The Middleburgh post. (Middleburgh, Snyder Co., Pa.) 1883-1916, February 03, 1898, Image 3

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    crt cf RacCpts and IlrpsadltuMi of Bnyder County for
V, - v . tie year eadirj Doo, 31. 1897. , .
TABULA U STATKMBKT alio v. In amount of county and J J"
Wed, ooileot.d, ntornwi. couiuiWtons. wonoratlona and abat
iitntiiiowtxiiMdoutaUiidiutr, forth year 1897.
I Aim I
oovLwmma. I . 1
Heaver .
I leaver West
KraiUtUn .
Perry West
J. Middlmwarui
Dsn I B Uasslnger.
Joseph Kerr
Win. U. ttoetley
tviuuo Oklt
U M MoaU
I'iffiii unw
"' NV4M'
mi ;s
tTM '
. rtwitt,
1S7I -18W48
IUI 71
Thoutas HM1
e L uemneninr
Keaou Meager
Jacob FotU ...
A J Urosa
ltohert umltrt
J ctbatuahl
Wm II Rjubu
TAB0LMI 8llTEMENTs!itwiru oolleitiou made, riotiorttlijus allowed
aud uiiikMiidiiitc MJLva for 13J0 uiid previous yM-
: J. ill ii H, Hoovar
Hearer Wnt
Heaver W.
fan a
Beaver West
Win J. Hiuiin
Win. M. Suillli
Jhh MMdlmW'tn
J P lloiumel
W II Hhellay
Ialall Hownraol
I'buI Hummel
i: L OembcrllnK
A J Urmv
A W AUfker
J J nuadrura
Irs Mld'llPHW'th
Ixaac HoiisU
J no 8 Uommel
Jimeph Krrr
W II Hbellny
Isaluli BowerMZ
Sdloinon Klluo
Cll mlnlnicr
Haul Hummel
B V Hummel
J IUrmutirllag
J A Rroilua
Jacob Poll
A.I urosa
Henry Uoaa
A W Auckar
J J Uuudrum
Parry Wat
Spring -
Receipts and Expenditures.
Prothonotary's Office.
J. C. Sclioch Fee for 1806 1 15 . '
. una MW
n unulLr. blank - 17 25
A." M. Aurand, " J5
IV B Tumi. "
Wm. f . Muiphy. blank book 3 M
MunPrintlnit'Jo., blank books 15 JO
J. a Upplncott tCo., atirtionery St
I A. J. CroBnnrovB. irpwi "
. S
W.3. Jonsion u.i ui-i
.C. Bchocn. rensnveiopin. '"-' 75 ,2988
llco-istcr aud Recorder's Office.
I G. M. Bblndel, certifying roortgagca
I for lw . ' ., ,. 1 ii
O. W. Wagenaaller, blanka 1 80
'w.VSdurphy Bon, docketo 40 75-08 80
Commissioners' Office.
I(t. W. Wagenaellar, blanka
IE, B. WtlllH llll"'"l'
I J. A. Bnyder. iwsm, J-" 8 w
A.M.Auraad, blank B00
J. W. Kunkie, pov '-"-
card 1 - ' ' .
O. K. llaaalntrer, pontage lUmpa and
Ml Holly Printing Co.. ataUonery
and blank booka 2f S
M.,v 1. Hunk, stationery 28 50
Hun Printing Co., " 40
Wm.Mann, '
Hmith Printing CP. " 4 2
I Wm. DreeM, 7 aiya " .
join at o.iK
W.1Iper.,rvelln', ..-moo
IPhare Herman, traveling
Stpenxcs , 20.10--28510
Isaac Bpotta 71 lay ervlce
I a Com atu.w '
'?0.,r''Ve,,," m.tMl0
I J. W . Hwart. CommlMlonera'
Iuoric ,
M. I. Hotter. Coinmi...lonor.
Attorney uw-.,n
Slierift's Office.
Alfred Bpeiht, Hhcrift Report to
Pni.hnl.haritv 10 00
lOeo. W. Wanemeller, blanks 11 75
IH. K. Riegol re (Joininweaini
IV J no. Moyrr,
Uriah Boney ct. nl fee Common-
wcltb v Steward Boney 8 70
W. 11 Itrmvnr. mda 2 0
IW, P. Murphy ft Son, docket 800
A. M. Aurand, blank 8 0
P. 8. Itlttcr. aliorill nerving Jury
I notice ami drawing same wi iu
I. 8. Hitter fee in 18 common-
Iwenltli cane . ., w
P. 8. Kilter 8 report to public
ohn-itv 30 00
IP. 8. Hitter adv. election, de
livering prisoner, urumons, 01 at
31 15
J led uct f rorn ami. f or c oal Bold 12 UO
liaiauce it 10 sm
District Attorney's Office.
