0 4. V)O0m. tb OfWl Mts si ?. Betties ol ej III saasj Ml WUFm A - Bm Newly Diaoavered Kernel Car Cea amMloaMti: Lung livvtM., - -- ! Nothing could be hirer. mer ahlWMropte or fcriryrooreM lathe afflicted, laea the P Sofforor ui honored i diictoAw lot, T. A. Mooum. M. C ol No Torli OUJ. . - . m - ii.ku mA atiaAltttAMlM tor ewteumpiloa. and all bronchial throat, lung and cheat dlseuoft. catarrhal affections, general decline aud wmliii, lose oj dona alid M can dltlona ol wanting away, and tomato lie ma laerlU known, will aend three free WSJ! newly discovered remedlea to any amicted read Ot tbe Post. Already bl "new orient mo yte!n of medl cine" lias permanently cured Uiottad ol p rje"utly bopelesa cuam, atonal, but hUrellKloutdoty-a doty whteh he uMM to Kuffarln humauiur do donate ull In- iaiiibieoi.re.- ..... M1 - Ha naa provinea i uc -uresucn wmniiu'r"'" lobe a curable dbasa-e beyond a doubt. In any climate, and baa on llle In bla Ainerkan and European iaoraionw iwrawro i taatimonlala of rraUtude" from those beaeHMed tod cured. In all part of the world. rfetarrlial and DUlmonarr trouble loan te "" gumption, and consumption, uninterrupted. UMUIil aporay anu rarwn ' until It ta too late. Simply write T. A. oloeuia. MdpoHtofflocoddroHa. and the fcJJ Will M prOUiptl.Y NUV. rifww was w you mw Uls offer to tbe Pw, Alaska-Klondykb Gold Minii:3 go. Cunital Stock, 500,000 Shares of $10.00 each, fully paid and non-assessable, of which 250,000 Shares are now offered for subscriptions at Kir. SPECIAL NOTICE. nphM m minv nersons who desire to go to .... i.i A.I.U r Atiukn the comtnc season. lire - - who hare not enough ready money available to enable them to do so. t .11 ...Mi a would advlre the desirability of forming a local syndicate of three or more persons, and Jointly purchase WW snares 01 our stock, and oelcct one of your number to go and prospect and mine for Joint acconnt. with nsrtlM tormina- auch ayndtcate, thla Company will contract to aend out ono of their number for each. 500 shares or sloe purcnasea ui n ml mitnUin aiu-hl!party there for one year from the date of arrrlval at the gold field)!, supplying him with food, tools, and all thlnga requisite to enable himfto prospect for gold, and with help to develop and work all good claims located by hlm-tne claims o do located lithe name or tlio aynuionie anu uo Alaska-KIondyko Gold Mining Co., and to be owned Jointly and equally, share and shore alike Write forCircular Full Particulars. DIRKLIORB. ' James Rloe, late Secretary State of Colorado ; Wm. Shaw, capitalist, Chicago : B. M. Titcomb, .VIce President and General Manager Knstmnn Fruit Dispatch vo. 1 M. C. Fash, momber Maritime Excliange, Now Yorkt (ieo. W. Morgan, Circle City, Aiasita: .f John It I,owtlier,fNW York f " . "I" "' '' Oeorge T. Durfee, Kali Rider, Mass. ' ADVlHOBY BOAIID. Hon. L. II. Wukeftold, Associate Justice, First District Court. South Praniinghom, Muss, i Hon.O. Q. Richmond, late President Court of Appeal, Denver, Col.; I. Q. UpdejfrnfT, lato Treasurer I.ycomlngCoun iv Willlnmsuort Penit. ISnmuclM. Bryan, President Chesopeake nnd Potmnnc Telephone Co.. Washington, u. i- i r. R. C Fisher, 1.321 Michigan Ave, Chicago . 1; -ol. P. A. IIuRman. Detroit, Mich. : N. O. 11. Swift, Attoruey-at-Law, Foil River, Mass. . Isaac W. Scott, Deduty Co I lector, Cedar Rapldr, Iowa. Vm. F. McKnlght, Attorney-ot-Iiw, Grand Rapids. Mich. Th huslndus of the Alasko-KlNndyke Gold Mining Company will bo to run a llnejof steam Lra an tlia Yukon Hlver. and between Seattle Lud the different rts of Alunka, open supply tores at tho dlnerent camps, uo a general Iransportetion, commercial and banking bur. neat, and. In addition, deal In Mining Claims, tud work the mines already owned and that inay hereafter bo acquired by Ins Company. The Company controls the following properties: Rlirht rinM Placer Claims auirrcir itlnar l!0 bCres In Eifent, located on Forty Mile Creek Dder Untied States mining laws. Development lias proved the pay streak to be Ave feet thick and has yielded placer dirt that pans from $10 to US to the pan. Five Gold Placer Claims, ag gregating 100 Acrea In extent, on Porcupine iKIver, tbat pana from 23 cents to iu to a pan. 1 Ten Gold