The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 10, 1898, Image 1

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3v -
: Telephone,
No. 32.
1 41 tor and Proprietor.
VOL 35. NO. 6.
the mi
.acs1 C5 A
W, "iJ-i Tain, v 1 Vw IV kr
- Mrs. Stetler, last week, visited
Mrs. David Ocker.
Mrs. Win. Beaver has been quite
sick ior a tew days.
D. A. Kern was in Williamsport
last week on business.
John Stuck made a business trip
to Mifflintown last Sunday.
H. J. Heiser, of Shadel, was a
Middleburg visitor Tuesday.
Miss Violet Mitman, of Kantz,
was at the county scat Tuesday.
- Jacob Stahlnecker is the happy
tather of a brand new daughter.
Miss Anna Schnee, of Fremont,
was a Sunday visitor at Middleburg.
The protracted meeting is in pro
gress in the United Brethren church
at this place.
Azariah Kreeger and Sheriff Hit
ter were Sclinsgrove visitors on
Tuesday morning.
Frank D. Riegle, last week, was
in Lcwisburg, Shamokin and Wil
liumsport on a business trip.
The members of the United
Brethren church gave their pastor,
ltev. Bough tcr, a donation last week.
The First National Bonk of tin's
place will be closed on Feb. 12th,
being Lincoln's birthday a legal
Mrs. Isaac Shirey, of McClure,
and Mrs. Warren, of Freeburg, were
the guests of. Dr. C. H. Brisbin in
Franklin. , .
Utfcfrljga'; Pawling,' of Selins-
-' " ,l y IFv G. A Schoch
.. .... T--k
I"- - i past ween. - -
' A full line of tinware can be
round at Schoch and Stahlnecker's
stand. All kinds of repairing
promptly attended to. tf.
Daniel Gross and wife, ot Muncy,
and Harry App and wife, of Picture
Rocks, were guests of Sheriff Hitter
and wife over Sunday.
Adam Showers and A. W. Bow-
crsox and families attended the fun
eral of Mrs. Daniel Stauffer at Sc
linsgrove last Thursday.
Special bargains from 3 to 10c in
kitchen utensils. To each purchaser
will be given a prize. Come with
out fail to Ulrich & Osmun's at
Selinsgrove Feb. 11 and 12.
We have two little girls 4 and
10 years old to put out on their
age, also a boy to put out to learn a
trade (saddler trade). Apply to
Overseers, Beaver Twp.,
tf Beavertowii, Pa.
Henry Charles, and wife, Mrs.
Lewis Charles and Miss Kate Charles
of Port Treverton, George Hcrrold
and wife and Mrs. Shaeffer of Chap
man were guests at Benneville
Smith's on Saturday.
J. P. Naugle, of Aline, was a
caller at our new office on .Tuesday
and paid for the Post to be sent to
him. His son, Ambrose Naugle,
started for Highland, Dona than Co.,
' Kans, on the afternoon train.
H. E. Walter, on Tuesday morn
ing, went to Philadelphia to buy a
full supply of .furniture. Persons
' intending to go to housekeeping this
spring and others needing furniture
will do well to call on Mr. alter.
The new printing office draws.
Two new paid upfubscribers dropp
ed in on Tuesday, J. P. Naugle, of
Aline, and II. J. Heiser, ot Sliadel,
and both are prominent Democrats.
Come ahead, we rive you all the
' flews regardless of your polities.
. A smooth, easy shave, genteel hair
out, or other tonsorial work, is al
ways obtained at Soles' Barber Shop,
- in Wittenmyer't building, opposite
Post office. (Jo to Holes and you
. will nuke no mistake, having soap,
face cream, hair oil and . egg-shampoo
for sale. A. E. Sous.
Wm. Johnston, a prominent shoe
dealer of Lewutown died on Tues
day morning. Burial on Friday.
The Christian Endeavor Society
of the Lutheran church are making
preparations to collect and forward
contributions to the suffering Cubans.
The art exhibition to be given in
Middlchunr on the 22nd dav of
February will be under the manage
ment of the primary department ot
the Lutheran Sunday school. They
have secured fifty of the finest works
of art which will be placed on cx-
ii!i -i a., i!
moiiion at iimi nine.