. M. Pttker. District Attorney
fees in Coininwealtb caw
50 C0-. 00
'dbruary Term,
drawl Jurors
Petit Jurors
I'onatahl' Rerturn
Tlimtitve and Oryor
79 95
244 57
55 50
hi 5(1
Caae of II. P.
80 00
Alleman and Commonwealth
V Tramp
' Hummol rs
28 30
103 2500(1 07
m 10
414 54
5:1 40
Jnna Term,
(irnml Jurors
Petit Juror
CnnKtiibles' Rnturr
Tipuluvcii and C'ryer
htmu itrt-fltilll'r
1 ranwriuiiii
Rqultv Owe, Stroub va
ilornbeiger, ami Common
wenllh v Muer v Snook 11380 809 84
IctolM-r Term,
(Irund Jurors
Petit Juror
Coimtahii's' Returns
'I iplvr ninl Cryer
" transcribing
Croiwe v Itnilwoy
icceiuber Term,
(Irnml Jurors
Petit Juror
TipnlnveJand Cryor
121 31
417 h'J
40 41
70 00
50 00
115 63-651 20
870 12
08 18-63021
Uustices, ' Coitstables and Witness
Fees in Coinnionwealtli Oases.
ouimonwcaltli v J. Ward ' 4 8n
" JolmMoyor 13 38
l'urnHuch 7 81
" " .1. K. Thninaa 14 80
" ' " Fcnterbub
amlKlegel jm 4743
ommonwealth va Steward Boney 10 00
' Wm.tJeruer 01 1'J
" Viola Hill H'.O
" " Cnrrlolailrr 10 M)
' . " llannn lin? 10 80
ii j. ,) 8. Kt- ,
tingtr 85
Jinmonwralth v Clnrcnco Van- -devender
: - . . s 148-,88 J8,
Coroners' ,md Justices' 'Inquests.
Ir. Mnrand Rothrock ot nl, body
of Rufm Phillip . B4B-84irj
O-jl0 I Ak I
I "I
Rstara I RttioQ-Joia'i.
I. oftn; loo.(.
I UatfUnd.
49j M;
14 88 187 00
S3 9 IMS
W4I 10
M 17 14) 71
14 M 188 7s
44 K
. 17 tu M17
II 44 M II
8 41 . 74 08
41 W 184 47
414 1S0W
U SO- 11 44
94 Til TH M
17 ? It (4
15 87 17 18
St Tit Is) IS
4715 ,11UW
818 44)
. "1 OU
484 71
m sh
. Ml (Ml
4S9 78:
117 6TI
141 T
W it
88 41
17 ;
17 41
14 94;
7 0S
US 77
II 43
Itt ll
41 IS
IT 04
110117 Wj 1S
TI 141
I UnlfUn I' Collect. I Kionora-1 1 lunt ui l-
Yea-1 Jan. 1. IBM d. I tluna. Inic.
1M i 4-1 17 I 17
U9 ! M II 14 II
IMA i J 44 SH 144 brt
184 S 41 MM t IT
IM Ml li M T
144 ! 70 a 41 4 t 7
146 i INS l - ll k
lrl5 ! IS 10 70 IS 4 7
IftM i 17 (4 t m it
IBM ! VI 44 90 48
14VA S44 0 Ui H 1 51
IkV KV4 10 tH M IN
)ftv4 18 7 II T9
1V4 1M 84 l'il (M 4 IN 1-7 U
)BU ITS 4 164 (19 14 17
1SV6 34 Oft S4 18 II H7
tnt HID ISO 60 5 HI
lu t i) Ml 114 Ml 41 40
1894 .' VIII 74 201 4'i 4 14
la4 C'i 00 M SI t 19
1V Si M 47 41 4 40
1SV4 44 OS 9) ti 01
1V4 115 39 V.' U0 90 1
1S to i 14i III 10 II II 46
1BU4 SU SI M (10 14 1
Uv 44 M 44 li 2 57
IBM 46 14 15 00 40 14
1,V4 111 :H , 71 M Si
18IW -2m 1 K4 4 1 94 SO
14V4 2(15 II 154 11 I 10
t46U 74 $4431 11 tlU9 KB 1412 84
W. II. Reaver mdse
Alfrnd Huecht boardiiur J. A.