Placer Claims, aggregating 200 acres oath Tanoa River, panning from $10 10 VO m yard. A fine gold quarts lode In Alaska, which as says from 1 to $500 per ton. The lode show an enormous outcrop of free milling ore, vein at surface being 12 feet thick t on this pro parly have made U locations of 1500 feet by 800 feet, (equaling 130 acre. We don't Claim that it is Kite mother lode, dui wa ao snow n is wmiout equal for prospective values The estimates and statement above are of , ' unnn in formation obtained Pram our Superintendent, and are believed and kocepted by the company. I Thla eomnanv ha vine acquired extensive Itlioldinga of rich placer and gold quarts proper Ikies, capable of earning large dividends on its Hook, offers to investor advantages that In- rie large and prontable returns. Mr. fiannrt W. Morean. our SnnerlntendenL Rluui been on tha Tukon for the past year work- Mug In the Interest ol this company . Tnereiore, we are not asking any one te contribute to Mproject unplanned, but to one thoroughly n sarea. Tula company, ira lie siuie aiua, aensive knawledsre. and sreat resources. Is cer tain lo become one of the ricQeal companies op- Jwatlng la Alaska. , Our President takss pleasure In referring you M the following list et referenoaa t K. Dewey, Mills Co., Bankers, Detroit, uls O. Tstard, Ooaiealsaioatr World's Fair from Mexico, The Rookery," Chicago, III fcaator H.M. Teller, of Colorado! , .... ka Skafretk,' KsereeeataUve to COngreea, C3olsjrado t Hi.- . . H. BeU,RpreeenULTe ta Congress, Colorado G aeoaeai Washington Trust Co. BuUdlng, . WaahUrton. Dk a i i. ' ,. lassnh a Ualns. ex-Chll Jutlios of Colorado i Jtaarlaa D. Hay, Chief, Justice Of Colorado I . . , B, Maagbam, SI Timea-Uerald, Cbleago, m.j Xaarice) Joyce, Electro rtotura, Bta Buildiag, Wsawlagtoo, D. 0.4 , ,..,.. . t " W J.J. Umbn Owner aad, Editor Chief- f.L. Hllteaeaan, Tag Agent atsr, B.' R-.s)t, Loots, Mo. I ft B. Gowaa, Drexsl C, PblladsJ phla. ,. v ., , Tito fUll-ptmid rtockia now offered iordersV-t, the, ::' v rH f.'ltul Ma, M Mrooderay, ww xcfc THE PEOPLE'S PULPIT Dr. TklWkft) makea a pit for a mora practical rhrlatlanltw a t "TFj J CarUUanity that V Trt J mtu ta rjqulr Btata of th ac HatakM kU text from Esther It, 14. "Wht know- th whothor thou art coma to tha klnc 4om for auch a tlma aa thta?" , Eathar tha baautlful was tha wife ol Ahasuanu tha abominable. Tha tlma had coma tor her to present a petition to her Infamous husband In behalf ol tha Jewish nation, to which aha had ones belonged. She was afraid to un dertake tha work lest she should lone har own life, but her cousin, MordecaJ, who had brought her up, encouraged har with tha suggestion that probably she had been raised up of God for that peculiar mission. "Who knowetb whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther had her God appointed work. Tou and I have ours. It 1b my busi ness to tell you what style of men and women you ought to be In order that you meet tha demand of the age In which God has cast your lot. So this discourse will not deal with the tech nicalities, but only with the practica bilities. When two armies have rush ed Into battle, tha officers of either ar my do not want a philosophical discus sion about the chemical properties ot human blood or the nature of gunpow der. They want some one to man the batteries and take out the guns. And now, when all the forces of light and darkness of heaven and hell have plunged into the fight. It Is no time to give ourselves to the definitions and formulas and technicalities and con ventionalitles of religion. What we want is practical, earnest, concentrated, enthusiastic and triumphant help. In tha first place, lu order to meet the special demand of this age, you need to be an unmistakable, aggressive Christian. Of half and half Christians wa do not want any more. The church of Jesus Christ will be better without them. They are the chief obstacle to tha church's advancement. I am speaking of another kind of Christian. All tha appliances for your becoming an earnest Christian are at your hand, and there la a straight path for you Into tha broad daylight of Cod's for glveness. You may this moment be tho bondmen of the world, and the next