The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 10, 1898, Image 2

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A Lasoky Bttewan.
A eorioua story vrsa told In Wathtaf '
ton tire otherdaj about tbe late Senator
Senna, of Weat Virginia, whose statue
la to be placed in tho capitoL Wires he
first came to congTean a Mrs. n,
vrlio IItmI in the tame boarding house,
lim to buy a ticket in a
;hurch fair for a oooking
I complete kitchen outfit,
hroed out to be the lucky
ype and he eent the goods to his home,
in West Virginia. While he wae ar
ranging for their shipment at the rail
way station be waa introduced to the
young lady who afterward became hi
wife, and Jocularly Invited her to be
come his cook. She replied that aha
would bo Tery glad to do so. The next
winter Mrs. Eearon sold Mr. Kerma
ticket in another fair given by the same
church. This time the prise was a plain
gold ring, and again he was successful. ,
He put the ring carefully away until 1
it was needed at his wedding a few
months later, and it so happened that
his bride was the first person to use the
cook store. Mrs. - Kenna Is now post
mistress at Charleston, W. Va,, and the
legislature of that state has decided
that its representative in the gallery
of statues of statesmen at the capital '
nhall be the man who won hist wedding
ring1 and his kitchen furniture at a
V singular sad remarkable fact was
brought out at the seventy-first annual
meeting of the Baltimore fc Ohio Rail
road company, and that is there have
been only ten presidents of the com
pany in 71 years, as follows: Philip E.
Thomas, Louis McLane, Thomas Swan,
William Q. Ilarrison, Cbauncey Brooks,
John W. Garrett, Robert Garrett, Sam
uel Spencer, Charles F. Mayer and John
K. Cowen. The line was put in opera
tion to Harper's Ferry fn 1934, was built
to Winchester, Va., in 1830 and to Stras
bnrg In 1870. Westward it went to
Cumberland In November, 1841, and on
to Wheeling, W. Va., by January 1, 1851.
The Parkerabnrg branch from Grafton
ro Paxkeraburg was opened May 1, 1847.
ri is the only great railroad company
1 l-.a t Is being operated under its original
name and charter.
The patent office Is continual bene
ficiary from the bicycle erase. Every
tiny a patent is tsken out for a new kind
if bicycle or an improvement on an old
one. Moat of tbem are utterly Imprac
ticable and are never seen outside the
home of the inventor. It ia evident that
many of these inventors are ignorant of
the laws of mechanics, and their de
vices to "increase the power" by cranks,
-levers, cogs and other Jimcracks are
kiugbable. The notion that a man can
put a certain amount of power into a
bicycle and get four times that power
- out of the machine Is opposed to all
oljuiwlaftga based upon experiment,
-iisjssww'jwile who harbor this delu-
m ofco' time and money in nse
to achieve, the Impossible.
Meflt of a conductor who
1 an accident which en-
y .
earning ability, the Con
solidated Electric Railway company, of
frunta Barbara, Cal., gave the gross re
ceipts of its lines for one day while be
was in the hospital. His case appealed
to his fellow workmen and the pubiio,
as he had been a faithful employe and
tma the sole support of his mother.
The other employes of the company on
the same day gave their day's earnings
to him, and patrons of the road had con
ductors ring up sums ranging as high
as $20. The car receipts amounted to
V man in Norway, Me., to whom a
small debt is owed has taken a novel
way to collect it. After blowing a
debtor up on the street In the presence
of passers-by and street loafers he ac
costs him whenever he sees him. If
the debtor notices him he credits htm
with so many cents for recognition. If
he doesn't notice him at all it is one
cent credit. After each meeting the
creditor sends in a new bill with the
proper credlla.
Speaking of alimony, an odd sort of
cage is reported from Arkansas City,
where a man ia paying $3,000 to his di
vorced wife nt the rate of $50 a month.