M(yer 4 50
D. A. hern, lumber and repair 10 Mr
J. H. Htetler, liauling asba 180
W. W- Pawling, placing tiling
in the yard 4 50
Iaaae 14 oyer et al. lime and
taking away aahe 1 40
C. A. Bolender, Interest in bond 25 00
KveRennlnger 12 50
W. W. Wlttenmyer, mdaaand
blinds tor prison "rlS
W. B. Winey, coal 73 41
U. K. Kasiinger, medical att.
Uerger SO)
Herman Renniugar, labor and
glaaa 1 28
Mrs. Abbia Rltler, Mwlng. repair.
Ing and waahi ng for 1897 15 00
P. B. hitter, Janitor services . 40 90
" " " 12 turnkey lee and
discbarges 12
P. 8. Ritler, boarding prisoner 597 5J-859 41
Court House.
W. H. Beaver, ntdaa V 10
C.H. Waiter, 84
Amandau Sharnbaeh, blacksmith
work 1M
M. U Shannon, atove repair 1 50
Oeo. R Spechi, Janitor services
for 1897 ' 40 00
3. B. Lipplncott A Co., stationary 6 41
K. It. Aultman Treiebier T Co.,
80 yard 23 58
J. CI. Walter, lime for old water
closet 2 50
J. V. Metier, contract for new
water closet 230 00
I. II. Bowersox, mde 7 69
W. VT. Wlttenmyer, indue 2 15-044 07
Support of King, Ilerbster and
Uergor at Danville Asylum 105 00-195
Support of Htrectcr Coleman and
Hucll 102 68-162 63
Iload and Bridge Viewers' Fees.
E. D. II. Walter et al viewer 153 40-153 40
X. C. (liitellu et al, calp
certillcato 102 50-10230
llond Damages.
A, It Pottiger. Penn twp. m Tl
Pnnii'l SUiulTer, " " 74 Oil
1). C. HeritHtreHer " " 17 St
BcnJ. Ulrieh, " " 66 81
tl. H. Davis (Trustee) Penn twp. 156 37
I,. V. bmith, " " 3'J 37
Ciiarle ftlol er, ailmr. Heaver ' 3 (HI
Moses Krb. Adams " 20 0"
Wm. Mitcheil " 12 00
John Y. Krobbs, ' " 19 00 till HO
First National Bank of Middle
burg, interest on bonds
First National Bank of MidillO.
no 45
burg, bonds redeemed 2000 00
It. II. Uvbocb, Insurance on
Pine Street Bridge, S.ilins-
grove 86 60
C. R. Simngler, plank for bridge 0 22
11. . Hichter, spncitlcation for
Middli-burgiron 25 00
Reaver 75
Orlentel 75
Oros 100
Mnhontongo 36 S3
Pine Street, Bell nsgrove 555
KraUerville 2 40
Dinger 9 03
Hoover 5 00
MitchellB 10 89 .
Howeriox Iron 50
Burn 8 20
Peffer 18 75
Kantz 61 67
Helinsgrove iron 16 20
Koyers 19 0
Bruhaker 1 00
Kwing 5 04
Ixngs 452 02
K reamer 66 77
Yodcni 1 50
Nuitx Volley 63 00-5,108 87
Spring assessment
Mny mill school Registration
Triennial assessment
December Registration, birth
aud death reported
471 00
473 50 .
412 15-1,858 70
February electioD 470 5S
November " 61520
O. W. Wagensellcr, Fcliy. elec
tion bill lots 4100
J, A. I.umburil, Nov. election
ballots 18 91
Constables advertising and nt-
temllng elccliun 123 40
Rlilgwny Pub. Co., blanks 9 110
llenrv llitll 12 75
Al. I. Putter et al computing
Nov. election retiirui fO 531,21037
J. A. Snyder.
Publishing county statomont
" court proo.
" election prnc.
" nulicJ of appeal
Job work
J, A. .umhard.
Publishing county statement
" court proc.
" election proo.
" . notice of appeal
Job work
J. O. Lesher,
t'ubiishliig county statement
, , court proc.
" election proo.