moment you may be the princes of the Lord God Almighty. You remember what excitement there was in this country, years ago, when the Prince of Wales came here how the people rush ed out by hundreds of thousands to see him. Why Because they expected that some day he would sit upon the throne of England. Dut what was all that honor compared with the honor to which God calls you to be sons and daughters of the Lord God Almighty 'yea, to be queens and kings unto God. "They shall reign with him forever and forever."' But you need to be aggressive Chris tians, and not like those persons who spend their lives in hugging their Christian graces and wondering why they do not make progress. How much robustness of health would a man have if he bid himself In a dark closet? A great deal of the piety of to-day is too exclusive. It hides itself. It needs more fresh air, more outdoor exercise. There aro many Christians who are giving their entire life to self examina tion. They are feeling their puUes to see what Is the condition of their splr itual health. How long would a man have robust physical health if he kept all tha day feeling his pulse Instead of going out Into active, earnest everyday work? I was ones amid the wonderful, be witching cactus growths of North Car olina. I never was more bewildered with the beauty of flowers, and yet when I would take up one of these cac tuses and pull tha leaves apart the beauty was all gone. You could hardly tell that It had aver been a flower. And there are a great many Christian peo ple In thla day just pulling apart their Christian axparlencea to see what there la In them, and there la nothing left In them. Thla stylo of self-examination Is a damage Instead of an advantage to thalr Christian character. I remember whan I was a boy I used to kava a small place in tha garden that I called my own, and I planted corn there, and every few days I would pull It up to sea how fast It was growing. Now, there are a great many Christian peo ple in thla day whose self examination merely amounts to the pulling up ot that which they only yesterday or tha day before planted. Oh, my friends, If you want to have a stalwart Chris tian character, plant It right out ol doors In the great field of Christian usefulness, -and though storms may come apoo It, and though the hot aua of 'trial may try to ooniume it, it will thrive until It becomes a great tree, la which tha fowla at heaven may havt their, haeltatiea. I have no patience with, these flowerpot Christians. They keep taamaalvea under shelter, and all their Christian experience in ,a small, exclusive ' circle, when they ought to plant It It the great garden of the Lord, ao that tha whole atmosphere could b arOmatle with thalr Christian useful neas. .. What wa want In the church ot God la awre strength of piety. Tht century plant La wonderfully (uggestlvi and woaderfully beautiful,, but I nevei Hook atH wtthowt thtnkUg of Its par slmoay.' It leu whole generations gc hy hater ' It uta forth one blossom So I havw really more admiration whea jet aw7ttan.la the blue rea oi tbe TtcMtsV sac uey come every spring Ky CMlOhi Meads, Urn la going by m raptdly that we cannot afford to he Idle. , . A recent statistician aayt that hum Ufa now has aa average of on y s: years. From these Si years you u subtract all the time you take fcr and the taking of food and recre .tiou, that will leave you about 16 yew. Prom these 16 you' must subtract .c the time . that you - are noceit i ; engaged la the earning of a l'.v.j'i hood. That will leave you iMt eight years. From these e..:M years you must take all tb days and weeks and months all the length of time that ta passed in k Si nes leaving you about one year lu which, to work for-God. O my soul, wake up! How darest thou sleep In harvest time and with so few hours In which to reap. 8a, that I state If an a simple fact thaCall the time that tho vast majority of you will have for tUe exclusive service of Ood will be leas than one year. "But," says some man." I liberally support the gospel, and the church Is open, and the gospel is preached; all the spiritual advantages are spread be fore men, and If they want to be saved let them come and be saved I have