After procuring this divorce he mar
ried a rich woman, who, however, in
nists on bandllngherown money. Once
every month she goes around to the di
vorced wife and pays the $50 on her bus
band's account. The relations between
tbe two women are amicable.
Physiologists are unable to explain
Jiow people falling from heights some
times escape Injury. A servant girl at
Mount Vernon, N. V., dropped from a
window 00 feet high, got up and walked
back into the house. Her mistress no
ticed mud on her dress and asked if ahe
was hurt. "No," was the reply, "only a
little shook."
According to the latest report there
ure in every New England town persona
who are planning to go to the Klondike
region next spring. And they all ex
pect to find enough gold to make them
millionaires. But the name of those
who will return empty-handed will be
New Enplond town are quarreling
rboi" ' nffrt trolley ride. That be
te. It. L, and Nashua, N.
. .is supposed to be in the
. ii paper ha discovered
nous route that covers
. i ere I a good ride for a
Haw Dea-elo Tfceaa lata WM
Thar ! JSe. -. . ,
The heifer 1 the soother of the dairy
cow, and the heifer will bo what her an
tecedents and your care make her. It is
too lat to look after the antecedents of
the calves already born, but not too lata
to keep them in a growing condition,
and growing Into what they ought to
be. If designed for beef, aays a writer
In New York Produce Review, feed
freely with corn; if designed for the
dairy, oat are a most excellent food.
They will not be so fat as they would
if fed on corn, but fatness is not what la
desired in a dairy animal. On the con
trary, it la something to ateer dear
of. If you teaeh the heifer to fatten
ahe will not depart from tbe habit when
she is a cow. It you want her to excel
at tbe pail give her food that la rich
in muscle-making elements rather than
a fattening food. Skim milk ia good
for a dairy heifer up to several months
of age, and when ahe is weaned from
milk oat will aerve an excellent pur
pose. In truth, oats should be fed be
fore the dietof skim milk is withdrawn.
It ia far from impossible to ruin a heifer
so far as milk production goes by feed
ing too much rich food, and it is possi
ble to hurt her seriously by withhold
ing a sufficiency of food. Of the two
evils too much food is worse than too
little, but it Is less liable to occur, for
where one ia Injured by too much food,
probably 100 are injured by too little,
and it is a safe guess to make that at
least half of the heifer calves are fed
too much like steers for them ever to
make the best kind of cows. Choose
corn and timothy hay for the steers,
and oat and clover bay for the heifers.
In feeding hay, early cut hay for heifers
and later cut for steers is in the right
Only Aboat Taa Per Cast, of Tfcoee
Attack Ara Saved.
Scouring In calves gives trouble on
all, and sometime causes very serious
loss on some farms. It la an Infectioua
dysentery in young animals, and fre
quently less than ten per cent, of those
attacked are saved. The more general
trouble I known as white scours or gas
troenteritis, nd most farmers have a
private remedy for it. A great thing ia
to prevent scour If possible by tbe care
ful changing of food and attention to
diet generally. On looking through the
oow houses on a large Danish dairy
farm recently I noticed that in the
trough In tbe calf pen there were
always two lump for the animal to
lick. One was tbe customary piece of
rock salt and the other a piece of chalk.
To an Inquiry, the learned professor
who bad ths farm under bis direction
replied that it was to keep the calve
from becoming sour in the stomach.
He added that rock aalt and chalk were
easily accessible, and the calve were
never or rarely troubled with the com
plaint which is so prevalent on Ameri
can farm.. In all probability It may
be an old-faahloned precaution, known
to many people, as prepared chalk is
a constituent of ww jmnviAiisa Atv
diarrhea and scouring, but it ia not
generally followed. It is easy of trial,
and those who put it to a test would do
well to relate their experience, favor
able or otherwise, a the case may be,
for the benefit of others. Homestead.
It Will Hot Rplll Its Caataata Kvaa
Wtts Upset.
