The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 17, 1898, Image 2

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    "t 1 '
!? ...
Tfc Kri'iMlrrt 'umuIH
T A. s;wm. Hvtlivui iM-mit ami ivleiittHt. ,
"v ii v i .1 id S i(!.T. Tunv Vnt Uom.- I
JltfNiU lniniTi'il Kitulls to Cure Con- I
.Mim'iil 'ii': .ii: l-uiirf '.ruulike.
ViHlill..'1-y II I ! I.ilnr. UKim ' ir
:?,f';;".'., . "m"rM:,..-i T-iMiMubeui-1 fcp-"-!" peculiarity, a jtew ur
tXr. A M'- tiii". ".. "i tifW "k "" leans physician who waa for many
H li s '". ti' ' K I'll"1" "
.'.iT.i .'ji !
(1(1 M .:
i1ll.-r.l- -
tltnviY m'v.
Hif tiif r
,.:w..., kiiK i Ursa huh mi -"' i
t us i .'' "I o ma. RT-h I
v ill ....l I'iiwiiw "iiutioi
il ii.-iant.vH id uny .!Ill''leU rwul-
All- "i
.(In " i i
ii-.v .i-li-MlIH-i
h i.i t . i ur 0
svst:ii il modl-
lllU!""J ll U-
I III! I'l
1 1 r .
i-IiN ihI' not I'M' iii' iinm--
. ..... l. . .1. .II- il.HV lllll Willi II lit
.in.i'ii iiii ri;.' ii i:i:tt'iuj iiiMiim.ito hi in-'
iii- n
-i '
;l tin' ---lii' iili-1 oii:uii.llnn'
.. i . v d iiilii. Ill nn-'
, , i n l'!i- In 111 Alili'llimi ami
ri'itrt' iiiuii-i'iiii-i ut Ui'arili'U.
41:1:1.1: li'" imiti I i iii- iK'tii'lltti'd 1
'.111. il'-. :i
.ljur - ;,. I. '
'imi r-il' il I'.
':il . il...'. n
tl nil Is it llll" tt'ill'l.
I ..l l.-liai ' '.r-Mi-i
li-i l":i'i ! r"in-
iiiuiii' "i . mm i'iii.-oi'iu'i"'" "."'"y I '
-i l n'l I iiri lll'.ll II. I-in i uruij
'i- S"ii"lv Willi' 'i'. A. Mik-iiiii.
ill t -
M. r . r, ..
,i.l i i-ii ii-
Mll I..' . i.iii
-J 1 !
I'l IV
ivmir e.iri"W
;, i'l 111'
".( H' ll
111.' II. III!'
llll' DiK'iiH-
Gold Minims So.
C;i!iii:ll Stork. .-(10,001) Minrcs (I
. Hi.t hi i-:u'
-J'SSiilllc, ut
, tti'.i'.- ii i :;: I nu.i-as-wlticli
-J-".!).!)!!;! Sliarcs'imI f'H- sii!i--criitiiii)-- :t
:irc iih'a
Sly1i -,IAL NOT l OK.
Tin' " . I' in mv "'i'- ''i wl'1' ill1'"' ,H
:li,' i:. ! Mi -I- of A!:i-;;:i tin1 emiiiii; wuimi,
m lu ): ii 't "111115I1 n iily ihiiiii'.v nvailiiiili1
'.l I'lt.ll'K' l'i. -in t.i iln
r.iiill -in !i. vte ..ul! il l vii-e Hie ilvxinil llity
, r..r niiii ii I ' ' syn.lii.iti' of tliH'i- "I1 '"
I,.-,, ii ... ii'i.l j.iinlly i .i .-. luKfUiiK'uiri1 "f nur
I4H1-:. :i:i '. - I -i t - "f ynur iiiiiiiIkt tn Ki Hint
.r.ti. ii.iil niiiii' lnr j.iiut iii'i'iinnt
Wi;!i i iirl..n (uriiiii.K 'U'li ivniliri:ti', tills
I 'imii'miiv v i I ! i-.iiltnut t.i wihI "Ut "i'" ' tl".lf
...lni:., r f.n i i !l ' "I M'mr.-i if ilni'li iurilmw.l
fo'li i ; i -.
-T-M- inn' V";t
; f,.'M-. s
.il tin. i-;- r.'. ii'il'l, ii 1 1-1
t i I n i ii ii i h i '!i i irly tii.Ti!
Irmii III.'' "I ailiivill ut tin
,il ii-.i; linn with f.i'i'1, IihiI". "ml
,'i it to i'ii:ilili' llilll to (inmiH'c t
willi li.-lp t.iili'i'li.i mill u orU nil
oil. I .-Llllil- In
.it.-il t.v liiin-
-tin' I'liiinin tn In
, .nt.ll'" I i I till' llllllltl
i Kiuii Ivki-
oivni'il jo.lil:;.' iiml
if ilii' fyiulii'iite aii'l the
!.l Miiiin-f i'ii., iiml to he
jii.illy, "li:ni- mul Mliare
V'r::o f .irC'fCjlAr
-Full Particulari.
n:i:i.i loll.