discharged all my responsibility." Ah, is that my Master's spirit? Is there not an old book somewhere that com mands us to go out into the hlghw-.ys and the hedges and compel the people to come In? What would becomu of you and me If Christ had not come down off tbe hills of heaven, ar.d If he had not come through tho door of the Bethlehem caravansary, and If ho had not with the crushed hum! of tbe crucifixion knocked at the Iron gate of the sepulcher of our spiritual death, crying, "Lazarus, come for'.ii?" uo, my unrisiian menu, this is no t ir.e for Inertia when all the forces of da:-lines seem to be in full blast vlnn steam printing presses are publluhli'r: infidel tracts, when express trains :-.io carrying messengers of sin, when f;wi clippers are laden with opium rr.d strong drink, when tbe night air if our cities Is polluted with the laugh ter that breaks up from the 10.000 sa loons of dissipation and abutidDnn.fi when the fires of the second death al ready are kindled in the cheeks of some who, only a little while ngo, wore Incorrupt! Ob, never since the cm so fell upon the earth has there been a time when it was such an unwise, such a cruel, such an awful thing for the church to sleep! The great audiences are not gathered in Christian churches. The great audiences are gathered In temples of sin tears of unutterable woe their baptism, the blood of crushed hearts the awful wine of their sacra ment, blasphemies their litany, and the groans of the lost world the organ dirge of their worship. Again, if you want to be qualified to meet the duties which this age de mands of you, you must on the one band avoid reckless iconoclasm and on the other hand not stick too much to things because they are old. The air Is full of new plans, new projects, new theories of government, new theologies, and I am amazed to see how so many Christians want only novelty In order to recommend a thing to their confi dence, and so they vacillate and swing to and fro, and they are useless and they are unhappy. New plans secu lar, ethical, philosophical, religious, cisatlantic, transatlantic long enough to make a line reaching from tbe Ger man universities to Great Salt Lake city. Ah, my brother, do not take hold of a thing merely because it Is new! Try It by the realities of the Judgment day. But, on the other hand, do not adhere to anything, merely because It is old. There is not a single enterprise of the church or the world but has some time been scoffed at. There was a time when men derided even Bible societies, tnd when a few young men met in Mas sachusetts and organized the first mis sionary society ever organized in this country there went laughter and ridi cule all around the Christian church. They said the undertaking was prepos terous. And so also the work of Jesus Christ was assailed. People cried out: "Who ever beard of such theories of ethics and government! Who ever no ticed such a sty! of preaching aa Je sus has?"' Ezeklel had talked of mys terious wings and wheels. Here came a man from Capernaum and Gennesa ret, and he drew his illustrations from the lakes, from the sand, from the mountain, from the lilies, from the cornstalks. How the Pharisees scoff ed! How Herod derided! And this Je sus they plucked by the beard, and they spat in bis face, and they called him "this fellow." All the great enter prises la and out of the church have at times been scoffed at. and there have been a great multitude who have thought that the chariot of God's truth would fall to pieces if It once got out of the old rut. And so there are those who have no patience with anything like Improvement in church architect ure, or with anything like good, hearty, earnest church singing, and they deride any form of religious discussion which goes down walking among' ' everyday men rather than that which makes an excursion on rhetorical stilts. Oh, that the church of God would wake up to an adaptability of work! ' - r "But," say tha people, "th world Is going to he converted; you must be pa tient; the kingdoms of tnls world ae to become the kingdoms '.pf'Ckrlst" Never, unless the ehurea of Jesus Christ put oa more speed and energy. Instead of .the church converting the world, tha world la converting tha church. - Bare la a great fometav How nan It be take?