The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 24, 1898, Image 3

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    i; ( Labor
What Mors) Can bo Askad?
Only thie 1 aak your grocer for it, and laalat oo trying U. Largest rcks created ocjd?u
Chicago, 6h Louis, KiW York, Bolton, Pid..w.;:b,l.
25c 50c i
are intended for children, ladies and all
who prefer a medicine disguised as con
fectionery. They may now be had (put ,
up in Tin Boxes, seventy-two in a box), .
price, twenty-five cents or five boxes for
one dollar. Any druggist will get them
c . 1.1 1 1.
n you insist, ana tney may always De
obtained by remitting the price to
The Ripans Chemical
ev w
ir ilk at i
m a - mt.m mM aa mat m
'Wmllfi'1lliirll' I
Twtee Maay rMWultn aa alaliat
a Solallera la tbe I'altea Stales.
Tbe United Slates army it not a ry
large, powerful or Imposing organiza
tion in comp&fUton wouh any of tbe arm
tea maintained by tbe loading powers
of Europe. It i a curious fact that
tbere are In tbe aerrice of this govern
ment more than twice at inuuy posl
inttaters, for example, an there are en
lilted soldier, lu other worths, the
UuluM States has not an uniiy large
enough to permit of a policy of plac
ing one aoldier at every pout otl!oe in the
United States in time of koiuo Midden
emergency, and even if the strength of
the army were doubled its force would
still be Insufficient for such a pur
pose. This condition of affairs ia not pleas
ing to military men generally, nnd
I army officers have many times consid
I ered the advisability of the adoption of
some system oy wuicn ine Birengin at
the army in some sudden emergency
could be Increased. Tbe prize essay of
the military service institution for this
year, for example, deals with the ques
tion of establishing a system which In
time of need would be utilized in rais
ing a volunteer army for almoat imme
diate service. The essay is at kast In
teresting, although naturally it Is
written from the point of view of an
army officer.
According to this away, tbe best sys
tem to provide for any sudden emer
gency of wwr would be one which had
been mapped out in advance, and for
the proper working of which some
preparation hod previously been made.
Tbe emsy proposes in effect that the
regiments of tbe volunteer army shall
be raised on ft system which allows one
regiment to each congressional district,
and one also to each territory, exclu
sive of Atnekn. Such a system would
call for a force of about 435,000 men,
or 361 regiments, each regiment hav
ing 1,200 men.
Of these 301 regiments the greater
part would naturally be infantry. It
is proposed, for example, that
235 regiments of Infantry, CI
of heavy artillery, 30 of light
artillery end 4 of cavalry would repre
sent a fair apportionment. The officers
of these regiments woulS be commis
sioned under federal law, tbe colonel of
each regiment being a regular, with a
rank not above that of major of the
active list of (the army, and bis service
requirement being restricted to not
more than one month in each year. I5y
some such system as this, it is olaimed
that, when war should break out, at
least the officers of the different regi
ments would be men of some experi
ence in military affairs. The proposi
tion Is- somewhat original, but it is not
likely to be adopted in This country so
long as the present system of the na
tional guard Is in existence. lloston
Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but HUY
the Sewing Machine with an established reputation
that guarantees von lontr and satisfactory service :
Its beautiful figured wood
work, durable construc
tion, fine mechani
cal adjustment,
coupled with the Finest Set of Steel
Attachments, makes it the
Most DcslraMe Machine in the Market
ft9Send for our beautiful half-tone catalogue.
Snyder's old, and reliable oen'i
v Insurance Agency,
Ullmer w. OxrycJLex', jClccxxX,
' Successor to the late William Hi Snyder.
The Par-Excellence of Beliable Iosoituice i represented In the follow
ing liet of Standard Companies, from-which to make a selection. None
jwwer eds, wona orer.
fIBE Royali UrerpooL, Eng. (inoluding foreign mmU) $43,000,000.00
, nAruoru, ox Hartford, Conn., (oldest American jo.)
i Thonil. - v. , HartfortL Conn.
