The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 17, 1898, Image 8

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la Um fellowiBi
sermon Dr. Tal
saaga .'(peak tc
those whose work
wttM noeoaspio
lau place in th
world. Ths text it
Romaaa xvi, 14, 13
"8alaU Atyncrit
as, Phlegon, Her
mat, Patron,
Hermes. Philologo and Jnlla."
Matthew Ilenrr, Albert Barnes,
Adam Clark, Thomas Scott and all tb
commentator pans by these Terse
without any capaclal remark. The
other 20 peoplt mentioned la the chap
ter were dlatlugulabed (or something,
and were therefore discussed by the
Illustrious expositors, but nothing it
said about Asyncrltus, Phlegon, Her
mas, ratrobas, Hermes, PhUologui
and Jnlla. Where were they born? No
one knows. When did they die? There
Is no record of their decease. For
what were they distinguished T Abso
lutely nothing, or the trait of charac
ter would bare been brought out by
the apostle. If they had been rery
Intrepid or opulent or hirsute or musi
cal of cadence or crass of style or In
any wine anomalous that feature
would hare been caught by the apos
tolic camera. But they were good
people, because Faul sends to them
his blgh Christian regards. They were
ordlnnry people mortng In ordinary
sphere, attending to ordinary duty
and meeting ordinary responsibilities.
What the world wants is a religion
for ordinary iwople. If there be In
the United States 70.000,000 people,
there are certainly not more than
1,000.000 extraordinary, and then there
are 69.000.000 ordinary, and we do
well to turn our backs for a little
while from the distinguished and con
splruoti people of the Bible and con
alder in our text the seven ordinary.
We spend too much of our time In
twisting pnilands for remarkable and
ImlUllui; thrones for magnates, and
sculpturing warriors, and apotheosis
ing philanthropists. The rank and
file of the Lord's soldiery need espec
ial help.
The vast majority of people will
never load an army, will never write
a state constitution, will never elect r I
fy a senate, will never make nn im
portant Invention, will never Intro
duce a new philosophy, will never de
cide the fate of a nation. You do not
expect to; you do not want to. You
will not be a Moses to lead a nntlon
out of bondage. You will not be a
Joshua to prolong the daylight un(ll
.you tan shut fire kings In a cavern
You will not be St John to unroll
nn Apocalypse. You will not be a
1'aul to preside ever an apostolic col
lege. You will not be a Mary to
mother a Christ. You will more prob
ably bo Asyncrltus or Phlegon or Iler
nma or Patrobas or Hermes or Pbllo
logus or Julia.
Many of you are women at the
head of households.- Every morning
you plan for the day. The cullnnry
department of the household is In
your dominion... You decide all ques
' Hons of diet. 'All the sanitary regula
tions of your house are under your
supervision. To regulate the food,
and the npparel and tbe habits, and
decide the thousand questions of home
life is a tax upon brain and nerve and
general health absolutely appalling, If
there be no divine alleviation.
It does not help you much to be told
that lillwilth Fry did wonderful
things amid the criminals at New
gate. It does not help you much to be
told that Mrs. Judson was very brave
;nniong the Borneslan cannibals. It
hIocs not help yon rery much to be!
told that Florence Nightingale was I
very kind to the wounded Jn the Crl-!
men. It u-niilfl ha ttottr tn mg '
ell you that tbe dlrlne friend of Mary
and Martha Is your friend, and that
He sees all the annoyances and disap
pointments and abrasions and exas
perations of an ordinary housekeeper
from morn till night, and from the
'first day of the year until the last day
oT the year, and at your call He la
ready with help sad re-enforcement.
They who provide the food of the
world decide the health of the world.
You have only to ge on some errand
amid the taverns nd the hotels of
"the United States and Crest Britain
to appreciate tbe fact that a vast mul
titude of the human face are slaught
ered by incompetent cookery. Though
a young womsn may have taken les
''net In music and may nave taken les
ma in painting and lessons la astron-
omy.Ahe Is not well educated unless
he baa taken lessons In dough! They
who tfecld the apparel of tbe world
tan tbe .Toed of the world decide the
endurance tt the world.
