The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 24, 1898, Image 2

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    Remeirt Dead!
M. L. MILLER, - Prop'r
1 keep constantly on hand and man
ufacture to order an ainus ot
Marble and Granite
Old Stone; Cleaned and Repaired.
I have one of the best Marble Cut
ter in the State and consequently
turu out good work.
MTCouie and see my worktl price.
Thankful for past iaor 1 most re-
MiHctf ullr ask a continnanci 01 same,
f the
lusfice o
Middlcburgh, Pa.
"r!'.!'s In Kunk ritilldlnir.
MlPPLKUtJ ftd, PA.
v II business entrusted to hin care
I receive prompt attention.
CHAS. NAsnrunvis,
Elections, Loans
and Investments.
Jtenl IXntp iiikI I'rKnte Hanker,
Miiiimspoil. Lycoming- Co., Pa
i "'pxlts accepted, subject indrafts or CbOC&H.
iii -my p.irt n( the ivurld.
P in
i .'
I is
I o
l i.i
1. 1. Potticaei',
VeteriNarY sUrceoN.
Ml i nift'sd mi.iI business cnira-iteil to my r ire
I receive prompt ami ciirct il uttciit'.iin.
Nculv F.sttiblmlMHl. j
i!--(tirt!i mile Knsl of liiclilic 111.
.mis fin? fur liivelintr inoii to drive , Train leitvcs S.iiiliiii .v " '2 n m, nr
o town, lu l'.iin nr ni'tvr niciiis. : l ivfs ut. Si'litiSkrrovo .r) -1") i) m
iiiai' i. ff-iii h per j'.'iy.
n m tm m s mm & ,.i K
' 3 fll I I
, i B w.itl I U TZr.:.I3- EASV.I
niisnll nr i omiiiiinli' i'e with t ho KilCor
Ms pa rr, wlui wiu give il l r.eeUel iulor-
TSSTSr rrfjffTBfrattW !
r i1 N
i:jaH hi:HlarilD,U
rr s 1 1 "TjiMiMiiS;
l VJfVUI I omlurrdr'JVp.
! ' J ', i '' :ry .-" '"' 1'OJSON P-TDHim-aiiy
I 'iipei'i,il..l..ilyH. Voucnnbotreiiti.,1.11,
.?'?'' J ' "ii'i.riiimo;iri.-i.unileriim"gii:trn-ja.AAty.
If !r.-fT toxaihera we willnm.
ira. tt i parr i:lr.T.:iluriwi(lti..uill)ills.iinil
7i."rirrjc,il t.x uro. I; yoiihnvctiikentiirr
cury, iiiilid-i i,oti.ii. iim.I htlll linvo m lii-saml
rniri". iiliicoii'i l n:e!ic iinin m Ii. Sure 'I linmr.
l'li.,pl , 4'opiier t olored Snots t l ert on
: r.v part of tlm body. Iliiirnr I vehrmn (.iltiv ''
ut, a in fiiia SeriimJiiry I'l.OIll i..(iv I
.gnBnintotocnri. V.'':itttieU'..intolis.i- 1
ualo case nna linllcni;, ilio worlj lor : '
vie noiMjininciiri'. Tins ili-enro h.;s oik.ivs
l:i!!lea t he hl(ill of t ha mont eiriiuenr pli vxi
viuiis. S-.-.OO.OOi; cut llul U liinil iur iini n'rill.
liininl Rnorauiy. A lisol in o iiroolK ecaiiii .n!. Adcltriis '()K HCJIKUV t(J.
rtOi Utwouto Xctiiplv, LilltJAmt, ILL. '
? 5
a -
o o
2 r
a r
0 O 3
VA NTKIl Aeeiit. to nell wn.hini: mneliin
Junes I.. Knoll, 107 H. 4 St., l-elmnini, lit. Jy 1 X.
Quick, Z
vp want mm fthrewt, careful
man In rwli town It make
yur (liucily for liiniftelf. ittxl
nut work Imrtl. JrHate inHtniftionn and out
lit of 1U'W jff( '.'5 crntM. tltKAT NtHtTHI'UN
(FfiAUTV A713 I nion Ave. CliicutEu.
) No.
nnd lflu other funny ntorius
f, by f.tinuiM liumoriHtit. nUo
n ( omplrte Fori ii n 'e Teller and a Dream Hook.
Ituth liandwmie Istokf aont, io.tpaid. anywhere
for only one dlino, Cli:o. Al alanky, WmKlatovk
N. B Can.
Dora It I'ay to be Kirk ? . ; .
