C. ; Joseph C Helm, ei-Chlef J ratios of Colorado ; flanriee D. )Uyt, Chief Justice of Colorado j ft. Maugham. 21t Ttosse-Herald. CWoago, ML; barirs Joyce, Beetre rVtwre. Star B sitting, Waautegtoa, D. C: tnaaW.J. Laasasrrt, Owner aad Editor Cfclef-ejiatruetile.Ooi.-. B, U WHegBaaa, TSs Agent M. V. B. C BC, LBsaa.sU.: EKuvvaa, IweseJ Ce-. PhiiesMphia. Xlie iun-jii wwck m now onerea Tear Vollaw per wiare. fteml tw order to tie . , .1 On. Ik Pity ml It. j One of the beat repartees on record Is tbst of Foote, tbs actor, Dining I with some friends, a, heated dispute "A tradesman," said Foote. Then, sir, it's a pity be dul not make you one." "And, pray, letme ask. what was your father, my lord?" "My father, Mr. Foote, was a gentle man." "Then, my lord. It's a pity he did not make you one!" Tit-Bits. Ultter Sweet. Tlattlc What humbugs men are! Harry tells me sometimes that lie is suffering for a kiss. The Idea! m.,,ii kiss, l nare mysell. name uny, lame, wnai ao you mean? Carrie Mother saw me kiss Jack Milling's, and she wouldn't let me see him again for ever so long. Boston Transcript. lie Was Cautions. "Whoopee 1" yelled the buy. "What's the matter?" asked the other boy. "Snow!" cried the first boy. "Why clont you yell?" "I'm waiting." returned the first boy, "to see whether I have to clean off the sidewalk. I'm not just sure yet ubout this snow being a good thing." Chicago Post. ra Sabslded. The Son Pa, how do they catch fools? The Father (planclng significantly at his better half) With bow and rib boas and hats and dresses, my son. The Mother (pciiFivcJy) Yes, I never knew a womnji to catch a husband yet without using thoso accessories. Jf. Y. World. The Worst. The count's ccoml was obdurate. "Zo eensult," hn explained, "inus be wipe out wlz zee inos' dreadful weapon you, signor, an' ze couut know of." Tba American was game. "If It Is that way." he said, "tell him to get liis hand organ rendy, and I'll see If I can't find one." X. V. Journal. Symptom of lasaaltr. Miss Uptodate Don't you think that Mr. Uildnd Is very weak-minded? Mise Knickerbocker I don't know. Why? Mis Uptodate Well, I heard hitrrsay that he thougiht his wheel was do bet ter make than. any other. Town Topics. Another Selfish Drnte. She Do you let your wife do any cooking? lie Not on your lifel "You want to save her all you can, I suppose?" "No, but I want to save myself." Yonkers Statesman. Diplomatic She. What color of hair do you think Is tlio prettiest? IIc That reminds met What color Is your hair? She Light brown. He Thanks; that Is the color I was trying to think of. Boston Transcript, A We nil no;. Don't hark hack through the ages For ancestors wise and great; Tnu might prove from history's pages That you're a degenerate. Chicago Record. WHAT SIIK FOIM) OUT. "" looked through the keyhole SalUe , ... . c;.r kfarT and Mr. ' Staylate were in the parlor. ---- Nellie What did you find out? Salile The gss. Brooklyn Eagle. The First QeOsr. f corns hers primed (or work." he aaid. We thought tt Usm to hire him; But when be loaded came. Instead, We thought it Ume to firs him. U A. W. Bulletin. A Wife's Devettea. Young Husband My dear, some ef my garments are sadly ln need of but ton. Young Wife Yes, my lore, I noticed Ubat and have seat for my mother. Site la a splendid band at sewing on but tons. N. Y. Weekly. Bnntlaar fee It. Picker Pete Poor Mickey! ne'e ravin' crazy I Slippery 611m Wot' de matter wid him? Picker Pete Be tried to trick s Uddy's pocket! ft. Y. Jewel, Ul ail. Kitty-4 Ml ale wtfe get aloof oieely tewther. ..Her tBotler told me word over eeaod twowwen taetm. j' sTeelcOf notuM Bet, Kt no their qaarrel tbej dro'tarttavk to sack, other. j Up-to-uot. ': , ieppoolooww,w jodgta turn by hb4mmrmimtUjUmrwmmt klotoltor. ' ' sesr. Urn T 4 arias II. V.. IVs l tor u!8, tu u reply xob- fttntwtmwn. ' ,. DINNER. Mow TtiBMst O Baser Caltealva Debt. The most Interesting levy lever heard of. said Squire Dell to reporter, "was one that 1 made some time is 18C8 or JS69. when 1 was marshal of the Mem phis municipal court I don't remem ber the plaintiff in the case, but old Col. Cockerill, who used to ran ft hotel where the l'eabody Is now, was the defendant. The case was tried and judgment given for the plaintiff. An execution was is sued, and In those daya the court ha1 quarterly terms and all papers bad to be served during the quarter or a report made why they were not served. Well, 1 would go out and see the colonel and begin lo urge him to do something toward paying the Judgment, but he would always Invite me into his room to take a mint julep. Then he would be come so plausible and make so many promises that I kept putting off the levy till the quarterly term was nearly tip. About this time the attorney for the plaintiff came to me and said he was tired of fooling along like that and wnntcd to know how many mint juleps I had been drinking with the colonel. 