.l.inir l: i ' ti- Sri-ri'l iry st:te nt ( oloiiiilo ;
Win. i-'li.nv. i;iiilalit, riiini.i:
V.. M. In -oinli. . Vh-- rieti'lfiit an I (ciierol
M.. in;;, r l"-l-tlll.lll Kl -lit liil!l ll I'n. ;
Ii. c. I iii'i, iiiemiKT M.ititimi Kvi'liniilii-, New
V. ik:
i:,.,i. y, v., ik hi. I'in I.-1 ity, AliU.i ;
I'.lin II. I. i.viIht.'Ni'W Yo:-k ;
i ieori 1'. Iim li'i'. Fall Kiili-r, 'm.
aii I-iiitv noutii.
ilmi I.. Ii. V i! i 'il. -Ll. A"H'i.ite .l iitiii'. I'li-Kt
hi.: . 1. 1 Court Sui.tiri'Vaiiiinlioiii, .Mawi. ;
lion, I i) I' i liniiiiiil. I:iti' l'ri'-iili'iii I 'oin t of
.".il. I iiv.-r. l ol :
. li.l ,..1 -i.i r. late Tri'iirei-l.yiimiiua fiiiin
ty, ti! nii-i(iiirt, l't'iin.
Silllia'l .M. II :ill, I'li-iill'llt rlleoM'l: anil
I'..!. . :m '.- ri-li'.lioni' o , Wii'hintoii, l. t' ;
Hi. I: I. I ..'i -r. I, l.'l Mi.'hin in Ave.. I liiiuKo
III. :
:. I' a
(. i.
U.' W.
I'M 1
iii. r.
"num. iMiolt. Mich. :
.lift. Atl .nn y it I.aiv,
I'nll liivi-i.
, ' ilar l!aiiili
M i-Kiiiu'ht.
i'- :it-l..iv. (ir.uai
i '.H' l.U-
Allliili- I
r on ti.i
.iii.l i
.to.' .1
"Mil V'.rl;
I Iti'. ;unl
ii. -. of I'ii .Vaka-Kl.i:nly!;r Hold
n.ji.i'iy w i ; I I..- to i nn it I in of Iali..
ii' Iliv.-i, ati-1 lrla cm S.-attli'
' - i . nt pari. f Ala-ka, upon Mipply
! ii .1 ITi-r.-iit a-iip, ilo it ui-inTiil
' ."ii, .iiii.ii Ti- .'.i an.! Iiankini; litt
!! ,l i' il ( I' !!. 1 1 I'll I i.i Mi.imii lla.inH,
W.'l M '
May I..
k t if mini-, aiii-.nly own.'il anil that
,..:: r I.i-iU"Miii'. hy the I 'onuiany.
i:iI1V ('''
tilt- I'ulluwill!.
il'n fl'tlt"
1. i'iit i I'li'-'-r I'liini iiiiri'i HiiiM liM
r." n I- .'ii'. lo iili l on l oif .Mile 'Veil
u.l -r I n: i-l -rati' inliiinii i.nv. I i'ti'loimi'iil
ha r.. -I ill" iav 'rv:tK In In- li ve f'" t till, U
ml I. , . ! I .I (ilait-l- iltrt lli'it ian from 9:0
: Ji : u l . . , i. l-'ivi' I i'l ria.'iT ( lal'ii. ll-:n-i:a:.
1 ' V.-n-n iu ' tent . on roriuiiiii'
i.tii-r. I iai from "ii: -uti to f I" to it iali.
T.'i. . ! !! rr I lam... a i;ri-it i' i n-; .' tlaiTi-i
i tin- T.i ... i llivt-r. .anuii'K from ?10 Vt 5'n) it
. Ii;i" ...'.1 .(uart' in Alal-'li, wllii-ll hn
-.'. fr ;l r.i l". i'..-r ton. 'I'll' lo'lu muow
nil .-.- .ii-ouU-ri'l of fri'i- luillliiK oil', Vfill
it! n'lrf.i.- I. vnn '-' f ' tliieU : on thin iro.frty
I. avi' mi ! I . un it. .:.- of IVI I.M-' l.y :J'I feet.
'i.ial.i'w i .'i .."rt-". W-. (loit't t'laiiil that it ii
iir iiiotv' r I- hi. Imi ui'ilo knovv it i uithoiit
..ii ' j'la f"i ro.M'i'ifi' valilt'.
'.'':. -'. ,ii-'-i' ituil Tat'-iii'iit ali-ive are of
i.rii-.ay ii. ' l iii"ii iiif.iruiati.'lt o'raint' I
I -oui nur - 1 1 " i inti'h'li-iit. mul ttre lH-lii'veiJ unit
:,ii"-i:i-il l.y inc lou.paiiy.
Thii i".ni:i:iy havlrur a-inin-il rxlrnnivc
'.ii'i'- of r i It ulai'r an. I i(o l iiart iroM-r-r
, a;i i'.:-of i-arnui lami tiivoli'iiiU on ll-
TiK- .
, to invi'.lor. a lvant't'-it Dial In
i I profit alile n inn.