Her k the picture of a can that ha
been highly praised as a hot-weather
milk receptacle. It is closed tight and
capped over at th top, ao that it will
not spill tbe fluid, even if upset
Tbe picture shows a section of the in
side. The tightly covered fuhnel-ahaped
receptacle projecting down into the can
contalnsenough loeor ice water to keep
cool at the same time thetit prevent the
milk from being shaken and churned
about so much as it otherwise would be,
thus causing it to keep sweet longer.
The can is shown closed at the top In the
Illustration. Son Francisco Chronicle.
Water from a long unused well is not
fit for the cow.
Milk quickly and thoroughly. Quick
milking is the thing.
Watch the milk to see that it is nat
ural. If unnatural do not mix It with
other milk.
Droppings should be removed several
times a day if the cows are kept stabled
all the time.
Land plaster is one of the very best
things for absorbing moisture and
odors In the stable.
Tbe oleomargarine business has had
a serious setback, but the bogus lard
business still goes on.
Sand will make a very good absorbent
In the stable, the only objection being
that it will get into the hair.
- It Is always well to milk a stream or
two on the ground to carry away any
dirt that may be at the craflce.
Cold milk absorbs odors very readily,
but cold or warm It should never be
brought In contact with odors. West
ern Plowman.
"Run an scrub yer face, Willie.'
"Wot fer?"
"I think Til let yer kiss me.--JournaL
Tommy (who has Just been whipped
by his mother) to his Sister I toll yen
what It Is, th man that Barries' Jtra
will have a nice mother-in-law Flfe
ffend Blaetter.
Attorney What proof have yo fbat
Mr. Ootroz waa inana when no and
this will?
Wltneas Just before be signed it, be
dipped hi pen Into the) mrjcilatr bottle
by mistake, and instead of swaarhif hs
merely laughed and called for anottsar
penv-N. Y. World.
v Professor Grammar School And
your son, I hear Is attending college T
; Mrs, 8truckle Tea, he's gone to one
of them pyrotechnic institutes, and we
Vna he'll soon extinguish himself,
that are not very robust need
warmine, buildine and f at-formlne
food somcthingf to be used for two
or three months in the fall that
they may not suffer from cold
of Cod-Over Oil with Hypophos-
phites ot Lime and Soda supplies
.exactly what they want. They
'will thrive, grow strong and be
well all winter on this splendid food
tonic Nearly all of them become
very fond of it For adults who
are not very strong-, a
course of treatment with
the Emulsion for a couple
of months in the fall will
put them through the
winter in tirstlass con
dition. Ask your doctor
about this.
Bt aura yon get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Set that the
aw ana Bin are on int wrapper
- AD druggist! 1 50c and f 1.00.
SCOTT ft BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
Report of Receipts $uid Cxpenditares of Snyder County for
. the year ending Dec. 31, 1897.
TABULAR STATEMENT showing amount of county and atato tax as
sessed, eullvcted, returned, eoiniulasiou, exonerations and abat
went allowed and outstanding, for the year 1807.
I 1
Bearer West
Perry West
Spring ' '
I tilou
la. Jliildlmwarui
l-uac BuUHh
lMiU II llaeIDgr,
Jinepn Kerr
Win, U. SueUey
M J Courtney
tutuuu Olilt
O M Muu
Jncob Row
Tnomus Hs
C L Umiilwrilng
Nelaon Mewgei
Jarob Fulls
Robert wnltli
Jacob U siabl
Wm 11 RoueU
Mil TS
47 M
16 JO a
S35 61
int as
it as
Total tlWWB
"'TABULAR STATEMENT showing collections made, exonoratijns allowed
Baud outstanding taxes for 1890 and previous year.
niSTHICTH. I OtiLLBCTUHH. Yaar Jan. l,lg4. .. tloai. Ina.
