The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 03, 1898, Image 4

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    The Middleburgh Post.
Published every Thursday.
Geo. W. Wage.iseller,
Editor and Proprietor,
Subscription $1.50 per year.
bleb must be paid tnadrance when sent out
side tbecounly.)
AU transient rtvmlrm.nt not otherwise
eoolrmcied for will be chitnp-d at the rate of It
cents per line (nonpHrtW measure) for nmt Inser
tion and 10 ceula per line for every subsequent
mWDtmtlk diet publulud rtt i obituary pom j,
tntnOM ifruptt. c, ttwrnat am.
Thursday, Feb. 3, 1898.
Bepublican Convention.
The rt-turn jihIciii of the Ucpubli
mn primary election of Satunlay
met in MiUlleliirr on Monday at
one o'clock ami computed the returns
as published elsewhere in the 1 ost,
The following resolutions were
adopted :
'Whkukas, We the representatives
of the Republican party f Snyder
Vo., convention assembled liehcving
it to be right and projxT that we
voice the sentiment ot a united party
at tins time, therefore lie it
Kksoi.ved, That we congratulate
the country upon its growing pros
jierity, and we recognize the fact
dollar wheat and the increased vol
ume of trade ami business in every
branch ot industry, is largely due to
the able and wise course of the ad
ministration and its co-ordinate
branch, the Congress of the United
Rksoia'KH, That we deprecate
and denounce the unjust enforcement
of the Cleveland Civil Service Rule,
which filled the departments with
ultra Democratic partisans to the
exclusion of sturdy, honest and in
telligent Republicans. We Ix-lieve
that the only rule of appointment
should be for merit, honesty and in
telligence, and we call upon Presi
dent McKinlcy and his heads of
departments to suspend the unjust
rule and make all appoiuments ac
cordingly. And lie it further
Reholved, That we call upon
Senators Quay and Penrose and Con
gressman Thad. M. Mahon to use
their best endeavors to procureamo
diBcation of the present unjitst Civil
Serv:ce Rule.
Resolved, That we cordially
and fully endorse the ticket this day
nominated; that we jxiint with pride to
the fact tnat Senator M.S. (iuay,Con
gressmairThad. M. Mahon and Dr.
A. M. Smith, our candidate for As
sembly, one and all, served their
country in the hour of danger upon
the field of battleand are worthy of
our fullest confidence and support,
and that we lcycak for one ami all,
from Congress to Associate Judge,
tin; loyal support of the wirty.
Kb.ui.ved, That Hon. Thad. M.
Mahon Ik- cmjiowi'red to select his
own conferences.
Reoi.veii, That we Ix lieve that
the sentiment of our county is al
most unanininous for that gallant sol
dier, Col. Win. A. Stone, of Alleg
heny, for (iovernorof Pennsylvania.
We therefore most cordially endorse
him and roMi-lfulIy request that
or sfcit e delegate, John F. Stetler,
Fxjr.,rast his vote for him and use
his influence to secure his nomination.
Miss Minicli, of Wrightsvillc, is
a guest at 1. S. AlU rt's Misses
Maon and Otto, of NortliuinlxT
land, are vMting at Rev. C. R.
IJottsford's in Studcutvillc il.
Gla- and daughter, Mrs. Dr.
Clrich, of Miller-burg, are sjicnd
big a few days with friends in town.
They took in the niusi-al festival
. . . .J. S. lA'i-enring 11ij. and wife
of Altooiia were eallol here bv the
deiith of Mrs. l's uncle, Judge
Shinlel. . . .Dr. Follnier and wife,
of Milton, were entertained at Dr.
Voelkler's Messrs. J. R. Sinitli,
Ktiauer and Sidell(ol Milton, took
in oiw of the concerts .... Rev.