!e!d' thr illxcomfort olid Miffering, Illness '
of anr kind 1 enpenrva. ilundied.of tieuplo
conault the doctura every day about rough, njl l .
raid. Tbla i better tlisn to aulTrr the dlMiiaaa
lo run along, but llinte who ut Otto'a Cure for
the throat ami lunira do better atill. It coats
ieaa man rurn la certain- ou ran get a tnai i
Uottln free nf our antff, w. II. Herman, Troa- Sold by dramrtata. or sent prepaid upon receipt
--.r,'-', .""" - ' a i'i.i. MnT'inM! if. A 'of price, int each, llumplrrfys' jlediuine
. ...',..t. ,tnfflVTrrjr4rr;rr-;mw.a-'i i ZZ.. -
A Living Object Lesson for Or. Mil1 New
Heart Our.
EART DISEASE Is curable. "For over
forty yean," writes Daniel Myers of
Two Taverns, Pa., on Aug. 10, 1S9S.
"I suffered with heart disease. Flrsta slight
palpitation, gradually growing worse. Then
shortness of breath, sleeplessness, smother
ing sensations and much pain In the region
of the heart alarmed me and I consulted a
physician. Koeclvlng no benefit I tried
others and a number
of remedies, spending
a large amount of
money, but finally be
came so bad that It was
unsafe for me to leave
homo. I commenced
using Dr. Miles' Heart
Cure two years ago.
a ra
WT- lttnm 31
For eighteen months I huvo been well. Al
though 72 years of ace I can go where I wUh
and I sleep all night and wake up as cheer-
ful as a balM! ami completely rested." cent, and that the ministers themselves
Dr. Miles Kemediesaro sold by all drug- I Would some day announce his Inno
glsts under a positive guarantee, first liottle rence. "I swear before the whole world
benefits or money refiindej. U(H)lt on Heart j u,at Dreyfus Is Innocent," exclaimed
and Nerves sent free to all applicants. I M. Zola, "and that France some day
. I)U. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Ellthart, Ind. j wm thank me for saving her honor."
j "I am not defending my liberty In
" presenting myself before you. I am de
Surbury it Lowistown Division.
In effect Nov 28, 1807.
p tn A. Ij a m j p tn
Vi.i b I.ewlstown J. T :' ; n .r
li.m , ftlrtln street 7.::t
12.IHI I.ewiatown 7 H". 3.i(i
II.M ; Msltlnml 7.4:1 vn
11.45 S I'sllltor 7. 4:l E'JS
11.40 It 1 Shimllo : ti 3:1:
11. 12 Wanner 7."- 3
11. 17 Mctilure 8 is J.45
U.l'l 3n hnul.V.MIll 8 1:1
11 la iJ AlswsliirK .!! .'i.'.s
11. IW 1'6 ki'SVsrtliWII (...". 4.M
lo.'.a :u Kenb-r h.:u , til
I'i.mi i.s j: ind ivi.u i k' HA" -
!i i: :u v.nunr s 4il ; v.'
10 : JT K reamer V ! 4 '."i
10'.i Pswllnn H .Vi 4 I
)': 4.". ScliniiKriiv 4-4!
'".I? Soilnrnruvn .1 u.n-: , 4 !
1ii.i.j miiii.uiv 9 is in
i Trains leave l.ewistowii ,!tiii"tinu :
I 'iH ii 111, HI I.", ;i ill -j:i7 i in A V7 p in.7 11T 1 1 M p
Ali.'.'ini, I'll iHlttir nn.J Hu! Wo.t.
nr lliiliinnire it ii 1 W'l'-liinTO'H t ','.' n in le
1 ' ' 1 11 i p in i 'r i ihiihhmi.i.pi .in.i i-mv
York 8:s .11 in. 1 nt I ii 4 141 ami 11 U nt Fur
P(-:,ia;ici,ilia & Spic ?l (: 0ivisin
I ' :i I 1 i ii in l''.r 1 "ti l !: t -l i i mi.l N'-w
I N(ii;T:iK!i CCNTKAI. II A 1 1, WAY
! Irion leiivi Sillibnrv ilnilv i-vim-ii! Sill,. I itv :
. 'Jl ii in lor lie hii.I (''IiuiiiiIiiIliiii
fi l.i a in ''.r ii"lli..iNt" 1 1 1 ii ii. I 'iiniiiiiliilzii'i
U l"i a in I.'irii Unveil, 'I'vnm.. inel the V
in p iu r-ir lii'll.-..iit. K.n.'. .v t 'aii.ii.ilMuiiu
I'n I,. i.,i. i'..n..i i.
lSN",i,y " i"' 'i- : ; ' o..iiiia"ii
II I.I H III tnr Loi'li
ll.ivi'.i uti I H v
V, i!
b.iiii-p. rt
in ("rt '.Oiiu nn I I!