Uuion : Jutiu H, HouKr i4 , sa 17 117
Bearar Went ! Wm. (. tsuilth 1V0 44 11 44 11
Beaver West: Wm.U. 8mlth lttut 444 W 844 88
I Adams : Jas MIOdlrRW'Ul 18U4 ft 41 M 8 J 87
Bfaver W. JP llommel 1HW sal 11 tia 48 T t
i Cuopuaii , W II Hkellay 18V4 70 44 MM e 61
Franklin lalab Howrraos 1M 1U 80 185 m
; Middlecreek Paul iluinuiel 1843 T 10 70 14 4 IT
Ponn : C L Oeniberllng 18U6 i7 1 W 84 41
' ! Helinsgrova A J Urn? 18V6 W 44 V0 4S
'IMInK llenryUcws 18U6 144 U t. l M 1161
Union A W Aucker I8W4 'AM 10 INK 41 1 44
Wannington j J oundrum 18v4 18 71 18 1
.. Adauii Jaa Mlddleaw'tb 18V4 144 IS HS 8J 4 m 17 62
Beaver Iiutac MoUhU 18V8 178 44 1MW 14 87
Beaver West Jn.iS llotumel lav 849 OA 4 18 it 87
Uleiura JowpuKrr 1884 144 IS IM 60 6 81
Chapman W It Suelloy 18v mo to 184 80 el 40
franklin lHalab Bowernox 1V4 lin 74 nil 42 ' 84
' I Jackwiu Solomon Kline lv4 62 80 61 II m
i 1 Mlddleburrth C118lelnlnsr IK 61 61 47 41 440
. Middlecreek Paul Hummel 14M 64 04 40 to 14 cs
, Monroe B ' Hummel in 115 6 Tit uo to 8
' Penn C L;Of mtwrllng 1844 W4 44 163 T 10 11 46
Perry J A Hroalus 18V4 . 61 Si 84 00 14 81
Parry Wen Jaeob KolU 16V4 46 66 44 w 1 67
Sellnsgrove A J Uroaa 18US 44 84 6 00 40 84
Hvrlng Henry Qohs 18V 111 V8 114 Tl no 67
Union A W Aueker - m 140 74 164 44 Ut 80
WasblDgton J J ttundrum lav MS II is 84 1 so
I4SII 74 14081 U 1W 44 $51284
Receipts and Expenditures.
Prothonotary's Office.
J. C. Bchoeh Psea for 1M 616 IS
Certifying Judgment!
forlRM 86 50
O. W. wacenaeller, bUnka 87 IS
A. II. Aurand, " B AO
WaVTunla, "
Wm. K Murphy, blank books 18 00
Aaron 8 telle, lumbar 92
Hun Prlnnn Co., blank books 16 00
ii B. UppinooM Co., atatloncry 81 45
A, J. t-raaegraw, repairins ufflca 43 07
J. A. Snyder, printing; 711
J. A. L Urn bard, blanka U 50
W. O. Joneton Co., docket, ate.. 11 10
. C. Be booh, re-enveloping ,eu4 n, w
Register and ltecorder's Office.
O. M. Bhlndel, certifying mortgagee
for DM 54 55
O. W. WagenaaUar, blanka 1 50
J. A. Lumbard, " 200
W. P. liurpby A Bon, dockets 40 75-W 80
CoramiHsioners' Office.
O. W. Wagtnaeller, blanks
B. B. Willis Bon, courier, 1 yr.
J. A. Bnvdar. Item. 1 r. and
blanks 00
A. M. Aurand. blanka . 600
J. W. Kunklo, poatage stamp and
cards 7
O. B. Uaaainger, poatage tarn pa and
cards 881
Ml Hol(f .'rintlhg Co.. .aMfainery
' and l.lank booka " 0rt
Wary J. Hunk, etotlonory 7 50
Hun Printing i, - a w
J. B, UppinooM A Co., stationery 16 04
Wm.Mann. " 3885
Smith Printing Or. H 4 It)
Wm. Ureeea, 78 days' servioe aa
com. at S.OU wm
Wm. Bieeee, traveling
aspenaea . 25.80-28100
P bares Herman. 74 days' ear-
viea aa Com. at 4.00 aw.uu
Pharea Herman, traveling
eipenae 28.10-285 10 I
laaae BpotU, T4 daya service
aa Com. at m 00
Isaac Bpotts, trarellng
eiuenaea 8550-296 00
J. W. Hwarta, Commlaaioncra'
tiers w
M. I. Potter, Commlaaionert' ......
Attorney uo-i.w i
Sherift's Office.