Wamjede, of Sliaiiiokin, was cntcr-
taiiKul by frunds la-t week. He
lamp over to i enew old friendships
ami v uhki irr. j erkins Jl go-is
without saymg tliat he took in the
convention Frank Jiousuin and
wife, of Patterson, are wehvine
guots at the hotj e of Mrs. R's jar
uU, J. A- Luiulxird and wife. . . ,
Mi Kara WujrcnhelJerofKliaiiokin,
in bvii g eukrtainmJ hy Mi Mary
ft.-huure .....Miss JAtie Sjagler,
of Vwdilla, sjx.Dt a day" with Iky
unle, Dr. Spongier The musical
festival was a grand success music
ally. The management are to be
congratulated on being able toget so
much talent together. Dr. Perkins
said publicly that he was very much
pleased with the chorus. We notic
ed some of your townsjieople. The
concerts were of very a high order
and seemed to give general satisfac
tion. Mr. Warren, of Seranton,
made hosts of friends. He certainly
is an artist iu the musical line.
Mrs. Sliaw is a very genial and
lady-like woman. She rendered
some fine songs. Taking it all in all,
your eorresiMindent thinks it was
one of the best choruses ever gotten
together in the county. Prof. Mit
chell proved himself to be at home
at the piano. There seemed to be
more sociability displayed among
the chorus than is usual at such
times. The variety of selections
rendered at the concerts was com
mented on by the audience and duly
appreciated Dr. Perkins and
Mrs. Shaw remained over Sunday.
Kach King a solo in Trinity Luther
an church, the doctor in the morn
ing and Mrs. Shaw in the evening
1 he primary election passed ofl very
well, but was hotly contested by
the friends of the several candidates.
Senator Hummel, however, is not as
well pleased with the result as Judge
(jcniberling; the one got "left am
the other did not Rev. J. C.
Shindel reached here in time to at
tend the funeral of his father
We noticed "Ye Editor" and wife
taking in the concerts... R. II.
Shindel and wife, of York, are spend
ing a lew days in town.
The Primary election is a thing
of the past. People feel highly
elated over the success of our towns
man, Dr. Smith. The band sere
naded the successful candidate on
Monday evening Isaac Smith
told his tarm to Frank Decker of
McClure, consideration $5300
Edward Knepp sold his house and
lot to J. W. Snook for $475. . . .
The birthday jmrty held for Miss
Eflie Aurand on Monday evening
was attended by quite a number of
young people from IJcavrtovrn and
Adamsburg Ed. Knepp of Lew-
lstown was a visitor in town......
Miss Bessie Mechtiey has gone ' to
Miflluitown to spend a. few days
. . The prospects for a boom in
Adamsburg the coming spring are
becoming brighter every day
Eph. Kline of Paddy Mountains
jiaid his Primary visit.... H. I.
Romig and daughter made a busi
ness trip to Centreville Saturday.
Jacob Heintelinan and wife
were m Iewistown laat week ....
Geo. Gordon is sjiending a few flays
at home Fisher Walter visited
friends in Selinsgrove last week. . . .
Ix;wis Magee and wife of Muzcpjia
were visiting James Magee and
sister vcr Sunday. .. .Mrs. A. C.
Smith sjK;iit several days in Selins
grove last week Edwin Buck,
who was attending school at Slia-
mokin, returned home Michael
Striekler and daughter of Juniata
co.inty were the guests of Jacob
HeiutzelniMii over Sunday. .. .F.
Thomas was iu Selinsgrove last
week .... The republicans of this
township took a great interest in the
recent nominations and all were
eagerly awaiting the returns over
the phone.
The election is over and every
one is pleased with what he did or
what he tried to do Miss Mallie
Steely is home from a two weeks'
visit in Big Valley. . . .R. Steely
is on the sick list. . . .The Peiina.
Germans of Snyder county believe
in )aying as they go. They have a
surplus of SI !) in the county
treasury and Ixi-idirs that they have
an empty jail. They prolftthly
would not have a jail at all if it
were not at tiintis necessary for the
strangers, (Inquirer) Sme of
our staunch democrat took the oath
Saturday to stand by and for the
only jiarty that istrue to its country,
the glorious Rep. Wc are exjsft
ing more to iih? in out of the wet
Two Mis Snook of Mifliin
county jaid their sisUi, Mrs. Polly
HerlsU r, a visit at Iiwell last
week. . . .The uicrcliatit that claim
to le closing out business at cost
with their own printed notices al
ways mention a day tliat never gets
here us it reads, alter to-day or to
morrow .... A great many promise
that were made before the 29th
were faithfully broken on that day.