. , , CpnlinenUI, . i. ; ; Ne-rtort,
German Amenoin, ' 9 New York,
ajv-aiduuu iiue ing. uo. New xork,
AXXJIDENT-Baployers' Liability AMuranos Corporation,
awausn absj, jo. ouaoriDa uapiuu oi
esrAMtdent risks
$304,688, 983.A6
na,n the lowest possible rate, lus-
'ation to all classes of lnstrr-
Caallsh Joaraal's Befasal to Oellrre
la Amerloaa Heeorda of Speed.
Tbe Engineer of London does not, we
are sure, intend to pose as a humorous
journal; but, nevertheless. It is some
times quite amusing, particularly when
trying to demonstrate to its own satis
faction, and to make its readers be
lieve, that things regularly done here in
Amerlcn are, as n matter of fact, "im
ponsible, don't you know."
In its Issue of September 10 is pub
lished the official record of the fast
run between Phlladerphla nnd Atlantic
City, X. J., for the month of July last,
this record showing the time, from start
to ittop, to average 48 minutes for the
ii't miles the figures varying slightly
on different doys. The table was fur
nished by the Uuldwln locomotive
works, and sliowed the performance
of the train In detail for every day of
the month, while accompanying it was
a profile of the road, showing the grades
One would imagine such Information
from such a sorce to be nntitlcd to ac
re pt a nee In a respectful manner, and, In
fact, for the time being, the figures were
allowed to go unchallenged, end In its
ifcsue of October 22 the Engineer even
published a letter from E. K. Clark,
of Leeds, testifying that be made the
trip on the locomotive of the train on
a day when tbe distance was covered
In 47 minutes. In its Issue of November
10, however, tbe paper returns to the
subject in a leading editorial, and, re
ferring to the official record before pub
lished, It sayst "Beyond all question,
that official record is quite fallacious.
It is not true either in substance or in
fact. It is a record of .mechanical Im
possibilities. Nevertheless, wj think
we have actually got the scientific troth
in Clement Strstton's letter, which will
be found in another page."
Reference to Mr. Stretton's letter,
shows that tt relates to a run made in
1893, when the time made was 6Sy4 min
utes. There ia not a scintilla of evi
dence against the record of 1807, but
because of the slower time in 1803, the
record for the last season "is not true
either in substance or In fact,"
Now the question Is: Does the En
gineer really believe that because a cer
tain rate of speed was not attained ia
189S, therefore It cannot be In 1807, and
that anyone who claims it can be is
mendacious, or does It deliberately In
tend to resort to mere pettifogging
methods to deceive Its reader ? We
must confess that we see mo other al
ternative. Nevertheless, the Engineer is forced
to admit from Mr. Stretton's) figures of
the run as made' four years ago thaA
American locomotives do make faster
time than English ones. Americas Ma
chinist. (- -T - .'.
. , . 1 11 1 . ! i
s' BoNe Oeaslato SMaoo.
Place a smalt saucepan tor' the fire
with one pound .sugar, one-quarter
pound grated chocolate and one-half
pint water; : stir and bot) tlU It will
form a' thread between two fingers!
revere from fire and stir' until a this
fOTM.'QJBYtop. tfasWVrbea OM
t Mini- mil mm iJ1 'ao-k
A II lATET 15-55.? t--iv
1 'JliI' 1 'E
I . 11 ksw
"Don't yon feel more like would ng
ai some times than at others?" in
quired the young woman.
"Yes." ho replied, "I do. When I om
riding in a railway car, where I can't
possibly find a pen, pencil or paper or
anybody to talk business to, I get to
feeling so industrious that it makes me
nervous." Washington Star.
Capitalist (to man who is out of work
and penniless) Here Ik ten cents, but
remember, young man, riches do not
confer happiness ou their possessor.
Lustigs Welt.
Tescher Where's your dictionary.
Tommy I left her home.
Teacher Why do you call it her?
Tommy Decause dictionaries always
have the last word. Up-to-Date.
Mrs, F. (petulantly) You never kiss
me now.
Mr. F. The Idea of a woman of your
age wanting to be kissed. One would
think yoa were a girl of 18.
Mrs. F. (suspiciously) What do you
kaow abont girls of 18?
Mr. F. Why, my dear, weren't you 18
esce yourself? N. Y. Ledger.
"He tslks ss fluently ss a running
rook." : .
"Yea, and never dries up." Detroit
Free Frees.