O. W. Wnuenseller,
Publishing county statement
' court proc.
" election proc.
Job work
Ed. H. Willi it Son,
. publishing county statement
court proc.
''. - election proc.
1" - notk'o of appeal ' '
A. St. Aurand,
': Publishing county statpmcnt
25 0U
23 00
8 110
0 50-71 82
23 00
35 Oil
80 00-02 49
25 00
111 82
230D-03 32
23 00 ..
11 32
25 00
8 50-71 82
25 00
25 00
3 50-62 49
25 00 - :
: 454 ts
rltutlua prae.
Job work .
Duc'il Soldiers, Burial and Tombstones.
tk-MllOltS Ull
M. K. Mcbreyer - " D W.
Kreaine' 85 00
M. 8. Schroyer " Jacob
Masseiinan SSM '
T. A laairner " Moaea
Weader SI 00
O. P Broiut - " Wm.
Sclmee M0J
M. I Miller t"mbtan for
David seaxbolta U 00
M. L. Miller loiubstoue for Wiu.
Melt lie ll
M. L- Miller "Jacob
M iim inau 15 00
SI. I. Miller " " J- F.
Binganian 1500
M. L- Miller " "D W
Kreomer 1 0
T. A. Wagner " " Moaea
Wcadir 14 0230 10
Jacob (lilhcrt auditing Co- ollloe 13 ( 0
Blia Htrause liurial of Rufua
Philliiw. tramp 00
Noah I Kiebler burial ' "
l lil lips trump 16 26
C. F. Moyer county auditor Hit
J. C. Bower " " '3
Absalom Schnee " " ' -
Calvin Httetler " "clerk MOO
Tboa. llerlister 4 day attending
auilit 4 00
James F.rdley " " " audit 4 ii
Oeo. Siecht janitor to CO. auditor 2 00
C VS . Herman 2' days clerk to
Jury Commissioner 4 00
Wm. Moyer surveying county Una -
between I'nion and Snyder 24 20
C O. SoelMdd slate tax on county
Indebtedness for 1HIM 5 00
Reulien Welriek inedleal art and
siipHrt of C. Rieket tramp 21 00
Adam It. Walter Treas r taxs on
uirented lands refunded in
Franklin Twp. 69 11
W. (1. Johnston & Co. nomination
blanks 6 00
J. 11. I.ippincott A Co. stationery 9,79
Auiamnia Bliamnacli reuiriug
W. I. Carman coal oil
A. W. Potter services rendered
County between Union Slid
O. W. Krlmrt frelirbt on tank
40 00
Aaron Reiininger wheels for tank 15 uO
Lewistowu Foundry Co. " 87 00
Oeo. Smith etal hauling stone
ground etc. Court House lot
Flrat Nat. Bunk, Middlcburg,
. Int. on county orders
5 00
W. M. Keller Treas. tales on un
seated lands refunded Be
aver Twp. 208 07
W. II. ajpuuglcr, chloride of lime W
A W Potter services Snyder Co.
vs M us"er onil Snook 40 00
J M Baker services Snyder Co.
v Musser and Snook 60 00
II It Relgle solving notice on
Siisnua Si'hoch
(' It Dunkluberger, boxes
Carbon HocIhiIiI Iwiarding Jury
ease of Steward Boney
W 11 Smith boardiag Jury caae of
Jere Crouse
P S Hitter cotivevina- Win Center
8 23
1 73
to the Asylum U 09
F C Bowersox exiensas of Coun
ty Institute 86
Calvlu Dunn Jury Commissioner ti 10
J II Knepp " " 62 10
U C Outetius, Expreasage 17 70
C II Stciniimer, freight a cartage 4 03 964 14
Total 116,609 49
Pursuant tola w, We, tha undersigned Com
missioner of Snyder County, Pa publish the
foregoing statement of. Receipts and Expendi
ture of said county for the year IN97, anil also
pri sont herewith a statement of the llahilitiea
and assets of Hie said county on the 81st day ol
December, A. D., IH97,
Witness our band and seal of said office, the
8th tiay of January, A. 1 1898.
WlM.Ua Paitwx,
Isaac Hpotth,
1'iisaas Hxkmak.
Countv Coiuiuisaloner.
General Statement, County Funds.