An unthinking man may consider It
" matter of little Importance tbe
Ares of the boasehoid and tbe ecoa--omles
of domestic life but I tell yon
the earth It strewn with tbe martyrs
of k and Durssffjr. The health
"s)bffr5 womanhood of America
'SrZ.voi for a GeeVwb can help or
dinar? women la the ordinary duties
of housekeeping, Tbe wearing, grind
ing, nnapprtclateel Work goes on. bat
rthc same Christ who stood on the
thank of Galilee la the early morning
as4 kindled the fire aad had the fish
already cleaned and broiling when the
sperumea stepped ashore, chilled and
hungry, will help every woman to
prepare breakfast, whether by her
.era head or the band of her hired
-beta. The God who made IndeotrocV
5 Me oology of Haaeea, who made a
emt for ftamaoJ. her sea. aa earned
Ot to the unapte every year, win help
-every weuaa la pernartag the family
vardrob-. The Oat who opeaa the
rBIMo wits tho story eC Ahraaam's et
' torUlBSMHrt bf the throe aageto oa the
plaias of hUmrs wM bee every wom
en to previa hoamuuiry,
II a
etf ft
of too Bible naisiasMs fw
their vinos, or their waat of It, or to
markable for their deeds-Deborak
and Jesebel and Herod las and A thai la
am) JDorcas- and the - Marys, ,-exeelleot
and abandoned It Is high time-son
of the. attenlon wo have been giving
to these eonsplcaoos -' women of tht
Bible be given to Jnlla, aa ordinary
woman, amid ordinary circumstances;
attending to ordinary duties and meet
ing ordinary responsibilities.
Then there are all the ordinary busi
ness men. They need divine and
Christian help. When we begin to talk
.Kan ft. attstrv wtwKS ASP
and talk about men who did business.
on a large scale, aad who sold
Ions of dollars of goods a year,
mUl, I
luv vast Hiajunay m vu,iyw, iw
7,,, ... .
not sell a million dollars of goods, nor
half a million, aor quarter of a mill
ion, nor tbe eighth part of a million.
Put all tbe business of onr cities,
towns, villages and neighborhoods
side , by side, and yon will find that
they sell less than SlOO.uOO worth of
goods. All these men in ordinary busi
ness life want divine help. You see
how the wrinkles are printing on the
countenance tbe story of worriment
and care.
Yon cannot tell how old a business
man la by looking at him. Gray hairs
at 30. A man at 45 with the stoop of
uonogenarlan. No time to attend to
Improved dentistry, tbe grinders cease
because they are few. Actually dying
of old age at 40 or 60, when they ought
to be at the meridian. Many of these
business men have bodies like a ne
glected clock to which you come, and
whenjou wind It up It begins to buss
and roar, and then the hands start
around very rapidly, and then the
clock strikes 5 or 10 or 40, and strikes
without any sense, and then suddenly
tops. So Is the body of that worn
out business man. It is a neglected
clock, and though by some summer
recreation It may be wound up, still
the machinery Is all out of gear. The
bands turn around with a velocity
that excites the astonishment of the
world. Men cannot understand tbe
wonderful activity, and there Is a roar
and n buzz and a rattle about these
disordered lives and they strike 10
when they ought to strike 5, and tbey
strike 12 when they ought to strike 6,
nnd they strike 40 when they ought to
strike nothing, and suddenly they
Now, what Is wanted is grace, di
vine grace, for ordinary business men,
nieu who are harnessed from morn
till night and all the days of their life
harnessed In business. Not grace to
lose $100,000, but grace to lose $10.
Not grace to supervise 250 employees
in a factory, but grace to supervise
the bookkeeper and two salesmen and
the small boy that sweeps out the
store. Grace to Invest not the $80,000
of net profit, but the $2,500 of clear
gain. Grace not to endure the loss
of a whole shipload of spices from tbe
Indies, but grace to endure a loss of
a paper of collars from the leakage of
a displaced shingle on a poor roof.
Grace not to endure tbe tardiness cf
the American Congress in paaslug a
necessary law, but grace to endure the
tardiness of an errand boy stopping
to play marbles when be ought to de
liver the goods. Such a grace' as
thousands of business men have to
daykeeping them tranquil, whether
goods sell or do not sell, whether cus
tomers pay or do not pay, whether
tariff Is up or tariff Is down, whether
the ciDpH are Itixuriaut or a dead fail
ure calm in all circumstances and
amid nil vicissitudes. That Is tbe kind
of grace we want.