Alfred Specht, Sheriff Report to
Public Charity 1000
Qeo. W. Wagenaeller, blanks 11 75
u. K. Klegei leee vommweann
vt J no. lloyer, 1 35
Uriah Boney ct. al fees Common
wealth va Bteward Boney 8 70
W.H.Beaver, mda 2 40
W, K. Murphy C Hon, docket 8 00
A. M. Aurand. blanka 8 00
F. B. Hitter, aherift aervlng Jury
notlora and drawing aama in to
P. 8. Hitter tees in 18 common-
wealtn caaea s no
P. a Hitter 8 reports to public
charity . MOO
P. 8 Hitter adv. elections, de
livering priaonera, aummona, 07 w
314 IB
Deduct from ami. for coal Sold 12 uO
Balance zvt is iff w
District Attorney's Office.
J. M. Baker, Diatrict Attorney
feca in Commwealtn caaea 00 w-00 uu
February Term,
Minna jurors
Petit Jurors
fonstable'a Barturna
Tipstaves and Dryer
244 57
til 50
50 00
Cases of II. P.
Alleman and Commonwealth
ts Tramp .
' Hummel vs
103 25-408 07
0810 ,
58 40
Jnne Term,
(irand Jurors
Petit Jurors
Pnnstablea' Roturns
Tipstaves and Cryer
1 ransonuinK
Equity Caaea, stroub va
Hornberger, and Common
wealth va Muaser va Snook 118 80-869 84
October Term,
Grand J urors
Petit Jurors
Constables' Returns
1 1patavea and Cryer
" tranacrlblng
Oronae va Bailway
121 81
447 89
79 00
50 00
December Term,
Grand Jurors
Petit Jurors
Tipstavci and Cryer
Justices, Coustables and Witness
Fees in Commonwealth Cases.
Commonwealth va J. Ward 486 .
" John Moyer . 18 88
" liara Huch 7 81
.?. K. Thomas 14 86
" " Fansterbusb
andBiegel 4745
Commonwealth vs Steward Boney 16 09 '
' " Wm.uerger 81 18
Viola WIT 870
. ' OarrieCaller 10 80
Banna Long 10 80
" "J. and 8. Et-
' tingrr 1 88
Oommonwealth vs Clarence Van. '
devender 14616818
Coroners' and Justices' Inquests.
Dr. Harand Rothrock at al, body
- - of Bufusrmiups
84 6S-MW
90 47
870 12
Colleo I Abate I Beiars I Cxhoe-.Doi'l. 1 tratetaaeV
ted- I mat I ad. Oram ( sioa
- etu
SI 17
- (OS
141 TT
44 IT
48 It
184 47
78 M
44 It
It 0
178 8
818 S5
Tun 00;
14 N!
44 41
SAt 7H
87 M
17 ON'
l M
1107 61
1401 K7
r( W
Mu U0
40 61
si a
IV it
41 IS
S 14
4 TO
S 41
434 04
it m
IB 871
49 HI
1151 V0
W. H. Beaver mdee
Alfred Spaoht boarding J. A.
Moyer 4 50
D. A. Kern, lumber and repairs 10 8
J. H. Steller, hauling aabee 1 80
W. W- Pawling, placing tiling
in the yard 450
laaae Moyer at al. lima and
taking away aehee 1 40
C. A. Boiender. Interest In bonds 25 0
Eve Rennlnicur " " " 125
W. W. Witiunmyer, mdaa snd
hlln'N fur prison 58 58
W. B V.ey.coal 78 41
Q. K. Ilamiuger, medical att.
tturgvr 1 00
Barman Uannlnger, labor and
sTiaal 126
ara. Abbie Bitter, sewing, repair
ing and washing lot lm 15 00
P. 8. Hitter, Janitor services 40 80
.... .. u turnkey foes and
dischargee late
P. S. Hitter, boarding priaonera 87 Sv-468 41
Court House.