The 2nd Quarterly Conference
of the Middleburgh circuit,' of the
U. B. church will be held in the U.
B. church at this place, Saturday,
Feb. 12, at 2 p. m. All the Con
ference members are urccd to lie
present. Communion cervices, Sun
day morning at 10 o'clock.
We are in receipt of a card an
nouncing the marriage of ltev. Fos
ter U. Gift of Scranton to Miss Car
Vie N. Swengel at Williamstown,
Feb. 2. They will be at home 642
Washington Ave., Scranton, Pa.
A reception was rendered to them
in Scranton on Monday evening.
Tht I'oht extends congratulations.
The PhiladclphiaSundny Inquir
er came to town last Sunday. This
is an innovation und a welcome step
of advancement. Formerly we were
cut off from all knowledge of what
hapiicned on Saturday. The aver
see Sunday paper, too, contains
plenty of good Sunday reading and
we welcome the ounday newspaper
into this locality. : It is a step to
ward the education of the mosses.
Spedal Seduced Prices.
5 lbs. Arbucklcs coffee for
5 lbs. Prunes "
5 lbs. Raisins
1 pack of Baking Powder for.
2000 yards Calico, per yard
1000 yds. Ijaneoster Gingham,
500 yards Muslin, 1 yard wide
500 yard Muslin " "
50 pairs Ladies Shoes $2.25
now $1
50 pairs Ladies Shoes $1.35
now $1
50 jmirs Ladies Shoes $1.15
Boys' Gum Boots $2.25 now $1
2000 yds. Henrietta 25c now
200 yds. Henrietta 50c now
W. II. Beaver
2t. Middleburg,
Gold Brick Victims
Mrs. Edna Gordon, now in New
York City, has made a confession in
which she betrays a band of conn
dence men who have stolen halt i
million dollars from victims through
out the country. Mrs. Gordon is the
wife of one of the swindlers. The
men sold what purported to be gold
bricks and engaged in all kinds of
swindles. The names of these men
are given as Frank Aldrige, William
Raymond and James Leak, and they
all live in luxury in New York.
Among the victims who fell into the
net ol these men in 1892 and 1893,
Mrs. Gordon says, are the following,
with the amounts . which 'they are.
said to have lost: 1892 Walter
Jones, Williamsjtort, $7,500; Fred
Bush, Lock Haven, $1,300. 1893
Abel Jones, Mifninburg, $3,000.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party was given to Geo.
M. Shindel and his better-half last
Friday evening. The guests con
sisted of all the residents in their
Suare and Sheriff Putter and wife,
le refreshments consisted of an
abundant supply of oysters and many
other good things. A very delight
ful eyening was spent and all', went
home feeling glad . they had been
My Poodle Hund is Dote.
RspublUtwd by fteqUMt ) .v.
Ich hob so'n she gin huudly kot
S wor sheckich weis un rote,
Ich mane es kent net mecglich sei t
My hundly des is dote.
Uf'in railroad track, dot droits war
Do kumpt'n train, up der road,
Oh ! yommcr was en aleud gebts ,
Se lured my tzuttle dote.
S'wor so'n fardulter injine cars, f
Un ovets bissel spchote,
Dar fussed do rum, backed hiner-
Un fort my poodle dote.
A Iwy wor ob, so wor der shwonce,
St-i leib wor all fursharred,
Aer hut mich awgagooked un gsawt,
'VNow mus del poodle fart.
So'n friend as wie dar Poodle war,
Sei gsieht so trindlich rote,
Grick ich my lava kenner nue, .
My Poodle dare is dote. -
Uft noehts won ich mich shlofa laig
S inawk tree sei oder snpoteh .
Dnst nu er's drain fun da awgn$h
My Poodle hund isuoto., ; v
St;i hoar wor fei we seidnor naiw,
Awye wies morya rote, ' j
U:i sU-hols wor nr si lava net.,
Sil truieht mich in sinie dote.
My freind die locha iver mich - .