," ii in, !' '.') n in 2 i n iiinl
Purr .-tn.: I In i ltoi
7 i tn. l'i .ii ii in, J p in.
kin Hii.I Al .01 nt t'lirin.'l
Mm. I iv ii .V, .i m H i I If
n lor 'A ijUe-i-
, 4". j: in S!.,t'Vi
I' llll." I, live ;
ill I II .1 111. H"rW tl iy
; nn p in ,"vv nr ;
'I ll-u'tnve .1 iltcl ion
;irri .11 r nt t llll iielpl.l:i
.7) ti in bull nriuri' ;i II : i:i
WitliiiilKli 4 1 p in
f:il p in il.olv nn r. bet n' I'll liub-Iplilii
111 : i p in New Vnrk 3 .':; a tn. Huh iinuti' I) Ti p in
81 pin. Week liny ,ll rllllilip.lp.,,.1
I :ia til .New ..l k 7 H I II III
'I'rn'iis n!-o lo .v.. Snnlntry :
1 r.O n m ilioly arriving nt Plnlieli'i.llilii 0 .'.'2 n in
Itiiltlinnri. 0 ".'II n in WncliinKliiti 7 4n ll lit Nun
t i.rk Via ii in Wci.k,iy., in u ui Mimliiy, ;
1.1.1 pin. week il.itViirrlvn.if nt l'lil!.uiii!pliiti
C'i! p in. Nt-w Ynrk V ilu p in, Halt iinore B 0j p in I
ni-niiiKiuii i i.i p in
Train, aim lean- Sunlinry at W.'iO a in and S i"
hihI H : p m, inr UarriKliurK, riniink'lpiuit aim
.1 K.
J. n. iinviiiNsu.N
WO' H, tien'l I'iisb Agent
(len'l .Mnniiuar
sninll advert Yemenis of every ileserlptlon.
Want, Sale or Item, bust or Kuiuul. or tlier no
tices insert eil iiniier this lioml tor oniMinir rem
u wnnl lor one liisertluu and one-ronrlli eeni n
wonl encli MihsKpiei.t Inertloti. .Nothing In
serted tor less than ten cents.
lve gentlemen or Indies to travel tor
reHpimsiiih. isi.'iMIMieil lioiisc. !Ioii-
thly $C& mid extenies. piisiiluiiBteiiily. Meter
etice. Kni'Inse hrlr-neilrepserl hi am lied envelope.
The Dominliir. Oimpanj', pept. v., Cltleniin.
l'.,IUl,i In,,,. "I
ANTKD evcywliere to
II Niunll fi'lf-llentiiiK
Polinlilnir lroiii. The luont u.efnl mo
dcrn liotmi'luild invention, ami a ready seller
for nnoiilH at IiIk prullts. Workem ran easily
inakv t to fin liaiiv. V'rite fur particular.
. JlillNSTON 4 t O.. yuiney, III.
W ANTKD-Trutworthy and Actlvo gentle
men or IndicN to travel for rcgpotedlile, e
talili.lied houo in Snyder t oinily. Monlbly
tstf.ou nml expeimeM I'oHilion Hteady. ltefer
vxwe. Knclofo .(.f-addroi.Mefl alanipetl enve
lope. Tim Dominion Company, l)ept. V.
t'liiengo, lllinoia. V-tn-Iiit
tiffin,, t njnlfA l?,.nf.
(Mini illMo. I'uxta lnt almost life
1h if toil f, ,r i.i I tfinil. of limlM.r II, ,.i,i,
! fur mnkiiiir thi. paint, .Vio Writu tn-ilny. Ail
,., drcan, 1). (i. Itmk, Kreniiicr, l'a .llf
1 Cures Fever.
3 " Infants' Diseases.
4 " . Diarrhea.
8 ". Neuralgia.
O '. Headache.
lO " Dyspepsia.
- kj -
No. 14 Cures Skin Diseases.
Io"J 1 8
No; 20
1NO.: J, I .
kt. rr
Vhooping Cough
Kidney Diseases.
Urinary Diseases
Cold9 and Grip.
No;' 17
The Distingaishei French Novelist
Addresses the Jury. :
lieclare That the President Chief
Adrlner llaa Ordered the Jury to
Return a Verdict ofGotlty He Vlsr
rooaly Aaaerta Dreyfus Innocence.
Paris, Feb. 12. The court waa packed
with people yesterday when the Zola
trial opened. There was no demonstra
tion when the military officer arrived,
but M. Emlle Zola waa hissed when he
reached the court.
The proceedings opened with the ad
dress of the advocate general, who de
clared that M. Zola's assertion that the
Ksterhasy court martial acquitted a
guilty person In accordance with su
perior orders remained entirely unprov
ed. Major Esterhaxy, be added, could
not be the author of the bordereau,
and he protested against certain news
papers accusing officers of seeking to
overthrow the republic. In conclusion
the advocate general expressed con
fidence that the Jury would condemn M.
Zola without hesitation.
M. Zola next addressed the court, af
firming his good faith, and he created
a sensation by accusing the premier,
M. Melinc, of having ordered the Jury
to avence the national honor by re
turning. a verdict of guilty, whereupon
the presiding Judge told M. Zola that
he must not make such charges.