International Exploration
and Investment Company.
CAPITAL STOCK, - - $1,000,000,000.
tlcnerul Ollict's 5, 7, ! & 11 Hroadway, Xew York.
ComfjuKt! Capita! &vwr
Jaiiijc Profit.!!
Tin' CmtM Gool to tin-
irtit:it Xiimhrr! !
Your limit.! mraiia, whrn Ji)inl with oth
rr. will mn-iire fr y,, B Hilvsntniton a
Iwrte niniiiint of vniltnl loiiinwiniln when in
ve.ol uiiitur tiiirt-u-upuralive iliiii
t Mnl foruur prnniHH'iuanml tu-uuninl your-
r with the iHimUineil ailntuUun we oiler.
The i-iiorinoiia protltn to lw iIitimm! from tin
ili.v.Miiiieiit of Ahwkit kc.IcI iH-nriiia irixrtn.
In Inn one of the many ft-aturcii we ,in offer
you. We invent nml mnku money (or you
wherever money eun he nnwle.
I-t your fvw Uollnm he tlio niieleus of tun.'
iiik untune.
The Grealest Amnunt of Benefits -lho M nimum Amiunt of Risks.
Iluve yon mmle nuy money lnt year ? Jf no. wo can offer you an opportunity to lo a tfreat
deul lietter in the eomliiK year. Have you fnlleilto nave ami lay aniile a aiirplunT Then l
Kin the new year by makinicaii iuvontinent In our tm k. Our nhareii are aohl at r, at $1 Oil
r ahare. ami are ao, , u of S share, ami upwanla. A quick ilecUinu, a wine move in the
proper direction, will alwaya prove henetlcinl. Start the new yearrluht by aomlinK your anr
pliiH money-a hon.lre.1 .lollara. fifty .lollar., twenty, ten or even live ih.llara-at oiue to the
i o. ami reecle l.y return mall your aliarea of .taik. Hefore Ioiik you tony tlml that while you
have labored on ami tollen, your money haa I ecu makinK money for vou.and while you bare
notKone to Alnska nor devoted your time and labor to other promialutf ventures, von hnve
ruaped all the beiiclitaaud have enjoyed aucccan.
S..n.l your money by check, money order, enpren, money order or retfiatered letter to
International Exploration nnd Investnioiit Co.,
f, 7, & 11 Ili-iNulvYuy, N't-w Yt.ik, N. Y.
Rpepoiisibla ngciits wanted iu every city and town.
Beware ot Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain MercurY,
aa mercury will aurely destroy the aenae nf
ainellaiid completely doraiiire the whole ayxtem
when eiip'rinit It throiu'h the mm a aurfaeea.
Such article ahouhl never lie used expect on
pieaerlptiuna from repntahle iibyaiclana. na the
iluiiiftK" they will do ia ten fold to the kooiI you
can poaailily derive from them. Hull a t'alarrh
Cure, iiiiinufacturcd by K. J. Chrmiey & Cn..
Toledo, tt., eontaina no imvciiry, ami in taken
interniilly, actlni; directly upon the blood ami
miicoua aurfaeea of the ayatem. In buyiiiK
Hall'n t'alarrh Cure he aure vounct thcKeniiiiie.
It ia taken Internally, and imule in Toledo,
Ohio, by K. J. L'heliuuy it Co. Tenttmoniiila
Stdil by PriiKiclata, price T'e per bot'le.
Hall's Kauilly l'illa are the heat.
Caution Notice.
At the eonatahle'a aale recently I purchased
the followiiiK named article and left them in
the iioHM-aaiou of John ('. Moycr. All peraona
are hereby cautioned not to meddle with the
II horaca, lot harnOaa, I) ahoata, 1 fat Iiok,
uhkoii, priliK burrow, lot corn, hiiKiiy. mower,
plow. intcreat of twelve acres grain in
uround. lot putatoea, coolc alovo, lot cnrK't, It
beda and hediliiiK.
J. K. IKmiaii, Mi'K.Ta Half Kalla, l'a.
Lady Agents ft?;
T.OTT. I'vrryaville, O,
my Perforated Htanuilmr
atterua ind Hlamp'd Linen.
"50 Years' Improvements
Ii Farming."