.r. '' u ' W. Vli.ric ni. our Siipi'rint'iii!ciit.
a.- h rn el ilu: Yukon lor the pit-t trar tvorK ii. tli.' ii-t- r---t of tlitcoiii'iiny 'riiiri:fore.
. ur n : -'iiuu' nuv one o i-oiitril'iito to it
(.roj' t iiniil uiii.'il. t. ut to on llioroilrflily nut
lurwl. 1 ii oinpRiiy. nil lt uilf mil. e.
' I.......I' 'Uu. an. I urrai rnoiiri"". in cvr-
mn ! h'KaiiH- oiu: l tie: rit ic"! iiiianii' o
tai.i.K tfl !ak.
I hip l'r-i'h-iit ta'iM plraiire In rfferrin yu
to thr folh'WiuK Ift of rrfcrcni-e :
.Ihu.' V.. li Villi A Co.. lUnkcru, Isitrolt,
Mi" h : ,
1juji ' '. Tetsnl, t'oiuiiilfnuMifr YVurld's Fair
from Vnin. "The It.Mtkery." t 'liliaifo, 111
.-riuttor 11 M. Tellir. ut nlorml.) :
.lull 11 Hllafrotll
''lontilo :
i:. prrintativB la ('"mcrcM, ;
J. M. Il II.ia-iiprwntatiVrtol'uiiKn-iw.f'olorailoi
i:. '. .'! un lit, Waliiiitori Trul Co. llulMIng-,
YYiwIiiHirtoii, D. '. ;
.tuM-plit'. I t-ltn, 'li-f Jiutir of ('olorado;
frl I'. Mart, f'ltlrf Jullc Of t'olonulo ;
('. H. MoiiKliain. !1TIiiim-1IctiIi1.CIi1co. III.;
Maori Jyf. KI-tro I'lvture, HUr llulMIng,
W'MUiiiKtuii, I. '. ;
Cart J. J- IjmiiIiitI. Owner ami Alitor .1ilf
Uin. Polilo.Oil.:
M.I.. M.IUxiaan.Tiix A-iit M. I. It. It. HI.,
leil, l. ;
iK. K. Oiiwan, tHtnet (V, I'lillwlclplila.
Tin; fiill-jiaiil hUx-k in now oSTertil
Tkv Dollars jmt !iare. fi-ud
ijiir onlifu to the .
im-ima m Mn Co.. -
Ja, aj Braaawar, K Yarfc.
I ! Svarfpla at a Arra Wtt Waa
(iol nri ta Ula of a Dallas.
The wonderful effect of the imagina
tion upon the mind of man baa been
demonstrated repeatedly bj persona
who were willing to experiment.
jnn connected with the Ihantyhos-
ine course oi a conrersaiian wun a nun
"As you know," begun the physicinn.
"I have long taken an interest in gun
shot wounds of the abdomen, and have
followed the treatment of some very
complicated cases. I was in my room
at the hospital one day when an am
bulntice surgeon came to me and said
that ii man Buffering from a gunshot
wound In the abdomen had been
brought In for treatment. Like 90 per
cent, of such cukcs, be was colored, for
the southern negroes, unlike their
northern brethren, imve more fuith in
the pistol than iu the razor, nnd pre
fer to (.hoot up a rival In love or busi- i
nens to the more hiliorious method of ;
carving, no much in vogue north of Ma-1
non nnd Dixon's line. The wounded
man, u big athletic chap of 30, was
Ktretclied upon a couch, and ut the iirst I
glunce his time seemed to have come j
to leave this world, lie was breathing
laboriously, and the ashen stamp of I
lrntli ivnp, iiniuirnnt in hit face, tasked !
j.j,,, where lie htul been wounded, and
he placed his hand upon the left side
of li is abdomen, where the bl"od showed
plainly upon the light material of which
liis clothing was'. He had ull the
symptoms of u man bleeding to death
lis I stripped him for a more critical
examination. !
"When 1 pit a look ttt the wound 1
round it n mere tear of the Mesh, not j
much more than kIuii deep, from which ;
the blood was (lowing ipiite freely. 1 ', that the bullet had been dellectcd ;
by something, and told the negro to
stand up. He groaned violently and as
sured me that it would be the denth of
him to mote, but I finally persuaded
him that he tvas not hurt lit all, nnd
that after u dressii' of collodion had
been applied to the wound he could go
home. It was a study to watch the
man's face as the truth dawned upon
him. Tear gave way to doubt and doubt
to the complete realization of the situ
ation, and lie grinned from ear to car
us he stood up. 1 asUed him to shake
his clothes, nud as he did so the bullet
dropped to the Hour.
"I hod noticed that the man wore a
bullet set in n brass mounting as a searf
pin, nnd as he stood before me I re
marked: " 'You seem to he fond of bullets.
Has thai one in your scarf pin u his
tory?" " 'W-whnt bullet?' lie stammered, as
he felt for his pin nnd with tpi'tvcring
lingers withdrew it from its resting
place. '1 nevnh had no bullet in niah
pin. boss,' he said, in terror, nnd then
I noticed that it wasn't mounted as a
jeweler would do it, btrT sort of wedged
into place, with n lapping of the edges
here atid there.