1 This seared me some, ao I determined I would do something at once. "I went to see the colonel again, and after refusing the usual invitation to take the mint julep. I told him that be would have to do something. Oe said that If 1 would just wait till Tuesday, which was the last day of the term, be would settle up. " 'Suppose you make It Monday, colonel.' I mid. for I knew that If I failed to ninlie the levy on Tuesday my execution was dead, and I wanted a day of grace. Well, the colonel agreed to settle up on Monday. ' "When Monday came the colonel was awfully sick, and his three boys, who were In the office, would let nobody see hiin. There were in those days, just as there are now, a lot of men lying round nnd waiting to get on the jury. I bad counted the. doors of the hotel dining room, nnd I picked out a man for each door and gave them 91.S0 apiece and took them down to the hotel. When the gong sounded for dinner I had a man stand at each door and not let anyone go In. There was a great deal of travel jn those dnys, and the hotel was crowd ed. Pretty soon the people began to fill up the halls and wonder what was the matter. The doors of the dining room were glass, and the people could see the tables set and the waiters stand ing 'round, but they couldnt get In. "This didn't last very long before the old colonel sent for me. 'I call this a low trick. Mr. Ball,' he said. " 'No low trick at all, colonel.' said t. 'I have done a thing never done be fore In the world. I have levied on a hot dinner, and I am going to bold till that money's paid.' "The colonel waxed wroth and swore he would beot the attorney in the case just as soon as he got well. But, find ing that his getting hot didn't keep the dinner from getting cold, he finally sent for the bookkeeper, who brought up about $300, which lacked just $130 of satisfying the judgment. The colonel wanted to get off with this, but I de manded security. lie was lying in bed. and reached under his pillow and hand ed me a watch and chain worth twice as much as was still due." Memphis Commercial Appeal. TOSSED BY THE HURRICANE. The Sharp "Coloae!" and the Wrecked -'Captal"Dlne Together. Two men who bad been chums in a western town before a financial hurri cane bit it met for the first time in 11 years In a Sixth avenue eating house the other day. In the days of their prosperity one of them was a political lever and was called colonel. lie had been on the governor's staff. The other in some way had acquired the title of captain. Both bad front seats in every event of the town in which they had lived. The governor's ornament Is now a plain bookkeeper in Brood street. The otJier man is a dry goods clerk. After greetings, explanations, and a few mournful references to perished delights, they had a combination meal, and if you don't know what that is you have never had any trouble, and any one who costs a shadow is worse than a heathen. When the meal was over the two old friends walked out and stood for a few minute nnder the splut ter of an arc light As they were part ing the man who used to ride the big j bay horse in the governors parade, and wa Vi a karl iintnmanilail 4 TiA wVsi1 ai as r9 li 1st : w ho hod commanded the populace of his to t0 ,tand back, tM ln ow. in.. . uiuumcr-iiAc tuuc "If you come to see me don't call me colonel. Nobody knows me a colonel now. lam just an employe on a salary. Tbe are light spluttered again as the little man replied. In a squeaky, hall bedroom voice: 'And If you coma to see me Just call me 'Say, youP That's what everybody calls me in the stare." "Well, good-by, captain." "So long, colonel." It was the first time they