I'lilillaheil by the Nbw-Yohk Tittm'XK.
Second Edition.
!W Paokk, 18 by 12i Inciieh.
AgHiieral review of the advunces
and improvements made in the lead
ing brunches of farm industry dur
ing tbe last half century.
Special articles by the bent agri
cultural writers, ou topics which
tbey Lave made their life study,
Ulustratious of old fitshioned im
plements. A vast amount of practical infor
mation. A valuable aid to farmers who de
sire to stimulate and profit.
Extremely interesting aud instruc
tive. ONLY 15 CENTS A COPY, by mail.
Send your order to
Middleburc, Pa.
To Care C'onatlpatloa forever.
Take C'UHcarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 250.
If C C. C. full to euro, drugKiata refund money.
Variubls Friction Faod H -
ttRVS MIS 9 OffiJ-.
Ajax Geniar Crank ingvj
Itaptd, eiTurate. atrong and aitnplr. with lure
aX-. a, raiaielty. Kni:l..iw oti
ig-mSTfSi Sw or wlie:a. Hni -jit
V anitaafn. No l-'arauhnr
Jtfl ,al Belter haa emr e.
I i BlaaVil. Alan iiiind i l
a Jr arteultiirBl linplenicnm
! TT generally. Jla Prefain
ymj yjLf J a aiwelatty. Pei.,1 for
ii? aakaT Catalogue and prlcea IC
A. B. FMQUMAR CO., Ltd., York, Pa.
A woooarfnl Improvement la Palette Pesos sad
Cila-Baek. Back aaottoe. of Carrtac 1 tlaaa aa fart
aa enrol bar In tbeawket. rrlettoaCIsMh Peea,
oauaLng all lb feed geartng toataod tttll while back
ing; trMl eaelaa la faewer aaa wear. Cata
logue and srtoai Tree. Ak Sertas Barrews,
i'alttTaiara, t'ara Plaaters, aaeUera, te,
&CU4tPSS6naOLD, Birrs., Tsrk, fa.
fain h'ii lai laaai aiafit '
fjpys, twi -aT44.S k,aVISiSt.
: eeaa le Saaae aaaS aaiaaaj iMaaw wieSteMqfc
Jury List
List of Grand .lurora dran n for tlio Court of
Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery
and t'omtlif (Quarter Scaaiona of the I'ence ot
Snyder ('ounty, l'a., held an Kebrimry Tor:u
cuiiimeticliiK Fchruury l!Sth, 1K1W,
ii HANI) Jl KUItS.
Name. Occupation.
Aiir'er, John W carHnU'r,
llliiKailiaii, Fred., Kcntleniiin,
llillhurdl l'.lill, uimdclali,
(ordon, John It., furiuer,
Graybill, Irvln, luhorer,
()M., Henry H, lime burner,
llottser, JiinieaN., lulHiri'r,
Heiiilrii'kH,,, hardware
Hiirtiunn, New ton, laborer.
Ilornhcrirer, (I. (I,, furiuor,
l.lvlntt-t ui, (ioo. P , i'iirM tiler,
Melser, iMvid, miller,
Miller, l-cvl, laborer,
Mullerii, David A., inerchant,
MeC'enlun, Wm. II., fitrincr,
Murkley, Jonathan, furiuor,
HMinelinir, John, laborer,
Siiihiic, Joseph, furiuer,
Sch'tnihuch, Harvey, farmer,
Woollier, Amnion, farmer.
Wilt Daniel, luhorer,
Wairner, Harvey, luhorer.
Wit mer, David ., farmer,
Wolicciullth, A. It.. Ilierebant,
AdamH, John, laborer,
DoliK, Fred., carH'nter,
IWko, S, D farmer,
llachmall, I. V.. teacher,
llroiise, Noah, farmer,
t)lmrlcM, Henry F.,aawycr.
DutiklelierKcr, Lnnk, haddler,
Druew, lU'Uben, iiontleinan.
Diuiua, A, II., farmer.