In 'miner grossa note -
Ich geb nix drum, ich mind nixmte,
My lever hund is dote. .
My coompny wor ar inimer g'west
Moryets un ovets spchote, ':
Olanicli 1 lonesome now bin ich, ' '
My 1'kk11c dar U dote. . t
Ich hub gnghiubt dos unglick
For'm letcht yorc in der sote,
Hov ich fun so fielblutega-dromcd,
ow's dou der Pooodledote.
Wos huckich do un druvel mich,
Ich will fun dara stchund,
Broveera ma Izufreeda sei,
Us wor yo usht en hund.
U- S. Examinations.
The U. S. Civil Service Com
mission announces that on March 5,
1S98, an examination will be held
in liUiieaster, Pa., for tlie position
of Deputy Collector to be assigned
as stenographer and type-writer, in
the Internal Revenue Service at
Luncastcr, Pa., at a salary of $1,200
per annum.
The examination will consist of
the first grade basis, together with
stenography and type-writing, the
scoik! of which will be found in sec
tions 02 and 105, respectively, of
the Manual of Examinations.
Applicants are advised that they
must furnish their own type-writing
machine for use during the exam
ination, and that the sheets of the
examination are adapted to any kind
of machine. Persons desiring toen
ter this examination should at once
apply to the secretary of the board
of examiners at the Internal Revenue
Office at Lancaster for application
blanks (Form 304), which should be
properly exeucted and promptly fill
ed with the board at Lancaster.
No applications will be accepted
after the hour of closing business on
Feb. 28.
The HLstorieal Society acknow
ledges the receipt of two copies of
a pamphlet entitled "Folk-Lore
from Buffalo Valley, Centra Penn
sylvania," by the late John Gundy
Owens, of Lcwisburg. The author
was of national prominence as an
archaeologist, and was sent to South
America at the head of an expedi
tion by Harvard University a few
year ago, and, while there, met his
death as the result of fever. . The
pamphlets were sent by the brother
of the author, Prof. Wm. G.Owens,
A. M., , of - Bueknell1 University.
Other contributions will ' be grate
fully acknowledged. . .' " 'a)
Bat.r4 tor Krr4.
Henry Clement and wife to Adam
Elliott one-fourth acre iu Monroe
township for $500.
rAnn Stahl and Elias Stahl to
IH-Q&Sholly, J interest in a
tract ot land in Union township for
JohirW. Binguinan and wife to
James H. Bingaman, Geo. B. Spaid
and Jacob Hain, trustees, lot in
Baavertown for $30.
Perry Ilothermel ami wife to
Jacob Masser, lot in Port Treverton
for $420.
Dr. H. M, Nipple and wife to
Philip K. Blecker, house and lot
in Selinsgrove for $850.
Jacob Kline ami wife to Thomas
Kline 59 acres mi Peim township
for $000.
Wm. W. Auraml and wife to
Jacob Masser, lot in Port Trever
ton for $375.
Latter Uraatrd.
Administration: Estate of Mary
Benter to J. S. Meiser ; Estate of
Lydia Uassingcr to Geo. E. Pot-
tieherand Michael D, llassinger;
restate of Samuel Bowcn to Syl
vester Bowcn.
x esnuncniory : ivsuite oi ue
bceca Koiniir, 1 1. F. and J. F. Ro-
mig are the executors.
In estate of J. (J. L. Shindel, R
Hathaway Shindel of York is named
as executor.
In the estate of Ix;vi Hassinger,
Geo. E. Pottieher and M. I). Has-
singer are named as executors.
- liners oi administration in tne
estate of John Ferdig, late of Mon
roe township, were granted Mary
t erdig.
rrlnffw I.lrrn..
f Milton F. Shatter, Vicksburg,
Mary J. Smith, cw Berlin
f A. B. Rodkey, McVevtown, Pa.,
Maude B. Feese,
Beaver twp.
Harry Bitner,
Jane Fritz,
f Benj. Fetter,
Mazie E. Gross,
J. 1). Baumgardiier,
Cora B, Herbster,
Verdi 11a
Penn twp.,
. .