W. H. Beaver, ndse 25 10
CH. Walter, 1 66
Amandaua Hhambach, blackamltb
work I
M. U Shannon, stove repairs 1 50
Creo. B Bpecht, Janitor aervicaS
fi 1W 4000
J. B. LIppincoM Co., stationery 6 41
B. K. Aultman Treicbler Co.,
80 yards 21 58
J. Q Walter, Urn for old water
elofet ISO
J. V. Stetlar, contract for new
waervrbaMt -. . . ... - aanan -
irtTBoweraos, mdaa 75
W. W. Witteumyer, mdaa 2 15-4M4 67
villa Aa
Support of King, Herbeter and
tierger at Danville Asylum 195 00-1SS
Support of Btreeter Coleman snd
Shell 163 68-153
Koad and Bridge Viewers' Fees.
E. P. II. Walter at al viewers 158 40-188 40
N. C. Qutellusat al, scalp
oertincate 10250-10250
Road Damages.
A, R. Pottlger, Penn twp. 85 72
Daniel Htauffer, " " 74 00
D. tl, Benrstreaaer " " 17 53
Ben). Ulrich, " " S6 8I
O. H. Davia (Trustee) Penn twp. 156 87
bmitn, .... gogj
Cbarlea Mo) er, admr. Beaver ' 8 00
MoaeaKrb. Adams " 2000
Wm. Mitchell ' 12 00
John Y. Krebba, 10 00-484 80
First National Bank of Middle-
burg, interest on bonda 250 46
First National Bank of Middle.
burg, bonda redeemed 2000 00
H. II. Henoch, Insurance on
Pins Street Bridge, Salins-
grove 86 50
C. If. Spangler, plank for bridges 6 22
H. B. Hicbter, specifications fur
Mlddlcburgiron 25 00
Reaver 75
Oriental 75
Oroas 109
Mahontongo 36 02
Pine Street, Sellnagrove 5 55
KrataerviUe 2 00
Dingers 9 08
Hoovers 6 00
Mitchells 1689
Bowersos Iron 50
Burna 8 20
Peffers 18 75
Kants 4 67
Bsiinagrova Iron la 20
Royera 19 00
Brubaker 1 00
Kwlng 500
Ionga 452 62
K reamer 66 77
Yodera 1 60
NeiU Valley 65 09-8,10887
Spring aaaeaament 502 11
May and School Begiatration , 471 00
Triennial aaeeasment 47350
December Registration, birth
and death reported 412 151,858 78
February election 479 58
Novemtwr " 51520
O. W. Wagenaeller, Feby. elec
tion bal Iota 4100
J. A. I.umbard, Nov. election
ballota 18 94
Conntablea advertising snd at
tending election 128
Rldgwsy Pub. Co., blanka V00
Ilenrv Hall 12 75
01. 1, Potter et al computing
. Nov. election returns ID 59 1,21087
J. A. Snyder,
Publishing county statement
" court proc
" election proc.
" , nntica of appeal
Job work
J, A. Lumbard,
Pub'lahlng county statement
" court proc.
" election proc.
" notice of appeal
Job work
J. O. lusher,
Publiabing county statement
" court proc
" election proc.
O. W. Wagenaeller,
Publishing county statement
" " court proo.
" , election proc
Job work
Ed. a Willis it Son,
Publiabing county statement
' court proc.
" " " election proe.
25 00
25 00
25 00
80 00-02 4
2500-43 82
25 00
25 09
25 00
99 .