Well, that is generally the way.
Some do, but it is not the right way,
so says poor Richard. - .
Beware ot Ointment for Catarrh that
Contain MereurY,
mm mercury will surely destroy the win of
mall and completely dentine the whole system
when env-rlng It through turn mucous surfaces.
Such articles should nerer be used aspect on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as tlie
damacs tliey will do is ten fold to the good you
Can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by K. J. ('Leaner ft Uu..
Toledo, O., contains no mswury, and is taken
internally, actioc directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Uall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine.
It is taken Internally, and made In Toledo,
Ohio, by P. J. Cbeuney to. Testimonials
Sold by Drunriats, price 7!ie per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Geo. A. Botdorf and Jno. Moyer
arc in Perry county negotiating for
peach and apple trees .... Professor
Boyer transacted business at Aline
last Tuesday The Frceburg
soldier veterans and their wives had
an enjoyable time in the dining
room of the Empire House. They
captured many of the good things
placed on the table and they retired
from the scene as conquerors of
good eatables. Landlord- Dong
was their leader. .. .11. E. Miller
adm'r in the estate of Ab. Roush,
met the claimants at the Central
Hotel in Frceburg last Monday ..,
The exercises of the two days'
rarniers institute were very in
structive and interesting. John F.
Boyer, member of the State Board
a t . t
oi agriculture lor our county, is
the right man in the right place.
Simon Ixng sold the Empire Hotel
to Geo. A. Boyer of Allentown for
$3000. Possession given April 1st
...C. A. Gearhnrt, teacher ot the
Miller school, and all his pupils, 35
in numlier, visited the Reichenbnch
school last Tuesday. They were a
nippy jiarty on a four-horse sled.
An avalanche of New Goods
F. II. rjaurers
. . I. T"N l TT n " r m e - : :
5 ?
Choosing a Husband
Don't marry a fashionable man
he is soft.
Don't marry your inferior men
tally you, cannot love him. i
Don't marry a spendthrift you
will be compelled to support your
Don't marry a man who has many
sweethearts he will surely b?
Don't marry a man to reform him
better drown yourself, or take
'Rough or Rats."
Don't marry a man who smokes
smoking is not manly. If he
loves you he will quit it.
Don't marry a man who is in the
habit of "drinking" lie is on the
highway to ruin.
Don't marry a man whose feet,
muds, nose and ears are small he is
a "small potato." But if you are
the opposite, and want a baby hus-
liand, you can consider the matter.
Real men never have very small
features especially noses.
Don't marry a man who has the
reputation of gambling, or speculat
ing you will regret it.
Don't marry a man who has sown
much wild oats they are liable to
spring up when you least expect
W -V t. 1 a
Don t marry a man who chews
tolKiccti if you do voiir stove plate
1 111111 a
and coal nisi will always lie orna
mented with the unpleasant stuff.
"50 Years' hmnul.
Published by the Nbw-York Tsibi se.
Second Edition.
32 Pages, 18 by 12J Ihches.
A eeneral review of the advances
and improvements made in the lead
ing branches of farm industry dur
ing the last half century.
Special articles by the best ngri
cultural writers, on topics .which
they have made their lifo study.
Illustrations of old fashioned im
plements. A vast atnouct of practical infor
mation. A valuable aid to farmers who de
sire to stimulate and profit.
Extremely interesting and instruc
tive ONLY 15 CENTS A COPY, by mail.
Send your order to
Middlebur, Pa.
A 11 AS HFC l. YOUNO MAN: or, How I Went
Home with My Flr.t Oirl. What I dl.l,
how did it, and well, no mailer, jiit
end and kH it all. I'liue 10 cents, postpuld,
AiMrrse lUKVtr B . i'leuxuiitville, I'a.