"I asked the man how many times he been shot, and he said twice. Then
it was all clear to me. One l ull hud
spent itself upon n button, which was
found attached to the bullet on the
floor, and the other had struck tho
strong brass crescent searf pin and had
wedged itself there. That negro cer
tainly wasn't born to be shot to death,
and I know he hasn't been razored yet,
for 1 met him in St. Charles street the
other morning with the unique pin in
his scarf." N. X. Sn :i.
'I' be Whole School Mirlloil tint In
t IllNlltl.
l;ev. George Channing wrote on ac
count of the school of his youth, which
he attended j'ist after the revolution.
Girls and boys attended together the
primary school, and sat on seats made
f round bloe!;s of wood of various
heights, which were furnished by the
parents. Children bowed imd kissed
the teacher's hand on leaving the room.
The teaching of tipclling was peculiar.
It was the last, lesson of the day. The
master gave out n long word, say mul
tiplication, with ti blow of his strap on
the desk as a signal for ull to sturt to
gether, and in chorus the whole class
swelled out the word in syllables. The
teacher's ear was so trained and acute j
that lie nt once detected any misspell-
ing. If this happened, he demanded the
name of the scholar who made the mis- ;
take. If there was any hesitancy or re- f
fusal in acknowledgment he kept the
whole class until, by repeated trials of
long words, uccurncy was obtained.
The roar of the many voices of the large
school, nil pitched in dilTerent keys,
could lie henrd, on summer dsys, for a
long distance. Alice Morse Karlc, in
Spnln it nil tbe Carllut C'nnni.
licfore 1833 Kpuin one of the
great lowers. Iletwecn 1S33 and 1S78
there vre actually 33 rebellions,
1 changes of government nnd coups
! d'etat. Since 1833 Spain has declined in
tbe scale of nations, and now ranks as
little more than n thlni-rnte power. A
: glorious tribute, indeed, to the wisdom
j of interfering with the settled aucces
sion. In order to understand the pres-
cnt condition of hpuiu, wo have only to
read the daily pap:r8.
On the one hand.
in Madrid, we sea a titular sovereign
i struggling ineffectually with nn empty
, treasury to stave off bankruptcy, mak
i ing futile attempts with a discredited
army to subdue his rebellious colonies,
j and relying upon anartinl law to crush
civil anarchy, which, be It remembered,
!) ever the result of bad government.
Incompetent and tyrannical police, and
specially pf corrupt finance and of tax
ation pressing too heavily on the claae
least able to bear IL On tbe other band,
In Venice, we aee the king waiting un
til the moment ahail arrive for blMftO
make hie final essay to save hit conn
try from tbe dlftreaa with which tha
queen regent baa proreaneraeiinnaDie
to eopavJort&ljrhtlr IUfUw.
Rayal aaakaa tka Iaa4 aara.
-mn saw
Abaolvtely Pur
rovai auam rowoc Co., Ntw mm.
Jury List
I.M of Urnuil .hirorn than it for the Court nf
O.'fr nnJ I'f i inin.-r anil (trneritl Jnll il -llverjr
iin-1 Cain t of iii.trter 'utioin of the Y ai-c ol
Siiyilei County, I'a., Iirhl n l-'eh uiry Tm
i'i'iiiiiicc l'i h u ly Htl. lM.
(,ll.M Ji'KUl!!.
Nnaie. tii'-u'ii'ioii.
A lj it, ilolm V i-ariii'iilt'r.
I : I unit tm , Fri :., I'l'iith'in in,
liillhurd . 1' ml, uni.i.' it ,
lloi o .lohli 11, farmer,
(iiayi ill, Irviu, lalmro:',
(il.iMi, llfiir.v H , linn' htii'ir'r,
M al i r." N , l.ihor r,
ri'iiilri'-k", Ca ts. (J hanlivnte
II irtiiiiui, Newton, labor r.
Ilurnhi rjj.'r, ti. 1 farmer,
I. vliiK-t n, Joj. I' , e..r, uu r,
Me si r, I i vi I, miller.
Miller, l.'.'vi, lahon r,
.Mit'l'ru, I'ii. i.i A., tiieri-hau',
11 nil in. It in. II., fa.'tner,
.Murkli y. Jo'.uit him, fitnnur, .
S'inieliu, ilotui, lahorrr,
Shook, .loe;i!i, faruiiT,
-i-h-lliila'-h, llai-v. y, farmer.
Woniiier, Atiiinoii, farnier,
f t Hauie', lalio.-i r.
'Wiiiei, lhirt'ey. lahorer.
tt ihii'T, 1'Hviii tl., frtruii'r,
Wolueiiiuth, A. II., nil ri'li. in',
parrr ji kih:..
Ail. tin-', 'tohii, la'iorer,
!oli, Fieil., inrii' iiler,
lliti-Ko, . 1.i lui'iiu-r,
lliichiniiM, b. ('., teacher,
I'rouM', Ninth, fitrnu'r,
t'harli"1, Henry V., i.itvyer.
bllaklehl'i-Ker. iank. Ml Ml. r.
llr l fe, Itelil'l'il, l;e:ith-lliltn.
liiniui, A, 11., fanner.