had heard the titles in years, and each walked away with a lighter step and lighter heart X. Y. Sun. The lsst-Oa.Ut. Tbe aaut-de-Ut or jump-ouUof-bcd, la nicest built of soft F reach flannel or of double-faced cashmere, and should hang in double box plait behind, with straight seam nnder the anna and a very ample front that win fold widely about one with one gesture, the collar a wide ahawl affair that roll back down the whole front For Instance, to white doable-faced caahmer a imp It lined wit! pink cm tan sre, wales roll over to fee the broad ' collar aad -' ahawl front, wide Japaaeat (leere being loaf enough to turn widely up to show the pink lining. . The edge art all piped with eord of pink alls aad a thick, pink eilk rope may be knotted about th wrist, rua throafh little watte rib- boa loop, either aaderorovrrtheplait of tbe bePoson Herald. '-- It'a a wise, saw ttaitoowa It owa mikcr. Chicago Dally Howe, ' - NE LEVIED ON THE WARNING AND INVITATION. International Sanaa? Beaessl Leaaeta for Fenraarr ST, 18BH. (Based Upon Ptloubet's Select Notes. THE LESSON. Matthew 11:20-30. Read the whole chapter, and Luke U:41-4l GOLDEN TEXT. Com unto m all ye lhat labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matt. TIM a Latter part of th summer ef A. D. IS. PLACE. Galilee, probably In the vicinity of tbe cities on the shore of the lake. COMMENT. After a proclamation of tbe King s' am, and the call to repentance, there Is now heard a note of warning and of judgment. From this time onward these warn ings grow more and more terrible to tbe close of His ministry. See Luke 11:39 64; 13:1-5; 16:13, and their strongest and most terrible expression in Matt. Chap. S3. Abbott. Out at the same time mercy stand (lose beside judgment, and the purpose of judgment is to persuade men to ac cept of mercy. I. Warnings. Vs. 20-27. A delega tion of John's disciple came from Macherus, where John was Imprisoned, to inquire of Jesus whether lie was the Messiah or not. Many things must have conspired to try John's faith. Jeiusdid not come o tbe expected Messiah was supposed to come, with kingly glory, delivering the Jew from tbe liornan yoke and yet John had heralded blm as the Messiah. There was great di versity of opinion among the people. The work was going on utmost Imper ceptibly. There were healings. nd blessed words, aod crowds, but no sign of deliverance. Alter Jesu had sent His answer to ih Is message, He discoursed to tbe peo ple about John. Many objected to John's way of coming, and tbe same people criticised Jesus for coming in another manner, like children who wanted to dance when tbe musician played sad music, and to mourn when tbe ramie wa cheerful. Nothing would suit them Then Jesus began to warn tbe peo ple of their danger. Every possible mo tive must be brought to bear. lie saw them despising their opportunities, blinding their eyes, searing their con sciences, rushing headlong to destruc tion, when help and salvation were at hand. "They repented not" (v. 20) even in the presence of tbe Divine works whose object was to lead them to re pentance. "Woe unto tllee, Chorazln! wo unto thee, Bethsaidal for If the mighty works, which were done In you, bad been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ego In sack cloth and ashes." U. The Invitation. The Two Dur dens. V. 28, 30. 1. c. Jesus now draws men by good placed before them, as He had urged them by the woes that were behind them. He invites all' that labor and are heavy laden, struggling under too heavy burdens, moving with difficulty and pain, as a ship Is said to labor, when badly ballasted, in a stormy sea. The burden are our sins, our bad hufclts, cares, sorrows, remorse for the past fears for the future, anxieties, losses, sickness, disappointments. In ability to find work, debts, business cares, and all the other things that make life a burden. It Is often the burden of self-consciousness. Christ's burden Is one of duty, of self denial, of labor for Dim, of the cares that are needful for our best character and development It Is a burden of faith when we cannot see. It Is the bur den of love and gratitude. And it Is infinitely lightcompared with the other burden. There Is no real rest without some burden. This rest was (1) The kind of rest that ran be given. Its source was from with out (2) It Is the rest from the burden of sin. Forgiveness brought peace. (3) It is the rest of protection. God keep ing us under tbe shadow of Ills wing. (4) It Is tbe rest in the promise that all things should work together for good. (5) It is the rest of new and refreshing strength. The burden Is light. Is even an exhilaration and joy whem strength Is given to bear it (0) It Is the rest of love, of the sympathy and friendship I of Christ IIL The Invitatton. Tbe Two Yoke. Vs. 29, 30. 