I Best uuirli krup. OucL Cat I I
Ej In Mfiis. H'iM hr ririiratata. irf
Our counters and shelves are now
loaded with a magnificent line of
rich and elegant Dress Stuffs, Chev
iots. Covert Cloths, Henriettas in all
the beautiful fall shades. Hosiery,
Gloves. Trimmings, &e. &.e. just re
ceived from New York and Phila
delphia. All Beat Lanaaater Apron Ulna-ham, S cents
" Klue Calico, S "
" " l.lKht Calico, 8 "
" " Ked Oil Calico sloS -
" Hark Cnlicos, , 4. 9 . "
Fancy Novelty Oreaa floods, only S " -
This is tb greatest bargain we
ever had. Everybody ought to see
the bargains we have in dress goods,
styles and prices.
The latest silk. 30 inches wide, only M eta.
Kitra Hne novelty dress irood, 73 "
Also a full line of the latest trimm
ings, braids, silks and ribbons. Call
and see our low prices and styles on
these goods ; we know we can please
you. In our
will be found eleeant stylish suits.
Heavy and light weight Overcoats,
Storm-coats and Every-day suits at
prices 10 asiouna you.
Men's Heavy Beaver Black Overcoats, ' 13.00
" . " " Storm " UtoM
Boys' fcltoto
Men's suits, slse 35 to 42, upward from f XW
Boya' suits, 14 to l years, for 11.00
Youths' " for only 1 bushel of wheat, $1.00
Men s neavy extra pants, only AOc
Men's over-shirts, only . 2Ao
Men's underware, per suit, only AOc
Youths' " 15c. to25o
Men. s hats and crdb can't be best
in prices, and wear for 60o. Latest
styles and lowest prices. Call and
see our hats. Our Ladies'
MAP Department
is now complete. Here is a bewild
ering array of Charming Wsaps, rich
and strikingly handsome Coats and
Canes a dozen or more styles to sn.
lectfrom. The Children's Coats are
perfeot beauties. We had these
made expressly for comfort and
ease, r or elegance and style of gar
ments our Ladies' Wrap Depart
ment is not surpassed anvwnerai
and what is io your advantage, we
are able to Bell at Manufacturer's
Indies' fine coats, from 12.00 up
Ijtdiea' Sne capes, from li.fOup
Misses' coats, 4 to 14, only . tl.M
Don't miss the coats now. you can
have your choice; ' ; ,
A Marvelous t4torm of
Boots & Shoes
reached our store yesterday. Ev
ersthing for footwear frcra the finest
t rench kid to the ordinary dollar
shoe. Greoter assortment the ever.
Here is a whole counter full ot shoes
for the Little people, for fat babies
too. sizes from 1 to 5 and 6 to 12.
Ladies' Rubbers,
Ladies' Storm Rubbers,
Gents' Rubbers,
25 cents1
35 "
we have added to our usual heavy
stock in this line a full assortment
of very choice Fine Groceries, such
as prime Old Govrrnment Java and
Mocha Coffees, Spiced Cherries aud
The Winner Coffee, 13c., 2 lbs.2r)C.
lie, 4
lie. 4
l lbs., 25c.
Sugar, Brown,
" Light Brown,
" Soft A., 10 lbs.,
" Granulated, 9 lbs.,
Soui) lieans. 3e
Baking soda, per lb.,
'1 100 matches,
Corn starch, 5c, 3 lls.
Best Bakers' Chocolate,
Carpets, Rugs
and Oilcloths
we have all the newest patterns and
choice coloring. The latest de
signs are beautiful and at a Quarter
off from former prices.
The best Ingraiu Cnrpetl ever saw
for only 2"c. pur yard.
Next belter, 2Hc.
Next better, 32c.
Jirussels, Only 45c.
Home made carpets, 25c. to 50c.
Floor oilcloth B 4, only 50c. per yard.
Tablo oilcloth 5 4 " 14c. " "
" " C-4 " l'Jc. " "
lied blankets for only COcts. per pair.