Then there nre all tue ordlnnry
fiirmers. We talk about agricultural
and we Immediately shoot off to
talk about Clncinuatus, the patrician,
who went from the plow to a blgh po
sition. -and after be got through the
dictatorship In 21 days went back
nxuln to the plow. What encourage
ment is that to ordlnnry farmers? The
v.-iKt majority of them none of them
will be patricians. Perhaps none of
them will lie senators. If any of them
hare dictatorships, It will De over 40
or 50 or 100 acres of tbe old homestead.
What these men want is grace to keep
their patience while plowing with
balky oxen and to keep cheerful amid
the drought that destroys tbe corn
crc; and that enables tbem to restore
the garden the day after the neigh
bor's cattle have broken in and tram
pled out the strawberry bed and gone
through the Lima bean patch and
eaten np tbe sweet corn in such large
quantities that they must be kept
from the water lest tbey swell up and
Those stone masons do not want to
hnr about Christopher Wren, tbe ar
chitect, who built St. rani's cathedral.
It would be better to tell them bow
to carry the bod of brick np tbe lad
der without elippisg, and bow on a
cold morning with tbe trowel to
strotbe oft the mortar and keep cheer
ful, and how to be thankful to God
for tbe plain food taken from the
standing amid the ads, and tbe bit.
nod the plane and tbe broadax need
to Ik told that Christ was a carpenter,
with bis own band wielding saw and
hammer. Oh, this la a tired world,'
snd It la an overworked world, and It
Is on, underfed world, and It 'Is a
wrung out world, and men and women
need to know that there Is rest aad re
cuiieratlon la God aad I that reitgioa
which waa not so much Intended for
extraordinary people, because there
are mors of them.
The nesting profeosiea has bad Its
Abercrombles, and Its Abemethys.snd
Its Valentine Motta, aad Its wuiard
Parkers, but the ordinary physicians
do tbe moot of tbe world's modlclnlng,
sod tbey need to nadorotand that while
taking diagnosis or firogsosts, or writ
Ing prescription, or compounding medi
cs meat or bokUag the delicate pulse of
a dyiag child they may-have theretw
ssMnt aad the 4icmm of the 'A
aa, aa after ho had
his garments la foamlag
clothed him again, body
and who lifted a the womaa who for
II years bad been beat almost doable
with the rheumatism Into J graceful
stature, 'and who tamed the scabs of
leprosy Into rubicund" complexion, and
who nibbed the Dombneos Oct of par
alysis, aad who swung wide open the
closed windows of hereditary or acci
dental blindness until the morning
light came streaming through the
fiesby casements, and who knows all
the dies see and all the remedies and
til the herbs and an the cathoHcons
- " - - ""V
aoctort WDom the world makes no
recora, dui io prove am uej arw
, - . .
angels of merer I invoke the tnou
. ' .. v...
lands of men whose aliments they
' have assuaged and the thousands of
women to whom la cries of pale they
lave been next to God la benefaction.
! Come, now, let oa have a religion for
srdlnary people' la professions, la oc
upstlons, In sgricnltnre. In the house
told. In merchandise. In everything. I
lalute across the centuries Asyncrltus,
Phlegon, Herman, Patrobas, Hermes,
Phllologns and Jnlla.
I First of ail. If yon feel that yon
ire ordinary, thank God that you are
let extraordinary. I am tired and sick
and bored almost to death with ex
traordinary people. Tbey take all their
time to tell us how rery extraordinary
tbey really are. You know as ws. as
I do, my brother aad sister, thai tbe
most of tbe useful work of the world
Is done by unpretentious people who
toll right on by people who do not
jet much approval and no one seems
to say, "That Is well done." Pheno
mena are of but little use. Things that
tre exceptional cannot be depended on.
Better trust tbe smallest planet that
wings In Its orbit than too comets
shooting this way and that. Imperil
ing the longevity of worlds attending
to their own business. For steady il
lumination better Is a lamp than a
Then, If you feel that you are ordi
nary, remember that your position In
vites the less attack. Conspicuous peo
plebow they have to take It! How
tbey are misrepresented and abused
tnd shot at! The higher the horns of
a roebusk the easier to strike blm
flown. What a delicious thing It must
be to be a candidate for governor of
State or President of the United
States! It must be so soothing to tbe
nerves, it must pour Into the soul of
candidate such a sense of serenity
when he reads tbe blessed newspapers.
The weather of life is not so severe
on the plain as it Is on tbe blgh peaks.
The world never forgives a. man who
knows or gains or does more than it
ran know or gain or do.