Derk, Henry, merchant,
Duck, II. J., printer,
Kiaf nhard, Gabriel, farmer,
Fetter, Franklin, farmer,
Grarhart, John A., farmer,
Ilnltzapplc, P. II , teauller,
Uiiinniel, J. IC, laborer,
Ilerrold, Win. S laborer,
Illlmlili'l, Jerry, farmer,
Ilerrold, John II., laborer,
Ilendrickn, Henry, farmer, "
lloiitr., John, I'iKannaker, WufbiiiKtoii
Kloae, I'riuli. farmer, V'raulilii,
Kloae, Win. J., auddler, Sprint:
Keller, Wm, M eoiifoctloner, Ili'itver
Moyt'r, M. II., laborer. Seliio.;rove
Martin, Thoinaa, lahorer, Cc.ilnt
ftlanevall, Daniel, fanner, Weat I'errv
Moyer, Harvey, funneY, Jui-UhoIi
Natp, W, W., merchuiit, I'eu re
Newman, John, Sr., furiuer, ('llap'iinii
OpiHjubeiiiiL'r, Solomon, merchant, SullllKnVc
I'ontlua, Henry, teacher, Waahin :to;
Kearich, K. II., larmer, Kru. klin
IIoiihIi, Nathan, laborer, 1 '
Kolchcnhach, Daniel, farmer. Terry
HcIkIc, Irvin, lahorer, I ii'oii
htttley, John II., farmer, Selin,'.rove
Sprlttlfle, C. S., farmer, Weal I err
Hlahl, I'eter Jr., lahorer, I iiion
Smith, Daniel, thraxher, M.mro.-
Spannler, J. B., laborer, Ir.n -
Sclioch, Geo, J., farmer, Moiirov
Snook, William, laborer. Sellin-Krov.-
Shannon, John, plaaterer, Franklii
Weat Terry
Mi in roe
Weat Te rry
Went Denver
Weit Terry
Weat Heaver
Jack ho 1 1
Walter, George, aon of Jacob Walter,
Wolf, George II., laborer.
Winter, Isaac, clerk,
Ziegler, Jamea, farmer,
New Music-Liberal Offer.
To introduce our new monthly pub
lication. American Popular Music,
wsmake the following liberal oll'er:
Send U8 the names nf three or luorr
performers on the piano or ort?au.
and fifteen cents in money or post
age, and we will mail you sixteen
pages of the latest popular songs,
two steps, etc., full sheet music at
ronged for piano or organ, and Am
erican Popular Mcsio for three
Address Popular Music Co.,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Court Proclamation.
WHBRKAd the Hon. Harold M. MVCluc
Frealdest Judge ol the Judlotsl Dl.trici,
eompoeed ef tbe eonatlei ol Ssyder, ami
ITnlon and Jeremiah C'rouH snd '. T. Hetn
berllnir. Eai-i AMeelats Judge, la soil lor Sny
der county, hive latued their pteeept, bearlua
date tbe Utbdsr otJan. A.1M U98. lu nw
dlraeted for the holding of an Orphan.' Court, a
eoart ef Uoasraa Plea, eoart ol Oyer snd Tar
ilner snd Uenentl Court of Uuarter Seenloii. ot
Ih Poses, at Klddlebarifh, lor the oouoiv i
BSTder, as the h Monday, (being the tk
day el Feb. UaM.). snd tooonUniieoDe week
ffoUee Ii therefore hereby given to the t torus -r,Jaitloe
of the Peace and UoniUblet I and
(iirths eeenty el Mnfder, Is appear In tliet
riroaer peraos with their roll), reovrda, tn iulm
loej, ezssilssUOfje sad ether rmenb-me.
t de these thing which of their offloe a hI la
their behalf psrUIS to be done ssd wit am,
sad set.. praaacatlag la behalf ef tbe Uuh
boo wealth againM any pereonor pronara r
nulred u be tbea ssd there attendiac sn t e
I MitlBK wltheat leave at their peril. - Junlo. .
Ljw fsaseetel tabs pa tsal la tbstrstteoiUne.
t the sppolsled time agt.eably to noUee.
otvwa ssser sir "at taa ' "rtn
la Mlddleturh,lhe lath dar wl Jaa.
t eight bund red MM einety
TrtT M. mi fmm
CU.., zsxo ?t. Pi
P.S, aUTTEJa. Bhertfl.
e. Igj SM. aaa ij" aarTiajai fWT,1T ('' 'CUP" f
MarswLi.. .U'