Amarrs. '
Outstanding taxe of 197 2,131 90
Outstanding Uxe of 1H94 and
previous years . "12 86
KxcesadogfuudduaCo. fund 310 73
Bui. in hands of Treasurer 1,750 24 6.55 72
Bonded Debt 623 00
Interest accrued to Jan. 1. 1818141 45
AssetsiiiexueMOverliabilitlel36l 27 6755 72
General Statement Dog Fund.
(lutMtanUin'f lux of lf7 150 75
Outstumiiug tix of 196 and
previous yearr 169 84
Balance in bauds of Tre.sil rr 5IU 00- 8VJ 03
''V.xcess'i'band dueCo. Treas. 840 72
Assets in excessover I.ial.lltlies519 27- 859 93
Win II Reigel, Treas. in ncct with
ouydcr Co. for the year 1897.
To suit recl from C C bcebold,
latu Treasurer 2268 18
To nnit reed Irom dog fund of
lw.l iHiing execs
To unit of County and Stutn tax
assessed for 1M7 6.wt 10
To nnit of tax of 1S1K1 and pre-
vious years outstanding 4,653 it
To unit reed Irom various per
sons tax On unseated lands 378 81
To antt reed trom N H Miudles
wuitli, com of Delilah HerbsWr 91 23
To nnit reed from 8 A Wetzel,
coin of Win Uerger 113 5'.
To unit reed from pens, enve
lopes, ink, luniber.tnk, kc sold 8 .4
To ami reed from 0 A Bolender
nnd Kvo iteiinlngcr Interest on
bond "
To nmt reed from various por
tions lines mid costs 33 0)
To amt reed from M I Potter 2
years office rent 80 00
To unit reed from J F Stetler of
fice rent to April 1, 11 30 0J
To ami reed fiom luternal af
fairs tax returned 4 0
To amt reed from Hotel Meense270O 09
To amt reed from f4 Slute per
sonal tax returned 1801 M-LieiSI 63
By nmt of ordersof '97 return'd llSrtOO 19
lly Trcaxurers commlsHion on
Hume nt 2 !a per cent 415 2:1
lly Lite personal tax paid State
Treasimd com at 1 per cent 2129 81
By 4-5 of Hotel License paid
ltoros ami; Tw aud com on
same at 5 s r cent 2100 00
By cum on S3IO.0U (1-5 Hotet Li
cense paid Co.) at 6 percent 27 On
By unit ofbix of '07 outstanding 2151 90
By amt of tax of lx'.m and pre
vious years outstanding 612 HO
By coin ullowed collector 57H 5'
lly abatements allowed collector 5T8 13
lly exouerutioUs " " - 113 62
lly taxes allowed by colic? tor on
unseated lands 77 70
Balance in hand .VSO 24-29,381 03
Wm II Reigel Treas In ncct with
hnyder Co. tor tne vear 1TO7.
To nmt reed from C C Seobold
Intu Treasurer 43;i h,
To nmt of tax assessed for 1h97 311) 111
To unit of lax of IHU6 aud pre
vious yenrs outstanding 41) 07 1213 91
By amt of order of 1897 redeemed 46 01
lly Treasurers com oil same 11 1
2! .j percent 1 1.3
By execs of 1067 paid into Coun
ty Treasury 239 87
By com allowed collectors 20 5 1
By exonerat'nsnllowtl collector 27 71
lly amt of tax of 1x97 outstanding 150 tV
By unit of tax of 1HM and pre
vious yenrs outstanding 169 31 -
Balance in hand tto 72 1215 01
We, tne undersigned Auditors in and for the.
Countv of S'.yder, State of Pennsylvania, do
hereby certify that In the dlschargo of the dutv
devolving upon us by law, we met at the Court
House of the County of Snyder, on the first Mou-.
day of January, A. 1)., Ihus, (it lieing the third
ilny of tho month,) to audit, settle and adjust
lliu account of the. several offices of snid Coun
ty, whose accounts it is our duty to audit, settle
and adjust, and that we Hud tho foregoing
statement to lie correct. ,"
J. N. Dowfrkox.
Attest: Cai.vik J. Moykii, ,
C. KTKTI.rtt, AllSAUM ScllNKB,
Clark. , County Auditors.
Edueato Your Kowela With Cusearet.
Candy Cathartic, cure oonitpatlon forever!
10c,,Sjc. If C.C.C.fuU.druUK'Istarcfundmonoy,
lntomtlnc Farts Concprnlnj a
Banch of Bogus Reformers.