Then remember if you have only
what Is called an ordinary borne that
the great dellevers of the world have
ill come from such a home. And there
may be seated, reading at yoijr even
ing stand, a child who shall be potent
for the ages. Just unroll the scroll of
nen might In church and state, aud you
will find tbey nearly all came from
og cabin or poor homes." Oenlus al
most always runs 'ont to-' they third
'ourth generation? Yon cannot find In
ill (ilstory an Instance where the
'ourth generation of extraordinary
people amounts to anything. . In this
,?ounty we had two great lueafather
tnd son, both presidents of the United
States, but from present prospects
there never will be in that genealogi
cal lien another president for. a thou
jiand years. Columbus from a wear
'r's hut, Demosthenes from, a cutler's
I Teller, Bloomfleld and Missionary
i Carey from a shoemaker's bench. Ark-
wtight from a barber's shop and he
whote ,8 D,Kh oyer a , eth
tnd air and sky from a manger.
Let us be content with such things
is we have. God is just as good in
what He keeps away from us ns In
what he gives us. Even a knot may
be useful if It Is at the end of a
At an anniversary of a deaf and
dumb asylum one ef the children
wrote upon the blackboard words as
lubllme as the "Iliad," the "Odyssey"
tnd the "Dlvina Commedia" all com
pressed in one paragraph. The exam
iner, In the signs of the mute lan
guage, asked her, "Who made ' the
world?" The deaf and dumb girt
wrote upon the blackboard, "In the be
ginning God created the heaven and
tbe earth." The examiner asked her.
"For what purpose did Chrttv come
Into the world V Tbe deaf and dumb
girl wrote upon the blackboard. "This
is a faithful asylng, and worthy of all
icceptatkm that Christ leans came
Into the world to save sinners." The
examiner said to her, "Why were you
born deaf and dumb, while I hear and
speak V She wrote upon the black
board. "Even so, Father, for so It
seemeth good In thy sight" Oh, that
we might be baptised with a content
ed spirit The spider draws poison out
of a flower, the bee gets hooey out of
thistle, but happiness a heavenly
elixir, and the contented spirit ex
tracts It not from the rhododendron of
the hills .but from tbe lily of tbe
Ma Beaseov.
Farmer Hayrick (reading paper)
That settles It! I'm goin' ter ult
fatt'nln' bogs oa go ter raisin' steers.
Mrs. Hayrick What's the matter.
Farmer Hayrick Why, matter
sough! This here paper set lOftOo
hogs weat Inter home consumption la
this State durla' tha past year. Pre
It off the cholera aad alia staggers
all ay Vfe, but the Lord knows ef
MBsumptloa's gettls' - bold ef 'em
tbey elat aotkia' am save '.-New
Tor Journal .
"De tea tbtak Chore to aar
to soljtieo. Jlmtonr "Ton kwt these
ta.t'swstavBae wtsf-
Coma ZUzabllnj Thoughts.
BY "laslO."
rooarrtgbte4MDsweTaher.l i
the towering personages of history
-possibly lrom our ignorance of
our daily lives seem more like
demi-gods than men, and we simply
marvel at them ; for if the tame ot
a great man has elements in it tluit
are walls before us instead of steps
we peep at it like children from a
distance, we long vainly for Its al
titude, and we puss on neither aided
nor encouraged. It is true , beyond
dispute that-a touch of Nature
makes us all kin, and like the un
expected meeting of a beloved
friend is the effect upon us of the
great who have suffered as we have,
worked long years unseen as we do,
and triumphed in Borue measure' as
we hope to Inst "VTe are cheered
by them. In them we. discover the
lineameuts of ordinary, approach
able humanity: their foototeps were
no longer than ours but eiimply al
ways led forward, their hours were
no more numerous than those allott
ed to us but all were made to bend
to a purpose, their hopes remained
often unrealized like our Itut in
reai'liing upward towards tlicmeatue
sublimity to. the the lives that wc
can safely admire and emulate.
Among these who do not dis
courage nor dazzle is our Lincoln.