Perk, Henry, nu-reiinut,
Duck, II. .1., i-h.t r,
t-ii.'iiluir., (ialiriei, farmer,
l'ett- r, Franklin, f.,ruuT,
(iiitrhart, .lohn A , farmer,
liolt'i!'ile, K. H , teat i:cr,
lillinliii'l. .1. K., I i ln.ror,
lli-rrul l. U in, S.. Iithorcr,
1 1 tint 'in 1, Jerry, faiinor,
llerrol 1, 'lohu 11., lahon r,
Ili'iulriekH, l.eliry, farmer,
lloiitz, .lohu. i-i;;ariiiaker,
KIohi', t'riah, farmer,
Klo-n, Win J., s.itl lie",
Keller, Hin, ,M., i-oiifcetioncr.
Moyer, M. II., lahorer.
Mitrtiu. Thoitia, :t' orer.
'iiucvall, I'.iulel, farmer,
Moyer, Harvey, fanner,
Nitpp, W. VV,, nil-reliant,
Xewiiian, John, r-r., furnu:!',
Ilplienheini' i. o'o i on, nieri.!;iii
I'oiitiu, Henry, t. a.'h--rt
lleaiieh, l:. ., 1 in. i 'i,
lioimil, Na'.hau, la'iol-.-l',
lie elit'iili.ti'ti, I htii ji-l, faruier,
lieil", Irvill, la'- orer,
tatl'.v, ilohu ll., fariuei-,
lprim;le, S., farm r,
Mahl, Peter Jr., liii'orer.
Smith, I mile, tt rii'.her,
Siaiu;ler. .1. It., lah-ir- r,
SelliH-ll, tn'o. !., farmer,
Knook, Vtilliitui, la Mirer,
shitnnoii, lohu, plaHlerer,
lh'-i.l.'IlC .
C nt re
Ml M'eb'irit
Went l i'i ry
Fr iiiM.n
I llioll
Moil rue
MVst I' rry
Allan. h
S ritiK
We t lleaver
I'l ink In
We.t I', rry
tVi-Ht lleaver
Si llnrrove
'eui re
V liap'iiiiii
Wit' h nifton
. Heaver
et I'errv
Cell' re
'1 npiuiin
, e'i'i-ijri''i'
UH'iiii ,tnn
1 nt. I: l.n
1 ii'nn
t et J erry
Spr n :
I runkliii
Walter, tieor-'e, mui of Jitvoli Wiillt-r,
f inner.
Wolf, Ucorife 11., lahorer,
Willi. -r, Inaae, i-lerk,
.i.vler, Jaini-!, farmi-r,
Frank (in
I llillll
rieip:,i eau he C'lreil by Captitiii
lUitaillllliiOJ Hull ll.'iii.'.ly. iwil..,-!,,!
letvipt of HiN utiver failing reiueilv for only
one iliiiie. ail lre-ii It. rilA'I.KIi, Mux HI. Oranl,
.N. Y. l-7-2ni.
WAN rUD-'teli thlo m ill tn t:t-k up -t'lvertii
inf i;ii: 31J..V) tvekly; ivurl:
n'll'l Me f.n, H-tmlle, ete. Vlll. l'i
MKHH'INh CO.. aiii Nortii I'ulura.l.i ntruet,
Thilailelphi.t. Tit. i-'eh. J-iin.
Ccmrt FraslamatiaiL
VHKKKAS i hfs It. in. H:i nil.l M. WeClnre
I'reiiliiuni JuiIkb ul the Juuieial lllsiriet,
rolnpu.-i'il of Hie eiiuntien ol S'lt'iler, ,tni
I nliiii ami Jermnlali Urnu'ii Slid '.. T. (Ii-ui-herllntr.
Ki)... A.i'H'lHtB .luilrii In ami lorSny
iler eouiity. have lHtieil Iholr pieeciit, hearlim
hue llin lslh ility oi.lan. A.M., l'.n, tome
llii'teil lor the li.ilillinc nl m I irilum.-i t.'ourt., a
court ul Cuiniiuin I'lem, ciui t ill Oyer nn'l Ter.
miner mi 1 1 J-nneral 'u:irt olHu irtur SuHilun.t nl
iiieTmiec, at Mlihllnliurxn, Inr Inu cuuiitr ul
Snyiler. mi the Itli .Mo i.l iy, (iMlur Dig t:i
tiny ul Ker lh'is. . ami tu ennilnuu ono wuoK.
Notice In ttiurefui-e hiiruuv teivuu to ilm Curuii.
er, .litiil lees ol tin: Teai'e anil Oiiut:tlii: I.i still
Inrthu enuiity ul Snyilur. t.i npiiiutr In their
iniior mron with their roll, rui'orili, liuiulMi'
tluu. etauiliiulion anil othur reiiieinhraiu'tiii
to ilu ttiom' tlilun-i whleh ul llnilr ortieo- uu. I in
their IibIiiiII partaln tu he ilune aiol wltnenimii
itml purnon pmHH'Utiii'4 In tiehull of the Cum
tiiunweiiiin AtcainKi nut iierrHinur lierflunn nre re-
iUlrcil to he tliuu huiI thore atteiullu Bil l ilo
imrniiK nil liuill lunre ti llicir liorll. .lumicef
am reiiieteil tn he punctual In their attn'uluiioe
at the HiKiiiueii lime if ree.iiny to nolii-e.
iiiveu iiiiiier iny nano ii" "'ai inu ciienira
ofll'-B In Mlihllel uridt, the isth ility ul Jan.