25462 49
2800 . '
1 notice 01 appeal
J A. M. Aurand,
1 . Publiabing county statement
ts at
Jaa work
DecM Soldiers, Burial arid Tomb
Daniel Helaar barUI of David
masauita saas '
M KHobroyer . " D. W. ,
araamer 8500
M. 8. Scbroyer " "Jacob
T. A Warner " " " Moasa
WrauVr 2009
O. f Hroaias ' " Wm.
at. U Miller tombstone fur
uavlil tteaaholta 1800
M. U Miller tuaabatono for Wm.
Schnaa IS a
M.L' Miller "Jacob
Muaseimaa - ?- 18 00 '
M. U killer " " J. F.
Klmrmnimn isnA
M. L. killer " D. W.
KrMiner lana
T. A. Wagner " , " Moeea
weader It 10 MO 00
Jacob Gilbert auditing Oo. offloe 15 01
riuM nirauae ounai 01 Kulua
Phillips, tramp 83 00
Noah Docbler burial " "
I'hillim IraniD 1 M
C- F. Moyer county auditor 1671
J. C. Bowemn " 15 34
Absalom Bchnee " " 15 72
falvln Httetler " "clerk 39 CO
Thoa. Hvrbster 4 days attending
audit 4 00
James Erdley " " udlt 4 no
Ueo.Specht Janitor to CO. auditor 8 00
U W. Herman i daya clerk to
jury t-ommtnaluner 8 09 "
Wm. Moyer surveying county line
between Union and Hnvder 2. 90 "
C C. Heebold state tax on county
inueoieaneaa lor imai 0 UO
Reuben Weirick medical att. and
support of O. Rlcket tramp 34 00
Adam H. Walter Treae r taxt-a on
unxeated landa refunded in
Franklin Twp. 6011
W. O. Johnston 4 Co. nomination
blanka sno
J. B. Mpplncott a Co. stationery 9,79
Auwiuua nnamuacu repalrlug
uickeu 70
W. 1. Oarnian coal oil 1 20
A. W. Potter service rendered
County between Union and
Snyder 40 00
G. W.Krhart freight on tank 2 87
Aaron Kenuinner wncela (or tank 15 10
tawietown Foundry Co. " 81 00
0 o. Smith etal hauling atone
ground etc. Court House lot 1172
First Nat. Bank, Mlddleburg,
Int. on county ordera 8 00
W. M. Keller Tress, taxes on un
seated landa refunded Be
aver Twp. 20897
W. H. Hpangler, chloride of lime (0
A W Potter services Snyder Co.
va Muaser ondHnook 40 00
J M Baker services Snyder Co.
va Muaser and Snook 80 00
H B Uelgla aetving notice on
Susanna Schoch 10
C H Dunklebarger, boxes H
Carbon See bo Id boarding Jury
case of Steward Boney 8 38
W H Smith boarding Jury case of
JereCrouaa ITS
P 8 Ritter onneylng.Wm Oerger
to tbe Aaylum 11 08
F 0 Bowarsos expenses of Court- v
tylnatituto 76 86
Calvin Dunn Jury Commissioner 12 10
J H Knepp . " 62 10
O Cutetlus. Expreaaaga 17 70
C H Steinlntfer, freight a cartage 4 08- 9S4 14
Total 816,808 4
Pursuant tolaw, w, the undersigned Com
missioner of Snyder County, Pa,, publish the
foregoing statement of; Hecelpte and Expend!
turea of said county for the year 1897, and also
present herewith a statement of the liabilities
and assets of the aaid county on the 8 1st day ol
December, A. D., 1H97,
Witneaa our hand and seal of aaid offloa, the
8th day of January, A. D-, 1898.
Wiulti Dasssg,
Isaac Srorra,
Couutv Commiaalonars.