Continuing M. Zola declared that the
government knew everything, was per
fectly aware that Dreyfus was Inno-
fending the truth. Look me In the race,
, gentlemen. Have I been bought or am
j 1 a traitor? I am a free writer, who In
j tends to resume his vocation and again
j take up his Interrupted labors. Con-
demn me, then, If you wish. It will be
but an additional error. It will be the
seed which will germinate and prevent
France from falling Into Indifference.
I "If the country is in trouble the fault
I Ilea with the government, who In the
' hope of saving some culprit had tried
i to prevent Hie truth from coming Into
1 the light of day. The very life of the
i people Is nt stake. It is fur you. gentle-
men of the Jury, to utter the truth upon
this affair nnd render justice."
I The speech of the distinguished le
I fondant was constantly Interrupted by
; hisses nnd protests.
: M. Luborlo, counsel for M. Zola, fol
1 lowed with nn eloquent speech. His
j opening words, "We are here in defense
; of Justice and rifiht," were hailed with
j loud protests from the back of the court
' room, but counsel continued, reproach-
lot; the authorities for being led nslruy i
by passing Interests and with not wish
ing to deal with the lueyfus affair, ill
though there are few Kenators or dep
uties Who doubt his Innocence. "Never- j
theless," coin liuii'd M. (kiiDorle, "truth !
will prevail. The elections will not be
allowed tn pass amid mystery nnd am
biguities." M. l.uliorle then proceeded to re
proach the premier with refusing to p.l
low generals to be Judged before the
Jury, nnd lie asked: "Are generals,
then, above the legal conscience of til j
country? Our opponent talked of con- !
lldenee in the army, but It is now aa in- I
Full to the army to raise a cry of alarm. '
as M.Zoln bus done. He spoke In strong ,
terms, but he did not Insult the army."
The. Wire of Kx-Nocrctney Whitney
Meets W Ith n Serious Accident.
Aild-ii. S. , Feb. 22. While following
the deer hounds yesterdny Mrs. William
C. Whitney, wife of ex-Secretary of the
Navy Whitney, was knocked from her
horse and quite seriously hurt. Mr.
Whitney and his wife, with a parly
of o5 or 40 friends, were out on a deer
hunt two miles from the city, at P.ob-
lnson's Park. Mrs. Whitney was among
the leaders, and was riding at a gal
lop along a narrow path a short dis
tance from the roadway. Nailed across
the path was a scantling, which Mrs.
Whitney did not see until too late. She
was riding so fast that she could not
stop, and was carried directly against
the piece of wood. She was struck in
the forehead nnd knocked from he.
horse. Luckily her foot did not catch
In the stirrup when she was thrown.
When picked up she was unconscious,
and had a long, ugly gash Just above
the eyes. She was carried to her resi
dence in this city, where Dr. Valentine
Mott, of New York, who was In the
party, attended her. She will be con
fined to her room for some time.
Fugitive Teller Itetiirns.
", Del., Feb. 21. William
N. Hoggs, the teller of the First Na
tional bank, of Dover, who Is accused
of taking (10C.0C0 from that institution.
Walked Into the olllcu of Marshal Short,
In the federal building, Saturday and
gave himself up to-;the United States
authorities. After strenuous efforts to
secure ball for the accused man he was
taken to New Castle Jail late In the af
ternoon. Hoggs refuses to say where
he has been. Four prominent citizens
were arrested for alleged complicity
with Boggs. They are Thomas'' 8.
Clark, Charles Iiutlbr, Ex-Sheriff Cole
and Colonel Cooper. They furnished
ball and Xvere released.' They, vigor-
. .. a I neAVf V. o 1 Iminmni..
Be Deliver a Oration at the Wah
Inatoa Birthday Eierelaee.
Philadelphia, Feb. 12. President Me
Klnley, accompanied by his secretary.
J. Addison Porter, arrived here yester
day afternoon In the private car of
President Frank Thomson, of the
Pennsylvania railroad. The president
was met by Frank Thomson, Charles
C Harrison, provost of the University
of Pennsylvania, and C. Stuart Pat
terson, and by them escorted to the
street. Here carriage were entered,
and the party was driven to the resi
dence of Mr. Harrison, whose guest the
president and Mr. Porter will be dur
ing their stay in the city. The presi
dent today delivered an oration at the
Washington birthday exercises of the
University of Pennsylvania at the
Academy of Music.
The prevalent excitement over Span
ish affairs seemed to give added publio
interest to the president's visit, and
the big Pennsylvania railroad station
and the streets adjacent thereto were
crowded with people eager to see and
greet the chief magistrate. Two com
panies of mounted policemen escorted
the carriages to Mr. Harrison's resi
dence, which is several Ijlocks from the
station. Cheering crowds greeted the
president along the entire route.