29. Take my yoke upon you:" The emphasis is on my, In con trast with th yoke they have been ac customed to bear. A yoke means three things. (1) It la a mark of obedience and submission. Tbe figure is taken from oxen, who submissively yield to th yoke of their master. (2) It is th mean of service. It enables one to do work. (3) It Is service with another. Usually two art yoked together. The Yoke of Satan. No on can es cape from bearing a yoke of some kind. The yoke men had been bearing wa chiefly the yoke of Satan. They were erring with him and for htm. And bia yoke is always galling. The yoke of pride, ambition, selfishness, of fsshlon, of worldlineaa, of sin and remorse, of self-Indulge nee, of sensuality, of eov ttousness, I alwsy a heavy, bitter, galling yoke, aa Egyptian bondage. It I a yoke with Sataa, a going in hi company and receiving bis reward. It coat omthBBg to be a Christian; It costs much more to be a tinner. The 'Yoke of Christ la Easy -V. 30. For (1) It 1 th acrviee of a good Master woo la aeeklnc ever the best for Hie di tlple and servant. (I) It I service with Christ, doing the ume kind ofserv lea that He la doing; with the same joy.l tbe same freedom, the same Heavenly! spirit the am reward. " ! snrwusTftra qtjbbtionb. , , L What wa tbe titleef last labtath' lee HSt ' 1 WTaat wae Ha ehlef taaehlngT L What are th tw ataia thengnts an te- lesseaf o. War-were Josea vsn-J rs to the fnM MiiiiarrT 111 M aajrt iiaeiy tasi ere woM Mrs la I M BeM Bsaei te.laaiiaiB la-sasi aea, kH)trrri frei eer. r weVi MXMfcSf4ia' ef, ( seom inn lassl we WOtUd turn In Jaaual e4 fellow Kim if He were here te-4arl With tt IK hoAOf traesMS the Usee -' f eetoB434UUT A Why to therek tt ( ee heavr a the rek of cirleti tIsM e4t aY t. ttmm eaa r lr ef ieeajs, . nnhe.i4l. snMV Kna ! H eh Ja tM V-J atria STYIxr lilt !.- T"T JVo Muss. Ao Trouble. WASHES fcQYCS V 'Ah Sold in tu Colon by Groctn and DruggisH, cr mailed' free for 15 ctnUs A alia i 1in MM a inu a a . "M'rvui auw uhivt, UT Dana Sine, Ntw York. HmNNtIMHNUltNNNNMM Tri-Ennial Valuation of Snyder County for 1898. T-ihu-arsiutomentsliowlnsr the assessed value of real and premortal property taxable f. County purposes aa returned by the assessors on the 2nd day of October, HOT, and partly equu Ized by the Comity Commissioners, Horses and mules over i years old B.H-J9 4,;iw .".MOO 814 4.K40 fl.400 . 7.UCS 2.3111 5,401 H,7tW u,U7 4,7'H 4,rVO 2.271 &.4IU 6,013 H.OU) Districts Adams lleaver (leaver West Centre Clispsian . Froiiklin Jneksmi miihllehurK V Millet-reek Monroe I'enn Terry I'erry Wes' Hvllnsgrove "prliig I'himi Was Illusion Heal Kslute l"XVW9 JilD.AIrl 21',:iVI Wl.Tlil IM.2IX 2! MSI SII,7I! llft.SW l'l,H iwi,:i 471,1 IT 1!-.',H77 173,51:1 sr.w2 -7H.W ivt.:n Total S4,317,Ht3 4,17,H43 Notice is hereby given, that we the urn'orsigned Commissioners will attend and si I an rai revision oi valuations in our omcs lor days or aa many daya as are necessary for the purpose of finally determining whether nr, of the above valuations of the assessors or Corrections of the Commissioners, have been ma. below a Just rate according to the intent and uuce, raise and equalise the same according to law. The Commissioners will attend and bear the districts of Adams, Denver, Beaver Wc CeDtre, Hpriiig and Jackson on Thursday, March 10th: Monroe, Fenu. Helinsirrove. Vnh, Miildlecreek and Chapman on Friday, March burg and franklin on Saturday, March 12th, 1K9H. Attest J. W. bwabts, Clerk. Not at Home to trim How. She (arrayed for the theater) Sorry to have kept you waiting' so long-, Mr. Spoonamore, but it has taken me long er man usual to pet ready. I look like a fright in this hat, too. He (vaguely desirous of sejing-something- complimentary) It Isn't the er fault of that