A. It one tUnusanu eiirht liuinlriil nnl ninety
eiKht T. K. K1TTKK, Shorlrt.
Slicrifl'8 Sale of
Mv virtue nf certain write of Hi. I'a. IimuciI
nut of the Court uf Common Tlae of Hnyder Co ,
Pa., ami ID me iliraileil 1 will rxpnte to Iiuhlle
mtle nt the Court Monte tu MhtitlenurR'. Ta.,
on Fill DAY' the i-Mh day of Kehruary. I-I, at
one o'cluck T. M., the fnllowiiiit dowriboil real
r.tate towll: Tract No. 1 In Hprlnir Tnwnliii,
llounih'il hy land of W, IT hline, tract Nm.'J
and T. It. Knepp, C. (Ireeulioe, Andrew
l lnhand J.O. Moyer, eontalninK llilacreaninre
or le ;on whli-a are a DWI-.l.l.I.Nli MOU8K.
HAItN and other oulhulhllnKi.
Tract No. 2 hounileil by land of J. W. KllllK
ler. A. I'ardne, T. K- Hefirle and trocta Not. I
and 3, Willi the appurtenance, euutultilng- SB
acre, mure or lew
Tract No- S bounded by land of tract No 1
audi, J- W.KIinaier, !' H. ltelifleand 1'. II.
Knepl't .Containing 110 acre more or lew on
wblchlr erectwla bWTLLI.SU UOUr)R,UAIL
and o1irr outbuilding
HeMd, taken Into execution and to lie sold a
the iirierty of Joaepb Woador.
Kheiir Ofllca, Mlddlebiirg , T, Feb-1, MM.'
JTMaatoeM and Wtmmlfi cured by Dr.
latantatlwaaJ ' Laaaaa far rebrary
M. INHm Tla seal Fart a
Matt. 10r15. , ; . ' P
- (Arranced froai Fvloubet'a Hotea.J
QOLDIC.N TEXTVFrealy )re havt r
celved. freely Hva-atatU 10 X
THE SECTION Includes the chapter, the
tnatruotlona to His disciples as lie sand
them out to work for the salvation ot
TIME Autumn of A. D tl tod erfntarof
P and 19.
PLACE. Soma village or town to Call,
lee. Tha exact place is unknown.
L Tbe Choeea Workers. Va. -5. Tbe
13 anoatlea were choaen just before tbe
Sermon on the Mount; but their name
are given here because they have ao
grown under the instruction and com
panionship of Jesus that tbey are pre
pared for a new and higher stage of
training, i "Apostle" means "one sent
forth," on a mission, "a mcwienger. .
I. "Simon . .. . called Peter" the
rock, "and Andrew," were brothers, and
among the first five disciples of Jesus
(John 1:33-45.) "James . . , and John",
were also brothers, and named by Jesus,
Itoanerges, sons of thunder, probably
describing their fiery, vehement tem
perament. Yet John so controlled this
temperament that he was "the disciple
w hom Jefltis loved." and had thedeepest
insight into Jesuit' heurt. These first
four called were fishermen.
3. "lUirtholoniew" is undoubtedly the
Xathnnael of John 1:45. "James" is
the modernized form of Jacob. "I.eb
letis" is the Mme aa "TlincUleus." a nd as
Judna (Judo) the son of Jamrs (15. V.).
In Luke fi:1(5.
4. "Simon the Onnnnnlte" i-.irnnn not
:if Cnnnnn. for of Cara, lit: t t lie Zenlot.
u ii.:'.'. tif fanatic nationalists nniong
tlif ilew'H, lenders of the natiunr.l revolt
against t lie foreign yoke. "Judas Is
euriot." I. e.. man of Kerloth, n town of
Judah. Hence he was the only one of
the disciples who was not a Galilean.
11. Their Endowment with Power.
Vs. 1-5. We learn that .Torus, before He
sent out His disciples to work, endowed
them with power and authority '(com
pare I,ti ke B: 1 ) over unclean spirits, nnd
over diRense. Thnt is. He both qualified
them and authorized tliein.
3. 5. "These 12 Jesus sent forth:"
lie had been training them in the work
by taking them with Him on two previ
ous tours through Galilee.
III. Their First Field of Work. Vs.
5, 0. "Go not into the way of the Gen
tiles:" The time had not come for es
lahlisliing missions to the Gentiles. It
came afterwards. And into any city of
the Samaritans enter ye not. They
could puss through Ramariii to Judea.
but were not to stop and prench.
6. "To tbe lost sheep of the house of
Israel:" Thoi-e belonging to the flock
of God, and trained and prepared for
many generations. They were lost,
helpless, in danger, but thev wore shnep.