General Statement, County Funds. '
Aascrs. , " '. ' .. ?,-s;Sk-
OtMatoiikdlng taxee eft89" 1,151 0
OulstanoMtuc Uunll 1894 and
previous years 513 86
Exoeaa dog fund due Co. f nnd 840 72
Bal. In hands of Treasurer 8.750 24 8755 72
Bunded Debt 525 00
Interest accrued to Jan. 1, IMS 141 45
Assets in excess over 1 labilities UKM 27 0755 73
General Statement Dog Fund. '
Outatandi ng tax of 1 8)7 150 75
OuUtandlng tax ot 1896 and
prevtoua yearr 169 84
Balance in bands of Treasurer 540 00 859 99
Excess In hand due L'o. Trees, bw 11
Assets in excess over Liabilities 519 37 859 99
Wm H Relgel, Treaa. In acct with
Snyder Co. for the year 1897.
To amt recti from 0 C Bee bold,
late Treaaurer zws is
To amt reed from dog fund ot
UNO being exceaa 259 87
To amt of County snd State tax
asaeaaed for 1MT7 18,968 83
To amt ot tax of 1896 and pre
vious years outstanding 4,653 74
To amt reed Irons various per
sons tax on unseated landa 878 84
To amt reed trom N B Miudlea
watth, com of Delilah Herrmter 91 25
To amt reed from 8 A Wetxel,
com of Win Qerger 118 82
To amt reed from pens, enve
lope, ink,, Ac sold 8 74
To amt reed from C A Boiender
and Eva Kenninger Interest on
bonds 8 00
To amt reed from various per
sons flnee snd coats 85 00
To amt reed from M I Potter 3
years oOlce rent 80 00
To amt reed from J F Stetler of
fice rent to April 1, 1898 30 00
To amt reed fiom I uternal af
fairs tax returned 40 00
To amt reed from Hotel License 2700 00
To amt reed from H State per
sons! tax returned 1801 1639381 B
By amt of orders of 97 return'd 16009 49
By Treasurers commission on
name at 3 per Cent 415 28
By State personal tax paid State
Treaa and com at 1 per cent 2129 84
By 4-5 of Hotel License paid
Boroa and' Twpe and com on
same at S per cent 2159 00
By com on I640.IM (1-8 Hotel Li
cense paid Co.) at 6 per cent 27 0
Ryamtoftaxof '97 outstanding 2131 90
By amt of tax ot 1896 and pre
vious years outstanding 513 86
By com allowed collector 578 56
Hy abatements allowed col lector 558 18
By exoneratloDa " " 118 62
By taxesallowedby oolleetoron
unseated landa 77 76
balance In band 8750 24-29,881 83 .
Wm H Relgel Treaa In acct with
Bnyder Co. tor tne year 1897.
To amt reed from 0 C See bo Id
late Treaaurer 459 87 '
To amt of tax assessed tor 1897 816 09
To amt of lax of 1HU6 and pre
vious years outstanding 440 07 1215 81
By amt of orders of 1897 redeemed 46 08
By Treasurers com on asms at
2H Percent 115
By excess ot 1987 paid into Coun
ty Treasury 259 87
By com allowed collectors 20 50
By exonerat'neallnwd collectors 27 71
By amt of tax of 1897 outstanding 159 65
By amt of lax of 1896 and pre- .
vious years outstanding 189 84
Balanos in hand 640 73 1316 04
We. tne undersigned Auditors In and for the
County ot Snyder, State of Pennsylvania, do
hereby certify that in the discharge of the duty
devolving upon us by law, wa met at the Court
House of the County of Snyder, on the first Mon
day of January, A. D., 1898. (it being the third
day of tha month,) to audit, settle and adjust
the accounts of the several offices of aaid Coun
ty, whose aooouuts it Is our duty to audit, settle
and adjust, and that we flud the foregoing;
statement to be correct.
Attest: CalvkJ. Movs. v
O. Srsn.rB, Absalom Bchhbk, '
Clark. County Auditors.
To (tare Cot rorevex. -
Take Gasoareta essay uatnenlo, lOo er Sfe. -If
C C. C fall to sore, druggists re toad moasx,
... - . .v- ; v r