Its Futile Attempt to Fool the Peo
ple of the State.
The Oriran of the Fake Organization
Tenra Paaalon Into Tatter lu a Frau
tlo and Abualve Editorial Condemn
tnar President MoKlnley For Not Ap
pointing Federal Officials) t'hoaoo by
This Prepoateroua Couevrn.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia. Jan. 24. That curious
fungu on the body politic, the Hunt
nesa Men's League, la busily engaged
In arranging to defeat the nominations
of the Republican party at the next
state election without regard to the
personnel of that ticket.
The gentlemen connected with the
Wanamaker-Dolan organization being
all wealthy men and as a rule men who
have mode their fortunes because of
measures which originated and were
carried through by the Republican
party notably the tariff laws are
shining examples of the truth of the
statement thut "satan still finds mis
chief for Idle hands to do." They are
filling such newspapers as they can
command with lamentations and slan
ders. They are declaring In wholesitle
terms that the Republican leaders in
Pennsylvania and the Republican or
ganization have neither character nor
intelligence, that they are wholly Ig
norant of the desires ot the people of
Pennsylvania, and are animated solely
with the desire to Injure and betray
them. Such practical political results
as they have been able to carry out to
tho extent of submission to tho people
have Invariably been annihilated at the
ballot box. The press agents and sal
aried mud sllngers of this organization
continue to be Mr. Frank Willing Leach,
the Van Valkenburg brothers, and some
of tho minor agents of the old hog
combine. In order to earn the liberal
salaries paid to these gentlemen under
the contracts made a year ago they are
running the Business Men's League
scandal bureau on double time. In this
they are assisted by one of the rhlla.
delphla morning papers, which seems
to exist wholly to carry out the wishes
of these amateur political assassins.
The league Is Just now loud In the
declaration that another Delamater
campaign Is about to be undertaken by
the Republican party. All ot these gen
tlemen neglect to state that they de
manded the nomination of Delamater
In public calls and letters, and threat
ened to bolt If he was not placed at the
head of the Republican ticket. TheV
avow that their purpose Is to overthrow
bosslsm, and yet they meet In secret
and seek to make nominations for
United States senators, governor and
other state officials, with a boldness
and Impudence that no so called "boss'
would dream of.
These men and their associates have
for years been connected with every
plot to plunder the people of Philadel
phia. They have been engaged In gas
grabs, street paving grabs, traction rail
way grabs, electric light grabs, and
every other scheme by which the cl'.l
cltizcns could be plundered.
Their purses have grown fat with the
results of those raids upon the rights
of the citizens, and yet they are not
content. They are plotting alliance with
the Democrats; they are preparing for
Independent tickets; they are slander
Ing every innn whose record warrants
him In seeking a nomination at the
hands of tho Republican party for
prominent state offices all for their
own selfish purpnxes. They will not
agree to lend their old to the selection
or election of men who huve unimpeach
able public records, anil who carry
county after county by popular vote nt
the primaries. They take the ponltion
that unless the men whom they select
and whom they expect to control In
office are placed In nomination they will
take their little tin dishes and go home
and make things very disagreeable fur
everybody within runge of their voices.
If there be any discontent In the ranks
of the Republican party In the state
at this time It has been created and has
been fomented solely by this league of
business men, which hits been repudi
ated by every respectable and respon
sible clement of the party from the
president and his cabinet down to tho
representatives of the Republican or
ganizations In tho wards and districts
in which those men reside.
If the Republicans desire to create
and perpetuate a Wanamuker-JJulan-Leach-Van
Valkenburg dynasty they
have not shown It In tho past when tho
issue was an open and direct one at the
polls, and we believe that when
their eyes ore opened and they gee the
real purpoBe of these stuffed phophets
of Pennsylvania politics they will treat
them with the contempt they have al
ways shown them before. It is but fair
to Infer that theso gentlemen, having
grown rich on tho plunder of Philadel
phia city, are now turning covetous
eyes upon the 3vhole state of Pennsyl
vania, and desire the fatness thereof.