. JSeaver,
f J. W. Michael, Port Treverton,
Phoebe Dutibert, "
2edical Sodflty Moeting-
The Snyder County Medical Si-
ciety met at the V oMiington House
in this place on Tuesday afternoon
The following named officers were
elected : President, Dr. F. J. Wag-
enseller, Selinsgrove ; ice Presi
dent, Dr. M. Rothrock, Mt. Pleas
ant Mills; Secretary and Treasurer,
Dr. J. O. Wagner, Beaver Springs;
Censors, Dr. D. (j. Smith, r reeburg,
Dr. A. J. Herman, Middleburg, and
Dr. II. M. Nipple, Selinsgrove;
Delegates to the fetate Society, Drs.
D. G. Smith and M. Rothrock; De
legates to the American Medical
Association at Danville, Dr. E. M.
Miller ofBeavertown and Dr. A. M.
Smith of Adamsburg.
Dr. A. J. Herman, of this place,
was elected a member of the organi
zation. The next meeting will take
place March, 1st.
Very Sudden Death.
Thursday morning ot last week
Mr. Wm. Fessler, of near Penu's
Creek, Snyder Co., Pa., tell dead
near Penny'w store at Dry Valley
X Roads, Union county. Mr. Fess
ler was walking behind a sled on
the publio road, when he suddenly
fell to the ground. Mr. Duck, the
blacksmith, saw him fall and hur
ried to his aide and Dr. Sampsel, of
Wiufield, was summoned, but could
render no aid as life was already ex
tinct. Heart disease was the cause
of his death. Mr. Fessler was about
CO yean of age. His blr was
taken to hit home near CeutrevUle,
later in the afternoon. ' '
Miss Alice Shotzbcnrer spent
several days at home. She is clerk
ing in a store at Sunbury .... Mai.
T. S. Runham was in our locality
several days reprcscntim? J. II.
Beers & Co. publishers of the Bio
graphical Record of Central Penn
sylvania. . . .Jacob Snyder, of New
Kingston, visited former friends in
our locality last week. Mr. Snyder
lived South of Freeburg for a ie
riod of ten years. He is prospering
in his present place of abode. . . .
Judge Brown purchased a piano
from F. S. Reigle. The family of
the Judge gave a musical entertain
ment at their residence Thursday
evening. Every member of the
family is n musician. They under
stand vk1 and instrunicnntal music.
Piano, organ, tromlom, violin,
mandolin, tc, are among their
musical instruments A numler
of sleighing parties from our place
visited neighboring towns. Charles
A. Shotzberger and John K. Moy
er and their wives and fifteen other
women constituted a merry party
that went to Middleburgh and were
entertained by F. S. Riegle and
wile. Another coniNiuv were at
K reamer, and several other sled
loads were ut different places....
John E. Strnver, Win. C. (iemlx-r-ling,
Dr. D. (J. Smith, R. E. Purk
nicke, John K. Mover, Prof. Rover
and B. F. Harlcy accoiiiMiniHl by
their wives, enjoyed the hospitality
of J. C. Kessler and wife at Selins
grove last Thursday evening. Mr.
Kessler has u graphophonc. The
party were highly gratified with the
music, and they iX4rcssd their
thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Kessler for
the enjoyment thev afforded them
II. II. Foust and wife, of
IV-ave rtown, were the guests of B.
F. Arnold last Sunday Mr.
Verner and wife, of Ix-k Haven,
are the guests at John Ilepner's.
Mrs. Verner is a daughter of Mrs.
Hepner. . ...We had a large attend
ance at the horse sale last Thurs
day and prices were quite satisfac
tory. UNION TWP.
John Wallxrn and wife, of
Shamokin Dam, were visiting among
here last week. . . .Hathaway Kelly
and family, of Sunburv, were visit-
ing jtarents here over Sunday
Henry P. Hoot pin chased a new
parlor organ last week.... A. S.