-' Aa' amy cornea aad lta around about ft ea off the sup plies ejfd says- "Now yf will Just wait watll fria' exhalation aad atarvaUoa thev wKl-hav tctvaB-M -Weeks aad monik and f&fcaaai a Veer' txaaa Ibna? aaftually tie tetrm NmdMl7. Ihroegh that starvation and eshaua Uoa. But, my friends, the fortresses of sin are never to be taken in that way. If they aro taken for God, it will be by storm; you will have to bring op the great siege guns of the gospel to the very wall aad wheel the flying ar tillery Into line, and when the armed infantry of heaven shall confront the battlements you will have to give the quick command, "Forward! Charge!" Ah, my friends, there la work for you to do and for me to do In order to this grand accomplishment I have a pul pit. I preach In It Your pulpit Is the bank. Your pulpit Is the store. Your pulpit Is the editorial chair. Your pulpit Is the anvil. Your pulpit is the house scaffolding. Your pulpit is the mechanics' shop. I may stand in my place; and, through cowardice or through self seeking, may keep back the word I ought to utter, while you, with sleeve rolled up and brow . be sweated with toll, may utter tho words that will Jar the foundations ot heaven with the shout ot great victory. Oh, that we might all feel that the Lord Al mighty la putting upon us the hands ot ordination! I tell you, every one, go forth and preach this gospel. You have as much right to preach as I have or any man living. Hedley Vicars was a wicked man in the English army. The grace of God eame to him. He became an earnest tnd eminent Christian. They scoffed U him and said: "You are a hypocrite. You are as bad as ever you were." Still he kept his faith in Christ, and after awhile, finding that they could not turn him aside by calling him a hypocrite, they said to him, "Oh, you ire nothing but a Methodist!" This did not disturb him. He went on perform ing his Christian duty unUl be had formed all his troops into a Bible class, tnd the whole encampment was shaken with the presence of God. So Have lock went Into the heathen temple in ndla while the English army was there tnd put a candle into the hand of each it the heathen gods that Btood around the heathen temple, and by the light 3f these candles held up by the Idols General Havelock preached righteous ness, temperance and Judgment to come. And who will say on earth or In heaven that Havelock had not the right to preach? In the minister's bouse where I prepared for college there worked a man by the name of Peter Droy. He could neither read nor wrltd, but be was a man of God. Often theo logians would stop in the house grave theologians and at family prayer Pe ter Croy would be called upon to lead, tnd all those wise men sat around, wonder struck at his religious efficien cy. When he prayed, he reached up tnd seemed to take hold of tbe very throne of the Almighty, and he talked with God until the very heavens wero xwed down Into tho sitting room. I remark again, that In order to be jttallfled to meet your duty In this par ticular age you want unbounded faith In the triumph of the truth and tbe iverthrow of wickedness. How dare the Christian church ever get dlscour tged? Have we not the Lord Almighty n our side? How long did it take God to slay tho hosts of Sennacherib or burn Sodom or shake down Jericho? How long will It take God, when he ance arises in his strength, to over throw all the forces of Iniquity? Be tween this time and that there may be long seasons of darkness, and the "harlot wheels of God's gospel may teem to drag heavily, but here is the promise and yonder is tbe throne, and when omlniscence has lost its eyesight tnd omnipotence falls back impotent tnd Jehovah is driven from his throne, then the church of Jesus Christ can tfford to be despondent, but never until then. Despots may plan and armies may march and tbe congresses of tbe na tions may seem to think they are ad justing all tbe affairs ot the world, but the mighty men of the earth are only the dust of the chariot wheels of God's providence. And I think before the sun of tbe next century shall set the last tyranny will fall, and with a tplendor of