This annex to the Martin machine
In Philadelphia Is Just now consumed
with rago over Its failure to control
nny of the federal appointments In the
rlty or state. The truth of the matter
Is that President McKlnley Is fully
aware of the selfish motives that con
trol these men who pose as critics and
reformers. He hns repeatedly snub
bed them, and It looks as If this fact
was finally penetrating their thick
skins. The test evidence of this Is
shown by. a frantic article, abusive ot
President McKlnley, that appeared In
the columns of . the Philadelphia liven
ing Telegraph on Friday, Jan. 21, The
Telegraph Is published by the son-in-law
of John .Wanamaker, and besides
being the personal organ of. the. dls
applnted senatorial aspirant is also tho
publlo organ of , tho ' bogus" Business
Men's association. The editorial, head-
wa.i"mw.-'."'srs tmpt- wchsis
No Muss. No Trouble.
V yW
CoM 77 A . wne,ott a". Satin, Cotton or Wool. I
Sold ,n Alt Colon 6, Grocer, and DruggMs, or mailed freo for IS 7enU;
...a mAiTOte SOAP DEPOT, 127 Duaae Street, Ntv York Z
ti "The President's Surrender," says,
among other things:
"Two Important appointments In
which this city Is especially Interested
were practically disposed of by the
president yesterday. They wore the
collectorshlp of the port of Philadel
phia and the vacancy In the Interstate
commerce commission. A delegation
from the Business Men's League, of
Philadelphia, called upon Mr. McKln
ley to urge the appointment of Major
E. A. Hancock as t. e successor of Col
lector Read. The delegation was made
up of men whose business pursuits
bring them Into close and constant con
tact with the collector, and who are
necessarily familiar with the duties of
the position and with the qualifications
that are required for their efficient
discharge. They were also, one and all,
good and true Republicans, devoted to
the Interests of the party as well as to
the Interests of the business commu
nity, and thus had every reason and
every Inducement to advise and urge
the appointment of a man who Is fully
qualified for the office, nut their ap
peal to Mr. McKlnley In behalf of Ma
jor Hancock appears to have made no
Impression upon the president. Sen
ator Quay was ahead of them; he had
a conference with the executive Just
before the business men were shown
Into his presence, and the rejection of
Major Hancock was, therefore, a fore
gone conclusion. Months ago the man
from Beaver had promised the collec
torshlp of the port of Philadelphia to
State Senator C. Wesley Thomas, and
to Mr. Thomas, as the president Inti
mated In his talk with the business
men yesterday, the collectorshlp will
go. It Is Mr. Quay who makes the
appointment, and not the president
of the United States, the provisions of
the constitution thereof to the contrary
Just what the Wanamaker-Dolan-Leaeh
- Blankenburg - Van Valkenburg
combination expects to gain by abuse
of the chief executive of the nation
is dlfflcut to understand. Outside of
this the only other thing of Interest
in the outburst Is the candid acknowl
edgment of Quay's Influence at the
White House. T. M. A.
' by given Mint the following W idows' Ap
prrilHcmeiitH under the tmolitw. have been filed
with Hie Clerk of thr or inns' tvnirt cf Snyder
county for Confirmation on Miiiidu, the 2Mb
day of Feb , lw.
Appraisement of Friiny Arhognst. Miilow of
Nulha'i, lute of IVrrv Twp., Snyder
Co.. I a., ilee'd, elected tube liiken under the
ttisi exemption law.
Appraisement of Mnry Snyder, widow of C.
L. Snyder, Into of Franklin Twp., Snyder Co ,
I'a , ilee'd. elected to lie taken under the 1:100
exemption law.
l. M HIINDKL, Clerk, (I.C.
KdlSTlCK'S Not I('KS.-Nr.tlee Is tierelij K'
l4en that the following mined persons have
nied tln-lr Admin Niratoi', (iiiarduin. and Kx
editors' nivoiiiils In the llekflster's Ofllee of Hu
dei'( oiiiil v. mid tile miIiic will bu presented loi
I'oiitirtnalion imrt allowuiiee ul the Coi.rl House
In Mlddlehurgh, Monday, Feb. 2N. lstis.
Second und final account of Henry T. Conk
and Jesse ( orucllus. executors of thu estate of
Robert Cornelius, late ul Jaiksou Twp., de
ceased. First and ffuiil account of F.phruini Stuck,
administrator of the estate of Anthony Stuck
lute oi Spring Twp , ill ci acl.
First and lluul oeeounl of Ira A. Kline, ad
miaislor of the estate of Josiuli Kline. Isle of
Spring Twp , Niiyucr County, Pa , deceased llollt; and C.
M. Showers, adlninistlators of Hie estate of
John F;. I.ichtentvalter, late of Centre Twp.