As the fierce light of the fevered
hours in which lie stood unmoved,
subsides into a gentle day whose pro
gress is guiltless of insteruccinc
strife, he shows forth ever more
clearly as "the great commoner."
lie is a living proof of a truth we
too often doubt in our haste, that
neither the lack of money nor of
pedigree are enough to keep in sub
jection those who "will" to shake
themselves free from impediments,
lie stauds as an encouragemcut to
those who strive against discourging
odds by glorifying the common
place aft'uirs ot life into actual tests
of character, and by throwing his
full powers unreservedly into every
task he takes up. He shows that
the total expected of a man is that
he should do the best he can : if
a great man in a small place, by
filling it to overflowing; if an un
tried nmn in a great place, by filling
it through the might and the growth
that come from modesty, humility,
teachableness. He is surely one
with many, of us not occupied
with proclaiming his .Vescnt, but
having whereof to boost in his
wevetit, not dandled bya luxurious
mother throuch the proxy-love of
hired arms, but nourished by' a rug
ged woman ' under those strenuous
circumstances that ' developed un
sung heroes along every bridle-path
of our enormous frontier. He is not
bound within the limits of any
creed of man's inventing, but throws
out his bcoad soul into fellowship
with those of nil nations who do
man-service as tiocl-pleasers. lie
does not stalk alonir in trloomy ab
straction, but is ' hail-tel low" in a
sunshiny way with all those weary
and burdened ones to whom a laugh
is more refreshing than new wine.
He is not fulled with - thoughts of
some future destiny, it is only on-
loookers who see the destiny of a
man. for he is content with the
next step each time that it comes,
no matter wnere it leads. He is not
even superior to repining ami
gloom, but from every hour of de
pression he rises to fling the gage of
Despair into the face of Fortune,
daring her to the conflct.
There is not one great modern
character more thoroughly human
than he is. In fact in his (lay small
men reaching no higher than his
ankles could see nothing but the
mud on his shoes, and failed utterly
to raise their eyes to the noble head,
with its face seamed more than any
man's throngh the frightful soul
straining weight that' was laid by
the people upon this man of the
prople. As the ropes tall from a
statue at the unveiling, so all his
littleness -traits of a humanity
kindred to yours and mine,' who tx
often have no greatness to Vary our
pettiness are no longer existent,
and he stands before us as a great
Without slavish imitation of this
pine-knot student this flat-boat law
ysr, this rwl-nUtting president, let
us learn from film.
It It a sign of greatness to do tie
Bert 'tUnfe' thai comes to haai,
without wietini time lonsiaz tot
Cmtertlrfi&tod., to be O
larger than our task aodet cheer
ful withal while doing it ; to be
ready to acknowledge error in self
and render, tiraise to tlroae who excel
us ; to be magnanimous to those
vlio bitterly thwart us in our noble
purposes. All these did Lincoln
and more also.
Debtors ere we to the mea who have fougfettor
Debton to Mmm who stood firm tor the truth.
Debtors to those who through Mala have
boua-ht tor us
Froroosj to chsrlsh our Straus, sober roath
WjmIj, boUiuuIjt, h-vp we their
In tbe prowd bbuan ot names groat ia history
PoiOBMst our eiajBto-souloS Wat see,
Ba4kwr to hoaor, fraai Mystery,
Sewing how fod-llhe the beaiblest may be
Juytuil, Joyfully, keso we hie aaeav
Uke some pink shell In a distant eeene mat
tsrlns; Bongs of the ocean that moulded Its Ills,
any lonely heart. Lincoln's nalsa attorlag,
Evbos his stosdlaslnoM, strong amid ewifr:
Jfsitbf ally, faithful ly, hasp we hisaMav
Long mmj bis spirit sngraltod, victorious. '
Oraw la its fullness una ., llks tbe sua.
S pnodiiig at svsaing lis IraasufM all a-larlooa.
Hoaren's llsht Meets Mas earth's day Is done.
rjwtiwt, pmrsnuiiy, aesp we- as
Grapes with
Old Aunt Refheel. ea old and suocMsfnl
auras, SO 1 van old. Is years' eiporlonce as
nurse aad Much sought after by hundreds of
fumilles, has for years made a Cordial nioat ef
fect tve for coughs aim colds by the use ot
Oraie.wtl Kleoampane Hoot and tbe i.erb
Horehound. f a bile rpeakersand singers uae
it, II is perforating wonders, bold by drug-
On Saturday llobcrt Kncpp re
ceived notice that his brother-in-law
John Long, would be buried, on
bunday, near Coburn, Centre Co.
Mr. Long was a former resident of
this county Fred. Rieirle and
daughter, of Union Co., were the
guests Alvin Ulsh's last week ....