demonstration that shall be the astonishment of the universe God will set forth the brightness and pomp tnd glory and perpetuity of hia eternal government. Out of the starry' flags and the emblazoned insignia of this world God will make a path for his own triumph and returning front uni versal conquest he will sit down, the grandest, the strongest, highest throne 9f earth his footstool. I prepare this sermon because I want to encourage all Christian workers In tvery possible department Hosts of the living 'God, march on, march on, march on! , Hla spirit will bless you. His shield wUl defend you. His sword will strike for you. March on, march on! The despotisms will fail and pa ganism will burn Its Idols and Moham medanism will give up Its false proph et and the great walls of superstition will ooate down in thunder aad wreck at the Wng.' loud blast of the gospel trumpet:' March on, march on! The baalegement writ soon' be ended. Only a few more , steps oa lbs long way'; only a few more sturdy' blows; only a few more bat tlecrie; then God will put the laurel upon' your.arttw,, and. from tha living fxwnlnst lUsven will bathe off the wealahu the heat aad the dust of the coatlet ; VaKH J. , naarch .on! ' For you th lUiutv for work wilT.soen be pasted, aifc? kadi the 'outnaehlags of tae'uIimAAC.throaeiand. the trumpet-' Utg p(eawrrecUen esn)l! the' up heaving' ot tocptf Ks4eYs. a hosarrnsy aad te groaning of the saved aad the 'lost we ahall be .rewarded tor v-IIWJto;ffi& on? etupHlty. e MtMUrdOo4oi Uraai,tro STWkOna'eVerlasU aiv 1M Mai vNtota earth' v vied wlta. esB4U mkl lsaafJpB mfuisjwim n'newrwSMHinniii r- nn ... -. t : I -. SCHOOL. THE SUNOAV latersxktlraal Laaaoa far Mrili) 4, Ml Onr ravtkera Car Matt, (Arraaged from Peloubet'a Mote. 30UDEM TEXT. He oartth for yon, 1 Pat .. THE SECTION Includes) tha lesson, lit is, and applications and Uluat rations from chapter T. TlafE. Midsummer, A. D. U. PLACE On a mountain west of tha aea I QalUee. LES80N NOTES. L Whom Shall We Serve? V. 84. "No man can serve two master:" Who are distinct and opposite in character and demands, who belong to different kingdoms, each with it own separate Interest The Greek word for "the other," in this verse, means not merely another person, but one of different quality. "Yo cannot serve God and mammon:" Mammon ia a Syriao word meaning riches or wealth. It is the commonest form in which Satan ap pear and in which men serve him. II. Our Heavenly Father's Care of Those Who Serve Him. Vs. 25-34. 85. "Therefore I say unto you," In order that you may choose the service of God, without fear; foranxiety about worldly thirty I one chief reason why men serve mammon. "Take no thought:" This translation ha troubled many a Under conscience. Take thought, in this rmagape, was u truthful rendering when th A. V. was inncle, since thought was then used as equivalent to anxiety or solicitude. "For your life, what ye shall eat," to support life. Make not your physical and temporal want the special and great object of thoughtand core. "Your body:" Shelter and cloth ing, together with food, constitute a large part of the natural, physical wonts of man. Moat of the business of the world centers in these things. "la not the life more than meat," which sustains the life? The argument la twofold. (1) Since God haa given life, will He not see thnt nienns of kiib-talni.-ff life are (riven with it? For tho one gift Is vain without the other. (2) We should give our c hief attention to the life, tho true life, nnd the leaner thing will eoine in due measure. 2. "Rehold the fowls of the nir:" IHrds were exceedingly abundant in Galilee, and doubtless, Jesus at this very time could point to the bird with in sight of His hearers. "For they sow not, neither do they reap:" Notice, itis not nald to us: "Sow not, reap not, gather not into horns." The birds are not our example to follow in their hnblu. for God hath mode us to differ from them; tho doing oil thee thinfftt is part of our "how much better nre ye." "Yet your:" Note the your, not their, the Father whose children you are. "Your Heavenly Father f mirth them:" Not In idleness, not by putting food in UierT mouths whiln they sit still lu tho trees and slnp and wnlt; but by provid ing the food which tliey can obtain, and providing them with the means of see ing and obtaining food. 28. "Consider the lilies . . . how Uiov prow:" Many were doubtless on, eery hand within sight of his hearers. (mt At . . I iney ion not, neither Uo tlit-y spin: ' They do not work In man's way for their (rorreous array. They simply five in the way God intended, and f ulnll their mission. 