Snyder County Pa., decease I.
F'lrst and tliuil account of Henry llosternmn,
executor of thu estate of Peter llosterinan, late
of Penn Twp., deceused.
John II. Wilms, lK Httr.
to which the Expectant Mother is
exposed and the foreboding and
dread with which she looks for
ward to the hour of woman's
severest trial is appreciated by but
few. All effort should be made
to smooth these rugged places
in life's pathway for her, ere she
presses to her bosom her babe.
allays Nervousness, and so assists
Nature that the change goes for
ward in an easy manner, without
such violent protest in the way of
Nausea, Headache, Etc. Gloomy
forebodings yield to cheerful and
hopeful anticipations she passes
through the ordeal quickly and
without pain is left strong and
vigorous and enabled to joyously
perform the high and holy duties
now devolved upon her. Safety
to life of both is assured by the
use of "Mother's Friend,'' and
the time of recovery shortened.
"I know one lady, tho mother of three
children, who Buffered greatly in thu
birth of each, who obtained a bottle of
'Mother's Friend' of nie before her
fourth confinement, and was relieved
quickly and easily. All agree that their
labor was shorter and less painful."
Joun O. l'ocn ill, Macon, Oa.
$1.00 PEP. B0TTL3 at all Drug Stores,
vr sent uy moit on receipt oi price.
BOOKS fe-ntalninif Invaluable Information pf
rnrs iiiinimii in mi wviintiu, win im nrui 10
rrtCE any address uism appitaation, , by
THC braoficlo rcoulatorco., ATHT, 3 a.
SOAP - j
. . ANY COLOR. :
The Cleanest, Fastest Dye for Soiled
or Faded Shirt Waists, Blouses,
Ribbons, Curtains, Underlinen, etc.,
Look! Look!!
Look nl youtht'lf when you buy
cliiihitit' ut tnv kIoiv. I kocp cou-
ttmt J.v ill stock the licst und linet
liuu of Hats mid ticiitx' Clothing,
Furbishing Goods, Underwear aud
Cups. Cull to Hoe inv stock.
at a per day s(Jrg
DO yen want kcrmble, sttaity rnticymrm.
tht year round, cl pd watts, at you t:m
homt or to tnvtif I! so. stidlc. h
far our wfieltsali price-list end pn.i.ukix.
Wlfumiih NstcbnKk rittrtrxts.
OlTHOlT iv'lCMirtAN
Dims It Pay to be Mirk ?
Besides the discomfort and i-ulTering. Illneaa
of any kind is expensive. Hundreds of people
consult the doctors every day nliout coughs sm4
colds. This is better than to sulTer rlie dim1
to run along, but lliotc who use Otto's Cur Jar
the throat and lungs do better still. It ikmM
less tliiin cllre is certain- You can get a trial
bottle free of our agents, W. II. Ilcrniall, Trot
elville ; Mlddlrswnrth A-t'lsli. McClor.-; II. A.
Flhriglit, Aline, l-nrge sites 2.1c and Hk..
Everybody Says So.
Csoareti Candy Cathartic, tho most vvm
derful medical discovcrv of tho age, pleas
ant und rofreslnng to tho taste, itet. .ouVij
nnd positively on khlnoys, liver und bo'.veri,
cleansing tho entiro system, dispel nobis,
cure heudnulie, fever, luihltiial rmiM.ipauou
and biliousness, l'leaso buy ntnl try a box
of C ;. C. to-day; HI, y. Ml cents. Sold ji ml
guaranU""' to euro by all drm.-t'lsts.
Consult or romiininlcate with Mm Kdtfnr
nl this paper, who will Klvo ull needed liCor
ti: ul Ion.
out last ing two boxes 1 if nnv fit her brand. 'Nu4
arti cled l.v hent. t rJKT TII K fiKMTMaW
in ladies' shoes is a ji'.casant
voyage afoot. For I lie pleas
ure! it gives, there's no sail
like our sale. Crowds Kir
enjoying it, and securing thf
prettiest, coolest and ?est fit
ting Summer shoes now man
ufactured, at juices wliie.h
huyeia find it a pleasure U
pay. For house or street
wear, pleasure or every-day
practical purposes, walking,
riding, or driving, we supply
the ideal shoes demanded by
fashion and tho dictate of
individual taste. Ladies,
whoever claims yoar hands,
by all means surrender your
feet to theso shoes. .