IV. Their Methods of Working. Vs.
7-15. First. I3y Treadling. 7. "1'reoch:"
proclaim, herald "saying, The kingdom
of Heaven Is at hand:" The King had
ccme; He brought with Him the laws
nnd principles of the kingdom.
Second. Hy Works of Mercy. 8. "neal
thesick:" elc. Otiily by the visible help
for the body that costs U3 something
is it Kssible to prove that our.efforts
for men's souls ore sincere. Kvery
miracle was an object- lesson and a
parable. "Freely ye have received:"
Ji'bus had charged nothing for wuat
He bud done. lie had come from Heaven
freely. He gave His life freely. He
brought salvation to the disciples free
ly. "Freely give:" of that which cost
you nothing.
Third, l.y Going as They Were, in
their orditiary dress, as coniinou ilnive.l
elers, and mot in peculiar prophet garb,
or with any kind of ostentation, but
trusting God for necessary support.
0. "Provide neither gold:" nor even
"brass:" or rather copper, of which
their smallest coins were made.
10. "Scrip:" A wallet or email bog,
generally made of leather, nud slung,
like a satchel, over the shoulder, to hold
the flat barley cakes, the olives and
llgs, which form the simple conimis
sariatof an eastern pedestrian. "Neither
two coats:" Without change of gar
ments such as would be necessary on a
long journey, or in strange countries.
"Neither shoes:" It does not My "san
dals," which were absolutely necessary
for the protection of the feet in rocky
or stouy pathB. Probably, therefore,
the prohibition is directed agninstshow
or luxury. "Nor yet staves." or a staff.
They were to getnotliingfor their jour
ney but what they had. T.ut if they
were used to a staff they could take it
(Mark). "For Hie workman is worthy
of bis meat," I. e., food, enough to cnt.
They were to go forth and let the people
for whom they labor support them.
Fourth. Instructions for Their Ar
rival at a Place for Work. II. "Into
w'hatsover city inquire:" 15.
V., Search out, Do not go in a hap
hazard way, which may lead you into
trouble, "Who in it is worthy:" A
man of piety and patriotism, who is
willing to work in an unpopular cause
for the sake of the people, and whose
reputation will moke the work at
tractive. "There abide:" Luke adds,
"go not from house to house."
12. "Salute it:" Saying, Peace be
unto you, the usual salutation at this
13. "And' If the house be worthy, let
your pence come upon It:" Their very
presence would be a benediction and
blessing to all who were of open heart.
"But If It be not worthy, let your peace
return to you:" That is, It wlH be as If
the words bad not been spoken.
- Flare and Thlatlea.
A good man la a man who knows bow
bad he Is,
From tbe windows of home we may
behold the heavenly city.
The man who has truth for his friend
will be helped of God. ; '
It Is as necessary to cut down tbe
weeds as It Is to hoe the corn. ;
i One ot the best offices of education
Is to teach us how to teach ourselves. ,
Giving an inspiration to another is
Ilka flUlng a lamp with oil, soma time
tha UftitwHl brig-fa tan a dark corner
nam's Horn.
: - enriD
e tm iii f i i .
sW 16 All Colon b Cmt-mf J
Tri-Ennial Valuation of
J"TTeMT1,t'ralaao, rwl "n4 P'el 'property taat.e fo,
lloree anil
Kenl fcstato mulea over
' 4 yeart olJ
. inn. : 5,
, . ".D.ilm
'-'1.311 .-.Kill)
'."!'.T-. .tltl
1 I 2'-1 l.s.111
, 2.' '. '"I ti llll
'-".''."i 7:a
ll.ivi 2.:l.i
l'vU .t.-lirt
li'll.'U' ,7iil
'J.77 4,7iM
1711,1 I'l .1.153
"tHii 2,271
27-,-lii7 5, US
1 -,'ili'. ti.ui:i
1 1, HI"," 13 '.W.2W
lli nviT 'A'et
i Ii Mm'itii
i. Iill. I, urn
v I.I.I l.ert'flc
I'crry Wr'
l'i. Imi
Tut ill
Nolice Im licri'hy kH'oii! Unit we the iuivrMHneil C.iiiiniaHloncre will' uttcnit anil sit a i,
iMinrii oi rerieion ot vnlimtloii- In our oltlee for
ditve or UH nutnv tlavii as ura lu,i,'Bi.rv r.ip iIim
' ' -
oi mo nuove v.-liii:illn- oi uie uoi or Correctlmm of tliu Uommliitloiiers, have been mail,
Ix'low a Jut into aeoonHim v. Hi" iiiti-iitiinil mrniilitjc of tlio ui't, of July 27U1,, and ton
'liu-e, ritixe aii'l uqunllxc til ) n-iriie nciirUinn to litw.
The ComnilMioiK-rii will attend fln l hour the ilUtriuH of Adam,, jieitver Heaver Wct
('.atif, hprlnir and JiK'ki.on on TlmrHllay, Tllnroii Kith; Monro, I'enn, gelii,rove. Union
MMUIoereek and Chipinitii on Friday, Maroh lltli; I'crry, 1'tr'y We .t, WaslilnKlon, Widdl,
liurn and Franklin on Saturday, Mitrli 121 '1, I '.!.