20. "Solouvon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Solomon represented to the Jew tali mind the itltvtl of regal magnificence (see 1 Kings, chap. 10.) 30. "If Ood so ili.-thc the jTrass of the field:" All the herbage. "To-rnorrow Is cast inio the oven:" Owing to a scarcity of fuel, this dried vegetation is still often used to heat ovens for bak ing bread. "Shall be rot much more cJotlie you:" Ilia children, who nre try lug to serve Him. "O y-e of little faith:" lu comparison with the fuith you ought to have, contras-trd with the worthiness of God to be trusted, Ills loving kind ness tbat delights to minister to the wants of His children. HI. The Oonelnsion of the Whole Matter. V. 31-34. 31. "Therefore take uo thought:" Itenotauxloiw. 32. "For:" Giving the first of two reason. "After all theue things do the (iflntllet seek:" That is what you would expect of those who know nothing of our Ueavrrfly Father. Worldllness and distrust re hestheniah. "Fur:" Giving tbe second reason. "Your heavenly Father knowetb tbat ye have nawd of all these thing:" He doe not forbid your wante, but supplies -them. 33. "But seek ye first:" Both in rime and Importance. Make it your chief end and arm in all you do. "Th king dom of God:" God's reign (1) In our own hearts, so tbat w long to do ID will s It Is done in Heaven, and (2) tbat III kingdom may prevail over th whole earth. Lest there should be sny misunderstanding, be sdds, "amd III righteousness:" God's righteouaneas; a life and character like God's, which He approve and desires fnr si Hit creatures. "And all these thing:" food, clthdug, and all that Is necessary to our welfare. "Shall be added unto you:" God will see that these neces sary wante are supplied. 34. "Take therefore no thought tor the mo mow : " Be uot troubled, dis tracted,' snzious, about the future. "For the morrow ahall take thought' for . . . itself:" Not take csr of Itself, but Wing lt own cares and anxieties. "Sufficient unto the dsy ia the evil thereof:" For each day God has appointed Just enough of trials and bur dens for that day's good. pear Folata. It Is oaly the cross we carry that turns to gold. , . The. f sulU we rail at in others are usually the ones we. possess ourselves; Tbe mind, like the- lens, may be con cave and scatter brain power or eon vex and concentrate It. ' - The man who denounces rhe existing, order I thing should speedily aufgt aeme mean of lanproveaent, .' -'-' St John saw 1 SevMt gtm totiltnoec wMeh tv wm' eMM'aNafe f jwnat on earto w c4M-VMsvr lCa.L ..ad - fce " SSexmj W WJ Eczema All Her Life. Mr. K. D. Jenkins, of Lithonis, Ge,, say thst his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Eczema, which tbe usual mercury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicine t, external appli cations snd internal remedies, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. , All the to-called blood remedie did not seem tc reach the dis ease st all until S, S.S. was given, when un improvement was at once noticed. The medicine was continuecd with fav orable results, and now she is cured ound and well, her f '-If 1 . he has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable) cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble. It is a real blocd remedy and always cures even after all else (ails. A Real Blood Remedy. Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; a touic won't cure it. Our books on blood anu skin diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. GREAT MUSIO OFFER. Semi tin the mimes iiti.l tuUieHHeK of llirce or iuon pet f-timers on llio pinno or orpin tonctlier wilh leu coitts in ttilver or posture nnd wo will mail you Hixtwu pugr-s full sheet in u Hie, oonHiHlinir of popular Hor.irs, wultzi'H, H arches, 'tc, iii tniii;eil feu tlio piano uud oi'kiui. AilJress : 1'opulaii Muhio Co., tf. Iiuliui.iipoliF, I ml. SPECIAL NOTICES. Small ndviTllM'TncniH if -vry iliwrlptlon. Wnnt, Salt or Kern, I.cH or Found, or IIht no. Uc-cH tiitu-rti'd uiiitcr nils IiuikI lor cuii'-luui mil u word lor one lnwrtion unit onr-fouri li I'i'iil it word eiich Miilisrqiprti! Insertion. Notldnif In serted lur Ion (liun ten cuuts. How to be lliiiiilMHiie. It t n inistuke to suppose tliut tloi only wnv to h K'HMl looking in to bit horn ho. ' 4.oud licitltli lots more to do with good ,M,,H than itiiylliiiiirelau' Huvh diHruwt ax coimtiMttlon, lvpcniit, liver complaintx. rhtmomlmm. hit votis diMordtTH. A'u , not only shorten life, hut spoil temiM-rH mid "looks." Ittieou' Celery Kiiur for the nerves r-urc thv troiihlcM. v. II. Ilermim, Troxelvllle; Midd e-wurtli t I'InIi, MeClutu ; sell it and will give you n wimple puekHKe fruo. Ijtrgo suet V and Ct)NKllilCNTIAI.eireiihrM of "Hiiro Hook" not uhtniuiilde in hook Ntores, that will sur priwj aiitl iutert'Nt you. Smtplu photo of net reNWH in ti(hlH, sealed fl eents. tieiu Co. l.uv iiiutou. III. A Upm IrlpQ Heelpe for ehokc-tiorliiK "hot 11 lib II lUud. kiiiim, 'i"e silver. Nil hiiinhiiu. Kor full limtriietloiift, iiiIiIIvnh J. T. Norri. I.ot tnvillu, Warren Co., l'n, .lull, tl :i in. REVIVO RESTORZS VITALITY Made a M . ,'Vh,""f- 'Wf of Me. VH. Cf.iTAT -, . 3i J .331cr OSS TXTZTVTTr.Jil: ' UiMalmvo r.' iiIik In no iliiyn. Its m " I illy .1 id nuirki) cures wlirn sll oilier, (nil liiiiiicitieii i.ll rt-uain tliuir li nt iubiiIioihI an I i,IJ Men will recover tliMr yniilliliil viuor bv imiiin '.I. VIVO. It unl.-klr ami nio.'!) rtincn .N.runLv ' -t Vitality. IiniioieMi'v. Nnil ttv Kiuixinns. .im 1 imi r. J mini M'lnory, W'antiuu Dim'omk aud II ilf eM ot Mlf sliiuw or esroi-fcsud iniliw r tur. liico uuuts us tors uily. litlnewor nuniste. It not onlr runs br stsrtlng st tlm nest ot riisesns. but 41 sgrrst nrrva ton ie Slid lilooil liullder. bn.ig nis lisrk tha pink glow to alp elieekn a ul n to-liig tlii lira of youth. It srd off Inunlty sud Cousumptlna. Insut oa tiivinit ItKVIVO. t other. It ran ba carried In vest rocket. Dr mail. S 1.0 par packsas, or sil for OS.OO, with a posl Uva wrlttaa guarantee to euio or refuail Banony. Circular free. Address 0Y1L IEBICHE CO.. 271 Wabash 4U. CHICAGO. ILL KorBaleat Mlddleburcb. br W. II. 81'ANCILKR. Klondike Alaska! Why not (jet your share of tbe groat fortune to be realised from the wonderlul dlxvoverlen already made and to he mude In this New KIod-dlke-Alaaka-Kldorado? THE WASHING TON UOLD riElilS KXPLOKATION COM PANY under Its otlaracler Is authorised to pros pect for and acquire Mining- Claims and I'rOp ertlesln tha wonderful (fold fields of Klondlks and Alaska. Immense fortunes have already been realised and millions more will be mode there. Will you allow this irolden Opportunity to pass you by? A few dollars Invented In in tbla undertaking may b the foundation to your fortuue. Tb rush lo the wonderland nec essitates Immediate aetloti. Tbe first In the Held tbe first In fortune. No Si.ch opportunity has erer been pi feinted to the peope of tbe present feneration as la offered in the Klondike-Alaska Gold Fields. All shareboldeea get tbslr full proportion of all profits. No divi dends ark made en Mock remaining unsold. Send your arders enclosing One Dollar fur each altera of fully paid-up and non assessable stock deelred to the W ABUING1TON UOLD K1KLDM EXPLORATION COMPANY. Tacoma, Waeb Ingtoa. ,' . Tha following- Taeoma dealers in supplies for tfa Klondike aad Alaska trade are Mock bold er In th Company and will Inform you regard ing the reliability of lta officers: Monty Qunn, Oroeerlee; A. P. Hoska. Ibrnesa Co.; Morris Ore se Ce , Dry Goods and Clothing ; W. q. Rowland. Outfitter; Hugo Pellts, Tents Taeoma Hardware Co. 0-28-lyr. - i- .... li,. ' toi;keee fsN sad Tsar 14ft Awsj. Te tjalt tofaaatf eaally. aad forever, be mac aells. full et Ht aerve aad vigor, take No-To-Ba. th wnader-worktr. that maksa weak moa All SMbnlsbaHeerli. Cartguaraa- tead Toaais' aad -Sample free. Address Btetttaf Bessete on. Chttace ersttew Yet. jtfTTtSN. rb4ftt.pl j f'jS ,r" -.W "I At,: : mJ l...i,.iu t V 'at'eev-aaaa. : M SJAwa. aj. imn9! - - .... ""r : t T-