In view of the condition of public
affairs, every arrangement had been
made to keep the president in touch
with all the departments at Washing
ton, and to keep him fully informed of
developments ot Havana direct tel
egraphic communication had been es
tablished between Washington and Mr.
Harrison's house, and In addition to
this a long distance telephone was at
the disposal of the president in the
event of the necessity ot communica
tion with Washington.
The city authorities propose to exer
cise the utmost care over the president
aunng nis stay nere, in orucr to pro-
ieci nim mini any possioie annoyances.
lloth the front and rear of Provost j
Harrison's residence are guarded by j
policemen, nnd In all his movements
while In this city the chief magistrate
Is closely followed by a cordon of of
Pittsburg, Feb. 20. The Pittsburg po
lice raided the llrst Chinese speakeasy
In this city tonight, nnd arrested Lee
You, barkeeper, and Ping He, proprie
tor, and ten other Chinamen. The po
lice found a gambling outfit, whisky,
bottled beer nnd a restaurant at Second
avenue and Grant street.
Pittsburg, Feb. 20. Word came from
Dunbar tonlubt that Tom (.'ash hnil
been arrested uml was being held for
the Allegheny county aulhuriiies. Cash,
It Is claimed, killed "Chicago" John
Kelly, colored, laborer m the Unity
tunnel of the new CarniT.lo railway lut-t
August. He also wounded severul peo
ple and held a whole purse nt bay,
finally tuklug refuge In a coal bank u rut
Chninliersbuir. Feb. 20. About 2."
fanners nnd ir.ntl owners Inteivrted I:
BUKaP lllM.t ,.uturo met in the Franklin
tiuards Armory Saturday. Among
those present was Frank C. Hosier, of
Carlisle, who will plant a thousand
acres of his Cumberland county lniu! ,
in beets, and who will likely erect
factory in or near f'arllsle for the ex
traction of the sugar from the heels, i
This factory will cost about J2".0,0i, It j
Is said. Committees were appointed to
create nildlllonal Interest In the pro-.
Ject In the different townships nnd the
meeting nd.lourned to meet Saturday'
r.ftornoon, Feb. 20.
liarrishurg, Feb. II. Deputy Secre
tary of Intel nal Affairs I. Ii. Hrown Is
preparing tome Interesting statistics
showing the total amount of taxes col
lected In the commonwealth. This
table, based upon the population of the
state lit the time the last census wus
taken, will show that In the entire state
there was collected last year for the
support of the poor 40 cents per capita:
for const ruction and repairs of streets,
ronds and bridges during the year, S1.S7
per capita; for schools, etc., per
capita; for other purposes, $l.tll per ;
capita. Of the total amount of taxes
collected for all purposes In the state,
23 per cent wns devoted to educational
Philadelphia, Feb. 19. Oeorge Horn-;
hardt, a waiter In the restaurant ot
104 North Fight street, last night shot i
and probably fatally wounded lteinhart 1
Hosnr, aged 30 years, and Hannah i
Helnhart, aged 22 years. He also fired j
a shot at Annie Helnhart, sister of the
young woman, but the bullet missed 1
her. All the persons 'concerned are .
cousins, and live at 13C3 Vine street. '
Losar is proprietor of the restaurant.
and employs the other three. Hcrn
hardt Is said to have had a d'sagree
ment with Losar over his attentions to
Hannah. The shooting occurred on
Vine street, above Eleventh. Hernhardt
was arrested. The wounded man and
woman are not expected to live.
West Chester, Feb. 19. One of the
most horrible crimes In the history of
Chester county was unearthed at Doe
Hun Inst evening, when . the lifeless
body of Mrs. Ellen Preston, the mulat
to bride of seven months of Jonas Pres
ton, Jr., was discovered lying on the
kitchen floor of her home, her brains
oozing from ghastly wounds. Her skull
had been horribly hacked with an ax
and the head almost severed from the
body. Her husband, who was arrested,
stated that he and his wife had quar
reled, but he professed to bo at a loss
to account for the fact that he had
killed her. His conduct on the way to
the prison k-ft no doubt in the con
stable's mind that he was feigning In
sanity. It Is Bald that after committing
the deed Preston swallowed a quantity
of paris green, intending to make the
affair a domestic tragedy, but for some
reason the powder did not seriously af
fect him. l'reston is 35 years of age.
His wife was 15 years his Junior. The
couple Is said to have always lived hap
pily together, nnd as yet no motive for
the crime has been discovered..
The Itecotpta From Customs Pinion.
, Washington, Feb. 22. Secretary
Gage' pointed with a good" deal of in
terest yesterday to the fact that the
customs - receipts for thla fiscal year
at last have overtaken the receipts for
the same period of the prior fiscal year.
The total receipt so. far this fiscal
year yesterday reached $S8.0S9,69i,whllo
I for the same period of the last fiscal
year the receipts were $S8,0S0,06&. Sec
retary iGage sees In this reoelpts, with
the Income from other ' sources, . an
early cessation of the 'government de-
Wednesday Feb. " '
Lord William Nevlll was sentenced to
0ve year penal servitude In Loadoa tot
fraud. ' ' : . - v . ','- , ; .