A I tent
J. W. btVAUrz, Clerk.
Ko i''il of I'atrnte.
"I sec he has been granted. patents of
"Indeed? I didn't suppose tbere was
any clatipror of his nobility being1 Imi-
tatcd."-X. Y. World.
A Stunner.
Mothor Johnny, you shouldn't do
that; It's wron? to bolt your food.
Johnny Then why do you lock the
jam up. run? X. Y. Kvenlng Journal,
Anxloim to Know.
Willis This clnr I cm fcmoking: is
Ihe first out of a box my wife p-ave me.
Wallnct- What are you poin to do
with the rest of them? Harlem Life.
A Mercer county (Pa.) farmer, caught
200 rats in. his granary rcce'ntly, and
when he went iu. with a, club to kill
them the rodients overpowered him. He
was taken out unconscious nnd baddy
bitten. It Is risky business to tackle
2()0 cornered rals, when one alone will
sometimes turn ou a man.
A St. I.ouis man returned a marriage
license he obtained a few weeks ago,
with this notation on the back: "1 am
too poor to get murried; will try again
later on." His liancee, who confesses
to 39 years, ays four dollars is suffi
cient money with wlhieh to get married,
but he insists that $150 is necessary.
Some Oeorgla Judges have their odd
ways. For Instance, a prisoner recent
ly attempted to escape from the court
roam, and the judge pulled his gun
from Oils h!p pocket and shot him dead;
and a jury tried and acquitted him.
Every mother
feels an i n d e -scribable
of the pain and
danger attend
ant upon the
most critical pe
riod of her life.
Becoming a
mother should be
a source of joy
to all, but the
suffering and
danger of the ordeal make
its anticipation one of misery.
is the remedy which relieves
women of the great pain and suf
fering incident to maternity; this
hour which is dreaded as woman's
severest trial is not only made
painless, but all the danger is re
moved by its use. Those who use
this remedy are no longer de
spondent or gloomy! nervousness
nausea and other distressing con
ditions are avoided, the system is
made ready for the coming event,
and the serious accidents so com
mon to the critical hour are
obviated by the Use of Mother's
Friend. is a blessing (o woman.
91.00 FEB BOTTLE at all Draff Stores,
. . or peat by mail on receipt of prioe.
BOOKS Containing Invaluable information of
Voce "ntre,t to all woman, will be sent
rntC to any add rets, upon application, by
Daat Toaam spit ass lawk Iw -
- To quit tobecoo easily and fa --:
tie, full ol life, nerve and vigoi .
Bae, the wonderworker, that m il m v
tronj, AU draf gists, Mo or II. ( : ;
teed. Dooklel aad sample ftX
StsTltsc Itemedr Ce., Ohisaco er New Yore,
The Geanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses. S
watta, wotton or Wool. ,
n..:4. . . . j
Snyder County for 1398.
Irwin, an. I
prufcii one,
J ' S,OT
I l,.VS
17,.;. 5
. 7,SL11
1 1, I ii
ll ;
l "',.ri
Valueeof !!
pniH rlv tan
ante uircouii
ty iiirpt'
4 .17i
ni i.iii?
, .V.').' w
1 '.111,1171
M.7W $jsg,ivi
tlie follimln districts on the tvitliin name
n it.. , . . . ...
... niiuuy neiermiiiiiiir wni'llii'r am
Naac Si'i.Tr. -Cointn
l'UAltK llKliUAN, )
Look at yourself wheu you 1
clothing ut my Htorf. I kci p in ht'ick Hit ami tii,
Hug of Ilniri am:! f inite' drill.;,
I Funiirl'ini.r Gondii, TJihUtwi iir i
j Caps. Call to n(?o my rdock.
i tf; (1. MIVS CBOi'HERfiOSD STl-
. bUXBUKT, - - 1'K.NSA.
i,; 4',--' Jf :
in latlics' shoes is i ileasa
voyage uitiot, Fortlio pie:
ure it, gives, there's no k
like our sale. Crowds s
enjoying it, and securing '
prettiest, coolest and best I
ting Summer shoes now in:
ufacturcd, at prices vh'
buyeis tind it a pleasure
pay. For house or stn
Wear, pleasure or every-i!
practical purposes, "walkii
viding, or driving, wo supi
the ideal shoes demanded
fashion and tbe dictates
individual taste. Ladit
whoever claims yoar ban
by all means surrender y
leot to these shoes.
ia nome wiiii fliv rim uin. wnnl 1
' how I diil II, and well, no matter,
wl n.l . 1. - ll ,J. I l . .. ..
Adilreai Uahvsy B&hnw. Heeanntvillo, f
DO fan avar SMeraMf, ihtff twqjci
far ytar mud. et t , tl ycx
torn or to mifir If to, unlit, tn il
for our uMiialt prict-Hsf mi ftrtiiA
Wifumlik tnt vWs ntiwm.
sminivnn l hh wv
orrnoif. Mionw
A mi
hk ), li-; '
'mv fi ,'if
Look! Look';
"-T"' '
. . I'-')
r t. -aV' I. ' a-" A 1 "4 .'" L