lovely hat, I am nre. Miss Ilankirtfion. Chicago Tribune. A Theory. "I wonder what the reason of a man's natural aversion to shopping' is," he remarked, as his wife, with a frown, inspected some purchases he had made for her. "It is a wise provision of nature, she answered, with a sigh. "It prevent a great deal of good money front being wasted. Washington Star. Encouragement EnoaaTh. She I don't see what reason you have for expecting anything but a refusal. I never gave you any encouragement. lie (just rejected) Oh, Mis Coyne Maudt' You did you most certainly did encourage met You told roe you had $10,000 a year in your own right. Tit-Bit. An Unintentional Past. Smith What ore you and Scissors, the barber, mad about? Smythe Oh, he too blamed sensi tive. I referred to his small son a an unusually bright little shaver, and he old he didn't care to talk stoop. N. Y. Journal. Accomplice. M A stolen klsa Is sweetest,' Quoth L "Ah, year quoth she M Of course, there's no objection To n accessory T" There is no word so full VIU I IILIIl f meaning and about which such tender and holy recollections cluster as that of " Mother" she who watched over our helpless infancy and guid ed our first tottering step. Yet the life of every Expectant Moth er is beset with danger and all ef fort should be made to avoid it. a s so assists nature r.iotnor s ? the Expectant Mother is ena bled to look for ward without Friond dread, suffering or gloomy fore bodings, to the hour when she experiences the joy of Moiarhoad. Its use insures safety to the lives of both Mother and Child, and she is found stronger after than before confinement in short, it "makes Childbirth natural and easy," as o manv have said. Don't be persuaded to use anything but 11$ FRIEND My wife suffered more In ten min ute with either of her other two chil dren than aha did al together with her last, havlnr previously used four bot tle of Mother. Friend.' I la bleaalar to any on axpesrtinr to e a ssurtiBvH savs a owevui Usui paJUKN Daxa, Carol, UtynoU. Of Brtat M el., or stat yrmoMtmttoM bsiCtss trlrMt??TftHifiaWrT1S Ike 9)tt1afWsMI N swa4 ftMMwM VNV l4Lk AwML, ' ttl tin tobetee easllr 4 nrTr. ke (s Mimic m etla, fsU at tlte, aerr as rlt( tutar& 'astawJl ifcMlei4i,,',4,1'Jnw ' tsMV41aWafawV VwM aw aa Alt ii Ulli UtomMi i ee , aWMii m , eaaavs rr. Awiraas fterUag HmtU 0, OaieMa er Hew Terfev SOAP WASHES bus. DYES AT ONE OPERATION . . ANY COLOR. The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses, Ribbon, Curtain, Underlinen, etc., whether Rillr. f-.. i ows and Occupation, tieut cat- trades and o'er4yrs. professions, old ao. 3.121 S.R05 2.UI l.t.SSO 4,017 17.4M4 3,97 14,5rM 1.770 IH,ai:l wM 17,01.1 4. M7.1 7.H-.H 6H4 1(1,821 n.ma in.51.1 5, wiiil l,mu S.MU4 1M.U71 8.3M1 11,125 2.SIH S.AsU 7o2 82,774 4,142 ltt,M 2,471 11,172 4.M52 34.:M0 Values of k: property lai able lor couJ ty purpose 1WI.724 JO 2,027 2-1(1.716 241, slit 176.1M 4WS7i 2VI.M6 14(1,1177 2l.8rtH H 14,107 SI3.04 a, I IS l,67l 2fl,714 IMI7.IUI IH2.II7 4I,11 W),240 .74S I280.6M 4.7M.4SS me roiiuwing aistricts on the within naniri meaning of the Met, of July 27th, 1812, and to J Uth; Perry, Terry West, Washington, MtdiUi William Dun,) Isaac Hrorra, Cors fUAUIH HKBMA, I Look! Look! Look at yourself when you clothinp at my store. I keep rl staotly in stock" the best and h line of HatH aud Gents' Cloth Fumidliini? Goods, Underwear Caps. Call to see my stock. W.B.BOfER'JBROl'HERHOODSI SUNBUBT, - - PKXSA. A STIXmES SAIL in ladies' shoes is a pleas voyage afoot. , For the pli are it gives, there's no i like our sale. Orowdi enjoying it, and securing prettiest, coolest and best ting Bummer shoes now n ufactured, at prices w bnyeis find it a pleasnrd Dav. Tor house or sti wear, pleasure or every practical purposes, , walkij riding, or driving, we sun the ideal shoes demanded fashion and the dictates inriiviflnft.1 tafilfl. ' It 8di whoever claimi your har by all means surrender J1 feet to these shoes. o.n.oioD,srJ ii.iM i ii ; . i . w 11 Home with aTv. flra Girl. 1 did it. nv well, no maMer, send and ret l alU nisw M swn4a. no Address UsSTST r lum PlsaeaatTUle, r I I-i a a Mr oatt nuRl Vf SAUAt tt CwrrrV OOea nsnt swassjlln ee omm Um Zm ' SSSSBS. S BSSf I'; WiJomUk twr tm mmit ' - I sii'ii i i SsssssksBBSssssn