Ku. 1 Butter, It I'otatocs, 00
No. 2 HutUr, 10 New Ird, S
Fresh Kkk, IU Old Urd, 0
Onions, 50 YoUng L'lilckeui 7
All Good Butter Wanted.
N. 11. Wo have no Special
JJargain JJay, Oar JJargains
very JJay,
I 1 V
W -Vjam
Bright new designs look oat from
every nook and corner of our 8 tor
Shapes bod Styles in which at mm
yoa see yoar IdeaL
PICTCRES at prices so low that oth
er merchant ean not eomnete.
Yonrs Respeotfully,
W.ff. FELIX, Lcwit
Liberal Adjustments. Prompt Payments.
Only the Oldest, Btrongest Cash Companies,
Fire, Life. Accident and Tnrnndn.
Ho Assessments No Premmm Tlnta
The Aetmi Founded A. D.. 1819
Home - 853 9,853,628.54
American " 1810 2,409,584.53
The Standard Accident Insurance Co.
The New York Life Insurance Co. '
The Fidelity Mutual Life Association.
Your Patronage Solicited.
10 Per Gent.
Discount will be allowed
On all Goods In Stock.
Until you see Solid-fact Bargains. We have
opened the Season with a stock of goods
that beats the record for beauty and low
prices. Be fair with yourselves and see
our Elegant Stock of Winter Clothing.
I presents an opportunity for economic
al buying that is not found elsewhere.
Everybody needs something in this line.
We have just what you need, and at the
prices that defy competition. We have
the Finest Line of Gentlemen's Furnish
ing Goods on the Market. Hats. Gaps.
Valices, Trunks and Rubber Goods we
have in large assortments.
We have a line unequalled in the county, our heavier wear, in Drice
and quality, cannot be beat in the State. We want you to see our shoes.
A full Line of florse Blankets, Lap Robes
and Whips constantly on hand at greatly reduced prices.
App'sBlools., - - Sollnagrovo, Fet.
Great Reduction Sale of
For Ninety Days I
The Undersigned Offer The Public Their EN
SYLVANIA. We are uot celling out, but we do this to Increase our sales above any pre
vlous year. We give a few of the prlops as follows :
Soft Wood Chaiuber Suits $14.00.Cotton Top Mattress 2 25
Hard Wood Chamber Suits 16.00 Woven Wire Mattress 1 7S
Antique Oak Suits, 8 Pieces 19.00: Bed Springs l'jM
Plush Parlor 8ult 80.00 Drop Tables, per ft !' 60
Wooden Chairs per set 2.60;Platforiu Rockers 2 50
In stock, everything in the furniture line, Including Mirrors, Book Cases.
Desks, Si(leboards,Cupbourds, Centre Tables, Fancy Rookrs. Baby Chairs
Feather Pillows, Lounges, Couches, Doughtrays, Sinks, Hall Racks, Cau
Beat Chairs fine, medium and cheap furniture, to suit all classes.
Prices reduced all through. Coiuo early and Bee our stock before giving
your order, and thus save 15 to 20 er cent, on evrv Hniisv
Special Attention Given to Undertaking & Embaliuinff.
TT A rpTTTPrj HIT A T sl tt a nm a . . ...
AaiaanjuAii Ob oaniflAfl, J-iimlt8a,
New Berlin, Pa.
f. W, Corner, Front and Union Sts
ev; Hardware Store
I keen evcrvtliinr in the hardwarn lino. TTnran almn
nails, other nails bvtlie kejr or pound, too t.fiiL rant, stnnl
tires for buggies and wagons, round bar iron, chains of all
kinds, forks, shovels hoes, tools of all kinds,
Horse Blankets,
Whips, halters, tie ropes, curry combs, brushes of all
kinds, brooms, tinware, granito ware, tubs, buckets, and
Patent Washing Machines,
Call to see my goods and you will bo convinsed that
you can buy cheaper hero than any where in the county.
Yours resp'yj yrJgr Mt Ploasaut
For The