It 1 said that Ambassador to Turkey
Angell will resign In time to resume the
presidency of the Michigan State uni
versity In the fan. a i .
Miss Lillian Hanna, sister of the sen
ator, was married last evening at
Thomaavllle. Ga.. to 8. P. Baldwin, a
young Cleveland lawyer. "
The Spanish cabinet baa appointed
Senor Louis Polo Be ma be to succeed
Dupuy De Lome as minister at Wash
ington. Thursday Feb, 17.
Rt Rev. C. T. Qulntard, Episcopal
blBhop of Tennessee, died at Meridian
ville, Ga.,' yeaterday. t
A child of Jacob Smith, of Myerstown,
Pa., fell against a kitchen stove and
was probably fatally burned.
Miss Isabella Franklin Jones, one of
the leading scientist of this country,
died at Chicago of pneumonia.
A little son of Adam Beck, of Albany,
Pa., fell upon V cow's horns and was so
terribly lacerated that he will die.
One hundred and twenty-five men of
the Fourteenth Infantry have left Van
couver barracks to preserve law and
order at Skaguay.
Friday, Feb. 18.
The steamer Flachat was wrecked at
Anaga Point, Canary Islands, and 66
persons were drowned.
Miss Francis E. Wlllard, president of
the World's Christian Temperance un
ion, died In New York, aged 5S. ,
John Kyan attempted to assault
Judge Thomas McCormlck at Eliza
beth, N. J., when the latter sentenced
him to state prison.
The revenue cutter Rush, stationed
at San Francisco, chased a Cnnadlan
BPnpnB vessel for alleged violation of
i tne reguliittoliR.
A meeting of the Hint glass manufac
turers Is being held In Pittsburg look
ing to a consolidation of the union r.r.d
non-union plnnts. A-strike may follow.
Saturday, Feb. II).
William J. Scunlnn, the popular Fry
ing actor, died In New York, of pare- !:,
aged .
A movement has been start-id for ti e
erection of a statue of General Lafay
ette by this government In Paris dur
ing the coming exposition.
Ex-Auditor Moore, of Lincoln, Neb.,
has been set free of a conviction for al
leged embi .-..It-mont on the ground Hint
the stnt" i.s unconstitutional.
A p. ic w.-..t created In n West Sov-tnty-M
; ! fco'eet (New York) house
by u hi.'gi ploee of rock blown through
the walls from r. ::oar-by quarry.
Monday. Fob. SI.
On Saturday in Chicago May wheat
sold nt $1.09.
A London dlrpalth announces that
the condition of Mr. ("adstone's health
is very grnve.
The health department of Chicago re
prts -10.0U0' persons suffering from the
grip in that city.
Thieves hauled away $i;oo worth of
clothing from the rtore of Philip Cof
fee, at TamiKitui, Pa.
All the Mechanlesburg (Pa.) indus
trial establishments are running full
time with their complement of hands.
Miss Frances E. Wlllard bequeathed
her estate to theTemple fund, lifter, the
life interests of her secretary and her
sister-in-law have expired.
Tuesday, Fob. SJ'J.
Central nnd Southern New Mexico Is
overrun by uheep thieves, and trouble
Is feared.
The people of Switzerland have voted
In favor of the government purchase of
the railroads.
A cave, said to rival the Mammoth,
of Kentucky, has been discovered In
Centre county. Pa.
Policeman Holly, of Flndlay, O., was
fatally shot by one of two robbers
whom lie tried to arrest.
The Transvaal government Is Increas
ing the defences of Johannesburg by
mounting a number of new guns.
The new wharf nt Tumplco, Mex., Just
constructed by the Central railroad,
was destroyed by fire, Involving a loss
of nearly $2,000,000.
, As Itelloetert by Doatlnga In Philadel
phia mid ltult Inioro.
Philadelphia, Feh. 21. Flour strong;
; winter superfine, $!Ki(.3U; do. extras, H.25
i.1.l5; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $4.2.V(j
i 4. tu; do. straight, 4Vl.4iy.i4.7u; western wln
j ter, rlear, -$4.30.(1.0); do. straight. $1.6.V(f
! 4.90; city mills, extra. $.1..W3.60. rtye Hour
I moved slowly at 2.75'(i2.S0 per barrel, us
i to quality. Wheat strong: No. 2 red, cash
and Februnry, $i.03U'i1.U3; No. 2 Penn
1 sylvanla nnd No. 2 Delaware red. $1.04Viff)
l.iM'4. Corn slow; No. 2 mixed, cash and
1 February, ai'iXVc.; No. 2 yellow, for
I local trade, 3i;c. Oats slow; No. 2 white,
1 'Jll'tc; No. 2 white, clipped, 31c. Hay firm
for superior grades; choice .timothy, $12
for large bales. Heof firm; beef hams,
$!4; packet, $10'iill; city extra India
mess, $15.CU'u7. Pork firm; family, tVM(
13.50. Lard tlrm; western steamed, $5,45(
iAVt. Butter strong; western creamery,
14'.4jf 20c. ; do. factory, lKul4c; Elglns, 20c.;
Imitation creamery, 13'il"c.; New York
dairy, 13ft l?c; do. creamery, 14Til9c,
Cheese quiet; large, white and colored,
September, S'.y.; small do. do., Septem
ber, trfiliDe.; light skims, Clitic; part
skims, 4 .j j'to. ; full bklms, 2iiv. Kgga
Btrong; New York nnd Pennsylvania,
lt'ie.: western, fresh. 10W.C.