Miss Polly Knepp was visiting with
W. H. Kline's over Sunday.
Mrs. Alvin Ulsh attended the fun
eral of Wm. Johnston at Lewistown
last week. .. .Harvey Heunbach
and wife and Miss Sallie Heimbach
were visiting with Brother Charles
near Middleswarth on Sunday . . '. .
Last week one evening a culithum
pians bund came together at Tilniau
Winder's but soon found out tluit
the birds luid flown. Snow being
on the ground they could easily track
them and located thcui at Oscar
Schultz's. After serenading a while
the couple made their appearance
and John said, "Now kend dare
mich Banna." Our best wishes to the
young couple. .. .Mr. Erdley and
wife were visiting . her . brother
Charles Herbstcr on Sunday.
,;;t.. WEST BEAVER. ,
Dr. Shive has been on the sick
list for the past four weeks, but is
improving under the care of Dr.
lknish. . . .T. F. Swineford made a
business trip through Mifflin county
on Monday. He also disposed of
his stave null to Isaac Dreese. Hie
late freeze furnished all the ice re
quired for the ice houses at this end. .
John W. Wagner is busy taking out
lumber for a lionsc and barn which
he intends building, in the spring,
on the Moycr farm It has been
reported that 11. I. Wagner is about
buying llousers share oltheljowell
store. 1'. W. Treaster speut a few
days at home this week with his
family Squire Ulsh, of Middle
creek, claims that the referees on
the suit he hud before him last week
saved the county $100,000 by hav
ing it decided right in his office.
Otherwise it would have been sent
to the supreme court. .. .Sucker
fishing lias been on the bill of fare
for the past week . . . . Jolin P. wears
the belt for the most caught iu one
day Sleighing gone and lots of
mud instead Our accommodat
ing neighbor, Henry Baumgardner,
visited almost all his neighbors at
this end this fall, furnish
ing the medicines, grinding and
stuffing the sausage free ot charge,
for which he has many thanks. . . .
Five weeks' school yet for this term,
so the small boy says. ,
At Freoburg, Feb. 10, 1898,
Susanna Glass, wife of tie late Geo.
C. Glass, a (red 70 years, 4 1 months
and 10 months. Funeral was held
on the 13th inst., services being held
at her residence. Revs. H. U.
Suable and O. G. ltomig officiated.
In Jackson township, Feb. Sth,
Mrs, Ilebeooa Hummel, relict of
Daniel Hummel, ased 74 years, 5
months and 11 days.
At Freoburg, Feb. 9, 1898, Mag
gie Baney, daughter of Daniel Banoy
and his wife, Amanda, a bora Dun-
kelberser. was born in Washington
twp., Snyder Co., Pa. the 14th day
of Feb. 1809. Died Feb. 5, 1898,
aged 18 yr,. 1 lanoa, and 9 days.
G. D. Druokenmilltf oCcUted, aa-
All ft isOMhrnntv
ttlltia. V
neeeeeeis eeoeoeooeo at
VniHmJloeeeeee.oeeeaMaaaaw--..-. 4
Sr a - --r - a
Tallow .
Cbiekeospvrllt . .
UFmt?yVeeeeaaoaeoooeeM' eeeeee
,.,.......... ..2.U.MI
aam ......
Old Corn.....
oeooooeO oeoo eooooeoooooo o oooeoo
oooeeooooo woooooooaoooooooooooa
vmt.- .............
oeoooooeo as geooeoo
riour er bbt.
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Sale Register.
Thursday, feb. MHl two alias West ot M
tees rails, oobn W. Uoffmaa will sell
aoraea, i eons and fanatac into. .
Saturday, Feb,, 1Mb. at CentreviUe, C
Showera, attorney-la-feet for the heirs ofM
una aerate, will sell personal property ad
Saturday, Tab. M, ooe-half Bills north of M
dlsburgb. Barry Boweraoa will sell 1 awe a
4 cows and farming ImplsaaMte.
Moadav. Feb. Si. John althaea wllt'eell
hUmodeaoe 1 mile north-east of Middlebard
its stow ana sarnung inpioBnMMsj.