Sechrist, ot Verdilla, placed a new
fire proof safe into his store last
week Harry Bitner and Jane
Foltz had the matrimonial knot tied
last Thursday evening making them
man and wife. . . .Matthew Renner,
an infant child of Benjamin and
Sallie Benner of Shamokin, died on
Saturday and was interred at Kais
er's cemetery on Tuesday, aged 4
mouths and 24 days. . . .While fire
ing an engine, Edwin Aucker, on
Wednesday afternoon, got his right
hand into the gearing which tore his
skin into threads leaving a danger
ous wound. Dr. J. O. Nipple at
tends him .... "Butter and cheese in
equal parts, or thereabouts, is a first
class salve for mortgage blister."
On Friday evening about forty
five persons trom the Grubb's
church congregation surprised Rev.
II. H. Snahn and wifeat their home
in this place, by a maguificeut do
nation. The donation consisted of
the necessities of lite and numerous
articles for the comfort of man. Af
ter spending an enjoyable evening
at the Reverend's home the party
left for home highly gratified with
the undertaking. This shows that
the Reverend's labors are appreciat
ed as much away from home as they
are by the people aiuoug whom he
lives.. ....Rev. Spahn was called to
Pine Grove V preach on Sunday
J last. ' A student filled the pulpit at
Neimond's and Richfield in hit
stead The orchestra and a num-
lier of other jicoplc from this pliiec
attended institute at Richfield on
Saturday evening Great caru
should be exercised in the election
of a school IxMird at the election ou
the loth inst Prof.G.G. Brown
and wife, of Millerstown, spent sev
eral days in town last week .... J.
A. Shadle and Rev. Sjmhn are en
gaged in manufacturing guitars and
mandolettes. . . .P. A. Schnee will
move to his father's farm half mile
west of town, in the spring . , . .
Annie Schnee sjient several days ut
Middleburgh recently.
The rush to the Klondike ho
commenced, the most adventurous
of the gold-seekers braving the half-
over winter in order to get ahead of
their fellows. These daring but not
overwise chaps are all going into tlie
Klondike in spite of the fact freely
announced that claims for fifty miles
around Pawson Cicty have already
been taken up. That is, all those
ojH'ii to miners, the alternate claims
lieing reserved for the Canadian
Government. This is not the esisc
ou tho American side of the bound
ary, where every claim is open to fil
ing, and where there are no duties,
royalities, restrictions or jieiialtics
under the United States mining
laws. The early rush of men into
Alaska is comHsed mostly of ''tcn
derfcet," who have had the dormant
gold fever all tall and winter and
with whom it hits broken too strong
to resist. A rrjetition ot last year's
experiences on the trails wiKbe
a severe but goixl lesson to many, of'
The biggest strike yet rejxrtel
from the American side of Alaska
is that made by David Ward, who
has found a region on one of the
largest tributaries of the Yukon,
where he prospected streams and
gulches, finding rich gold deposits
everywhere. On his return last fall
he brought Imck all the gold lu
could earry, and he only cam out
so that he could go Iwek this spring
prepared to take advantage ot hi
rich strike to the fullest extent. Ib
is building a lxit with complete
machinery for placer mining, will
provision her for two years ami will
carry a party ot twenty selected
men with him. After taking up
claims for his party, Wan! will an
nounce the exact location of his new
Eldorado to the world. He says
there is room for ten thousand miners
where he made his find. He is now
in Philadelphia, Pa., and will be
glad to give information or advice
concerning the gold fields to any
who write to him.
Sale Bills.
The Post printuig office is pre
pared to keep up its reputation for
handsome Sale Posters. We are
adding new features this season and
would advise those who want attrac
tive Sale Posters to visit this office
before placing an order.
Moving Notice.
All persous having business with
this office please remember that we
have moved our Quarters from lXiviil
Ovker's building to the new build
ing on the Bank lot near the cooutv
jail where we shall be pleased to
greet our many friends and patroas.
Card of Thanks
I tender my heartielt thanks to
my friends and neighbors of Mid
dleburgh and vicinity for the dona
tion given me and my tanuly ou
last Thursday. May God reward
them for their kindness and liberali
ty. I also desire to thank the sisters
wno went to the trouble of going
around to solicit
Rxv. &. B. Borosruk