Baltimore. Feb. 21. Flour . inactive;
western superfine. $2.S0fi3.2); do. extra,
$3.iltfi4.10; do. family, $4.404.70: winter
wheat, patent, $4.8;iio.l0; spring do., $.ri.llVfJ
6.30; .spring wheat, straight, $4.90fi '5.05.
Wheat dull; spot nnd month, tlMMdp
1.03-V.; March, $1.03Vul.03A: Muy, $1.0314
tll.oaH; steamer No. 2 red, Mf4$!9c.;
southern, by sample, 93c. ft SI. 04; do. on
grade, P'J:Uc.'i( $1.03. Corn dull; spot and
month, oo'.nlrlr.'ic.: March, 85y35tic.: April,
359354c.; steamer mixed, 34ift34c;
southern, whlto, Wi'ti'SOc.; do. yellow,
34S36c. Oats tlrm; No. 2 white, 34M;i
35c; No. 2 mixed, 82ft32c. Kyo easier;
No. 1 nearby, CtirrGU1Uc. ; No. 2 western,
B" Vfc'M tic. liny' steady; eholeo timothy,
$12.5off13. Orrvln freights steady: steam to
Liverpool, per bushel, 3d., Aprllt Cork,
for orders, per quarter, 8s. 4'd., Mnrch.
Sugar strong; granulated, 6.33. Butter
quiet; fancy creamery, 21c.; do. Imitation,
llH17c; do. ladle. 15c; good ladle. 13W14c;
store packed, Liu 14c. Kggs quiet; fresh,
15c. Cheese steady; fancy New York,
large, 9-Vir 10e; : do. medium, lOJilOHc, do.
small, lOU'dlO1.. Lettuce, $1.25 per basket'
Whisky, $1.2i'ul.20 per gallon for finished
goods in carloads; $1.2if(jl.2S per gallon for
jobbing lots.
Kaat Liberty. Pa.. Feb. 21. Cattle stow
at unchanged prices. Hogs nettve: prime
mediums, $4.35; best heavy Yorkers, $4.30
&4.3S; light .Yorkers. $4.20$4.2f; heavy
hogs, $4.14i4.30; pigs, as to quality, $3.9044)
4.10; gond roughs, $3.40JT3.75; common- to
fair, .DOJf3.5. Sherp steady; choice; $4. SO
$r)4.90; common, $3,504. Choice lainba,
$5.758 S5; rommon to food, $4.7506. Vaul
calvr-.. "WfJ.
ym scarps emulsion
cure consumption ? Yes and
no. Will it cure every case ?
No. "Wnat cases will it cure
then? Those in tiieir earlier
stages, especially in young;
people .we masx no exa;- g
geratcd claims, but we nave g
positive . evidence tnat the
early use of V
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver oil with Hypo- 8
phosphites of Lime and Soda $
in these cases results in a Z
positive cure to a laree num- 5
her In advanced cases, how- $
ever, where a cure is impossi-
hie this well-known remedy o
should he relied upon to pro- $
long; life surprisingly.
50c. nd $1.00, all druggists. , 9
SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemiiU, New York. Q
t i i Rt; a 'n.i is tsi; i vv
Taki liitlve Quinine Tiihleta. All Drug
gluts refund the money if it fuila to cur. 2.1c.
r.lKlioji Ulct'nhp, f rw York,
on Jr .lames' Headache Powders. '
"With ri'f?nrd to Dr. JanW lleiul
afho Powders, I have no hesitation
in comnifiiding lliorn to miflerprB
from litiiducho. They relievo the
pnin ppi'uli'y, ind I ImvH nnver
known .'iiivotie to In- innmed by their
hup. 1 linvo been n pt-nt suflerer
from Leadnolift in my lifo, but have
almost trot ton rid of it by Iho con
Btnnt utse of hot water and frnit Btid
bv tloiiij? without coffet. Th Dr.
James Ht'iuiiicbe Powders bavt;,
however, tfveutly relieved moat titties
and I never allow myself to to with
out thtim, and huvo recoiumouded
to otheiH freely. ('. C. McCabk."