Friday, Mar. 4. J, .. Smith, of Globe Mill
win sou farm asoeK and lanaiag Implement
Saturday, Mar. 4, one and one half Mils wt
of Centrevills, H. U. Haekanburg will aril
mules, t horses, Soowsand farming Implemroi
TiMwda. Mar. R. ISM. at Globe Mills, tha
U. Yodor estate will sell farming implement
ana uouaenoiu gooua,
Tueaday, Mar. Sth, near Krataerrllle, Perd
N.Brouas will sell S horses and farming I
Thursday. Var. 10. one mils north of Khi
er J. a Melssr.admlnialralorof Mary BenfJ
win sen personal proyeny. I
Saturday. March M. Henrv Howell will J
1 mile west of Krsmont, 1 horses, t cows you J
came ana larniing impiumenie-
B Saturday. Mar. 13th. la Middlcbanrh. M
Harriet W. Smith will sell at public sale a lot
uouseuoiu gooua.
Tursdev, Mar. 13th, at Fremont, Oeorje DrJ
ess will sell H horses, a lot cf cattle, 8U ahoJ
ana farming impieiuelila.
Monday. Mar. 31st. Jamea Rrdla will anil
miles west of Middieburglt, lies stock and fard
ing implement.
Tueaday. Mar. 23, two and one-half mill
south of Now Berlin. Isaac Bilker will sell
nones, a cows ami farming Implements.
Chewing Gum and Are others. )
dime. Kumar Swbltses, LamU
W W J ANTED by an old established houn
WW man to take charge of ami look u
T their business in this section. Snlsf
ftWO, with commission. Cash security tequind
Aaureee Business, care roar. ' ;i
t r s of Administration I n t ti
Mtale ol William H. Pesslsr. late of Centre M
Snyder oountr, Pa deo'd, bavin been grantd
w ma nnaeraignsa, an psrsoas snowing tnti
situ maeoiea to sbiu estate are requested
make Immediate payment, while those bavl
claim will present them duly authenticated
the underalened.
v. it. r
Feb. 13, 1898.
Xl trs or Administration in u
estate ol Mary lifer, lata of Middlecieek twi
Snyder county, Pa., deo'd, liarinc bevn granii
to me unaersigt ei, an persona Knowing inn
selves Indebted to said estate are reanee'ed i
make Immediate piyment, while those bavtJ
claims win pit sent tueui auijr auinenncateu
the undersigned.
J. 8. MEI8ER,
Feb. 12, 1808.
Tour to Florida via Pennsylvania Ra
road. '
One must appreciate the advun;
ages of modern railway travel wlie
he can leuve the land of blizzan!
one day and finds himself in tli
laud of flowers the next.
To do this take the 1'ennsylvnn:
liailrouu tour Jacksonville, wluti
will leave New York and Fhiludi
phia by special train of Pullrn.u
Palace Cars Tuesday, February i.
allowing- two weeks in Florida
Excursion tickets, including rail w
transportation, l'ullman uccomnit
uutions (one berth), and meals
route in both directions while trav
ing on the siiccial train, will be soli
at the following: rates: New Yorll
950.00; Philadelphia, 548.0'
Canadaigua, $52.85; Erie, $54.8.1
Wilkesborre, $50.35; Pittsburg
$u3.00 : and at pronortioaate ratf
from other points.
ror tickets, itineraries, and lui
information, apply to ticket agents'
Tourist Agent, 1196 Broad waj
New York; or address Geo. V
Boyd, Assistant Passenger Agouti
Brood Street Station, Philadelpltu
Endorsement of Specr's Wine b;
the Faculty of N. Y.
Tha Committee ol rhrilcians rea nested 4
examine Into the merits el the wines ef aifrsl
8 peer, report these wines strictly pare, no
abla la naor. aalatable aad rich body.
Uno.ftlsoa.of Mow York Board of llealul
saye there ia bo better wine la the world.
J. It. Kreeecr attended a daix
at Sunbury Tuesday night
J. F Wagenseller of Selinagro
was a Middleburg visitor . WetW
Tbe result of the election Tucsm
dayin Solinserove is as follows;
Town council Dr. IT. J. Wagenwllrr
160, W. H. Gemberlinj 137, i
B, Gemberling 1 Y" 151, P. 8
Albert 52, H. J.DooblerllS,Frank
Ulrich 34, Judge of election Ghat'
Botdorf 130, Joaiah Keader 141,
Inspectors J. T. Mo Fall 169, J. &
Miller 99, School directors D. 8'
Sholly 122, George Loog 178, A.
A. Conrad 157, Wra.HoIworUil3.
Overseer of the Poor, D. J. Keller,
161 1 Michael Krataer, 95; Aasc-,
or, yl BolI, 0l J B. O. Itae-Vr"'
fcrrt taac23 c