, For utile by W. II. Spangler, Urns
Kist, Middlebui's, Pa. C-18 !m
1 1 1, ks i i;i;MANKNTi.Ycrni:i).
In from :S tn .1 ilttvs- lime by (bo lino ol
M Mr.
One b'ltllu cnhvttiiteed ioeureHiiy
cuso of pilen, reirardleas of how louy
titittidiim, what you have tried, or
what yoor pliyairitui may claim.
Money refunded if penuam nt eure
is nt;t obtititied in tlio nuiKt sevei e
coseH in less than 5 days' time. After
ail others fml get Lo Mo niiiJ be
t iii'fi 1
Pi ice 7."i per lifiltle. rent
any address, on receipt of price. Ad
d;ess Il.-trrv Lone, 1 ('..) V.. 'onitli
slrn-t, Willinmspott, Pa. l3-lv
C-TSold by all iirst fiir (2up,;iBts.
Tin- lilaihier was created for nip
purpose, nriiin-ly, a leceptiicle fur tin
urine, nnd its such it is tu t liable t'
nil y lonn of disease except by one '.
two ways. Tlio liri-t way in from
imperfect, action of the kidneys. Tie
seci'tid way is from cureless loca
trentmiit. of oilier ilisennes.
:iii:f ( aim:.
l '. i i a i l 1. 1..
1. 1 1 ii eil 1 1 ! i y iiriiio iroui iiuiieiiii in
kidnevs is I lie cliief cause of bluilile:
t roubles. Mo the womb, like tin
bladder, was created for oiih purposes
and if not doctored too much is nut
liable to weakness or disease, exeejv;
iu rare cusps. It is situated back o'
and very cloio to the bladder, there
fore any pain, disease or iriconvcni
eiico manifested iu the kidneys, back
bladder or urinary passatre is often, b
...I. . .. I ,.!,......! ... 1 ...I ....L.
iinrianr, iiiuiuuim i v. ii-iuuid v n
iiss orwoiub trouble of mine sorr
The error isienwilv ui1e nnd nifty t'
;i i i m. . a. -
an rnriiiy ci v,i.itru. i kj sititt uuu t vi
rct)y, tt your urineawida for twent
f fill I I trail I .it a MtiH I III all I f. arit tttttt I til
indicates kidney or bladder trouhl
The mild arid the extraodinary elTei
of Dr Kiliuer'r Swaiuu-Root, tl
L'reat kidney, and bladder remedy
soon realized. If you needamedicii
yon should have the best. At driip
gists lifty (tents aud one dollur Vo
may have nsnmpln bottle and pint
phlet, both sent free by mall, upc:
receipt of three two cent stamps.
cover cont of postarre on the bottL
Mentiou the Jlkldlelnirph Post, iu
send yonr address to l;r. Kilmer
Co., niiifrbaintoii, N. Y. Thp proiirie'
of this paper fjuarantee tbeKennii
ness this offer
Charter Noti:3-
County of Snyder, at February Term, lss.
- Notice la hereby given that an npplirnt
will be mailo to the above Court, on M().M 1
r'KHKITAKVSsth, ism. at eleven o'clock A.
under the "L'ornnmtlnn Act of 1K74" of tbc '
moiiwenltb of Pen nay I van I a, and the aupi
incuts thereto, for the Charter of au inteii
Corporation, to be milled "THE 8NYI
ncterand object of wliieli la to prraerve '
lilotnry of Snyder County by tho dlaenv
collrrtion, preservation and publlention of
matters of hUtorienl value rclatiinr to -J
county, nnd the iliaeovery, collection nnd I
arrvation of nil materials and thinga which i
in any way he of value in preacrviiig, rei-.
ing and publishing liiatnrienl events, by nn"
of hooka, ninpa, Pmiera, M-riolliaIa, iteiM-nlet
pnliitinita, purtralta, engravinga, manuarni
letters, monument, records, relies, curios
material data, and for tbexe purpoaea to lm
IKiaacaa anil enjoy nil tne riglita. tienetlta, a
privileges of auid Act of Assembly and its
Dlemetita. ....
Mlildleburtrli. Pnyder Collnty, l'onnaylvai
'February clulit, A. l., is'.w.
' . i . W. K.'
I, JavU. Weibku, fSolicitni
; 8oj4foKraihnaiMTimofpiiHio ttiliiaji, itX'-j
ill trtnnci of WitUartn City, tbil tocl: ct cl nu
UUiis. It wlllba not w you hr Mthatr. Writ u tc-U
Cia jm tilii of loaetUse to fztoit t rrcio:t ytmr licit
tkty my tritg yg wtilti. ttiora wpfnt tt patwt, p
nt llbtnl e9n ltd Isrutttt-'i AuitUst. Uwt is dalI
OOPP f CO. ?.!:' wiyiWal